
Establishment of a workshop for the production of cottage cheese. The traditional method of cottage cheese production technology

Cottage cheese is made from pasteurized and normalized whole and skimmed milk and buttermilk by fermenting with a starter prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria, with or without rennet, pepsin or calcium chloride solution, and then removing some of the whey from the clot. Cottage cheese intended for direct consumption or for the production of curd products without heat treatment is produced only from pasteurized milk.

Cottage cheese is a sour-milk concentrated protein product with a mass fraction of protein up to 15-20%. Cottage cheese has a pure sour-milk taste and smell without extraneous shades. The consistency is tender and homogeneous, for fatty cottage cheese it is slightly smearing, for low-fat cottage cheese it is allowed to be heterogeneous, crumbly with a slight release of whey. The color is white, slightly yellowish with a cream tint, uniform throughout the mass.(2)

Dairy industry enterprises produce the following types of cottage cheese:

Milk production technology is based on fermentation of milk with starter in order to obtain a clot and its further processing. The clot is obtained by acid and acid-rennet coagulation of milk proteins. With acid coagulation, a ferment prepared on pure cultures of lactic streptococci is introduced into milk during fermentation. Acid-rennet coagulation involves the introduction of sourdough, calcium chloride and rennet. With acid coagulation, the clot is formed as a result of lactic acid fermentation and has a good consistency. (17)

Cottage cheese is produced in the usual (traditional) and separate ways. They differ in that in the production of fatty cottage cheese in a separate way, fat-free cottage cheese is first produced, and then it is mixed with fresh cream, the amount of which corresponds to the fat content of the finished product.

Production of cottage cheese in the traditional way

The technological process consists of the following operations: acceptance and preparation, milk separation, normalization, pasteurization, cooling, fermentation and fermentation of normalized milk, curd cutting, whey separation and curd bottling, self-pressing and curd pressing, cooling, packaging, packaging and storage, transportation of curd .(16)

Dairy raw materials intended for the production of cottage cheese are cleaned on milk purifiers or filtered through three layers of gauze or other filter cloth. Purified milk is heated to 37º C and separated on cream separators. Skimmed or normalized milk is pasteurized at 78º C with a holding time of 15-20 seconds in plate or tubular pasteurization-cooling units or tanks. After pasteurization, the milk is cooled to the fermentation temperature. If milk after pasteurization is not used immediately for processing, then it is cooled to 6 ° C and stored for no more than 6 hours. After storage, the milk is reheated to fermentation temperature.

The starter is prepared on pure cultures of mesophilic lactic streptococci. For accelerated fermentation, a starter prepared on pure cultures of mesophilic and thermophilic streptococci is used. The temperature of milk during fermentation is 30º C in the cold and 28º C in the warm season, with the accelerated method - 32º C, when using the Darnitskaya sourdough - 26º C and the Kaunas sourdough - 24º C. Before adding to the milk, the surface layer of the sourdough is carefully removed with a clean disinfected bucket and removed. Then the starter is mixed to a homogeneous consistency with a clean whorl or a stirrer and poured into the prepared milk in an amount of 1-5% of the total mass. With accelerated fermentation, 2.5% of the ferment prepared on cultures of mesophilic streptococci and 2.5% of the ferment on cultures of thermophilic streptococci are added to the milk. The duration of milk fermentation is 10 hours, and with the accelerated method - 6 hours.(2)

An aqueous solution of calcium chloride is added to milk after fermentation: 400 g per 1000 kg of fermented milk. It is necessary to restore the salt balance disturbed during pasteurization of milk. After adding a salt solution to fermented milk, a 1% enzyme solution is introduced at the rate of 1 g of the drug with an activity of 100,000 IU per 1000 kg of milk. Apply rennet, food beef or pork pepsin.

Rennet powder or pepsin is added to milk in the form of a 1% aqueous solution. The enzyme solution is introduced into the milk with constant stirring. 10-15 minutes after adding the enzyme solution, mixing is completed and the milk is left alone until a dense clot is formed with an acidity of 61º T for cottage cheese 9% and 18% fat, 65º T for peasant cottage cheese and 71º T for low-fat cottage cheese. The clot is checked for fracture and by the type of serum. Serum released at the site of clot rupture should be clear and greenish in color.(2)

To process the clot, hand lyres are used, in which stretched thin stainless steel wire serves as knives. With such wire knives, the clot is divided into cubes 2 * 2 * 2 cm in size. After this treatment, the clot is left for 40-60 minutes to separate the whey and increase acidity. The separated whey is poured into the bath. The clot after draining the whey is poured into calico or lavsan bags. The bags are filled to about 70%, which is 7-9 kg of cottage cheese. The bags are then tied up and stacked one on top of the other in a self-pressing vat, a press trolley or a UPT unit for pressing and cooling the curds.

Self-pressing of cottage cheese lasts at least 1 hour. Pressing is continued until curd is obtained with a mass fraction of moisture provided for by regulatory documentation. For cottage cheese 18% fat - 65%; 9% fat - 73%; peasant - 74.5%; canteen - 76%; lean - 80%. When producing low-fat curd, curd dehydration can be carried out on a curd separator. After separation and pressing, the curd is cooled using various equipment. The curd is cooled to 12º C and sent for packaging and labeling.(17)

Production of cottage cheese in a separate way

Cottage cheese with a mass fraction of fat of 9, 18% and peasant granular are produced in a separate way. These types of product are obtained by mixing low-fat cottage cheese made using acid-rennet coagulation of milk proteins and fresh pasteurized high-fat or plastic cream.

The technological process consists of the following operations: acceptance and preparation of raw materials, production of low-fat cottage cheese using acid-rennet coagulation of milk proteins, mixing low-fat cottage cheese with cream, packaging and labeling, and post-cooling of the finished product. (17)

The preparation of raw materials and materials consists in obtaining high-fat cream with a mass fraction of fat of 50-55%. To do this, the purified milk is heated to 37º C and separated. Normalized cream is pasteurized at a temperature of 88º C with a holding time of 15-20 seconds and cooled to 38º C. Then the cream is sent to a storage container until mixed with low-fat cottage cheese.

