
How much alcohol comes out of the blood is a complete table. How to speed up the elimination of alcohol

Signs of alcohol intoxication of a person can be detected even visually. To do this, you do not need to go to a doctor's appointment or undergo special testing. But even if there is no clear evidence that a person is already drunk, this does not mean at all that his body has completely cleared himself of the alcohol he has taken. In fact, the withdrawal of alcohol from the blood is a rather lengthy process. Medical tests can clearly show that you are drunk, even if it seems to you that you are not. So, how much alcohol is kept in the blood and when it is completely removed, we will consider in the article below.

The speed of the sobering process is always influenced by a number of factors. How much alcohol is kept in human blood will depend on the type of drink, the weight of the person and his gender. It also plays a big role how much a person ate at the table and how fast he drank alcohol. Of course, if you drink little and gradually, you will get drunk more slowly, and the concentration of toxins in the blood will be less.

Of course, the stronger the alcoholic drink, the longer it will affect the human body. It is natural that a slender person will get drunk much earlier than a full one with equal quantity and quality of alcohol consumed. The time of disintegration of alcohol in the blood in men is faster than in women by about 20%.

Fact! If you want to minimize the harm from drinking alcohol, it is recommended to eat more fatty foods at the table. In addition, if you drink alcohol slowly, the content of ethanol in the plasma will be low and it will leave the blood faster.

The isolation stage begins quite quickly, but with it, alcohol is still present in human blood. And although the amount of ethanol at the moment is small, the person is still considered drunk. Again, the rate of complete elimination of alcohol from the blood will depend on each individual organism. In some, it is completely excreted after 8-10 hours. Others may need a whole day for this.

Alcohol is completely eliminated from urine after a maximum of 20 hours. At the stage of excretion of toxins in the urine as much as possible. And when a person sobers up, ethyl alcohol undergoes decay and is almost impossible to detect in the urine.

Stages of alcohol intoxication

There are three stages that alcohol goes through while in the human body from the moment it enters it. Depending on each of them, the well-being of the drinker also changes.

At the first stage, alcohol is absorbed into the human blood. If there are a lot of toxic substances in the blood, this is immediately clear - coordination of movements is disturbed, the drinker begins to show aggression for no reason, becomes unnecessarily "explosive" or his reactions, on the contrary, slow down. Often, under the influence of alcohol, people lose the ability to speak coherently, they experience memory lapses.

At the second stage, the liquid impregnates urine, feces, saliva, sweat. Even the air that a person breathes is saturated with ethyl alcohol vapors. The final stage is the oxidation of alcohol. Most of the drunk by that time has already left the human body, but some of the alcohol molecules remain inside for many months. They plunge into the nervous and reproductive systems and cannot but make their own adjustments here.

How to recognize alcohol intoxication?

As mentioned earlier, it is sometimes possible to determine the sobriety of a person by eye. But this method will not always be acceptable and effective. There are more precise ways:

  • test in which they offer to "breathe into the tube." It is usually practiced by the traffic police in order to assess the sobriety of the driver. If a person has drunk alcohol less than 10 hours before, testing will show that he is drunk;
  • urinalysis in a medical laboratory. This method quite often gives errors due to the fact that
  • that patients do not comply with the rules when giving urine for analysis, and medical personnel may
  • violate the rules of transportation;
    analysis of blood taken from a vein. In this case, the results are usually more reliable.

Important! In no case should you drink any alcohol less than three days before the medical examination. Otherwise, ethanol molecules may adversely affect the result of the study.

Excretion from the body of various alcoholic beverages

The duration of the effect of alcoholic beverages on the body, as already mentioned, largely depends on the strength and body weight. For example, beer is excreted from the blood of a girl weighing 50 kg in about three and a half hours, and if the girl weighs 80 kg, she will sober up in two hours.

Wine is a stronger drink, and it will leave the body more slowly. So a girl weighing 50 kg will sober up five hours after a glass of wine, and a more full one - after 3 - 3.5 hours.

And of course, strong alcoholic beverages are excreted from the body much longer. Although the speed at which they leave human blood will also depend on the weight category in which the drinker is located. If he weighs 50 kg, then a dose of 100 grams of strong drink will be in the blood for about 8 hours. And if the drinker weighs 80-100 kg, he will get rid of alcohol faster - in 3-5 hours.

How to cleanse the blood of alcohol?

