
Arrows of garlic for the winter without sterilization. Pickled garlic arrows for the winter: simple recipes with photos

Do you know what to cook from garlic shooters for the winter? The simplest, but at the same time delicious way is pickling. Anyone who has never tried such a useful preparation has lost a lot. The taste is spicy and spicy, and not worse than wild garlic. The instructions below will help you collect and prepare this product.

How to pickle garlic arrows

Before pickling garlic arrows for the winter, you need to choose the moment to collect them, because not all of them are suitable for food. Cut off the ends as soon as they appear, when they are still tender, young and dark green in color. Do not wait until the inflorescences open, otherwise the collected product will not be suitable for eating or pickling, because at this time the tips become fibrous, hard and rough.

If you coped with this stage and collected the right ingredient on time, you can start processing it. This is easy to do, you just need to rinse it under strong pressure to remove all particles of earth. It is better to use a colander for this step. Next, you need to cut the ingredient so that it is convenient to eat. The recommended size is 5-7 cm. Some buds can not be removed if they are just indicated. Then the greens are poured over with boiling water and again with a cold stream so that they do not become completely soft. Further recommendations on how to prepare such an appetizer are as follows:

  1. Sterilize jars with a volume of 3 liters, place allspice in them in the amount of a couple of peas. Additionally, add bay leaf.
  2. Fill the container tightly with the collected and washed product.
  3. Fill to the top with boiling water.
  4. After 2-3 minutes, pour the liquid into the pan.
  5. Season the marinade with 2 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 tsp. vinegar.

After that, all containers are filled with brine. The last step is to sterilize the workpiece. Here you have a choice - to do it or not. If at the stage of scalding with boiling water you do not pour cold water over the product, then you can immediately pour the marinade and finally clog the jars. This will be faster, but the cooled "tails" will have to be heated again before rolling. If you plan to open a snack in the very first cold weather, then you can do without sterilization. When rolling for a longer period, it is worth going through this procedure, otherwise microbes will begin to multiply, which spoil the blanks.

Recipe for pickled garlic arrows without sterilization

The first instruction on how to pickle garlic arrows for the winter does not include the sterilization process, so the rolling process will be a little faster. The ingredients required are the following:

  • spices - to taste;
  • garlic "tails" - about 1 kg;
  • water - 1-1.5 l;
  • salt, sugar - 50 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml.

This recipe for marinating garlic arrows for the winter is prepared according to the following instructions:

  1. Cut the greens into pieces, rinse, then pour boiling water over.
  2. Blanch for no more than 2 minutes, then pour over with cold water in a colander.
  3. Pour water into the pan: it must be boiled, adding vinegar, herbs and sugar with salt.
  4. When the liquid boils, continue to cook for another 2 minutes.
  5. Sterilize jars with lids.
  6. Distribute the main ingredient into containers that have not yet cooled down, fill them with boiled marinade.
  7. Roll up with a special key.

And salting it is not very difficult. The main thing is to strictly follow all the requirements of the recipe and use only fresh ingredients.

Today we will present you with several options for preparing the mentioned snack. Which one to use is up to you.

Pickled young garlic with arrows: a step-by-step recipe

Such a tasty and fragrant appetizer is ideal for a festive feast. Moreover, it can not only be consumed while drinking alcoholic beverages, but also used in the preparation of various first and second courses.

Since it is easy and simple to prepare such a product as an arrow for winter. The made preparation is unlikely to last until winter, as it is eaten rather quickly.

What products do we need to preserve an ingredient such as an arrow of garlic? Marinate this fragrant greens with the help of the following set of components:

We process the ingredients (fresh arrows of garlic)

Salting and marinating is pretty easy. Fresh greens are thoroughly washed under strong pressure of water, and then shaken in a colander and begin to cut. Chop the garlic with chopsticks 3-5 centimeters long.

After processing the arrows, they are blanched. To do this, the greens are dipped in strongly boiling water and kept in it for about two minutes. Finally, they are thrown into a sieve and allowed to drain.

Preparation of a fragrant marinade

To make a marinade for a fragrant snack, one liter of drinking water is poured into a large saucepan. Then it is brought to a boil, poured with table salt and coarse sugar. After boiling the liquid for about 5 minutes, it is removed from the heat and table vinegar is immediately added.

The process of forming a snack and the process of its seaming

Now you know what ingredients are required to bring the presented recipe to life. How to make arrows of garlic (pickle them)? After the marinade is ready, the blanched greens are laid out in half-liter glass jars, after placing bay leaves, hot red pepper and sweet peas on their bottom.

