
Salted tomatoes in gelatin. Tomatoes in gelatin - the best recipes for the winter

Jellied marinades bring variety to traditional preparations. Cherry tomatoes are the most suitable vegetables for gelling. It should be borne in mind that gelatin always “pulls” salt onto itself and softens the taste of the marinade. The density of the jelly filling can be adjusted: if the tomatoes are stored in the cellar, then the frozen marinade is collected with a spoon. To get a thick elastic jelly, you need to hold a jar of pickled cherry tomatoes in the refrigerator before serving.
We will make a preparation with cherry tomatoes, we will close the preservation in liter and half-liter jars. Small jars are convenient to use at one time. To prepare tomatoes in gelatin for the winter, you can use any other small tomatoes, even yellow ones, but try to choose unripe ones so that the tomatoes do not crack from boiling water and do not lay them too tightly, which can also cause them to burst.

Taste Info Tomatoes for the winter


  • cherry tomatoes - 1.2 kilograms,
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece,
  • hot pepper - 1 piece,
  • garlic - 3 cloves,
  • bay leaves - 4 pieces,
  • sweet pea pepper - 1/2 teaspoon.
  • Marinade:
  • water - 750 milliliters,
  • salt - 1.5 teaspoons,
  • sugar - 3 teaspoons,
  • gelatin 20 grams,
  • vinegar 9% - 2.5 tablespoons.

The total volume of the future harvest is one and a half liters. You can distribute the tomatoes in three half-liter jars, or fill different containers: one liter and one half-liter. If you decide to close larger tomatoes, then you can all fit them in one and a half liter jar. Guests and we find these tomatoes very tasty, awesome, tomatoes in a jelly marinade make a difference among the more familiar preservation. Our step-by-step recipe is very simple, due to the fact that the tomatoes are closed without sterilization, it will not take much time to harvest.

How to cook tomatoes with gelatin for the winter without sterilization

Cherry tomatoes are different: miniature and quite "solid". You can marinate in gelatin any, the main indicator is ripeness and the absence of damage.
The stalks are torn off from the tomatoes, the vegetables are washed under running cold water.

Laurel leaves, garlic cloves and peppercorns are placed in sterilized jars. You can put an equal amount of spices in a half-liter jar, and in a liter jar. And then determine what degree of spiciness you will like. A pod of red hot pepper is cut into rings, put in each jar.

Bulgarian pepper is cut into arbitrary pieces, focusing on your taste. Some prefer thin straws, others prefer squares. Layers of cherry tomatoes and slices of sweet pepper are placed in jars.

Banks are filled with boiling water. Usually cherry tomatoes tolerate such a “bathing” without problems, the skin bursts only on some tomatoes. Cover the tomatoes with a lid, leave to warm up for 10-15 minutes.

Pour water from cans into a saucepan, add salt, sugar. You can throw a couple of bay leaves and a few peppercorns, enhancing the "entourage" of spices. Marinade is boiled for 5-7 minutes. Jars with tomatoes should not be empty at this time, they are filled with boiling water and covered with a lid.

The pan with the marinade is removed from the heat, powdered instant gelatin is poured into it. Vigorously stir the marinade with a spoon until all the grains are completely dissolved.

Now you need to act quickly so that the jelly marinade does not have time to cool. Water is poured out of the jars. One tablespoon of vinegar is poured into a half-liter jar, and one and a half tablespoons into a liter jar.

Hot jellied marinade is poured into jars.

Cans are rolled up or screwed down.

Banks are covered with a towel and left until the next morning. Billets with gelled marinade do not turn over.

When the gelled filling cools down, it will be seen that it is thicker than the usual marinade.
Cherry tomatoes in a jelly marinade can be stored for up to a year.

Anyone who has never tried to cook tomatoes for the winter in gelatin has lost a lot. The appetizer turns out to be amazingly tasty and fragrant, besides, it will help out in the winter if there are no fresh tomatoes for pizza or another dish.

Tomatoes in gelatin for the winter - general principles of preparation

Gelatin marinade, unlike conventional pickles, does not allow vegetables to lose their fresh aroma, dense structure. Tomato slices remain firm and juicy. There are a huge number of recipes for preparing tomatoes in gelatin for the winter.

Most often they include:

Marinade with gelatin;


Spices, mostly pepper.

Also, depending on the recipe, other vegetables can be added: garlic, peppers, carrots, cucumbers and various greens.

