
Sauces for salads: recipes. Low-fat cheese dressings

Even with the same ingredients, you can cook a variety of salads using original dressings. But to make the salad not only tasty, but also healthy, we suggest using several recipes for unusual dressings. In addition, they are low in calories and will not add extra pounds to you.

1. Classic French Vinaigrette

Ideal for salads with beans and mushrooms.

Ingredients:white wine vinegar - 2 tablespoons, Dijon mustard - 1 teaspoon, olive oil - 6 tablespoons, black pepper, salt.

Cooking method: Mix vinegar, mustard and salt. Using a whisk, combine the resulting mixture with olive oil. At the very end of whipping, add ground black pepper. Dress the salad and serve.

2. Sour cream and yogurt dressing

Garlic and dill add a piquant taste to this sauce.

Ingredients:natural low-calorie yogurt - 1 cup, low-fat sour cream - ½ cup, garlic - 1 clove, chopped dill - 1 tablespoon, red pepper, salt.

Cooking method: Pass the garlic through a press. Add salt. Mix yogurt and sour cream. Continuing to beat, add garlic, dill and pepper. Let the dressing rest in the refrigerator for 10 minutes before serving.

3. Tomato-garlic dressing

This spicy dressing will enrich the taste of vegetable salads.

Ingredients:tomato juice - 50 ml, vegetable oil - 100 ml, garlic - 2 cloves, sugar, salt, chopped green onions - 2 tablespoons, ground black pepper.

Cooking method: Chop onion and garlic. Add sugar and salt to taste. Pour in the tomato juice. Mix thoroughly, adding vegetable oil in a thin stream.

For an even tastier fruit salad, add a gourmet honey and apple juice dressing.

Ingredients:apple juice - 6 tbsp., lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l., honey - 1 tbsp., pepper, salt.

Cooking method: Mix apple juice with lemon juice. Add honey, black pepper and salt to taste. Lightly beat the dressing with a whisk.

The original taste of the dressing is given by an unusual combination of kefir, herbs and mustard.

Ingredients: low-fat kefir - 1 cup, lemon juice - 2 tbsp, dill - ¼ tbsp, mustard - ½ tsp.

Cooking method: Mix honey and yogurt well. Then add lemon juice, mustard and orange zest. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

6. Vinegar dressing with olive oil

Decorate a salad of fish and lettuce with such a spicy dressing.

Ingredients:balsamic vinegar - 2 tablespoons, olive oil - 4 tablespoons, ground black pepper, garlic - 1 clove.

Cooking method: Pass the garlic through a press. Whisk together olive oil and vinegar. Add garlic and black pepper. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Easy-to-prepare dressing is ideal for vegetable salads and seafood dishes.

Ingredients:sunflower oil - 50 ml, soy sauce - 4 tablespoons, lemon juice - 3 tablespoons, garlic - 1 clove, pepper.

Cooking method: Pour soy sauce and sunflower oil into a bowl. Mix well. Mince the garlic. Add lemon juice and garlic to the mixture. Pepper. Mix and dress salad.

Bon appetit!

Gravy for cutlets

Sauces on PP (for those who are losing weight)

A small selection of sauces on PP, since I'm losing weight, this topic is very relevant to me.

1. Mustard dressing, great for vegetable salad.
It turns out quite a large amount that can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator.
300 ml of olive oil, 50 g of table mustard, 300 ml of apple or balsamic vinegar, 2 g of ground black pepper, 20 g of salt. Other spices and sweeteners can be added if desired.


