
Making homemade mayonnaise with a mixer. Homemade mayonnaise, prepared using a mixer

How to make delicious homemade mayonnaise? How to make sure that the sauce does not separate and beats well, so that it turns out thick and homogeneous? It’s very simple - you just need a blender, following the order of adding the ingredients and just 5 minutes of your time. Today you will learn how to make mayonnaise with a blender at home - a step-by-step recipe and strict adherence to the tips will guarantee results the first time!

Why is homemade sauce better than store bought?

Mayonnaise prepared by yourself differs from store-bought mayonnaise in its natural taste, special tenderness and lightness. Due to thickeners and starch, the purchased product is more viscous, its consistency is denser and heavier.

Homemade mayonnaise:

  1. Natural and safe - contains only natural products, without flavor enhancers, “eats” and other chemicals;
  2. Quick to prepare - it will take literally 5 minutes, that is, less time than a trip to the store will take;
  3. Unique - its taste and consistency can be changed by each housewife at her own discretion.

It is better to prepare mayonnaise yourself, then you will definitely be sure of its composition and harmlessness to the body. And don’t worry about the shelf life - the sauce will keep well in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days (the fresher the eggs, the longer the shelf life).

Blender or whisk?

Making homemade mayonnaise using a blender is a pleasure! Just a couple of button presses, and the thick sauce can already be used to dress all kinds of salads, as a marinade or as a base for preparing more complex dishes. Of course, you can also achieve the desired result manually, but you will have to spend much more time working hard with a whisk.

Another thing is a blender. It will eliminate the need to stir food for a long time and persistently until smooth, whitened and thickened, and splashes will not fly throughout the kitchen. Even the simplest model, not equipped with high speeds and special attachments, will do. If there is no bowl for an immersion blender, then you can use another dish - a tall glass or a container of small diameter, narrow and tall, with sides. It is very important that the “leg” of the device grips most of the dishes, then everything will whip up quickly and 100% will not separate.

Choose high-quality and always fresh products. Chicken eggs must be selected, from a trusted manufacturer, and must be fresh. For classic mayonnaise, it is customary to take only the yolk. But at home, it’s quite possible to use a whole egg, so that later you don’t have to think about where to put the remaining whites.

Mustard can be any kind, hot or mild, smooth or grains. It is more convenient to use a ready-made product. Although some recipes add mustard powder, previously diluted with a couple of teaspoons of cold boiled water.

Lemon juice is ideal for making homemade sauce. It gives it a special taste and pleasant aroma, whitens it. If there is suddenly no lemon in the refrigerator, then it can be replaced with table, apple or wine vinegar - the amount is selected individually, some of the vinegar can be poured in at the initial stage, and the rest at the very end of cooking, adjusting the acid to your taste. As a standard, 0.5 to 1 tsp is added to 1 egg. vinegar.

It is best to use vegetable oil as the main component, which must be refined and odorless. Olive oil has a special taste, so if you decide to add it to the sauce, use it not as a base, but in a mix with sunflower oil: the ratio per 150 ml of sunflower is 50 ml of olive. Then the mayonnaise will not be too sharp, with a barely noticeable, noble bitterness in the aftertaste.

Three rules for delicious mayonnaise

  1. Good mayonnaise can only be made from foods at room temperature, so be sure to remove everything you need from the refrigerator in advance.
  2. Do not disturb the order of adding the products: first beat in the egg with salt, sugar, mustard, then pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice and add butter at the very end.
  3. Always add vegetable oil in small portions and only into a well-beaten egg mixture, then the mayonnaise will not separate.

The thickness of mayonnaise does not depend on the number of eggs, but on how much vegetable oil you pour into it. The more oil you add, the thicker the sauce will end up. If you “overdid it” and the mayonnaise turned out to be too thick, you can dilute it with 2-3 teaspoons of boiled water.


