
Plum jams and jams, preparations for the winter. Plum Jam Homemade Plum Jam

For a variety of taste, prepare a fragrant plum jam preparation for the winter. Jam does not have to be one-component, diversify the dessert with seasonal fruits. The finished delicacy contains a large amount of useful pectin and ascorbic acid.

There is much more pectin in unripe apple fruits, so you should not choose overripe apples. In combination with plum, the jam acquires a sweet and sour taste and a thick texture. For cooking, you will need a minimum of available products.


  • plums - 0.7 kilograms;
  • apples - 0.7 kilograms;
  • sugar - 1 kilogram.

Rinse the indicated number of apples with clean water. Cut each fruit into slices with a sharp knife, remove the core. Leave the peel.

Let's prepare the plums. If desired, you can use sour varieties of plums. Rinse the fruit, removing all the seeds. Put the peeled pitted plums in a container with apple slices.

After a while, put the pan with the contents on the stove. Bring to a boil, remove foam. Cook on low heat for 30-40 minutes. Then grind the mass in a food processor, or with an immersion blender.

Sterilize clean glass jars and lids. Carefully spread the hot jam into each container, rolling the lids tightly. Store homemade plum jam with apples in a cool place.

Jam with citrus aroma from plums with orange

In winter, citrus-flavoured jam lifts the mood. As a base, use orange or lemon zest. You can also combine both fruits in a plum base.


  • plum - 1 kilogram;
  • orange - 1 half;
  • sugar - 1.5 kilograms;
  • lemon - half a fruit;
  • water - optional or half a glass.

First of all, wash the components: lemon, plums and orange. Cut each plum fruit in half, remove the seeds. Remove wormy and overripe fruits.

Pour boiling water over orange and lemon. This procedure will destroy harmful substances on the surface of the fruit. Grate citrus zest.

Prepare sweet syrup. Dissolve sugar in hot water, bring to a boil, turn off. Pour the plum halves with the resulting liquid. Don't add the zest yet.

Boil the plum mass over low heat, cook for at least 25 minutes. Next, pass the consistency through a meat grinder. At this time, add the grated lemon zest with orange.

Cook the jam for 20 minutes over low heat. Pour fragrant jam into sterilized jars, roll up hermetically tin lids. Useful preparation for the winter is ready.

Harvesting jam for the winter from yellow plums and pears

We will prepare delicious jam for the winter from plums and pears. The pulp of pears in the composition of the jam helps to get rid of coughs and sore throats in winter. So that the cut halves of pears do not darken, immerse them in a weak solution of citric acid.


  • plums - 0.5 kilograms;
  • sugar - 1 kilogram;
  • pears - 1.5 kilograms.

Wash the pears in running water. Cut each fruit and make a small indentation in the middle of the fruit pulp.

Next, you need to make syrup. To do this, pour sugar into about half a liter of water, heat until completely dissolved. Dip pears in syrup, cook until light translucent color. This will take approximately 30 minutes.

At this time, wash and peel the yellow plums from the stones. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add the plum halves. The finished fruit ingredients are evenly distributed in the sugar syrup. Remove the pears with kitchen utensils and fill the middle with plums.

Rinse jars and lids with baking soda and sterilize. Place the fruit tandem in jars, pour the resulting syrup. To prevent mold, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil on top of the jam. Roll up covers. Store jars in the cellar.

How to make plum jam in a slow cooker

One of the fastest ways to make plum jam for the winter is in a slow cooker. The technique will significantly save the time of the hostess, and the aroma of dessert will be seen by your loved ones.


  • plums - 2 kilograms;
  • sugar - 1.5 kilograms.

Rinse blue plums, remove pits. Place fruit halves in a multicooker bowl. To form plum juice, cover with sugar for 2-3 hours.

Next, put the workpiece in the slow cooker in the cooking mode. Be sure to remove the foam as soon as the mass boils. It is better to stir the jam with a wooden spoon so as not to damage the non-stick surface. Boil 3 hours.

Rinse the jars in advance with soda and sterilize with steam. Spread the finished jam into a glass container with a clean spoon, roll up the lids. Let cool upside down at room temperature.

Plum jam with chocolate

Of the many recipes for plum jam, a gourmet version with chocolate stands out. Such preparation will be pleasant to children. The consistency is very thick, so it is good to make fillings for pies from jam.


  • cocoa - 2 large tablespoons;
  • plums - 1.5 kilograms;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • sugar - 600 grams;
  • dark chocolate - 70 grams;
  • purified water - half a glass.

Pre-washed plum fruits cut into 2 parts, remove the stone. Pour some water into the plums, put the pan on the gas. After boiling, cook for half an hour, removing the foam.

