
Blood alcohol content over time. Permissible level of alcohol while driving in ppm

Ethanol is excreted in humans at different rates. In each case, the rate of cleansing the body is individual, depending on gender, health status. The alcohol calculator allows you to estimate the average, approximate level of alcohol in the blood plasma, calculate when the driver can drive a car.

Alcohol calculator

The concentration of alcohol contained in the blood is calculated using a calculator that takes into account the strength, volume of drinks drunk, gender and weight. The calculator is based on a formula proposed in 1932 by the Swedish chemist Eric Widmark for use in forensic practice.

Calculations using the Widmark formula are quite complex, and to make the task easier, an alcohol calculator was created based on it. It is easy to use, just enter your data correctly to get the result.

The calculation result reliably reflects the amount of ethyl alcohol received with drinks. The resulting value takes into account the average rate of decrease in blood alcohol content, equal to 0.15‰/hour.

Blood alcohol calculator:

Table of intoxication in ppm

The table can also do a good service for drivers who have not consumed alcohol. After all, ethyl alcohol is found in small quantities not only in drinks. The breathalyzer of a policeman on the road can show up to 0.6 ‰ after the driver has consumed kvass, 0.2 ‰ - after kefir.

Blood alcohol table:

The degree of intoxication in ‰ (ppm) well-being Impact on driving
0,2-0,5 The state is slightly different from sobriety, there is excessive talkativeness, obsession, but within the limits of decency.There is no reaction to moving cars, there is a desire to increase speed, the ability to estimate distance is impaired.
0,5-0,8 The condition is accompanied by euphoria, violation of morality, loss of control over behavior, impudence.The adaptation of vision to changes in lighting, the perception of red color is weakened. The driver does not see a traffic light, red brake lights.
0,8-1,2 Events are inadequately assessed, symptoms of alcohol poisoning appear - nausea, apathy, disorientation. The mood changes from indifference to outbreaks of aggression, anger.The ability to adequately assess distances is lost, the reaction slows down. The driver notices late and does not have time to react when cyclists, fences, and parked cars appear in the field of view.
1,2-2,4 Unpredictable behavior, tendency to apathy. Signs of poisoning increase, vomiting, involuntary defecation appear.Coordination is lost, visual reaction is reduced, there is no adequate assessment of the situation. All of the above is accompanied by a monstrous arrogance.

At a value of more than 2.4 ‰, the threat of paralysis and heart attack becomes real. Above 3 ‰ - suppression of respiratory reflexes, decrease in temperature, coma, risk of death.

At ppm 3.8 and above, a person can die from paralysis of the respiratory center in the brain.

Duration of action of alcohol

The rate of utilization of ethanol in the body depends on the characteristics of metabolism, the state of the digestive system, liver, pancreas. The breakdown of ethyl alcohol requires enzymes that may be inactive or even absent.

The degree of intoxication of a person depends on factors:

  • person's weight, height;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • the state of the digestive, respiratory urinary system.

Using an alcohol calculator, you can assess the degree of intoxication, but it will not be possible to accurately determine the amount of ethanol in the blood from the tables. Ethanol excretion rates in humans at different times and under different conditions are very different.

The speed of sobering up depends on the state of health of a person, namely, on the functionality of his liver and pancreas. In chronic diseases, the withdrawal of alcohol from the body slows down, intoxication sets in sharply, and symptoms of alcohol poisoning are strongly manifested.

Splitting features

A special role in the detoxification of the body belongs to the liver. Prolonged alcohol abuse impairs its functions, destroys the organ, and leads to cirrhosis. The more damaged the liver, the less alcohol causes intoxication and poisoning.

The absorption of ethyl alcohol begins almost immediately after drinking the drink, an hour later the maximum amount of ethanol accumulates in the blood.

The process slows down with the simultaneous use of fatty foods. After excretion from the blood, alcohol is still found in the urine, cerebrospinal fluid.

The strength of alcoholic beverages matters. Strong drinks are excreted longer, so if it takes 4 hours to neutralize 100 grams of vodka, then intoxication from a bottle of beer disappears after 2 hours.

Beer will not be felt when breathing after 30 minutes, and alcohol vapors after taking 100 g of vodka are felt in the exhaled air for 1.5 hours.


100 g of vodka in terms of 96% ethyl alcohol is 40 g of pure alcohol. To determine the degree of intoxication, the amount of alcohol (‰) must be divided by the total weight of body fluid.

All fluid in the body of men on average corresponds to 65-70% of body weight, and for a person weighing 70 kg, the weight of all fluid will be: 70 kg × 70% / 100% = 49 kg.

To calculate the degree of intoxication, the amount of pure alcohol contained in 100 grams of vodka, which is 40 g of alcohol, is divided by the total amount of water in the body. The total liquid in this case is 49 kg. Dividing 40 by 49 gives you 0.82 ppm.

