
How to make compote from cherries for the winter. Cherry compote: experimenting with taste and ingredients

Cherry compote is a delicious and healthy drink for adults and children, a healthy replacement for harmful soda. And taking into account the minimum cash costs, we can say that cherry compote is an excellent anti-crisis option to fortify and welcome guests. Homemade cherry compote is a whole storehouse of vitamins, since there are always more useful substances in any homemade preparation than in a store. Yes, and homemade cherry compote is prepared with love for relatives, so it tastes good and everything is in order with energy.

Choosing berries

It is impossible not to say about the choice of berries for. Maroon berries are best suited for these purposes. They must be ripe - so that the compote turns out with the most intense and bright taste.

It is best to take cherries with stalks. And although it still has to be tinkered with, safety will be ensured that it is necessary. You need to tear off the stalks before preparing the compote. It is better to refuse the use of unripe and damaged berries.

It cannot be said that if you wish, you can diversify compotes, since a cherry, like no other berry, creates a wonderful duet with other berries and fruits. Add a few strawberries to a couple of cans and a handful of raspberries to the other "batch" and you'll end up with drinks that are equally tasty but differ in taste. Thanks to this "cooperation" in the bank, the cherry never gets bored!

Valuable composition

Cherry compote is not only a tasty and beautiful drink that will decorate any table - festive, everyday or "sweet" for children. Cherry compote is valuable for its composition - primarily magnesium and iron. Therefore, it is advised to drink with anemia. It also perfectly quenches thirst - you will definitely appreciate it on a hot summer day.

Cherry compote

Although it is believed that cherry compote can be prepared according to the same recipe as cherry compote, this is not entirely true. The fact is that in comparison with cherries, cherries are much sweeter. Therefore, less sugar should be added. For example, one glass is enough for half a kilo of berries.

Preparing compote from cherries is no more difficult than from cherries. There are generally recipes that allow you to prepare a healthy and tasty drink in 5 minutes.
As always, first you need to thoroughly wash the jars (for example, with soda), sterilize over steam for five minutes each. Boil the lids separately. Cherries should be peeled (remove the stalks), put into jars - about a pound in each 3-liter jar. Add sugar. Pour boiling water over the contents to the top and immediately close the lids. Then you need to wait a bit for the sugar to dissolve, and wrap the compotes in warm blankets.

In the light of a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a figure, the topic of calorie content of cherry and cherry compote cannot be omitted. It is small - for cherry compote it is about 99 kcal per 100 ml. However, remember that if you wish, you can reduce the calorie content. Firstly, you can stop using sugar and cook compote with honey or molasses. Another option is to boil cherry compote, which, as we already know, requires less sugar.

Everyone remembers the fragrant grandmother's compote from childhood. Previously, we appreciated only its taste and the atmosphere of comfort that it gave. However, do not forget about the unsurpassed benefits for immunity.

Compote of cherries with pits in winter will protect against colds, as well as give resistance to various viruses. It is noteworthy that the cooking process does not necessarily involve sterilization. To create blanks, containers of various sizes are suitable. It all depends on the consistency of the compote.

So, for example, small jars are suitable for a thick liquid with bones. Bulk containers are best used for liquid products. Detailed recommendations will be given below on how to close cherry compote for the winter.

With their help, you can learn how to make a delicious product and surprise the household at quiet family gatherings, numerous guests at high-profile celebrations. In addition, they can enjoy cozy winter evenings and remember the warm summer days.

A simple recipe for cherry compote for the winter

This is an interesting, but at the same time rather time-consuming process that requires some preparation. The first step, of course, is to buy ripe cherries. This berry has a lot of different varieties that differ in their taste characteristics.

First of all, decide what kind of drink you want to get: sweet, more sour, and so on. In addition, it is possible to purchase additional ingredients for a richer taste. These include sugar, cinnamon, ginger.

For lovers of the exotic, herbs and seasonings are suitable. In a word, there is a wide scope for all kinds of experiments.

