
Skorogoroshek, or "boiled" vagaries of peas. Preparation from half-type raw materials

How to quickly boil peas? It is such a difficult question that confronts culinary specialists who first open a cookbook. In this article, we will take a detailed look at all the methods of cooking this legume, and you will finally know the secret of instant cooking. Cooking peas is a whole art, which can be mastered only in the process of persistent study of the recommendations of experienced chefs and their mandatory application in practice. This is what we're going to do right now. First, it is necessary to mention that peas can be in different states: fresh, frozen, dry and canned. Of all these species, only two will be of interest to us at the moment: dry and frozen.

How to quickly cook peas so that it does not lose its beneficial properties? It takes about 50 minutes to cook crushed peas, but sometimes more depending on the variety. The whole is cooked for about 1 hour 30 minutes. It is clear that crushed peas will cook faster for you. All experienced chefs know a special rule: any legumes, including peas, must first be soaked in cold water overnight or for at least 3-4 hours. As you can see, this option takes quite a lot of time, so it does not suit us, since we want to cook the dish right away. How to quickly boil peas without soaking?

With added butter

The cooking process of peas can be reduced by adding butter during cooking (1-2 teaspoons). Salting all legumes is recommended at the end of cooking.

With added soda

How to quickly cook peas in a different way? There is another method: during the cooking process, you need to add soda (0.5 teaspoon per 2 liters of water). And after a quarter of an hour - the dish is ready.

Some soak peas in for 1-2 hours. For 200 ml of water - 1 teaspoon of soda. Then it is thoroughly washed and boiled for only 30 minutes.

Many experienced housewives do not advise using such a recipe with the addition of soda, preferring the classic version or other quick cooking methods.

With the addition of cold water

How to quickly boil peas by adding cold water? Let's talk in more detail. Rinse the peas thoroughly under running cold water until it becomes completely transparent in a saucepan. Fill it with water so that it is only lightly covered. Put on a strong fire, reduce after boiling. When evaporating, add cold water again so that it slightly covers the peas. Repeat this procedure three times. The main condition is that the water in all cases must be very cold.

Recently, an unusual black pea has appeared on sale, which is distinguished by small dark seeds of an oblong rhombic shape. This variety is prepared in similar ways.

Vitamins and minerals contained in peas

Peas are rich in various vitamins and minerals: B1, B3, B6, H (biotin), PP, magnesium, vanadium, potassium, copper, cobalt, boron, selenium, zinc, sulfur, molybdenum, iron, chromium, phosphorus, manganese, silicon. Unfortunately, due to the long cooking process, housewives do not always have the desire to “mess around” with it.

Peas are quite whimsical, however, like other legumes. But its significance as a product for the body is priceless, which over and over again pushes the hostess to prepare a variety of dishes from this cereal. For example, you can make a lean version of pea soup, which is boiled in water and seasoned with sautéed vegetables. An alternative would be a rich soup cooked in chicken or meat broth. But peas are not at all impressive when they are hard and undercooked. How to cook peas so that it does not spoil the whole dish? You need to know some of the nuances of its preparation.

How to quickly boil peas for soup

The main secret of cooking is soaking. Ideally, for the whole night. But no one is immune from force majeure, so half an hour before the start of cooking is enough. But keep in mind, the less time you spend on soaking, the greater the risk of getting an unsuccessful dish.

Tips on how to quickly cook peas - do not count. Everyone has a grandmother's recipe, an unusual way suggested by a neighbor, or knowledge gained from their own experience. So how to cook peas so as not to negate all our subsequent efforts? And most importantly, how to cook peas faster without standing at the stove all day?

Pea wisdom

We offer you a whole list of different options that answer the panicked question of many housewives “how to cook peas quickly?”:


How to cook peas quickly - there are a lot of secrets, and among them any housewife can choose the way that she likes. However, it is worth remembering that you can quickly cook peas only if you take split peas, and not whole ones. Halves are cooked for about forty-five minutes, but whole peas - up to an hour and a half. And it doesn’t matter how to cook peas - quickly or not, the main thing is to invest a part of yourself in it.