Marinade with gelatin. Prepared on the basis of water, salt, gelatin, sugar and vinegar essence. All ingredients must be boiled for several minutes, according to the recipe. Sometimes gelatin is added directly to the jar and poured with boiling marinade. But more often the product needs to be dissolved in water and boiled. Despite the fact that this is not recommended for cooking other dishes, and gelatin is only warmed up.

Tomatoes. You can use absolutely any tomatoes, regardless of color and size. Usually, for cooking tomatoes in gelatin for the winter, housewives use large fruits that are unsuitable for pickling as a whole. Tomatoes can be cut into halves, quarters, rings, slices. If you plan to use them for pizza in the winter, then you can immediately make rings. Sometimes tomatoes are cooked whole, then small and even fruits are needed.

Onion. More often than other additions is present in the appetizer. Adds flavor and is usually cut into rings. You can use any onion, the appetizer with red varieties looks beautiful.

Peppercorns. It is used to give aroma and taste to tomatoes in gelatin for the winter. It can be added to the marinade during cooking or directly to the jar, it does not really matter. But it is important not to overdo it, as the aroma will become more pronounced during storage. It is enough to add 3-5 peas to liter jars.

Also, for the preparation of tomatoes in gelatin for the winter, banks and roofs will be required. They need to be sterilized beforehand. This is done by heating on steam, in the oven or microwave. Some recipes will require a jar-sterilizing pan with a cloth or kitchen towel in the bottom. It must be remembered that a jar of hot marinade is immersed only in hot water, otherwise the glass will crack.

Recipe 1: Tomatoes in gelatin for the winter classic

A classic recipe for cooking tomatoes in gelatin for the winter with sterilization. The number of tomatoes and onions is arbitrary, since the capacity of the jar depends on the size of the cut pieces. But you should not stack the slices too tightly; there should be enough marinade so that it envelops the pieces.

Required Ingredients



For marinade:

3 liters of water;

0.09 kg of salt;

0.15 kg of sugar;

30 ml of vinegar 70%;

20 gr. gelatin.

Cooking method

Gelatin pour a glass of water, which is taken from the marinade. Put to swell. At this time, wash the tomatoes, peel the onions. Cut the tomatoes into arbitrary pieces, you can just halves. Onion rings or half rings. At the bottom of the jars, spread the onions equally, add peppercorns at the rate of 3 pieces per liter. Fill to the top with tomato slices.

Put water on the stove, add salt, sugar, dissolved gelatin and boil for 3 minutes, add vinegar at the end. Pour the blanks with boiling marinade, cover with lids and put to sterilize. Liter jars 7 minutes, for two-liter jars 12 is enough. After cooking, roll up the lids with a key. You can try the snack after 3 weeks.

Recipe 2: Tomatoes in gelatin for the whole winter without sterilization

Tomatoes are juicy, sweet-salty and very fragrant. To prepare tomatoes in gelatin for the winter, according to this recipe, small and ripe fruits are needed.

Required Ingredients


Bay leaf.


Water 1 liter;

Salt 1 spoon;

Sugar 2 spoons;

Gelatin 10 gr.

Under the lid before the final seaming, 1 teaspoon of 70% vinegar per liter jar is added.

Cooking method

Soak gelatin in 100 gr. water. Put water on the stove to boil, but not the one prepared for the marinade. At this time, prepare the tomatoes. They need to be washed, dried or wiped. Peel the garlic. At the bottom of a sterile jar, throw a few cloves, a bay leaf, lay tomatoes tightly. Pour boiling water over, cover and let stand for 15 minutes.

At this time, cook the marinade. Boil a liter of water with salt, sugar and prepared gelatin. Drain the water from the jars and immediately pour the boiling marinade over the tomatoes. Pour vinegar under the lid and immediately roll up the jars. Leave to cool upside down under insulation.

Recipe 3: Tomatoes in gelatin for the winter with garlic

The appetizer is not only very tasty, but also incredibly fragrant. The more garlic, the more fragrant the tomatoes with gelatin for the winter will turn out. On average, 8-10 cloves are needed per liter jar, but you can put more or less.

Required Ingredients

Tomatoes 3 kg;

Garlic 4 heads;



2 liters of water;

2 tablespoons of salt;

1.5 tablespoons of gelatin;

2 teaspoons of 70% vinegar;

5 spoons of sugar.