If a person wants to become sober in the shortest possible time, you need to resort to the implementation of several recommendations. Here is how you can cleanse the blood of alcohol at home:

  • take a contrast shower in order to speed up the metabolic process and cleanse the blood of alcohol;
  • take activated charcoal, which will also help get rid of toxins;
  • go for a walk. Physical activity will contribute to a speedy return to normal;
  • to cleanse the blood of alcohol, you can also drink as much water and diuretics as possible. Interestingly, coffee and tea in this case will not help. On the contrary, they will slow down the process of removing toxins.
  • eat more citrus. A shock dose of vitamin C will contribute to the early onset of sobriety.

Important! It is no secret that most accidents while driving are caused by drunk drivers. This leads to the irresponsible attitude of people who get behind the wheel, not listening to the generally accepted rules.

In particular, the prohibition to drive while intoxicated is ignored by many. And the penalties for such offenses are quite severe. That is why it is important to know well how to cleanse the blood of alcohol.

If a person drank the day before, chewing gum or breath-freshening lollipops will not help him deceive a traffic police officer. That is why it is highly recommended not to drink alcohol from the evening before you need to get behind the wheel. And to find out the time for removing toxins from human blood, specially compiled tables for the withdrawal of alcohol on the Web will help. The parameters mentioned in the article are taken into account - body weight, strength of the drink and the amount of alcohol consumed.

Ingestion of alcoholic beverages, no matter how much you have taken, inevitably leads to intoxication. The state of intoxication is reflected in the behavior and condition of a person.

Common symptoms of intoxication are: euphoria, a rise in mood, a surge of energy, at the same time a slowdown in the speed of response, a slowdown in the perception of information and its incorrect interpretation, impaired coordination of movements and operative memory, not quite an adequate perception of oneself and what is happening around.

We understand that sometimes you need to return to a sober state, you need to get behind the wheel and go somewhere. And then how to find out the time of alcohol withdrawal, how long it stays in the body in men and women, especially after drinking. Here we will analyze the tables on how much alcohol is kept in the body, the time of its removal and weathering, the information will be of interest to drivers, after how much time - hours - it will be possible to drive after drinking alcohol.

How long alcohol is kept in the body, and the rate of its elimination depends on several factors:

  1. the amount of alcohol consumed inside and the degree of intoxication, the more taken on the “chest”, the more pronounced the intoxication and the longer the alcohol will be excreted;
  2. the strength of alcoholic beverages - stronger drinks take longer to excrete;
  3. sex, age and weight of a person, the elimination of alcohol from the body in women requires 20% more time than in men;
  4. the general reaction of the body to alcohol (depends on the state of the liver, kidneys and genetic characteristics).

Table No. 1

Site data: http://pddonline.net/inform/alcogol.html

The timing of the removal of alcohol from the body

The timing of the weathering of alcohol from the body (blood, urine, exhaled air) is individual, and in people may differ from one case to another. Depending on the individual characteristics of a person and the amount (and quality) of alcohol taken with a mild degree of intoxication, the complete breakdown of ethyl alcohol and the cleansing of the body from alcohol decay products can take from 45 minutes to 2 hours or more.

I give a table with the average values ​​​​of the withdrawal time of alcohol. This is a calculation for men, and for women the data will be 20% more.

Table number 2

Site data: http://medhelp69.ru/stati/vremja_vyvedenija_alkogolja:

How long can you drive after drinking alcohol

Can use formulas to calculate the rate of alcohol excretion from the body: it is believed that the average rate of alcohol withdrawal is 0.1 g of pure ethyl alcohol per 1 (one) kg of human weight per hour.

Example, a liquor with an alcohol content of 40%.

  1. Let's convert alcohol to grams:

40 x 0.79 = 31.6 g (per 100 ml of vodka).

  1. A typical shot contains 50 ml:

31.6 g (per 100 ml) / 2 = 15.8 g of alcohol per 50 ml.

  1. Male weight 80 kg:

15.8 g / 0.1 x 80 \u003d 1.96 hours, so about 2 hours is needed for 1 shot of vodka (50 ml and alcohol 15.8 g).

Calculation for beer. For example, 5% beer in a can of 0.33 liters.

The amount of alcohol in 100 ml: 5 x 0.79 = 3.95 gr.

The amount of alcohol in a can of 0.33l: 3.95 x 3.3 \u003d 13.04 gr.

