
Breath alcohol content calculator. How long is alcohol determined by exhalation? How online calculators work

male female

Body mass:

(40-150 kg)

You entered incorrect data

Fortress (volume %)

(10-5000 ml)

Drink 1:

Fortress (volume %)


You entered incorrect data

Quantity (10-5000 ml)


You entered incorrect data

Drink 2:

Fortress (volume %)


You entered incorrect data

Quantity (10-5000 ml)


You entered incorrect data

Drink 3:

Fortress (volume %)


You entered incorrect data

Quantity (10-5000 ml)


You entered incorrect data

Stomach fullness:

empty full

Counting in progress...

Enter the initial data on the left

Maximum concentration

(Corresponding mg/l in exhaled air)

The specified concentration corresponds to

Excretion time from the body

On this page, you can take an alcohol test online and find out if you can drive, and if not, how long should it take for your blood alcohol level to be normal.

The test is based on a person's physiological data - gender and weight, types of alcoholic beverages and the time that has passed since drinking.

The program automatically calculates the amount of alcohol in drinks, how much a man or woman with a certain weight needs to ensure that the body can cope with alcohol, and according to the time that has passed since drinking - is it possible to drive already, or how much more time is needed, what If the breathalyzer showed the alcohol content is normal.

Why do you need to know the alcohol content before leaving?

It is difficult for a person after drinking strong drinks to determine whether he is really sober or not.

In addition, it is difficult to predict the readings of a breathalyzer, and most likely there will not be such a device at home. Depending on the amount and tolerance of alcohol by a particular person, his condition may be outwardly indistinguishable from sober.

If we do not take into account the state when intoxication is noticeable to the naked eye and the person looks sober, even a small amount of alcohol affects the ability to perceive information - the driver begins to lose measure, he overestimates himself and underestimates the traffic situation.

In addition, the reaction speed slows down in case of unforeseen situations. For example, 100 grams of pure alcohol slows down the reaction rate by 2-4 times. Therefore, even a small amount of alcohol makes the driver dangerous to others.

While driving, the following signs can give out a drunk person behind the wheel: sudden braking, overly self-confident or overly cautious movement, ignoring prohibitory signals, leaving traffic lights late, unnatural trajectories of movement - a combination of such signs can cause the car to stop for a subsequent check of the driver for sobriety.

During communication with the inspector - the smell of alcohol from the mouth, it is difficult for a person to express himself, the pupils do not react to light, a red face, or vice versa - pallor, inadequate condition, difficulty in movement and impaired coordination. One of the listed conditions is enough to receive an offer to be tested for alcohol content in the body.

Passing an alcohol test with breathalyzers

Alcohol testing can be done on site, with mobile devices and in the laboratory.

For a quick test that will allow you to immediately decide on the likelihood of the presence of alcohol in the blood, a breathalyzer is a device that determines the concentration of alcohol in a person's exhaled air.

Breathalyzers are:

  1. household, for individual self-control;
  2. special, for more frequent use than household;
  3. professional, designed for a large number of measurements per day.

Household ones can rarely be used in small businesses to make sure that an employee can be put behind the wheel. This tester is designed for infrequent use. Special ones are more often used at enterprises before the release of drivers on a flight or route, as well as at enterprises where work is carried out with increased danger.

Special testers in some countries are used by the traffic police, may have a certificate that they are a medical product. Such devices are designed for an average of 30-50 applications per day.

Professional breathalyzers are designed for multiple use throughout the day. These tests are most often used by the traffic police to determine the content of ppm in the body, they can be connected to a printer to print out the results of the analysis.

Special and professional testers are periodically verified and calibrated for accuracy

If the inspector offers you to take a test on a breathalyzer, you need to remember that you must first show the device itself and advise on how to pass the test correctly. Everyone can demand to show the license and certificate of the device.

