
How to identify low-quality alcohol and what to do if you are poisoned by it. Without extreme sports and hangover

The best advice you can give about alcohol is simply: “Don't drink at all!” - and at the same time impossible. There are only a few teetotalers in our society, and everyone else at least sometimes turns up in the wine and vodka department. Therefore, the next good “alcohol” advice will be more realistic: “Drink in moderation and only high-quality alcohol.”

Even vintage cognac, expensive Cuban rum and wine aged in the cellars of France cannot be called healthy drinks, but still the harm associated with their use is just dust compared to the harm of cheap fruit and berry “wines”, all kinds of “mumblers”, moonshine and especially surrogates. There are several varieties of such drinks - and each type is harmful in its own way:

Fruit and berry “wines” (popularly: “ink”)– very common and widely used. There is nothing natural about them; “ink” is a mixture of alcohol, sugar, flavorings and dyes, and sometimes low-quality fruit and berry syrup. Such drinks not only hit the liver harder than high-quality alcohol, but also worsen the hangover syndrome, cause accelerated addiction and have a very bad effect on the brain and the nervous system in general.

Penny liqueurs and other “chemical mixtures”- drinks that don't even pretend to be wine or anything equally natural. These are liqueurs, brandy and sangria, which are 100% “chemicals” and alcohol. You can recognize them by their color, which is too bright to be at least a little natural, by their strong and unnatural smell (strawberry, chocolate, cherry), and by their very sweet taste. As in the case of supposedly wine, these drinks are characterized by problems with the digestive system, metabolic processes, strongly and quickly increase blood sugar levels, and destroy the nervous system. And all this is in addition to the natural damage caused to the body by alcohol.

Moonshine and other “homemade” drinks– are one of the most common causes of alcohol poisoning. Besides the fact that such drinks are very strong (their goal is obvious: to get drunk as quickly as possible), they are made without any technology, which means, as God pleases. At best, a person will suffer a severe hangover, at worst, no less severe poisoning. Foreign impurities have a side effect on all internal human organs.

Alcohol surrogates- “outcasts” even in the most unassuming “alcohol society.” All kinds of alcohol-containing lotions, colognes, medicines, technical fluids. Absolutely everything in such substances has a destructive effect on the human body. For example, ethylene glycol, which is part of brake fluid, breaks down into toxic acids in the body and with an 80% probability causes serious poisoning. Dichloroethane, which is part of solvents, can kill even with very little use. Even seemingly harmless components of cosmetic and medicinal alcohol-containing preparations can severely irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, causing severe pain.

The effects of low-quality alcohol on the body

When drinking any type of low-quality alcohol the impact can be expressed in three different effects:

Instant poisoning. As they say, no comments. Most often caused by the use of alcohol substitutes or moonshine, counterfeit alcohol, but the cause can also be excessive consumption of regular strong alcohol.

Gradual poisoning. Constant and frequent use of alcohol-containing substances, which contain toxic substances even in low concentrations, causes the effect of gradual poisoning. As a result, poisoning occurs without an obvious reason and is caused by a final excess of the dose of the toxic substance.

Accumulation of destructive effects. The difference between this effect and the previous one is that its final result is not poisoning, but the development of serious diseases. If a person drinks “babbler” frequently and in large quantities for several years, it usually ends in a hospital bed - with a diagnosis that greatly shortens the person’s life.

How to recognize low-quality alcohol?

Most of those who regularly drink low-quality alcohol have no illusions about the contents of the bottle, but in some cases, people who care about their health may encounter “alcohol poisoning.” To avoid this, you need to be able to identify low-quality alcohol. You should be wary of the following characteristics of the drink:
  • Very low price. An alcoholic drink has a certain cost, and if the final price is very low, this means that the manufacturer has saved a lot. On what? Made with natural ingredients and high-quality alcohol.
  • Suspicious bottle. Handicraft production can give itself away with a crookedly designed or pasted label, an unformatted stopper, etc.
  • The presence of sediment and other suspicious inclusions “in the light”. If the drink is clear, shake the bottle and carefully hold the liquid up to the light. There should be no sediment, no floating flakes, no grains, no foam.
  • Strong unpleasant odor– good orientation; This is precisely what synthetic harmful components in alcohol often reveal themselves to be.

