
List of the best palm oil-free and GMO-free milk formulas: choosing a safe food for newborns. The Best Palm Oil-Free Baby Formulas

Mother's milk is the perfect product for the baby. What should I do if it is unavailable for some reason? The high calcium content in cow's and goat's milk puts a heavy burden on the baby's kidneys, so they are not suitable for nutrition. Artificial mixtures are the only possible option for a complete diet for a baby up to 6 months. Their composition is being improved every year and raises many doubts not only among parents, but also among specialists in neonatology and pediatrics.

Why are vegetable fats added to baby food?

Especially a lot of controversy arises about vegetable oils, which are legally allowed to be used in dairy products for infants. They are added to enrich the fatty acid compositions that are necessary for the formation of the nervous system and brain of the baby.

The recommended level of dietary fats in the diet of a baby up to a year is from 45% to 50%. Why are vegetable fats added to baby food? Because animal lipids contain a lot of cholesterol, they cause indigestion. In plant foods, the cholesterol content is negligible, they contain many useful substances, the body absorbs them almost completely. In addition, they are stored for a long time and have a low price.

Fatty acids of palm, sunflower, rapeseed, coconut, soy are used in women's milk substitutes.

What is the value and harm of palm oil?

The use of palm oil in baby food raises many questions. They began to add it because of the content in it of a record amount of palmitic acid - a special substance that is also present in breast milk. The percentage of palmitic acid in mother's milk is 25%, in palm fat - 45%. That's just the lack of the necessary enzymes in the baby's body does not allow this beneficial substance to be absorbed. As a result, it forms insoluble compounds that can lead to colic, flatulence and constipation.

This substance has a high content of vitamin E and enzymes. But when refined, it loses its useful properties. Its lipids cannot be called easily digestible - it contains refractory substances that form a bond with calcium. In the intestines of an infant, such food turns into soap, and calcium is excreted in the stool without saturating the bone tissue with minerals. There is scientific evidence that feeding a baby for 3-4 months with products containing the fat of this culture reduces the strength of the skeletal system by 10%.

Oil palm oil has a low content of the most valuable essential acids - linoleic and alpha - linoleic - only 9%. For comparison: in sunflower it is 62%. This substance is also half composed of fatty acids, similar in composition to animal fat. Thanks to these properties, it is stored for a long time, without loss of taste and aromatic properties. But it is a large amount of these substances that leads to atherosclerosis.

What other arguments are there for palm oil free infant formula? There is evidence from research that suggests that palm oil in infant formula can lead to obesity and diabetes. This substance is found in many products for children: ice cream, cookies, cottage cheese.

How to choose baby food

What to look for when buying a box of nutrition for an infant? After all, the health of the baby depends on the right mixture for the newborn. First, carefully study the composition on the label. If it includes a substitute for milk fat, vegetable oils without specifying the name, then, with a high probability, the product contains palm substances. Secondly, carefully choose the brand, giving preference to trusted manufacturers. Thirdly, the purchase should be made in accordance with the age of the child.

With a huge assortment, it is quite difficult to choose blends without palm oil. The fact is that they have a serious drawback - they have a high cost.

Here is a list of palm fat-free infant formulas:

  1. NENNY. New Zealand product based on whole goat milk, vegetable lipids, marine fish oil. This composition does not cause allergies, and the prebiotics included in the composition ensure good digestion. Recommended for children prone to spitting up.
  2. NAN- developed by NESTLE, the products contain vitamins, lactobacilli, microelements. The product has an optimal hypoallergenic composition, budget price, good quality.
  3. Semilak Premium- Irish infant formula, included in the list of products without palm oil and GMOs. The composition contains maltodextrin, which has a high energy value. Does not cause colic and gas formation. Well absorbed.

Many manufacturers of breast milk substitutes include structured palm fatty acids in their products, preserving the good properties and minimizing the harmful ones. These are the companies included in the rating of the most popular, producing "Baby", "Agusha" "Hipp", goat milk mixtures "Cabrita" "Nutrilon", "Nestozhen".

What little-known companies produce palm oil-free infant formula?

  • This is a Ukrainian brand
  • Danish
  • French "MD Mil".

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Pediatricians also join in the opinion that modern products for babies are relatively safe. So, O. A. Komarovsky in the programs advises parents to choose products based on the family budget and the state of health of the newborn.

In his opinion, palm oil in mixtures does not cause adverse reactions, provided that the products are manufactured in accordance with all standards. According to him, the activities of manufacturers of products for children are controlled at the state level, and the ingredients that make up the composition are recommended by Russian and international organizations. Also, a well-known pediatrician claims that the doctor who observes the child from birth should recommend the baby's diet, especially if there are developmental disorders.

A well-known opinion of Dr. Komarovsky is the statement that for children under one year old, any mixture of good quality is better than whole or diluted milk of animal origin. The main criterion that the baby's diet is chosen correctly is the optimal weight gain, normal stool, and general well-being. Allergies, obesity, indigestion are largely associated with an increase in the daily caloric intake.