Examination for alcohol content must take place at the place where the vehicle stops, the presence of two witnesses is a prerequisite. If the alcohol level is less than 0.2 ppm, then the driver is no longer detained. If more, then a protocol is drawn up where the test indicators are indicated.

Upon agreement with the indicators, the driver is released, and the protocol and other related documents are submitted to the court. If the person who was tested does not agree with the results, a second test is carried out in the laboratory (first-aid post).

The driver has the right to refuse to undergo a breathalyzer test, in which case the examination will take place in the laboratory.

Only a qualified doctor has the right to conduct an examination in a medical institution

The examination includes checking the pulse, pressure, pupil reaction to light, psychophysiological check. It is carried out twice, the second time - after 20 minutes after the first.

Biological samples are collected - blood, urine and saliva are taken in two copies - one is used immediately for research, the second sample is stored for 90 days in case the driver during the trial wants to re-examine. The results of the survey are issued in triplicate - one for the driver, one for the inspector and one for the doctor.

If today you need to be driving, and the day before you drank alcohol, then you need to make sure that there is no alcohol left in the body. If the number of ppm cannot be checked with a breathalyzer before departure, we suggest using an online test. It does not require a store purchase, periodic calibrations and expiration dates.

Specify the minimum required parameters in the test, and the program will calculate the amount of ppm and how much more time alcohol needs to make your indicators in order.

Holidays are coming soon, which means that most of our country will drink alcohol. Light: - beer, champagne, wine or heavy: - vodka, whiskey, brandy. But it often happens that you have to drive in the morning, well, or even on this day - in the evening! But this question torments me - have these strong drinks disappeared from the body? And how long before they do this? You know, the situation here is not unambiguous, you need to take into account gender, weight, height and, of course, physique. However, in this article I tried to collect all the useful information, there will be both tables and a calculator by which you can easily and quickly calculate the complete “weathering” ...

Alcohol calculator

drunk drink

Pure alcohol Vodka Rum Whiskey CHACHA Gin Tequila Strong moonshine Absinthe Brandy Cognac White wine Red wine Fortified wine Champagne Beer Strong Beer Martini Cinzano Vermouth Liqueur

Beverage volume (ml)

Your height

100 - 110 cm 110 - 120 cm 120 - 130 cm 130 - 140 cm 140 - 150 cm 150 - 160 cm 160 - 170 cm 170 - 180 cm 180 - 190 cm 190 - 200 cm 200 - 210 cm 210 - 220 cm 2 20- 230 cm

Your weight (in kg)

Many drivers, going to an event in absentia, think whether to drink or not to drink? Like Shakespeare! Of course, you can leave the car at home and go on foot, so to speak. And if the birthday boy is on the other side of the city! And the devil pulled him to celebrate his birthday in the middle of the week. Yes, I want to drink a little, not to the “pig squeal”, as they say, so that everything disappears in a couple of hours! That is, a little bit, but as our government says, Russians can’t drink enough, if a drop gets into their mouth, then there will be a second one. Yes, situations are different, for example, here is my personal experience: ” At work, there is such a tradition - when someone has a birthday, then it is affixed and always at lunchtime, it is clear that after work you will not delay anyone. So, the one who puts down, of course, brings alcohol, but he brings a little, and it’s inconvenient to refuse, although this glass of wine (champagne), and not here and not here“. In general, you drink it and think it will disappear from 13.00 (lunch) to 18.00 (end of the working day) or not? They stopped a couple of times without smelling anything, but what if? Then as they say, ass - goodbye, right, for 1.5 years (plus a fine of 30,000 rubles). In general, I call on everyone, and then let them not say that they did not write - DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. But in general, the topic is different, and if it happened, a small “corporate party”, say at work. It seems to me that you need to know how much alcohol disappears! But first, how does the process work?

Let's start with the alcohol law

As we already know, alcohol in the body is measured in ppm - this is the ratio of alcohol content to blood volume. 1 ppm - Approximately 1 gram of ethyl alcohol per 1 liter of blood. It is measured by the “‰” sign, similar to percentages, only at the bottom there are two zeros.