Alcohol is the main ingredient in almost all alcoholic drinks. But in order to end up with high-quality, tasty, and most importantly safe products, you need to choose the right alcohol.

Alcohol can be of two types: ethyl and methyl. We will tell you below which of them can be drunk or eaten, and what color they burn.

Ethyl or ethanol

Ethyl alcohol comes in two types: food and medical. It is suitable for consumption, however, before doing this it must be diluted with water, otherwise, due to the high concentration of alcohol, you can get serious burns of the digestive tract and oral cavity.

Without special manipulations, it is impossible to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol by eye. Both liquids are transparent, with a characteristic odor, and the same density. True, methyl has a neutral aroma, which is expressed rather weakly and is felt only when “sniffing”, while ethanol vapors are sharper and hit the nose.

This product is obtained by distilling wort that has previously undergone the fermentation stage. You can also get it yourself at home, however, for this you need to use a special distillate - a moonshine still.

Reference. Homemade moonshine, prepared from high-quality raw materials and in accordance with technological rules, is in no way inferior in quality to industrial alcohol.

But it is worth understanding that with prolonged use of this ethyl product in large quantities, alcohol dependence may appear. Therefore, all drinks prepared on its basis must be consumed in small quantities.

Methyl or methanol

Methyl or technical alcohol, which is popularly simply called methanol This is an industrial product and cannot be used as food in any form. This liquid is obtained from legnin, formic alcohol and wood.

This product is used to make solvents and formaldehyde. When working with such a substance, be sure to follow safety precautions, since methanol has a strong and pungent aroma and can also cause severe burns to the epidermis.

Reference. Industrial alcohol is absorbed into the body much more slowly than ethanol; it destroys the nervous system, causes severe poisoning, and also impairs vision.

That is why, when making your own alcoholic drinks, it is very important to use the right product.

When purchasing alcoholic beverages in stores with a proven reputation, the risk of poisoning from a “scorched” product is significantly reduced. Most often, drinks with methyl alcohol are sold in kiosks, sales tents, by hand, at unauthorized points of sale and drinking, as well as near train stations.

How to determine the species?

However, in order to independently determine what type of alcohol is presented, it is not at all necessary to take its samples to the laboratory. There are several simple ways to determine the type of alcohol:

  1. All you need to do is set the liquid on fire. You can pour a small amount into any container, or you can simply moisten the edge of a cotton swab and bring it to the fire source. This method does not require the use of any special tools, and the diagnostic result is instantaneous. Ethyl alcohol always burns only with a blue flame, but the flame of methanol is green. But this rule only works for methyl alcohol without unnecessary impurities.
  2. There is also the so-called potato test. A small root vegetable is thoroughly peeled and washed, then cut into two parts and both are placed in a jar. Pour alcohol over the potatoes and leave for 2-5 hours. If after this period the water has not turned pink, it means that the alcohol is ethyl alcohol, and it can be used in the future.
  3. You can add a small amount of baking soda to a container of alcohol. If the container contains ethanol, the soda will turn yellow and settle at the bottom of the container. If the alcohol is methyl alcohol, then it will completely dissolve.
  4. Lightly heat the alcohol and add a couple of granules of ordinary potassium permanganate to it. If the liquid is of high quality, then no changes will occur. If methanol has been heated, then when potassium permanganate gets into it, it will begin to hiss and bubble strongly.
  5. If you have a good industrial thermometer at hand, then a small amount of liquid can simply be heated in a metal container. At the moment when it begins to boil, its temperature should be measured. Ethanol boils at 80 degrees, and methyl alcohol begins to boil at 60 degrees.
  6. Lang's test or discoloration of liquid. To do this, the liquid being tested is heated to 18 degrees in a small container. The manganese infusion is immediately poured into this and everything is removed from the heat. Now you need to time the time it takes for the liquid to color from dark crimson to light pink. The longer this process takes place, the better the quality of the liquid being tested. The best option is 10 – 20 minutes. For such a test you will need 50 g of alcohol, 2 g of water and 0.2 mg of potassium permanganate.
  7. The simplest but most reliable is the so-called formaldehyde test. All that is necessary is to heat a copper wire over high heat and lower it into a container with liquid. After 15 seconds, the copper is removed and sniffed. The stronger the aroma of formaldehyde, the lower the quality of the alcohol, which means you should never drink it.