After 30 minutes, when the mass is soft, add sugar. Stir and scroll through a meat grinder, or use a blender. Next, put the jam back on the stove for 50 - 60 minutes.

15 minutes before the end of cooking, add cocoa and dark chocolate. Lastly, butter is added, stirring the resulting consistency well.

Pour the chocolate jam into sterilized glass jars, hermetically sealed with lids.

The blank can be stored at room temperature, but it is unlikely that it will last until winter. Bon appetit!

Plum jam with pectin

Jam with the addition of pectin is less caloric, as it involves the addition of less sugar. Any plum variety is suitable for jam, even a red plum is used. Cooking time is reduced to 5 minutes, otherwise the pectin will collapse.


  • plums of any variety - 1 kilogram;
  • citric acid - half a teaspoon;
  • pectin - 10 grams;
  • sugar - 1 kilogram.

Wash the plums with cold water, remove the pits from each fruit. Put the halves in a saucepan, cover with sugar and wait a couple of hours. During this time, natural juice will stand out.

Put the saucepan with the contents on gas, gradually bring to a boil. Remove the foam from the jam. Cook stirring for 10-15 minutes. At this time, mix pectin with sugar and citric acid. Pour the pectin liquid into a common pan.

Cook strictly 2-3 minutes, no more. Turn off the fire and stir. Pack jam from plums with pectin into sterilized dry jars, tighten the lids. The jam is thick due to the gelling properties of pectin. It is advisable to store the finished preservation in the cellar, but room temperature is also suitable.

Many housewives, having collected a rich and generous harvest, begin to think and look for useful information on how to prepare plums for the winter. From beautiful plums, you can cook a huge number of blanks, we will focus on the most popular, easy and simple recipes that any housewife can cook.

Credit: www.winiary.pl

1. Dry (dried) plum

How to dry plums? A unique prunes in the kitchen will always come in handy. Dried plums contain many vitamins, various microelements, and antioxidants. The beneficial substances contained in the composition prevent the growth of bacteria that cause caries. Such a healthy fruit must be prepared for the winter.

In order for the plum to dry properly and well, select only the ripest fruits that fall from the tree or are ready to fall. Not all varieties are successful for drying, the most suitable are Hungarian and plums with a high content of sucrose, pectin in the composition. An important condition for obtaining good prunes is the presence of dense pulp, well-removed bones when pressed, the content of pectin and sugar in high quantities.

Healthy plums are selected, bones are removed, then the fruit must be blanched for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, then dipped in cold water and removed, allowing it to dry a little, remove excess liquid with napkins. To make the prunes shiny and dark, the plums are soaked in honey syrup (two parts of boiling water are taken for one part of honey) for 3-5 minutes.

Credit: ogorodko.ru

You can dry it outdoors, in the sun, or use a special dryer, gas or electric oven. To dry in the sun, spread the cream on a tray or baking sheet in a single layer, turning occasionally. The time spent in sunlight is 4-5 days, it must be brought indoors at night so that the fruit does not become damp. After the dew dries, put it outside again. After the specified time, prunes should be removed in the shade for drying for several days (usually 3-4).

When the prunes are ready, no liquid should be released when pressed, they should be elastic, not crumble in the hands. Ready-made dried fruits are usually added to meat dishes, used for baking, preparing various desserts or spicing up salads.

2. We freeze the fruits correctly

Plums can be frozen to enjoy the natural taste in winter or cook compote according to a recipe, add a delicious dessert, bake a pie, etc. For freezing, dense varieties are used, with a high percentage of sugar content and a thick skin, where the inner seed is easily separated. The Hungarian and the Kuban legend showed excellent qualities in freezing, after thawing they retained their natural taste and shape.

The selected cream is thoroughly washed, but not overexposed in water, then dried and the bones are removed, cut into two parts. Also frozen whole, if necessary for culinary affairs in the winter. The plum is packaged in plastic bags or containers in one layer, sent to the freezer.

Credit: canalblog.com

After an hour or two, they check if the plums have seized and hardened, they are removed for a long freeze, folding all the plums into bags, plastic containers. If you put all the available plums at once in a bag and freeze, it will be difficult to extract fruits in winter, so the fruits will easily separate from each other. The storage temperature of plums in the freezer is -16 ° ... -18 ° С, in such conditions the product is stored for up to six months.

3. Preparing plum juice

The recipe for making juice is very easy, it will not cause trouble for novice cooks. Plum juice retains all the beneficial elements, including insoluble pectin. To make juice from plums, take 2 kg of fresh fruits, 0.4-0.5 liters of filtered pure water and 100 g of granulated sugar.