And one more thing: if artificial milk is suitable for a child, you should not change it for another, even the most expensive and prestigious one.

The content of GMOs in foods for babies

Parents should think about more than just palm oil in infant formula. Today, the benefits and harms of genetically modified foods are widely discussed. There are two points of view: the first argues that products with an extra inserted gene are absolutely safe and necessary. The second opinion, based on animal experiments, says that the use of such products leads to allergies, developmental disorders and even infertility. Since the research is local and the results are not advertised, non-GMO products should be preferred.

From the point of view of Dr. Komarovsky, the danger of such products is exaggerated and caused by prejudices and clash of interests of food concerns. The altered gene cannot damage a person's DNA if it enters through the stomach. However, in many countries such products are prohibited, especially for pregnant and lactating mothers and children.

It is impossible to determine the content of a harmful substance in domestic conditions. Even such large manufacturers as Nestle, Similak, Hipp, Danone were suspected by Greenpeace of using products with GMOs. Many manufacturers, especially Russian ones, do not provide information about the presence of a dubious substance. It remains only to hope for the honesty of manufacturers and strict control by the state. In the meantime, you need to carefully study the labels, check the composition and be aware of the latest in food engineering.

What danger is fraught with mixtures with palm oil and GMOs. Expert opinion and expert advice on choosing safe substitutes.

Breast milk is a unique product created by wise nature. It contains all the substances necessary for the baby: fats and trace elements, vitamins and food enzymes. Receiving mother's milk, the child grows and develops correctly. But what if, for some reason, breastfeeding is not possible? The way out is to use adapted infant formulas. At the same time, caring parents want their child to receive high-quality baby food without palm oil and GMOs.

What do experts think about this and what products do they recommend? Why is palm oil dangerous and why do manufacturers add it to products for children?

Why Choose Non-GMO Palm Oil Blend

Most breast milk substitutes contain palm oil. Why is it added to infant formula? Breast milk is saturated with fats (fatty acids), there are more than a dozen of them. Palmitic or hexadanoic acid makes up 1/4 of all fats in breast milk.

And fats are both building blocks for cells and the most important energy resource for the body. And in order to bring the composition of artificial substitutes closer to breast milk, vegetable and milk fats are introduced into them. Palm oil is most often used for this purpose, it is obtained from the fruits of the oil palm. It is characterized by a high content of hexanoic acid.

But a cautious, and sometimes very negative attitude has formed towards products with palm oil. Indeed, an excess of fatty acids and cholesterol, and a rather high melting point in the body, makes this component not the best in baby food. In addition, studies have found that this product interferes with the normal absorption of calcium, which negatively affects the growth and development of the child, worsens the functioning of the baby's digestive system.

Therefore, most parents choose infant formula without palm oil. But in addition to it, other components that pose a danger to the health of the newborn can be added to substitutes. For example, genetically modified ingredients. How to choose high-quality and safe food for babies? What to pay attention to?

Types of baby formula without palm oil

Experts say: when using baby food without palm and coconut oil, the absorption of calcium and fats by the body of newborns is significantly improved by about 20-25%. And specialists from the Research Institute of Nutrition (Moscow) say that infant formulas with palm oil are quite safe and recommend them for feeding children up to a year and older. The main thing is that the manufacturer does not exceed the allowable dosage of the components.

According to the composition of the product, artificial milk substitutes are divided into the following types:

  • antireflux;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • with prebiotics;
  • low-lactose - or lactose-free;
  • soy;
  • fermented milk.

Anti-reflux substitutes are recommended for newborns who experience frequent regurgitation during feeding. Hypoallergenic are prescribed for children who are at risk of possible food allergies. Foods with prebiotics have a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. If an infant is lactose intolerant, low-lactose or lactose-free substitutes are prescribed.

Which infant formula does not contain palm oil

Only 2 manufacturers do not use palm oil in the production of their products, manufactured under the brands and Nanny. Nutrilon, Kabrita and Heinz went the other way. Their products contain beta-palmitate - a substance with a modified structure of palmitic acid. Thanks to this, calcium is absorbed much better, which has a beneficial effect on bone mineralization, as well as the mental and physical development of infants.

Palm oil is completely eliminated in the production of Similac and Nanny infant formulas

List of palm oil-free infant formulas

If you are interested in a list of safe baby food without pure palm oil, we can recommend:

  • Nanny. Produced in New Zealand. Hypoallergenic product based on goat milk;
  • Similac. Produced in Denmark. Contains elements useful for digestion;
  • Heinz. Created in the USA. Enriched with elements that activate digestion;
  • Kabrita. The product is produced in the Netherlands, contains omega acids and beneficial bacteria;
  • Nutrilon. Contains prebiotics. Produced in the Netherlands.

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Unfortunately, there are no domestic brands among the presented manufacturers, and the price of the presented brands is quite high. But if you care about the health of the child, then at least during the first 6 months, try to buy high-quality and safe food for the crumbs.