The degree of intoxication of a woman is also calculated, taking into account that the share of water in the female body accounts for from 55% to 60%. With a high fat content, there is less water in the body. The more muscle, the higher the percentage of fluid.

To simplify the calculations of what level of alcohol in the blood, a calculator has been developed. It allows you to determine the degree of intoxication without much mental effort.

absorption in the body

After ethyl alcohol enters the stomach, it is absorbed into the bloodstream, then carried through the bloodstream. 90% of alcohol is absorbed in the liver, the rest is broken down in the kidneys, intestines, skin, and lungs.

The difference in the rate of elimination of toxins in the female and male body, in particular, depends on the vital volume of the lungs. Alcohol is excreted at an average rate of 0.1 ‰ per hour. And with intoxication of 1.2 ‰, sobering will come in 12 hours.

In women, the rate of ethanol excretion is 1.2 times lower than in men. Accordingly, in a woman with a degree of intoxication of 1.2 ‰, sobering will occur in 12 × 1.2 = 14.4 hours.

Complete withdrawal of alcohol from the blood

Permissible amount of ethanol in the blood

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, drivers of vehicles are prohibited from using intoxicants. The maximum blood alcohol level allowed by law is 0.16 mg/l in the air exhaled during the test, introduced as a possible error of the measuring device.

In ppm, the permitted value of alcohol in the blood is 0.336‰. This concentration in the blood occurs after an hour if a man weighing 80 kg consumes:

  • 50 g of vodka;
  • 50 g of cognac;
  • 200 g of champagne;
  • 200 g of wine;
  • 500 g of beer.

Women are more sensitive to alcohol. The level of ethanol in their blood will not exceed the norm one hour after consumption:

  • 30 g of vodka;
  • 30 g of cognac;
  • 100 g of wine;
  • 100 g of champagne;
  • 330 g of beer.

A man weighing 80 kg and drinking 100 g of vodka will be able to confidently drive in 3 hours. Drinking 200 g of wine - after 1.5 hours, and drinking 1 liter of beer - more than 4 hours. During this time, the level of ethanol in the blood will decrease to an acceptable 0.336‰.

For the maximum removal of alcohol from the blood of a man weighing 80 kg, a longer period of time will be required: 100 g of vodka are removed in 4 hours, and 100 g of champagne in 1 hour.

Your attention is offered an alcohol calculator for a driver online - this is a virtual breathalyzer, which has an accurate calculation of ppm in the body (blood) of a drunk person and the time for removing alcohol from the blood, depending on gender, weight and height, time after drinking, degree of alcoholic beverage and quantity drunk on a full or empty stomach.

The problem of drunk driving is still very acute in Russia, despite tough sanctions for drunk drivers (heavy fines, deprivation of rights, criminal liability ...). The permissible norm for the content of alcohol (ethanol) in the blood in 2018 is 0.3 ppm, and in the exhaled air from the lungs 0.16 mg / l

0.3‰ is approximately 1 bottle of light beer 4.5% vol. (500 ml), but this does not mean at all that the driver can drink beer before driving, because. — it is important- the allowable 0.3 ppm is calculated for the content of any, even a completely non-drinking person, endogenous (internal) alcohol, which is produced in the small intestine, for example, due to fermentation of food.

Therefore, if you drink beer (0.3‰) + your own, internal alcohol (0.3‰) = 0.6‰, which indicates a mild degree of intoxication. And this already threatens with a fine, deprivation of rights, putting the car in a fine parking lot, and in the event of an accident, you are to blame in any way ... (even without guilt, because you have wine in you)

On this page of breathalytic testing and determination of ppm in the blood, you will be presented with not one professional alcohol calculator used by forensic experts, but three: Breathalyzer online for recalculating alcohol from one type to another and determining the neurons (nerve cells) killed by alcohol in the cerebral cortex, and also - another calculator for the elimination of alcohol and ppm, the degree of intoxication and after how many hours you can drive.

Table for removing alcohol from the body (blood) - Widmark's formula ^

It can help you in calculating the degree of intoxication and the withdrawal of alcohol from the body table of alcohol excretion from the body:

An accurate calculation of the withdrawal of alcohol (ethanol and its decay product - acetaldehyde, then turning it into harmless acetic acid) is possible only in laboratory conditions. However, the table of alcohol withdrawal based on the formula of the Swedish chemist Eric Widmark, which is used in forensic medicine, can help you determine the degree of intoxication from the amount of alcohol consumed, its strength and body weight.

Widmark formulas:
(1), where

  • c - blood alcohol concentration in ‰,
  • A - the mass of the drink drunk (in terms of pure ethanol) in grams,
  • m - body weight in kilograms,
  • r is the Widmark distribution coefficient (0.70 for men, 0.60 for women).

To obtain the real concentration of ethanol in the blood from the calculated by formula (1), it is necessary to subtract from the mass of drunk alcohol A from 10% to 30% of the so-called. deficiency of resorption, since part of the alcohol does not reach the peripheral blood.