1. Grind table mustard, salt, sweetener until a homogeneous mass is obtained;

2. Then, whisking continuously, pour in the olive oil in a thin stream. Pour each portion of oil only when the previous portion is well connected in the form of a stable homogeneous emulsion;

3. Dilute the mixture with vinegar, add ground black pepper, other spices and mix well.

4. When serving, pour the mustard dressing into a gravy boat and garnish with sprigs of dill and parsley.

2. Garlic dressing. Great for a salad.
When cooking garlic salad dressingit is important to carefully crush or finely chop 4-5 cloves of garlic, rub them with salt (to taste) and add 4 tbsp to the garlic dressing. spoons of cold boiled water, mix everything. After that, add to the salad dressing 3 tbsp. tablespoons of very hot vegetable oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and after cooling garlic salad dressing ready.
This dressing is good for simple vegetable salads, boiled and stewed vegetables.
3. Tomato - in my opinion the most delicious of those that I have tried.
500 g tomatoes, basil, marjoram, olive oil, a little garlic. Tomatoes cut into halves, scald with boiling water, remove the skin. Heat the olive oil in a non-stick pan, chop the herbs and add to the oil. Turn off the fire, cover with a lid. In the meantime, chop the tomatoes with a blender, if desired, pass through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. Toss the tomato mixture with the herbs, if you don't like the consistency you can add a little baked apple puree to thicken the sauce.

4. Lemon.
Juice of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, fresh dill. Whip the olive oil in a food processor along with the herbs on the fastest setting so that the dill is finely chopped and the oil seems to turn green. Add lemon juice, mix. Suitable for dressing all vegetable salads, as well as for serving with white fish.
5. Mayonnaise or Yoghurt Mustard Sauce
3 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon mustard powder, curry powder or a little turmeric, dried ginger and cumin, 1 cup thick Greek yogurt (take the lowest calorie version), or you can use 3 tablespoons of quality olive oil (extra virgin) instead of yogurt.
Beat raw yolks together with mustard powder until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Mix with spices and add to yogurt, whisk vigorously for 5-6 minutes, but do not allow the yogurt to “separate”. If the sauce is planned to be used with hot dishes, it is better to take 10% sour cream or matsoni, they do not delaminate. If you can afford some "extra" calories, egg yolks and mustard powder can be whipped up with 3 tablespoons of quality olive oil. In this case, the cooking time of the sauce will increase by 10 minutes, but the product will saturate you with additional healthy omega-three and omega-six fats.

Chilly dip for vegetables or poultry (chicken, turkey):
1 cup (200 g) yogurt
2 tbsp. spoons of chilli sauce
1 teaspoon lemon juice
some salt

Green dip for vegetables, fish, poultry:
1 cup (200 g) yogurt
100 ml green peas (drain)
100 g fresh cucumber

salt, black pepper to taste

Grind peas, onion and cucumber in a mixer or food processor, add to yogurt, salt, pepper, let it brew.

Spanish sauce for grilled meat or vegetables:
1 cup (200 g) yogurt
1 tomato
8-10 black or green olives
1 garlic clove
1-2 tablespoons finely chopped green onions
salt, black pepper to taste
Chop all the vegetables with a knife and add to the yogurt.

Curry sauce for poultry and vegetables
1 cup (200 g) yogurt
1 apple
1 teaspoon curry powder

Cut the apple as small as possible (cubes) and immediately mix with yogurt and curry powder.

Sauces for fish, vegetables, boiled eggs:
All these sauces are also prepared in the manner described above.
1. 1 cup (200 g) yogurt
1 apple
1 pickled cucumber
1 tbsp prepared mustard
salt, black pepper to taste

2. 1 cup (200 g) yogurt
5 peeled finely chopped sprats

3. 1 cup (200 g) yogurt
finely grated zest of half a lemon
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tablespoons finely chopped dill
salt to taste

Sauces for fish:
1. 100 g low-fat sour cream, or, if available, yogurt soft cheese (if it is not possible to buy, it is obtained by long-term straining of yogurt through a cloth)
1 tbsp prepared horseradish
salt to taste
Mix everything. This is one of the best sauces for boiled fish and fish cakes.

Even in ancient times, there were many different salad dressings. The Chinese watered vegetables with the progenitor of today's soy sauce. In Babylon they preferred dressing salads with vinegar and vegetable oil.