  • selected chicken egg 1 pc.
  • table mustard 1 tsp.
  • sugar 1 tsp. incomplete
  • table salt 1/3 tsp.
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp. l.
  • refined vegetable oil 200 ml

How to make mayonnaise with a blender at home

  1. Products should be warm, at room temperature. I wash large eggs with warm soapy water to remove the risk of salmonellosis. I beat it into the blender bowl (or into another narrow and tall container).

  2. I add salt and sugar. You will need 1 large pinch of salt, 1 small teaspoon of sugar.

  3. I put ready-made mustard from a jar - I add 1 heaped teaspoon. If you are cooking for the first time, then first add 0.5 spoons, especially if the mustard is strong, and you can add the rest at the very end of cooking, adjusting to your taste.

  4. I place the immersion machine in the bowl so that the blender rests properly on the bottom. For what? When he beats, he will “pull” down the entire mixture from above, turning it into a homogeneous emulsion.

  5. I start beating the mixture at low speed. All components will combine and a soft foam will form.

  6. I add lemon juice (or vinegar, but in smaller quantities). You can squeeze the lemon directly into the bowl, as long as there are no seeds in it. Beat again on low speed to combine the lemon juice with the other ingredients.

  7. As you can see in the photo, the amount of foam will increase, covering almost the entire blender stem. This means you can gradually add vegetable oil.

  8. Little by little, literally 1 tablespoon at a time, I pour in the oil, without ceasing to work with the blender. As soon as a portion of butter has combined with the beaten egg mixture, add the next one and so on until the sauce thickens - in general the process will take no more than 2 minutes.
  9. I transfer the finished sauce to a gravy boat or a clean jar with a lid. Before serving, it is advisable to place the mayonnaise in the refrigerator to cool, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

This is the easiest homemade mayonnaise recipe. You can use a blender to prepare it with all sorts of additives: garlic, pepper, olives, capers, and so on. Experiment and you will be pleasantly surprised how delicious homemade mayonnaise can turn out. Enjoy your meal!

Sauces organically complement any dish. You can buy them in supermarkets, although it's wiser to take a little time and make the sauce yourself. Homemade mayonnaise will be cheaper, but it will be of better quality, because it will not contain carcinogens or unnecessary additives. In addition, there is an opportunity to experiment.

Cooking secrets

Knowing the basic composition of mayonnaise and adhering to the proportions of the products, you can quickly prepare a delicious sauce with your own hands. But to do this, you should stock up on a mixer or blender - the quality largely depends on the consistency and homogeneity of the mass.

There are other cooking secrets that should not be ignored:

  • To prepare mayonnaise, take products at room temperature; if they were stored in the refrigerator, then they are removed from there in advance (unless the recipe specifies otherwise);
  • all ingredients must be fresh (especially eggs);
  • contains vegetable oil; instead of sunflower, you can add olive to the recipe for variety;
  • It is recommended to use table vinegar or lemon juice as an acidifier (but not both ingredients);
  • You can use only yolks, as well as a whole egg.

Below is a classic version, as a basis for the usual mayonnaise. But cooking is a flexible science, so every housewife can add her own twist to the recipe.

You can diversify the composition of mayonnaise with all kinds of additives - herbs and spices, herbs and garlic, lemon zest, yogurt and cottage cheese. In Rus', they even once added meat broths to the sauce.

Recipes for making mayonnaise using a blender

Previously, housewives whipped mayonnaise with a whisk (and some managed to do it with a fork). But to get the desired density, I had to work with the tool for a long time.

Modern kitchen appliances have greatly speeded up the process of preparing mayonnaise. Thanks to the blender, sauces are richer and more delicious.

The industrially produced sauce is in demand and is based on a traditional mayonnaise recipe. It uses egg yolks, but the whites can be used for something else.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • yolks (2 pcs.) are mixed with table mustard (2 tsp);
  • add salt and sugar (1 tsp each) andmix the ingredients with a blender;
  • gradually pour in vegetable oil (1.5 cups) and continue whisking;
  • then add 9% vinegar (0.5 tbsp) and mix.

The result should be 400 g of delicious sauce, which is served with meat, fish and vegetable dishes.