To calculate the amount of alcohol consumed, the following formula is applied: (2)

Examination of the state of alcoholic intoxication of the driver ^

If the traffic police inspector observes one or more of the six signs listed below in the driver, then this gives sufficient reason to believe that the driver is in a state of alcoholic or other intoxication - and the driver can be examined for the presence in the blood (in the exhaled air) of ethyl alcohol per mille (per place, by exhaling into a breathalyzer or referral to a medical facility)

  1. alcoholic (or fume) breath odor
  2. poor coordination and unsteady posture
  3. tremor of fingers
  4. incoherent speech
  5. sudden change in skin color on the face
  6. inappropriate behavior

Alcohol calculator ppm online ^

This online alcohol calculator will help the driver determine when he can drive his car after drinking alcohol.

To pass this test and the calculator calculated the ppm and time of ethanal removal from the body, you need to indicate in the program your gender (M or F), how much alcohol-containing drinks you drank and what degree of strength they had, and also how many hours have passed since the last intake of alcoholic beverages.

So, get tested on an alcohol calculator for drivers online:

More accurate alcohol withdrawal calculator AT THE BOTTOM of this page

Breathalyzer online - accurate conversion to another type of alcohol ^

If you need to recalculate one alcoholic drink by strength into another, weaker or stronger (for example, 100 grams of forty-proof vodka into beer 4.5% by volume, or vice versa), then this online breathalyzer will do it in a second.

Also, this online breathalyzer (alcohol conversion calculator) will show you in the results how many neurons (nerve cells) you killed by drinking this or that dose of alcohol.

Enter volume in grams

Enter the fortress

or gram beer (4.5%)

Or grams of beer (7%)

or grams of wine (10%)

Or grams of wine (18%)

Or gram of vodka

Or grams of alcohol

number of neurons killed things

1 gram of alcohol kills 200 nerve cells in the brain

Professional alcohol calculator for driver online ^

The online alcohol calculator for the driver presented below is a professional and fairly accurate tool for determining the level of ethanol in the blood and the rate of its excretion from the body in ppm.

This professional alcohol elimination calculator is used by forensic experts.

To determine your degree of intoxication and the time for removing alcohol from the blood, you need to indicate your gender, weight and height, the number and strength of alcoholic beverages (if there were several of them with different strengths, indicate all), and the fullness of the stomach - was it full or empty during time of drinking.

The graphs for the rate of alcohol removal in ppm can be left standard, without change (if you don’t know exactly at what rate the ethanol “weathers out” individually for you).

ATTENTION! These alcohol calculators do not guarantee 100% accuracy in the withdrawal of alcohol from the blood (body), because. there are other individual characteristics of an individual that affect the absorption and excretion of ethanol and its decay products from the body.

Calculation of the amount of alcohol in a person's blood

Your weight, kg. Alcohol consumption, ml.
Drink strength, %
Drunk for a period, hour.

Number of ppm in the body:
Removal of alcohol from the body through: hour.

What does the Widmark formula mean?

They began to calculate ppm with the filing of the Swedish chemist Vidmark. He developed a formula by which the percentage of alcohol in the blood (K) is determined.

To calculate, you need the amount of pure alcohol (that is, absolute alcohol, which also needs to be calculated in advance) in grams (A) divided by body weight in kg (M), multiplied by the Widmark coefficient (K) (for women 0.6%, for men – 0.7%).

K \u003d A / (M x K)
Reference. The male body consists of 70% water, the female - 60%. Hence the coefficient.
Therefore, with the same amount of the same drunk alcoholic beverage, both intoxication and the presence of ppm alcohol in the exhaled air will be different. Women get drunk faster and sober up longer for this very reason: the concentration of alcohol in the body (in terms of liquid) is higher than that of men.
Attention. In modern calculations, sometimes in the amendment to the Widmark formula, in addition to weight, height is also taken into account.
In fact, growth does not affect the number of ppm. It is important body weight.

Instruction - how to calculate the alcohol content?

To find out how much ppm you have in your blood at the moment and how long alcohol will be excreted, fill out our short online form and instantly get the result:
  1. Mark your gender by clicking on the appropriate button. As already mentioned, this is an important indicator that affects both the degree of intoxication and the speed of removing alcohol from the body.
  2. Enter your weight in kilograms in the box.
  3. Enter the amount of drink consumed in ml.
  4. Indicate the strength of the alcohol you have drunk.
  5. And the final point of calculation: how long ago did you drink alcohol. Indications in hours, indicate the time without tenths: 1, 2, 3, etc.
  6. Press the button: "Calculate".
Get an instant response:
  • What is the percentage ppm in your body.
  • How long does it take to eliminate alcohol.
Important. Taking into account the indicators for calculating the amount of alcohol in the blood, do not drive a car earlier than the time indicated by the calculator has passed.

What is ppm?