Alcohol withdrawal time for a 70 kg man: 13.04 g / 0.1 x 70 \u003d 1.86 hours or about 1 hour 50 minutes.

It takes a lot of time to cleanse the body of the decomposition products of ethyl alcohol. You can quickly remove a hangover yourself at home. But, the method is faster and more efficient, at home in comfortable conditions - this is the help of a specialist.

Table No. 3

Data from the website: http://zkan.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/a/images_40/cherez_kakoe_vremya_iz_organizma_cheloveka_vivoditsya_5_gramm_spirta.jpg

How long does alcohol last

When an alcoholic drink is ingested, it is absorbed into the mucous membranes. In the body, the content of ethyl alcohol increases after one and a half hours. Since during this time what a person drinks is absorbed by his body, after that the process of disintegration of alcohol and its excretion through the urinary system, sweat glands, liver and respiratory organs begins.

There are situations when you need to know for sure whether alcohol remains in the blood or not. It is desirable to know how long alcohol stays in the body, and how quickly it will be eliminated.

How long does alcohol last

The weathering of alcoholic beverages is caused by many indicators. Important factors: health, weight of a person, the larger it is, the lower the concentration of alcohol in blood, urine, exhaled air. When a person's weight is small, he gets drunk faster, it takes more time to withdraw alcohol. No less important is the gender factor (the gender of the person who has drunk), because getting rid of the decay products of alcohol in the female body is 20% longer than in the male. Of course, the amount of alcohol you drink plays an important role. Large doses of alcoholic beverages take longer to be excreted from the body.

Types of alcohol, their strength matters. Vodka stays in the body longer than wine or beer. Almost all alcohol is processed by the liver and only a small part of it goes to the excretory system.

In men

In the male body, the duration of alcohol stay is as follows:

  1. when taking a glass of brandy (50 ml), alcohol will be excreted for about 4 hours, but if a man drank a bottle, then alcohol will come out for about a day;
  2. a drunk bottle of beer is excreted for about 3 hours;
  3. how long does alcohol stay in the blood after vodka? After drinking 100 grams of the drink, the withdrawal of alcohol from the body will last about 5-7 hours, with large volumes of alcohol consumed, the duration of the withdrawal is about 11-19 hours;
  4. half a liter of champagne will leave the body in 6-7 hours.

Among women

In the female body, alcohol lasts about 20% of the time longer than in the male.

  1. 100 ml of vodka is excreted in about 7-11 hours;
  2. a similar amount of champagne will be released for at least 2 hours;
  3. 50 ml of cognac will disappear in 7 hours;
  4. 200 ml of wine will be excreted after 9 hours;
  5. if a woman drinks a bottle of beer, then the alcohol will be released in 4-5 hours.

An interesting fact is that if a person takes a blood and urine test for alcohol content, then they are likely to show different results.

How long does alcohol stay in the blood

There are unique features. For example, hydrophilicity. In an environment with a maximum water content, the highest concentration of alcohol will accumulate. There will be more alcohol in plasma than in whole blood. Depends on the level of alcohol and the stage of alcohol exposure. There are 3 in total:

  1. absorption - begins from the moment of taking a portion of alcohol and lasts until the maximum alcohol level in the blood is reached;
  2. excretion - the duration of the period is 8-12 hours, at this time there is an active excretion of ethanol through feces, urine, as well as exhaled air, this explains the smell of alcohol from the mouth, which lasts throughout the entire phase of excretion;
  3. oxidation - at this stage, the concentration of alcohol decreases, because ethanol begins to oxidize.

The average residence time of ethanol in the blood is shown in table No. 4:

Site data: http://europaclinic.ru/kak-dolgo-derzhitsya-alkogol.html

Drink name / drink strength Human weight alcohol withdrawal time
100 gr. 300 gr. 500 gr.
Low alcohol drinks (beer, beer mix, etc.) 4% up to 60 kg. about 40 minutes about 2 hours 3.5 - 4 hours
60-80 kg. about 30 minutes from 1.5 - 2 hours 2 to 3 hours
80-100 kg. and more from 20-30 minutes about an hour about 2 hours
Wine, gin and tonic, champagne, etc. from 9% - 11% up to 60 kg. more than 1.5 hours 4 – 5 hours 7 – 8 hours
60-80 kg. about an hour 3 – 4 hours 5 – 7 hours
80-100 kg. and more from 50 min. up to 1 hour 2.5 to 3.5 hours from 5 – 6 hours
Liqueurs and tinctures 24% - 30% up to 60 kg. 3.5 to 4.5 hours 10 – 13 hours 17 – 20 hours
60-80 kg. 2.5 to 3.5 hours 9 – 12 hours 16 – 18 hours
80-100 kg. and more 2 – 3 hours 7 – 8 hours 10 – 13 hours
Vodka, cognac 40% - 42% up to 60 kg. more than 5 - 6 hours about 18-20 hours 29-30 hours
60-80 kg. 4 - 6 o'clock. 13 - 16 hours. about a day
80-100 kg. and more 3 - 4 hours. 10 – 12 noon 18 - 22 hours.

These data, which tell how to determine alcohol in the blood, are indicative, and may differ slightly in each individual case.

How long does alcohol stay in urine

The content of alcohol in the urine depends on the amount of liquid drunk in addition to alcohol, as well as on the prescription of going to the toilet. When the drunkenness begins to subside, ethanol may be absent from a blood test, and a laboratory urine test will quickly detect it. In general, after drinking alcohol for at least 5 hours, ethanol is in the body, and then begins to break down.

When ingested, many chemical processes occur before ethanol is completely eliminated. When alcohol begins to decompose, acetaldehyde is formed, which subsequently turns into acetic acid itself. These processes are regulated by special enzymes - alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. It is from the enzymatic activity of these substances that the release time of alcohol depends.

The intoxicated state is observed in humans until the destruction of ethanol to acetaldehyde occurs. Then comes the state of withdrawal syndrome (or hangover), lasting until it is converted into acetic acid. Such processes can take a couple of hours or several days. Therefore, each urine test can show different results.

What determines the rate at which alcohol is eliminated from the body?

The duration of the release of alcohol is determined by many factors. The rate of purification from alcohol depends on the composition of the blood. The average decrease in ethanol in the blood per hour is about 0.2 ppm. In general, the blood alcohol content depends on the patient's weight - the lower the weight, the greater the concentration. As for the exhaled air, the ethanol content in it decreases by about 0.1 mg / l for every hour.

An important factor affecting the rate of assimilation, and, hence, the withdrawal of ethanol is food. If a person thoroughly ate while drinking alcohol, then alcohol in the blood will be determined later than that of a drinker on an empty stomach, because the absorption of alcohol in such a situation slows down.

How to speed up the removal of alcohol from the body

It is almost impossible to influence the processing of alcohol by the liver, but it is quite possible to speed up the process of getting rid of it with the help of the excretion system. In order for alcohol products to leave the body as soon as possible, you need to resort to several tricks:

  1. take a diuretic like Lasix, Furosemide, or Trifas. These drugs will accelerate the withdrawal due to the diuretic effect;
  2. you need movement, you should not lie in bed, quietly recovering from a hangover. Do household chores, walk the dog, vacuum or wash the dishes, most importantly, do not overdo it, excessive activity can harm;
  3. no matter how long alcohol stays in your body, drink more fluids. Suitable for consumption are mineral water, lemon tea, various vegetable juices, ordinary drinking water;
  4. take a walk. Fresh air will invigorate and speed up the withdrawal of ethanol;
  5. take a drug from the group of sorbents, for example, activated charcoal, Enterosgel or Smecta;
  6. take a cool shower, but not hot, such a procedure will significantly alleviate the condition;
  7. before the proposed celebration, it is recommended to have a hearty meal, and during the feast, get up for a dance or a short walk more often;
  8. during the feast and after it, eat citrus fruits or drink a few tablets of ascorbic acid.

There are contradictions about the bath. Such a procedure can help with relatively good heart health, but if there are cardiovascular problems, then it is recommended to refuse bath procedures.

How to understand that you are already sober

A person sobers up when a hangover begins, but ethanol is still present in the body, excreted as a fumes, circulates through the blood and is excreted in the urine. Therefore, complete sobering occurs when all the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome pass. Only then can a person be considered sober and, for example, can drive a car.

It is not always possible to trust the breathalyzers of state traffic inspectors and narcologists, showing that a person is drunk, because at times alcohol in the exhaled air can be determined in a person suffering from pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or oral cavity or after drinking kvass or kefir. But, as a rule, these indications are not so great as to diagnose alcohol intoxication.

