
Saute eggplant and tomatoes for the winter. Saute eggplant for the winter - a variety of vegetables on your table

  • we wash and cut off the green "tails";
  • cut coarsely. First, cut each eggplant lengthwise into four parts, and then across at a distance of 2-2.5 cm from each other;
  • fill the cut with salted water at room temperature. This is necessary in order to remove corned beef, which gives the dish bitterness, which is harmful to health. We leave the eggplant slices in salted water for half an hour, then drain the water and rinse the eggplant in clean water, then squeeze it very carefully.

We are also preparing:

  • small jars;
  • seaming machine;
  • metal covers;
  • container for sterilization of jars.

Sauté eggplant recipe in a pan

Sauteed eggplant prepared according to this recipe turns out to be incredibly tasty, all the ingredients retain their shape as much as possible, making the dish look very appetizing. The disadvantages include its increased calorie content due to the large amount of oil. However, it is quite possible to afford to enjoy such an exquisite dish during the holidays, which will not adversely affect your health.


  • eggplant - 2 kg;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • red hot pepper - 1/2 pc. - 1 PC.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • tomatoes - 1 - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley - 1 small bunch;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • sugar.


We prepare eggplants, as described above, we clean other vegetables. Bulgarian pepper and carrots are chopped coarsely, onion finely, as usual for frying with other dishes.

Puree tomatoes and red hot peppers with a blender, put in a separate container and put on fire, cook for 10-15 minutes, add pre-chopped garlic, turn off the heat and leave until cooked.

Put the prepared eggplants on a preheated pan with vegetable oil, reduce the heat a little and fry under the lid until tender, about 15 minutes.

In another pan, fry carrots and bell pepper until half cooked, add chopped onion, continue to fry until fully cooked. We spread the vegetables in a pan with eggplant, add tomato paste mixed with vinegar, salt and sugar, mix everything thoroughly and simmer over low heat for another 5 minutes.

You can cut the tomatoes into small cubes, chop the red hot pepper very finely with a sharp knife, crush the garlic in the garlic press and add the tomato dressing in this form, adding also vinegar, salt and sugar.

Before turning off the fire, add chopped parsley in the honeycomb, mix again, put it in sterile jars, close with sterile lids and put in hot water for sterilization, roll up as usual.

Sauté recipe in a saucepan

According to this recipe, you can cook eggplant sauté without sterilization and vinegar. The taste of the sauté is excellent, the appearance also causes appetite so much that you have to swallow your saliva.


  • eggplant - 3 kg;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • bitter red pepper - 1 large pod;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Cut the prepared eggplant coarsely in an arbitrary way, salt, leave for half an hour. During this time, we prepare other vegetables, wash, peel and cut the red bitter pepper - very finely, cut the tomatoes into small cubes.
  2. Sweet peppers and carrots cut into small pieces, smaller than the pieces of eggplant, but more cubes from the tomato. Eggplants in a honeycomb should stand out, both in quantity and size.
  3. We also chop the onion finely, crush the garlic in the garlic press. Mix all the ingredients and put in a saucepan, put on a small fire. As soon as a sufficient amount of juice appears, we add fire and bring the whole mass to a boil.
  4. We reduce the fire again, it is advisable to put a fire divider under the pan to exclude the possibility of burning.
  5. Stew all vegetables for half an hour with frequent stirring, at the end of stewing add salt and sugar.
  6. Without turning off the fire, lay out the boiling vegetable mass in prepared sterile jars one by one, roll up the lids, turn over and wrap until completely cooled.

Sauté recipe in the oven

For lovers of tasty and dietary food, this recipe is a godsend, a minimum of roasting and oil, which can also be completely excluded, and the dish will still remain incredibly tasty.

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  • eggplant - 2 kg;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1/2 head;
  • red hot pepper - 1 large pod;
  • carrots - 1 pc. (large);
  • onion - 1 head;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • olive oil - 1 - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • salt;
  • sugar.