Low-fat cottage cheese is produced using acid-rennet coagulation of proteins. Mixing low-fat cottage cheese and cream takes place in mixers, mixers, kneaders. First, cottage cheese is added to the mixer, and then cream is poured with continuous stirring, stirred for 5-7 minutes until a homogeneous consistency. The resulting cottage cheese is packaged, labeled and cooled in a refrigerator to 6º C before sale.(2)

In this article:

Cottage cheese has firmly taken pride of place in the diet of every person, its demand is due to the presence of a mass of useful properties. This business plan discusses the organization of the production of medium-fat cottage cheese using the example of a mini-factory. Strict observance of technological standards in the production process contributes to the manufacture of tasty and high-quality products.

Thus, in the case of the rational use of funds, the acquisition of reliable equipment and the selection of qualified personnel, the business has every chance to develop effectively and bring monthly profit to its owner.

Organization of curd business

After choosing the form of economic activity (LLC or sole proprietorship), it is necessary to obtain permission to conduct business from the executive authority.

Wherein OKVED code will be as follows: 15.51.14 - production of cottage cheese and curd cheese products.

Then the relevant documents must be issued by the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspection.

It is necessary to locate production facilities in your own or rented building, which must meet the following requirements:

  • availability of running water, electricity and sewerage;
  • the area of ​​the main workshop should be at least 30 square meters;
  • lining the walls with tiles more than 2 meters high;
  • waterproof, non-slip and acid-resistant floors;
  • light colors of the walls of household, auxiliary and storage rooms;
  • ventilation, availability of means of protection against rodents and cockroaches;
  • opportunity to equip your own laboratory.


It is necessary to obtain a license that gives the right to carry out production activities.

To do this, a certain package of documents should be submitted to the licensing authority (Gospishcheprom), consisting of an application of the established form, copies of constituent documents and a receipt for payment of the state duty. After examining the future production workshop, a permit is issued in the form of an act, the validity of which is at least 5 years.


After the launch of the mini-factory and the production of the first batch of cottage cheese, it will be necessary to certify the products without fail.

The document will confirm the proper quality and safety of products. It is also necessary to be prepared for systematic visits by representatives of the sanitary and epidemiological station, who very often examine samples of bacteriological washings of equipment and walls. Therefore, certificates of the condition of the cows from which milk is supplied should be available.


Cottage cheese must meet established standards, namely:

  • GOST R 52096-2003 - cottage cheese;
  • GOST R 52096-2003 - the shelf life of cottage cheese.

It is advisable to carry out proper quality control of the supplied raw materials in our own production laboratory, which has modern control devices.

The cost of maintaining it will more than pay off in the near future, since high-quality raw materials facilitate the technological process and guarantee high consumer properties of the finished product. In this regard, the development and approval of its own specifications will be especially effective for the production of products that will be in demand among consumers.

Features of cottage cheese production technology

Methods for the production of cottage cheese

Depending on the method of formation of a clot during the production cycle, the following methods for the production of cottage cheese are distinguished: acid and rennet.

The first method is used to produce low-fat cottage cheese and a low-fat product, during which acid coagulation of proteins occurs through fermentation of milk by bacteria. A distinctive feature of the finished product, which is made in this way, is a delicate texture, since the spatial structure of the clots is not very strong.

With the rennet-acid method, the clot is formed due to the direct influence of rennet, as well as lactic acid. In this way, cottage cheese of high and medium fat content is obtained.

Consider the production of cottage cheese in the traditional way

Feedstock- benign fresh and skimmed milk, which is sent for pasteurization (temperature 79-80°C). Such a temperature regime has a direct impact on the properties of the clot, on which the quality and yield of the finished product depend. For comparison, at a low pasteurization temperature, the clot will turn out to be not dense enough, because almost all proteins go into whey, and the yield of cottage cheese is significantly reduced. Thus, by adjusting the modes of pasteurization, clot processing and selecting variants of rennet starter cultures, it is possible to obtain clots with the necessary moisture-retaining characteristics.

A distinctive feature of the production of cottage cheese in a separate way is the addition of pasteurized cream, due to which the fat content of the finished product increases several times.

The technological process of cottage cheese production consists of the following stages:

Raw material preparation

Milk is subjected to purification on separators-milk cleaners (Fig. 5) and heated to a temperature of 37°C. Filtration through gauze (at least 3 layers) is also allowed. In the process of making fatty or semi-fat cottage cheese, milk is subject to pasteurization at a temperature of 80 ° C in plate (tubular) pasteurization and cooling units.

Milk cooling

Then the milk must be cooled to the fermentation temperature (about 30°C). To obtain sour-milk curd, an acid is required, which is formed by a biochemical method, namely due to the influence of a culture of microorganisms.


Such a starter is prepared on pure cultures of mesophilic, thermophilic or lactic streptococci. Before adding it directly, the surface layer must be carefully removed with a clean and thoroughly disinfected bucket.

After that, the starter is added, which has the appearance of a homogeneous consistency (no more than 5% of the total volume). If there is a need for accelerated fermentation, then a combined ferment is added to the milk: 2.5% based on mesophilic streptococci, and 2.5% from thermophilic streptococci. The average duration of milk fermentation is 10 hours, and with accelerated fermentation - no more than 6 hours.

It is important to note that as a result of the pasteurization and sterilization processes, the amount of calcium in milk inevitably decreases (up to 50%), which in turn leads to a deterioration in the ability to rennet.

Thus, in order to restore the salt balance, calcium chloride is added to the milk prepared for fermentation (35-40%, i.e. 350-400 grams per 1000 kg of fermented milk), i.e. 400 g per 1000 kg of fermented milk.