Filling the containers with arrows, they are immediately poured with hot marinade. After that, one large spoonful of hot butter is laid out in each jar.

Having carried out the described actions, the containers are immediately twisted with metal lids.

Turning the jars upside down, they are left in this position for exactly a day. After that, pickled garlic is removed to the cellar or basement. At a temperature of 3-7 degrees they are stored for six months.

Quickly salt the arrows of garlic for the winter

Now you know how the garlic arrow is processed. You also learned how to pickle this product. However, some cooks prefer to salt it. To do this, they use the following set of ingredients:

  • fresh garlic, that is, its young arrows - about 1 kg;
  • boiled water for brine - about 1 liter;
  • coarse table salt - about 50 g;
  • large white sugar - approximately 60 g;
  • natural table vinegar (6%) - about 80 ml;
  • black peppercorns and dried dill umbrellas - apply to taste.

Method for preparing salted arrows

Fans of garlic snacks are familiar with Vital. Garlic arrows (pickled) under this brand are distinguished by a special taste and aroma. However, we recommend making this dish yourself. To do this, fresh greens are thoroughly washed, cut and blanched. While liquid is draining from the boiled arrows, they begin to prepare the brine. Pure water is boiled over high heat, and then large table salt, table vinegar and white sugar are added.

After the brine is ready, dried dill umbrellas are placed in sterilized 0.5-liter jars in a pot. Then blanched arrows are placed in them, which are immediately poured with previously prepared boiling water.

Having rolled up all the containers with metal lids, they are cooled and sent to the refrigerator. You can consume such an appetizer 5-7 days after preparation.

An easy and quick way to pickle fresh garlic cloves

If you do not want to harvest garlic arrows for the winter, then we suggest simply pickling them fresh. To do this, the greens are thoroughly washed, dried with paper towels and cut into 3-5 centimeters long.

Having prepared the arrows, they are laid out in a bowl, salted with coarse salt and mixed thoroughly. Then the product is distributed in half-liter jars and thoroughly crushed with a crush.

After filling the containers, they are closed with ordinary polyethylene lids and left at room temperature for 12-16 hours. After the arrows give their juice, they are put into the refrigerator. It is stored for no more than two months.

It should be noted that such a product is not used as a snack, as it turns out to be too salty. Although some cooks still use it with bread.

It is good to add such a preparation to goulash (during the heat treatment), as well as other first or second courses.

Home-made vegetables for the winter in many families is an established tradition that is passed down from parents to children. As for our family, we do not like and eat all the seamings. And some I even eat alone - this is normal.

Today I offer a recipe for a simple preparation for the winter, which will appeal to lovers of savory snacks - we will pickle garlic arrows. Along with pickled cucumbers, the arrows of garlic fly off the table first, especially under the kebab. Even those who wrinkle their nose at first, having tasted the taste of pickled garlic sprouts, can no longer stop.

How to make this preparation for the winter? There are several options, and I will offer you one of them - as for me, the simplest. By the way, you can pre-blanch the garlic arrows for 5 minutes, then they will not need to be sterilized for so long. But again, I advise you to do everything according to the recipe, so that later it does not turn out that the seaming has exploded or deteriorated.


Cooking step by step with photos:

The first step is to sterilize the jars - it is most convenient to use a 0.5 liter capacity. I do it in the microwave - I wash the jars, pour about 1/6 of the water and just keep it in the micro at the highest power for 5 minutes. Then I drain the water and the banks are ready for further action. We choose the arrows of garlic young, saturated green, before the peduncles open. Mine, cut off the buds and the lower light part - it is tough and not good. I decided to make two different blanks - I put them in one jar (or rather I put even arrows), and filled the second with curls. But this is so, for beauty. We ram the arrows as tightly as possible so that more fit.

Now let's make a marinade for our workpiece. Pour water, vinegar into the pan, add salt, sugar, parsley and pepper. Put on fire and bring to a boil.

Pour the arrows of garlic with boiling marinade to the very top. We also put pepper and bay leaf there.

Now we will sterilize seamings. We take a larger pan so that both jars fit in it. We put some kind of rag or towel at the bottom so that the jars do not burst during sterilization. We put the blanks and fill the cans on the shoulders.

Then we cover the jars with sterile lids and put the pan on the fire. From the moment of boiling, we make the fire below medium and boil for 20 minutes.