In Egypt, they adopted this tradition, but they also used spices.

Mayonnaise as we know it today originated two hundred years ago in France.

Types of sauce

There are two types of sauces. The first one is more suitable for salads - these are various variations of mixing vinegar with vegetable oil, to which various additives go. The second type is thick sauces. They are based on mayonnaise, cream, yogurt, sour cream. Such sauces are usually served with second courses. Thick sauces are high in calories and are used for rare occasions.

  1. Dressings based on vegetable and olive oils. The walls of the stomach quickly absorb vegetable oil, the feeling of satiety after such dressing remains for a long time. This helps to reduce the portion without harm. But only 20% of all fillings are oil. Dressings based on vegetable oils are low in calories, contain unsaturated fats and lower blood cholesterol.
  2. Dressings based on dairy products. They contain bifidobacteria, due to which the digestion of coarse fiber occurs many times faster. Yogurt reduces gas and flatulence.
  3. Dressings based on vinegar and lemon juice. Vinegar and lemon juice are interchangeable products that are great with vegetable oil. These dressings are usually seasoned with fresh vegetables.

Recipes for low-calorie sauces:

  • white sauce. Take fat-free buttermilk 150 gr, low-calorie mayonnaise, sour cream 2 tbsp. l., basil, green onion, thyme, dry mustard and sugar. Grind solid ingredients, add dairy products and mix everything with a blender. Salt, add pepper. Keep cold.
  • mustard sauce. Combine low-calorie mayonnaise, mustard and lemon juice and beat with a fork. Remove to refrigerator.
  • cucumber sauce. 500 gr. cucumbers, 50 gr. red onion, 100 ml of yogurt and sour cream, herbs, lemon juice, sea salt. Leave the cucumbers cut into small cubes for half an hour, sprinkled with salt. Pour chopped onion with ice water. Remove moisture from cucumbers and onions, transfer to a cup and add the rest of the ingredients. Add lemon juice and salt. Remove to refrigerator.
  • Low calorie dressing. Mix water and vinegar in half a glass, salt and dry mustard in half a teaspoon, pepper, paprika and sweetener to taste.
  • Sauce with vinegar. Mix wine vinegar with mustard, salt, beat. Add olive oil and garlic cloves.
  • lemon sauce. Pour olive oil with the juice of two lemons, add garlic cloves and dry mustard. Mix everything.
  • ginger salsa with plums. 250 gr. finely chop sweet plums and herbs. Mix hot pepper, ground ginger, herbs, olive oil and vinegar in one container. Add plums and onions. Keep cold.
  • Parsley and mayonnaise dressing. 130 gr. mix mayonnaise, parsley, anchovies and wine vinegar in one container, put in the refrigerator, store for one day.

How to dress a salad to make it tasty and healthy? Sometimes even the most dietary, purely vegetable salad can spoil the sauce: add calories and load the pancreas. But mayonnaise is by no means the only sauce that can make a salad delicious. There are others, and there are many.

The simplest, of course, is sunflower oil plus salt and pepper. This dressing is not only healthier, but also cheaper than mayonnaise. Traditional salads of cucumbers, tomatoes and onions or white cabbage and carrots are perfectly complemented with vegetable oil. But sometimes you want something more interesting. And rightly so: monotonous food can quickly get bored, it does not give pleasure, and therefore brings less benefit.

So, what can be a dietary salad dressing?

Vegetable oil based dressings

It is already reliably known that vegetable oil contributes to better absorption of vitamins from vegetables. Plus, they are low in calories. That is why experts recommend dressing salads with them. However, there are a lot of options for vegetable oil. At a minimum, stock up on the following types:

  • sunflower unrefined;
  • olive extra virgin;
  • corn;
  • linen;
  • sesame;
  • mustard.