  1. Puree tomatoes and red hot peppers with a blender and put on fire, after boiling, reduce the fire and simmer until the volume is reduced by half.
  2. At the end of the stew, add garlic, salt, sugar and olive oil, chopped in any way, to the tomato paste, mix thoroughly and turn off the heat, leave it ready.
  3. We cut the prepared eggplants coarsely, first along in half, then across, 2-2.5 cm in size, do not cut into four parts, leave in half rings, as a result of baking they will decrease in size.
  4. We spread the eggplants in a frying pan and put in the oven, heated to 180 C, bake for 15 minutes.
  5. We prepare the rest of the vegetables, onions, chop finely, rub the carrots on a coarse grater to make beautiful carrot ribbons. Sweet pepper cut into cubes, mix with other vegetables.
  6. After 15 minutes, remove the pan from the oven and add the prepared vegetables, except for the tomato paste, mix everything thoroughly and put it back in the oven for another 5-10 minutes.
  7. We remove the sauté from the oven, immediately add the tomato paste and finely chopped parsley, mix everything, cool slightly and serve.
  8. If we close for the winter, then we lay it out in prepared jars and sterilize as usual, adding two tablespoons of 9% vinegar to each jar.

Important: if there is a desire to slightly enhance the taste of eggplant saute, then add vegetable oil and fry it over high heat for two minutes, and then add tomato paste and parsley.

Recipe in a slow cooker

It turns out a delicious dietary dish, and its preparation is incredibly simple and fast.


  • eggplant - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • salt,
  • sugar;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. We prepare the eggplants as described above, cut them coarsely and put them in the multicooker bowl.
  2. We also prepare other vegetables; onions, tomatoes and red hot peppers are cut very finely. Coarsely chop carrots and sweet peppers.
  3. Add vegetables to the eggplants, close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the “stew” function, set the timer for 15 minutes. During the entire specified stewing time, periodically stir the sautéed eggplant.
  4. At the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, butter and chopped garlic, mix everything and put it in prepared jars or cool slightly, serve to the table, adding fresh chopped herbs.
  5. Vinegar prepared according to this recipe can not be added to the honeycomb, due to the fact that the mass does not have time to cool, and we lay it out in hot sterile jars, immediately seal it. Store eggplant sautéed for the winter without vinegar, preferably in a cold place.
  6. In conclusion, I would like to note that this eggplant dish involves a creative attitude towards it, designed to prepare a sauté, as close as possible to your own preferences.

When preparing any eggplant dish, one should take into account its porous structure, which, like a sponge, absorbs oil during heat treatment, which negatively affects cooked food.

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Every housewife preserves vegetables in the summer, blue ones are especially popular. They are slightly spicy, and in combination with tomato and other vegetables - just delicious. Sautéed eggplant for the winter is a popular preparation. It is not much different from stew - the same salad of vegetables stewed in tomato juice, the difference in cooking technology. There are many saute recipes: with zucchini, carrots, garlic, apples, mushrooms.

What is the difference between saute and stew?

The French word "saute" literally translated into Russian sounds like "leap". It exactly conveys the method of cooking the dish - the vegetables are not mixed with a spatula during frying, but shaken in a pan. This technology allows you to keep pieces of fruit whole and beautiful.

For cooking, you will need a stewpan or a frying pan with a thick bottom, equipped with a long handle.

Not every hostess cooks saute, adhering to French technology. You can mix the vegetables in the saucepan in the traditional way, but very carefully so as not to crush them.

What ingredients are used to make sauté?

The main component of the dish is blue. According to the classic recipe, sweet and hot peppers, onions, tomatoes and garlic are usually added to the honeycomb. Vinegar is used as a preservative, although recipes are known without it. The hostess, if desired, can also add greens to such a set of ingredients.

There are about 20 saute recipes, and each of them is suitable for harvesting for the winter. The composition of the dishes, in addition to the ingredients for the classic sauté, includes: carrots, zucchini, mushrooms, sugar, salt and vegetable oil.

The main advantage of blue homemade preservation is their natural composition. Homemade eggplant saute does not contain harmful additives - monosodium glutamate, flavor enhancers and thickeners. It can be prepared even without vinegar and offered to young children.

Preliminary stage - select and prepare vegetables

The main ingredient in sauteed is blue. It is important to choose good fruits for canning. Do not use those that have been lying for a long time, as well as rotten. To make the dish more tender, young eggplants are chosen - they have fewer seeds.