Cooking method

Want to soak in 0.1 liters of water and set aside. Peel the garlic and cut each clove into 2-3 pieces. Wash the tomatoes and cut each into quarters. Put tomatoes in sterile jars, sprinkling with garlic. Add peppercorns.

For the marinade, mix all the ingredients except vinegar, boil for a few minutes, pour out the acid and add gelatin. Pour the stacked tomatoes with brine to the top, cover with lids, sterilize the tomatoes in gelatin for the winter for 5-7 minutes. Clog. You can try the snack in a month.

Recipe 4: Tomatoes in gelatin for the winter with pepper

Gelatin marinade has a good effect not only on tomatoes, but also on bell peppers. The vegetable retains its fresh aroma and taste well. Therefore, for a change, you can cook tomatoes for the winter in gelatin with sweet pepper.

Required Ingredients

1.5 kg of tomatoes;

1 kg of pepper;

0.3 kg of onion.


3 l. water;

3 tablespoons of salt;

3 tablespoons of gelatin;

6 spoons of sugar;

3 tsp 70% vinegar.

Cooking method

Dilute gelatin with 0.2 liters of water taken from the marinade. While it dissolves, peel the onion, chop the rings. Carefully cut out the insides of the pepper and also cut into rings. But if you wish, you can use half rings. Tomatoes in circles of 1 cm. Put everything in a jar, alternating layers.

For the marinade, mix everything, add diluted gelatin and bring to a boil. Cook for exactly 2 minutes, pour into jars, cover with lids and sterilize in a saucepan with water for 5 minutes. We close it, and send it upside down under the covers, and after cooling it into the cellar. A fragrant appetizer of tomatoes in gelatin for the winter with pepper can be tasted after 2 weeks, but it is better to let it brew for a month.

Recipe 5: Spicy Tomatoes in Gelatin for the Winter

Recipe for spicy tomatoes in gelatin for the winter with the addition of capsicum and horseradish. If desired, the amount of burning ingredients can be increased, this will only make the appetizer better.

Required Ingredients

Tomatoes 1 -1.2 kg;

1 onion;

1 chili pod;

20 gr. horseradish root.


Water 1 liter;

2 spoons of sugar;

1 spoon of gelatin;

A teaspoon of vinegar 70%;

A spoonful of salt.

Cooking method

Cut the tomatoes into quarters. Bulb in half rings. Cut the stem off the hot pepper and cut into small pieces. It is better to work with gloves. Peel the horseradish root, cut into thin slices. Put all the vegetables in glass jars, alternating with each other. You can add some garlic if you like.

Boil the marinade, as in previous recipes, boiling for a few minutes. Pour the filled jars to the top, cover and sterilize for 5-6 minutes. Then cork, cool and send for storage. The final taste of a snack of hot tomatoes in gelatin for the winter will appear after 2 months.

Recipe 6: Tomatoes in gelatin for the winter with cucumbers

Tomatoes and cucumbers are friends not only in vegetable salads. From them you can cook a wonderful snack for the winter, which will be a great addition to dishes of vegetables, cereals, meat. Tomatoes in gelatin for the winter perfectly retain their aroma, and cucumbers remain crispy and juicy.

Required Ingredients

Tomatoes 1 kg;

Cucumbers 0.7 kg;

Onion 0.2 kg;

Pepper 6 peas.


1 liter of water;

30 gr. gelatin;

60 gr. salt;

100 gr. Sahara;

1 spoon of vinegar 70%.

Cooking method

Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into slices, onion into thin half rings. Throw peppercorns at the bottom of the prepared jars. Spread out all the vegetables, alternating layers and laying onion slices.

Prepare a marinade from water, gelatin dissolved in advance, salt, sugar and vinegar. Bring to a boil, boil for just a minute and pour jars with vegetables. Cover with metal lids, place in a pot of hot water and boil liter jars for 5 minutes. If the appetizer is laid out in jars more, then increase the time proportionally. Then the tomatoes in gelatin for the winter need to be rolled up with a key and put away for storage.

Recipe 7: Tomatoes in gelatin for the winter with Latvian carrots

This recipe for tomatoes in gelatin for the winter differs from the previous ones not only in taste, but also in a beautiful appearance. Carrot circles and slices of bell pepper add elegance and brightness to the Latvian appetizer.

Required Ingredients

1.2 kg of tomatoes;

0.4 kg of carrots;

1 sweet pepper.


10 gr. instant gelatin;

1 tsp vinegar;

Liter of water;

1.5 tablespoons of salt;

2 spoons of sugar.

