
Capital bread on rye sourdough. Bread Stolichny - useful properties and calorie content

This is such a classic-classic, rye-wheat, only with those "Capital", which are sold in stores, of course, it cannot be compared. It smells like fresh bread already at the stage of dough, seriously.) Yesterday I baked it, guests came and from the doorway they say: “mm, how delicious your cakes smell ..” And this is just HE. Fragrant, soft, warm, if with butter, on top of a piece of your favorite cheese, a large mug of tea with lemon, and ... I like even more croissants.)

Go. In the evening we feed rye sourdough, so that the output is 140 g (plus 5-10 g for maintenance). It is possible in such proportions: 15 g of sourdough + 70 g of hryvnia. flour + 70 g water. Stirred, covered, removed at room temperature overnight.

In the morning (at 7:00) knead dough:
- 140 g rye sourdough
- 77 g of warm water (not hot! But barely warm)
- 132 g of peeled rye flour (I tried to bake with c / s rye - not that)
mix, cover, remove at room temperature for 3.5 hours.

(10:30 ) Knead on the finished dough dough:
- all dough
- 100 g rye flour
- 290 g of wheat flour in / with or 1s
- 240 g of water
- 9 g salt
- 18 g sugar

Add water, salt and sugar to the dough, mix.

Add all the flour and knead the dough, first in a bowl, then on the table for 5 minutes with your hands.

At the end of the kneading, the dough stops sticking to your hands. And the table, by the way, if you use a scraper or a plastic card, will also remain clean at the end of the batch. Rounding up.

We drop a drop of vegetable oil into a bowl, put our bun there, cover with a film, put it in the oven with the light on (t 28-30) for fermentation for 1.5 hours. The dough will increase greatly in size.

(12:15) Put the dough on a table dusted with flour, gently squeeze out the air with your fingers and round again. We put the gingerbread man (seam up, smooth side down) in a proofing basket (or a colander lined with a towel and generously sprinkled with flour), cover, remove for proofing at room temperature approx. for 1.5 hours, maybe less. Watch, the bread should increase by 1.5-2 times.

(14:00) The parchment board is ready. The bread was turned over, sprinkled generously with a spray bottle, and stroke it, he loves it very much.) There should be no dry flour left on top, everything must be smoothed out with water, then the crust will be even, smooth.
Bakery 250 gr, 10 minutes with steam, remove the steam, reduce T to 220 and bake for another 40 minutes.

GOST 26984-86

Group H32




Stolichny bread. Specifications

OKP 91 1351 2258, 91 1355 2158

Introduction date 1986-12-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Grain Products of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 08.09.86 N 2628



Item number

5. The limitation of the validity period was removed by the Decree of the State Standard of the USSR of 12.12.91 N 1943

6. EDITION with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in January 1987, December 1991 (IUS 4-87, 3-92)



1.1. Stolichny bread must be produced in hearth and mold in accordance with the requirements of this standard from a mixture of peeled rye and wheat flour of the first grade with the addition of sugar and other raw materials in compliance with sanitary rules, recipes and technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

1.2. The mass of bread should be 0.5-1.1 kg.

The specific mass of bread within the specified limits is established by the ministry (department) of grain products of the union republic in agreement with the ministry of trade of the union republic, taking into account the need to establish retail prices for bread, multiples of 2 and 4.

Permissible deviations to the smaller side from the established mass of one product at the end of the period of maximum exposure at the enterprise after removal from the furnace should not exceed 3.0% of the weight of an individual product and 2.5% of the average weight of 10 products.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).

1.3. According to organoleptic indicators, capital bread must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Name of indicator




Round, oval or oblong-oval, not vague, without impressions


Corresponding to the bread form in which the pastries were made, without side overflows


Rough, without major undermining

Pricks, cracks, flouriness of the upper and lower crust of hearth bread and the presence of a seam from a divider-stacker at pan bread are allowed

Light brown to dark brown

Crumb state:


Baked, not sticky, not wet to the touch, elastic. After light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape.


Without lumps and traces of unmixed


Developed, without voids and seals. Peeling of the crust from the crumb is not allowed

Slightly sweet and sour, characteristic of this type of product, without foreign aftertaste

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign smell


1. (Deleted, Rev. N 1).

2. Large breaks are considered to be those covering the entire length of one of the sides of the pan bread or more than half the circumference of the hearth bread and having a width of more than 1 cm in a pan bread and more than 2 cm in a hearth bread.

1.4. According to physical and chemical indicators, capital bread must meet the requirements specified in Table 2.

table 2

Name of indicator

Norm for bread



Humidity crumb, %, no more

Crumb acidity, hail, no more

Crumb porosity, %, not less than

1.5. Foreign inclusions, crunch from mineral impurities, signs of disease and mold are not allowed in the capital's bread.

1.6. The period of maximum aging of capital bread at the enterprise after taking it out of the oven is no more than 14 hours.

1.7. The content of toxic elements of mycotoxins and pesticides in bread should not exceed the permissible levels established by the Medical and Biological Requirements and Sanitary Standards for the Quality of Food Raw Materials and Food Products of the USSR Ministry of Health N 5061 of 08/01/89*.

