
Mediterranean seafood soup with tomatoes. Homemade mediterranean vegetable soup


  • leek - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • coriander seeds (ground) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dried chili peppers (flakes) - 1/4 tsp;
  • potatoes (peeled, diced) - 300 gr.;
  • canned tomatoes without skins (chopped) - 400 gr.;
  • fish broth - 2.5 cups;
  • dry white wine - 2/3 cup;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • anise - 1 star;
  • orange peel - to taste;
  • saffron - 1/4 tsp;
  • white fish fillet - 450 gr.;
  • small octopuses - 450 gr.;
  • large shrimp (fresh) - 250 gr.;
  • fresh parsley leaves (chopped) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and black ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the onion into thin strips, dividing the white and green parts, and then washing both parts separately.
  2. Heat oil in a cast iron saucepan over medium heat. Pour the green part of the onion into the preheated pan, sprinkle with coriander and chili flakes, fry, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes.
  3. Add potatoes and tomatoes to the pan, pour in the broth and wine. There also put bay leaf, orange zest, anise and saffron. Boil. Reduce the heat, cover the pot with a lid and cook for about 20 minutes, until the potatoes are soft. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Cut the fish fillet into small pieces. Cut the octopuses into 4 pieces each. Put the fish in the soup and cook for about 4 minutes.
  5. Add shrimp to soup and cook for 1 minute. Then add the octopuses and the white part of the onion, cook for 2 minutes. Pour chopped parsley into the finished soup and serve immediately.
Bon appetit!

10 servings

2 hours

66.7 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

We all know for a long time how useful it is to eat seafood. Protein-rich, low-calorie, rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements, seafood is an important component of a proper diet.

The easiest way to cook something from the products that the human body needs so much is to cook them. And you can cook an incredibly appetizing and healthy seafood soup with a sea cocktail by reading my favorite recipe.

Mediterranean soup with seafood

Blender, 2 pots, frying pan, sieve, cutting knife, cutting board, several bowls.


Selection of quality seafood

How not to harm your body and make purchases correctly by choosing fresh and high-quality seafood?

  • The most important thing when choosing mussels is to make sure that their shells are tightly closed., no chips or cracks.
  • Shrimps should be pinkish and twisted into beautiful rings.. Do not take shrimp if their heads are black, this indicates that they were sick during their lifetime. At the same time, pregnant shrimp have brown heads, their meat is healthier. But the green color only says that her food gave such a color.
  • Squids must smell like the sea and perhaps a little slime, and the meat, if fresh, is necessarily a grayish-white color.

If you live far from the sea, buy frozen seafood. When buying, pay attention first of all to the ice. It should be a little. If there is snow in the package, the product has been refrozen. The same is evidenced by seafood stuck together in one lump of ice.

The pinkish-red shrimp were boiled and frozen, while the greenish shrimp were frozen fresh. There should be no spots on the shells. Frozen squid meat can only be snow-white, without spots and damage. Choose seafood carefully, and they will only benefit.

Preparation of ingredients

Before I start making soup, I prepare all the ingredients. Since then the process will be intense, cooking and frying at the same time, it is convenient to do the “dirty work” in advance.

Cooking process

  1. Pour the shrimp heads and tails into a pot of water, salt and bring to a boil.

  2. I add a little sunflower oil to the pan and spread the garlic.

  3. When it is a little fried, I add bell pepper. I leave it to simmer.

  4. When the broth boils a little, I filter it through a sieve into another pan. Heads and tails are no longer needed, they can be thrown away.

  5. I pour 200 g of rice into the broth (this is about 1 faceted glass filled with a slightly higher risk), bring to a boil and leave to cook for several minutes.

  6. Add tomatoes to the pan and stir.

  7. When the rice is cooked for 5 minutes, add potatoes to the pan and bring to a boil.

  8. Saute vegetables in a skillet until tender.

  9. When the potatoes and rice are almost ready, all seafood, 2 bay leaves and ground black pepper to taste are sent to the pan.