Adding garlic and herbs

There is nothing complicated in this recipe - mayonnaise is prepared according to the classic recipe, and then herbs and garlic are added for piquancy. To finalize the composition, the hostess performs the following actions:

  • greens are chopped;
  • garlic (6-8 cloves) is crushed in a mini-press and ground with chopped herbs (3 tbsp);
  • then add herbs and garlic to the prepared mayonnaise (200 ml).

Beat the mass again in a blender, transfer it to a jar, cover with a lid and let it brew in the refrigerator.

Quail eggs are an excellent substitute for chicken eggs. At the same time, they are more valuable in composition, and the resulting mayonnaise acquires the status of a dietary product. The cooking technology here is the same as in the classic version:

  • Whole eggs (6 pcs.) are driven into a blender bowl;
  • add salt, mustard, ground black pepper (0.5 tsp each) and sugar (1 tsp);
  • beat all ingredients;
  • pour in vegetable oil (150 ml) in a thin stream, bring the mixture to the consistency of sour cream;
  • chopped greens (1.5 tbsp) sprinkled with juice from half a lemon;
  • add to the mixture and mix again.

The finished mayonnaise is placed in a sauce boat and placed in the refrigerator. After letting it brew for a while, serve it to the dinner table.

Provencal mayonnaise is often prepared according to the classic recipe, adding spicy herbs (for example, basil) and ground pepper. But in Russia, since the 18th century, a slightly different recipe has been popular. One of the components used was lanspik - broth (meat or fish), evaporated to the consistency of aspic.

This recipe suggests taking a gelatin strained decoction of veal and preparing an unusual Provencal sauce:

  • mix yolks (3 pcs.) with mustard (2 tsp);
  • add sugar (2 tsp) and salt (1 tsp);
  • beat, then add Provençal oil (1/2 cup) in a thin stream;
  • warm the lanspik (1.5 cups) to room temperature, pour a little into the sauce and beat until foamy;
  • add a quarter glass of vinegar (5%) and put the mayonnaise in the cold.

In the original recipe, wine vinegar was used instead of regular vinegar - it not only brightens the composition, but also gives it a special spiciness. But if you want to get a thicker consistency, then it is better to use lemon juice.

This sauce is rightly called spicy - it has an unusual taste, like for mayonnaise, but quite pleasant. To prepare it, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • beat yolks (2 pieces) into homemade cottage cheese (200 g) and pour in milk (4 tbsp);
  • beat, then slowly add olive oil (4 tbsp);
  • add mustard and lemon juice (1 tablespoon each), salt and sweet paprika to taste.

Having received a lush, homogeneous mass, the sauce is transferred to a jar and placed in the refrigerator. The beauty of this mayonnaise is that you can safely season salads prepared for children with it.

This recipe was borrowed from French housewives. Who else but them knows a lot about dietary dishes. It is these sauces that turn the process of losing weight into “a gourmet’s joy.” The mayonnaise turns out to be light, as is the whole technology of its preparation:

  • add liquid mustard (1 tsp) and salt (0.5 tsp) to the yolks (2 pcs);
  • beat the ingredients into a fluffy mass;
  • olive oil (200 ml) is introduced in a thin stream in 5 additions;
  • Continuing to beat, pour in apple cider vinegar (2 tbsp) and low-fat yogurt (400 ml);
  • beat the mass at high power until medium density.

Transfer the finished sauce into a jar, cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then mayonnaise can be used to dress salads or serve in a gravy boat with meat.

Making olive mayonnaise at home is not difficult, and the result will delight you with a piquant taste.

In this recipe, it is recommended not only to use olive oil, but also to add the fruits from which it is squeezed. It is better to take green olives - they do not taste as tart. The actions themselves are practically no different from the classics:

  • first beat an egg (1 pc.) with salt (0.3 tsp) and sugar (0.5 tsp);
  • then add mustard (½ tsp) and chopped olives (quantity at your discretion) and beat again;
  • pour in oil (170 ml) in small portions, and add vinegar (1 tsp) at the end.