Attention! When buying alcohol in random places or, especially, receiving a homemade product as a gift, smell it before drinking. If the smell seems too pungent or somehow unusual, do not be lazy to conduct a home examination to prevent severe poisoning.

Symptoms of poisoning and first aid

If methanol was nevertheless consumed, then this will be indicated by:

  • flickering before the eyes and decreased visibility;
  • severe headache and dizziness;
  • strong cutting cramps in the stomach;
  • nausea and vomiting.

The person may also have poor spatial orientation and lose consciousness. In such cases, first aid should be provided immediately:

  1. Call an ambulance and explain that the victim has severe methanol poisoning.
  2. It is necessary to give the person a soda solution to drink. The volume of liquid drunk should not be less than 1500 ml.
  3. It is necessary to cleanse the intestines. To do this, first induce vomiting and then give an enema.

To intoxicate and neutralize methanol, the victim is allowed to drink 50 ml of slightly diluted ethanol every three hours. But you shouldn’t self-medicate at home. Only a medical institution can assess the degree of poisoning and provide proper assistance.

Ethyl alcohol poisoning

You can also be poisoned by ethyl alcohol if you exceed the permissible dose. The amount of alcohol entering the blood is measured in ppm (‰) - a conventional unit indicating 1/10 of a percent of alcohol per 1 liter of blood.

First aid for ethyl alcohol poisoning (hangover)

If a drunk is vomiting, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to empty his stomach properly, and if he is able to drink water, it must be offered in sufficient quantity. The more alcohol the body expels from itself at this stage, the better. It is important to ensure that the person does not choke on drink or vomit. The next morning after the “victim” sleeps off, he will need:

  1. A tablet of acetylsalicylic acid and analgin (or aspirin + citramon) to relieve headaches.
  2. Activated carbon, enterosgel or other sorbents.
  3. Drinking plenty of water - mineral water, compote, sweet drinks are a good help, since during “libations” the body loses glucose.
  4. If you feel the urge to vomit, you can induce it artificially by drinking a glass of clean water first.
  5. A refreshing shower, airing the room, a light walk.
  6. Chicken broth, soup, some oatmeal, greens or a raw egg will start your stomach and help you recover faster.

You should avoid strenuous physical activity, exposure to contrasting temperatures, heavy food, and you should not get a hangover.

Video: how to check the quality of alcohol at home?

If you have doubts about the alcoholic liquid you are purchasing, it is better to do several studies simultaneously to determine its quality. Watch a video that uses the Lang method - one of the simple ways you can check the quality of alcohol at home:

Each person has their own reasons for drinking alcohol. Some people drink it to relax, while others drink it just to feel happy. There are also those who try to forget about problems and survive a difficult period, saving themselves with a bottle. But not only the question of whether to drink or not to drink is important, but also what exactly to drink. After all, many, especially young and low-income people, prefer to buy cheap alcohol. As a result, they get poisoned with low-quality alcohol.

General information

Symptoms of poisoning from low-quality alcohol do not take long to arrive. They appear within an hour after drinking a glass of burnt alcohol. The person’s well-being deteriorates sharply, and urgent measures need to be taken to help him. Otherwise, horrific consequences, including death, are possible.