Best Baby Formula

In a range of palm fat free formulas, you can choose food for both healthy babies and children with allergies and for those who are too small or lactose intolerant, there are dysfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract.

Consider the main characteristics of baby formulas of Similac brand palm oil bases:

Name of blend without palm oil Characteristics Child's age
Similac Premium 1, 2, 3 Added prebiotics and probiotics. The mixture is enriched with minerals and macronutrients. As close as possible to breast milk. Beneficial effect on digestion from 0 to 18 months
Similac 1, 2 Recommended for healthy formula-fed/mixed-fed babies. Enriched with prebiotics. from 6-12 months
Similac GA 1, 2 Hypoallergenic adapted blend. Normalizes digestion, improves immunity. It is prescribed for possible food allergies and for preventive purposes. from 6-12 months
Similac PediaSure vanilla, chocolate With prebiotics and vitamin-mineral complex. Improved taste. from 12 months
Similac Isomil Formulated with soy protein with antioxidants & prebiotics. Reduces regurgitation, prevents gas formation and colic. Recommended for newborns with cow's milk protein allergy and lactose intolerance.
Similac Low lactose Contains prebiotics. Normalizes digestion. For newborns negatively reacting to lactose.
Similac 1 Antireflux Enriched with a complex of nutrients. Normalizes the work of the digestive tract. For newborns with frequent regurgitation.
Similac NeoSure Enriched with a full range of nutrients. Promotes the rapid growth of the child. Premature and low birth weight babies born weighing less than 1.8 kg.

Palm oil-free infant formulas are available in Nanny's goat's milk based product line. This healthy milk is closer in composition to breast milk than cow's milk. Thanks to the balanced protein and the prebiotics included in the composition, such nutrition will be useful for healthy babies and babies with low weight or with prematurity.

What is the best infant formula? Experts recommend those that contain prebiotics and vitamin-mineral complexes. At the same time, do not forget about the individual characteristics of the baby. And in order not to make a mistake when choosing baby food, be sure to consult a pediatrician.


In order for your baby to grow up healthy and develop properly, give preference to baby milk formulas without palm oil. This will contribute to the full absorption of calcium, will favorably affect the digestion process and support the baby's immunity. Substitutes of this type are recommended for children from birth to 18 months.

Of the best all-purpose blends without palm oil, we recommend the following:

  • Similac Premium;
  • Similac Isomil;
  • Similac 1 Antireflux;
  • Nanny Classic.

Russian buyers are also offered adapted substitutes with a modified structure of palm oil, the component is indicated in the composition as beta palmitate. Such products are produced by Heinz, Kabrita, Nutrilon. These substitutes are close to breast milk in composition, do not contain GMOs, and therefore are completely safe for children.

Infant formulas for newborns are as close as possible to mother's milk in composition, all components meet the needs of a young organism. But what does palm oil do in products for the smallest? According to experts, this substance, which contains a lot of cholesterol, provokes weight gain in crumbs.

Is a chubby baby healthy? Alas, fullness leads to numerous problems: here are diseases of the cardiovascular system, the threat of diabetes. Oil palm extract interferes with the good absorption of calcium, which leads to increased bone fragility. Do you want a healthy baby? Choose baby formula without palm oil!

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    Secrets of the mysterious oil

    But is everything so ominous? Why do manufacturers add this substance to the food intended for newborns, knowing about its shortcomings? Is palm oil really that dangerous?

    Why is it needed?

    Palm oil is made in hot tropical countries from the fruits of the oil palm. The finished product has a red color and is valued for the following qualities:

    1. 1. The extract is saturated with a large amount of carotenoids (natural pigments present in the tissues of animals and organisms). The benefits of carotenoids are enormous: they are powerful immunomodulators and antioxidants. Substances act as the body's defense against the formation of cancer cells and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.
    2. 2. Oil palm extract is a real Klondike of vitamins. It contains a large amount of vitamin B (tocopherol) - a free radical fighter and vitamin A (retinol).
    3. 3. Unlike the usual sunflower, olive and corn oil, palm oil has a high level of saturation (96%). It's very nutritious!

    This product is successfully used in the manufacture of various food products, in the cosmetic and perfumery sector - after all, the cost of palm oil is many times lower, it is beneficial for manufacturers.

    But why use such a substance in infant formulas? Breast milk is rich in fat. In order to bring the composition of baby milk food as close as possible to breast milk, oil extracts of natural products are included in the mixture.

    Palm oil compares favorably among analogues (corn, olive, sunflower, soybean, coconut, rapeseed). This product is the only natural ingredient that can provide palmitic acid to infant formulas.

    For maximum compatibility with breast milk, infant formula should contain 20-25% palmitic acid.

    Beware - danger!

    But pediatricians are sounding the alarm - palm oil is dangerous to health! It contains a large amount of saturated acids that cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the child's body (colic, constipation, discomfort when digesting food). Once in the intestines, oil palm extract thickens the stool and prevents the normal absorption of useful calcium.