Introduction of rennet and obtaining a clot

After this, rennet (for example, food beef or pork pepsin) can be added. Within 15-25 minutes, it is necessary to mix the milk thoroughly, then leave it alone until a dense clot is formed, which should be checked for a break (the norm is a smooth edge with a smooth surface).

Particular attention should also be paid to serum: it should be transparent with a greenish tinge.

The clot is cut into cubes, the approximate dimensions of which are 20x20x20 cm.


After that, they are left for 1 hour in order for the whey to separate (drained from the bath) and the acidity level increased. The cubes themselves are placed in calico bags, and they fill a little more than half. Tying up and laying in the bath takes place with the aim self-pressing.

A similar process can also be carried out in press trolley or on UPT installation for pressing and cooling curd.

The practically finished product is subject to self-pressing from 1 to 4 hours. Ultimately, cottage cheese must have a mass fraction of moisture, which is provided for by regulatory documentation. After that, you can proceed to the stage of packaging, labeling and cooling the finished product.

Cottage cheese packaging

Cottage cheese is transported on a belt conveyor and fed to filling machines.

Packaging of products will be carried out in briquettes, which, due to vacuum, extend the shelf life of ready-to-eat cottage cheese and are environmentally friendly.

Business plan for the production of cottage cheese

As the main line for the production of cottage cheese, we consider the equipment of a domestic manufacturer with the ability to produce 100 kg. at one o'clock. Schematically, the line is shown in the following figure:

In the production shop, it looks like:

The technological line we have chosen consists of the following units:

  • cottage cheese bath;
  • press trolley;
  • curd cooler;
  • pasteurization bath;
  • pipeline, pump and other auxiliary elements.

The cost of the production line is 1,216,000 rubles, while it provides for the production of various types of products, in particular glazed curds. In addition to the basic configuration, there is a need to purchase:

  • filling machine - 865,000 rubles (Fig. 11);
  • refrigerating chamber with a monoblock (Polair) - 135,000 rubles (Fig. 12).

The manufacturer will carry out installation and commissioning works free of charge. Thus, the cost of purchasing production equipment will be 2,216,000 rubles. In the absence of this amount to equip the cottage cheese production workshop, you can borrow credit resources from a financial institution or attract investors.

The productivity of the technological line is 50 kg. at one o'clock. With an 8-hour working day, the monthly output of finished products will be 8,800 kg. per month. (8 hours x 50 kg. x 22 working days).

For such planned volumes, it is necessary to purchase raw materials in the amount of 654,675 rubles:

  • milk - 50,000 liters x 13 rubles - 650,000 rubles;
  • rennet sourdough for cottage cheese - 50 pieces of 60 rubles each = 3,000 rubles;
  • calcium chloride - 1,675 rubles.

Thanks to the use of a modern production line, it is realistic to achieve a high degree of automation of the technological process, and therefore significantly reduce the level of labor intensity. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the cost of production, which in turn will have a positive effect on the financial results of the mini-plant. So, 3 people will be enough to service the equipment:

  • 2 workers - 12,000 rubles each;
  • 1 technologist - 16,000 rubles.

It is desirable to create an additional staff unit, whose job responsibilities will be to determine the quality of the supplied raw materials and the manufactured finished product: laboratory assistant - 15,000 rubles.

His immediate responsibilities can also include monitoring compliance with the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the production cycle.

The total monthly payroll will be 55,000 rubles.

The estimate of monthly capital investments will consist of the following items of expenditure:

  • preparation of the premises (cosmetic repairs) - 80,000 rubles;
  • monthly rent - 30,000 rubles;
  • SPD registration - 28,000 rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials -654,675 rubles;
  • packaging cost - 35,000 rubles;
  • freight transportation costs - 15,000 rubles;
  • utility bills - 10,000 rubles;
  • labor costs - 55,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 5,000 rubles.

The total cost of production is 912,675 rubles per month and 10,952,100 rubles per year.

Annual revenue: monthly output x 12x retail price of 1 kg. cottage cheese = 8,800 x 160 rubles. x 12 months = 16,896,000 rubles.

Gross annual profit (revenue - cost) \u003d 16,896,000 - 10,952,100 \u003d 5,943,900 rubles.

Profit before tax, taking into account the initial investment in equipment = 5,943,900 - 2,216,000 = 3,727,900 rubles.

The amount of profit after tax (15%) is 3,168,715 rubles per year (net profit).

Let's determine the profitability ratio of production (net profit / gross profit) - 53.3%.

Thus, if there is a given amount of investment, the organization of the production of cottage cheese will be a fairly profitable business with a monthly profit of 254,059 rubles.

Sales of finished products

Establishing the production of cottage cheese will be especially effective if you have your own raw material base. At the same time, at first, you can find reliable contractors - farmers who will supply fresh milk daily. Commercial risk and competition in the cottage cheese market can lead to non-standard situations in the activities of the mini-factory, so it is necessary to make short-term management decisions, namely:

  • packaging of cottage cheese in colorful packaging weighing 300, 500 or 800 grams;
  • setting a retail price more acceptable compared to similar products (at the stage of product recognition);
  • cooperation with retail chains, deliveries to small stores, creation of a branded outlet;
  • advertising (media, billboards, outdoor stands);
  • periodic promotions.

In the case of profitable activities, it is possible to gradually increase the volume of output of finished products and expand its range (to produce glazed curds, granular cottage cheese with jam, etc.).

Cottage cheese is a protein fermented milk product made from milk by fermentation, followed by the removal of a part of the whey clot and pressing the protein mass. Cottage cheese is made from whole, normalized or skimmed milk. Cottage cheese happens: fatty - 18%, bold - 9%, low-fat.

Organoleptic indicators.

The taste and smell are clean, sour-milk, the texture is tender, homogeneous, for fatty it is allowed to be soft, for non-fat it is crumbly. Color - white, with a creamy tint.