Minor doses of alcohol are found in toothpastes, mouth rinses, and fresh breath sprays. Therefore, if you did not drink alcohol, and the breathalyzer found something, ask for a blood test. If the fact of taking alcohol was nevertheless, then you should not drive before the deadlines indicated above.

You should not rely on Antipolice and other advertising means - they do not remove ethanol, but only make you feel better with a hangover and mask the smell of alcohol from your mouth. If you do not want to experience the natural consequences of taking alcoholic beverages in the morning, do not get carried away with them the day before.

Information about how long alcohol lasts in the body often worries people. A similar question is most often asked by motorists. After all, it is extremely important for them to understand how long after a stormy feast you can again sit on the steering wheel of your car. In this article, we will talk about how long alcohol stays in the body, as well as what factors can affect this.

Stages of contact between the body and alcohol

Conventionally, three stages can be distinguished:

  • mixing with blood;
  • oxidation by the body (digestion);
  • removal of the residual product.

Alcohol begins to be absorbed into the blood immediately after reaching its maximum concentration in the body. In each case, its meaning may differ. The withdrawal of residues, in which our liver is actively involved, occurs almost immediately after the first stage. The remains of alcohol that has not left the body are gradually converted into water or carbon dioxide.

What affects the duration of intoxication?

When answering the question of how much alcohol is kept in the body, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • what strength did the drink have;
  • the gender of the person (male/female);
  • general condition of the body and weight;
  • how much was drunk;
  • the use of antibiotics, psychotropic and hypnotic drugs;
  • how much time has passed since the last drink;
  • How often do you drink such drinks?

It is known for certain that alcohol is excreted more slowly by 20%.

Withdrawal time

How long does alcohol stay in the body if 100 grams of vodka was drunk? Considering all of the above factors, the time can be from 3 to 4.5 hours. But beer with a strength of 6% and a volume of 0.5 liters will affect the human body from only 20 minutes to 1 hour. As mentioned earlier, these numbers may differ in each case, so in order to avoid unpleasant situations with police officers, it is better to add a couple more hours to them to be sure. So, if we talk about how long alcohol is kept in the body, then first of all you should pay attention to the amount and strength of the drink. Here is a small summary table.

Type of alcoholic drink

Quantity (grams)

Estimated time of withdrawal from the body (hours)


Cognac and its mixture with champagne

Port wine

3.5 to 5.5

How to speed up the process?

It is quite possible to speed up the process. To do this, it will be necessary to take a shower, be sure to change the clothes in which you took alcohol the day before, and drink a lot, then the kidneys will also be connected to the procedure.


Summing up, it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question of how long alcohol stays in the blood. As we found out earlier, too many factors can influence this period. In conclusion, I would like to warn all drivers who come to any feasts or celebrations in their car that after drinking alcohol, before driving, you need to remove it from the body, and this takes time. Therefore, it is better not to rush, wait a few hours (depending on the amount of alcohol consumed, etc.) or call a taxi.

Alcohol is the most common cause of accidents in Russia and loss of a driver's license. According to statistics, every fourth accident occurs due to poor road surface, and every ninth due to alcohol intoxication of motorists. Perhaps the motorist drank only 50 grams, but this is enough to increase the flow to the venous blood and cheer up. Even the smallest amount of ethanol harms the driver and others.

What dose of alcohol affects the body?

Dose of alcohol in ppm:

How much alcohol is in the blood after drinking?

The limits set by the legislation strictly indicate the presence of alcohol, which is established by the norm. To find out for yourself how much alcohol is in the blood and how long it will take, you can buy a breathalyzer or look at a special table with values. The purchased brands of alcohol and the timing of their exit from the body are described in detail in the table.

How long does it take for beer to come out after drinking?

How long does it take for wine to come out?

How long does it take for cognac to come out?

100 grams of cognac in 6 hours
300 grams of cognac after 18 hours
500 grams of cognac after 300 hours

Such indications in the table are correct, provided that a person weighs 60 kg. It is important to add that the female gender was not included in this table, since the metabolism and the time for the release of alcohol from the body are much lower. Therefore, alcohol comes out 20% slower than in men.

What determines the release time of ethanol?

Even in the table it is impossible to find exact guarantees for the release of alcohol from the body. Everyone's metabolism is different and depends on many factors. Women need more time to recover than men, as alcohol takes a very long time to come out.