A ppm is 1/10 of one percent of anything. In relation to alcohol, 1 ppm means that 1/10 of 1% of the total fluid in the body is pure alcohol (conditional strength of 100%).

In other words, in 1 liter of body fluid, the content of pure ethylene is 1 g. All over the world, traffic safety services have adopted precisely this system for measuring the degree of intoxication of a person.

But there is no norm of 0.0 percent anywhere. The fact is that some familiar foods, medicines, and even the state of the body affect the readings of the breathalyzer.

Products that increase the number of ppm

Not only the alcohol taken can show a positive reaction on the breathalyzer, but even the state of the body, some medications and consumed foods. Here's what raises the ppm count:
  • diabetes mellitus and gastrointestinal diseases can “give out” up to 0.1 ppm;
  • taken 40 drops of medicinal (such as tricardine, barboval, etc.) - 0.1;
  • 8 chocolates (without alcohol) or 1 menthol, including cough drops - 0.1;
  • a dozen sweets with rum or alcoholized berries - up to 1.5;
  • non-alcoholic beer (0.33 l) - 0.1-0.2 ppm;
  • products involving alcohol or sour-milk fermentation (kvass, kefir, koumiss, etc.) - 0.1-0.3;
  • 1 overripe banana “gives out” up to 0.22 ppm;
  • juices - up to 0.4;
  • orange - 0.17 (which is already more than the permissible norm);
  • sandwich - black bread and sausage - 0.2;
  • freshly smoked cigarette – 0.2;
  • refreshing mouth spray can add 0.4 ppm at once. And if you still used it to mask the smell of alcohol, then you can say goodbye to the rights.

The degree of intoxication of a person

With a slight drinking of alcoholic beverages, a person feels “normal” and it even often gets away with it. But, God forbid, to get into an accident, checks cannot be avoided.

And if the tester (and then the blood test in a medical institution) shows an excess of the norm per mille, you will have to answer "to the fullest extent."

Why know?

If you have a mild degree of intoxication, in which behavioral reactions are not disturbed, and besides, you “do not smell” of alcohol, then the inspector may not have the prerequisites for offering to pass a breathalyzer test.

Not everyone indiscriminately shoves it. But if you have obvious behavioral abnormalities (incoherent speech, staggering gait), then it is unlikely that the inspector will not offer you to take an alcohol test.

Determination of the degree of intoxication

According to the medical classification, there are five degrees of intoxication:
  1. Light- in the blood from 0.5 to 1.5 ppm. The person feels sober, but in high spirits. Courage, talkativeness, a tendency to deep philosophizing appear.
  2. Average degree(up to 2.5 ppm). It is noticeable to the naked eye that the person drank. Speech becomes slurred, legs tangle. Some euphoria is replaced by irritability and a desire to "sort things out." After sobering up, sometimes it is not possible to reproduce a series of events (memory lapses).
  3. strong- up to 3 ppm. Complete "insanity". A person does not hear when they turn to him, does not understand what they want from him. Cannot move independently. Sometimes he loses consciousness, can wet himself.
  4. Alcohol poisoning- up to 5 ppm. Falling into a "complete stupor", sometimes accompanied by severe vomiting. If no one is around, it can choke. Sometimes poisoning ends in death.
  5. Lethal dose- above 5 ppm. There is a tremor, arrhythmia, a peculiar reaction of the eyes (frequent blinking and twitching). A person who takes a lethal dose can go blind. In addition, in this state, a person can be saved only thanks to qualified medical care.
If you want to preserve the health and life of yourself and those around you, never bring yourself to extreme intoxication. And in any case - do not drive until you are completely sober.

How does the body get rid of alcohol?

So that it doesn’t happen, like in that joke where the traffic inspector stops the driver for speeding, and he justifies himself by saying: “Yes, I drank a bottle of vodka, I’m in a hurry to go home until I get lucky,” remember - the maximum readings per mille achieved in 0.5 - 2 hours after drinking.

The withdrawal time depends on the strength and amount of alcohol taken. And also from the "thoroughness" of biting. Having reached the maximum indicator of intoxication, the body begins to slowly release itself from ethanol. It happens like this:

  • alcohol enters the bloodstream mainly from the stomach and intestines;
  • With blood, ethanol enters the liver, which breaks it down first into acetaldehyde, then into acid. At the final stage, acetic acid is converted into water, carbon dioxide and energy;
Up to 90% of alcohol is broken down in the liver. The more you drink, the longer this process takes.
  • 10% of ethanol leaves the body through the kidneys (with urine), through the lungs - with exhaled air and through sweat.

Scientists have derived an average indicator of how quickly ethanol can leave the body. This is 0.1 g for every kilogram of weight, or 1 g for every 10 kg per hour.

But it changes both under the influence of the organism itself, and due to external influences.

See the average withdrawal time for certain types of alcohol. It takes into account the amount drunk, its strength and body weight.