Microorganic indicators.

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group are not allowed in 0.01g of the product. Salmonella is not allowed in 25g of the product. Staphylococcus aureus is not allowed in 0.1g of the product.

The composition of cottage cheese protein includes essential amino acids, methionine and choline - are recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Milk fat of cottage cheese is digested by 95%.

Methods for the production of cottage cheese.

1 Acidic.

2 Acid-rennet.

3 Separate (adding high-fat cream to the curd).

In acid: casein coagulation occurs under the action of lactic acid. With this method, the clot has a good consistency, however, in the production of fatty cottage cheese, whey is more difficult to separate. The most cost effective.

Acid rennet? coagulation occurs under the action of lactic acid and rennet and lipepsin. Rennet enhances the process of separating whey from the clot.

General technological scheme.

1 Acceptance and preparation of raw materials.

2 Purification of milk from mechanical impurities. t 25-45 degrees C.

3 Homogenization P - 6 MPa, t - 50 degrees C.

4 Cooling milk to t - 4 degrees C, stored for no more than 6 hours.

5 Normalization and heating. It is carried out taking into account the mass fraction of protein, depending on the normalization coefficient for each type of cottage cheese.

6 Pasteurization t -78 degrees C, 10-20 sec. Elevated pasteurization regimens will promote protein denaturation, which increases density, and impairs whey separation.

7 Storage of milk. Cooling to 4 degrees C, storage no more than 6 hours.

8 (Acid). Fermentation t - 30 degrees C in the summer, 32-35 - in winter. Mesophilic lactic streptococci are used. When using symbiotic starter cultures, fermentation at t - 32 degrees C.

8’ (Acid-rennet). Addition of calcium chloride and milk-clotting enzymes to milk. Calcium chloride is introduced: 400 g of anhydrous calcium chloride salt per 1 ton of milk, in the form of a 40% solution. After that, we add rennet at the rate of 1 g per 1 ton of milk.

9 Souring. The end of fermentation is determined by the acidity of the clot. For 18% and 9% cottage cheese - acidity 61grad T, for low-fat 65gradT, fermentation 6-10 hours (for acid-rennet). For acidic 18% and 9% - 75 degrees T, non-fat - 85 degrees T, the duration of fermentation is 8 - 12 hours.

10 Curd treatment and cooling. Cutting into curd grains, whey begins to separate (syneresis), while the whey is removed from the curd bath.

11 Self-pressing and curd pressing. Pressing is carried out when the mass fraction of moisture reaches 65 - 73%. For pressing, the curd grain is placed in lavsan bags, tied up and placed on a harness. . Under the influence of its own mass, whey continues to stand out, this process lasts no more than an hour at t - 15-17 degrees C. The end of the process is determined visually by the disappearance of gloss from the surface of the clot. The curd is then pressed using various installations where cooling and pressing takes place. At the same time, the temperature of the curd is 8-10 degrees C. Additional cooling to t - 6-8 degrees C.

12 Packaging. Consumer packaging - parchment, foil, cups; transport packaging - aluminum packaging, plastic boxes up to 15 kg.

13 Storage. No more than 36 hours at t< 8градС.

Curd defects and methods of their prevention.

Defects of taste and smell.

1 Feed taste - transmitted from milk, in the autumn-winter period, a slight feed smack and low-fat cottage cheese is allowed.

2 Unclean, old, musty taste and smell. Due to poorly washed containers, storage in a poorly ventilated area, the development of microorganisms.

3 Too sour taste. Non-compliance with the temperature regimes of fermentation, increased lactic acid fermentation; lengthening of terms of self-pressing and pressing, untimely cooling.

4 Acetic-sour taste and smell. Development of acetic acid bacteria due to elevated storage temperatures.

5 rancid taste. With the development of butyric acid bacteria in the curd, which secrete the enzyme lipase, they develop if the pasteurization regimes are not observed.

6 Bitter taste. Due to the quality of raw materials.

Consistency defects.

1 Rough, dry, crumbly. Increased heating temperature during the processing of the clot and its excessive crushing.

2 Rubbery texture. It is typical for cottage cheese produced by the acid-rennet method, with the introduction of increased doses of rennet.

3 Smeared consistency. When fermenting cottage cheese.

4 Bloating. Caused by yeast, with insufficient cooling of the curd at an elevated storage temperature.

5 Isolation of serum. Insufficient pressing.

6 Mudiness and moldiness of cottage cheese. It is observed with loose packaging, with a loose fit of the lid to the curd, and in violation of temperature and humidity conditions.

In which it is possible to include the production of cottage cheese, they have played and continue to play one of the key roles in the life and development of civilization. We are so accustomed to these products that we cannot imagine life without them, because they have already become an integral part of our daily diet.

About cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a protein-milk product, which is obtained as a result of fermentation of milk by cultures of special lactic acid bacteria. In this case, the method of adding a milk-clotting enzyme and calcium chloride may be used, or it may not be applied, in the latter case, all processes will take longer.

This product can be of several varieties, the highest grade of cottage cheese implies the presence of a pure lactic-sour smell and taste, familiar and associated with cottage cheese. The first grade of this product may allow some impurities of the taste of feed, containers or slight bitterness, and the consistency for this grade of cottage cheese, especially fatty types, may be somewhat loose and heterogeneous, with a smearing effect. For low-fat cottage cheese of the first grade, excessive friability with some whey secretions is allowed.

The color of the cottage cheese should be white, but some shades of yellowish or cream may appear, for the first grade of cottage cheese some uneven color is allowed.

Cottage cheese contains many microelements and minerals, fats and proteins, as well as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and iron and other elements useful for the body. They normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, the nervous system and the brain, serve for normal bone formation and recovery after bone fractures and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, as well as for the normalization of metabolism in the body, normalization of the digestive system and in many other cases. One of its main advantages is the presence in the product of high-grade proteins and fats for normal life, both for an adult and a child of different ages.