To get rid of bitterness, eggplant slices are salted, mixed and left for 20 minutes. The separated juice is drained, and the vegetable cubes are lightly squeezed.

Sweet pepper is always present in saute recipes, this fruit gives the dish a pleasant aroma and juiciness. To make it also an additional decoration of the workpiece, it is worth choosing fruits of different colors - yellow and red. Hot peppers are added as desired.

Carrots and onions are peeled and chopped in the traditional way, as for frying. To make the workpiece look beautiful and appetizing, you can grate the root crop on a Korean grater. Sautéed tomatoes are used as a sauce. The rest of the vegetables are stewed in it.

When is sterilization necessary?

Saute is stored all winter, if you prepare the container correctly. Banks before laying the product are always subjected to sterilization. Half-liter jars are washed with running water and soda, and then steamed for 5-10 minutes. The lids boil for the same amount of time.

There are other ways to sterilize jars - in the oven, slow cooker. If the first option is chosen, it should be remembered that the glass container is placed in a cold oven, and then the heating is turned on.

At the end of cooking, the vegetable sauté is laid out in jars and immediately twisted if the recipe involves the use of vinegar. This ingredient has preservative properties. Sterilization is not required in this case.

Many housewives do not like to use vinegar, as it irritates the stomach lining. You can do without it, but then you have to sterilize the blanks. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. 1. After filling the jars with eggplant vegetable sauté, they put lids on them, but do not twist them.
  2. 2. The container is placed in a wide basin, on the bottom of which a towel is placed.
  3. 3. Water is poured into the container so that its level reaches approximately half the height of the cans.
  4. 4. Put the bowl on fire. From the moment of boiling water, 15 minutes are noted.
  5. 5. After the end of the sterilization procedure, the cells are rolled up with lids.

The best eggplant saute recipes for the winter

A vegetable dish is prepared in different ways - in a saucepan or a slow cooker. The second option is often used by modern housewives due to their employment. The unit extinguishes the vegetables itself, and when the signal for the end of the program sounds, all that remains is to put everything in jars and twist it.

This collection presents the best and original eggplant sauté recipes for the winter. An interesting option is the preparation of a vegetable dish with the addition of zucchini, herbs, apples.

Classic cooking method

Novice housewives often use this particular sauté recipe. Prepare the ingredients according to the list:

  • 1 kg of eggplant and sweet pepper;
  • 0.5 kg of tomatoes and onions;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • salt - 15–20 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • vinegar - 40 ml.

Vegetables are washed and dried with a towel. Eggplant with skin is cut into cubes, placed in a bowl and sprinkled with salt. After 20 minutes, the released juice is drained, and the vegetable slices are squeezed out.

Oil is added to a saucepan and eggplants are fried on it until a slight blush. The onion is peeled and chopped in the usual way, the pepper is divided into 2 parts, the seeds are removed, cut into cubes. The blue ones are transferred to a cauldron, and onion and pepper cuts take their place in the stewpan. All vegetables after frying are transferred to a cauldron.

Chop the tomatoes into cubes. Some housewives prefer to use only the pulp, without the skin. To do this, the fruits are cut into 2 parts and rubbed on a grater. The tomato mass is sent to a cauldron, vinegar, oil are poured there, salt and sugar are added.

Sauté is brought to a boil, stirring occasionally, mark for 30 minutes and simmer under a lid over medium heat. After turning off the stove, the vegetables are immediately laid out in jars prepared in advance, twisted, turned over and wrapped. In this form, the blanks are left for a day, and then removed for storage.

Saute with zucchini and carrots

For harvesting from blue ones you will need products:

  • eggplant - 1 kg;
  • zucchini - 2 pieces of medium size;
  • 6 bulbs;
  • sweet pepper - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1.4 kg;
  • a lush bunch of greens - dill, parsley;
  • a head of garlic;
  • 200–300 ml of vegetable oil;
  • apple cider vinegar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 30–50 g (to taste);
  • salt and spices to taste.