The following counterfeits cause a painful condition:

  • Moonshine.
  • Cologne.
  • Denatured alcohol.
  • Antiseptics.
  • Tinctures with alcohol.
  • Antibacterial agents with ethanol.

It should be understood that products containing alcohol that are not intended for drinking are hazardous to health.

Such preparations often contain poisonous products, which cause symptoms of poisoning. Those who consume such a surrogate in large quantities will require immediate medical attention. Otherwise, the consequences will be irreversible.

The first symptoms may appear 15 minutes after the intoxicating drink enters the body. But the negative reaction may linger a little, although it will arise in any case. Signs make themselves felt if about 5 ml of methyl alcohol enters the body. And 30 ml of this substance is fatal.

The destructive effect occurs on the kidneys and liver. As a rule, the greatest damage is caused by moonshine made poorly. The poison acts on brain cells, and as a result, intoxication of the nervous system occurs. If symptoms of alcohol poisoning appear, you need to act immediately. Timely help is a guarantee of recovery with the least possible consequences.

How to recognize?

Every person has had to experience poisoning. It can be triggered by various factors: poor-quality food, dangerous substances, alcohol. The symptoms are similar for all cases. Their intensity can vary and depends on many factors: the state of the body, the amount drunk, the strength of the poison, etc. But the signs appear anyway. They need to be noticed in a timely manner in order to take action.

Possible symptoms:

  • Dizziness, confusion, fainting.
  • A drop in blood pressure below normal.
  • Sharp intoxication of the whole body.
  • Severe headache, suffocation.
  • Pulmonary edema.
  • Disorientation.
  • Numbness of the limbs.
  • Hallucinations.

There are frequent cases of death from alcohol poisoning. But, as a rule, death occurs if a lot has been drunk or the human body is severely weakened. Older people and children are especially likely to die. You should not expect that the symptoms will go away on their own and the person will feel better. It is necessary to take timely therapeutic measures to improve well-being and prevent dire consequences.

Sometimes you can get by with home measures, but if the patient is in an inadequate condition, then you should call an ambulance.

What to do?

Alcoholism is considered a fatal disease, and one of the causes of death is poisoning with low-quality alcoholic beverages. A person can use them either accidentally, out of ignorance, or intentionally. The second option is observed in avid alcoholics who no longer care what they drink. It’s easy to get poisoned with various tinctures, homemade intoxicants or disinfectants.

The person himself or his loved ones must immediately take action if the poison makes itself felt. The toxic component must be removed outside. To do this, rinse the stomach and induce vomiting. Medicines aimed at suppressing intoxication and neutralizing poison will be useful. This could be, for example, activated carbon or polysorb.

The person should take a supine position to avoid accidental injuries that could result from a fall. It is best to place it on its side so that the patient does not choke on his own vomit. It is recommended to check its condition and constantly monitor it.

What should be done:

  • Measure blood pressure and temperature.
  • Count your pulse.
  • Check the reaction of the pupils to light and movement.
  • Make sure you are sane.
  • Ask the patient personally about all the symptoms (if possible).

It is advisable to provide a flow of fresh air to make it easier for a person to breathe. And in no case should you be allowed to drink alcohol again when the condition is painful.

If the poisoning is mild, then the symptoms will go away within a few hours. First of all, sleep will help eliminate them. It is likely that the next day the person will experience weakness, loss of appetite, and slight dizziness. But this condition should pass within 24 hours.

When should you call an ambulance?

You can understand the desire to cope with poisoning on your own. Few people want to call doctors, much less go to the hospital. But there are conditions when you cannot do without the help of doctors.

If certain symptoms occur, then you can’t wait any longer, and you need to urgently call the doctors.

When to call an ambulance?

  • Severely low temperature, sticky and cold sweat.
  • Weak and at the same time rapid pulse. It may also be uneven.
  • Loss of consciousness, development of coma.
  • Severe vomiting, involuntary bowel movements or urination.
  • Excessive redness of the body or, conversely, pallor.