Before you start cooking, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules:

  • First of all, remember that cherry compote in no case involves the addition of citric acid. The substance is already in the composition of the cherry.
  • Before starting cooking, it is necessary to carefully sort out the berries, remove the stalks. In addition, you need to get rid of unsuitable for rolling berries: wormy, dried, damaged. The fruits must have a healthy appearance.
  • To make fresh compote, you need to use ripe, but not overripe berries. Otherwise, there is a risk that the liquid will ferment and a wine drink will turn out.
  • To get the most intense taste, it is better to cook compote from berries with seeds. The integrity of the cherry allows you to save as much juice as possible.
  • At the same time, you need to know that berries with seeds are not suitable for a product that is planned to be stored for a long time.
  • In the event that you decide to add cinnamon, use special sticks. Loose seasoning will give an unsightly shade to the drink, add turbidity.

Don't be afraid to over-sweeten the liquid. Keep in mind that by winter the compote will become much more acidic, as the cherry will release its juice to the outside. Add the required amount of sugar.

So, now you can proceed to the detailed instructions: how to close cherry compote for the winter.

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of ingredients. It is quite simple and each of its components can be found in a store or market. So, you will need:

  • 2.5 cups cherries.
  • 1 cup of sugar.
  • 1 liter of water.

After preparing the necessary ingredients, you can proceed to the process itself. First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the berries and tear out the tails from them. Then you need to arrange the cherry in containers and pour boiling water.

After that, you need to close the jars with lids and let it brew for fifteen minutes. After this time, you need to drain the liquid into a prepared saucepan and prepare sugar syrup.

Next, you need to boil it for about two minutes, then pour it into jars. Now you can start rolling. After the process is completed, you need to turn the containers upside down and let it brew for about twelve hours.

Thus, with minimal effort, this simple cherry compote recipe allows you to prepare a delicious drink that will delight you and your loved ones in the winter.

Cherry compote with seeds for the winter

As already noted, compote with seeds preserved inside the berries will allow you to get a brighter taste, since the fruits will not be damaged and will not lose their original properties and retain the required amount of juice inside.

However, it is worth remembering that this option is suitable if you do not plan to store compote for a long time.

So, for this you need the following ingredients:

  • 3 kg cherries.
  • 2.5 liters of water.
  • 750 g sugar.

The preparation of such a compote is also simple. All you need to do is follow the steps below:

  1. Sort the fruits carefully. For cooking, you need to use only whole and ripe berries. Watch for damage, rot, wormy areas.
  2. Arrange the prepared berries inside the jars so that 2 out of 3 parts of the container are filled.
  3. Then you need to pour water into the pans and add sugar. The resulting liquid must be boiled for about 2-3 minutes.
  4. The resulting syrup must be poured into jars with berries. Be very careful, because if handled carelessly, the containers can burst due to temperature changes.
  5. To avoid an unpleasant situation, it is necessary to pour the syrup strictly in the center, trying not to touch the edges of the cans. In addition, you must first check whether the containers are cold.
  6. After that, it is necessary to close the jars with sterile lids. Then the products are placed in a pot of heated water. The container should reach approximately to the shoulders of the cans. The sterilization process should take place within approximately 15 minutes from the moment of boiling.
  7. Take the containers out of the pot. Use a towel to protect yourself from burns.
  8. Now the banks are ready for the final rolling. Install covers firmly.
    Prepare a place for the jars to cool: it should be a flat and soft surface.
  9. Place the containers upside down on it, and then cover with a blanket. So they should stand until the state of complete cooling.

Ready! Now you can serve delicious compote to the table.

Cherry compote for the winter without sterilization

Any hostess seeks to save as much time as possible, which could be spent usefully. The compote recipe without sterilization is just perfect for these purposes.

In addition to temporary resources, it will help save your strength, since the process is not particularly time-consuming. Another notable feature is that such a liquid will contain the maximum concentration of vitamins and nutrients. This will be especially true during the cold period and cold seasons.

First of all, you need to decide what kind of drink you want to get. Listen to your own preferences or the wishes of the household. Depending on what your choice is: sweet or sour taste, you need to add a certain amount of sugar.

So, for example, a sweet drink should contain at least five tablespoons of sugar. The optimal volume is 300 grams.

So, for this we need the usual ingredients:

  • 500 g cherries.
  • 450 g sugar.
  • 3 liters of water.