After washing the vegetables, make a large cut. The blue ones are sprinkled with salt so that the liquid is glassed and the bitterness is gone. Carrots can be grated on a Korean or regular grater, onions are chopped in any convenient way, cutting into halves of rings is more beautiful. The greens are finely chopped, the pepper is crushed into large fragments or oblong sticks. Zucchini is cut in the same way as eggplant. The skin is removed from the tomatoes and passed through a meat grinder along with garlic cloves.

Half a serving of oil is poured into a saucepan, heated up and the blue ones are sent there. After frying, they are transferred to a bulky cauldron, and zucchini are placed in a saucepan. After them, the rest of the vegetables are fried. The stewing is done in tomato pulp with the addition of chopped herbs, spices, sugar, salt and vinegar. The cauldron is covered with a lid.

Saute preparation time is 40 minutes. Hot vegetables are immediately laid out in sterilized jars, rolled up with lids, turned over and wrapped in a warm blanket. The blanks are sent for storage a day after cooling.

Saute for the winter with apples

The following recipe for cooking a vegetable saute is quite unusual, it contains fruits, due to which the dish will acquire a pleasant sweet and sour taste, just lick your fingers. All of the following fruits are taken one kg each:

  • blue;
  • unripe tomatoes;
  • Bell pepper;
  • apples;
  • hot pepper - 80-100 g;
  • a glass of oil;
  • 50 ml of vinegar;
  • salt is added to taste;
  • water - 50 ml.

Sugar can also be included in this recipe if the apples are not sweet enough. Taste is adjusted to your liking. Some housewives add black pepper and herbs.

This recipe uses tomatoes in chunks rather than in tomato mass, so firm, fleshy varieties are recommended. You can use slightly unripe fruits.

The cooking process begins with washing vegetables. Then they cut it - all the fruits are crushed into medium-sized cubes. Blue ones are dipped in salt water to get rid of excess moisture and bitterness. After 20 minutes, they are squeezed out and sent to a frying pan with oil.

Fried eggplants and raw vegetable cuts are placed in a cauldron or a bulky pan with a thick bottom. The remaining oil, spices, vinegar, 50 ml of water are added here and a medium-intensity fire is turned on. As the vegetables heat up, they will release juice, in which they will be stewed. It is recommended to cover the saute with a lid and periodically stir the contents of the pan with a spatula.

In the process of cooking, the dish is tasted, if necessary, it is regulated, bringing it to the desired state. The duration of stewing vegetables is 30-40 minutes. The finished sauté is laid out in a sterilized container and immediately twisted. Until completely cooled, the jars are left upside down and wrapped, and then they are taken to the pantry or cellar for storage.

Sauteed eggplant is not only tasty, but also healthy, so it should be included in the list of preparations for the winter. Stewed vegetables are the best for baby food if they are preserved without vinegar. Saute is a source of vitamins. Regular consumption of this dish will help strengthen the immune system and improve bowel function.

To make saute, you will need:

  • eggplant;
  • tomatoes;
  • Bell pepper;
  • carrot;
  • spices.

In quantitative terms, you will need to purchase 6 kilograms of eggplant, the same number of tomatoes, 4 kilograms of pepper (Bulgarian), 4 kilograms of carrots and onions. IN When choosing bell pepper, it is recommended to take the sweetest for sautéing - this is, first of all, red pepper.

The recipe itself is very simple and allows even novice cooks to put it into practice. If you have a cellar, it will not be a big problem for you, so you can always prepare a fresh dish for the table. You should not confuse such a delicious dish as eggplant for the winter (you will find recipes for sauteed blue for the winter below), with an equally tasty vegetable stew. The latter is more stewed rather than fried.

We start with preparation - first of all, all vegetables must be washed. Eggplant or, as many people call them, blue, immediately clean and cut into small cubes. Once you have done this, they need to be salted and mixed well, after which we leave it in this form for another half hour. One little secret - if the eggplants are small and very young, then you don’t need to peel them from the peel.

Next, take a carrot, peel and rub on a coarse grater or chop finely. Small cubes need to cut and pre-peeled onions. It is better to buy large onions for these purposes, and medium-sized carrots. The last one should be sweet. Further, in order to prepare a saute of vegetables (blue ones) for the winter, we clean the bell pepper from the seeds and cut into small strips.