I won’t “talk” for a long time, now we are allowed approximately the following indicators (amendments from 2013):

If measured with a breathalyzer, then in the exhaled air there should not be more than 0.16 ‰ (ppm). If you take a blood test, then there should be no more than 0.35 ‰.

If you exceed these figures - there is a deprivation of rights for 1.5 years (and a fine of 30,000 rubles) - the first time, and deprivation of rights for 2 years (and a fine of 50,000 rubles)! Not a little, so if you drank a lot, and you feel that it hasn’t faded, don’t risk it, it’s better to call a taxi.

Factors in the weathering of alcohol from the body

Each organism is purely individual, practically no two are the same. Metabolism (speed of digestion of food and alcohol), each has its own, some have more, some have less. It is worth noting that if a person drinks moderately, then his alcohol disappears faster, because the liver is enlarged, it prepares a "bridgehead" for the processing of harmful substances.

Today we will take into account the average values, but first I will note that the female and male organisms are not the same:

Female - consists of water by about 60 - 65%, it is able to digest 0.1 ‰ per hour.

Male - consists of water by 70 - 71%, it is able to process 0.15 ‰ per hour.

Of course, everything depends on many external factors, such as snacks, you drank a special remedy before the feast, etc. Accordingly, weathering will also differ, in men it is clear that it is faster, such is biology. The female body is generally not designed for alcohol.

After how much alcohol disappears summary table

WELL, guys, now I will provide a small summary table, it is designed for complete weathering, that is, it will not be in the blood and exhaled air at all. For calculation, I took the most common volumes, for example, vodka and cognac - 100 grams, beer 500 grams (it is clear that they do not drink it with glasses). It is also worth noting that the measurements were taken on a man, aged 36 years, height - 180 cm, weight about 80 kg. SO:

The data is averaged, the tenths of weathering are removed, so if you are in a hurry, you can look at them. And now for those who are not in a hurry, I will try to decompose popular drinks into “hours” more accurately.

weathering beer time

Consider the popular volume of 1.5 liters, let the fortress be about 5% (alcohol). As before, this volume will be drunk by a man (because they love beer most of all), 36 years old, 180 cm, 80 kg. What happens is our table.

It should be noted that for a girl, 165 cm tall and weighing approximately 58 kg, the time of complete weathering of this volume of beer was about 7.5 hours. That is one hour more. This must be taken into account, but you can simply calculate on our calculator.

How much wine disappears - champagne (red, white)

You know, there are rumors that white wine lasts longer in the body, and red wine is allegedly healthier and therefore it disappears from the body faster. But in fact, these are all "myths", but good red wine can improve digestion, but in minimal doses, about 150 - 200 grams, for example, with barbecue! But they come out almost the same, so the pivot table. This time we took a girl - 30 years old, 165 cm, 58 kg. The volume of wine, one bottle, that is, 750 grams, about 11% strength (alcohol).

As can be seen from the table, after an hour, alcohol jumped a little, it can be seen that it is absorbed into the blood longer. Also, after the bottle was drunk, the girl's intoxication was of the middle stage, that is, above 1 ‰, her legs even wobbled a little, in this state it is absolutely impossible to drive!

How much vodka - cognac - whiskey disappears

It’s not for nothing that I put them in one row, they have almost identical exit rates from the body, because they are all quite strong - 40% alcohol content. For such a test, we took the body of our young man (36 years old, 180 cm, 80 kg), yet we will not mock the girl. Also, we will not pour in "half a liter" of these drinks (after such a volume, you will not be able to stand on your feet). Let's take the boundary value, namely 350 grams, or a faceted glass + 100 gram glass. We look at the table.

It should be noted that even after 12 hours a little alcohol was recorded in the exhaled air, but the level was already acceptable. That's why in the morning after vodka (as cats "shit" in their mouths), not everything was gone, and only after 13 hours the level dropped to zero. But after 8 hours, there was still 0.62 ‰ in the exhaled air, so if you drank at 12 o'clock at night and go to work by 8 o'clock, then you CAN'T go by car! If residual phenomena.