    What threatens the regular use of nutrition with palm oil:

    • after 4-5 months, the mineral density of the baby's bone tissue will decrease significantly (by 10-12%);
    • with age, a child raised on a diet with palm oil will increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis (according to the observations of doctors, this disease is rapidly getting younger);
    • by the school period, such a baby will have problems in the musculoskeletal system (the risk of severe comminuted fractures, injury to cartilage and muscles will increase);
    • in children, the risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases and a serious disruption of the digestive system increases several times.

    Whether or not to give your baby food with palm oil is up to you. For those mothers who do not want to experiment with the health of their precious baby, the developers have created an expanded line of baby formulas without the content of a dangerous product.

    Safe Blends - Healthy Eating

    Palm oil-free, non-GMO infant formula is completely safe. Saturating the small body with all the important vitamins and fats, it does not provoke the development of gastrointestinal problems in infants. Such mixtures belong to the Premium Class segment and have the following advantages:

    1. 1. The bifidobacteria included in the diet (probiotics and prebiotics) form a healthy intestinal microflora in the newborn, supporting the proper development of the gastrointestinal tract.
    2. 2. The IQ complex, represented by lutein and Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, contributes to the full development of the brain, nervous system and organs of vision.
    3. 3. The required viscosity in the baby's ventricle is provided by the starch or gum included in the product.
    4. 4. Nutrition without the addition of oil palm extract contributes to the formation of strong immunity in a child.

    Important! Studies have shown that products for newborns without the use of oil palm extract increase the absorption of fat and calcium by the child's body by 25-30% (according to the Research Institute of Nutrition).

    Types of safe baby food

    It is not difficult to understand the vast world of children's products for the little ones. To make the right choice of a healthy formula, get acquainted with the main varieties of infant formula. Milk formula without palm oil is divided into the following types:

    • Antireflux. Designed specifically for babies suffering from constant regurgitation and colic. Such products are prescribed only by pediatricians, depending on the health of the baby.
    • Lactose free (or low lactose). Children's doctors recommend feeding newborns with such mixtures in the presence of lactose intolerance (milk sugar).
    • Hypoallergenic. Indicated for infants prone to allergic manifestations. And children at risk (if parents or siblings suffer from allergies).
    • Sour milk. Nutrition of this type is intended for babies with a violation or decrease in the function of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive problems (dysbacteriosis, stomach dyspepsia, colic, reduced immunity).
    • Soya. Medicinal mixtures created for feeding newborns suffering from celiac disease, galactosemia and atopic dermatitis caused by intolerance to cow's or goat's milk.
    • With prebiotics. Such milk mixtures help to improve and normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, improving intestinal peristalsis. This nutrition contributes to the formation of a complete intestinal microflora.

    For completely healthy kids, the developers have created a number of mixtures without palm oil with the addition of vanilla, chocolate. Such food is not only healthy, but also very tasty and satisfying.

    Review of the best infant formulas

    Only three leading manufacturers have completely removed oil palm extract from nutrition for newborns: Nanny, Nestlé and Similac. And the companies Heinz, Kabrita and Nutrilon approached this problem in a different way. They changed the structure of the beneficial palmitic acid found in palm oil.

    Infant formulas from these manufacturers contain beta palmitate. This is a unique substance that:

    • guarantees almost complete absorption of calcium;
    • contributes to the mineralization of the tissues of the skeletal system;
    • helps in the proper mental and physical development of the child.

    The following list of quality infant formulas will help parents navigate the world of healthy infant nutrition without the content of a dangerous product. Here are products designed for completely healthy babies and for babies suffering from allergies, lactose intolerance, and gastrointestinal problems.

    Mixes from the company Similac

    The product's name a brief description of Age category
    Similac Premium (Similac Premium) 1, 2, 3 The composition includes micro and macro elements, minerals, bifidobacteria (pro- and prebiotics). The mixture regulates and improves digestion, its composition is as close as possible to mother's milk.From birth to 18 months
    Similac 1, 2 With a complex of prebiotics, nutrition designed to feed healthy babiesFrom birth and for babies 6-12 months
    Similac GA (Similac QA) 1.2 A dairy product designed for allergic babies. The components included in the composition carry out the prevention of food allergies, normalize the digestive system and improve immunity.For newborns and toddlers 6-12 months
    Similac PediaShu (Similac PediaSure) with chocolate and vanilla The composition includes a balanced mineral-vitamin complex and bifidobacteria. The product is intended for feeding healthy children. Differs in attractive aroma and the increased palatability.For children from the age of one
    Similac Isomil (Similac Isomil) The blend includes antioxidants, prebiotics and soy protein. This food prevents the appearance of colic, gas formation, regurgitation. Improves the work of the digestive tract, helps in the harmonious development of the baby.For newborn babies with cow's milk allergy and lactose intolerance
    Similac (Similac) Low lactose Contains a balanced complex of prebiotics, improves digestion.From birth (for babies with lactose sensitivity)
    Similak 1 (Similac) Antireflux The composition includes a developed complex of nutrients necessary for health. The mixture normalizes the digestive tract.From birth (for children with colic and constant regurgitation)
    Similac NeoSure (Similac NeoSure) The product includes a complete, optimally designed complex of balanced nutrients. The mixture contributes to the good growth and development of the baby.From birth (for low birth weight) and for premature babies (less than 1.8 kg)

