
Modern mixtures or store-bought milk - which is better? What is included in the composition of milk and how to choose a quality product on the counter.

There is nothing tastier homemade fresh milk! I can say this with full confidence now. And as a child, my grandmother literally followed me around with a small cup of still warm milk in her wrinkled hand, persuading me to drink at least a little. And I, a child of 6–7 years old, stamped my foot and declared: “I won’t!” No wonder, because in the summer at the grandmother's, children are supposed to relax, and not do what adults say.

I would like to return that time, wrap myself in a blanket, pour fresh milk into a large cup, take it and spend the whole evening watching your favorite movie. But it is possible to do so! It is enough to buy a carton of milk in the store, boil it and enjoy. But the taste is not the same, everyone will notice it. And it's not even that you are no longer in the village. It's just hard to name what they offer in the store real healthy milk.

Edible and not so additives

Harm of milk from the store

Getting into the gastrointestinal tract along with milk, antibiotics are partially absorbed into the blood, and with it they are already carried throughout the body. Bacteria do not suffer from a small dose. But thanks to this dose, they begin change your genetic code and are no longer susceptible to this type of antibiotics.

Hydrogen peroxide is a fairly powerful oxidizing agent. When ingested, it acts as free radicals. Peroxide begins to affect cells, destroys them and leads to mutation of cell nuclei in the DNA chain.

And now the answer to the age-old question: “Why doesn’t store-bought milk turn sour?” Precisely because it contains such a large number of preservatives and additives, stabilizers and flavors.

How to choose really high-quality milk? If you don't have a grandmother in the country and you have to buy products in a store, don't pay attention to the brand and price. There are two characteristics that need to be checked when choosing dairy products: composition and.

The shelf life of pasteurized milk should not exceed 72 hours. If it is much longer, it's time to think about what chemistry you owe to the always fresh milk in the refrigerator.

So how often do you buy milk in the store? Think about how many harmful substances have already entered the bloodstream and accumulated on the walls. But it's never too late to start keeping track of what you buy and cook food for yourself and your children. Share information with your friends and followers. It's time to change your outlook on familiar things.

Milk is an indispensable product that must be present in the diet of every person. Vitamin A, lactose, protein, calcium and other elements contained in this product bring untold benefits to our body. It is from milk that you can cook a huge number of dishes (desserts, cheeses, drinks, etc.).

Mother's milk is the first food a baby receives when it is born. Given the value and indispensability of this product, every housewife strives to ensure that this ingredient is always in her refrigerator.

Having decided to buy milk in a supermarket, many doubt its usefulness and naturalness. Fears of the harmfulness of the product from the store overpower the desire to cook something tasty from it.

Research: the difference between homemade and store-bought milk

Many laboratory studies have been conducted in order to confirm or refute the harm of store-bought milk. It should be noted that the product presented on the shelves of supermarkets is pasteurized. In addition, it contains a minimum amount of antibiotics. These procedures are necessary in order to extend the shelf life of milk and avoid the reproduction of harmful microorganisms in it.

Homemade is sold immediately "from under the cow" (goat). If you graze an animal on your own, you know that it feeds exclusively on juicy green grass - of course, this milk is better and healthier.

If you think that market milk is better than store-bought milk, this is not entirely correct. You do not know how a cow eats and in what conditions it lives (hygiene, naturalness of food and feed). Giving an unknown product to a child is highly discouraged - since in case of poisoning there will not even be anyone to complain about. If the milk bought in the store is bad, you can always complain about the manufacturer to the relevant services.

If we discuss the harm of store-bought milk, then it exists, but in much smaller quantities than with unscrupulous market sellers. The pasteurization process kills not only harmful microorganisms, but also a small amount of useful elements. Despite this, vitamins, calcium and necessary enzymes will enter the body. Antibiotics are added in a minimal amount. They do not harm the body, but they act as a guarantee that you will not catch E. coli or any other infection.

Many mothers at the time of the start of complementary feeding of babies have the following question: “Is it possible to give store-bought milk to children?”. The answer will be positive. It is recommended to buy the product in sterilized glass bottles. Such a product does not contain a large percentage of fat (which eliminates sharp pains in the abdomen) and is as safe as possible for babies.

A similar answer will be in the event of such a question as: “Is it possible to give store-bought milk to older people?” After all, older people have problems with digestion and immunity. Too fatty product with intestinal infections can cause complications and problems.

Is it possible to drink store-bought milk or give preference to market milk?

At the moment, store-bought milk is safer and even healthier. Despite pasteurization, it still contains calcium and protein. But the product purchased from the market is subject to mandatory boiling in the process, which literally disappears all the useful elements and vitamins.

For those who have drunk a real steam room at least once, dairy products from a supermarket may seem at least strange. They have a completely different, unusual taste, which is called "powder". Let's see how it differs from under a cow from products manufactured under industrial conditions. Is it really more beneficial for the body? And how not to run into products of dubious quality in the supermarket?

What is the difference between natural and store-bought dairy products?

Since 2013, the Customs Union has had a technical regulation on the safety of milk and dairy products. It is designed to protect the lives and health of people, to prevent attempts by manufacturers to mislead buyers about the quality of products.