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These legumes are recommended for low hemoglobin, for vegetarians, in the cold seasons, but how to quickly cook peas without soaking does not worry housewives in vain. You can also cook it for pea cutlets, fillings in pies. And it happens that you want a nutritious rich hot soup, puree or an unusual second course, but you don’t want to wait. The main thing is to decide to what consistency it should be cooked (remain whole or let it be boiled).

How to quickly boil peas without soaking?


Peas shelled 1 gram Soda 0 tsp Water 2 liters

  • Servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 2 minutes

Simple tricks will help you navigate:

  • It is necessary to wash the peas under running water so many times that the water covering it remains white and transparent.
  • The cooking process is affected by the size and fragmentation of the legume, so halves of peas are preferred, but the whole one is still soaked overnight.
  • Cold, ice water is added to the cooking process.

How to quickly boil peas: "Pea" cooking secrets

Few housewives know how to quickly cook peas. Kitchen “helpers” will come to the rescue: sugar, sunflower oil, soda. You need to use one of the following:

  1. In boiling peas in a saucepan, boil it separately, add 0.5 - 1 teaspoon of baking soda for every two liters of water. After cooking, the legumes are washed if they have not reached the consistency of mashed potatoes. You can rinse the finished product, and then crush it or boil it and wait for it to boil on its own.
  2. Flavorless sunflower oil (not deodorized) is also poured into a saucepan with cold water and peas. An impermeable film is created on the surface, which allows you to speed up the cooking process.

Sometimes they leave it to cook in a slow cooker, which will turn itself off after a set time (this is about 2 hours). Pluses - you do not need to constantly stir and add water, and in a closed container the peas will still stand, “steam”.

How to quickly cook peas for soup: is it necessary to rack your brains?

Washing and soaking overnight is not a mere whim of women of previous generations. So, these legumes “given” harmful substances to the water, including trace elements that are difficult to digest. How to quickly cook peas, women knew even then.

"Grandma's" methods, which are rarely given importance:

  • If the washed legumes are put in cold water along with the bones for the broth, which will take a couple of hours to cook, the peas will be ready by the time the potatoes are laid.
  • If you cook it separately, you can put a little sugar, but do not forget to rinse the culture. Soup with sweetness is too exotic.
  • Some craftsmen claim that the potato itself has a positive effect on the speed of cooking peas (potato starch helps).

And you can buy ready-made briquettes for pea soup. Well, there's certainly no way to dig into how to quickly boil peas. Everything is written on the package. Faster has not yet been invented!

If you don’t have time to cook peas or simply forgot to soak overnight, then use the helpful advice from cooks on how to quickly boil peas.

  • pour soda (1/2 tsp) into warm water, mix and place the washed peas to soak for up to 40 minutes. After - rinse several times and send to cook until soft.
  • vegetable oil can be added to a pan with washed peas. A film is formed that contributes to the rapid cooking process.

Basically, peas are cooked for up to 2 hours. Be sure to set a slow fire, otherwise the protein will simply curl up and the dish will turn out to be hard. For the same reason, add salt at the very end.

  • if you cook, then give preference to crushed or chopped peas. Will weld much faster.
  • Pour the peas into the container, fill with water and place in the microwave, setting the maximum power. After - pour boiling water (should cover the legumes by a few cm), salt and place on the stove for up to 20 minutes at full power. If necessary, you can sweat another 7 minutes.

Perhaps the most common pea dish has always been soup. However, in order for it to turn out tasty, you need to know how to cook pea soup so that the peas boil. This seemingly simple operation is not for everyone. You need to know something about the properties of legumes so that the ingredient boils down exactly as much as it is necessary for the soup.