Compote of cherries for the winter without sterilization can be prepared even by an inexperienced hostess. So, it is best to process the berries immediately after harvest, until they have lost their original taste properties.

However, if this is not possible, it is worth placing them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Remember that it is better not to leave them there for more than one day.

When starting to prepare compote, you need to carefully process the fruits, weed out damaged and wormy berries, and throw out the leaves. The selected cherries should be carefully washed in cold water.

Then you need to remove the bones from the berries. This is done with special equipment. At this time, the hostess can do other useful things.

Another indisputable advantage is that this method leaves almost no pollution in the kitchen. It's okay if you don't have such a mechanism. You can cope with the task manually using an ordinary pin or any other thin oblong object.

After the preparatory procedures, you can place the berries in a sterilized three-liter jar. Then you need to immediately pour boiling water. Be sure to remember the precautions.

If possible, hot liquid should not touch the walls of the can, otherwise there is a risk of explosion from thermal exposure.

Pour boiling water very carefully, in a thin stream to the neck. Then the jar must be closed with a pre-sterilized lid.

Wait about thirty minutes for the container to cool down. After this time, drain all the water into the prepared pan. To do this as accurately as possible, you can use a special metal or plastic cover with holes.

Make sure that it is as close as possible to the neck of the jar. Add the required amount of sugar to the drained liquid. Thus, a sweet syrup is prepared. It should be boiled for about five minutes. After this time period, pour the syrup into a jar of fruits to the level of its shoulders.

The compote is ready to roll. After completing all the necessary procedures, turn the containers upside down and cover with thick towels in several layers. Thus, a process equivalent to classical sterilization takes place.

So, the drink is completely ready for long-term storage! It remains only to wait for the cold winter days to get it from the mezzanine and enjoy the alluring taste of summer.

Compote for the winter from cherries and cherries

Remember that you can always add a little variety to cooking. An excellent solution would be a combination of cherries and. It will turn out a very rich taste and aroma that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Rosemary can be added for even more "brightness". Such an unusual combination will create the atmosphere of a real summer holiday in the middle of a cold winter.

For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of cherries.
  • 1 cup cherry.
  • 1 cup of sugar.
  • 5 g pectin.
  • 1 branch of rosemary.
  • 4 glasses of water.

So let's get started. First of all, you need to sort out the berries, remove all damaged and wormy fruits. Then you need to thoroughly rinse them under cold water and remove the tails.

After that, you need to finely chop the rosemary. Then mix it together with berries and pectin. Separately, you need to prepare a sweet syrup. After it has been infused for 15 minutes, place the berries in it.

It should have a very thick consistency. If necessary, you can add a little water. When everything is ready, you can proceed to sterilization. It takes from 5 to 7 minutes.

Ready! Delicious compote with a rich taste can be served at the table.

It is noteworthy that this is not a complete list of recipes. You can show imagination and use many other ingredients. Do not be afraid to experiment and please the household with new dishes.

In the process of cooking, always remember the basic rules listed at the beginning of the article. Do not neglect these tips and then you will always have a tasty and high-quality product on your table. Choose only ripe fruits, make sure they are not damaged.

Bon appetit!

Cherry compote is the most delicious and favorite, like cherry jam with pits for the winter. It turns out like two in one, first the cherry juice itself is drunk, and later you can feast on the cherries themselves. The process of harvesting cherry compote for the winter is simple, and the amount of time spent depends on the berries you have. This is a proven, very tasty and simple recipe for cherry compote for the winter. It will take you only 30 minutes to spin such a cherry compote.

Fragrant cherry compote is great for maintaining immunity during the winter cold. It can be boiled with raspberries or other original ingredients can be added: rosemary, pectin. At the same time, sterilization of cans before seaming can be omitted.

You can also prepare a vitamin drink in containers with different volumes. For example, it is better to roll up a thick compote with seeds in small jars, it is better to pour compote with a large volume of liquid into 3-liter jars. The recipe below will help you easily and simply prepare a delicious compote of cherries for the winter.