Cooking method

Cut the tomatoes into slices. For this snack, it is better to use hard varieties, you can slightly unripe. Peel the carrots, cut into thin slices. Cut the pepper in half, remove the core and cut into half rings.

Pour water into a large saucepan, immediately dissolve the gelatin, add salt, sugar, put on the stove. As soon as it boils, pour the circles of carrots and boil for 3 minutes, then add the pepper, bring to a boil, pour in the vinegar and pour the tomatoes. Gently mix, bring to a boil and quickly lay out in jars. Roll up and send under a warm blanket to cool upside down.

Tomatoes in gelatin for the winter - tricks and tips

To prevent gelatin from seizing in lumps, you need to fill it with cool water or at room temperature. If a warm liquid is used, then it must be poured slowly, stirring constantly.

Today on sale you can find both regular gelatin and instant gelatin. The second has a fine structure, dissolves much faster in water and is more convenient to use.

Tomatoes in gelatin for the winter can be made with the addition of any greens, this will only make them more fragrant and tastier. But it is important to rinse the leaves well in several waters and dry.

If there is no time or opportunity to sterilize jars, then you can wash them with baking soda. And our grandmothers kept glass containers upside down in the sun and the blanks were perfectly stored for several years.

The riper the tomatoes, the more aromatic and tastier the snack. But the greener they are, the more beautiful and smoother the pieces are. Each hostess must choose for herself which option she prefers.

Gelatin in the marinade is used not so much for density, but to preserve juices and taste. Therefore, you should not expect tomato slices in dense vegetable jelly in a snack.

Tomatoes in a gelatin marinade taste better when cold. So the pieces remain firmer, do not sag. Therefore, before serving, the snack must be placed in the refrigerator.

The most delicious tomatoes in gelatin for the winter are obtained from local vegetables that have ripened in the bright sun. An appetizer made from imported tomatoes not only loses its taste, but sometimes cannot be stored for a long time due to the nitrates present in vegetables.

Well, and of course, delicious preparations are obtained from those housewives who cook with soul!

Thanks to the creation of new recipes (I personally learned about this recently), today we have a great opportunity to try and prepare tomatoes in gelatin for the winter. Large tomatoes are delicious fresh, salads and sauces on their own, but they are not suitable for salting and pickling as a whole, as they sometimes do not enter the neck of cans. This problem is faced by many housewives during the harvesting season. In addition to large fruits, thanks to this unusual recipe for tomatoes in gelatin, it is possible to process bursting, “non-marketable” vegetables, since in this case they are cut into pieces.

Gelatin filling in tomatoes does not make them thick as jelly, it is quite liquid, acting as a fixative in keeping the tomato pieces intact. In jelly, tomatoes do not spread, they remain strong, sweetish in taste, lightly salted. As I said, for the recipe, those tomatoes are selected that are not a pity (the so-called substandard), but ripe, red. This recipe for tomatoes in jelly will appeal to those who do not like ordinary seamings, but prefer more original preparations for the winter.

Ingredients for Tomato Jelly Recipe:

For a 1 liter jar:

Recipe for tomatoes in gelatin for the winter:

1. We wash the tomatoes, remove the tails, cut into large slices.

2. Then put garlic and onion rings on the bottom of the sterilized jar, fill it halfway with tomatoes.

4. To prepare 1 liter of brine, pour water into a small saucepan, pour sugar, salt.

5. Then add "lavrushka" and pepper, boil for several minutes until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved.

6. After that, pour the required amount of brine into a jar of tomatoes (how many vegetables will take), pasteurize for 15 minutes.

8. After cooling, the tomatoes in gelatin are removed in a cool place.

Tomatoes in jelly, tkemali, eggplant salads are vegetable snacks with which you can quickly and inexpensively feed your family in winter, supplementing them with meat, pasta, and potato dishes.