Credit: simplepurebeauty.com

They take only ripe and overripe plums, which must be washed and pitted. Put the plum into the pan, add water, heat to a temperature of +75 ° ... +80 ° С. Remove from heat, let stand for a while to soften the plums, then wipe the fruit through a sieve or use a juicer.

In the resulting thick consistency, pour some water from the pan in which the fruits were located, add granulated sugar and put it on the stove again. We are waiting for the juice to heat up to a temperature of +85 ° C and pour it into pre-prepared containers (jars, glass bottles), roll it up. To adjust the saturation of the juice, reduce or increase the amount of water at your discretion, so you will achieve the desired consistency and sweetness.

4. Make Delicious Plum Marshmallow and Sweet Marmalade

To prepare plum marshmallows, you need 1 kg of freshly picked fruits and a little vegetable oil. First, liquid puree is boiled by analogy with the recipe for making juice from plums, then it is laid out in a saucepan (but not in aluminum) and boiled until the volume is halved.

Credit: ogorodko.ru

The mass of plums is cooled, laid out on baking sheets, trays, etc., having previously covered the bottom of the form with parchment, greased with oil. The mass layer should not be more than 2 cm. The plum mass packaged in forms is sent to the oven with an internal temperature of +80 ° ... + 90 ° С. An important point when cooking marshmallows is a slightly ajar oven door, otherwise the product will just be baked at the exit. The approximate cooking time for the recipe in the oven is 3-4 hours.

When the puree thickens enough and stops sticking to your fingers, the plum marshmallow is ready. The finished marshmallow is taken out of the oven, cut into wide strips (along with parchment), put in glass jars and put in the refrigerator for storage.

To make marmalade from plums, you need 1 kg of plum puree and 500-600 grams of sugar. It is better to cook in a saucepan with a thick bottom, in which the mashed potatoes are laid out, put on a small fire and stir constantly until the mass stops sticking to the bottom. At this point, during the cooking process, the volume will decrease by half.

Credit: www.italianfoodforever.com

Be sure to taste the resulting mass until the consistency of chewy candy is reached. If the puree is still quite viscous and easily eaten, boil until the desired viscosity is obtained.

Parchment is lined in prepared containers, marmalade from plums is distributed with a layer of no more than 2 cm, left to cool, dry in a dry room for a couple of days. After 2-3 days, marmalade will easily separate from parchment paper, cut into pieces, dip in sugar. Store homemade marmalade from plums in a closed dry container.

5. Pickled Plum - Add some spice to your dishes

Not every housewife will find a pickled plum in the kitchen, this product is not so popular, but in vain. Plum in the marinade will not only decorate the dishes for the festive table, but also add an unusual taste to meat or side dishes.

The recipe will require 5 kg of plums, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar, 250 ml of wine vinegar, 20 g of bay leaf, 10 g of cloves. Ingredients such as ginger, cinnamon or allspice can be used in the recipe as desired.

Credit: www.lovefoodeat.com

The plum is placed in a container in small layers, sprinkling each of them with seasonings. The marinade is prepared separately - 250 ml of wine vinegar is taken, the indicated amount of granulated sugar (do not be afraid of a thick consistency), mixed, put on a flame and simmered until the ingredients are completely dissolved and a homogeneous composition is obtained. The resulting hot, almost boiling syrup is poured over plums. The plums may not completely cover, the plum juice will fill the voids after a while, so do not worry. Leave to cool for a day.

After 24 hours, the plums are carefully separated from the marinade and the procedure is repeated. Over the next three days, put on the stove, bring to a boil, then pour again and leave to cool. It is advisable to drain and boil the marinade twice a day (morning and evening), but one is allowed according to the recipe.

Five days later, the fruits are laid out in pre-prepared clean jars (necessarily sterilized), spices are added and poured with boiling marinade to the very edge of the jars, clogged or rolled up. Pickled plums will not only diversify the festive table, but will also become a delicious treat for guests.

6. Cook jam and preserves for the whole family

Delicious plum jam will not only be a wonderful treat for tea on a frosty winter evening, but will also serve as an excellent filling for various confectionery delights, especially in combination with apples, chocolate, lemon. After harvesting plums, be sure to make a couple of jars of jam! There are quite a few jam recipes, we will focus on an unusual version, very fragrant and unsurpassed in taste, children and adults will definitely like the delicacy.

Credit: www.panbagnato.com

To prepare plum jam in chocolate, according to the recipe, take 2 kg of washed fresh plums, 1 kg of granulated sugar, 40-45 g of cocoa powder and 40 g of vanilla sugar. A plum with dense pulp is cut into two parts, the seed is removed, 0.5 kg of sugar is added, gently mixed, trying not to crush, left for 24 hours in a cool room to release the juice.