Cherry compote - the easiest recipe

Ingredients (calculation is given for one 3-liter jar):

  • Water - 2.5 liters;
  • Cherry - 500 g;
  • Sugar - 300 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the cherries, removing overripe, spoiled and pecked by birds fruits. Rinse thoroughly to remove all debris. Put on a towel so that water is glassed from the fruits;
  2. Wash and sterilize jars. There are different ways to do this. Can be sterilized with steam. To do this, pour water into the pan, put a colander on it, and put the jar in it with the neck down. The water will boil and the jar will be exposed to steam. It is believed that if the jar is hot when touched from the outside, then it is ready for canning;
  3. You can pour 1/3 of boiling water into a jar. Soak the water for 15 minutes and then drain. So that the jar does not burst, put a tablespoon in it, and pour boiling water in small portions through the spoon. You can sterilize jars by putting them in the oven;
  4. We are preparing the lids, and we will use metal lids that are twisted using a seaming machine. I also wash them, then put them in a pot of water. Bring the water to a boil, and boil the lids for 10 minutes;
  5. Pour cherries into prepared jars. It takes about 500 g per jar. But in order not to weigh it every time, you can use a glass as a measure. You will need 3 glasses per jar. And you can make it even easier, just pour 1/3 of a part of cherries into each jar;
  6. To boil water. For each jar, we need about 2.5 liters. It is best to use spring water, or filtered in extreme cases;
  7. Pour water over the cherry to the very edge, cover with a lid. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes;
  8. Then drain the water into the pan, using a lid with holes for this;
  9. Pour sugar into the pan, at the rate of 300 g per jar. Boil;
  10. Pour the resulting syrup into a jar in such a way that when closing with a metal lid, part of the syrup merges. So we will be sure that there is no air left in the bank;
  11. Close the jar with a seaming machine;
  12. Turn the jar upside down and cover with a blanket;
  13. Maintain in this position for 1-2 days. Under the blanket, natural sterilization will occur. In addition, if the jar is not tightly closed, we will see in time that it is leaking. Such a jar should be opened, pour the contents along with the fruits into a saucepan, boil for 10 minutes, pour it back into the jar and twist again. Or just have a drink;
  14. Then turn the jars over and leave for observation for 2-3 weeks. During this time, and for the entire storage period, the lid must not be lifted. If this happens, then it should be poured.

Cherry compotes are distinguished by the fact that they are quite “not capricious” compared to other fruits. And because of this, they almost never "explode", and their lids do not rise. Maybe that's why they are very fond of harvesting.

How to make cherry compote without sterilization

There are many different recipes for making a fragrant drink. You can even cook several varieties of cherry compote for the winter without sterilization, and then choose the one you like. Remember that if you do not remove the seeds from the berries, then this will shorten the shelf life of the drink.

Such compote will need to be consumed within a year after preparation, otherwise substances harmful to health will be released in it. Before you close cherry compote for the winter without sterilization, you need to prepare such products for a pair of three-liter jars.


  • Water - 5.5 l.;
  • Sugar sand - 600 g;
  • Cherries - 600 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the berries thoroughly, let them drain in a colander. Cut off the ponytails;
  2. To make the cherries give more juice, pierce each of them with a toothpick;
  3. Prepare and sterilize containers and lids in advance. Spread cherries over them. Sprinkle the berries with sugar;
  4. Put water on fire and wait until it boils. Pour boiling water over the jars so that the cherries with sugar are completely covered. Cover loosely with lids to saturate the syrup with juice;
  5. After 10 minutes, boil the water that remains in the pan again. Pour it so that the jars are as full as possible. Spin immediately;
  6. Place the jars upside down, wrap in a warm blanket. Return them to their normal position when cool. Until winter, store cherry compote in the dark. It is not necessary to clean it in the cellar. The shelf life of such a drink is no more than one year.

Fragrant cherry compote for the winter - a recipe for a 3 liter jar

The number of products is indicated for a three-liter jar. For your volume of berries, calculate for yourself how much fragrant and bright cherry drink you will get.


  • Water - 3 liters;
  • Cherry - 350 g;
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare all the required products according to the list. Rinse the berries well. Release, if necessary, from twigs, it is not necessary to remove the seeds from the berry;
  2. Rinse the 3 liter jar thoroughly. Sterilize in the usual way for you;
  3. Measure the required amount of berries. Pour into a heat-treated jar. Send sugar after her;
  4. Pour boiling water, immediately roll up under a metal lid;
  5. Put the rolled cans upside down;
  6. Close everything with a thick thick towel. This step must be completed so that the compote is gradually cooled, but at the same time quickly saturated with the aroma and juice of the berry;
  7. Cherry compote from the site is ready. In a day, it will acquire the usual color of bright red. Good luck with your compote.