1.8. The raw materials used in the manufacture of bread must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation, Biomedical requirements and sanitary quality standards for food raw materials and food products of the USSR Ministry of Health N 5061 of 08/01/89*.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation there are SanPiN

1.7, 1.8. (Introduced additionally, Rev. N 2).


2.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 5667. In the waybill, a stamp is affixed to the conformity of the batch of bread with the requirements of this standard and the time the bread was taken out of the oven.

2.2. Control over the content of toxic elements, mycotoxins and pesticides is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the manufacturer of products in agreement with the state sanitary supervision authorities and guaranteeing the safety of products.

Section 2. (Changed edition, Rev. N 2).



4.1. Laying, storage and transportation of capital bread - in accordance with GOST 8227.

4.2. The sale of bread in a retail trade network should be carried out if there is information on the energy value (calorie content), protein, fat and carbohydrate content in 100 g of bread.

Information on nutritional and energy value is reported by the manufacturer in the form of information leaflets to trade enterprises, which bring it to the consumer (see Appendix).

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).



Chemical composition and energy value

100 g capital bread

Name of products

Chemical composition

Energy value, kcal

Carbohydrates, g

capital bread

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 2).

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
Bread. Specifications: Sat. GOSTs. -
Moscow: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2002

Today I baked Stolichny for dinner!
I love it for its mild taste, moderate sourness, and of course for its simplicity :)
This sweet and sour gray bread is good both on its own and with any dish.

Recipe in Luda's magazine mariana_aga

I'm copying it with a few additions.

For 1kg bread
hearth or in a mold 2.1l


115g sourdough (65g white flour, 50g water)
130g rye flour
100g water (30C)


105g rye flour
300g flour 1s
1.5g dry yeast
9g salt
18g sugar
250-300g of water 35C (I have 270-290g depending on the moisture content of the flour)

The dough is fermented for 4 hours at 25-28C (I ferment for 7-8 hours at 20C, it’s more convenient for me, I put it at night)
Dissolve yeast in warm water with sugar (I don't always add yeast)
The dough is kneaded for 5 minutes, the dough is allowed to swell for 10-30 minutes, depending on the strength of the wheat flour, and then kneaded at a moderate speed for 5-8 minutes until there are clear signs of gluten.
Fermented for 1.5 hours at 28-30C, until it increases in volume by 2.5-3r.
Wrap the dough in blanks for baking in molds or on a hearth (round or oblong) and give it a complete proofing at 30-35C for 45-70 minutes.
The hearth is turned over onto a shovel and deeply pricked with fingers or left smooth for baking with or without cracking.
Before planting in the oven, the blanks are lubricated with water and baked with steam for 40-55 minutes at 190-250C / 375-480F, depending on the size of the bread and the amount of bread in the oven.
The top crust of the finished bread is smeared with liquid starch jelly for gloss (I didn’t grease it, but 5 minutes before it was ready, I sprinkled the crust a couple of times from a spray bottle)

GOST 1986 50% gray rye flour, 50% wheat flour 1s.

Some moments of preparation.
This bread was baked in a cupcake form 25*12*8

A little gray on the crust due to lack of steam, but the side crust in thin metal forms is more crispy than in cast bread.

Today I baked Stolichny in the form of L7 (volume 1.85 l), it certainly turned out to be cramped for a given amount of dough, the bread turned out to be very high, it was very difficult to cut into slices.
However, he was not even allowed to cool down properly, it was unbearable :))
Here it is, still warm :)

Another delicious bread from my, and perhaps yours, Soviet childhood. It is very delicate and tender, and everything is in moderation in it - it is moderately salty, moderately sweet, moderately sour, moderately black, moderately dense and moderately loose, with a bright, pronounced aroma and taste, but at the same time it does not clog the taste of other products and therefore is perfect for sandwiches, and for soup, and for everything you want. I love it!))) Let's cook?

For the recipe you will need:

For steam:

140 g sourdough on peeled rye flour

132 g rye flour

For the main batch:

100 g rye flour

290 g wheat flour 1 grade

Approximately 1 g dry yeast (no more)

18 g sugar

For starch jelly:

About half a teaspoon of potato starch


For the recipe, we need peeled rye flour and flour of the 1st grade, this time I used this:

You can see how to bring out the sourdough.

According to the recipe, you need a rather large amount of sourdough - 140 g - if you have less, then you can increase the required amount by adding equal (by weight of sourdough) amounts of flour and water to the existing amount of sourdough. For example, I have a "control" amount of sourdough - 45 - 50 g, which I refresh daily, leaving 5 - 10 g and adding 20 g of flour and water. If I’m going to bake bread, then the day before I don’t take the sourdough for the next refreshment, but on the contrary I add 50 g of peeled rye flour and 50 g of water, stir and leave for 4 hours or, as a lazy option, I refresh late in the evening and leave overnight, and in the morning I use it to knead the dough.

This is what the sourdough looks like before kneading the dough.