A day later, the remaining sugar is added, vanilla and cocoa powder are poured and put on low heat. With gentle movements, the plum is mixed and boiled for 50-60 minutes. For each plum variety, the cooking time may vary, and the ripeness of the fruit also affects the duration of the process - the riper, the faster it will cook. Once the plum jam is cooked, transfer the product to jars and roll up.

Plum jam is prepared using a different technology and differs from jam in its consistency, which has a jelly-like structure. For the recipe you will need 1 kg of plums, 1 kg of sugar, 2.5 g of citric acid, 125 ml of purified drinking water. The bones are removed from the plums, cut into 4 parts, placed in an enamel saucepan, poured with boiling water. Then, stirring constantly, cook for 20 minutes on a fairly low heat.

After that, they begin to add granulated sugar in small portions and cook for another 35-40 minutes, removing the resulting foam. At the end of cooking, pour in the lemon, let it boil for one minute and pour into jars to twist. Jam will differ not only in taste, but also in a beautiful iridescent color.

7. Unusual plum wine - a luxurious drink to the table

For plum wine, according to the recipe, 10 kg of pitted plums, 4.7 kg of granulated sugar and 1 liter of filtered water are taken. Prepared fruits cut into 2 parts are put in a glass jar (bottle), pour water, granulated sugar and leave in a warm room for 3-4 days, not forgetting to cover the neck with gauze.

Credit: ogorodko.ru

When the fermentation process begins, a water seal is installed on the bottle or a medical glove is put on in the old fashioned way, making one or two punctures in the fingers, and left for fermentation for 25-30 days.

A month later, the wort is filtered thoroughly. The pulp must be thoroughly squeezed out, the wort must be filtered with a fine sieve several times. Now the wine is poured into a clean container (preferably glass), corked and placed in a dark, cool room for further infusion. It will be possible to taste delicious plum wine in 2-3 months.

The longer the wine stands, the tastier and richer it will be. Plum wine has an incredible aroma and pleasant taste, be sure to try cooking according to the recipe, you can’t buy this in a store! Yes, and from wine from other fruits and berries, plum stands out noticeably.

Many housewives know how to cook plum jam. After all, such a dessert is very popular in our country. There are several ways to prepare it. Someone makes this delicacy with seeds, someone without them, and someone even adds gelatin or cocoa to the fruits.

Whichever of the methods of making jam described below you choose, you will definitely get a delicious and fragrant dessert that all members of your family will certainly appreciate.

Fruit selection

Before you make plum jam for the winter, you need to choose the right main ingredient.

If you are an avid gardener, then such a fruit can be easily grown in your own garden. If you have nothing to do with summer residents, then it is better to purchase this product on the market. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the plums are soft, without wormholes and damage to the peel. If the seller allows, then the fruit can be tasted. It should be sweet and intolerant.

Plum jam for the winter: a recipe with a photo

The easiest way to prepare such a delicacy is the one that involves the use of whole fruits. In other words, plums do not need to be processed and pitted. The absence of this procedure will allow you to make jam quickly and easily.

So how do you make plum jam for the winter? For this we need the following products:

  • drinking water - 1/3 cup;

Preparing fruit

Before you cook plum jam, you need to process fresh fruit. They are sorted out, removing wormy specimens, and then laid out in a colander and washed well with hot water.

After the fruits are processed, they are dried and laid out in a large basin. Then fine granulated sugar is added to the same bowl. After thoroughly shaking the ingredients, they are covered with a newspaper and left in a warm room until the sweet spice is partially dissolved.

If you are in a hurry, then you can heat-treat the products immediately after combining the fruit with sugar. In this case, you can add a little drinking water to them (about 1/3 cup). This component will prevent the ingredients from sticking to the bottom of the dish.

Heat treatment

How to cook plum jam for the winter? To do this, put the dishes with fruit and sugar on a very low heat and slowly bring to a boil. As soon as the sugar begins to melt, the plum is well mixed.

After the formation of the syrup, they wait for it to boil. It is from this moment that time is recorded.

Boil jam with fruit seeds should be about half an hour. At the same time, it needs to be constantly stirred with a large spoon. During this procedure, the fruits should become soft.

Conservation process

The plum jam, the recipe of which we are considering, should turn out to be very thick. After it is subjected to heat treatment, it is laid out in pre-sterilized jars and corked with lids.

Leaving the workpiece at room temperature for several days, it is cleaned in a cool room.

How to serve?

You can use ready-made immediately after preparation. But if you have stored it for too long and it has become sugary, then it should be reheated on the stove and served chilled.

Plum Jam: Seedless Recipe

Not all cooks like to cook plum jam with pits. In this regard, we propose to get rid of them and get a more appetizing dessert.

So how to cook pitted plum jam? For this you need to prepare:

  • ripe sweet plums - about 5 kg;
  • small beet sugar - about 4.5 kg.