The data was obtained literally by experience, so the data will differ from your builds. But there is a small pattern (regarding the upper pivot table):

- If your weight is 60 - 75 kg 0,77 , the resulting figure will be your threshold.

- If your weight is 45 – 60 kg, then multiply the amount drunk by the coefficient 0,53 is your threshold. That is, you weigh 50 kg. We take a drink vodka 100 ml. * 0.53 = 53 ml., they will weather 4.5 hours and so on.

If you had to drink, but you can’t get drunk, take a tablet of biotredin, limontar or glycine. In extreme cases, activated charcoal is also suitable - 10 - 20 tablets. "Anti-policeman" in tablets will only help to hide the smell. You can still fool an inspector with this, but never a breathalyzer! Therefore, in order not to risk a driver's license, Better never drink and drive!

Now the video version of the article, watch

This concludes, here is such a large, but useful article - read our AUTOBLOG.

Today, almost no event or celebration is complete without alcohol. When alcohol enters the body, it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and thus spreads throughout the body.

The level of its maximum concentration in the body is observed an hour after ingestion, and then the alcohol begins to gradually disappear.

In general, its excretion is a rather complex process in which most of the internal organs are involved.

Moreover, even after the withdrawal of alcohol from the blood, a high level of its concentration continues to remain in the urine and cerebrospinal fluid. The specific weathering time of alcohol depends on a number of circumstances that must be considered when consuming alcohol.

alcohol calculator

Male Female

Empty Full








In order to find out the result, fill out the form and click calculate.

How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

The best way to find out the duration of alcohol withdrawal is the alcohol weathering table. In order to accurately calculate the necessary data, first of all, it is necessary to determine the volume and type of alcohol consumed.

When drinking beer, you need to keep in mind that immediately after taking even one glass, the result of the breathalyzer is higher than after wine. At the same time, the beer is quickly removed from the blood, but it still takes at least eight hours for the final weathering.

Wine with a strength of 12 percent in the amount of seven hundred and fifty grams in most cases contributes to the appearance of severe intoxication.

Complete withdrawal of alcohol from the blood occurs only after twelve hours.
As for vodka, the consumption of three glasses most often leads to severe intoxication.

At the same time, being strong alcohol, vodka first reacts in the stomach, and only then is absorbed into the blood. Therefore, immediately after the adoption, the result obtained using the breathalyzer may not be too high.

The total time for weathering is twelve hours.

In addition to these data, it is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each organism, in particular, gender, height, weight, health status, etc.

In any case, the later a person who has drunk on the eve of alcohol gets behind the wheel, the safer it will be for himself and the people around him.