First, fry the finely chopped onion in sunflower oil. After we put it in a separate container and fry the carrots, which we then add to our onions. Next, take the pepper and repeat a simple operation with it. Then fry eggplant in a pan until slightly golden. Chopped vegetables should be laid out on a very hot frying pan.

Just keep in mind: before you start putting them in a pan, eggplants need to be thoroughly squeezed out of excess liquid. Next, we pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, and then stew the resulting tomato mixture in a saucepan along with onions, peppers and carrots. It will take another half an hour for the final preparation of our saute.

In fact, you can experiment with the ingredients for the sauté as much as you like, as, however, you can use an ordinary slow cooker with a frying function instead of a frying pan and a saucepan.

You can also add to the recipe not only pepper, ground or allspice, but also ground dried basil. After all, saute, like a French dish, includes various types of vegetables and spices. There are many options, for example, zucchini sauteed salad for the winter. In such a salad, simply add peeled and diced zucchini. If you have bought too many vegetables for sauteing, we offer you a recipe.

Canned eggplant sauté

In order to preserve a vegetable saute, you will need to add 50 grams of vinegar to the resulting salad of stewed vegetables. This will allow you not to be afraid that after seaming the cans will “explode”. By adding vinegar, you can safely roll up the jars with lids. Then everything, as usual - turn upside down and wait until it cools down.

Such banks will stand not for a month or two, but much more. However, it is still not recommended to store vegetable sauté for more than one year. If you have a well-written sauté recipe for the winter, and you rolled up the vegetables immediately hot, then you can easily put this fragrant and tasty dish on the table in six months. Although sautéed can be a main course, it also goes well with meat, pasta or boiled potatoes.

So try and experiment. Well, those who want to reach the heights can also take saute cooking lessons from French masters who fry vegetables in an unusual way. Outwardly, the process looks like this - a hot frying pan with vegetables is constantly shaken, so much so that the contents on it seem to bounce. This allows you to fry vegetables from all sides, excess moisture evaporates.


1. Recipe for sauteed zucchini with pepper for the winter

You will need: 3 kg of zucchini, 1 tomato and sweet pepper, 200 g of sugar and vegetable oil, 150 g of onion, 100 ml of vinegar 9%, 80 g of salt.

How to cook sauteed zucchini for the winter. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin, twist in a meat grinder. Peel the sweet pepper from seeds, cut the pulp into strips. Peel the zucchini, cut into 2 cm cubes, peel and cut the onion into medium-sized cubes. In a frying pan with oil, fry the onion until browning, put the pepper and zucchini, fry, add the tomato mass, mix, bring to a boil, sweeten with sugar, salt, pour in the remaining oil, simmer for half an hour on low heat under the lid. Pour in the oil at the end of the quenching, mix well, simmer under the lid for another 10 minutes and then arrange in sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down, wrap in a blanket, leave until cool.

In this saute, if desired, you can add garlic and your favorite spices.

No less tasty and appetizing sauté is obtained from eggplant and carrots.

2. Recipe for eggplant sauté with carrots and peppers

You will need: 3 liters of ground tomatoes without seeds, 2 kg of eggplant, 1 kg of carrots and sweet peppers, 10 onions, 5 heads of garlic, 150 g of vinegar 9%, 1 glass of vegetable oil and sugar, 2 tbsp. salt, black pepper.

How to cook eggplant saute for the winter. Cut the eggplants, onions and carrots, peppers into strips or optionally at will, chop the garlic or pass through a press, put everything in a cooking bowl, pepper, boil for 35-40 minutes, determining readiness by carrots - it should become soft. Arrange the finished sauté in sterile jars, cork with lids and wrap until cool.

Tomatoes can not be chopped, but simply cut into pieces and added to the rest of the vegetables in this form. Carrots can be stewed slightly separately in advance, then the whole mixture is stewed for no more than half an hour.

Sauteed eggplant with the same ingredients can be prepared in a slightly different way.

3. Recipe for vegetable sauté with eggplant for the winter

You will need: 1 kg of tomatoes, 800 g of carrots, 500 g of sweet peppers and eggplants, 300 g of onions, 2 heads of garlic, ½ cup of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar 6%, a bunch of any greens, salt to taste.