Raw materials for the production of cottage cheese

High-quality natural fresh milk is used as a raw material for the production of cottage cheese. Moreover, a dairy product of varying degrees of fat content can be used, as well as a skimmed version of milk. The fat content in milk is determined using a special account - protein titer, which allows you to accurately determine the fat content of raw milk. The fat content in raw milk is reduced to the level required in the manufacture of one or another type of cottage cheese.

In the production of cottage cheese, three types of finished product are used, which are divided according to the fat content class, these are low-fat varieties of cottage cheese, semi-fat and fatty. Moreover, in the production of cottage cheese of one type or another, pasteurized normal and whole or skimmed milk is used, in which some addition of buttermilk is allowed.

Methods for the production of cottage cheese + video how to do it

There are two ways to produce cottage cheese. Moreover, the first type can be attributed to the traditional methods that have been used by our ancestors since ancient times and which is used in rural areas to this day. The second method, which is called separate, allows you to significantly speed up the process of separating whey from the protein clots themselves, while significantly reducing losses in the production of cottage cheese. The main principle of separate cooking is the separation process. And then, from the resulting skimmed milk, low-fat cottage cheese is obtained, to which one or another amount of milk cream is added, which makes it possible to increase the fat content of the curd mass to the desired level, as a rule, the fat content of the cottage cheese is thus brought to 18 or 9 percent.

To obtain the appropriate clot from skimmed milk, two methods are also used. The first is based on the usual fermentation of milk with lactic acid microorganisms, which lead to the coagulation of proteins, then the resulting by-product is heated and excess whey is removed from it. As a rule, low-fat cottage cheese and low-fat cottage cheese are made in this way, since when heated, there is a significant loss of fat in whey. In this case, cottage cheese of a particularly delicate consistency is obtained, the structure of protein clots is formed with weak bonds.

The second method, which is called rennet, coagulation of raw milk occurs with the help of two components, lactic acid and rennet. Under the action of rennet, the transition of milk protein to paracasein, and from paracasein to protein clots, occurs with a significant reduction in time and at a lower acidity of the offal. Such clots separate the whey much better and have an increased strength of bonds between protein compounds, and with a similar method of producing curd, it does not require further heating.

The most suitable second manufacturing method will be in the production of fatty and semi-fat curds, since the waste of fat into whey occurs in small quantities.

Video how to make cottage cheese:

Another thing distinguishes these two methods from each other, with the first method, calcium salts dissolve and leave along with the serum, and with rennet acid they remain in protein clots, so the second method is more suitable for children, since they form bones of the skeleton and they need calcium for development.

Module 2

Lecture 13

  1. Biotechnology of cottage cheese.

  2. Physical and chemical bases of cottage cheese production.

  3. Technological process of cottage cheese production in VK-2.5 baths by acid-rennet method (traditional). Methods of coagulation of milk proteins and their use in the production of cottage cheese.

  4. Methods for dehydration of curd clot.
Cottage cheese- a national fermented milk product made by fermenting milk with pure cultures of lactococci or a mixture of pure cultures of lactococci and thermophilic lactic streptococci in a ratio of (1.5 ... 2.5): 1 using methods of acid, acid-rennet or thermoacid coagulation of proteins, followed by removal of whey by self-pressing and/or pressing. The content of lactic acid bacteria in the finished product at the end of the shelf life is not less than 10 6 CFU per 1 g of the product, the mass fraction of protein is not less than 14.0%, without the addition of non-dairy components.

Depending on the raw milk raw materials, cottage cheese is divided into groups:

  • from natural milk;

  • from normalized milk;

  • from reconstituted milk;

  • from recombined milk;

  • from their mixtures.
Depending on the mass fraction of fat, cottage cheese is divided into:

  • skimmed;

  • non-greasy

  • classical;

  • fatty.
Organoleptic indicators

. Physical and chemical indicators of cottage cheese


Product norm

low fat




Mass fraction of fat, %

Not more than 1.8

Not less than

Not less than

Not less than














Mass fraction of protein, %,
at least




Moisture content, %,
no more








Acidity, °T

170 to 240

170 to 230

170 to 220

170 to 210

170 to 200

Temperature upon release from the enterprise, °С

4+ 2

The high nutritional and biological value of cottage cheese is due to the significant content of not only fat, but also proteins that are complete in amino acid composition, which makes it possible to use cottage cheese for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases of the liver, kidneys, and atherosclerosis. Curd contains a significant amount of calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and other minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, central nervous system, brain, for bone formation and metabolism in the body. Particularly important are calcium and phosphorus salts, which are in the curd in the most convenient state for assimilation.

In addition to direct consumption, cottage cheese is used to prepare various culinary products and a wide range of curd products.

According to the method of clot formation, two methods of curd production are distinguished: acidic and rennet-acid.

acid method. It is based only on acid coagulation of proteins by fermenting milk with lactic acid bacteria, followed by heating the clot to remove excess whey. In this way, low-fat and low-fat cottage cheese is produced, because. when the clot is heated, significant losses of fat into the whey occur. In addition, this method ensures the production of low-fat cottage cheese with a more delicate texture. The spatial structure of clots of acid coagulation of proteins is less strong, is formed by weak bonds between small particles of casein, and releases whey worse. Therefore, to intensify the separation of whey, heating of the clot is required.

With the rennet-acid method of coagulation of milk, a clot is formed by the combined action of rennet and lactic acid. Casein, when converted to paracasein, shifts the isoelectric point from pH 4.6 to 5.2. In this regard, the formation of a clot under the action of rennet occurs faster, at a lower acidity than during the precipitation of proteins with lactic acid, the resulting clot has a lower acidity, the technological process is accelerated by 2-4 hours. During rennet-acid coagulation, calcium bridges formed between large particles provide high clot strength. Such clots are better at separating whey than acidic ones, because. in them, the compaction of the spatial structure of the protein occurs faster. Therefore, heating of the clot to intensify the separation of whey is not required at all, or the heating temperature is reduced.