Table of weathering alcohol from the body

Human weight / alcohol 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg
Beer 4% 100 35 min. 30 min. 25 min. 20 minutes.
300 1 hour 45 min. 1 hour 30 min. 1 hour 20 min. 1 hour 10 min.
500 2 hours 55 minutes 2 hours 30 min. 2 hours 10 min. 2 hours
Beer 6% 100 55 min. 45 min. 40 min. 35 min.
300 2 hours 35 min. 2 hours 15 minutes 2 hours 1 hour 45 min.
500 4 hours 20 min. 3 hours 50 minutes 3 hours 15 minutes 2 hours 55 minutes
Tonic 9% 100 1 hour 20 min. 1 hour 55 min. 50 min.
300 3 hours 55 min. 3 hours 20 minutes 2 hours 45 minutes 2 hours 35 minutes
500 6 hours 30 min. 5 hours 35 minutes 4 hours 55 minutes 4 hours 25 minutes
Champagne 11% 100 1 hour 35 min. 1 hour 20 min. 1 hour 10 min. 1 hour
300 4 hours 45 min. 4 hours 3 hours 35 minutes 3 hours 10 minutes
500 8 ocloc'k 6 hours 50 min. 6 hours 5 hours 10 minutes
Port wine 18% 100 2 hours 35 minutes 2 hours 15 minutes 2 hours 1 hour 45 min.
300 7 hours 55 min. 6 hours 45 minutes 5 hours 55 minutes 5 hours 15 minutes
500 11 hours 25 minutes 11 hours 10 minutes 9 hours 50 minutes 8 hours 45 minutes
Tincture 24% 100 3 hours 30 minutes 3 hours 2 hours 35 minutes 2 hours 20 min.
300 10 hours 25 min. 9 o'clock 7 hours 50 min. 7 o'clock
500 17 hours 25 minutes 14 hours 50 min. 13 hours 11 hours 35 minutes.
Liquor 30% 100 4 hours 20 min. 3 hours 45 minutes 3 hours 15 minutes 2 hours 55 minutes
300 13 hours 11 hours 10 minutes 9 hours 45 minutes 8 hours 40 minutes
500 21 hours 45 minutes 18 hours 40 min. 16 hours 20 min. 14 hours 35 min.
Vodka 40% 100 6 hours 5 hours 30 min. 4 hours 25 minutes 3 hours 45 minutes
300 17 hours 25 minutes 14 hours 55 min. 13 hours 25 min. 11 hours 35 minutes.
500 29 hours 24 hours 55 minutes 21 hours 45 minutes 19 hours 20 min.
Cognac 42% 100 6 hours 5 hours 45 minutes 4 hours 55 minutes 4 hours
300 18 hours 14 hours 55 min. 13 hours 55 min. 12 hours 10 minutes
500 30 hours 30 minutes 24 hours 55 minutes 22 hours 45 minutes 20 hours 20 min.

What factors affect the time of withdrawal of alcohol from the body

The time for the withdrawal of alcohol from human blood is determined by the following factors:

  • Liver condition , since it is through it that most of the ethanol is removed from the body. Accordingly, the performance of an organ directly depends on its health.
  • Features of drinking alcohol . If you consume a large amount of strong alcoholic beverages for a short time, then severe intoxication cannot be avoided. Whereas the consumption of alcohol in relatively small portions, which alternate with a snack, will provide a moderate level of ethanol in the blood.
  • Availability of snacks , due to which the process of absorption of alcohol is much slower. While drinking alcohol on an empty stomach will ensure the rapid onset of severe intoxication.
  • Physical parameters and a person's attitude to alcohol . In a tall and large person, intoxication occurs much more slowly than in a skinny and short one. For women and the elderly, strong drinks act much faster and stronger than for men and young people. And if a person abuses alcohol, then even a small dose can cause him severe intoxication.
  • Emotional condition . It all depends on the specific circumstances. If a person is excited and in a state of excitement, then his nervous system will respond much faster to alcohol than in a balanced state. On the other hand, strong arousal can completely or partially neutralize the effect of alcohol.
  • Physical condition and environment . The time of withdrawal of alcohol is also influenced by the presence of chronic diseases in a person, the use of medicines by him, as well as the conditions surrounding him. In a hot room, weathering takes much longer than in a cool and well-ventilated room.

Methods by which you can speed up the time of removing alcohol from the human body

It should be noted right away that there is no miraculous method that allows you to speed up the process of removing alcohol from the body.

The only significant factor in this regard is time. But there are a number of recommendations on how to speed up the removal of alcohol from the body.

First of all, it must be taken into account that a significant part of alcohol is excreted through the bronchi and lungs.

Therefore, at the first signs of intoxication, it is recommended to take a walk for some time in the fresh air. In addition, an abundant intake of table water will increase urination, which will ensure the rapid elimination of alcohol.

Tea with lemon also has a good effect, since vitamin C contributes to the weathering of ethanol.

Cool water will help you recover faster after a heavy drink. In the warm season, it is best to take a contrast shower, and in winter - to massage your feet with fresh snow.