If you are a few years old, not sick, weigh enough and like to raise a glass for fatty foods, then you will sit behind the wheel much earlier.

How long does it take for alcohol to come out of urine?

How long does alcohol stay in urine? Narcologists did not agree and believe that this period of time is individual for everyone. But there are specific boundaries that must be adhered to. After 400 grams of drunk vodka, after 20 hours, the alcohol content will be detected in the analysis. The blood is cleared of toxins much faster, and even if there is nothing in it, then a urine test will show an amazing result. Therefore, the table contains the time that guarantees safe driving and the safety of a driver's license.

How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

Most people believe that after a long binge, the driver needs to recover, since alcohol

What is 0.3 ppm

still in the blood. This decision is correct. Being in a long drinking bout for a week, a person causes great damage to the body, which is poisoned. In medicine, it is said that after two weeks you can find some particles in the blood after the use of alcohol. No one can say exactly when the body will recover after a long binge. Time ranges from 24 hours to three days. During this time, the body is restored, the blood is cleansed of toxic substances and alcohol is excreted.

How to increase the time of release of alcohol from the body?

The exit of alcohol from the body can be accelerated by folk methods. To get rid of excess toxins and waste, you need to understand the method of cleaning the body, because the kidneys, lungs and liver are involved. If you decide to help the body get rid of alcohol faster, then you need to do some things:

  • Get outside and breathe in the fresh air. Ventilation of the lungs will improve and you can get rid of alcohol vapors.
  • Drink plenty of water to help release alcohol vapors.
  • Take vitamins to help you recover quickly.
  • Use drugs that help get rid of intoxication.
  • Take a cool shower to increase blood flow.
  • Drink hot broth.

If you follow all these instructions, you will quickly restore the body. Separate methods do not work - everything needs to be done in a complex. If you approach this event with all responsibility, you can quickly remove alcohol from the body and drive.

What to do at the time of treatment of binge at home?

What to do during long-term treatment? It is important to understand that at the time of the otkhodnik, the alcoholic will suffer from depression, an obsession with drinking.
It is important to solve the problem of passive time spending at the time of treatment at home in advance. An excellent solution would be watching your favorite movies, reading audiobooks. Moreover, relatives and close people are not recommended to leave an alcoholic at home alone while alcohol is kept in the body. Be with him all the time. This will help to protect the alcoholic from unpleasant thoughts.

Drinking out schedule:

  • The first day. After sleep in the morning you need to drink 500 grams of water. Take a shower. Then it's time for medication. The task of an alcoholic is not to break loose and not cling to the desired bottle. Also, do not indulge in valocordinum. If it is very difficult to control desire, then make a decoction of valerian, motherwort. It is hard - only in the first days, then it will be easier.
  • Second day. Breaking weakens, a person begins to control himself. Emphasis on the fact that you need to drink three liters of water per day. We eliminate the symptoms of the action of alcohol by taking medications according to the instructions. The feeling of breaking is preserved, so you should not lean on valocordin.
  • Day three. After treatment for a long binge at home, weakness, a broken state, and depression persist, because all the forces went into the fight against alcohol addiction. The main thing is not to give up and start drinking water in the morning, apply medicines, a vitamin complex. You can diversify your meal and go about your business.

But if during all the days you do not feel better, suffer from withdrawal symptoms and are ready to climb the wall from a wild desire, then this is an urgent sign of contacting a narcologist. Complications from prolonged alcohol poisoning may occur.

After drinking a dose of a drink containing ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH), its active absorption through the mucous membranes begins. As a rule, its content in the blood increases over 1.5 hours. During this time, a healthy adult body manages to absorb alcohol.

the process of splitting ethanol (mainly in the liver) and excretion of metabolites by the urinary organs, as well as with sweat and exhaled air, proceeds in parallel. How long alcohol is kept in the blood depends on a number of factors - the volume and strength of the drink, gender, and body weight of a person.

Important: Many are interested in - how many days does it take for the body to completely cleanse itself of alcohol metabolites? Fully exchange products are displayed within 21 days, but these data are averaged.

Why do you need to know how much alcohol is kept in the blood?

Many people need to know for sure: are there traces of ethanol in the body or not? This is especially true for drivers and people of other professions who are subject to scheduled or random checks on an electronic breathalyzer. The device reflects the presence of ethanol in the exhaled air. If the result is positive, this is regarded as a state of intoxication, and the person is subject to suspension from driving vehicles or working with potentially dangerous mechanisms.