Even one of the listed signs already indicates that it is time to call an ambulance. And if everyone is present, then a doctor’s visit is mandatory. After all, it is possible to fall into a deep coma, and after that not all people come to their senses. Therefore, it is better to take action immediately while there is still a chance for a successful outcome.

Complications and prevention

Alcohol poisoning often leads to complications that can suffer for a long time. For example, acute renal failure is possible, which significantly impairs the quality of life. Toxic hepatitis and acute pancreatitis may also appear. And this greatly affects the general condition of the body. Delirium tremens, delirium and hallucinations are possible, especially in severe stages of poisoning.

Of course, it is not always possible to prevent poisoning. After all, a person may unknowingly drink a low-quality alcoholic drink, which will lead to undesirable consequences. But you can take certain preventive measures that will at least reduce the intensity of the symptoms.

  • Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach.
  • Don't drink a lot of alcohol.
  • Avoid intoxicating drinks for people with gastrointestinal problems, fatigue and heart disease.
  • Have a snack after a drink.
  • Eat a hearty meal before drinking alcohol.
  • Do not mix different drinks.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol while taking medications.

Of course, it’s better not to drink at all, so as not to get poisoned. But at least you should follow the listed preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of a problem occurring. Specialized medications also help a lot.

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Purified vodka tastes much better, and does not cause a hangover or headache the next day, because after filtration, foreign impurities are removed, which cause a person to fall off his feet when intoxicated.

If you want to drink really high-quality products, clean your alcoholic beverage. The process is performed at home using folk methods and remedies. There is no need for special skills for the procedure; the main thing is to take into account the recommendations described below.

The best folk methods for purifying vodka and alcohol

Let's look at the most effective methods for purifying alcoholic beverages using home remedies.


A great way to achieve the desired result. To filter 20 liters of alcoholic liquid, you will need one glass of milk. It is recommended to use store-bought pasteurized products with 1-1.5% fat content.

Add milk to vodka or alcohol and leave for five days. Shake the container with liquid from time to time. The final stage will be filtration through several layers of cotton wool. The result may turn out cloudy, but everything can be fixed - put any citrus in the liquid and the problem will go away.

Egg white

Capable of removing various oils from vodka. For 1.5 liters of strong drink, take one medium-sized egg white. Before adding to vodka or alcohol, prepare the egg mixture. Beat the egg white, mix with 1 glass of water at room temperature and pour into the alcohol. Leave for up to 7 days, then filter through cotton wool.


Freezing will help remove impurities from the alcohol. Pour vodka into an aluminum container, close the container tightly and place in the freezer. The procedure lasts on average 12 hours. It is important to consider that after freezing the strength becomes higher.

Infusion and activated carbon

Add activated carbon at the rate of 2 tablets per 3 liters of liquid, and leave for three days. Next, filter using cotton wool.

Use exclusively fresh black rye bread. Yeast fungi, which are found in baked goods, help eliminate unpleasant aftertaste and get rid of turbidity. For 1 liter of alcohol, vodka or moonshine, take 100 grams of bread crumb. Infuse the drink for about 7 days, then filter.

Potassium permangantsovka

Small purple crystals can clean vodka and alcohol well. Add powder to liquid at the rate of 2 grams per 1 liter of alcohol. Place the container in a dark place for two weeks. After the liquid becomes clear and sediment has fallen to the bottom, filter using cotton swabs. In some cases, a regular filter is used to purify water.


Take refined oil at the rate of 100 ml per 3 liters of vodka, close the container with a lid and shake well. Leave it for one day. Since the oil will float on top, draining the finished purified drink will not be difficult. Additionally, filter through cotton wool.


It will help you inexpensively and efficiently purify vodka at home. Use about 10 g of product per 1 liter of alcohol. Leave for 24 hours and remove the sediment at the end of the process.