If the surrounding conditions do not allow any of the above, then you can simply wash with cool water.

It must be borne in mind that these measures will not change the level of ethanol concentration in the blood. They will only help to hide the external manifestations of intoxication. Therefore, driving in this state is strongly discouraged.

Firstly, it is extremely dangerous for the driver himself and casual pedestrians.

And thirdly, laboratory tests unequivocally diagnose the presence of a state of intoxication.

The topic of drunk drivers is now very common in the media, and the state introduces a lot. What to do if you have been drinking and need to drive soon? How to determine if there is alcohol in the blood? For this purpose, it was developed alcohol calculator online. He quite accurately calculates the time for removing alcohol from the blood, after which you can drive a car. It is worth remembering that even if you have or, this will not save you from disaster if you drive drunk. To obtain accurate calculation results, Widmark and Seidl formulas are used, which are used by forensic scientists. This alcohol calculator can be considered one of the most accurate. Be sure that our calculator will calculate as accurately as possible after what time after drinking alcoholic beverages you can drive.

Think about whether you need such consequences?

Remember that the driver is responsible not only for himself, but for the life and health of passengers.

ppm calculator

Studies have shown that approximately 30% of accidents occur because the drivers were in a state of intoxication. In order not to put yourself in danger, never get behind the wheel drunk, even a little. Use alcohol calculator online and determine when you can drive. Now you can easily lose your license if there is even a little alcohol in your blood. Therefore, use the calculator's capabilities at 100%.

Remember that the results of calculations on a calculator are not evidence in court or a replacement for a breathalyzer. The time for the elimination of alcohol and blood is individual for each person, so for the calculation we took the average data. Developers disclaim all responsibility associated with its use.

The degree of intoxication of a person

There are several degrees of intoxication of a person, in which in no case should you drive, even if you need to get to the nearest corner. It doesn't even guarantee you a successful journey.

Mild degree (0.5 - 1.5 ppm) - a person becomes more courageous, sociable, active, feels comfortable, muscles relax. This degree manifests itself immediately after drinking alcoholic beverages.

The average degree (1.5 - 2.5 ppm) - the tongue begins to weave, it is difficult to understand a person, coordination of movements is impaired, partial memory loss is possible. Just in this degree of intoxication, people often quarrel or start a fight.

Strong degree (2.5 - 3 ppm) - slurred speech, loss of coordination, memory loss, loss of consciousness or spontaneous urination is possible.

Alcohol poisoning occurs at 3-5 ppm of alcohol in the blood. Such a binge can even end fatally. If there are more than 5 ppm in the blood, it is almost impossible to save a drunk without special drugs and skills.

How many ppm is allowed

In accordance with the most recent regulations, the following levels of alcohol in the driver's body are allowed:

  • 0.16 ppm in exhaled air;
  • 0.35 ppm in blood;

We have taken these laws into account, so our calculator provides answers in accordance with the new amendments to the rules.

In general, it is better to play sports. Then you are not afraid of any breathalyzer.

The driver often becomes the cause of accidents, which often end in death. To prevent this, a law was passed in Russia that clearly indicates what the permissible rate of alcohol is while driving, and devices have been developed that measure the level of ethanol in the inhaled air. In addition, special alcohol tables were created for motorists, allowing you to find out the approximate time after which a person will be able to drive.

According to studies, even fifty grams of vodka, which is equal to seven to nine grams of ethanol in the blood, have a negative effect on the psyche, impair reaction, attention, reduce intelligence, and logical thinking. It is especially dangerous that in such a situation, under the influence of ethanol, a person ceases to adequately evaluate his actions. For example, the driver may feel that he is driving a car much better than before, carefully watching the road. This situation is extremely dangerous for a motorist and other people whose activities require maximum concentration, accuracy and ingenuity: any mistake can cost a life.