Type of alcohol Dose, ml Human weight in kg / excretion time in hours and minutes
60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99
Strong beer. 4° 100 0,35 0,30 0,25 0,20
300 1,05 1,30 1,20 1,10
500 2,55 2,30 2,10 2,00
Strong beer. 6° 100 0,55 0,45 0,40 0,35
300 2,35 2,15 2.00 1,45
500 4,20 3,50 3,15 2,55
Tonic crepe 9° 100 1,20 1,00 0,55 0,50
300 3,55 3,20 2,45 2,35
500 6,30 5,35 5,20 4,55
Champagne crepe. 11° 100 1,35 1,20 1,10 1,00
300 4,45 4,00 3,35 3,10
500 8,00 6,50 6,00 5.10
Fortified wine, Port wine 18° 100 2,35 2,15 2,00 1,45
300 7,55 6,45 5,55 5,15
500 11,25 10,25 9,50 8,45
Tincture 24° 100 3,30 3,00 2,35 2,20
300 10,25 9,00 7,50 7,00
500 17,25 14,50 13,00 11,35
Crepe liqueur. 30° 100 4,20 3,45 3,15 2,55
300 13,00 11,10 9,45 8,40
500 21,45 18,40 16,20 14,35
Vodka 40° 100 6,00 5,30 4,25 3,45
300 17,25 14,55 13,25 11,35
500 29 24,55 21,45 19,20
Cognac 42° 100 6,00 5,45 4,55 4,00
300 18,00 14,55 13,55 12,10
500 30,30 24,55 22,45 20,20

How to speed up the excretion of ethanol?

There are several methods that help to quickly bring yourself back to normal and remove alcohol from the body. Watch and remember:
  1. If you've been drinking relatively recently and feel like you're floating, the best methods are:
  • drink water - as much as you can, but not less than 1 liter and induce vomiting. It is better to cleanse the stomach 2-3 times;
  • in addition to vomiting, give an enema. If not much time has passed after the libation, with this technique you will get rid of the lion's share of ethanol.
  1. If health permits - go to the sauna(it affects the body softer than a steam bath). Three visits of 5 minutes is enough.
Carefully. A large dose of alcohol and a sauna is a dangerous combination. There are cases when, after libations, an ambulance took a drinker from a sauna directly to intensive care with a heart attack or stroke.
  1. Drink more pure water, and better - sweet herbal tea with a diuretic effect.
  2. An excellent detoxifier Orange juice or even water with (a glass of water - a spoonful of vinegar).
  3. Get a good night's sleep by opening the window. This will help the body recover faster.

How to understand that you have already sobered up?

Take into account the possible error of the calculator in determining the time of complete elimination of ethanol from the body. This is influenced by a number of factors: state of the body, disease, use on an empty stomach and so on.

Therefore, even if the allotted time has already passed and you can sort of go on a journey by car, check for yourself the degree of your sobriety. The fact that you are completely sober is evidenced by a combination of three factors. You can:

  • Loosely touch your finger to the tip of your nose with your eyes closed.
  • Walk in a straight line without stumbling.
  • Stand for 30 seconds on one leg.

Permissible alcohol limit while driving

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Article 12.8) states exactly: 0.16 mg per liter of exhaled air. That is, 0.16 ppm. What corresponds 0.35 ppm in blood. This norm has been in force since 2013, and before that it was 0 ppm. But since there was a lot of confusion for the above reasons, an amendment was made to the Code on Admin. offenses.
Carefully. In some sources, there is a norm - 0.3 or 0.35 ppm.
This is the blood alcohol content. It is installed in a medical institution during examination, after taking blood. The standard of 0.16 applies to the exhaled air!

When is it safe to drive?

To the time calculated on the calculator add another half an hour - an hour to be sure. If you have used methods for the fastest removal of alcohol from the body, tested yourself for sobriety and really need to go, withstand at least the minimum time the body needs to remove ethanol.
Advice. Not having full confidence in your own sobriety, use the Anti-Policeman from the pharmacy.

Devices that determine the presence of alcohol in the blood

A useful acquisition for a motorist and a professional driver will be breathalyzer. The price of such a device is from 300 rubles (in the form of a keychain with a flashlight) to 5 thousand rubles. The more expensive the device, the more accurate. And you have a greater guarantee of a successful alcohol test in the event of a traffic police stop.
Reference. Traffic inspectors are "staffed" with breathalyzers of average cost: 1.5 - 3 thousand rubles.
Useful purchase and much cheaper - test strips to determine alcohol in saliva (urine). Are called alco-screen. The cost of one is from 21 rubles, in a package there are from 5 to 20 pieces.

So, what can you do to avoid getting caught drunk driving? Don't get behind the wheel until you're completely sober, both on the surface and according to our calculator.

Any alcoholic drink contains, to a greater or lesser extent, the main component - ethyl alcohol (ethanol). As you know, alcohol is a good solvent and is widely used in industry. But, getting into the bloodstream, it behaves there in a similar way, and begins to instantly change its property, and with the bloodstream enters the brain and other organs.