In principle, any vegetable or fruit is suitable for seaming. You just need to know the secrets of cooking. Then in winter you will not feel a lack of any products. To figure out how to make pickled garlic arrows, take detailed recipes, where the process is described, secrets and useful tips are indicated. Then the manufacture of seaming will not cause any serious problems.
There are a lot of sunsets. Any experienced housewife can suggest a dozen recipes, moreover, of her own invention. The same pickled garlic arrows, the recipes of which are considered simple. This is a full-fledged snack, which is then eaten with appetite, especially with barbecue or pilaf. There are several such options.

Pickled garlic cloves

If you blanch garlic arrows for the winter, then you can do without sterilization later. It is important to follow the chosen recipe, then avoid spoiling the food or jars.

What will be required:

Arrows of garlic - 700 gr;
Water - 600 ml;
Table vinegar (need 9%) - 60 ml;
Table salt - 20 gr;
Sugar - 20 gr;
Black pepper (just need peas) - 10 pcs (peas);
Bay leaf - 4 pcs.


These ingredients are designed for 2 separate servings of garlic shooters. Cooking time is approximately 1 hour. Start blanks by sterilizing the jars. This is easy to do if you have a microwave oven. Rinse the jars, put 1/6 of water in each and put them in the oven, setting the time to 5 minutes. Then drain the water, the banks are ready.

Tip: when planning to pickle garlic arrows, take young ones that have a rich green tint. Those whose peduncles have not yet opened. Rinse, cut off the buds and the entire lower part - it is harsh and does not work for blanks.

Try to pack more arrows into the banks. It doesn't matter if you put it flat or curled. The main thing is to lay tighter, do not be afraid to crush.

Now it's time to prepare the marinade for garlic arrows. You will need an enamelled, small saucepan, where you pour water, followed by vinegar and immediately add spices: sugar, leaves with pepper. Put everything on the stove, setting the heat to medium. Waiting for the boil.

As the marinade boils, carefully pour them into the jars where the garlic arrows are already located. Pour without regret, to the top. Put pepper, bay leaves there.

A simple home pickling method involves sterilizing already filled jars while they are still uncapped. Take a larger bowl or pan, hoping that both jars will fit in there. Cover the bottom with a cloth or an unnecessary towel, so you protect the jars from possible damage. Fill the pan with ordinary water (on the shoulders of the cans, not higher), then covering both cans with reusable tin lids, put everything on fire. Put a small, weak fire and boil for about 20 minutes.

That's it, close the lids tightly, the rolls are ready. Put the jars under a blanket or blanket with the lids down, let them slowly cool down. So you additionally sterilize the lids, and the seaming itself will keep a warm temperature longer. This will improve the properties. Why do many seams cool in this way, no matter if it’s jam or some kind of salad. After cooling, rearrange the jars to their place of future storage.

The traditional way

How to pickle garlic arrows, is sterilization required? There are some practical tips to be aware of. Choose juicy, fresh arrows and after assembly, rinse using running water. So it is better to wash off particles of earth and other debris.

It is convenient to use a colander, so the water passes and all the arrows are clearly visible. Next, cut them, making sticks 5-7 cm, so it is more convenient to eat and fit into jars. If you notice small, only indicating buds, leave it. They are edible and do not interfere with the taste.

Is it possible to marinate without sterilization? Quite if you plan to use vinegar. It will serve as a good sterilizer, and from the inside. Most recipes describe the sterilization process for jars anyway, whether vinegar is specified or not. It's more of an insurance policy.

Bouquet of spices: having understood the intricacies of preparations, the housewives experiment by making their own sets of spices. Why clove or coriander is added, each spice will then affect the final taste of the finished product.

Do not confuse arrows with a similar plant, wild garlic. Ramson is a relative of domestic garlic - wild. They are similar, but not at all the same, although people also eat wild garlic.

There are a dozen recipes for blanks, there are different spices, and the combination of arrows with other, different vegetables, herbs. Beginners quickly master the traditional recipe, then try other options.


Garlic arrows -1 kg;
Vinegar - 30 ml;
Salt -70 gr;
Sugar - 40 gr;
Mustard seeds - 1 teaspoon;
Peppercorns - 4 pcs;
Carnation flowers (need dry) - 4 pcs.

Cooking process:

Immediately put the pan, pour in a liter of ordinary, cold water. Put all the spices from the recipe there (except vinegar). Wait for the boil. At the same time, sterilize the jars (there is vinegar, it is not necessary).

Rinse, then sort through the arrows, cutting off unnecessary buds. Cut your own arrows. Size depends on preference. Some like small, centimeter arrows, others prefer long stems, in a jar.