Fruit processing

Plums for such jam can be purchased slightly elastic. They are thoroughly washed in hot water, and then dried and an incision is made along the diameter. By turning the halves of the fruit in different directions, they are carefully separated and the bones are removed.

As soon as all the plums are peeled, they are laid out in a deep saucepan and covered with fine sugar. After mixing the ingredients, the fruits in sugar are covered with a lid and left warm for 70-90 minutes. During this time, the halves of the fruit should release their juice and, combined with sugar, form a thick syrup.

Cooking process

All housewives should know how to cook plum jam for the winter. After all, such fruits are very popular among all the inhabitants of our country.

As soon as the granulated sugar melts and forms a thick syrup, put the dishes on the stove and, stirring regularly, slowly bring to a boil. After that, the contents of the pan are boiled for exactly 10 minutes. During this time, the fruit jam should noticeably thicken, become darker and more saturated.

Rolling up the dessert and serving it to the table

Now you have an idea of ​​how to cook plum jam on the stove. After heat treatment, the dessert is distributed into sterilized jars and corked with self-tightening or ordinary tin lids.

After cooling all the containers, they are cleaned in a cool place. In winter, a ready-made dessert is served to the table along with a cup of hot tea and toasted toast.

Cooking fruit jam in a slow cooker

Do you know how to cook plum jam in a slow cooker? If you have the mentioned device in stock, but you do not use it, then it's time to do it. Cooking fruit jam in it is not so difficult. For this you need to prepare:

  • ripe soft plums - about 5 kg;
  • drinking water - 1/2 cup;
  • crystallized gelatin - 35 g;
  • small beet sugar - about 5 kg.

Food preparation

Plum jam for the winter with gelatin is prepared in stages. First, the main ingredient is processed. The fruits are thoroughly washed, dried, divided in half and the stone is removed. After that, they are laid out in a deep bowl, covered with sugar and mixed well.

Covering the ingredients with a lid or newspaper, they are left in this state for two hours. Meanwhile, start preparing the gelatin. It is poured into a small bowl and poured with plain water. After mixing the components with a spoon, they are left aside for 45 minutes. After this time, the gelatin crystals should swell well. To dissolve them, they are slowly heated on the stove, but do not boil.

Dessert heat treatment process

How to cook plum jam with gelatin? First, fruits with sugar are subjected to heat treatment. They are laid out in a slow cooker and gradually brought to a boil in the cooking mode. As soon as the contents of the device begin to boil, it is thoroughly stirred and boiled for about 7 minutes.

After the time has passed, a gelatin solution is added to the boiled sweet plum. In this composition, the jam is cooked for another 3-5 minutes.

During the heat treatment should become darker, fragrant and thick.

Canning dessert

In order for plum jam to be well preserved throughout the winter, it should be laid out only in sterilized jars. They are rolled up with boiled lids and allowed to cool completely.

After one or two days, homemade delicacy is removed in the cold. Such processing will allow the jam to become even thicker and more tasty (due to the content of gelatin in it).

Serve to the table

Serve thick fruit jam to the table should be chilled. Together with him, guests need to serve a cup of unsweetened tea, as well as a bun, toast or some kind of cookie. Also, this delicacy is ideal for cheesecakes, pancakes, pancakes, etc.

Preparing plum chocolate jam

Not everyone knows how to prepare plum jam with cocoa for the winter. Therefore, we decided to present his step-by-step recipe. By following all the recommendations, you will get a very tasty and unusual dessert that will certainly please both adults and children.

So, we will need:

  • pitted sweet plums - 1.5 kg;
  • drinking water - ½ cup;
  • beet sugar - 600 g;
  • cocoa powder - 5 large spoons (with a slide).

Preparing the jam base

Despite the external complexity, preparing such a dessert is easy and simple. Fruit is processed first. They are thoroughly washed, dried, cut in half, the stone is removed and laid out in a deep saucepan.

After adding a little drinking water to the drain, it is put on the stove and boiled slowly. Half fruits are boiled for about half an hour. After they fall apart, they are removed from the fire and cool slightly.

Having carried out the described actions, the warm plum mass is laid out in a colander or a large sieve, and then ground using a pusher. As a result of this, you should get a thick and fragrant puree and a small amount of cake. The last one can be thrown away.

Cooking jam with cocoa on the stove

After the base for the plum dessert is ready, proceed to the preparation of cocoa. It is poured into a bowl along with 300 g of sugar and put in a water bath. Slowly heating the components, achieve their complete dissolution.

While the icing is cooling, the rest of the granulated sugar is poured into the plum puree, which is pre-installed on the stove.