Such a dose of intoxication is usually invisible to others, and often to the driver himself, and therefore is often ignored: the first visible symptoms appear after drinking 20-30 g of ethanol (100-200 g of vodka). Also, many people forget about the residual alcohol content in the blood, when it seems to a person that he is absolutely sober: even a small dose of alcohol is excreted very slowly. Therefore, until the ethanol is completely out, you can not drive a car.

This should be especially taken into account after drinking, because after heavy drinking it often happens that you can’t drive not only today, but also during the day and even more. It depends not only on the dose of alcohol, but also on the following factors:

  • Human gender - ethanol is excreted from the female body twenty percent longer.
  • Weight - the lighter the person, the longer the time needed for.
  • The strength of the drink - the lower the proportion of ethanol in the drink, the faster it will be removed from the body.
  • The quality of alcohol - carbon dioxide accelerates the absorption of ethanol into the blood. Therefore, the speed and degree of intoxication in this case will be faster.
  • Health of internal organs, especially the liver, excretory system, lungs: about 90% of alcohol is processed in the liver, the remaining ten are excreted in a series of sweat, urine, breath (therefore, breathalyzers are able to determine the level of alcohol by exhaled air).
  • Whether the person drank alcohol on an empty stomach, or had a heavy meal.
  • The amount of food a person ate after drinking alcohol.
  • Snack quality.

All these factors must be taken into account when calculating the amount of ethanol in the blood. It is also advisable to use not only the table, but also to buy a breathalyzer: when calculating the level of alcohol, errors are possible, which the device, by showing the amount of ethanol of exhaled vapors in ppm, will help to avoid.


The level of alcohol in the exhaled air is usually measured in ppm. So called one thousandth of a share or one tenth of a percent. Therefore, if the device showed values ​​​​of 1.5‰, this means that one liter of blood contains one and a half milliliters of ethanol.

Currently, according to Russian legislation, the permissible rate of alcohol while driving should not exceed 0.34 ppm or 0.16 mg per liter of exhaled air. Such an amount of ethanol is acceptable given that breathalyzers may show an error, and also because a slight increase in ethanol in the blood is possible in the following situations:

  • the person drank some juices, kvass, kefir;
  • used medicines that contain alcohol;
  • with diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • toothpaste.

The level of ethanol, although in these cases, rises, but slightly and not for long, so after a few minutes the device will show that the amount of ppm has fallen. Because of this, any excess of the norm in the driver’s blood is unacceptable, and if the traffic police device detects a state of intoxication during the check, there will be a fine. Ideally, the amount of ethanol in the air exhaled by a motorist should be zero, since alcohol affects the response of a motorist even in very small quantities.

For example, if the device shows that the ethanol content ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 ppm, this means that it is difficult for the driver to assess the speed at which the light sources are moving, as well as their size, due to a decrease in concentration and attention. With a higher amount of alcohol, from 0.5 to 0.8 ppm (this dose is equal to 1 liter of beer or 150 g of vodka), he begins to judge distance poorly, his eyes switch to different light sources worse, react poorly to red, there is a loss balance.

If the device for determining alcohol in the blood shows that the number of ppm ranges from 0.8 to 1.2, this means that the person has a narrowed angle of vision.

With this degree of intoxication, the driver's peripheral vision deteriorates, due to which he significantly loses the ability to see with peripheral vision, and is unable to assess the situation. If the dose that the breathalyzer showed is 1.2 ppm (1.5 liters of beer or 500 g of vodka), this indicates a high degree of intoxication, when the driver is no longer able to drive the car. When the determination of the amount of alcohol in the blood showed 4 ppm, the person may die.