    NANNY and NESTLE products

    Food name a brief description of Age category
    NANNY 1 Classic (with prebiotics) A highly adapted mixture that helps the harmonious development of an infant by strengthening its immune system. Nutrition helps to cope with constipation, colic and gas formation.From birth to six months (suitable for children with allergies to cow's milk)
    NAN 1 (NAN) Premium (manufactured by Nestle) High-quality premium mixture, provides optimal mental and physical development of the crumbs. The composition includes live bifidobacteria, important minerals and a full range of essential vitamins. The product is also enriched with iron, which prevents the child from developing anemia.

Dairy and dairy-free formulas with prebiotics and probiotics based on high-quality vegetable fats are in the premium class. The absence of palm oil reduces the risk of side effects that traditional baby food often causes. For you - features of compositions without palm oil, an overview of popular brands.

Why You Shouldn't Buy Palm Oil Blends

Despite the rich chemical composition, the naturalness of the oily liquid, the product has many limitations for use in baby food. The results of studies show that the frequent use of mixtures with palm oil by a baby provokes a disruption in the functioning of various organs.

Main problems:

  • the higher melting point explains the poor digestibility of the oil. An unprocessed substance leaves the body, takes valuable vitamins and microelements with it;
  • violates the full absorption of calcium;
  • provokes the development of endocrine diseases, including diabetes;
  • causes bloating, colic in the smallest;
  • with frequent use, constipation develops;
  • the natural product settles on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing the gaps.

Why do manufacturers use palm oil despite the side effects? There are several reasons:

  • cheapness. Palm oil is purchased in tons, which significantly reduces the cost of production;
  • natural product extends the shelf life of baby food.

Buy mixtures with or without palm oil: it's up to the parents. A serious drawback of baby food containing more valuable oils (coconut, soy, sunflower) is the high price. Not all parents can afford to constantly buy baby food with a minimum of side effects. If possible, pediatricians strongly advise choosing formulations with oils that are easily absorbed by a small body.

Benefits and Benefits

Learn the features of dairy / dairy-free mixtures, cereals, purees, dairy products for babies up to a year old and older. Useful compositions are suitable for children of different ages.


  • easily absorbed by a tiny organism;
  • contain prebiotics and probiotics that support the composition of the intestinal microflora, populating the mucosa with beneficial bacteria;
  • vegetable oil complex improves calcium absorption;
  • products are less likely to provoke allergies. Some brands are made with goat's milk, which reduces the risk of negative reactions;
  • dairy and dairy-free formulations are enriched with lutein, vitamins, valuable acids, for the full development of vision, the brain.

Note! There are only two drawbacks to healthy types of baby food: high cost plus a limited list of brands. It is not always easy to find high-quality mixtures of foreign manufacturers in a pharmacy or supermarket without not very healthy palm oil.

List and features of baby food without palm oil

Before buying artificial/mixed feeding formulations, talk to your pediatrician to see which brand your doctor recommends. The pediatrician will offer products taking into account the characteristics of each baby. Popular brands: Nutrilon, Similak, Nutrilak, Heinz, Kabrita, Nanny, Nestozhen.

The rules for feeding each type of mixture are indicated on the packaging. Follow the instructions exactly, add a certain amount of boiled water, always sterilize bottles and other devices for children up to a year old.

Premium products Kabrita, Heinz and Nutrilon contain beta palmitate. This is a special type of palm oil with an artificially improved formula. The location of hexadecanoic acid has been changed for maximum similarity with breast milk. Transformations greatly increase the benefits of nutritious foods.

Goat milk products

High-quality nutrition with an IQ complex, a full range of vitamins, minerals, lutein, kartinin, a complex of vegetable fats. Nutritious, hypoallergenic mixtures have a composition as close as possible to mother's milk. Choose healthy foods for children prone to allergies, intestinal problems.



  • healthy premium products from New Zealand;
  • ecologically clean region plus 60% valuable goat milk;
  • baby food without sucrose, glucose contains a valuable carbohydrate - lactose;
  • beneficial effect on the work of a tiny organism, strengthens the digestive tract;
  • adapted mixtures are suitable for babies from birth.


  • Nanny Classic (for the little ones).
  • Nanny 1.2 3 for different ages - from birth, from six months, for little ones over a year old. The food is enriched with prebiotics.

Estimated price - from 1200 to 1500 rubles, depending on the weight and name.