This biological material consists of plasma and cells, one of them is erythrocytes. In another way, they are called red blood cells, the main function of which is gas exchange, thanks to the hemoglobin contained inside. Red cells are elastic and covered with a lubricant, which allows them to easily move through even the smallest vessels of the body, saturating all organs and tissues with oxygen. And due to the unipolar negative charge, red blood cells repel each other.

At the initial stage of intoxication, alcohol thins the blood and dilates blood vessels, but this effect is short-lived. Next comes vasospasm. Alcohol removes the electrical charge and removes the lubricant from the red cell, causing the red blood cells to stick together. This means that alcohol has a thrombogenic property and increases blood clotting.

The diameter of one erythrocyte varies from 7 to 10 microns, and the smallest diameter of the brain capillary is 8 microns. Accordingly, when erythrocytes stick together, they form large blood clots that clog the small vessels of organs. As a result, the brain is in a state of lack of oxygen (hypoxia). Hypoxia is perceived as a state of intoxication, part of the brain is simply disconnected from full-fledged work, a person experiences euphoria and freedom. Sleep in intoxication is an alcoholic coma, the body's reaction to hypoxia.

Red blood cell clots contain an average of 200-500 cells. Blood clots can clog not only very small vessels, so any organ can suffer. Addiction (harmful dependence) is capable of chronically changing indicators.

Blood alcohol measurement

The amount of ethanol is measured in ppm. 1 ppm is equal to 1 ml of pure ethyl alcohol in 1000 ml of blood, and is indicated by the sign ‰.

Degrees of alcohol intoxication in ppm:

  • The first degree is easy. 0.5 - 1.5 ‰. Occurs a few minutes after drinking alcohol. Muscles relax, fatigue disappears, mood rises and activity increases.
  • The second degree is medium. 1.5 - 2.5 ‰. Speech becomes less expressive, coordination of movements decreases. It is in the average degree of intoxication that a person is drawn to various adventures and showdowns, and aggressiveness increases.
  • The third degree is severe. 2.5 - 3 ‰. Speech and coordination of movements are disturbed. Possible loss of consciousness. This stage is often accompanied by amnesia.
  • The fourth degree is extremely severe. 3-4‰. The person is unable to move or speak. At this stage, a person does not recognize other people and does not understand what is happening at all.
  • The fifth stage is the lethal ethanol content. 5-6‰. Damage to the nervous system, heart and liver. The body cannot cope with such severe intoxication.

In some cases, a lethal outcome is also possible with an ethanol content of less than 5-6 ppm. It depends on the person's weight, physical condition, the presence of various diseases, in particular, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and cardiovascular system. The reaction to the degree of intoxication in ppm is individual.

Promille at the wheel

When examining for intoxication, breathalyzers are used. They analyze the vapors of ethyl alcohol in the exhaled air. Alcohol can be measured in both exhaled air and body fluids. The rate of alcohol in the driver's blood (on the territory of the Russian Federation) is approximately 0.3 ‰, which equals 0.16 mg / l in the air. What the measurements take place in is not important, the main thing is the indicator itself.

Deciphering the relationship between the content of ethyl alcohol in the blood and in the exhaled air:

Index in ppm ‰ Exhaled air value mg/l
0.1 0.045
0.2 0.09
0.3 0.135
0.4 0.18
0.5 0.225
0.6 0.27
0.7 0.315
0.8 0.36
0.9 0.405
1.0 0.45
1.1 0.495
1.2 0.54
1.3 0.585
1.4 0.63
1.5 0.675
1.6 0.72
1.7 0.765
1.8 0.81
1.9 0.855
2.0 0.9
2.1 0.945
2.2 0.99
2.3 1.035
2.4 1.08
2.5 1.125
2.6 1.17
2.7 1.215
2.8 1.26
2.9 1.305
3.0 1.35
3.1 1.395
3.2 1.44
3.3 1.485
3.4 1.53
3.5 1.575
3.6 1.62
3.7 1.665
3.8 1.71
3.9 1.755
4.0 and above 1.8 and up

Alcohol in the driver's blood should not exceed 0.16 (the norm in Russia). Many people are interested in the safe border of drinking alcohol. Of course, safe driving is possible only in a completely sober state, when the percentage of alcohol is physiologically low.

In the presence of 0.3-0.5 ppm of alcohol in the blood, the reaction slows down, driving accuracy is lost. Appears propensity and speeding. The perception of the distance to various objects, especially moving vehicles, is disturbed. Distance is not respected.

At 0.5-0.8 ‰ of alcohol while driving - impaired coordination of movements leads to errors in control, the feeling of distance to various objects is lost. Traffic signals are assessed inadequately.

Blood test for alcohol

This analysis is most often used in forensic medicine and provides more reliable and accurate information than the study of exhaled air with a breathalyzer. They also test for alcohol in case of an accident.