How to calculate the withdrawal of ethanol from the body

You can find out the approximate time when alcohol is completely out of the body, if a man drank 100 grams of alcohol, you can from the following table (for women, these figures must be multiplied by 20%):

Human weight 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
Beer 4% 0 h 34 0 h 31 0 h 27 0 h 25 0 h 20
Beer 6% 0 h 51 0 h 46 0 h 40 0 h 36 0 h 30
Gin tonic 9% 1 h 19 1 h 08 1 hour 0 h 50 0 h 50
Champagne 11% 1 hour 35 1 hour 23 1 hour 15 1 h 05 1 hour
Port wine 18% 2 hours 38 2 hours 15 2 hours 1 hour 45 1 hour 35
Tincture 24% 3 hours 28 3 h 2 hours 40 2 hours 20 2 h 06
Liquor 30% 4 hours 20 3 hours 45 3 hours 15 2 hours 55 2 hours 40
Vodka 40% 5 hours 50 5 o'clock 4 hours 20 3 hours 55 3 hours 30
Cognac 42% 6 o'clock 07 5 hours 15 4 hours 35 4 hours 3 hours 40

Leaving the table, it is obvious that beer is not such a harmless drink as many believe it to be. It takes more than half an hour for a man weighing 60 kg to remove half a glass of a drink from the body, and even more for a woman. This is explained by the fact that in a liter of drunk beer there is the same amount of ethanol as in 100 g of vodka or 400 g of wine.

If a person drank 500 g of alcohol, much more will be required. In this case, you can make an approximate calculation of the time when it is allowed to drive, from the table below. It is worth noting that time is kept from the last dose of alcohol taken, so if a person has been drinking for some time, the period may be less:

Human weight 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
Beer 4% 2 hours 55 2 hours 30 2 hours 10 2 h 1 hour 45
Beer 6% 4 hours 20 3 hours 45 3 hours 17. 2 hours 55 2 hours 40
Gin tonic 9% 6 h 30 5 hours 40 4 hours 55 4 hours 20 4 hours
Champagne 11% 8 o'clock 6 h 52 6 o'clock 5 o'clock 20 4 hours 50
Port wine 18% 14 o'clock 11 o'clock 10 9 h. 50 8 hours 45 7 hours 55
Tincture 24% 5:30 p.m. 14h57 13 o'clock 11:40 a.m. 10:30
Liquor 30% 21h 46 18h40 4 pm 20 14h35 13 o'clock
Vodka 40% 29 hours 24 h 55 21 h. 46. 19:25 5:25 p.m.
Cognac 42% 30 h. 30. 26h05 22 h 51 20 hours 20 18h20

If a person drank more than one hundred grams, but less than five hundred, you can make calculations by calculating the average value. For example, if 300 g of vodka was drunk, then in a person whose weight is 60 kg, alcohol will come out of the blood after 17 hours and 24 minutes. For a fatter man, weighing 100 kg, the calculation shows a shorter period: 10 hours 26 minutes. In any case, such a calculation means that it is better not to drive today.

It should be noted that the submitted data are conditional, since much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Therefore, to be sure, in order not to be fined by the traffic police, and also not to provoke an accident, putting your life and other people at unnecessary risk, when making a calculation, it is better to throw in two or three hours. A more correct option to determine the degree of intoxication would be to purchase a breathalyzer, and after the time indicated in the table, take a test. If the device shows that everything is in order, you can go without fear of being fined by the traffic police.

Why You Shouldn't Shorten Your Waiting Time

When calculating, it should be borne in mind that if strong alcohol is diluted with water or juice, this does not reduce the effect of ethanol on the body, since the amount of alcohol drunk has not changed. It is impossible to avoid alcohol intoxication if you eat well before drinking. A full stomach will only mitigate the negative impact of alcohol on the body, reducing the load on the liver, and intoxication will come later.

Also, do not think that a cold shower, strong coffee, a walk in the fresh air will affect the rate of ethanol excretion from the body and reduce the degree (although they can relieve hangover symptoms). Even if a person feels normal, you need to get behind the wheel no earlier than the time indicated in the table that has passed since the last time you took alcohol. If the traffic police during the inspection finds that there is no permissible level of alcohol in the blood, the fine for violating the law of Russia is 30 thousand rubles, and the offender loses his license for a period of one and a half to two years.