  10. I load the contents of the pan into a blender, beat well until smooth and pour into the soup.

  11. Sprinkle the soup with parsley, stir, bring to a boil and turn off.

  12. Fragrant, delicious soup with seafood is ready.

Seafood soup recipe video

But this video offers another recipe for such a sea soup, the preparation of which is slightly simplified. This option may appeal to those who are going to cook such a dish for the first time and do not feel completely confident in the role of a cook. Check it out, maybe this recipe will be useful for you too.

Tomato soup with seafood and saffron

By the same principle, you can cook a light tomato soup with seafood, it turns out it is less high-calorie and more spicy than the above recipe with a photo. Soup for a light snack comes out delicious, and is prepared in just half an hour.

Cooking time– 30-40 min.
Servings – 2.
Inventory and kitchen appliances: pot, frying pan, cutting knife, cutting board, several bowls.


Cooking process

  1. The first thing I do is cook the vegetables. Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic clove.

  2. Deseed bell pepper.

  3. I clean the tomato from the skin and seeds.

  4. I cut the pepper and tomato into cubes.

  5. I put a saucepan with water and a frying pan with a little oil on the stove.

  6. While the water boils, put the onion in the pan and fry lightly.

  7. I add bell pepper to the onion, and a little later tomato. I mix and fry.

  8. When the water boils, I send seafood to the pan, 200 g of a traditional sea cocktail, which is sold ready for further preparation.

  9. I add salt to taste and wait for the water to boil again.

  10. Then I pour in 200 ml of tomato juice, the juice of half a lemon, a small pinch of saffron and a few pinches of Provence herbs. I mix everything.

  11. I add the fried vegetables to the pot.

  12. I chop up a small bunch of fresh basil and add it to the pot.

  13. When the broth boils again, pour the protein of one egg into the pan, while constantly stirring the soup.

  14. I cover with a lid. I turn off the stove.

  15. The soup is ready to serve.

Video recipe for cooking tomato soup with seafood and saffron

And as always, you can additionally watch the video of the preparation of this soup:

Seafood is a valuable source of light protein, unsaturated fats and iodine, which is often lacking in the body of those people who live far from the sea. But besides them, seafood contains a lot of other useful substances. For example, marine fish contains a large amount of calcium, and zinc is found in oysters and crustaceans. A lot of iron in shrimp and red fish. Copper can be found in lobsters, crabs and oysters. And mussels are just an amazing shellfish. Not only do they have plenty of potassium, their nutritional properties are not inferior to oysters at all, but they are much cheaper and less caloric. In addition, all seafood is saturated with vitamins A, D, E, B6, B12.

Very similar to the dishes that I have prepared for you today is spicy, which is considered a national dish in Thailand and Laos, and rich soup with chicken broth is recognized as a folk cure for all ailments among us Slavs. If you like first courses for breakfast, you will like the recipe of your favorite in childhood or no less appetizing, but even more healthy. And if you just want to surprise your family, try cooking and let them guess the main ingredient.

I ask you to leave your comments about the preparation of soup with seafood according to my recipe.. Choose only healthy dishes and bon appetit!