Assorted cherries with apples - recipe without sterilization

Cherry compote for the winter is harvested by many housewives. It has a rich color and a sour-sweet taste. And if cherries are supplemented with apples, the compote becomes even more fragrant, with a pleasant apple aftertaste. A compote of apples and cherries is being prepared for the winter without sterilization, using the double filling method.

With such heat treatment, fruits and berries retain their natural taste and the maximum amount of vitamins. In addition, you do not have to worry about the safety of homemade workpieces - conservation is excellent throughout the year.

For preservation, apples of any variety are suitable, especially white filling and apple-pear. As for cherries, it is best to take a ripe berry of late varieties such as Hungarian or Vladimir. She has a dark, almost black color, due to which the compote will turn out to be a beautiful, very saturated color. The most convenient container for seaming is 3-liter cans, so the ingredients are indicated based on just such a volume.


  • Water - 2.7 liters;
  • Cherry - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Apples 2-3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. To begin with, we wash the apples under running water, cut out the core and cut into 6-8 parts. We also wash the cherries, remove the tails and leaves, if any. We leave the berries whole, with seeds;
  2. We sterilize the jars, and then fill them with cherries and apples - the fruit part should be about 1/3 or 1/4 of the jar;
  3. Bring pure spring or filtered water to a boil. Pour boiling water over the contents of the jars. Attention! In order to prevent the container from cracking from hot water, we put a knife blade under the bottom of the cans. Pour water under the very neck. In this case, a different amount of liquid can go from 2.5 to 2.9 liters, depending on how much fruit is in the jar. We cover the jars with lids and leave to evaporate for 20 minutes (you can cover with a blanket);
  4. Then we drain the water from the cans into the pan (it can turn dark, even black) and bring it to a boil again. In the meantime, we pour sugar into jars of fruit at the rate of 1 cup for each 3-liter jar;
  5. Pour the boiled water back into the jars. We roll them up with sterilized lids and turn them upside down;
  6. We cover the finished compote with a warm blanket and leave it upside down until it cools completely. After a day, we remove the jars for storage in the cellar or in another cool place.

Compote of cherries with apples - the second recipe

If the year turned out to be fruitful for cherries, then try to preserve compote from cherries and apples for the winter. Such a drink is an excellent alternative to store-bought juices and fruit drinks, because you know what it is made from. It is difficult to specify the amount of sugar exactly, because cherries and apples can be different in sweetness, if they are slightly sour, then a little more sugar will be needed.

Before starting the preservation process, you need to make sure that the fruits and berries are in excellent condition, otherwise the rot will ruin everything. Cherry fruits can be used frozen if the season for fresh berries has already passed. So, for cooking, you should stock up on products in such quantities.

Ingredients (for 2 cans of 1 liter and 1.25 liter):

  • Water - 2 liters;
  • Cherry - 500 g;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Citric acid - 2 pinches;
  • Apples - 500 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare cherries and apples for cooking compote. Wash the cherries thoroughly, sort them out, removing spoiled berries, ponytails, twigs and other debris. There are no special requirements for the variety of cherries. Wash the apples well too;
  2. Cut the apples into 4 parts, remove the seed box and cut the pieces into small slices. By the way, any variety of apples will do; you can use the fruits of both the new and last year's harvest;
  3. Washed cherries with pits and pieces of apples send to the pan. You can also cook compote in a slow cooker;
  4. Pour granulated sugar into the pan, calculate the amount based on the sweetness and ripeness of the ingredients, as well as personal preferences - not everyone likes sweet compote syrup. Also add a couple of pinches of citric acid or a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice;
  5. Fill the saucepan with cherries and apples to the top with water, put on fire and wait for it to boil. After that, cook the compote over low heat until the apples soften;
  6. Compote jars must be sterilized, so wash them thoroughly and hold them over steam for 5-7 minutes. Pour the compote of cherries and apples along with the fruits into jars;
  7. Holding the hot jars with a towel, tighten the lids tightly or roll up. Turn over and leave the workpieces to cool completely, then put them in a cool, dark place for storage.