  • Kabrita healthy baby formulas are produced by the baby food laboratory in the Netherlands;
  • base - goat's milk;
  • whey formulas are similar in quality to breast milk;
  • nutritious foods are enriched with probiotics and prebiotics, bifidobacteria, Omega-3 and 6 valuable acids;
  • the compositions contain a unique complex of vegetable fats Digest X. The patented mixture helps to absorb calcium more fully, normalizes digestion;
  • types: Kabrita Gold 1, 2, 3: (for newborns, children under and after 12 months);
  • good value for money nutritional formulations. Average prices - from 850 to 1800 rubles.



  • popular brand of quality baby food;
  • developers of useful products - Danish specialists;
  • the compositions contain an IQ complex for the development of the brain and vision, lutein, vitamins, a mineral complex, are easily digested;
  • products for different ages are presented: from 0 to 6 months, children up to a year, for 2, 3 years.


  • Premium. Maximum protection of the stomach, intestines.
  • Neoshur - for premature babies.
  • Comfort - with colic, bloating.
  • Izomil is a lactose-free composition for milk protein intolerance.
  • Hypoallergenic - with excessive sensitization of the body.

The cost depends on the volume of packaging (from 400 to 900 g), variety. The price of a jar of Similak baby food is from 750 to 1027 rubles.



  • well-known brand of baby food;
  • high quality products are made in Holland;
  • all formulations contain vitamins, prebiotics to strengthen immunity, the immunofortis complex;
  • the manufacturing company offers about ten types for healthy toddlers and babies with digestive problems, small allergies, debilitated and premature babies.


  • Nutrilon 1, 2 with immunofortis. For children from 0 to 6, from 6 to 12 months of the standard composition and for babies prone to allergies.
  • Nutrilon pre. Nutrient complex for small and premature babies provides intensive growth, full development.
  • Nutrilon is lactose free. Suitable from 0 to 12 months. The composition is recommended for lactose intolerance.
  • Nutrilon antireflux. Especially for babies suffering from frequent spitting up.
  • Nutrilon Comfort 1 and 2 with immunofortis. Components facilitate digestion with constipation and colic. Compositions from birth to six months (1), from 6 to 12 months (2).
  • Nutrilon pepti gastro. For problems with absorption of food.
  • Nutrilon pepti tsc. Combined composition for problems with the intestines, allergic reactions from birth to a year old.
  • Nutrilon soy. Adapted lactose-free formulas are indispensable for protein allergies. The product is suitable for babies from 0 to 12 months.
  • Nutrilon pepti allergy. With problems of absorption in the intestines, children with food allergies.

Price - from 440 to 1200 rubles.



  • well-known brand of baby food, high-quality Swiss product;
  • a rich assortment, taking into account the needs of a growing organism, there are compositions for babies from one to two years old;
  • for premature, weakened babies, the compositions of this brand have not yet been developed.


  • Unstable 1. Mixture for newborns. Strengthens the immune system, softens stools, develops the brain, saturates the body with valuable minerals, vitamins, taurine.
  • Unstable 2. Nutritional product for babies from six months to one year old. There are recipes without additives and with whole grains. Baby food with rice is a great option for evening feeding.
  • Unstable 3. A useful product for children from 12 to 18 months. The optimal content of dietary fiber, prebiotics, vegetable fats, amino acids, vitamins. The nutrient mixture has a positive effect on activity, appetite, and normalizes stool in a child. Regular use of the Nestogen 3 type allows you to safely cancel night feedings after 1 year for the baby.
  • Unstable 4. The composition is specially designed for older children. Offer healthy nutrition to the little one from 1.5 to 2 years.

The price depends on the name, ranges from 160 to 530 rubles.



  • American baby food. Excellent quality, rich assortment;
  • products contain sugar, which does not suit all parents. So far, there are no curds and yogurts in the line.


  • dairy and dairy-free nutritional mixtures;
  • juices;
  • vegetable puree;
  • gluten-free cereals;
  • mixtures of cereals with vegetables;
  • puddings;
  • soups;
  • cookie;
  • vermicelli for kids.

Premium quality products. Prices depend on the type of product, ranging from 40 rubles for a jar of vegetable puree to 175 rubles for pudding for babies.



  • another quality product from Denmark;
  • a balanced complex of vegetable fats, the presence of essential minerals, vitamins;
  • baby food meets WHO standards.

At the address, look at the calendar and schedule of vaccinations for children by age.


  • Mamex - for children from birth to six months, the maximum similarity with mother's milk.
  • Mamex Lactose free. Composition with maltodextrin, no lactose, easy to digest. The therapeutic mixture is recommended from birth for milk protein intolerance, diarrhea syndrome.
  • Mamex 2. Nutritional composition with oligosaccharides, minerals, vitamins. For babies from six months to 12 months.
  • Mamex 2 Night formula. Useful complex with iron, prebiotics, oligosaccharides, 15 minerals. Great option for the last feeding. The composition is nutritious, but does not burden the baby's gastrointestinal tract. Suitable for babies over six months old.