As soon as the fruit gruel boils, the fire is reduced. In this form, the jam is boiled for 5 minutes. After this time, warm glaze is added to it and mixed well.

Seaming process

Having received a dark and homogeneous mixture of fruit puree and cocoa, proceed to its distribution in sterilized jars. As a rule, 0.5 capacity is used for these purposes.

After corking with lids, chocolate jam is left at room temperature until completely cooled. In the future, it is removed to the basement or underground (can be kept in a refrigerator).

When and how to serve?

It is advisable to serve a chocolate treat with plums to the table after two weeks. Jam is put into a beautiful bowl and served to guests along with a glass of tea and crispy toast.

It should also be noted that often such a dessert is used to make delicious pastries (for example, pies, buns, pies, etc.). By the way, homemade brioches are very tasty from this delicacy.

Summing up

In this article, we looked at the most popular and easiest ways to make plum jam. Using the described options, you are sure to please your guests and household with a delicious and fragrant delicacy.

It should be noted that the methods presented are far from the only options for how to cook fruit jam at home. If desired, other components can be added to such a delicacy, which will significantly improve its taste and appearance.

Juicy, sweet and sour fruits have a rich, diverse composition of nutrients, including antioxidants. Plums improve digestion, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, contribute to the normalization of blood pressure.

They go on sale at the end of summer. And you need to have time to eat fresh plums, as well as prepare for future use, for the winter. You can cook compote or jam, marinate and even ferment them. Fragrant, sweet jam remains a popular homemade preparation - an excellent addition to tea drinking.

There are many good recipes for this dessert. Today, on the Popular Health website, we will talk about how to make pitted plum jam according to a simple recipe for the winter, and not just one, but several:

Preliminary preparation

To make the jam a success, buy fresh, ripe, but not overripe fruits, without damage and rotten barrels. They should have a dense pulp, and the stone can be easily separated.

Any variety will do. It's just that if the plums are more sour, there will be more sourness in the taste of the finished product.

Sort at home, remove wormy and spoiled ones. Rinse through a colander with warm water.

Remove the stalks, cutting into halves, remove the seeds. Then cut the halves again.

Now you can start cooking:

Simple winter plum jam (seedless recipe)

Us need: for 1 kg of pitted fruit - 800 g of sugar and half a glass of water.


Transfer the prepared fruits to a wide, voluminous enamel pan. Add water, stir, boil. Immediately reduce the heat, cook at a low boil for half an hour.

Now add the sugar in batches, mixing well each time. The interval for adding sugar is approximately 3 minutes. Now slightly increase the temperature, bring to a boil, stirring regularly.

After boiling, lower the heat again. Boil, stirring and removing the foam, for about half an hour. Arrange the finished product in sterile jars, tighten the lids.

gelatin jam recipe

Us need: for 1 kg of fruit - 800 g of sugar, 15 g of gelatin, a quarter cup of lemon juice.


Put the prepared fruits in a saucepan, pour in the lemon juice and add half the sugar. Mix well, leave for a couple of hours for the juice to stand out. During this time, soak the gelatin in water. The path swells for at least half an hour.

Place the saucepan over medium heat, bring to a boil, and simmer for 5 minutes. Let cool.

Grind the cooled plums with a wooden pusher or blender. Pour in the remaining sugar. Bring to a boil again, reduce heat, simmer for 40 minutes.

Now pour the gelatin, while vigorously stirring the sweet mass so that lumps do not form. Immediately spread in jars, roll up.

Recipe with orange - a simple recipe for the winter

Citrus will give the finished dessert an original aroma and light astringency. This is a very tasty homemade jam. It can also be used as a filling for pancakes and pies.

Us need: for 1 kg of pitted plums - 600 g of sugar and 1 large, juicy orange without skin and pits.


Prepare the plums, cut, put in a saucepan. Pour sugar, add crushed orange with a blender.

Boil over medium heat. Then reduce the heat, cook for about an hour, until thickened. Arrange in clean jars, sterilize under the lids. You can do this in the oven: mark them in a well-heated oven for 15 minutes.

Now you can screw on the lids. Turn the jars over and let them cool down. After that, you can send them to storage in a cool place.

Jam - five minutes

This is a very good, no-fail recipe. Its value lies in the fact that cooking takes a minimum of time and therefore plums retain most of the nutrients.

For cooking, we need prepare: for 1 kg of fruit - an incomplete glass of water and 1 kg of sugar.


Let's make the syrup first. To do this, pour sugar into a large enameled pan, add water. Gradually heat at a low temperature until the sugar is completely dissolved and the liquid boils. Stir constantly to prevent burning.

Now put the sliced ​​plums into the syrup, boil over medium heat. Then boil for 7 minutes, stirring constantly and removing the foam.
Spread the hot five-minute in hot jars, tighten the lids. Later, store in a cool place.