  • Fresh tomatoes (small) - 300 g;
  • Onion - half an onion;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Black pepper - 4 peas;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Dill sprig - 1 pc.;
  • Gelatin - 25 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, peel the garlic and onion.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into slices.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings.
  4. Prepare jars: wash them thoroughly, sterilize. The easiest way to sterilize is in a gas oven. Washed jars are placed in a cold oven neck up. The temperature should be raised gradually. When the temperature is +150 Celsius, the jars should be left in the oven for 15-25 minutes (depending on their size). After that, you can continue to work with them.
  5. For this recipe, you will need jars of 500 g or 800 g. Chopped tomatoes, garlic, onions, bay leaves, dill and pepper are placed in a jar.
  6. It is necessary to prepare a solution of gelatin. To do this, you need to dilute the gelatin in a glass of boiled water, leave it in this state for an hour.
  7. While the gelatin swells in water, pour 3 cups of water into a separate pan, add one and a half tablespoons of salt and a spoonful of sugar. Boil.
  8. Then put the solution in a water bath, heat, stirring continuously (do not bring to a boil!).
  9. When the solution has cooled - strain it through a cotton or gauze cloth, put it on fire again. You need to boil for several minutes;
  10. Pour water with salt and sugar into the jelly solution - mix well. Bring all this to a boil.
  11. Pour the mixture over the tomatoes, close and put in a cool place until completely cooled.

In order not to burst the jars, they should be cooled gradually, for example, by wrapping them in a blanket, wait until they cool down. Only after that, lower it into the basement or transfer it to the pantry.

Tomatoes in gelatin in a hurry


  • Fresh tomatoes - 500 g;
  • Bulb (large) - 1 piece;
  • Gelatin - 10 g;
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece;
  • Allspice - 3 peas;
  • Water - one liter.

Canning lids with clips

Cooking method:

  1. Dip the tomatoes for a couple of minutes in hot water, then soak them in cold water - this will help make them softer.
  2. Then cut the tomatoes into half rings or slices.
  3. We also break the bow (half rings).
  4. Pour gelatin with warm boiled water and leave it for 40 minutes so that it swells.
  5. We sterilize jars. This can be done using an ordinary kettle: fill half the kettle with water, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and open the lid. We attach the neck of the jar in place of the lid. Steam will sterilize dishes for 2-5 minutes.
  6. Pour salt, sugar, seasonings into the water. The mixture should boil for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Layer the tomatoes and onions in jars.
  8. Pour the prepared mixture into the gelatin solution, mix well.
  9. Pour all this into jars and put in a warm place, having previously closed the jars with metal lids.

"Spices of the East"


  • Tomatoes (small) - 10-20 pieces (depending on the density of stuffing the jar);
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon (without a slide);
  • Vinegar 9% - 250 ml;
  • Gelatin 170 g;
  • Water - 2 liters;
  • Carnation - 10 pieces;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Salt - 120 g;
  • Allspice - 10 pieces;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Onions - 2-3 onions.

Cooking method:

  1. Gelatin should be poured with 200 grams of water and left for forty minutes or an hour.
  2. Wash tomatoes thoroughly. You need to cut them, either into slices or slices of medium thickness.
  3. Peel the onion, chop and place on top of the tomatoes from the jar.
  4. Pour salt, pepper, sugar, cloves and other spices into the remaining water. Boil.
  5. Strain the gelatin and pour into the solution, let it boil.
  6. After boiling, add vinegar and bring to a boil again.
  7. After that, add the marinade to the tomatoes.
  8. Sterilize jars in a saucepan, close and leave in a warm place.

Fine salt in canning - useful tips

New Year's snack "Cherry in gelatin"


  • Cherry tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • Onions - 2 onions;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Water - 2 liters;
  • Carrots - 300 g;
  • Sugar - 2 (without a slide) Art. spoons;
  • Gelatin - 10-15 g;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Black pepper - 5-6 peas;
  • Allspice - 2-5 peas;
  • Carnation.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the jars, be sure to sterilize them in a convenient way.
  2. Soak gelatin in water for about an hour.
  3. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into slices.
  4. Onion cut into half rings.
  5. Cut carrots into strips or small cubes.
  6. At the bottom of the jar we put half of the mixture of vegetables, then tomatoes, and on top again onions and carrots.
  7. To prepare the marinade, you need to put sugar, spices and salt in water, boil.
  8. Mix with gelatin. Stir well until the gelatin is completely dissolved in the brine.
  9. Pour all this over the tomatoes.
  10. We close all the jars and leave them to cool.

After that, canned tomatoes can be stored in a place convenient for you.

"Vegetable Serpentine"


  • Bulgarian pepper - 3-5 pcs.;
  • Tomatoes - 30 g;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 4 pcs.;
  • Dill umbrellas - 4-7 pcs.;
  • sweet peas - to taste;
  • Currant leaves - 8 pcs.;
  • Vinegar 9% - 60 ml;
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Bay leaf - two pieces;
  • Salt - 50 g;
  • Water - 2 liters.

Tomatoes are grown by a very large number of people who have suburban areas. Such a vegetable goes well with any meal, it is delicious to eat both cooked and raw. With large harvests, each person thinks about preparations for the winter.

After all, it is very tasty, and most importantly - healthy, to open a jar of tomatoes in winter and enjoy their wonderful taste. The classic way of closing tomatoes is known to almost everyone, but there is such a harvesting method when marinade for tomatoes is prepared with gelatin.

This unusual type of preservation makes tomatoes even tastier and juicier. Absolutely everyone should try these tomatoes!

Therefore, take note of the following recipes for tomatoes in jelly for the winter under a name that speaks for itself - “Awesome”.

Tomatoes in gelatin "Awesome"

To prepare such delicious tomatoes in jelly for the winter, you will need:

  • 3 liters of filtered water;
  • Fresh tomatoes - 800 g;
  • 1 onion;
  • A few cloves of garlic;
  • Several bay leaves;
  • Black pepper in the form of peas - 3 pieces;
  • 30 g of sugar;
  • Gelatin that can dissolve quickly - 40 g;
  • Two teaspoons of table salt;
  • 100 ml of vinegar;
  • If possible, you can add various greens, pepper (Bulgarian or hot).

Tomatoes in jelly for the winter "Awesome" are prepared as follows:

  1. First, soak the tomatoes in cold water for 40 minutes;
  2. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly, remove the roots and cut into slices, if they are very small, then you can put them whole.
  3. Then you need to peel the onion and cut it into slices;
  4. Garlic must be peeled and cut into slices.
  5. In a jar, which must be carefully sterilized before use, you need to put chopped garlic, onions, pea balls, bay leaves and other possible seasonings and herbs;
  6. After that, you need to lay ready-made tomatoes;
  7. Next, you need to prepare the marinade. The water in which the marinade was soaked is brought to a boil, salt and sugar are added. Next, you need to mix everything well until completely dissolved. Next, with the fire turned off, add vinegar;
  8. Pour the marinade over the contents of the jars. Then be sure to sterilize for 20 minutes. Then close the jars and put them in a warm place upside down.

A fairly simple recipe that does not require much knowledge in cooking. Tomatoes "Awesome" will turn out tasty and juicy, will be an excellent snack on the festive table.

Tomato jelly for the winter: a simple recipe without sterilization

Sometimes there is no time to cook and close tomatoes, or it’s just too lazy to do it, then you can make such tomatoes for the winter without sterilization. However, the quality and taste will not change in any way, the tomatoes will remain the same tasty and juicy.

To prepare tomatoes with gelatin for the winter that do not require sterilization, you must:

  • 2000 ml of water;
  • Fresh tomatoes - 800 g;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • Peppers in the form of peas - 3 pieces;
  • Several bay leaves;
  • Vinegar - 60 ml;
  • 2 onions;
  • Greenery;
  • 2 tablespoons of gelatin, which is able to dissolve quickly
  • Garlic - 3 heads.

Step-by-step instructions for harvesting tomatoes in jelly for the winter using this method:

This recipe is also very simple, tomatoes in jelly "Awesome" can be eaten after 3 weeks of standing jars in a dark and cool place.

Preparations for the winter from green tomatoes

Sometimes it happens that the cold comes, and the tomatoes are not yet ripe. In this case, you can safely pluck them from the garden and make preparations from unripe vegetables for the winter. Green tomatoes can also be wrapped in jelly to make them even tastier and sweeter in winter.

For cooking you need:

  • Unripe tomatoes (preferably green)
  • 1000 ml of water;
  • 4 heads of garlic;
  • Bulb;
  • Several bay leaves;
  • Peppercorns - 5 peas;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of gelatin, which is able to dissolve quickly
  • 40 ml of acetic acid;
  • Half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 100 g of table salt.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Gelatin must be soaked in water for half an hour;
  2. Tomatoes must be thoroughly washed, cleaned of roots. Banks carefully sterilized;
  3. Wash the onion and garlic as well. Clean and cut into slices;
  4. Put onion rings, chopped garlic, pepper, leaf at the bottom of the jar, then cover everything with a dense layer of tomatoes;
  5. Next, you need to start cooking the marinade. To do this, boil water, after which you need to pour sugar and salt. After turn off the fire and add gelatin with vinegar;
  6. After pour the prepared marinade into a jar. Sterilize it, close it and put it upside down in a warm place.
  7. Bon appetit!