Fruits not only help get rid of unnecessary impurities, but also give an unusual taste, adding bright notes. The most commonly used are orange, apple or lemon.

Add 1-2 fruits, cut into slices, to a three-liter bottle filled with alcoholic beverages. Leave for 2-3 days and filter through a cotton swab.

Video tips

Why and when to clean

The most dangerous substances found in home-made alcoholic drinks are fusel oils. They have a negative impact on human health in general, and it is because of them that the next day after consumption, the head splits. To avoid this, cleansing is carried out using the methods discussed.

  • To filter any alcohol, use cotton wool, cotton pads or gauze folded in several layers.
  • To improve the taste, it is recommended to add hops or honey.
  • All kinds of herbs, berries or citrus fruits add a pleasant smell to vodka or alcohol.

How to make vodka from alcohol?

Making homemade vodka is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to maintain the necessary proportions and timing.

The main stages of transforming alcohol into vodka:

  1. We prepare the water. It should be purified (store-bought in bottles), ideally spring water. The use of distilled water is completely excluded. The best option is soft purified water with a minimum salt content.
  2. Prepare alcohol. To obtain vodka, ethyl or medical alcohol is taken, which is diluted with water, and the strength is monitored using a hydrometer.
  3. Additional ingredients. An auxiliary substance in the production of vodka is glucose. Its preparation is simple: dissolve 1 kg of sugar in 1 liter of water, boil the liquid, skimming off the foam.
  4. If desired, add honey, citric acid, citrus juice.
  5. Mix all ingredients based on 100 ml of alcohol and 130 ml of water. Glucose and aromatic additives will not affect the strength.

Video guide

Making vodka is not difficult, but alcohol abuse causes irreparable harm to health. The main thing is to have your head on your shoulders and not get carried away. Take care of yourself!

Mikhail Ostashevsky

For the "First Person" competition

When I was in my third year at military school, one of the chemical laboratories was equipped with Polish equipment. There were beautiful glass shelves along the walls, and for added importance, bottles with various reagents were placed on these shelves. For completely complete beauty.

During laboratory classes, I noticed that next to the table where I was sitting with my best friend Slavik Mamaev, there was a liter bottle on the shelf with the inscription “Phenolphthalein” on the label. I knew that phenolphthalein comes in an alcohol solution while still working as a laboratory assistant at a research institute. He took the bottle off the shelf, popped the cap and took a sniff. And so it was. Then I handed the bottle to Slavik and offered to smell it too.

- We're taking it! – Slavik said inspiredly, sniffing the alcohol aroma and blissfully rolling his eyes.

- First of all, we can’t take the whole bottle. Laboratory assistants or a teacher can check the classroom after class and, finding an empty space on the shelf, make a fuss. Secondly, phenolphthalein is very insidious in its effect on the body.

– Harmful, or what?

- Well, how do you say it, Slavik? It may not be harmful. Maybe even useful to someone. Pharmacies sell it as medicine.

“Then we’ll definitely pick it up!” Let's heal at the same time! Let's combine business with pleasure!

After my friend inhaled the desired aroma, his stomach began to work instead of his brains. Slavik really wanted to drink. And I couldn’t think about anything else.

– Do you know the medical name of phenolphthalein?

- No! Tell!

- Purgen!

Judging by the reaction to what I said, Slavik was clearly familiar with this word. He immediately sank.

– You, Vyacheslav Sergeevich, don’t oxidize right away. Don't put extra strain on your heart. We'll do it smart. During the break, I’ll ask the lab assistants for an empty bottle, we’ll pour out the lion’s share for ourselves and test it on someone else. If everything goes well, we’ll drink tomorrow!

During the break, I took an empty half-liter bottle from the girls and filled it to capacity with the desired liquid.

– Who will we test it on? – Slavik asked impatiently.

- Don't rush. Let's try it on Grandfather. Only a little later. Closer to dinner.