Jam without sugar

This recipe will undoubtedly be appreciated by people who, for health reasons, cannot eat sweets. In addition, sugar-free plum jam can be used in winter to prepare various sauces and gravies. For example, fried meat.

Here recipe:

Wash very ripe dark plums and remove pits. Cut into pieces. Put in a saucepan, boil, cook over low heat, covered, for 10 minutes, until juice appears. Turn off the stove, let the plum mass cool and infuse for 8 hours.

Now boil again for 10 minutes. Leave for 8 hours. Then again: cook for 10 minutes, cool for 8 hours. In total, cook-cool 4 times. Therefore, it is better to start cooking in the evening, leave it overnight. And in the morning cook again, then cool until evening, etc.

The last, fourth time, boil for 20 minutes, transfer to jars, leave without lids. Close the jars with them when the product has cooled. No need to roll. Store jam in the cold. Bon appetit!

There will never be an extra jar of delicious plum jam prepared for the winter. Checked - no one can resist this dessert. It will not be difficult even for a beginner to cook such jam, and experienced hostesses will find new unusual preparation options for themselves.

In order for the quality of the jam to be at its best, it is worth paying special attention to the preparation of the fruit. Simple recommendations will help to avoid improper preparation:

  • fruits for jam should be moderately soft, ripe, without damage or dents;
  • to spin them, you need a large amount of sugar so that the jam does not ferment;
  • removal of bones is an important step, because they can accidentally choke.

Important: if you use very sweet plums, then the addition of sugar to them can be safely reduced, and citric acid can be added to give the jam a little sourness.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Plums do not need special preparation, but it is still better to pay attention to some points before preparing jam. The most important thing is that the fruits are not rotten and without worms.

For plum confiture, fruits of different sizes or varieties are suitable:

  1. White or yellow plums are also suitable for jam - these varieties are as sweet as blue ones. The main thing is that they are not damaged or wormy.
  2. If the plum is overripe, then the peel will be easily removed from it. Such fruits are easy to separate from the seeds. Ripe cream is ideal for making jam, it is still better not to use such for jam.
  3. Preparing plums is easy - wash, remove the ponytails and bones. If necessary, the peel is removed from them.

How to make jam from plums at home

Confiture is considered one of the best varieties of jam. Its main difference is canned whole fruits or fruit pieces in thick syrup. For confiture, ripe or overripe cream will do - they need 1 kilogram. You also need half a kilogram of sugar.

  1. Place clean, pitted fruits in a thick-walled saucepan. Add sugar to them. Grind the plums into small pieces with a blender.
  2. Bring the plum slices in syrup to a boil over a fire, remove the foam and boil for 40 minutes.
  3. Ready confiture is poured into sterile jars and closed with metal lids.

Easy winter recipe

The classic way to make plum jam is similar to currant jam. This plum jam recipe for the winter is considered universal. To begin with, it is worth preparing the products: 1 kilogram of ripe plums, the same amount of granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon of citric acid, a glass of clean water.

How to make plum jam:

  1. Remove the stones from the prepared plums and cut all the fruits into quarters.
  2. Heat water in a saucepan and put fruit pieces in it. Bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes.
  3. Gradually pour the sugar into the saucepan with the plums. Remove foam.
  4. Boil jam for half an hour. At the last stage, citric acid is added.
  5. Pour the finished product into clean jars, roll up.


Ripe plums, such as the Vengerka variety, are suitable for jam. Fruits need about 1 kilogram. To cook a sweet tasty product, you need a sufficient amount of sugar - the same amount as plums - 1 kilogram. Water can also come in handy - about 100 milliliters.


  1. Bones are removed from the fruits, each plum is torn or cut into two parts. Fold the cream into a prepared special enamel saucepan, pour water into it.
  2. Put on medium heat and boil for 20 minutes. The hot plum mixture must be mashed with a blender. You can also do this with a pusher.
  3. Put the puree on the stove and gradually add sugar to it. Boil the jam for 20 minutes. The foam must be removed several times. You also need to cook plums until they turn into a thickened mass.
  4. Pour uncooled jam into jars and roll up.

Without peel

Delicate jam from plums becomes even softer if the fruits are without skin. Making such a sweet dessert is not difficult if you follow this proven recipe. You will need 1 kilogram of ripe plums (yellow or white), 800 grams of granulated sugar, 1 glass of distilled water.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the peeled plums from dust and stones into a saucepan, pour them with water, cover with sugar and put on medium heat.
  2. When the fruit comes to a boil, sharply reduce the heat to a minimum. Boil the plums for 30 minutes until completely softened.
  3. Pass the finished mass through a sieve - only plum pulp and syrup remain. These two ingredients are needed for jam.
  4. Pour the mass without skins into a saucepan, boil and cook this way three times for 15 minutes.
  5. Pour the finished jam into clean jars, roll up or serve as a dessert at the table.