The result is a lush, aromatic mass, so popular on the shores of the Mediterranean. But this sauce goes well not only with fish dishes. It is served with meat, and used in salad dressings, as well as for spreading sandwiches.

Vegetarians eat only plant foods, so eggs are excluded from the mayonnaise recipe. Instead, it is recommended to use milk, but in this case it should be soy milk. The rest of the recipe is identical to the traditional one:

  • mix warm soy milk (80 ml) and vegetable oil (160 ml), beat;
  • after a minute, add sugar and salt a pinch at a time, pour in lemon juice (1 tbsp);
  • beat for another minute and transfer to the sauce boat.

Some European restaurants serve cabbage leaves topped with this mayonnaise. It might seem like a simple dish, but it is popular. And all thanks to the sauce, which is easy to prepare at home:

  • beat the yolks (2 pcs.) in a blender with sour cream (0.5 cups);
  • flour (1 tbsp) is sautéed in vegetable oil (2 tbsp) and cooled;
  • Combine the ingredients, add mustard and lemon juice to taste, and beat again.

You don’t need to add salt in this recipe, as well as spices - everything is for everyone. If you sauté a little onion together with flour (adding some oil quickly), the mayonnaise will acquire an interesting piquancy.

On the border of France, Switzerland and Germany there is a small area called Alsace. The cuisines of three nations mixed here, giving birth to many original recipes. The proposed composition of mayonnaise came from there:

  • dry white wine (0.5 cups) is poured into a pan and put on fire;
  • evaporate by half over low heat, add cream (200 g);
  • when the mass boils, remove from the stove and cool;
  • salt, pepper to taste and add mustard (3 tbsp);
  • Whisk the sauce for a few minutes and transfer it to a jar.

Vinegar is not added to this recipe; wine replaces it perfectly. In Alsace, boiled tongue is served with this sauce. But mayonnaise will be appropriate with other dishes.

In the recipes described above, raw eggs were taken as the basis. But you can improvise and boil them. The result will be a slightly unusual, but quite tasty mayonnaise, which is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • hard-boiled yolks (2 pcs.), ground with salt (to taste) and sugar (1 tsp);
  • add mustard (1 tsp), sour cream (200 g), juice from one lemon and ground black pepper (at your discretion);
  • beat the mixture in a blender at high speed until it thickens.

The recipe is quite simple and takes little time. But it will be an excellent addition to any dish.

Shelf life of homemade mayonnaise

Homemade sauce differs from store-bought sauce in the absence of chemical preservatives. But even store-bought mayonnaise has a limited shelf life. Mayonnaise prepared at home is edible for four days if properly stored in the refrigerator. Therefore, it is better not to prepare it for future use.

The thing is that most recipes contain raw eggs, and this is a perishable product. Mustard plays the role of a preservative in homemade sauces, but it is not included in some formulations. In this case, the shelf life of mayonnaise is reduced by another couple of days.

It is best to store homemade mayonnaise in glass or porcelain containers in the refrigerator at a temperature of +4 to +6 degrees. If the jar with the sauce is poorly closed, the mayonnaise will spoil quickly and will not even be suitable for dough.

Principles of making homemade mayonnaise - video

Making homemade mayonnaise is fun and allows you to improvise. Whatever ingredients are included, this mayonnaise has a main advantage over factory-made mayonnaise - it is harmless to the body because it contains only natural products.

Greetings, friends! Today my story is about homemade whole egg mayonnaise, which I prepare using a mixer.

I assure you, the recipe is very, very simple - if you have a mixer, then everything will certainly work out.

It is better to take a high container for whipping mayonnaise, but so that the mixer beaters fit into it without difficulty. For this purpose, I successfully use my husband’s half-liter mug, from which he likes to drink tea. Don’t worry about your husband - he has several of these mugs in all colors... no, not rainbows, there are some other associations here.