How to cook vegetable saute. Cut all vegetables into small cubes, including tomatoes. Put the onion in a pan with a little oil, fry lightly without browning until transparent, put the tomatoes and carrots, cover and simmer for 10 minutes until the carrots are slightly soft, put the eggplant, pepper, pour in the remaining oil, mix and simmer under the lid for 15-20 minutes, turn off the heating of the stove, salt everything, leave to cool. Turn on the fire again after 2 hours, if you need more salt, simmer for half an hour and pour in the vinegar, add chopped scalded greens, finely chopped garlic, ground pepper. When hot, lay out the finished sauté in sterilized jars and roll up, wrap in a blanket for a day.

You can also add squash, zucchini to the recipe for this sauté, and also put more different greens.

It is eggplant sauté that is most often made for the winter, so there are several recipes for it.

4. Recipe for eggplant sauté with hot and sweet peppers

You will need: 10 kg of eggplant, 7 kg of sweet pepper, 1 l of sunflower oil, 500 ml of vinegar 4%, 320 g of garlic, 120 g of red hot pepper and salt.

How to cook spicy eggplant saute. Cut the eggplant into circles, salt and pour water for 2 hours. Twist sweet and bitter peppers, peeled from seeds, in a meat grinder, mix with vinegar. Dry the eggplants and fry in oil until tender, then dip in hot sauce, put on a fork, and put tightly in jars, adding oil from the pan if desired. Roll up jars, sauté will be ready for use in at least 2 weeks.

You can also make a sauté with the addition of apples - it will turn out very tasty!

5. Recipe for vegetable sauté for the winter with apples

You will need: 1 kg of onions, sweet peppers, peeled eggplants, green apples and green tomatoes, 500 ml of vegetable oil, 1 hot pepper.

How to cook sautéed vegetables with apples. Rinse and cut into cubes all vegetables, put in a container for cooking in this order: tomatoes, apples, eggplants, peppers. Sprinkle each layer with chopped onion, pour everything on top with oil and simmer for 1.5 hours over low heat. At the end of cooking, add salt to taste, mix, boil for 10 minutes and roll into sterile jars.

And finally - another eggplant sauté recipe.

6. Recipe for a simple sauteed eggplant for the winter

You will need: 50 g of vinegar 6% and sunflower oil, 3 eggplants, sweet peppers, onions and tomatoes, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp salt, ground pepper, dill and parsley.

How to make a simple sauté for the winter from vegetables with eggplant. Coarsely chop all vegetables, put in a cooking container, starting with tomatoes, bring to a boil, simmer after boiling for 15 minutes, salt, pour in oil, pepper, add vinegar and chopped herbs, simmer for another 10 minutes. Next, put the finished sauté into sterilized jars, cork.

Eggplant is a versatile vegetable, because you can cook many original dishes from them. And none will be similar to the other, even if the composition contains identical ingredients. Appetizing and satisfying sautéed blue ones can be served not only in the summer, but also used in winter preparations. Stewed vegetables in this form not only retain their shape, but also taste.

The name of this dish was invented by the French, and it fully reflects the essence of cooking stew. In the translation of a cell, this is a “leap”, and the technology just provides for the discontinuity of the process, when the products must stand for some time before the next stage.

Another feature of the preparation of the dish is fast frying with continuous shaking (the ingredients in the pan are not mixed or turned over). This allows the products to keep the nutritional juice inside. What, in fact, is the difference between sauté and caviar.

In the vegetable bookmark there may be various components at the discretion of the hostess. But at the base there are always eggplants, bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, garlic and spices. If it is desirable to grind the products into caviar in a meat grinder, then only a knife is used for this dish - something will be cut into cubes, something into cubes or rings.

The question of what to cook in should not even arise - it’s not for nothing that the French also came up with a stewpan. Of course, pots with a thick bottom or cauldrons are suitable, but it is more difficult to shake vegetables in them.

The best eggplant saute recipes for the winter

Combining various ingredients together, in combination with eggplant, varying their proportional ratios, they get a bunch of all kinds of saute recipes. Here are some options for delicious preparations for the winter. They can be taken as a basis for culinary experiments.