Surely, if you have ever traveled to any Mediterranean country, you have had to try one or another variation with seafood. This exceptional stew instantly wins the hearts of not only gourmets. And no wonder: fish and tomatoes are one of the most successful combinations. The remaining ingredients complement the flavor range, creating a fragrant composition of textures and tastes. The soup turns out to be rich, but at the same time light, fragrant and incredibly tasty. The option we offer is typical of Spanish cuisine. So, the next time you are looking to buy fish and seafood, and wondering what delicious to cook from them, pay attention to this recipe. Ingredients:
- a generous pinch of saffron threads
- 1.5 liters of water
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 1 large onion
- 3 large garlic cloves
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 fresh hot pepper
- 1 teaspoon of paprika (but if you have the opportunity, use smoked paprika - this seasoning is very popular in Spain, and gives the dishes just an indescribable flavor note)
- 125 ml (1/2 cup) white wine or sherry
- 650 g fresh tomatoes
- 1 celery stalk
- 1 bell pepper
- 1 carrot
- 400 g of any fresh or frozen white fish
- 250 g shrimp (raw, not pre-boiled and frozen!)
- 180 g squid or octopus
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- fresh parsley
Note: you can vary the ratio of fish and seafood in the soup according to your own taste: for example, put a little more fish, or take one type of seafood, etc.
Cooking method:
1. Soak saffron in lukewarm water (2 tablespoons) for 10 minutes.
2. Heat olive oil and butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Add chopped onion, chopped bell pepper, finely chopped celery and grated carrots. Saute everything for about 5 minutes until the onions are soft. After that, chopped garlic, finely chopped hot pepper (previously peeled from seeds) and smoked paprika are sent to the pan. Heat everything, stirring, 1-2 minutes. Pour in the wine and cook for 2-3 minutes, until the liquid has almost evaporated. Add water (if you have fish broth, you can use it), saffron along with liquid and diced fresh tomatoes. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
3. Cut the fish into small portions. Together with seafood, send to the pan. Salt and pepper to taste, put bay leaves in the soup. Cook for 5 minutes or a little longer until the fish is done. Add lemon juice. Sprinkle generously with fresh chopped parsley or other herbs of your choice and serve.

Clean the shrimp by removing the head and intestinal vein. In a saucepan, heat 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and fry the shrimp heads and shells over moderate heat until a characteristic aroma appears. Add 2 liters of water and boil for 10-12 minutes. Strain the decoction through a colander lined with gauze, squeeze out the contents of the colander with the convex side of the spoon.

Peel the onion and chop coarsely. Cut the peppers in half and remove the stem and seeds, cut the flesh into small cubes. Chop the garlic. Finely chop the hot pepper. Cut the leek in half, wash and cut into half rings. Cut the celery into slices.

Heat the oil in a large saucepan and sauté the onion and leek over medium heat until soft, 5 minutes. Add peppers, celery and garlic, sprinkle with fennel seeds, allspice and paprika, cook 3 more minutes.

Pour the broth into the pan, salt. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

Peel the tomatoes and chop finely. Wash greens and chop. Squid cut into half rings. Add seafood‚ tomatoes and herbs to the soup and cook for 5 minutes. Add lemon juice and, if you like, finely grated zest, add salt if necessary.

Lose weight in the kitchen. Part 1
Can the kitchen help you lose weight? Brian Wansink, director of the Food Lab at Cornell University, is sure of that. “Design helps you get slimmer,” he says, and advises making the kitchen less comfortable for relaxing. The more comfortable the kitchen, the more you eat there. Get rid of comfortable chairs, TV, computer and tablet in the kitchen.

on a note

Lose weight in the kitchen. Part 2
Can the kitchen help you lose weight? Brian Wansink, director of the Food Lab at Cornell University, is sure of that. He advises avoiding other activities while eating. Wansink's research has shown that those who eat in front of the TV have a significantly higher body mass index compared to those who eat at the table.

on a note

Lose weight in the kitchen. Part 3
Can the kitchen help you lose weight? Brian Wansink, director of the Food Lab at Cornell University, is sure of that. “Design helps you get slimmer,” he says, and advises serving meals in portions. During the study, it was found that people eat 19% less if they do not have bowls of food in front of them that can be added to the plate.

on a note

Lose weight in the kitchen. Part 4
Can the kitchen help you lose weight? Brian Wansink, director of the Food Lab at Cornell University, is sure of that. “Design helps you get leaner,” he says, and he advises placing healthy foods in the most prominent places, so that they are immediately noticeable whether you open the refrigerator, closet or pantry. If you simply transfer fruits and vegetables from the container to the most accessible shelf of the refrigerator, within a week their consumption will increase three times!