Please note: Tests are currently being carried out in laboratories to establish that the subject consumed strong drinks 2 weeks ago. But the positive results of such deep analyzes do not mean that all this time the person was in a state of intoxication.

How long does alcohol stay in the blood?

Everyone who has ever attended parties or celebrations where strong drinks are consumed has noticed that those around them get drunk and sober at different speeds. How long alcohol remains in the blood depends on the general state of health. If a person does not suffer from chronic diseases, but rarely drinks and in very small doses, then a glass or two has almost no effect on his condition.

Please note: There is an opinion that small volumes of high-quality alcohol (in particular, good red wine) have a positive effect on a person’s condition and even prolong life.

Weight is also important: a man with a body weight of about 60 kg is categorically not recommended to compete with a 100-kilogram neighbor in the amount drunk in order to avoid severe poisoning.

The strength and degree of purification of the drink affects the time of the release of alcohol from the blood. The most "clean" of them - vodka - lingers in the body for a longer time than wine when converted to pure C2H5OH.

Race has a certain meaning; It is believed that Caucasians have a higher tolerance for alcohol than Asians, tk. the latter have lower levels of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. In some peoples of the Far North, it is practically absent.

How is C2H5OH converted?

The main stages of transformation:

  • suction;
  • distribution;
  • oxidation.
  • selection;

Absorption (absorption) starts from taking a "dose" and continues until a peak concentration is reached.

In the oxidation phase, the concentration of alcohol begins to fall, because ethanol decomposes under the action of enzymes. Thanks to alcohol dehydrogenase, it is transformed into acetaldehyde, which, under the action of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, decomposes to acetic acid.

Excretion (isolation) is accompanied by the excretion of ethanol with waste products and exhaled air. At this stage, a persistent characteristic smell emanates from the drinking person.

Important: Acetaldehyde is a poisonous substance that, along with dehydration, also provides an unpleasant sensation known as a “hangover”. Withdrawal continues until this metabolite is converted to acetic acid.

How many hours does it take a man to sober up?

There are average data that can be used as a guide when calculating sobering up time.

If a physically healthy man of average weight (about 80 kg) drank a glass of cognac (50-80 ml), alcohol will be detected for about 4 hours. If a whole bottle (0.5 l) is taken, sobering up will occur only after 24 hours.

100 g of vodka comes out in 5-6 hours, but 300-500 ml will be excreted for about a day.

A bottle of beer (0.5 l) gives “per mille” on the breathalyzer for about 3 hours, but the strength of the foamy drink must also be taken into account. If the proportion of ethanol is about 4.2-4.5%, then a mug of beer will really disappear quickly, but you can also find beer with rates of 9% and even 14% on store shelves, that is, like wine.
After a bottle of champagne (7-11%), ethanol remains in the blood for up to 7 hours.

How long does alcohol stay in a woman's blood?

How long does alcohol leave the blood of women is a very important issue. The average woman gets drunk much faster than a man of the same weight and age, and sobers up much more slowly. Studies have shown that the female body gets rid of toxic products on average 20% slower.

For about 2 hours, alcohol in the body of ladies remains after a glass of champagne.

200 ml of dry or semi-sweet wine (but not fortified!) will “evaporate” only after 9 hours.

It will take up to 10-11 hours to neutralize 100 ml of vodka or other strong drink, and 50 ml of cognac will disappear in 7 hours.

Even just one bottle of medium-strength beer is excreted for at least 4-5 hours.

The average duration of the presence of ethyl alcohol in the blood:

Drink name / ethanol content

Person's weight in kg.

Alcohol withdrawal time in hours

100 gr.

300 gr.

500 gr.

Low alcohol drinks (beer, beer cocktails, etc.) 4%

80-100 and more

Wine, gin and tonic, champagne, etc. from 9% - 11%

80-100 and more

from 50 min. up to 1 hour

2.5 to 3.5

Liqueurs and bitters 24% - 30%

3.5 to 4.5

2.5 to 3.5

80-100 and more

Vodka, whiskey, cognac, tequila, gin 40% - 43%

more than 5 - 6

about 18-20

about a day

80-100 and more

Important: The data in the table are approximate and averaged. They should not be guided by sitting behind the wheel some time after drinking!