They call it a classic dish because of the composition of the ingredients, as well as the way they are cut: tomatoes and blue ones - in cubes, onions - in half rings, bell peppers - in cubes. At the same time, prepared vegetables are laid out in separate bowls.

The next technology steps are:

  • chopped eggplants (6 pcs.) are salted and kept for 20 minutes, then squeezed and washed;
  • onions (3 pcs.) are fried in a pan, gradually adding the rest of the vegetables to it in the following sequence - blue, 1 kg of pepper and tomatoes; shake the pan before each laying;
  • when the vegetables are evenly browned, the fire is reduced;
  • adding a little water, cover with a lid and simmer on a very low flame for half an hour;
  • 5 minutes before removing from the stove, add 2 tsp. sugar and chopped greens.

It is necessary to lay out the sautéed jars carefully, without violating the integrity of the vegetables. The snack does not require sterilization, but it will have to be stored in the refrigerator.

If the hostess does not like to add vinegar to preservation, she will like this recipe. It will delight hundreds of family members and pleasantly surprise guests at the winter festive table.

The main thing is that all the requirements of the technology are met:

  • little blue ones (8 pcs.), As in the previous recipe, they are kept in salt for 20 minutes to let the juice go, then they are fried and placed in a saucepan;
  • separately pass through carrots, bell peppers and onions - all components are taken in 3 pieces;
  • add 10 chopped tomatoes (also fried);
  • shaking the stewpan 3-4 times so that the vegetables are evenly mixed, put on a small fire and lightly stew;
  • removing from the stove, add chopped garlic cloves (1 head) and hot peppers (2 pcs.).

Saute eggplant for the winter without vinegar is ready. Now you need to pack it in jars, close the lids and wrap it with a blanket. After giving the workpiece a day to reach the desired consistency, it is sent to a cool place for winter storage.

Without sterilization

Another recipe for a delicious snack that does not require sterilization. The 70% vinegar essence added to the preservation will allow you to store the workpiece even in a kitchen cabinet.

In this version, the actions of the hostess will be slightly different from those described above:

  • small eggplants (15 pcs.) are cut lengthwise into 2 parts and salted;
  • after standing for 1 hour, squeeze the juice and rinse under running water;
  • each half is cut into 4 more strips and placed in a saucepan;
  • tomatoes cut into halves or quarters (15 pcs.) Are added to the blue ones;
  • onion half rings (from 15 heads) also go there;
  • shaking the ingredients, pour over vegetable oil (1.5 cups);
  • let stand a little, send to the stove;
  • simmer on fire for 40 minutes, then add chopped parsley, hot red pepper (2 pods), garlic (2 heads);
  • put salt and sugar to taste and stew for another 15 minutes;
  • removing from the stove, add vinegar essence (1.5 tablespoons) and shake well again.

Rolled cans are insulated and left to cool completely. In winter, this dish can be served as an independent cold appetizer. But, supplemented with fried pieces of chicken meat, they are stewed again before serving.

From zucchini and eggplant

Zucchini and eggplant are perfectly combined with each other both in taste and texture. And if you add some bright vegetable colors to them in the form of carrots, peppers or tomatoes, then the dish will become not only spicy, but also original in taste.

Cooking saute is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the following algorithm:

  • To prepare a sauté, peeled vegetables are taken in the same amount of 0.5 kg each: eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers and carrots;
  • All vegetables are cut into medium cubes;
  • To prepare the sauce in a cooking container, mix vegetable oil (250 g), table vinegar (50 ml), salt and sugar, 1 tablespoon each and boil. Then add chopped garlic 50 gr.
  • Put the vegetables in a saucepan and pour over the sauce. Simmer for 30 minutes, shaking 2-3 times.
  • Arrange the finished sauté into clean jars and sterilize for 5-7 minutes.

Seal the jars tightly with lids and remove until completely cool.

With prunes

Those who have already tried adding prunes to salads and stews know how savory the taste is. So sauté will only benefit thanks to plums, because they also bring pleasant aromatic notes to the appetizer.