Average prices depending on the name - from 180 rubles.

Sour-milk mixtures

Products are easier to digest, less irritate the delicate stomach and intestines. Most well-known baby food companies have a line of fermented milk products for babies of different ages.

Popular mixtures with bifido- and lactobacilli, prebiotics and probiotics:

  • Nutrilak KM.
  • Nutrilak Premium fermented milk.
  • Nutrilon fermented milk.

Breastfeeding ensures the proper development of a healthy baby. Mother's milk is believed to provide support and protection against disease during growth. The opinions of modern mothers about what kind of baby food for newborns is better are divided. Those who are aware of the disadvantages of breastfeeding, or because of the lack of such an opportunity, are convinced of the correct use of mixtures.

Breast milk contains essential nutrients and substances. Their complex is necessary for the growth of the baby. The benefits of breastfeeding are not only immediate, but extend into the future. Its consequences are manifested in the future, positively affecting the child's body.


  • Breast milk is completely sterile, provides antimicrobial protection, and has the best temperature for feeding.
  • If the preparation of the mixture requires additional steps and compliance with the rules, then breastfeeding is always at hand.
  • Children grow strong, are not susceptible to infections, and digest the food they receive well.
  • Studies have shown that breastfed babies develop faster, have better memory and vision. They suffer less from cardiovascular and allergic diseases.

Modern women are convinced of the inconvenience that breastfeeding creates.

At the same time, they forget that there are benefits from the process for the mother, it is as follows:

What kind of baby food for newborns, which is better and more economical? Savings is a significant argument in favor of breastfeeding. The family budget is saved, breast milk does not require preparation, it is available.

Disadvantages of breastfeeding:

  • For the first 4 months, mom needs a strict diet that excludes raw vegetables and fruits, fried and spicy foods, and sweets. It has restrictions on the content of rice and pasta.
  • The baby may injure the nipple, causing pain to the mother. Requires treatment, compresses, protection during lactation.
  • Excess or stagnation of milk - situations that cause chest pain, fever. At the same time, it is undesirable for a woman to get sick during lactation, since it is forbidden to take any medications.
  • The breastfeeding period is dependent on a certain schedule, which cannot be changed. Mom is attached to the baby, cannot be away for more than 2-3 hours.
  • Psychological addiction to the process of feeding occurs not only in the baby, but also in the mother. A timely decision to transfer the child to another diet becomes difficult.

Artificial feeding

There are good reasons for formula feeding a baby.

Among them:

  • insufficiency or lack of milk in the breast;
  • difficult childbirth, when a woman needs time to recuperate;
  • compulsory medication;
  • infectious diseases in women.


The undeniable advantages of natural lactation cannot be denied, but modern infant formulas for feeding have their positive aspects.

  • It takes more time to digest the mixture. Feeding frequency is reduced.
  • Mom is more free, other family members or a nanny can feed the child.
  • Bottle feeding clearly shows the amount of food your baby needs. Health problems will be immediately noticeable by a decrease in appetite.
  • Your baby's allergies depend on food. A breastfeeding woman needs to completely revise her diet to identify the allergen. With artificial feeding, you just need to change the mixture.


Composition of adapted mixtures

Adapted mixtures have the correct ratio of whey and casein proteins, calcium, phosphorus.

The composition of modern adapted mixtures contains the following important elements:

  • Iodine. At the beginning of life, a child needs 100 micrograms of iodine to normalize metabolism.
  • taurine, polyunsaturated acids develop the nervous system, the functioning of the brain. The norm of taurine per day for newborns is up to 50 mg.
  • Nucleotides strengthen immunity.
  • Probiotics prebiotics, vitamins, minerals, lutein, dietary fiber.

Baby food for newborns contains proteins that are important for health and growth. To choose which is better, you should pay attention to their ratio of whey and casein proteins. Proportions: 80/20; 70/30; 60/40; 50/50 (the last value is acceptable, but not desirable).

Whey proteins should be more than casein. The composition at this ratio is similar in content and benefits to breast milk.

The ratio of Omega-6 acids to Omega-3 is within 10/1 or 7/1. Deviation from these proportions leads to a violation of the child's metabolism.

Adapted milk formulas:

  • Nestlé NAN;
  • Nutricia Nutrilon;
  • hipp;
  • semper;
  • Alfare (Nestlé);
  • baby;
  • enfamil;
  • Friso (Friso), Frisolac, Frisopep, Friso soy, Friso vom;
  • Nestogen.

Enriched blends

Feeding with the use of enriched mixtures nourishes and strengthens the health of the baby. Among them are compositions with an increased or reduced content of one or another element, which can adapt to the individual characteristics of the organism.

Hypoallergenic mixtures contain a split, partially processed protein. Nutrition is required for children prone to allergies and rashes. The composition has the designation "ON". Product representatives: hypoallergenic Nutrilon and NAN.