There are 3 methods to determine residual ethanol - gas chromatography method, enzyme analysis and Widmark method. The first 2 methods show the alcohol residue most accurately.

In addition to the detected ethyl alcohol, various blood parameters change: the level of uric and lactic acid rises, the level of triglycerides and cholesterol rises, the average volume of erythrocytes is increased, the enzyme gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase is also higher than normal.

It should be understood that a blood test for alcohol will not show how long ago a person drank. The value is the determination of alcohol only at the time of sampling of biological material, because. its concentration gradually decreases.

Time to remove alcohol from the body

The time of excretion of ethyl alcohol depends on many factors: age and gender, the amount and strength of the drink consumed, the quality of the drink and snack, and metabolic characteristics. The mass of a person plays the most significant role. 300 grams of vodka for a person weighing 45 and 110 kg is a huge difference.

Alcohol withdrawal table:

Drink Quantity Weight 60 kg Weight 70 kg Weight 80 kg Weight 90 kg Weight 100 kg
Beer 6% 100 gr 52min 45min 39min 35min 31min
300 gr 2h 37min 2h 14min 1h 57min 1h 44min 1h 34min
500 gr 4h 21min 3h 44min 3h 16min 2h 54min 2h 37min
Champagne and wine 100 gr 1h 36min 1h 22min 1h 12min 1h 4min 57min
300 gr 4h 47min 4h 46min 3h 35min 3h 11min 2h 52min
500 gr 7h 59min 6h 50min 5h 59min 5h 19min 4h 47min
Vodka 40% 100 gr 5h 48min 4h 58min 4h 21min 3h 52min 3h 29min
300 gr 17h 24min 14h 55min 13h 03min 11h 36min 10h 26min
500 gr 29h 24h 51min 24h 45min 19h 20min 17h 24min
Cognac 42% 100 gr 6h 5min 5h 13min 4h 34min 4h 4min 3h 39min
300 gr 18h 16min 15h 40min 13h 42min 12h 11min 10h 58min
500 gr 30h 27min 26h 06min 22h 50min 20h 18min 18h 16min

In people with greater weight, intoxication occurs more slowly, but the time for the withdrawal of alcohol is faster. In women, blood alcohol levels decrease more slowly than in men. The condition of the internal organs also affects the excretion of ethanol. The indicators of the table are general and conditional, and the body of each person is individual.

Alcohol is the strongest poison, and instantly changes the state and parameters of the blood with which it enters all organs and tissues of the body. When drinking alcohol, you can calculate ppm in advance, and, having a breathalyzer, track the degree of intoxication, especially if you have to drive a vehicle. With accuracy, alcohol in the blood at the present time can only be shown by an analysis. Dependence on alcohol leads to chronic pathology and thrombosis.

Today, almost no event or celebration is complete without alcohol. When alcohol enters the body, it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and thus spreads throughout the body.

The level of its maximum concentration in the body is observed an hour after ingestion, and then the alcohol begins to gradually disappear.

In general, its excretion is a rather complex process in which most of the internal organs are involved.

Moreover, even after the withdrawal of alcohol from the blood, a high level of its concentration continues to remain in the urine and cerebrospinal fluid. The specific weathering time of alcohol depends on a number of circumstances that must be considered when consuming alcohol.

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How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

The best way to find out the duration of alcohol withdrawal is the alcohol weathering table. In order to accurately calculate the necessary data, first of all, it is necessary to determine the volume and type of alcohol consumed.

When drinking beer, you need to keep in mind that immediately after taking even one glass, the result of the breathalyzer is higher than after wine. At the same time, the beer is quickly removed from the blood, but it still takes at least eight hours for the final weathering.

Wine with a strength of 12 percent in the amount of seven hundred and fifty grams in most cases contributes to the appearance of severe intoxication.

Complete withdrawal of alcohol from the blood occurs only after twelve hours.
As for vodka, the consumption of three glasses most often leads to severe intoxication.

At the same time, being strong alcohol, vodka first reacts in the stomach, and only then is absorbed into the blood. Therefore, immediately after the adoption, the result obtained using the breathalyzer may not be too high.

The total time for weathering is twelve hours.

In addition to these data, it is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each organism, in particular, gender, height, weight, health status, etc.

In any case, the later a person who has drunk on the eve of alcohol gets behind the wheel, the safer it will be for himself and the people around him.