Well, about homemade mayonnaise with a mixer, then. You can store it in the refrigerator for no more than two days, and it is supposedly not suitable for baking anything in the oven (theoretically, but it’s somehow impossible to try almost everything - I’ll try it today, then I’ll report back), only for salads, etc. .P.

To create homemade mayonnaise, we need: mail: :

  • 1 egg (yup, both yolk and white) at room temperature
  • 1 cup (200-250 ml) odorless sunflower oil
  • 0.5 teaspoon mustard (I usually use dry)
  • 0.5 teaspoon sugar
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt
  • 1-1.5 teaspoons of vinegar 6% (I have used apple cider vinegar all my life)

Homemade mayonnaise, prepared using a mixer:

  1. Wash the egg with warm water and let it sit for a while until it warms up and reaches room temperature.
  2. Carefully break the egg into a dry container so as not to damage the yolk.
  3. Add sugar, salt, mustard and vinegar to the same container.
  4. Drizzle about half a teaspoon of vegetable oil onto the yolk's head (it shouldn't be cold either).
  5. We immerse the mixer in this matter and begin to beat at the highest speed. The formation of an emulsion should begin - a liquidish substance of an opaque “mayonnaise” color.
  6. Now, without stopping whipping, add oil in small portions, in 8-10 additions. The more oil, the thicker the mayonnaise will end up.
  7. Making homemade mayonnaise using a mixer takes a maximum of a couple of minutes. Its volume is 250-280 ml. If you need more mayonnaise, double the amount of products.

Homemade mayonnaise is very easy to prepare with a mixer, and it’s no more difficult with a blender, however, there is a slightly different technology for a blender, but more on that another time.

This mayonnaise is very good for dressing all kinds of dishes, especially vegetable ones. Remember, not so long ago I talked about? So, using the same principle, I composed a salad with a very expressive taste with seaweed and something else, seasoned with my homemade mayonnaise - and it turned out very beautiful, unusual, tasty and satisfying. You can subscribe to the newsletter so you don't miss this recipe.

I welcome all our readers. Surely, many of you have at least once wondered whether it is possible to make mayonnaise yourself? I answer: of course it is possible, even necessary, I would say. After all, your favorite sauce will be much brighter and richer in taste when prepared at home.

In addition, there are many advantages from the store-bought equivalent. Homemade sauce will not contain a bunch of unknown preservatives and chemical additives. Thus, I think the benefit is obvious to you. The list of products for its preparation is minimal; almost always everything you need is in your refrigerator.

But, the product that you will prepare, unfortunately, cannot be stored for long, so I advise you to prepare it in small quantities. I would also like to add that homemade mayonnaise is not suitable for baking; it will simply separate at high temperatures.

I share with you recipes that will please even true gourmets. Preparing the sauce is not a difficult task and is quite quick in time. Try preparing several options to choose the most delicious for you in the future.

Classic homemade mayonnaise

Homemade always tastes better than store-bought, and the same goes for sauces. At the same time, to prepare mayonnaise you need the simplest and most affordable ingredients. I am sharing with you a recipe for a classic version. Making this popular homemade sauce won't take you long.

We will need:

  • Egg yolks – 2 pcs
  • Vegetable oil – 130 ml
  • Mustard – 0.5 tsp. Spoons
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp. Spoons
  • Sugar – 0.5 tsp. Spoons
  • Lemon juice – 2 teaspoons

Cooking steps:

Place the yolks in a bowl, having previously separated them from the whites, add salt and sugar. Beat with a whisk, mixer or blender

Add lemon juice to the whipped mixture, taste it, if you like a more sour taste, you can add a little more lemon juice.

Homemade and very tasty sauce is ready, bon appetit to you!

A simple mayonnaise recipe

There is a huge selection of mayonnaise in stores for every taste, but sometimes you want homemade sauce without any chemical additives. But it’s very easy to prepare it yourself at home. See for yourself, get to work quickly.

We will need:

  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Mustard – ½ tsp. Spoons
  • Vegetable oil – 360 ml
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste

Cooking steps:

Break the eggs into a bowl, add mustard, you only need a little

Beat the contents of the bowl in your preferred manner for about 2 minutes.