Fill already sterilized jars with stalks, add mustard seeds. Fill jars with boiled marinade. Now add vinegar. Close the jars with their sterile lids, then turn them over, send them under a blanket or blanket. The infusion period will be long, 1-2 days so you keep track of possible leaks.

Everything, ready arrows can be transferred to the place of their future storage. Usually this is a pantry, cellar or mezzanine. Any dark, cool place where we pickle and store our emergency supplies for a long time.

In winter, you want to include more foods rich in vitamins in your diet. Pickled garlic arrows are a great way to get the necessary vitamins and minerals.

First, let's look at how to choose the right arrows for pickling.

If garlic grows in your garden or garden, it is important to pluck the arrows that appear from the garden in time - the plant spends a lot of nutrients on their formation. This weakens it, and the heads of garlic, not receiving the necessary nutrition, grow small and undeveloped.

It is best to pluck the arrows when the buds with seeds have already begun to appear, but have not yet developed into a full-fledged large “box”.

If you do not grow garlic yourself, but buy only arrows, look for just such ones on the shelves - without clearly formed large "balls" with seeds. They will be tender and juicy, while "overcooked" ripe arrows in dishes will be too tough and stringy. Also pay attention to the saturation of the color - they should be dark green.

It is important to keep in mind: if the garlic arrows are already too overripe and not suitable for twisting, do not get upset and do not rush to get rid of the product! They make great ingredients for a delicious tomato-garlic seasoning.

How to pickle garlic arrows for the winter

In sterilized, pre-prepared jars, we put the garlic arrows in dense rows. At the bottom of the jar, you need to put black peppercorns and one or two bay leaves - they will give the product a richer and more interesting taste. Pour boiling water there and insist for a few minutes. Then pour boiling water into another container - this will be the basis for our marinade.

It's very easy to prepare, all you need is:

  • 1 liter of water.
  • 2 tablespoons of salt.
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  • 1 tablespoon 9% vinegar.

Put all these ingredients in a pot of hot water and mix well. After pouring the resulting solution into a glass container with arrows and twist.

This is the most common recipe for pickling garlic arrows, however, it is not the only one.

Pickled garlic arrows with herbs


  • Arrows of garlic.
  • Dill.
  • Petrushka.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 2 tablespoons of salt.
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  • 1 tablespoon 9% vinegar.

The method of twisting is similar to the first recipe, the only difference is that when we put it in jars, we alternate arrows with chopped bunches of dill or parsley. Also, for convenience, some housewives do not cut the arrows at all, but twist them into rings according to the diameter of the container, alternating them with folded bunches of greenery when laying.

Pickled garlic arrows with pepper and cinnamon

You will need:

  • Arrows of garlic.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 2 tablespoons of salt.
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  • 1 tablespoon 9% vinegar.
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon.
  • 2 teaspoons black ground pepper.

Pickled garlic arrows with mustard


  • Arrows of garlic.
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tablespoons of salt.
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  • 1 tablespoon 9% vinegar.
  • 1/2 tablespoon mustard seeds.

We cook according to the recipe in exactly the same way as described above, only add mustard seeds to the marinade in addition to standard seasonings.

Pickled garlic arrows in Korean

You will need:

  • Arrows of garlic.
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 tablespoon of salt.
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar.
  • 1 tablespoon seasoning, which is used for Korean carrots.
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce.
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.

We chop the arrows and fry in hot oil, try them - they should become soft. Then we make the fire weaker, add salt, sugar, seasoning for Korean carrots, apple cider vinegar and soy sauce. Fry until the contents of the pan become thick. Then turn off the gas and wait until the mixture cools down. Mix it with chopped garlic. The resulting mass must be transferred to a sterile glass container, put in the refrigerator.

An ideal recipe for those who are on a diet or suffer from stomach problems.

You will need:

  • Arrows of garlic.
  • Natural apple juice.
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

Dip the finished washed and chopped arrows in boiling water for a few minutes, pass through a colander and put them in jars in dense rows. Mix apple juice with salt and sugar, bring to a boil and pour arrows. After that, we immediately roll up the cans, place them upside down and leave to cool.

The prepared arrows are left in a cold and dark place for two to three months, during which they will be thoroughly saturated with brine and fragrant spices. After this period, the jars can be opened and enjoy the finished product.

Whatever recipe you choose, this healthy and inexpensive dish will decorate any table.

Arrows are served with meat, potatoes, pasta or rice, cut into salads, and also used as a condiment.