Cherry compote with cherry pits for the winter

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For those who are wondering: How to make cherry compote for the winter? I offer my tried and tested recipe. It is prepared quite simply, without any sterilization, cherries are used with seeds, compote is perfectly stored in a city apartment. The only condition: this blank can not be stored for more than a year! Cherry for compote is suitable for any variety, but it turns out especially tasty from the Pink Flask cherry variety. I give the calculation of products for 1 three-liter jar of compote.


To prepare cherry compote for the winter, you will need:

cherry with a stone - 400 g;

sugar - 1 glass;

water - 2.5-2.6 liters.

Glass - 250 ml.

Cooking steps

Pour boiling water into the jar up to half, shake the jar gently so that the sugar dissolves as much as possible. Cover the jar with a lid and leave for 40 minutes.

Then pour boiling water into the jar to the top and immediately roll up. Turn the jar of cherry compote over and wrap it with a warm blanket. Leave the compote for self-sterilization under the covers until it cools completely. If you notice a little undissolved sugar at the bottom, shake the jar a little and that's it. Compote will be stored perfectly, checked! This is how easy it is to prepare the most delicious cherry compote for the winter.

Cherry compote is loved not only by adults, but also by children. With proper preparation, it has a rich, bright taste with a pleasant sourness. Cherry compote is always refreshing and has a healing effect. The best recipes for this drink are presented in this article.

Sterilization takes a lot of time and effort of hostesses. In addition, this is not the safest process for preparing compote or any other preservation, so recently recipes for compotes without sterilization have become increasingly popular. Below is a simple recipe that has stood the test of time.

  • Cherry - 3 full glasses;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Water - 2.5 l;
  • Mint or Melissa - 1 sprig.

Most often, an average of 300 g of sugar is taken per kilogram of berries. However, if desired, you can put more or less sugar in the compost, as you like!


  1. Cherries must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of stalks, adhering dirt, leaves. Bones are removed at will.
  2. Bring water to a boil on fire.
  3. Banks are thoroughly washed (preferably with soda) and scalded with boiling water.
  4. The berries are laid out in jars. One 3 liter container should have an average of 3 cups. If you put more, the compote will be concentrated and will have to be diluted with water in winter.
  5. Also put in jars 1 sprig of mint. Before that, it must be thoroughly washed so that it is clean, without sand, dust, otherwise the preservation will explode.
  6. Add 1 cup of sugar to each container. If desired, you can put it less - it's a matter of taste. 1 glass is the golden mean, the drink is moderately sweet.
  7. Now you need to fill the jars halfway with boiling water, which was heated on fire. Water should be just boiled, it is desirable that the boiling process lasts at least 3 minutes! Banks are covered with lids and left for about a quarter of an hour.
  8. After that, you can get the mint, and add boiling water to the top of the neck. The compote is corked with boiled lids and put to cool with the shoulders down, under the coverlet.

If you don’t like mint, you can replace it with lemon balm or don’t put spices in a jar at all. It won't ruin the taste.

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Below is another option for making cherry compote without sterilization with seeds.

Ingredients (per 3 liter jar):

  • Pitted cherries - 3 cups;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Water - 2.5 liters.


  1. Cherry is thoroughly washed, any excess dirt is removed. If there are damaged berries, rotten, spoiled, they need to be removed!
  2. Banks are washed with soda, thoroughly washing out from the inside! Then it is advisable to scald them with boiling water so as not to sterilize.
  3. Water is boiled in a wide saucepan, when it boils, it is necessary to put the cherries that will be used for compote in a sieve and scald them in this water.
  4. Ready, scalded berries are sent to jars and covered with a lid.
  5. Sugar is poured into the pan in which the berries were scalded, brought to a boil and poured into jars. Water should fill the jar to the top!
  6. After pouring water, it is necessary to immediately cork the jar with lids, turn it over and determine for further cooling under a blanket.