“Grandfather” was the name of a cadet named Nevrov. He was extremely lazy, and his normal body position was recumbent. Less often sitting, but always leaning against something.

Before dinner, I began pouring liquid into a metal soldier's mug. For testing.

– Where are you pouring so much?! A little bit is enough for him! Leave us more! – Slavik was indignant.

- Don't squeeze! You have to test it thoroughly! What if the effect depends on the dose?! What if he gets nothing for a little bit, and then we, from the normal amount, will then thunder into “rocket men” into a separate ward of our medical unit!

“Rocketmen” were the name given to those at the school who had an upset stomach. A shameful smear was taken from them and they were placed in a separate ward for two weeks. Under lock and key. Until the results of the analysis become known. And the food was extremely poor. They could not eat most of the prepared food.

I poured almost half the mug, and then took some into my mouth and spat it out. He forced Slavik to do the same. We hid the mug with the liquid on the stairs near the attic door. And we went to look for Grandfather. And they found it right away. No problem. Lying like a log on his bed. Where else could he be?

I called the subject aside and asked:

- Grandfather! Do we smell anything?

Then he breathed on him.

- Uh, guys! You've had a drink somewhere! – Nevrov said very sadly.

- Don't be sour! We left it for you!

Having understood the meaning of what I said, Grandfather came into a very excited state. He began to poke senselessly in all directions until we directed him, like a torpedo, in the right direction.

On the staircase, I handed the tester a mug and warned that it was not vodka, but pure alcohol. Seeing the amount of liquid, Grandfather became even more excited.

- Well, guys...! I will never tell you this...! I tell you everything...!

Nevrov took the mug in his hand and, once again assessing the amount of liquid, asked hopefully:

- How about a snack...?

“Maybe you should also bring the girl here later?” You'll smell it with your sleeve! You're not at the Philharmonic!

The advice was sound. The lazy grandfather washed his uniform extremely rarely and his sleeves were odorous. What about the sleeves! All the clothes! From top to bottom. Rolling his eyes, he drank the contents in one gulp and noisily began to inhale the familiar smell of his unwashed body. Right from under your mouse.

We returned to the company. After dinner, Grandfather was under our constant and close attention. Apart from the fact that he was quite drunk, nothing happened to him. Nevrov sat in Lenin’s room, leaning against the wall and quietly muttering something under his breath, giggling.

- He's amusing himself, you bastard! – Slavik said indignantly. – And nothing bad happens to him! On the contrary, he feels good now! Unlike us! It would be better to drink it yourself!

– We’ll have a drink tomorrow! Where are you in such a hurry?

Until lights out, we carefully but unobtrusively watched Grandfather. And everything was fine with him. Slavik, remembering the amount Nevrov drank, sighed sadly.

In the morning, our deputy platoon commander, my friend’s namesake Slavik Mayorov, began counting those lined up for exercise.

- One, two, three, four,..., twenty-three! One, two, three, four, ..., twenty-three! Squad leaders! Who is absent?

- Nevrova!

- Well, Grandfather! Well, net! In the evening you will run ten kilometers around the stadium!

The platoon walked towards the exit and Mayorov continued to be indignant.

- Slavik! Who are you looking for? – asked the orderly.

- Nevrov gets sick from exercise!

- Yes, he’s in the toilet. Just like he sat down on his asshole at four in the morning, he still can’t get off.

Together with the platoon commander, Mamai and I rushed to the toilet. Look at the work of your hands.

Grandfather was sitting on his glasses and reading a newspaper. To prevent his legs from getting numb, he hooked his belt to the wall of the toilet and held on to it like a passenger on an ancient tram.

- Grandfather! Let's exercise!

- I can’t Slavik! It carries me! Ate something indecent at dinner!

“You see,” I later said to a friend, “you kept saying, “Let’s have a drink!” Let’s have a drink!”, but the alcohol turned out to be of poor quality! Not drinkable!