For dough, add the required amount of warm water according to the recipe to the sourdough, stir so that the sourdough is almost completely dispersed, and then add rye flour and stir until smooth. The result is a fairly thick viscous mass. With wet hands, we round it, smooth it.

We cover the bowl with dough and leave it warm for 3-4 hours.

This is what it looked like after 4 hours of fermentation.

Pour rye and wheat flour to the mature dough.

In the center of the flour slide, we make a hole, pour in a little water from the general norm, mix a small amount of flour into the water to make a batter like pancakes and add dry yeast. Let stand for 2 - 3 minutes so that the yeast is saturated with moisture and more readily goes into the solution, and then stir to completely dissolve and leave it alone for 15 - 20 minutes to activate.

In the remaining water, dissolve the salt - sugar and add to the bowl with flour.

Knead the dough.

Knead the kneaded dough for 3-5 minutes. You can knead directly in a bowl or on a dry (without flour) desktop.

Grease the bowl lightly with vegetable oil.

Lay out the dough, round, and then cover and leave warm for 1.5 hours.

After 1.5 hours, put the dough on a table dusted with flour and round.

You can melt bread in the form and on the sheet. It is more convenient, of course, in a special form for bread, but if there is none, a suitable-sized bowl or colander is quite suitable, and if this is not there, then on a sheet. Cover the form with a clean towel, which must first be “rubbed” with flour (wheat), lay out the rounded dough (knot up), cover and leave until doubled in volume.

If you will melt on a sheet, put the rounded dough on a floured baking sheet or baking paper (knot down), dust with flour on top, cover and leave until doubled.

Transfer the risen dough very carefully from the mold to a sheet of baking paper (seam side down). Shake off excess flour.

Using a spray bottle, moisten the top of the dough well and, very gently, with wet hands, iron until even and smooth.

Bake in a well-heated oven at 250 - 260 C on a preheated bread / pizza stone (if you don't have it, you can heat a baking sheet). In the first 5 - 7 minutes with steam. For steam, place a deep baking sheet at the very bottom of the oven, heat it up, and after planting the bread, pour about a glass of boiling water there and immediately close the oven door. After 5 - 7 minutes, remove the baking sheet with the remaining water, air the oven briefly to remove the remaining steam. About 10 minutes after planting the bread, lower the temperature to 220 C and bake the bread at this temperature until fully cooked (about 1 hour in total).

For a shiny crust, immediately after baking, brush the top of the bread with starch jelly or sprinkle with cold water.

For jelly, stir the starch in cold water and heat until thickened (on the stove or in the microwave).

When the bread has cooled to warm, wrap it in a clean towel and leave for another hour, or better for a couple, and you can cut it.

Enjoy your meal!

Nutritional value and composition of Stolichny bread

The composition of Stolichny bread includes wheat flour of the first grade, peeled rye flour, drinking water, granulated sugar, pressed yeast and salt. This type of bread contains a number of vitamins B2, B3, B4, B6, H, E, and a decent composition of minerals, such as: zinc, calcium, copper, phosphorus, molybdenum, selenium, etc. This bakery product eliminates the presence of unmixed, lumps, seals and voids.

100g of Stolichny bread contains:

  • Proteins - 7.
  • Fats - 1.2.
  • Carbohydrates - 45.8.
  • Kcal - 210.

Attention! Since bread contains rye flour, it is absorbed by the body more slowly than bread made from wheat flour. Therefore, people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract with high acidity, it is better to refuse to use this bread.

Making Stolichny bread at home

There is nothing better than homemade bread. Today we have a huge number of bakery products on the market, many of which contain emulsifiers, dyes and taste improvers. Bread prepared at home excludes any chemistry in its composition, therefore, by preparing this bakery product, you will save your household from eating low-quality bread. Prepare Stolichny bread and it will become an integral part of your family's diet.


Opara: sourdough on peeled rye flour - 140g; drinking water - 77 ml; peeled rye flour - 132g;

starch jelly: potato starch - ½ teaspoon and 50 ml of water.


  • Peeled rye flour - 100g.
  • Wheat flour of the first grade - 290g.
  • Drinking water - 240 ml.
  • Dry yeast - 1g.
  • Granulated sugar - 18g.
  • Salt - 9g.


  1. Add warm water to the sourdough and mix, then pour in the rye flour and mix until smooth. Lubricate the viscous dough with water, form a ball, cover with cling film and set to approach for 3-4 hours.
  2. We mix the flour, make a deepening and pour in a little water, mix, add the yeast and let stand for 15 minutes.
  3. In the remaining water, dissolve the sugar, pour into the flour mixture and knead the dough. Then put in a bowl, cover with a film and leave for 1.5 hours.
  4. Lubricate the form (preferably round) with oil, form a ball from the dough and place it in it. When the dough has doubled in size, sprinkle water over the surface of the dough.
  5. Place the bread in an oven heated to 240ºC for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 190ºC and continue baking until done.
  6. Put the finished bread on the grate, and immediately grease with starch jelly. After cooling to a warm state, wrap it with a towel and leave for 2 hours, after which the bread can be served!