Continuing to beat, pour in vegetable oil in a thin stream.

You should get a light thick mass. At the very end, add lemon juice, salt to taste, mix.

Sprinkle the finished sauce with ground black pepper and you can serve. Enjoy your meal!

Homemade mayonnaise without eggs

I don’t think it’s worth talking about the benefits of home-cooked food. In addition, the taste of homemade sauces is several times better. But many are afraid to make mayonnaise at home due to the use of raw eggs due to the risk of salmonella. I bring to your attention a recipe without eggs, an equally delicious homemade sauce.

We will need:

  • Milk – 100 ml
  • Vegetable oil – 200 ml
  • Mustard – 1 teaspoon
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • Salt – ½ teaspoon
  • Lemon juice – 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar – 1-2 pinches
  • Turmeric or saffron - to taste

Cooking steps:

It is advisable to remove the products for preparing mayonnaise from the refrigerator in advance so that they have the same temperature

Combine milk and vegetable oil in a mixing bowl with a blender. Start whisking little by little

Be sure to beat at high speed until it becomes a fluffy, homogeneous mass.

Then add the garlic cloves to the bowl. Beat the mixture again with a blender

Pour lemon juice into the mixture and mix

After a short period of time, you will get a dense, homogeneous mass - the mayonnaise can already be considered ready. Add black pepper to taste, salt, sugar. Beat the mixture again

Turmeric or saffron will give your sauce a more familiar yellowish color, but this is an optional ingredient. You can also add herbs at your discretion.

Eat with pleasure without harm to your health, enjoy your appetite!

An ideal sauce for appetizers and salads. Beautiful color, thick consistency, and the aroma is simply incredible. It will take a minimum of time, and you will get maximum pleasure.

We will need:

  • Quail eggs - 5-6 pcs
  • Vegetable oil – 150 ml
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Dry mustard - to taste
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Bell pepper - slice
  • Greens - to taste

Cooking steps:

Break the eggs into a bowl, add a little salt

Start beating the eggs, adding vegetable oil little by little.

The final touch is to add chopped bell peppers, chopped herbs, absolutely any one you like will do. Blend the sauce until smooth

This is the kind of beautifully colored homemade mayonnaise you should get, which you can immediately use for salads or appetizers. The sauce must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Enjoy the taste and aroma, bon appetit!

Homemade mayonnaise with basil

A very tasty sauce that is suitable for dressing salads or with meat. Basil can be used either fresh or dried.

We will need:

  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs
  • Mustard - 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon - slice
  • Basil - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mixed peppers - to taste

Cooking steps:

Break the eggs into a mixing glass with a blender. Add mustard, salt, basil

Squeeze the juice from a lemon wedge

Beat the mixture thoroughly, adding vegetable oil in small portions. The result should be a fairly thick mass that is homogeneous in structure.

Treat your family and friends. Bon appetit!

Delicious homemade spicy mayonnaise will surely win your heart. Cook it for just a couple of minutes, maybe a little more. The benefits from it are much greater than from the store version.

We will need:

  • Quail eggs - 4 pcs
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Mustard - 1 teaspoon
  • Citric acid - a pinch
  • Mixed peppers - to taste

Cooking steps:

First, crack the eggs into a bowl and add a pinch of salt.

Pour the oil into the bowl, but not all the required amount at once, but in small parts. Beat the mixture with a blender

The more vegetable oil, the thicker the consistency of the mayonnaise.

You should end up with this sauce; sprinkle a mixture of ground peppers on top, and you can garnish with a sprig of herbs.

Good luck to you and bon appetit!

Recipe for dietary mayonnaise with boiled yolks

It's no secret that mayonnaise is a very high-calorie sauce. But what to do if you really want to, and you are watching your figure. The answer is simple - make the sauce yourself. I especially found a low-calorie version of your favorite sauce for you.