Advice! Be careful with sesame oil as it has a strong sesame smell. If the grains themselves are already used in the salad, it is better to choose a neutral dressing, otherwise the dish will have an overabundance of sesame seeds. And in general, it costs a little less to add it than other oils.

An interesting option is a complex dressing of 4 tablespoons of oil, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of French mustard and soy sauce (1 spoon). Also add salt and pepper (preferably freshly ground). Such a dressing must first be mixed in a separate bowl, and only then added to the salad.

This rule applies to all multi-component dressings: if you add each ingredient to the salad separately, they will be distributed unevenly and the taste will not be balanced. On the contrary, it is likely that one part of the salad will be very salty, and the other very sour.

Lemon dressings

Lemon is known for its ability to burn fat, so it is clearly necessary for the body, especially on the eve of summer. Of course, just like an apple, no one will eat a lemon. But lemon juice in the dressing - why not?

Easy Lemon Dressing

Everything is elementary here: one tablespoon of lemon is diluted with 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and the salad is seasoned with this mixture. For those who do not like bland foods, you can add a little iodized salt.

Lemon dressing with honey

It would seem that products that are completely atypical for a salad: honey and lemon. But in fact, they are perfectly combined with each other, and with vegetables, herbs are in perfect harmony. This dressing is not for fruit salads (as it may seem at first), but for ordinary, vegetable or salads with meat or seafood. And of course, they are low in calories. Honey and lemon juice are mixed in a 2:1 ratio. If desired, you can add a little vinegar - regular or balsamic.

Dressing with greens

Grind half a bunch of green onions and basil, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 150 ml of oil, mix everything well, add salt and season the salad.

Advice! For cutting greens in the kitchen, it is convenient to use ordinary culinary scissors: this way the process goes much faster, the chopped greens do not have to be removed from the board, and individual branches do not fall on the countertop. That is, with scissors, chopping greens is not only faster, but also cleaner.

Sauce with cranberries

Squeeze juice from cranberries - about 2 tablespoons, add the same amount of lemon juice and finely chopped parsley. Also add salt, pepper (you can lemon), mix - and that's it. This sauce is good for meat salads, since meat and cranberries are a well-known, long-established tandem.

Dressing with yogurt

Low-calorie dressings are also possible with yogurt. This is generally a dietary product. It is better, of course, to use homemade yogurt - it will be really natural. If you take store-bought yogurt for these purposes, then, of course, it should be without flavoring additives: neutral, the simplest. Only in this case, yogurt sauce will be dietary.

Lemon yoghurt dressing

Probably the easiest sauce ever. For 100 ml of yogurt you need 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Stir, let cool (especially true in summer). Dress the salad and serve immediately. You can decorate with a few sprigs of mint - it will add spice and freshness.

Dressing with greens

Natural yogurt goes well with absolutely any greens. In this case, you can try the option with shallots and dill. To do this, mix 1 cup of yogurt with half a bunch of finely chopped onions and the same amount of dill. The sauce can be salted if desired. This dressing is perfect not only for salad, but also for fish.

Advice! If you don't have shallots, you can use regular green leeks. The taste of the dressing will not suffer from this - it will simply become different.

Basil dressing

This option is very similar to the previous sauce, only basil acts as greens: it is so self-sufficient and has a bright taste that it simply does not need additions. Mix 1 cup of yogurt with half a finely chopped bunch of basil, let it brew and dress the salad.

Feta dressing

Salad sauce can also be prepared with such an atypical product as feta. This is a low-fat cheese, so the sauce will remain in the low-calorie category. On the other hand, feta will dilute the yogurt flavor. For such dressing, 50 g of feta and a few sprigs of dill are taken for a glass of yogurt. All beat in a blender until smooth: the dressing will turn out thick, but very tasty. In season, you can add one finely chopped cucumber.

There are many options for dietary dressings. And it doesn’t matter if the diet is prescribed by a doctor or is needed for weight loss: you can always eat delicious food!