The technical regulations list more than 100 types of dairy products. All of them are combined into 3 large groups:

  1. Dairy products - drinking milk, cottage cheese sour cream. Such products are made from milk or its components, without the addition of non-dairy fats and proteins. The composition may contain additional components that are needed for milk processing.
  2. Dairy products - yoghurts with crispy flakes, curds with pieces of fruit. These products are also made from milk and its components, which are partially replaced by non-dairy components. The share of milk must be more than 50%, and in ice cream and sweet milk products - more than 40%.
  3. Milk-containing products - sour cream, processed cheese. Such products are made from milk, its components and dairy products, but the allowable proportion of milk fat substitute is more than 50%. It is also possible to use non-dairy protein.

The packaging always indicates which group the product belongs to. The highest quality products are dairy products. Dairy compounds and milk-containing products are cheaper, but there are no useful substances left in them, and the taste may have little in common with the taste of real milk.

How to read the label correctly?

Always read the label before buying dairy products. Pay attention to the following information:

  1. Name - if the product contains non-dairy components, it should be marked that it is a milk-containing product.
  2. A manufacturer's standard or technical document in accordance with which milk is processed. Please note that, unlike GOST, the manufacturer can change the TU (technical specifications) at its discretion.
  3. Ingredients listing all ingredients.
  4. Mass fraction of fat in percent. On processed cheese, cheese products and low-fat milk processing products, the mass fraction of fat in dry matter is indicated in percent.
  5. Mass fraction of milk fat - indicated on the packaging of milk-containing products.
  6. The content of microorganisms - lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria and other probiotics.
  7. The content of micro- and macroelements, vitamins and their relation to the daily human need.

Another issue is the expiration date. Dairy products made from natural milk without the addition of chemicals are always perishable, but such products can only be found in stores with great difficulty. If the expiration date is 3 days or more, then the product contains preservatives. The longer it can be stored, the more chemistry it contains and the less useful components for the body.

"Drink, children, milk - you will be healthy!" It was with this motto that many and many generations of children were brought up and grew up. But times are changing, and there are fewer and fewer opportunities to drink real homemade milk “only from under a cow”. It is being replaced by store-bought, industrial milk. And it is far from always possible to say that it will be useful for your body.

If you take it right now and go to any store, to the dairy department, then at best, the percentage of ten packages will indicate what kind of milk the manufacturer poured into the container. And even then it is far from a fact that the truth will be written on the packaging. The most plausible would be the inscription: "Made from milk powder" or "With the addition of powdered milk." In other cases, it is generally not clear what is in the package.

The most surprising thing is that there are a lot of other inscriptions on the packages without indicating the composition, such as “fresh”, “high quality”, “unique”, “natural” and generally the best. In general, the main goal of manufacturers of such products is to sell their goods. They do not care what will happen to the people (children in particular) who will drink this milk.

Consider the "usefulness" of different types of milk. The most unique and uncompetitive is natural, homemade milk. It does not undergo any industrial processing, it has its own fat content, inherent in the cow that gave it. In total, a glass of such milk will give a person approximately 13% of the daily norm of protein, phosphorus -18%, vitamin B2 - 12%, vitamin B12 - 15%, potassium - 10%, and, of course, a quarter of the daily calcium intake. By the way, it is precisely because of the high content of calcium that nutritionists advise drinking milk daily. Also, such milk will contain a fairly high proportion of magnesium, zinc, 35 mg of fatty acids, which are necessary for the human body.

The next type will be "whole" milk. As you know, it has quite large fat globules, it is they that give fresh milk such a specific taste. So, the quantity and, so to speak, the quality of these balls from cow to cow is different. It is on them that the fat content of milk is determined. Manufacturers also need milk taken from different cows to have a certain level of fat content. To do this, as well as to ensure that dairy products are suitable for mass consumption, a homogenization procedure is performed. That is, the milk is stirred until a homogeneous, or rather homogeneously fatty mass. That is, as if passing fat balls through special millstones, grinding them to a homogeneous state. Milk that has undergone such processing will be called whole milk, since milk and fat, although reduced to a homogeneous mass, are still one. Such a product will have a natural percentage of liquid and will not be so inferior in quality to natural milk. Its taste will be slightly different, it will also lose the ability to create a creamy film on its surface, but nevertheless, it is this milk that is the most useful store-bought milk.

Below in the pyramid of utility is normalized milk. This is the name of milk that has passed the following technological procedure - separation, that is, the separation of the original dairy product into a fat mixture and a liquid. This procedure is performed in order to control the level: they added more fat and less liquid - they received milk of increased (but fixed) fat content, they added the very fraction of fat - they received dietary milk. It is in this way that a fixed fat content is most often achieved - 1%, 2.8%, 3.2%, and so on.

Separately, it should be specified. There are several types of heat treatment, which differ in the presence of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the final product. After processing, we obtain the following types of milk: sterilized, pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized and baked. Sterilized milk is the safest, but it contains virtually no bacteria, neither good nor bad. Pasteurized is the most popular type of milk now, it is processed for only a few minutes at temperatures up to 100 degrees Celsius and contains practically no harmful bacteria, while beneficial bacteria are almost completely preserved. The main disadvantage of pasteurized milk is its short shelf life. UHT is a cross between pasteurized and sterile milk. And what is baked milk, I think everyone knows.

Those who like to drink milk should not refuse it, but if possible it is better to use the most natural and pasteurized milk at the lowest temperature. Also, you should never force a person to drink milk who does not want it. Since there is no desire, it means that the body does not need milk.

More on the topic:

Improving the quality of milk due to its rapid cooling Creating conditions for obtaining high quality milk Analysis of the economic efficiency of milk production Why does milk spoil quickly? The water requirement of dairy cows