The rennet-acid method, in which the waste of fat into the whey is reduced, is used to produce fatty and semi-fat cottage cheese. With acid coagulation, calcium salts go into the serum, and with rennet, they remain in the clot. This must be taken into account when producing cottage cheese for children who need calcium for bone formation.

For the manufacture of cottage cheese, the following raw materials are used:

  • cow's milk is not lower than the second grade according to GOST R 52054;

  • whole milk powder of the highest grade according to GOST 4495:

  • skimmed milk powder according to GOST 10970;

  • cream powder according to GOST 1349;

  • unsalted butter according to GOST 37;

  • dry bacterial concentrate of mesophilic lactic streptococci KMS-dry (Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris (biovar diacetylactis), Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis Streptococcus thermophilus);

  • dry bacterial concentrate KMTS-dry (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis; Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris; Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris (biovar diacetylactis) and Streptococcus thermophilus;

  • starter cultures MST, MST - "Kaunasskaya", TS, MTT (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis; Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris; Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris (biovar diacetylactis) and Streptococcus thermophilus, Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. dextranicum in various proportions);

  • rennet enzyme;

  • food beef pepsin;

  • pepsin food pork;

  • enzyme preparations according to OST 10 288–2001;

  • calcium chloride crystalline pharmacopoeial;

  • calcium chloride dihydrate;

  • drinking water according to SanPiN (for recombined or reconstituted milk).
The raw materials used for the manufacture of the product, in terms of safety, must comply with the requirements of SanPiN, SanPiN

It is allowed to use imported raw materials in terms of quality and safety that are not inferior to the requirements specified in the standards of the Russian Federation, and are allowed for use by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Russia and do not change the nature of the product.

Production of cottage cheese in VK-2.5 baths

The production of cottage cheese in VK-2.5 baths is carried out by acid-rennet and acid methods.

Technological process for the production of cottage cheese in VK-2.5 baths using the acid-rennet method (traditional)

Technological process for the production of cottage cheese with a mass fraction of fat (m.d.zh.) 2.0; 3.0; 3.8; 4.0; 5.0; 7.0; 9.0; 12.0; 15.0; 18.0; 19.0; 20.0; 23.0% and skim is carried out in the following sequence:

  • acceptance and preparation of raw materials

  • pasteurization and cooling of the mixture;

  • fermentation and fermentation of the mixture;

  • cutting the clot, separating the whey and pouring the clot;

  • cottage cheese cooling, packaging, labeling;

  • additional cooling of packaged cottage cheese;

  • freezing cottage cheese.
Technological scheme for the production of cottage cheese in VK-2.5 baths

1 - tank for normalized milk; 2 – centrifugal pump; 3 - surge tank; 4 - plate pasteurization and cooling unit; 5 - pump for starter culture; 6 - bath for fermentation of milk; 7 - self-pressing bath; 8 – curd cooler; 9 - trolley lift; 10 - automatic machine for filling and packaging of the product

cottage cheese production in VK-2.5 baths

Reception and preparation of raw materials

Milk and other raw materials are accepted according to the weight and quality established by the laboratory of the enterprise, as well as on the basis of certification documents of suppliers.

The received milk is cleaned of mechanical impurities on centrifugal cleaners or filtered. Then the milk is fed for processing or cooled to a temperature (4 + 2) °С and sent to intermediate storage tanks. Storage of milk cooled to 4°C before processing should not exceed 12 hours, to a temperature of 6°C - 6 hours.

Heating and separation of milk

The milk is heated to a temperature (37 + 3) °С and sent to the separator-cream separator. The milk is separated following the rules stipulated by the technical instruction for the operation of the separators.

Milk standardization and formulating

When producing cottage cheese with a mass fraction of fat from 1.8 to 23.0%, milk is normalized in order to establish the correct ratio between the mass fraction of fat and protein in the normalized mixture, which ensures that the product is standard in terms of mass fraction of fat and moisture.

Normalization is carried out taking into account the actual mass fraction of protein in the processed raw materials and the normalization coefficient. The normalization coefficient is set in relation to specific production conditions, for which quarterly control production of cottage cheese is carried out.

The method for determining the refined coefficients for converting protein to the fat content of the mixture is as follows. Three or four control productions of cottage cheese are carried out, in which the fat content of the mixture is determined by the actual protein content and by conversion factors. Further, according to the analysis of the control workings, the correction factor for the fat content of the mixture is calculated:

TO f = AND st (100 - IN f) / AND f (100 - IN st),

where K and - correction factor for the fat content of the mixture;

F st - standard mass fraction of fat (for cottage cheese with M.D.F. 18.0% F st \u003d I8.5%; for cottage cheese with M.D.F. 9.0% W st \u003d 9.5%) ;

В f - the actual mass fraction of moisture in the curd obtained in the control workings;

^ Zh f - the actual mass fraction of cottage cheese fat obtained in the control workings;

In st - the standard mass fraction of moisture (for cottage cheese with MDL 18.0% V st = 65%; for cottage cheese with MW 9.0% V st = 73%).

Calculating ^ K g, determine the adjusted conversion factor of protein to the fat content of the mixture:

TO n = TO and AND cm / B,

where K p is the adjusted coefficient for converting protein to the fat content of the mixture;

Zh cm - mass fraction of fat in the mixture used in the control development,%;

^ B – mass fraction of protein in milk, %.

The average coefficient of conversion of protein to the fat content of the mixture is determined for each control production according to the formula:

TO psr =( TO n1 + TO n11 + TO r111)/3.

To produce cottage cheese that meets the requirements of the standard, the fat content of the mixture is determined by the average value of the conversion factor and the mass fraction of protein in the milk supplied for processing:

AND cm = B m TO psr

If the fat content of the product deviates in one direction or another, the conversion factor is specified according to the data of the last three or four workings.

Pasteurization and cooling of the mixture

The normalized mixture is pasteurized at a temperature (78 + 2) °С with exposure from 15 to 20 s.

After pasteurization, the mixture is cooled to the fermentation temperature. If the normalized mixture after pasteurization does not go directly for processing into cottage cheese, it is cooled to a temperature (6 + 2) °С and at this temperature they are stored in tanks for no more than 6 hours. After storage, the mixture is heated to the fermentation temperature.

Fermentation and fermentation of the mixture

The normalized pasteurized mixture is fermented with a leaven prepared on pure cultures of lactococci at a temperature of (30 + 2) °С during the cold season and (28 + 2) °С in the warm season. With an accelerated fermentation method, a symbiotic ferment is used, prepared on cultures of lactococci and thermophilic lactic streptococci in the ratio (1.5 ... 2.5): 1. In this case, the mixture is fermented at a temperature of (32 + 2) °C. Bacconcentrate is also used in the production of cottage cheese.

The starter and bacterial concentrate are prepared in accordance with the current technological instructions for the preparation and use of starter cultures for fermented milk products, approved in the prescribed manner. The dose of starter, depending on its activity and the required duration of fermentation, is from 30 to 50 kg per 1000 kg of the mixture to be fermented. In order to speed up the fermentation process, up to 100 kg of ferment per 1000 kg of fermented mixture is added to the mixture.

With the accelerated method of fermentation, for every 1000 kg of the mixture, from 30 to 50 kg of symbiotic ferment are added.

In cases where a direct bacterial concentrate is used, it is used in accordance with the current technological instructions for the preparation and use of starter cultures for fermented milk products.

After adding the starter or bacterial concentrate to the mixture, calcium chloride is added at the rate of 400 g of anhydrous calcium chloride per 1000 kg of the fermented mixture. Calcium chloride is applied in the form of an aqueous solution with a mass fraction of calcium chloride from 30 to 40%, which is specified by density at 20 °C

After adding calcium chloride solution, rennet powder, or food pepsin, or the VNIIMS enzyme preparation in the form of a solution with a mass fraction of enzyme not more than 1% are added to the mixture. The dose of an enzyme with an activity of 100,000 IU is 1 g per 1000 kg of fermented mixture.

Rennet powder or enzyme preparation VNIIMS is dissolved in drinking water, preheated to a temperature (36 + 3) °C, pepsin is dissolved in fresh, filtered whey, heated to the same temperature.

The volume of water or whey is determined by the formula:

V= TO f 100,

where V is the volume of water or serum, cm 3; K f is the mass of the enzyme, g;

^ 100 - the volume of water or serum to dissolve 1 g of the enzyme, cm3.

Depending on the activity of the enzyme, determined by the laboratory of the enterprise, the calculation of the mass of the enzyme is made. The required mass of the enzyme is determined by the formula:

where: K f is the mass of the enzyme, g; A f is the activity of the enzyme used, IU; D f - the mass of the enzyme of normal activity per 1000 kg of milk, g;

^ K m - mass of the fermented mixture, kg; 1000 - mass of the mixture, kg.

Sourdough, solutions of calcium chloride and enzyme contribute with continuous stirring of the mixture. Stirring the mixture after fermentation is continued for 10 to 15 minutes, then the mixture is left alone until a clot of the required acidity is formed:

  • (58±5) 0 T for cottage cheese with m.d.zh. 23.0%;

  • (61±5) 0 T for cottage cheese with m.d.zh. 20.0; 19.0; 18.0; 15.0; 10; 9.0%;

  • (65±5) 0 T for cottage cheese with mdzh. 7.0; 5.0; 4.0%;

  • (68±5) 0 T for cottage cheese with m.d.zh. 3.8; 3.0; 2.0%;

  • (71±5) 0 T for fat-free cottage cheese.
The duration of fermentation of the mixture with active bacterial starter or bacterial concentrate at the above temperatures is from 6 to 10 hours from the moment the starter is introduced, with an accelerated method - from 4 to 6 hours.

Clot cutting, whey separation and curd filling

The finished clot is cut with wire knives into cubes 2.0x2.0x2.0 cm in size. First, the clot is cut along the length of the bath into horizontal layers, then along the length and width - into vertical ones. The cut clot is left alone for 30 to 60 minutes to isolate the serum. In cases of obtaining a clot with poor separation of whey, it is heated to a whey temperature (40 ± 2) ° C with exposure at this temperature from 30 to 40 minutes for cottage cheese with M.D.Zh. from 9.0 to 23.0%; up to (38 ± 2) ° С with exposure at this temperature from 20 to 40 minutes for cottage cheese with m.d.zh. from 2.0 to 7.0%, and to a temperature of (36 ± 2) ° C with exposure at this temperature from 15 to 20 for fat-free cottage cheese.

For the purpose of uniform heating of the clot, its upper layers are carefully moved from one wall of the bath to another, due to which the lower heated layers of the clot gradually rise up, and the upper layers (unheated) fall down.

The released serum is released from the bath with a siphon or through a fitting and collected in a separate container.

The clot is poured into calico or lavsan bags measuring 40x80 cm, filling them at least three-quarters.

Self-pressing and clot pressing

The curd bags are tied up and placed in a curd pressing and cooling unit or in a self-pressing press trolley. The duration of curd pressing in the pressing and cooling unit is from 1 to 4 hours, depending on the quality of the curd obtained and on the type of coolant (ice water, brine).

In the press trolley, self-pressing continues for at least 1 hour. After self-pressing, a metal plate is placed on the bags, onto which pressure from the press screw is transmitted through a special frame.

Pressing is continued until the curd reaches the required mass fraction of moisture (ppm moisture), but not more than 4 hours. It is allowed to press the curd in a press trolley in the refrigerator for no more than 10 hours. To speed up the separation of whey, bags with a clot are periodically shaken.