Table of weathering alcohol from the body

Human weight / alcohol 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg
Beer 4% 100 35 min. 30 min. 25 min. 20 minutes.
300 1 hour 45 min. 1 hour 30 min. 1 hour 20 min. 1 hour 10 min.
500 2 hours 55 minutes 2 hours 30 min. 2 hours 10 min. 2 hours
Beer 6% 100 55 min. 45 min. 40 min. 35 min.
300 2 hours 35 min. 2 hours 15 minutes 2 hours 1 hour 45 min.
500 4 hours 20 min. 3 hours 50 minutes 3 hours 15 minutes 2 hours 55 minutes
Tonic 9% 100 1 hour 20 min. 1 hour 55 min. 50 min.
300 3 hours 55 min. 3 hours 20 minutes 2 hours 45 minutes 2 hours 35 minutes
500 6 hours 30 min. 5 hours 35 minutes 4 hours 55 minutes 4 hours 25 minutes
Champagne 11% 100 1 hour 35 min. 1 hour 20 min. 1 hour 10 min. 1 hour
300 4 hours 45 min. 4 hours 3 hours 35 minutes 3 hours 10 minutes
500 8 ocloc'k 6 hours 50 min. 6 hours 5 hours 10 minutes
Port wine 18% 100 2 hours 35 minutes 2 hours 15 minutes 2 hours 1 hour 45 min.
300 7 hours 55 min. 6 hours 45 minutes 5 hours 55 minutes 5 hours 15 minutes
500 11 hours 25 minutes 11 hours 10 minutes 9 hours 50 minutes 8 hours 45 minutes
Tincture 24% 100 3 hours 30 minutes 3 hours 2 hours 35 minutes 2 hours 20 min.
300 10 hours 25 min. 9 o'clock 7 hours 50 min. 7 o'clock
500 17 hours 25 minutes 14 hours 50 min. 13 hours 11 hours 35 minutes.
Liquor 30% 100 4 hours 20 min. 3 hours 45 minutes 3 hours 15 minutes 2 hours 55 minutes
300 13 hours 11 hours 10 minutes 9 hours 45 minutes 8 hours 40 minutes
500 21 hours 45 minutes 18 hours 40 min. 16 hours 20 min. 14 hours 35 min.
Vodka 40% 100 6 hours 5 hours 30 min. 4 hours 25 minutes 3 hours 45 minutes
300 17 hours 25 minutes 14 hours 55 min. 13 hours 25 min. 11 hours 35 minutes.
500 29 hours 24 hours 55 minutes 21 hours 45 minutes 19 hours 20 min.
Cognac 42% 100 6 hours 5 hours 45 minutes 4 hours 55 minutes 4 hours
300 18 hours 14 hours 55 min. 13 hours 55 min. 12 hours 10 minutes
500 30 hours 30 minutes 24 hours 55 minutes 22 hours 45 minutes 20 hours 20 min.

What factors affect the time of withdrawal of alcohol from the body

The time for the withdrawal of alcohol from human blood is determined by the following factors:

  • Liver condition , since it is through it that most of the ethanol is removed from the body. Accordingly, the performance of an organ directly depends on its health.
  • Features of drinking alcohol . If you consume a large amount of strong alcoholic beverages for a short time, then severe intoxication cannot be avoided. Whereas the consumption of alcohol in relatively small portions, which alternate with a snack, will provide a moderate level of ethanol in the blood.
  • Availability of snacks , due to which the process of absorption of alcohol is much slower. While drinking alcohol on an empty stomach will ensure the rapid onset of severe intoxication.
  • Physical parameters and a person's attitude to alcohol . In a tall and large person, intoxication occurs much more slowly than in a skinny and short one. For women and the elderly, strong drinks act much faster and stronger than for men and young people. And if a person abuses alcohol, then even a small dose can cause him severe intoxication.
  • Emotional condition . It all depends on the specific circumstances. If a person is excited and in a state of excitement, then his nervous system will respond much faster to alcohol than in a balanced state. On the other hand, strong arousal can completely or partially neutralize the effect of alcohol.
  • Physical condition and environment . The time of withdrawal of alcohol is also influenced by the presence of chronic diseases in a person, the use of medicines by him, as well as the conditions surrounding him. In a hot room, weathering takes much longer than in a cool and well-ventilated room.

Methods by which you can speed up the time of removing alcohol from the human body

It should be noted right away that there is no miraculous method that allows you to speed up the process of removing alcohol from the body.

The only significant factor in this regard is time. But there are a number of recommendations on how to speed up the removal of alcohol from the body.

First of all, it must be taken into account that a significant part of alcohol is excreted through the bronchi and lungs.

Therefore, at the first signs of intoxication, it is recommended to take a walk for some time in the fresh air. In addition, an abundant intake of table water will increase urination, which will ensure the rapid elimination of alcohol.

Tea with lemon also has a good effect, since vitamin C contributes to the weathering of ethanol.

Cool water will help you recover faster after a heavy drink. In the warm season, it is best to take a contrast shower, and in winter - to massage your feet with fresh snow.

If the surrounding conditions do not allow any of the above, then you can simply wash with cool water.

It must be borne in mind that these measures will not change the level of ethanol concentration in the blood. They will only help to hide the external manifestations of intoxication. Therefore, driving in this state is strongly discouraged.

Firstly, it is extremely dangerous for the driver himself and casual pedestrians.

And thirdly, laboratory tests unequivocally diagnose the presence of a state of intoxication.