In a slow cooker

It turns out that a slow cooker is an ideal option to prepare fragrant plum jam with high quality and without much effort. With the help of this device, it is easy to cook jam for those who want to stock up on it for the future for the winter, and there is no extra time for cooking. It will take 2 kilograms of ripe large plums, sugar - 1.5 kilograms, half a teaspoon of citric acid.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Halves of cream, separated from the pits, cut into squares. Send the chopped fruits to the multicooker bowl. You can also add some water. Add sugar to plums.
  2. Set the multicooker to the “Extinguishing” mode, usually the time is set for half an hour - no more. Then remove the foam and mix the plums in the syrup.
  3. Boil the plum slices again in sugar on the “Baking” mode for 15 minutes. Add citric acid to the jam and mix.
  4. Pour the finished product into half-liter jars and roll up for the winter.

With chocolate

To surprise family and friends with a delicious dessert, just get a jar of chocolate plum jam from the cabinet. Such jam is considered an ideal addition to a pie, casserole or as an impregnation in a cake.

In order to cook this delicacy, you will need 2 kilograms of large ripe plums, 800 grams of granulated sugar, 120 grams of butter, a bag of vanillin, 70 grams of natural cocoa bean powder.

  1. Cut the plums into quarters and cover them with granulated sugar for half an hour so that they let the juice flow.
  2. Transfer plums with syrup to a saucepan and place over medium heat. Bring fruit with sugar to a boil and cook for 40 minutes.
  3. Put butter in jam, pour vanillin and cocoa. To stir thoroughly. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. The finished product is poured into clean jars and rolled up with metal lids.

with apples

Connoisseurs of apples and plums will appreciate this confiture for its sweet and sour taste and delicate aroma. Ripe plums are the necessary ingredients - about one kilogram, 500 grams of apples (the variety can be Antonovka or White filling), 1 kilogram of sugar, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.

Cooking method:

  1. Plums cut into slices, apples are cut in the same way, additionally, the core and seeds are removed from them.
  2. Transfer the fruits to the pan in layers and cover them with sugar, add cinnamon. Leave for an hour so that the fruits give juice.
  3. Put on fire, bring to a boil, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula. Cook the confiture for half an hour.
  4. The finished product can be crushed through a sieve or with a hand blender. Then pour into clean jars and close.

In a bread maker

To facilitate the work of the hostess, you can cook plum jam in a bread machine. With the help of this device, it turns out that you can not only make pastries, but also cook other dishes, including jam for the winter.

It will take two ingredients - plums - 1.5 kilograms and sugar - 700 grams.

Preparing jam in a bread maker:

  1. Break the cream in half and remove the pips. Send the fruits to the capacity of the bread machine and cover them with sugar.
  2. Set the "Baking" mode and cook the jam for 45 minutes.
  3. When the product is ready, the foam is removed from it, and it is sent to pre-prepared glass jars.

Frozen plums

The classic plum jam recipe can be made at any time of the year if there are frozen plums in the freezer. It is enough to get the ice fruits, defrost them and separate them from the seeds. The ingredients are taken in the same proportions as previously mentioned in the “Simple Recipe for the Winter”. The cooking steps are the same, with the exception of defrosting plums.

with gelatin

Plum syrup with the addition of gelatin will be even thicker and more pleasant in terms of taste. In order to prepare such a dessert, you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of ripe pitted plums;
  • 800 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of citric acid;
  • 10 grams of gelatin;
  • 1 teaspoon butter.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Plums cut into quarters are poured with sugar and citric acid, mixed thoroughly and placed in a cool place for 1 hour.
  2. Gelatin is soaked in cold water.
  3. Put the fruit on medium heat and stir with a wooden spatula. Then they need to be mashed with a blender or pusher.
  4. Bring the jam back to a boil and boil for 15 minutes, remove the foam.
  5. Then add butter and gelatin to the pan, mix thoroughly.
  6. Pour the product into clean dry jars, roll up.

Jam storage

The shelf life of this product directly depends on the amount of granulated sugar in it.

Worth knowing: pitted jam is stored for about 2-3 years, and with pits - 7 months.

  • use only clean, dry sterile jars so that mold does not appear;
  • at temperatures below 0 degrees, jam can be sugared;
  • in the room where the jam is stored, there should not be strong humidity so that the lids on the jars do not rust.


In winter, plum billet will be a great addition to pastries and sweet tea. A dessert like plum jam will be swept off the table in minutes thanks to its amazing taste and aroma.