Soy lactose-free nutrition for newborns is applicable for difficulties with the absorption of proteins and lactose. This is Nutrilon Soy; NAN Lactose free; Phrysosa; Similac Isomil.

The mixture with bifidobacteria will solve the problems of the baby's digestion. Anti-reflux mixtures (AR), which include starch and gum, will help the baby with difficulties in digesting food. Among them: Enfamil AR, Nutilak AR, Nutrilon AR. For constipation, lactulose-enriched formulations with bifidobacteria are used, for example, Detolact Bifidus.

Mixtures enriched with additional iron content are used to increase hemoglobin levels, with iron deficiency, anemia. These are Similac Premium, Enfamil Premium.

Rating of adapted mixtures for newborns

  1. Nutrilon 1 Premium

Flaws: Contains no probiotics.

  1. Humana Expert 1

Flaws: without probiotics.

  1. NAN-1 Optipro
  • protein proportions 70/30, identical to early lactation, good for newborns;
  • probiotics, a complex of useful components;
  • no palm oil.

Flaws: increased levels of lactose; without prebiotics.

  1. Similac Premium 1
  • without palm oil;
  • minerals, vitamins, amino acids, nucleotides, probiotics, prebiotics.

Flaw: protein ratio 50/50, not recommended for newborns.

  1. Friso Frisolak 1

Flaw: without probiotics.

About palm oil and goat milk

Nutrition using goat's milk is a worthy competitor to other mixtures. It is similar to breast milk, does not cause allergies. Protein is easier to digest in the intestines, does not create a load on the stomach. Product examples: Nanny; Kabrita; Mamako.

Palm oil is a common ingredient in formula milks. It is most often accompanied by controversial opinions and numerous rumors.

Which baby food for newborns is better - without palm oil or with its content. Pediatricians advise mothers not to rush to conclusions and draw information only from trusted sources. The concept of "palm oil" can refer to products of various composition.

Oil for baby food goes through numerous stages of testing, purification, while maintaining its naturalness, and does not apply to technical oils. It is a natural herbal product derived from the fruit of the oil palm. Its natural property is the ability to long-term storage without oxidation, without chemical treatment.

Breast milk contains palmitic acid, which is necessary for the energy and health of the baby. Palm oil is a natural source of palmitic acid. It is added to milk formulas to create a composition identical to breast milk.

Palm oil contains:

  • Agusha;
  • Hipp (HiPP);
  • Bellakt;
  • Unstable;
  • Nan (Nan);
  • Baby.
  • Nanny;
  • Similac (Similac);
  • Kabrita;
  • Heinz;
  • Nutrilon (Nutrilon).

Cooking rules and feeding regimens

For dilution of mixtures, it is recommended to use natural, purified water. Compliance with the dosage is the main thing, since its change up and down leads to dyspeptic disorders and colic.

Warm water heated to 50 degrees is poured into a sterile bottle, then the mixture is diluted in it. Higher temperatures can destroy the beneficial properties of the mixture.

The mixture is stirred by shaking until a homogeneous consistency without lumps. Feeding temperature - not higher than 37 degrees. The hole should be optimal so that the child can get food with little effort. If the hole in the nipple is enlarged and the mixture flows out easily, the baby's stomach quickly stretches.

The feeding regimen and the amount of the mixture are calculated by the pediatrician. The calculation depends on the body weight, and not on the age of the child.

Weight Age Amount of formula per day
3.5 kg0-10 days70 ml
4-5 kg10 days-2 months1/5 of the child's weight
5-6 kg2-4 months1/6 weight
6-7 kg4-6 months1/7 weight
7-11 kg6-12 months1/8 weight

Overview of formulas for preterm infants

Small, premature babies have special nutritional needs. Special nutrition has been developed for such babies, which is determined by the prefix "Pre". These are more high-calorie formulations with an increased amount of protein substances.

There are more whey proteins in the formulations due to poor digestibility of casein and the occurrence of an amino acid imbalance in weak children. Baby food PreNAN, PreNAN 0 contains split protein, which facilitates digestion, eliminates the appearance of allergies.

Formulas for premature babies:

It is believed that to eliminate the risk of bacteria from the outside, it is better to use liquid formulas for feeding premature babies.

The feeding schedule depends on several factors:

  • the general condition of the child;
  • the level of prematurity;
  • newborn weight.

The norm of nutrition is 7 or 8 times a day, with a break of 3 hours. If the child cannot swallow or suck, feeding is done through a tube. As soon as the baby gets stronger, gradual feeding with mixtures or breast milk begins.

What baby food for newborns will be the best for a child, a pediatrician can advise. He will calculate the rate and schedule of feeding. Many mixtures have a similar composition and quality; for the right choice, you should rely on the health of the child, his age, tendency or resistance to allergies.

The new mixture is given in small portions, with a gradual increase, carefully observing the condition of the skin and the well-being of the baby.

Infant formula video for newborns

What is the best milk formula?

How to choose the right infant formula:
