
Salted cabbage for the winter crunchy. Little tricks - the key to successful salting

Often in the cold season you really want not a simple lunch and dinner, but something more appetizing and spicy. Hence the questions arise, how to salt the cabbage, how to keep it crunchy and give it a piquant taste.

What is the difference between salting and sauerkraut?

Sourdough appeared in ancient times as the simplest way to preserve food, when people did not yet know how to extract salt. However, there is a fundamental difference between salting and sourdough, which manifests itself not only in the method of preparation, but also in taste.

Salting will be a more effective and reliable way to preserve the cabbage, while pickling means keeping the product in a cool place after the fermentation process is complete due to the presence of bacteria in the cabbage. Salting cabbage is much easier than fermenting. However, in order to brighten up the taste, salted cabbage necessarily requires some additives: dill, lavrushka, carrots, etc. Sauerkraut does not require this and can even be called a healthy product due to the lack of salt, which, as you know, has the ability to retain moisture.

Basics of cooking technology

To properly salt cabbage, you need to have certain knowledge.

They apply to all salting methods, regardless of flavorings:

  • "Late" cabbage is used, which ripened right before frost. It will have a minimum sugar content.
  • For a sweet note in taste, it is customary to add grated carrots, but you can do without it.
  • Cabbage is salted in a jar, enameled bucket or wooden tub. It is better not to use plastic containers.
  • The required amount of salt is calculated as follows: for every 20 kilograms of cabbage, 400 grams of salt will be used. Maybe a little more, but not less.
  • A load is placed on top of the cabbage rammed in the container so that it releases the juice. It is advisable to drain the excess liquid into a separate jar, and put the future snack in a cold place.
  • When the cabbage is completely ready (usually this period does not exceed 3-4 days), add the juice back.

How to quickly salt cabbage at home?

Quickly salting cabbage is actually very easy and does not take much of your time.

For one fork of white cabbage you need:

  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • twice as much sugar
  • vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

Cabbage is finely chopped or rubbed and mixed with grated carrots. You can use a couple of medium-sized root vegetables or one large one. Take a two-liter jar and tightly lay the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin there.

Boil half a liter of water and immediately after the start of boiling, put spices there. When they are completely dissolved, remove the pot of water from the stove and add the vinegar.

Due to its presence in the finished dish, people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is undesirable to use such an appetizer.

Drown the whole cabbage and you can eat it the very next day.

Recipe for salting in jars for the winter

You need:

  • white cabbage - 6 kg;
  • carrots - 7-8 pcs.;
  • parsley a couple of leaves;
  • pepper;
  • salt - 1 cup;
  • half the amount of sugar.

Finely chop the vegetables. Mix by hand and distribute them into containers. Try not to squeeze too much so that they do not let the juice out ahead of time. From the given amount of ingredients, you should get three three-liter jars of a delicious snack. Do not forget to pre-dip them in boiling water and wipe dry. Place the spices indicated in the recipe somewhere in the middle.

Next you need to prepare the marinade. Boil 7 liters of water, add salt and sugar to it. Fill cabbage completely. In addition, you still have some left. Do not throw it out, but put it in the refrigerator. After a couple of days, when the snack absorbs the liquid, you will need to pour it again. Cabbage in jars for the winter is pickled from 3 to 5 days.

Salted cabbage with beets - step by step

You need:

  • red or white cabbage - 1 fork;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • beets - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 1 cup;
  • hot peppers (chili, red, tabasco - as you like);
  • peppercorns;
  • vinegar - 150 ml.

Cut the cabbage into large pieces, but do not chop, otherwise the taste will not be as bright as it should be. Beets and carrots are cut into strips or rubbed on a coarse grater. Garlic is divided into cloves and cut into small slices. You can also cut it into pieces, depending on your preference. Pack the sliced ​​vegetables into a 5 liter pot.

It's time for the pickle. Boil a liter of salted water with spices, remove the marinade from the heat and add vinegar to it. Pour the cabbage with the resulting liquid and cover it from above, just do not put a load. Clean for a day in a secluded place and after this interval, cabbage with beets will already be such that you will lick your fingers.

How to pickle cabbage so that it is crispy?

You need:

  • white cabbage - 2 kg;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • lavrushka - 3 pcs.;
  • peppercorns;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Chop the cabbage, and cut the carrots into strips or grate. Mix it all by hand and tamp it into a jar, adding the indicated spices as well. Then turn the brine - boil one and a half liters of water, putting salt and sugar in it.

Pour the cabbage completely with warm marinade. Put the jar in a plate with high sides and cover it with a cloth on top. If you still have brine left, then put it in the refrigerator and pour in the pickle if the cabbage absorbs too much moisture. The jar is placed in a place with an average temperature for several days.

with apples

You need:

  • white cabbage - 2 kg;
  • carrot - 400 g;
  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • a couple of leaves of lavrushka;
  • peppercorns;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Chop the cabbage, grate the carrots, and process the apples and cut into cubes. Tightly put in a jar alternately layers of cabbage with carrots and apples, as well as spices. Leave 4-5 centimeters from the neck so that it is convenient to pour the marinade there.

Prepare the brine. To do this, boil one and a half liters of water with salt and sugar. Pour the hot marinade over the cabbage completely so that it is completely covered with liquid. Leave it for 3-4 days to pickle at an average temperature.

Do not forget to stir the snack with a wooden stick so that the fermentation gas comes out.

Spicy salted cabbage

You need:

  • cabbage - 10 kg;
  • carrot - 0.5 kg;
  • cumin - 2 teaspoons;
  • coriander - ½ teaspoon;
  • pepper;
  • salt - ½ cup.

This recipe does not involve adding a hot marinade at the very beginning. The vegetables are finely chopped and then ground by hand with salt and the indicated spices until a sufficient amount of juice is released.

Tamp the future snack tightly into a jar or barrel, just line the bottom ahead of time with the remaining cabbage leaves, pre-washed. Put the cabbage for several days under oppression at normal temperature.

Periodically remove the foam that appears and let the gas escape so that the cabbage does not have an extra unpleasant smell in the future.

Spicy appetizer with pepper and garlic

You need:

  • white cabbage - 2 kg;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • a pod of hot pepper;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • horseradish - 30 g.

Divide the cabbage into 4 pieces, removing the stalk and leaves from the top, then chop finely. Cut the pepper, remove the core from the inside and select all the seeds. It is best to do this while wearing gloves, as it is difficult to wash your hands after cutting the pepper. Finely chop it into strips.

Garlic can be crushed with a garlic press or simply chopped. Carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater.

Mix all the vegetables in one container and shake them with your hands to let the juice flow. For sourdough, it is better to use a glass jar. Pack the cabbage tightly into it. After that, you need to start preparing the brine. A liter of water is boiled with salt and sugar, and then stirred so that they are completely dissolved. Pour the cabbage with the resulting marinade so that it completely covers it, and send it to pickle for 3 days under oppression at standard temperature.

You need:

  • white cabbage - 6 kg;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • dill (seeds) - 3.5 tbsp. spoons.

Finely chop the cabbage and rub it together with salt and dill seeds. Wait for the moment when she releases the juice, however, do not overdo it, otherwise the cabbage will soften and be tasteless.

Tamp the appetizer tightly into the pickling container and place oppression on top. Pay attention to the fact that the cabbage should be covered to the top with the released juice. The salting process will last 3-4 days at an average temperature. Do not forget to skim off the emerging foam and pierce the cabbage with a stick to release the fermentation gas.

Salted cabbage is a traditional Russian dish. It always becomes a wonderful decoration for any feast, both everyday and festive. Salted cabbage recipes are extremely simple, but they can be used to make an excellent delicacy. Let's look at the best of them in our article, learn how to select ingredients and find out all the intricacies of such a culinary process as quick salting.

How to choose and prepare cabbage for pickling

The most important thing is to choose the right fresh vegetables for preparations, otherwise the dish may not turn out as crispy and juicy as we would like. A good cabbage for seaming has the following characteristics:

Recipes for canned salted cabbage require advance preparation. It consists of the following:

  1. Remove from the head a few sluggish top layers, cut into large pieces.
  2. Visible damage must be removed.
  3. For some recipes, the head of cabbage needs to be chopped into thin, narrow strips with a shredder, knife, grater, or food processor.
  4. Vegetables used according to the recipe must be washed and peeled. Spices must be sorted out, removing spoiled fragments.

How to quickly and tasty pickle cabbage at home

There are many recipes for salting at home, each of them involves one or another cooking time. The most popular recipes for quick salted cabbage. The preparation prepared according to them can be eaten as a separate snack, or added to other dishes, for example, borscht or salads. Consider the most interesting recipes.

Hot in brine without vinegar

The hot method allows you to get pickles as quickly as possible, literally in a day you can already try the dish. Both white and red forks are suitable for such a blank. The main ingredient is sometimes chopped, but the classic recipe simply involves cutting into small portions. You can serve the dish with greens, onions.


  • a dense fork of cabbage;
  • 1 carrot;
  • a few peas of pepper;
  • bay leaf - 2-6 pieces;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 st. l. table salt;
  • half a tablespoon of sugar.

  1. Cabbage should be chopped (chopped if desired).
  2. Grate carrots (better on the so-called Korean).
  3. Mix vegetables, put in a sterilized dried jar in layers, put spices on each.
  4. Dissolve salt and sugar in hot water. Keep the brine on low heat until boiling. Fill them with vegetables.
  5. Place an open container in a deep bowl for one to two days. After cover it with a lid, but do not roll up. Leave to store in the cold.

Fast food with Georgian beets

The dish according to this recipe turns out to be incredibly tasty and spicy, it looks beautiful because of the pink tint attached to the beets. The dish is stored for a very long time, it can stand all winter. A quick pickle will be a great addition to any dish. It is very easy to prepare, it does not take much time or effort, you just need to follow the instructions.


  • two kilograms of fresh cabbage;
  • garlic (medium head);
  • 2 medium beets (oblong);
  • several bay leaves;
  • peppercorns;
  • 3-5 cloves;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • a mixture of fennel, dill seeds and cilantro (3 teaspoons total);
  • two full tablespoons of salt (not iodized);
  • 180 g of sugar;
  • 150 ml of table vinegar (preferably natural apple).

Recipe step by step:

  1. Wash vegetables, cut them. Cabbage is cut in portions, removing the stalk, and beets in thick slices. Garlic should be peeled and cut into large pieces. Put the vegetables in an enamel bowl.
  2. In order to make a marinade, you need to boil water, add spices there. Boil the brine for five minutes and add the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Cool the liquid to 20 degrees.
  4. Pour the brine into a container with vegetables, put oppression on top, store for about three days.
  5. After the cabbage is laid out in containers, poured with brine and tightly closed with nylon lids. An open jar can be stored for three days.

Preparation for the winter in banks

Sauerkraut contains folic acid and vitamin C, which are very beneficial for the body. Salad from it is a great addition to the fatty dishes that people often cook in the winter. Below is a classic recipe, but if you want, you can add bay leaf, apple, cranberries, soaked cloudberries, currant leaves, spices, or any other ingredients that could enhance the taste.


  • cabbage (about 1.7-2 kg);
  • large carrots;
  • a tablespoon of salt.

  1. Cut the forks, grate the carrots, put the vegetables on a clean, dry surface.
  2. Add salt to the vegetables and mash them thoroughly.
  3. Cabbage must be tightly packed into a container. Each new layer must be pressed well until the juice comes out. Cover with a cloth and leave at room temperature.
  4. For the circulation of gases several times a day, it is necessary to pierce the workpiece with a wooden wedge. If this is not done, then the dish will be bitter.
  5. The dish will be ready when it stops fermenting. You can understand this by how the gases stop coming out. After that, the jar can be closed with a nylon lid and hidden in the refrigerator.

With apples and cranberries in a barrel

It is difficult to get a wooden barrel now, so you can use large enameled dishes to cook quick salted cabbage. A dish with apples and cranberries will be very original and festive. It is very easy to make, the process takes no more than a week. Below is a classic recipe, but some other spices can be added there.

Ingredients for preparing a kilogram of salted cabbage:

  • carrots and apples - 100 grams each;
  • cranberries - 80 grams;
  • salt - 30 grams.

  1. Clean and cut the cabbage. Add the rest of the grated ingredients to it. Salt, mix thoroughly.
  2. Pour in the vegetable mixture, pressing it down well until the juice comes out.
  3. We cover the barrel with a wooden board and put oppression on top. We leave in a warm place. Periodically it is necessary to remove the rising foam.
  4. You should pierce the salted cabbage with a wooden sharp object to release excess gases. When fermentation is over (5-7 days), the dish will be ready.

With bell peppers, carrots and onions in a jar

Incredibly tasty and spicy salad, which is a must-do. Unusually looks on the table, attracts attention with its brightness. The recipes for white salted cabbage with vegetables are very simple, but the dishes according to them are simply excellent. They give them a unique flavor. In winter, such a salad will be simply irreplaceable at any feast, especially a festive one.

Ingredients for a 3 liter glass jar:

  • cabbage - 3 kg;
  • carrots - 600 g;
  • red bell pepper - 600 g;
  • onion - 600 g;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 50 ml of vinegar;
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil.

  1. Remove the top layers from the fork, chop, salt, squeeze until the juice is released. Three carrots, cut the onion into rings, and the bell pepper into thin strips. Mix everything in a large container, season with vegetable oil and sugar.
  2. Dissolve the vinegar and some water, add to the vegetables.
  3. We put the salad in a jar after sterilization, tamp it down. We put a capron lid on top, put it in the refrigerator.

A simple recipe with horseradish and garlic pieces

This pickle has an unusual and slightly spicy taste. It is valued for its simplicity, speed of preparation, originality of salting. And adding ginger root to the recipe brings a touch of piquancy. The special ingredients in the composition make the canned dish durable, and also help strengthen the immune system and help in the prevention of colds.


  • cabbage - 6 kg;
  • carrots - 0.3 kg;
  • 145 g of salt;
  • 50-70 g of sugar;
  • 1.5 heads of garlic;
  • horseradish root - 0.2 kg;
  • ginger root - 0.15 kg.

  1. Cut the cabbage into pieces. Grate the carrots, ginger and horseradish, and crush the garlic.
  2. Put the ingredients in a spacious container, mix thoroughly until the juice comes out.
  3. Place the vegetable mixture at the bottom of the bucket, put oppression.
  4. Fermentation lasts three days, during which gases must be regularly released from the salt.

With honey and lemon

Recipes for salted cabbage with lemon and honey are very popular now. The dish comes out very tasty and fragrant, and honey gives it a special tenderness. The amount of lemon indicated in the recipe can be changed at your discretion, add more or less acid. Honey is desirable to take liquid. The water for the recipe must be boiled, some people even add spring water.


  • cabbage;
  • big carrot;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l honey;
  • medium lemon.

  1. Cut the cabbage, grate the carrot, cut the lemon into small pieces. Combine all ingredients in an enamel bowl, squeeze well.
  2. In a separate container, dilute salt water with honey, boil.
  3. Arrange the vegetable mixture in jars, tamp, pour marinade, close with nylon lids and insist in the dark for a day.

in Armenian

The dish according to this recipe comes out not only salty, but also spicy. It will be a great addition to meat, barbecue. Recipes for fragrant salted cabbage in Armenian require special ingredients, but now it will not be difficult to get them. Their quantity can be changed according to personal preferences, for example, some are prepared without garlic or cinnamon.


  • 2.5 kg of cabbage;
  • 50 g of garlic;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 1 beet;
  • 100 g of celery root;
  • 2 hot peppers;
  • 20 g cilantro;
  • cherry leaves;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 150 g of salt;
  • 10 pieces. peppercorns;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • half a cinnamon stick.

  1. First you need to prepare the starter. We boil water, pour salt, all spices into it, cool it.
  2. Cut the cabbage into portions, cut the rest of the vegetables into circles. The pepper is cut into rings, the celery root into strips, and the garlic into small cubes.
  3. We cover the bottom of the barrel or pan with cherry leaves, tightly lay the cabbage, layering it with a vegetable mixture.
  4. Pour the dish with chilled brine, leave it under pressure for two to three days at room temperature.

Chinese cabbage recipe in Korean

This is a spicy specific dish that will appeal to connoisseurs of the exotic. On its basis, another famous Korean dish is prepared - kimchi, which has long been loved not only in Korea, but also in other countries of the world. There are no difficulties in the manufacturing process. It is important to properly prepare the most important ingredient, and seasonings will improve its taste.


  • Chinese cabbage - 3 kg;
  • red hot pepper;
  • garlic - 3 heads;
  • salt - 250 g.

  1. We lower the head of cabbage into the water, take it out and divide it into four parts. Dissolve and salt, leave for a day, and then rinse. For convenience, it is better to immediately cut them into small squares.
  2. We crush the garlic and mix with the same amount of pepper until a homogeneous paste is formed. She needs to rub each piece.
  3. The dish is kept warm for a day, and then placed in the refrigerator.

salted cabbage calories

The advantage of quick salted cabbage is not only a breathtaking taste, but also the ability to benefit the body, because it is low in calories. There are 19 to 50 calories per 100 grams of product, depending on the ingredients added. A great option for those who are on a diet. There are many vitamins A, C, B, iron, potassium. The use of pickled cabbage helps to normalize bowel function. Recommended for peptic ulcer, colds.

When to salt cabbage according to the lunar calendar 2019

You can make pickles in October in the numbers from 2 to 5, 9, 12, 14, 17, from 20 to 22, 30. The following November dates are also suitable for this: 1, from 6 to 8, 11, 13, 15-16, 18, 20-21, 29. It is not recommended to cook on the full moon, it is better to do it for the growing month. Salted cabbage will let the juice out well and absorb the aromas of spices. Days when the moon is in Virgo, Cancer, Pisces are not suitable for conservation. If you want to make a crispy dish, then it is better to cook on the fifth or sixth day of the new month.


Salted cabbage recipes are varied, so we invite you to watch a video that demonstrates one of the easiest. Even a novice can cook a delicious dish using it. The material shows all the secrets of shredding cabbage for quick pickling, many subtleties are explained. This video is a must-see for anyone who wants to pickle cabbage.

One of the best ways to store cabbage is to pickle or pickle it. Despite the fact that some of its varieties are very resistant to low temperatures, it is not always possible to keep it fresh for the winter. This vegetable requires certain conditions: wooden boxes, a lot of free space, the absence of rodents and other pests.

Even in ancient times, people tried to salt and ferment vegetables. Salting vegetables differs from pickling in that it allows you to store cabbage for a very long time. Fermentation uses a small amount of salt and is therefore considered healthier. Pickled vegetables have an exquisite taste and pleasant aroma.

Not every variety is equally suitable for pickling. Most often, white cabbage is used, as it is the most accessible, convenient to prepare, gives a lot of juice and is well stored. . The following are considered the best varieties:

Cabbage preparation

Before starting work, it is very important choose the right vegetables, as well as prepare everything you need for salting.

First, the container is placed in a warm place, then in a cool one. The air temperature in the room must be above zero. There are many ways to salt cabbage at home.

cooking recipes

In a warm room, it is cooked for 2 days, after which it is transferred to another container and placed in the refrigerator. For the recipe for salting homemade cabbage, very tasty, you will need one or two heads of cabbage with a total weight of 6 kg. Next, proceed as follows:

This simple salting method is the most popular and is used by almost every housewife. If the vegetable is overexposed, it can turn sour and become soft. Many are interested in how to salt cabbage quickly and tasty so that it is ready in a day. To do this, use a hot brine or simply put the container in a warm place.

Salting vegetables in large chunks

How to salt cabbage at home tasty and whole halves- it is not difficult. Large slices contain the maximum amount of nutrients, and the taste and aroma of vegetables are also preserved. For the recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • One kilogram of carrots.
  • Fifty grams of salt and sugar.
  • About two kilograms of cabbage.

Salt and sugar are dissolved in a liter of boiling water. Coarsely chopped cabbage with carrots is placed in the prepared container and poured with brine. With this method of cooking, vegetables are crispy and juicy.

With cranberries and lingonberries

Cabbage is often salted with lingonberries and cranberries.. For cooking you will need:

  • Three small carrots
  • Two hundred grams of salt.
  • Cranberries and lingonberries are taken in any quantity.
  • Two heads of cabbage.
  • Sour apples 1 kg.

Prepared vegetables are combined with cranberries and lingonberries, salted and put in a jar. If desired, add pepper and bay leaf. From above, vegetables are pressed down with oppression. The oppression is lifted daily, and the cabbage is pierced with long wooden knitting needles.

Fast way how to salt cabbage at home quickly and tasty at the same time. Usually, cabbage cooked in the evening is ready for use in the morning. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • Water will need no more than 1 liter.
  • Head of cabbage weighing about 5 kg
  • One carrot.
  • Five bay leaves.
  • Sugar and salt 50 g each.

Cabbage is cut in any way, and carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater. A glass jar is most often used as a container. Vegetables are mixed and placed in a specially prepared container. One liter of water is poured into a saucepan and put on the stove, and as soon as the water boils, add a tablespoon of sugar and salt. When they are completely dissolved, the water is turned off. Put a bay leaf in a slightly cooled marinade and carefully pour it into a jar of prepared vegetables.

This is an old recipe for cabbage, according to which it turns out to be extremely tasty and crispy. Unfortunately, in urban areas cook cabbage in a barrel almost impossible. You will need an oak barrel, cabbage, carrots, canvas, and some rye flour. A little flour is poured at the bottom of the barrel and vegetables are laid in layers: one layer of cabbage, a second layer of carrots, then again cabbage and carrots. Sprinkle each layer with coarse salt and allspice.

The vegetables are well tamped with your hands until the juice appears. Cabbage leaves are placed on top, covered with a cloth and put oppression.

cabbage with garlic

This cabbage has a unique flavor.. For this recipe, vegetables are not chopped, but cut into cubes. You will need the following ingredients:

  • One big carrot.
  • One liter of water.
  • 50 g sugar.
  • Three tablespoons of sunflower oil.
  • Head of cabbage, weighing 2 kg.
  • Three cloves of small garlic.
  • Two hundred milliliters of vinegar.

The first two days, the mixture of vegetables is stored at room temperature, and then it is put in a cold place. The brine is prepared in advance. To do this, dissolve salt with sugar in hot water and add vinegar. Peeled vegetables are cut into cubes, and garlic into small slices. All products are placed in a container and poured with brine and sunflower oil.

Ferment it with cold brine. This method of preparation takes more time, but the finished product is perfectly stored and does not grow moldy. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

The shelf life of the finished product depends on the air temperature in the room where it is kept. For example, in the refrigerator, it can be stored for two months. Cabbage with carrots is chopped and placed in a container, poured with brine and put under oppression. After 3 days, the juice is drained, two tablespoons of sugar are dissolved in it and poured back.

This vegetable can be cooked in many ways and any ingredients can be added. But there are some rules, allowing you to cook the product the most delicious and healthy:

As soon as the mixture increases in volume, brine begins to pour out of the container. It can be collected and as soon as the volume of the mixture subsides, add it back to the container.

Additional additives

Apples, berries, plums, horseradish and beets are often put in salted cabbage. By adding them to cabbage, you can not only improve the taste of the finished product, but also enrich it with additional vitamins and minerals. The finished product takes on various shades. For example, plum gives a light red hue, and beetroot - ruby. The following additives are commonly used:

There are many ways to prepare this healthy vegetable. Salted cabbage is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. By eating this vegetable, you can maintain and improve your health.

Salted cabbage in winter is just a storehouse of vitamins! Such an easy-to-prepare product is always in demand on the menu. You can simply fill with vegetable oil and eat with pleasure under boiled potatoes, or you can cook a lot of salads, vinaigrette. A casserole, stewed cabbage, cabbage soup or borscht - you can count all the dishes! As well as the ways of its preparation.

Today, when vegetables are sold all year round, there is no need to salt cabbage in barrels, buckets and invent a suitable place for storage. It is quite possible pickle two or three jars, calmly put them in the refrigerator, and as it is destroyed, cook more.

So, salting cabbage for the winter in jars. There are several ways to prepare it.

The cold way to pickle cabbage

The main difference is cold and hot. Cold is the easiest. At the same time, the cold principle also does not exist alone.

Salting "dry" way

The most traditional is the old reliable "dry". For him, all you need to do is prepare vegetables and dishes.

  • cabbage;
  • carrots in a ratio of 1: 4;
  • salt at the rate of 20 grams per 1 kg of vegetables.

Chop vegetables, mix in a deep bowl and rub your hands well. The kneading process is similar to kneading dough. It is necessary to crush until a lot of juice is formed. You can “knead” the cabbage separately, and then add the carrots. In this case, the finished pickle will taste more vigorous. If you mix everything at once, then the taste will turn out to be sweeter, and the brine will acquire a beautiful carrot color.

Then leave to ferment in the room, piercing the cabbage several times a day with a splinter. After 3-4 days, put the jars in the refrigerator.

Salting cabbage in brine

The recipe for salting in brine is simple. Prepare food:

  • ]cabbage - forks weighing approximately 2 kg;
  • carrots - half a kilogram;
  • water - 4 liters;
  • salt - 8 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons.

That's the whole set. In addition, you will need two three-liter jars, a deep container, such as a bowl, a cabbage shredder or a special knife and a grater for Korean carrots.

Now the process itself. The first thing to do is boil the brine. Since the method is cold, the brine, respectively, must be cold. This means that it should be prepared in advance so that by the time the vegetables are cut, it has already cooled down. Bring water to a boil and add salt and sugar to it. Wait until they are completely dissolved, while not removing from heat. Then just leave to cool.

Cabbage for pickling must be taken winter varieties. Her forks are dense, juicy, crispy, slightly sweet. Heads of cabbage are especially good, having the shape of a ball flattened from above and below.

Chop all the cabbage finely, grate the carrots. Combine them in a bowl and mix a little so that the vegetables are evenly distributed among themselves. Now all this needs to be packed very tightly into jars.

Banks, of course, must be thoroughly washed, and even better, sterilized. Vegetables need take very hard as the container is filled, so that even small voids in the contents do not remain at all. Thus, fill both jars to the neck.

And the last - pour brine. It will have to be poured gradually. Since the vegetables are stacked very tightly, the liquid will penetrate to the bottom of the jar rather slowly. Therefore, it will be necessary, after pouring a certain amount, to wait until all the water is gone, and add more. And so on, until the container is filled with brine to the top.

Next, you should only leave the jars in the fermentation room for two or three days. All this time, the cabbage must be periodically pierced in order to give an outlet to the gases formed during souring. On the third day, you should try the pickle for readiness. The temperature in the apartment can be different, and the time of its preparation depends on this. As soon as the taste turned out to be what you wanted, you need to close the jars with lids and put them in the refrigerator. There they will be perfectly stored in the winter.

What to salt cabbage

The recipe for salting in this way is, of course, easier. You do not need to spend a lot of effort on "kneading" vegetables, just pour it with cold brine and let it stand for several days. And you can do it not only in glass jars. Since you need to stuff vegetables for pickling very hard, and in a jar it is not very convenient to do this. Can be used food grade plastic containers, enameled pan or can, ceramic barrels. The process of laying cabbage in them will be much easier.

Of course, this amount of cabbage is not enough for the whole winter, and the volume of the refrigerator is unlikely to allow storing a huge number of cans there. But you can gradually, as needed, add one more jar of salt, and thus, sauerkraut will be on the menu all winter.

Salted cabbage with beets

When salting, you can use not only cabbage and carrots. The original is cooking with beets. There are many variations of this recipe, but the most common. But with the addition of beets, you need to be careful. The fact is that it is able to give some softness to cabbage, in addition, the finished product will have a specific taste. Therefore, beets should be put on the basis of for 2 kg of cabbage literally 100 grams.

The cooking method should be chosen - with brine. But when putting vegetables in jars, you should add garlic and cumin, and put a horseradish leaf on the bottom. Put a few mustard seeds in the brine. These additives will spiciness, astringent to neutralize the emollient properties of the beets, and enhance the special taste. The rest of the process will remain unchanged. In winter, such a recipe is even more useful, since the beets will add their vitamins, and the presence of garlic will enhance the preventive effect of vitamin C.

Salted cabbage with apples and cranberries

But in cabbage with carrots, it’s good to put a few slices of a sour apple of a winter variety, for example, Antonovka. Everyone knows the recipe too. with cranberries. For this, it is best to buy berries not in a store, but in the market. In winter, this is not at all difficult to do. It will be necessary to put it while mixing the cabbage and tamp it not so hard, otherwise all the berries will burst. Cranberries will hardly change the taste of the finished pickle in any way, but they will look original on the table and add spice when they hit the tongue.

Recipe for pickling cabbage in water

Another recipe for sauerkraut. It is in many ways similar to cooking it in brine, but the brine itself does not have to be cooked.

Products and their proportions are the same as in the brine recipe. Only if in the case of brine the amount of water poured into the cabbage does not matter - salt and sugar are put in the pan in advance, then here you have to measure how much water fits in the jar. On average, one three-liter jar filled with vegetables will require 2 liters of liquid.

So, prepared vegetables are placed in jars or other containers in a known way. Further, all the contents are poured with cold boiled water to the very top. Depending on how much water was poured, you need to pour salt directly into the jar, based on the proportion per liter of liquid 2 tablespoons.

Now you can put, as always, wander. It is also necessary to pierce and keep it warm for several days. Then you need to put sugar directly into the jar again. Remembering how much water was poured into the jar, sugar count 1 tablespoon per liter.

Allow the sugar to completely dissolve and seep into the vegetables, this will take several hours. And then close the jars and put them in the cold. You can speed up the process of dissolving sugar. To do this, pour a little brine into another container, dissolve all the necessary sugar in it and pour it back.

This recipe is almost the same as using brine, but much simpler.

Salted cabbage recipe

Cabbage does not need to be shredded for pickling. You can salt it by cutting into large or not very slices, slices. Many people prefer just such a recipe for salting for the winter. Of course, ordinary glass jars are not suitable for this. good to use enameled, ceramic or plastic cans, barrels. You can even use food-grade plastic buckets. Or jars larger than three liters with a wide neck.

At the bottom of the container, you should put cabbage leaves, stalks, apples, whole medium-sized carrots. It is better to cut some carrots and cabbage. Next, lay the pieces of heads of cabbage, sprinkling them with chopped vegetables. As it fills, compact by pressing with your hands. Lay the very top with chopped cabbage and carrots and press well too.

Then pour all the contents with cold brine. Further, the process is similar to the previous recipes.

You can store large containers on a cold balcony, unless they are glass. Of course, if the winter is frosty. Because freezing and thawing will make the product inedible. Five-liter jars will fit in the refrigerator.

As you can see, you can salt cabbage in a completely different way. There are many recipes. The cold method is just one of the possible options. With such salting, the product will prepare for a few days. The hot method allows the product to be ready in a few hours. However, cold salting is often preferred.

There are different options pickled cabbage in jars and we recommend that you familiarize yourself with everyone, because in winter such a preparation can be used both as an appetizing snack, and during the preparation of vinaigrettes, salads, pies, borscht and other pickles.

Salting cabbage for the winter in jars

Even before you start chopping or cutting, you need to learn a few rules that will help you get a tasty and crunchy snack as a result. Only late varieties should be taken for salting, which are not frozen at the same time, cooking - only after October 14 (Pokrova). Hostesses for work recommend choosing those days that have the letter “r” in their names.

Chop a medium-sized head of cabbage (this amount will be enough to fill a three-liter bottle), pour it into a large bowl. Grind a medium-sized carrot on a coarse grater; you should not chase the amount of carrots, because with an excess of it, the product will turn out soft.

Add carrots to the bowl as well, add dill or cumin if you like these grains. Please note that the contents of the vessel should not be rubbed with your hands. Mix all the ingredients and place in a bottle, crushing well. There should be 8 cm of free space left to the top. Pour in a little boiled water - enough to cover the cabbage. However, you can not add water, but it is quite possible that after a day there will not be enough cabbage juice in the bottle, in this case it is simply necessary to pour a little boiled water.

Place the bottle on a plate, which will collect excess cabbage juice and prevent it from spilling onto the table. These surpluses will need to be returned to the container. It will be salted for 3-4 days, during this period it is necessary to pierce the contents every day with a long clean stick - this will release the accumulated gases.

After this time, the brine should be in another bowl and pour 3 large tablespoons of granulated sugar, be sure to stir so that it dissolves properly. And again pour the liquid to the cabbage, now it remains to cork with a lid and place in the refrigerator (you can also in the cellar). It should be noted that it will be possible to taste the finished product after 7-8 days from the start of preparation.

Pickling cabbage in jars in brine

First of all, you need to chop 5 kg of young cabbage, as well as 1 kg of carrots. Please note that the success of the entire enterprise will depend on the fineness of the cut, which is why if you are going to regularly please the family with this workpiece, then you should purchase a shredding knife.

Put the cuts in a deep saucepan, sprinkle with half a glass of salt (it should not be iodized), mix, crushing a little with your hands - this will make it easier for the vegetables to start the juice.

Arrange the prepared vegetable mixture in jars, pour in the brine prepared in advance, while adding to the edges of the jar should not be. Place the filled container in deep trays, because the liquid will probably spill out during fermentation. The container should be left open in the room for 2-3 days, while it is recommended to regularly release the gas formed during fermentation - to do this, pierce the contents of the container with a stick or fork.

On the fourth day (after the end of fermentation), it will be necessary to pour the required amount of brine, cork with a plastic cap and put in the refrigerator, where the workpiece will be stored, and no sterilization is required.

Salting cabbage in jars with beets

Cut a head of white cabbage large enough, but keep in mind that the pieces should normally pass through the neck of the container. Peel a couple of beetroots and carrots, cut into small sticks or pieces of another shape - your choice.

At the bottom of a pre-sterilized jar, lay a hot pepper, 10 black peppercorns, half as much allspice, a dill umbrella, a couple of parsley, a tablespoon of cumin, a couple of celery sprigs. On top of this spicy "pillow" tightly lay the vegetable slices.

For the correct preparation of the filling, it is necessary to add 0.5 cups of vegetable oil and sugar to 1.5 liters of water, and you can’t do without a couple of large spoons of salt. Boil all this mixture, and after a minute remove from the stove and pour in 0.5 cups of 9% vinegar, mix.

With this filling, still hot, fill the containers, cover with a lid and send for 30 minutes for sterilization. After seaming, the jars should be turned over and left for a couple of days in such an interesting position. Keep the blank until winter in a cool place.

Prepare and - it is extremely useful.

Salting cabbage in jars quickly

Perhaps you are waiting for the simplest recipe pickling cabbage in jars in a cold way, and if you strictly follow all the rules, then in a few days (usually 3-4) you will already be able to enjoy the taste of an amazing winter snack.

So what will be quick pickling cabbage in a jar? Slice the cabbage leaves as thinly as possible to form thin "ribbons". Pour a liter of already boiled chilled water, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and salt (it should not be iodized).

Lay out small cabbage slices and lightly tamp with your hands, do not worry and do not wrinkle much, now there is a lot of product, but over time it will settle on its own.

Put the bottle in a deep tray (do not close it with a lid) and leave the workpiece right in the kitchen. After the cabbage settles, you will need to pour in quite a bit of brine so that it stands at the edge of a three-liter bottle, close the lid and place in the refrigerator.

Recipe for salting cabbage in a jar using oppression

We will tell you, with the use of oppression. Wash the head well and remove the outer leaves. Cut in half and chop very finely. Place the cut in an enamel basin and remember it with your hands as you knead the dough - the cut itself should become translucent, while a certain amount of cabbage juice will stand out. At the same time, add a little salt (take the amount to your liking), this will also make it easier and faster to mash it. Please note that in the end the product should be a little saltier than required, because when it turns sour, the excess salt will go away. To start the fermentation process, add also granulated sugar - not very much, no more than a tablespoon for the whole head of cabbage.

Peel and grate a medium-sized carrot on a coarse grater. Please note that these two vegetables cannot be crushed together, because then the result will be tasteless, add carrots only at the time of laying in glass containers. Mix everything gently, and when the vegetable mixture is laid, then put oppression.

For a small volume, you can use the most ordinary nylon cover in its role - press it well, compacting the contents. Such a manipulation will have to be done more than once, because the gases that form during fermentation will strive to push it out. Without the use of oppression, the workpiece will turn out to be soft and loose, but our goal is a crispy and dense cabbage. You will get quite a lot of vegetable juice - you should not pour it out.

Put a full bottle in a cup or plate, and put a cup of cabbage juice next to it so that the juice also ferments. At room temperature, cabbage will ferment for 3 days. The most important thing during this period is to free the workpiece from accumulated gases in the morning and evening. The smell, of course, is not the most pleasant, but the most important thing is not to leave gas inside, this will ruin your efforts. At the moments of piercing the contents, the nylon cover will need to be removed and then put back, because this is your oppression. If a lot of liquid forms, then it should be poured into a jar. At the end of the fermentation period, a little viscous mucous juice is formed - do not worry, this is how it should happen.

Pierce the contents for the last time, remove the oppression cap, pour in the juice and close the nylon lid, put it in the refrigerator for storage. So you got acquainted with the intricacies. By the way, that's not all, if you have some cabbage juice left, then do not pour it out, but also place it in the refrigerator. If after a couple of days in the bottle all the liquid is absorbed into the cabbage, then pour it there too so that the workpiece is crispy and juicy.

Recipe for salting cabbage for the winter in jars

You can pickle this vegetable in large enough pieces if you don’t want to bother with chopping. Cut the head of cabbage, arrange the pieces in jars, alternating each row with chopped garlic, as well as grated carrots. A three-liter bottle will take a head of garlic. At the same time, note that you do not need to tamp the vegetables strongly.

To prepare a brine for 1 liter of water, take 150 g of granulated sugar, 2 large spoons with a slide of salt, 100 g of vegetable oil and 9% vinegar.

Methods for salting cabbage in jars may be different, but you will certainly find useful options for compiling mixtures for salting (all are given per 10 kg of cabbage and 200-250 g of salt):
1. 100 g dried juniper berries, 25 g dill or caraway seeds.
2. 250 g carrots, 400 g parsnip root.
3. 500 g apples, 25 g dill or caraway seeds.
4. 300-500 g of apples, 200 g of red rowan berries, 25 g of dill or caraway seeds.
5. 100 g carrots, 200 g cranberries, 25 g dill or caraway seeds.

So now you know . As for the advantages of such a “can” method, it is simply a convenience for the inhabitants of the city. Banks are easy to store, the amount of workpiece is small, which is why it simply has no time to go bad. If you use salting in barrels, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the contents will need regular care - it is necessary to wash the cross, oppression and cotton fabric from time to time. In addition, the contents very often begin to mold - you should not miss this moment. As for the taste of the “can” preparation, it is in no way inferior to the “barrel” one. As a result of little effort, a worthy snack and ingredient for preparing a wide variety of dishes is obtained.