Some historical facts

Peas are the oldest crop of the legume family, which a person prepares for eating. Translated from Sanskrit, this word means "grated". In the past, housewives used it to prepare flour, bake pies, and even make jelly. And during the Middle Ages, it was the only type of food for most people in Europe. For every seventh Briton, for example, this is the most favorite product.

But perhaps the most famous dish of it has always been soup. However, many housewives are faced with the main problem that confronts them: how to cook this dish so that the peas boil faster in the soup, and correctly - so that the peas become soft enough, but at the same time retain all their taste and nutritional properties. In no case should the product be allowed to turn into porridge or puree. This is the main art that one who is going to cook such a dish should possess.

A simple recipe for a delicious meal

Our housewives and novice cooks consider this dish simple and everyday. It would seem that there are no frills here. The range of products is small and affordable. The cooking time will not take more than one hour. And if you approach the process creatively and add, for example, smoked meats, then it turns out very tasty - such a dish can please even the most fastidious gourmet.

Required Ingredients:

Ladies who take care of their figure, but cannot deny themselves something tasty, will be pleased with the following fact. The calorie content of the finished dish is no more than 140 kcal per 100 g. To understand the secret of low calorie content, just remember how many peas you need for 2 liters of soup: just one glass.

In each country, for this simple dish, they come up with their own gastronomic “zest”. In Mongolia, for example, they add tomatoes or sour cream to the soup, in Germany they put celery and even black pudding. Food is always and everywhere considered the most democratic folk dish, which is loved by everyone - from young to old.

Bean Cooking Secrets

What tricks do novice cooks resort to so that the yellow balls boil faster. However, it is necessary to start not in the cooking process, but choosing a product on the store shelf. When buying, you need to pay attention to the variety of this crop. There are two main varieties of this member of the legume family:

In no case is it recommended to purchase an overdried product. The fact is that it acquires a white coating, which then enters the broth, and it is extremely difficult to remove it from there. And to observe this plaque in the finished dish is rather unpleasant - for many it completely discourages appetite. Good and high-quality peas have the correct rounded shape. All peas must be the same size and not damaged by pests.

The main thing is to soak properly

After you figured out the varieties of peas, you need to learn another secret to the successful preparation of a delicious dish. Proper soaking is the main thing to consider so that the peas boil faster.

Peas should only be soaked in cold water. In addition, it is necessary not only to fill the nucleoli of this culture with water, but also to observe the exact proportions. Since during soaking, the nucleoli can increase several times, respectively, and water must be taken at least twice as much in volume as legumes.

The following ratio will be optimal: for half a glass of the soaked product, you need to use 1 liter of water. From this ratio, you can calculate the proportions for any amount of food. You just need to have basic arithmetic knowledge. For example, for 2 liters of soup, we need a glass of legumes or, if measured in kilograms, about a pound of this crop. The product should be soaked for about six hours.

It is important not to overexpose it in cold water. Care must be taken to prevent fermentation. This process can go completely unnoticed, but in the finished dish it will make itself felt with an unpleasant smell and taste.

For the correct preparation of a delicious soup, the peas are washed and sorted very carefully. Only beautiful and round peas are selected, which will allow you to prepare the perfect dish, which cannot be faulted.

Cooking technology

Now that the preparatory stage is over, the process of making smoked pea soup begins, the ingredients for which have already been selected.

Consider step by step cooking soup:

The soup should be thick and very rich. Some housewives believe that you need to add a little soda so that the peas boil faster. Actually it is not. Soda will give the finished dish a not very pleasant taste. So it's better not to.

After cooking, the soup should brew for some time to gain taste and aroma.

There is one more tip that will make the soup tastier: you need to cook crackers in the oven and serve them to the table along with a slightly cooled dish. This soup can be served not only crackers, but also croutons. This dish is very popular with children.

Professional chefs have their own secrets:

So, to prepare a delicious pea soup, you need to fulfill a few basic requirements: choose the right variety, soak in compliance with all the rules and cook on fire, then subtracting it, then adding it.

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