The advantage of concentrated compotes is that from 1 jar you can get 2 or even 3 cans of a quality drink. They are usually made in liter jars, but if desired, you can take any other containers in terms of volume.

  • Cherry - 0.9-1 kg;
  • Sugar - 500 g;
  • Water.


  1. The berries are thoroughly washed and laid out in washed jars. You need to pour them so that they fill the container up to the shoulders.
  2. Water is brought to a boil in a saucepan and poured into jars. Cover them with lids and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. After the time has elapsed, the water is drained, sugar is added to it and brought to a boil again. When there are no grains left at the bottom of the saucepan, you can pour the syrup into jars and cork them.

The last stage of canning is to put the jars upside down with lids, cover with warm material and allow to cool completely. Then you can remove the concentrated compote in the pantry.

Adherents of healthy nutrition will like cherry compote, made without sugar at all. Such a drink is desirable to use in the first year after preparation.


  • Cherry - 1 kg;
  • Cloves - 4-5 sticks;
  • Vanilla - 1 pinch;
  • Allspice - 3-4 peas;
  • Water - 1 l.


  1. The berries are thoroughly washed under running water and laid out in jars.
  2. In a separate container, mix water and spices, bring to a boil.
  3. After the water with spices has boiled for 3 minutes, it is removed from the stove and poured into jars.
  4. It remains only to sterilize the compote and cork it after that with lids. Sterilization time depends on the size of the jars. 0.5-liter jars are boiled in water for 15 minutes, liter ones - 20 minutes, and a whole half hour is allotted for a 3-liter jar.
  5. The finished preservation is turned upside down and cooled under the covers.

In principle, any cherry compote for the winter can be made without sugar. It will keep well, especially if you add citric acid to each jar at the tip of a knife. And in winter, before serving, you can add a little honey to the drink to make it sweet.

The spices in this recipe can be replaced with any other that you like. The main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity, so that the taste of the drink does not become tart or even bitter!

Pitted compote has a richer taste. The reason is that the berries are cut, and more juice is released. The recipe below is prepared not only with cherries, but also with currants, which makes compote even more useful.

Ingredients (per 3 liter jar):

  • Cherry - 2 cups pitted;
  • Currant - 250 g;
  • Sugar - 450 g;
  • Water - 2.7 liters.

Currants in this recipe can be replaced with any fruit or berries. A good option would be apples, blackberries, apricots, cherries.


  1. The berries are washed out, and the jars are cleaned with soda. If desired, they can be sterilized or simply scalded with boiling water.
  2. When the containers are clean, berries are scattered in them up to the shoulders and poured with boiling water along the upper edge. It is advisable to cover the jars with lids so that the water does not cool quickly.
  3. After 10 minutes, the water is drained into the pan, sugar is added to it. When it dissolves, the syrup is distributed into jars, rolled up and cooled upside down.

You can make this compote in smaller containers by volume. And to understand how many ingredients you need in a particular case, you just need to count. For example, for a liter jar, the amount of each ingredient is divided by 3 - these will be the correct proportions.

Unlike simple cherries, felt cherries have a very delicate pulp structure. In banks, she does not keep her shape. But since her taste is very bright, sweet, many hostesses still use felt cherries to prepare compotes for the winter. But it is recommended to remove the bones from it in advance, so that later you do not look for them in a glass.

Ingredients (per liter jar):

  • Fresh cherry - 800 g;
  • Sugar - 400 g;
  • Water - 1 l.


  1. The berries are washed and freed from the drupes.
  2. Banks are washed, sterilized and prepared berries are scattered in them.
  3. A syrup is prepared on fire from water and sugar, when the grains are completely dissolved, the syrup is poured into jars along the upper edge.
  4. Now you need to cover the jars with lids and sterilize them for 20 minutes (liter jars).
  5. After sterilization, the compote is immediately corked and turned upside down. It should cool down under a warm blanket or blanket.

Only the best berries are selected for canning, without damage. They should not be crumpled, otherwise the compote may explode.

Cherry compote is a healthy drink for the whole family. You can do it in summer, autumn or winter. It is suitable for any festivities and a simple, family dinner. Due to the fact that cherries are not boiled during cooking, they retain all vitamins and minerals, so the drink is not only tasty, but also healthy!