We will need:

  • Boiled yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Kefir - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Apple cider vinegar - 3-5 drops
  • Grainy mustard - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Greens - to taste

Cooking steps:

Place the boiled yolks in a bowl and grind into fine crumbs. You can use a pestle for this purpose.

Pour kefir into the yolk mixture, it is better if it is at room temperature and has a low fat content

Add the remaining ingredients to the bowl: salt, pepper, mustard, herbs, vinegar. Mix the contents of the bowl thoroughly until smooth.

A light, delicate and very tasty sauce is ready. Eat with pleasure!

Olive mayonnaise

My favorite homemade sauce recipe. A very versatile mayonnaise, whether in a salad, for dumplings, and so on. Don’t be surprised by the high oil content; the store-bought version contains almost as much oil.

We will need:

  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Olive oil – 50 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • Mustard - 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon juice or vinegar - 1 teaspoon

Cooking steps:

Beat the egg in a glass with a blender, adding salt immediately. Then pour in olive oil and mustard. If desired, you can add garlic for flavor; one clove will be enough.

Then, carefully, while continuing to whisk, pour in the vegetable oil in small portions. You need to beat until the mixture thickens, usually this takes a few minutes. Add lemon juice, mix and your sauce is ready to serve.

Bon appetite!

Video recipe for Provencal mayonnaise

Happy cooking!

Most often it is very simple to cook what we consider difficult. This directly applies to mayonnaise. Cook more often for yourself and your loved ones.

You don’t have to buy mayonnaise at the store, because there’s nothing complicated about making it yourself. How to make mayonnaise at home? Cooking will take you about 15-20 minutes, and the tasty and aromatic sauce will more than reward all your efforts. Homemade mayonnaise will be a table decoration and an excellent seasoning for many of your other culinary masterpieces, because cooking at home is much healthier and cheaper than eating in a cafe or buying semi-finished products.

Recipe No. 1
A traditional recipe that will allow you to prepare mayonnaise at home in just a few minutes and please yourself and your loved ones.

Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
Vegetable oil – 350 gr.;
Freshly squeezed lemon juice – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
Spices: mustard, salt, sugar - 1 tsp each;
— If you don’t have lemon juice at home, you can replace it with vinegar.
— All ingredients should be at room temperature.
— Homemade eggs will help make your mayonnaise especially tasty.
— It is better not to bake the finished dish, otherwise the mayonnaise may separate.
— To make the mayonnaise thick in consistency, add vegetable oil and beat longer in a blender. On the contrary, citric acid will help make mayonnaise liquid.
1. Break a chicken egg into a blender glass.
2. Add spices: salt, sugar and mustard. It is optional to add the latter to taste.
3. Beat the ingredients until smooth.
4. Pour in the vegetable oil, but not all at once, but gradually, i.e. beat the mixture after each tablespoon.
5. Replace the blender with a mixer and beat the mixture for a few minutes.
6. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice.
7. Stir.
Note: The finished dish should be thick enough - so much so that a spoon can “stand” in it.
So the “mayonnaise at home” is ready. Bon appetit!
Recipe No. 2
Mayonnaise is a traditional dish of inventive cooks - the French, famous for their love of sauces. However, this recipe differs from the classic one in its scope for experimentation, sophistication, and, of course, complexity of preparation. Despite this, any housewife can cook it at home.
Egg yolks – 2 pcs.;
Olive oil – 0.2 l;
Walnut oil – 1 tablespoon;
Dijon mustard – 1 teaspoon;
Anchovies – 2 pcs.;
Vinegar – 2 teaspoons;
Fine granulated sugar, freshly ground black pepper, salt - 1 teaspoon.
- Use the freshest and highest quality products, removing them from the refrigerator in advance.
1. Separate the whites from the yolks and pour the latter into a deep bowl.
2. Add mustard and pepper to taste.
3. Pour vinegar, add a pinch of salt and sugar.
Note #1: Do not add salt yet if you are going to make mayonnaise with
anchovies or an extract from them.
Note No. 2: Do not use coarsely ground spices, otherwise lumps will appear in the mayonnaise, it will become unpleasant in appearance and uneven. If you don't have fine salt or sugar on hand at home, use a mortar to grind them.
4. Take a whisk and thoroughly whisk the egg yolks with the spices until you obtain a smooth white mixture.
Advice: Use new types of vinegar each time to obtain richer flavors. There are a great variety of vinegars: you can choose vinegar from champagne or sherry, infused with raspberries, etc. The only condition is that it must be of very good quality.
Note: As with the simple homemade mayonnaise recipe, you can use double the amount of lemon juice instead of vinegar.
5. Pour in olive oil in small portions, dividing its volume (200 ml) into seven unequal parts. The first portion should be the smallest, then add in ascending order. Whisk the mixture well after each serving.
Advice: If you accidentally added too much oil at once, pour a spoonful of vinegar into the mixture and whisk the sauce on the surface around it - this should correct the situation and make the consistency of the mayonnaise homogeneous.
As we add oil, our sauce will begin to thicken and become lighter and lighter. Finally, it will take on a pleasant yellowish-creamy hue. This is how homemade mayonnaise differs from store-bought mayonnaise.