The dish is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • eggplant quarters (2 kg), soaked in salt water until juice is released.
  • cut into small cubes and fried in vegetable oil;
  • gradually add onions (4 heads), bell peppers (10 pcs.), Carrots (4 pcs.);
  • after a while, fresh prunes (12 pcs.), Sliced ​​into slices, and tomatoes (10 pcs.) are introduced;
  • pepper, salt to taste, stew until the vegetables are fully cooked;
  • before removing from heat, chopped garlic (1 head) and vinegar 9% (2 tablespoons) are introduced.

Packed and cooled in the manner described above. This appetizer perfectly complements meat dishes and goes well with boiled rice.

with apples

Apples are the best fruit to add to vegetable preparations. Stews acquire a special aroma and juiciness thanks to these fruits.

The cooking technology is as simple as in previous recipes:

  • blue ones (1 kg) are cut into cubes and kept for half an hour in salt water;
  • throwing it in a colander, let it dry completely;
  • cut and arrange tomatoes, bell peppers, onions and apples on different plates - all 1 kg each;
  • crush bitter pods (100 g);
  • the ingredients are placed in a saucepan in layers, alternating them with onions - first tomatoes, then apples, eggplants, peppers;
  • watered with vinegar (50 ml) and vegetable oil (1 cup);
  • bringing to a boil, simmer for 1.5 hours;
  • salt, stew for another 25 minutes.

You can pack in jars without removing from the stove. Hermetically rolled up, turn upside down and cool.

With garlic and carrots

The spicy aroma of the teeth best emphasizes the nutritional qualities of the eggplant. Carrots give the dish a beautiful color. And if you introduce a little exotic lime into the recipe, you get a real feast of taste.

When cooking, follow these instructions:

  • in this option, it is proposed to peel the eggplants (1.6 kg); but to remove bitterness or not, the hostess decides for herself;
  • blue ones are fried in a small amount of oil;
  • add tomato cubes (800 g), grated carrots (400 g) and stew for 10 minutes;
  • the dish is salted and peppered (1 tsp each), garlic (1 head), chopped parsley are added;
  • sprinkle well with lime juice (1 pc.) And remove from heat.

All subsequent actions are identical to those described above. If citrus is not at hand, it can be replaced with a more familiar lemon. The amount of garlic in this recipe is conditional - it is recommended to select the spiciness according to your taste.

Saute in Abkhazian

This recipe has been used in the Caucasus since ancient times, but the appetizer still does not lose its relevance. True, according to the longitude of cooking, it stretches for several hours, but the efforts are worth it.

The conservation technology consists of the following steps:

  • eggplant halves (from 4 pieces) are cut into additional 5 parts and placed in a saucepan;
  • also done with the rest of the vegetables (the same amount) - ripe tomatoes, green and red bell peppers, onions;
  • add 2 tbsp. salt and sugar, vegetable oil (12 tablespoons), vinegar 9% (6 tablespoons);
  • stew over low heat for half an hour, shaking 2-3 times;
  • set aside from the stove and allow to cool naturally;
  • put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

It remains to pack the snack in jars and sterilize for 15 minutes (0.5 l). It is recommended to cook sauté in large volumes - it is so tasty that it is scattered by the household too quickly.

Sauté in Romanian

Eggplants are cooked all over the world. In Western Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, this dish is very popular. It is served freshly prepared for a festive feast. They also pack the snack in jars and store it in the cellars.

The cooking technology has its own little secrets:

  • blue ones (1 kg) are cut into circles, salted and kept under pressure for 20 minutes;
  • rolling mugs in flour, fried in sunflower oil;
  • finely chop carrots, tomatoes, onions (100 g each) and pass through;
  • fried vegetables are salted to taste, seasoned with chopped dill and garlic (3-4 cloves);
  • shaking a couple - three times, let the ingredients stand for several minutes to soak in fragrant smells;
  • eggplants are placed in a saucepan, a vegetable preparation is on top and blue again;
  • baked in the oven until done.

The jars are laid out neatly, trying not to disturb the sequence of layers. After sterilizing for 25 minutes, roll up and cool.

Sauté eggplant for the winter: video recipe


You can endlessly describe delicious dishes, but there will not be enough resources for this. After all, every minute new culinary recipes are born in the world, and the housewives have another reason to experiment.