In the production of defatted curd, curd dehydration can also be carried out using a curd separator.

Curd cooling, packaging, labeling

Cottage cheese is cooled in units for pressing and cooling curd, on coolers, as well as in bags or press trolleys in a refrigerator to a temperature of (12 ± 3) ° C and sent for packaging and labeling. Cottage cheese is packed in consumer packaging approved for use by the authorities and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation for contact with dairy products.

Post-cooling of the packaged product

Packaged cottage cheese is cooled down in a refrigerator to a temperature of (4 ± 2) °C. After additional cooling of the curd, the technological process is considered complete and the product is ready for sale.

Module 2

Lecture 14

  1. Traditional and separate production methods.

  2. Technological schemes for the production of cottage cheese.

  3. Peculiarities of milk normalization in the production of cottage cheese by a separate method.

Technological process for the production of cottage cheese in VK-2.5 baths using the acid method (traditional)

Technological process of production of cottage cheese with mdzh. 2.0; 3.0; 3.8; 4.0; 5.0; 7.0; 9.0% and skim consists of the following operations:

  • acceptance and preparation of raw materials;

  • heating and separation of milk;

  • normalization of milk and formulating a mixture;

  • pasteurization, cooling and fermentation of the mixture;

  • fermentation of the mixture;

  • cutting, heating and cooling of the clot;

  • separation of whey and bottling of the clot;

  • self-pressing and clot pressing;

  • product cooling, packaging, labeling;

  • additional cooling of the packaged product;

  • freezing cottage cheese.
Acceptance and preparation of raw materials, heating and separation of milk, normalization of milk and preparation of the mixture, pasteurization and cooling of the mixture, fermentation of the mixture is carried out in the same way as in the acid method of producing cottage cheese.

Souring the mixture

The mixture after making the starter is thoroughly mixed. In cases where a flabby, insufficiently dense clot is obtained, calcium chloride is added at the rate of 400 g of anhydrous calcium chloride per 1000 kg of fermented milk. Calcium chloride is added in the form of an aqueous solution with a mass fraction of calcium chloride from 3 to 40%, which is specified by density at 20 °C. The starter and calcium chloride solution are added with thorough mixing of the mixture.

Stirring the mixture after fermentation is continued for 10 to 15 minutes, then the milk is left alone until a clot is formed with an acidity of (75 ± 5) °T for cottage cheese with mdzh. 7.0; 9.0%; (80±5) °T - for cottage cheese with m.d.zh. 2.0; 3.0; 3.8; 4.0; 5.0%; (85 ± 5) o T - for fat-free cottage cheese.

The duration of fermentation of the mixture with active bacterial starter at the above temperatures is from 8 to 12 hours from the moment the starter was introduced; with the accelerated method - from 5 to 7 hours.

Cutting, heating and cooling of the clot

The finished clot is cut with wire knives into cubes 2.0x2.0x2.0 cm in size. First, the clot is cut along the length of the bath into horizontal layers, then along the length and width - into vertical ones. To speed up the separation of whey, the finished clot is heated for 30-60 minutes by introducing steam or hot water into the interstitial space of the bath. The optimal temperature for heating the clot to the whey temperature in the production of cottage cheese with a mass fraction of fat of 7.0%; 9.0% - (44±2) °С, in the production of cottage cheese with a fat mass fraction of 2.0; 3.0; 3.8; 4.0; 5.0% (42±2) °С, in the production of fat-free cottage cheese - (40±2) °С.

For uniform heating of the clot, the upper layers are carefully moved from one wall of the bath to another, due to which the lower heated layers gradually rise up, and the upper (unheated) layers fall down.

The clot, heated to the above temperatures, is kept for 20 to 40 minutes, then cooled by at least 10°C by supplying cold or ice water to the interwall space.

Whey separation and clot bottling, self-pressing and clot pressing, curd cooling, packaging, labeling and post-cooling of the packaged product are carried out in the same way as in the case of curd production by the acid-rennet method.

After additional cooling of the curd, the technological process is considered complete and the product is ready for sale.

Separate method for the production of cottage cheese

Figure 4.3 Technological scheme for the production of cottage cheese in a separate way

Fig.4.4. Process Flow Chart
production of cottage cheese by a separate method using VK-2.5 baths.

1 - tank for milk; 2 – centrifugal pump; 3 - surge tank; 4 - lamellar pasteurization and cooling unit; 5 - separator-cream separator; 6 - tank for cream; 7 - pump for cream; 8 - lamellar pasteurization and cooling unit; 9 - tank for cream; 10 - pump for sourdough; 11 - bath for fermentation of milk; 12 – self-pressing bath; 13 – curd cooler; 14 - rolling for cottage cheese; 15 - lift for cottage cheese; 16 - kneading machine; 17 - lift for cottage cheese; 18 - automatic machine for filling and packaging of cottage cheese

Production of cottage cheese with m.d.zh. 2.0; 3.0; 3.8; 4.0; 5.0; 7.0; 9.0; 12.0; 15.0; 18.0; 19.0; 20.0; 23.0% in a separate process is produced by mixing low-fat cottage cheese obtained by the acid-rennet method and fresh pasteurized high-fat or plastic cream.

The technological process for the production of cottage cheese in a separate way consists of the following operations:

  • production of fat-free cottage cheese by the acid-rennet method;

  • obtaining high-fat cream;

  • mixing fat-free cottage cheese with cream;

  • refrigeration, packaging and labeling;

  • post-cooling of the packaged product.
The technological process for the production of fat-free cottage cheese by the acid-rennet method consists of the following operations:

  • acceptance and preparation of raw materials;

  • heating and separation of milk;

  • pasteurization and cooling of skimmed milk;

  • fermentation and fermentation of skimmed milk;

  • clot cutting, separation whey and clot bottling;

  • self-pressing and curd pressing;

  • cooling low-fat cottage cheese;