6. A very pleasant flavoring addition to our dish will be a nutty note, which should be added at the final stage of whipping. It's easy to do: add a tablespoon of nut butter. It can be anything: sesame, almond, and also walnut oil. Here you have the opportunity to experiment...
7. You can also add anchovy extract to the sauce rather than nut butter. It needs to be mixed with the mass instead of salt at stage No. 3. If you use anchovy fillet, then mix it with ready-made mayonnaise and puree in a blender. True, a hood is still preferable - with it, the dish, unlike fillet, will be homogeneous.
8. Cool the finished product and place it in an airtight container. Mayonnaise is suitable for consumption within three days, and must be stored at home in the refrigerator.

Recipe No. 3

This recipe is perfect for those who love mayonnaise, but limit themselves to it due to the calorie content of the sauce.

Water – 3 glasses;
Wheat flour – 1 cup;
Vegetable oil – 8 tablespoons;
Lemon juice – 3 tablespoons;
Mustard – 3 tablespoons;
Sugar – 2 tablespoons;
Salt – 2 teaspoons; Preparation: 1. Pour sifted wheat flour with a small amount of water. Rub thoroughly to avoid lumps;
2. Pour the remaining water into the mashed mixture;
3. Bring the mixture to a boil on the stove or in the microwave. During the process, the mayonnaise must be stirred well so that it thickens;
4. Cool the flour mixture to room temperature;
5. Take a deep bowl, mix refined vegetable oil (you can also use olive or corn), salt, sugar, lemon juice and mustard;
6. Beat with a mixer for several minutes;
7. Without stopping whisking, add the previously obtained flour mixture piece by piece.

Recipe No. 4

Well, this recipe does not contain eggs, which allows vegetarians to enjoy homemade mayonnaise.

Ingredients(for 0.4 kg of mayonnaise) Citric acid - a quarter of a teaspoon.;
Ground black pepper - to taste.
Flour – 6 tablespoons;
Salt – 1.5 teaspoon;
Mustard - 1.5 teaspoons;
Sour cream – 2 tablespoons;
Vegetable oil – 100 gr.;
Water – 1.5 cups;
Sugar – 1 tablespoon; Preparation:
1. Fill a saucepan with cool water.
2. Add flour, then stir thoroughly to dissolve.
3. Place the container on the stove over low heat and stir until the mixture thickens completely.
4. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool.5. Dilute the citric acid with a few tablespoons of water and add along with sugar, salt, black pepper and sour cream.6. Beat in a blender, using a special attachment, since due to the thickness of the mayonnaise, you can’t do it with just a whisk.7. Continuing whipping, pour in vegetable oil.8. To give the sauce a pleasant yellow color, add a little corn. We hope you found in this article the answer to the question: “How to make mayonnaise at home?” and chose the appropriate recipe for yourself.
Bon appetit!
