
How long do fresh mushrooms keep in the refrigerator? How to store fresh, boiled and fried mushrooms

Fresh mushrooms captivate with their aroma and exquisite taste, but it is not always possible to keep them unchanged. How to store champignons so that they remain tasty and fresh? The answer to this question will give the material from this article. From it you will learn how to properly prepare champignons for storage and what methods can be used for this.

The article describes in detail the processes of salting, drying, marinating and freezing mushrooms, so you can easily prepare delicious champignons at home.

How to store champignons

Approximately three weeks after the application of the cover soil, the fruiting period begins. At this time, the temperature should not exceed 16 degrees. If this indicator decreases, the fruiting bodies will grow more slowly, and at elevated temperatures they will become small.

In addition, it is important to keep the humidity at 90% by introducing artificial fog into the room or watering the walls and floor. For proper storage of crops, it is important to create the right microclimate and maintain optimal air recirculation.

Preparing for storage

The air supplied to the room through ventilation must be properly prepared so that it meets the parameters that are optimal for the cultivation or storage stage.

Heating devices are used:

  • Electric heaters are used in the cold season and in the absence of gas heating;
  • Water-air radiators are used in the presence of centralized heat supply from its own boiler room;
  • The steam-air heat exchanger is used only if the farm has centralized heat supply with hot steam.

In summer, the air entering the chamber must be cooled. For this, several types of refrigeration units are used (Figure 1):

  1. Installations for the production of "dry fog". The principle of their operation is based on cooling with the help of water evaporation by fine spraying. However, such installations can only be used in regions with a continental climate, where the level of humidity in summer is at a low level.
  2. Sprinkler installations of the ventilation system. In this case, the air is cooled by water from the well using a heat exchanger. This is an effective way of cooling, but only if the farm has the ability to drain the waste warm water without harm to the environment. Otherwise, conflicts with environmentalists are possible.
  3. Cooling with water from an internal reservoir. This method can also cause conflicts with environmentalists. In addition, it is effective only in the first half of summer, when the water in natural reservoirs has not yet warmed up enough.
  4. Air-cooled compressor unit. The principle of operation is based on the use of a condenser located in the radiator and an evaporator, which is installed in the ventilation. This cooling method is suitable for small farms.
  5. Refrigeration compressor unit with shell-and-tube refrigerant condenser. The distribution of cold air is carried out by a liquid coolant. It is this type that is considered the most perfect, since when using it, you can harvest abundant crops even in the summer.

Figure 1. Cooling systems: 1 - direct cooling principle, 2 - cooling system with refrigerant

Problems with air preparation do not arise only in spring and autumn, when the optimum temperature and humidity are maintained naturally. In winter, in addition to warming up, the air is humidified, and in summer it is sometimes dried using appropriate devices for this (Figure 2).

To increase the level of humidity use:

  • Air conditioners with sprinkling installations in ventilation. The water entering the chamber must be heated if the humidifier is used in winter.
  • Fine atomization with spray nozzles or plates. In this case, water enters the chamber in the form of small droplets that increase the overall moisture level, but do not harm the fruiting bodies and cover soil.
  • Glass wool wall, which is regularly watered. The air entering the ventilation passes through the glass wool wall and is humidified. But for a more effective increase in the level of humidity, the liquid is heated.
  • Steam supplied to the ventilation. This method of humidification is considered the most correct, but for small farms it is too expensive, as it involves the use of an electric steam generator.
  • Rotary humidifier. The air from the ventilation is passed through special aluminum discs that rotate slowly and are immersed in water containers. This method of moisturizing is also considered effective. Its main advantage is that the use of a rotary unit almost completely eliminates the possibility of excessive air humidification.

Figure 2. Devices for humidifying the air: a - a chamber for cooling and humidifying the air, b - a rotary disk evaporator-heat exchanger, 3 - a humidifying and cooling wall made of mineral wool, d - humidifying and cooling the air with a finely dispersed water atomizer

The fruiting period is accompanied by the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide, which is removed. To do this, equip the ventilation system. However, make sure that there are no drafts in the room, and that the air circulation is not too strong. Otherwise, the mushroom caps will dry out and crack, which will reduce their overall presentation.

Ensuring air recirculation is one of the most important conditions for obtaining a good harvest. This procedure mixes oxygen with carbon dioxide, equalizes climatic conditions in all parts of the cultivation chamber and regulates the temperature of the compost.

In small farms, recirculation can be achieved with a conventional fan. In larger modern farms, the supply is carried out through special polyethylene sleeves with nozzles (ordinary plastic cups without a bottom are used for this). The downward airflow allows oxygen to mix with carbon dioxide around the racks. The number of nozzles is determined by the size of the chamber (Figure 3).

Note: The nozzles are located approximately at a distance of 0.5-1 meters from each other. For example, in a chamber 15 meters long, 30 nozzles must be installed.

Mushrooms bear fruit without light, so there is no need to install bright electric lighting in the chamber. It will be enough to install a few lamps for shelving maintenance. And direct sunlight is completely harmful to mushrooms, as they damage the delicate skin of hats and dry out the cover soil.

Irrigation plays an important role in fruiting. To do this, use only warm water. Watering is carried out between the waves of fruiting. The optimal amount of liquid per square meter is 0.5-1 liter. After each introduction of moisture, the room is ventilated. If you water them during growth, spots may appear on their surface.

Figure 3. Drawings of air recirculation systems

Mushroom harvest ripens in waves. First, the cover soil is completely covered with young mushrooms, then their number decreases sharply and the growth of fruiting bodies stops. As a rule, this period takes about a week. The maximum yield is obtained from the first three or four waves (up to 80%). Since all subsequent waves have a longer cultivation period, on large mushroom farms they are limited to collecting the first four waves, cutting the mushrooms with special machines. They are not cut by hand, but twisted, grabbing the mushroom between the thumb and forefinger and turning slightly.

After harvesting, the surface of the beds is cleaned of old mycelium, lumps of casing soil and remnants of legs. New soil is introduced into the formed pits.

Note: Old mushrooms and their remains should never be left in the ground, as this can cause contamination of the substrate.

Compost that has been used for cultivation is removed after harvest. In the future, it can be used to grow vegetables. To harvest a new crop, the chambers are treated with formalin, steam, and new compost is introduced.

Storage without pretreatment

The method of storage, with or without pre-treatment, depends on how soon you intend to eat the mushrooms. If you plan to use them soon, it's best not to wash them, but to put them in a paper bag or plastic container.

Mushrooms are in products with a short shelf life, so you can store them in the refrigerator without pre-treatment for only a few days.

Storage with pretreatment

Pre-treatment allows you to extend the shelf life. For example, they can be placed in the freezer. To do this, the mushrooms are washed, dried and cut off all the darkened areas. Large specimens can be cut into pieces.

In the future, they will be placed in bags or plastic containers and frozen. Although these mushrooms tolerate re-freezing well, it is best to freeze them in small portions immediately. Once frozen, they keep for several months. To extend this period, mushrooms can be pre-fried over low heat or boiled in salted water.

How to store fresh mushrooms in the refrigerator

The temperature of an ordinary household refrigerator is great for mushrooms. But many are interested in the question of how long they can be stored fresh in the refrigerator. Shelf life without treatment is only a few days (Figure 4).

You can extend the shelf life if the mushrooms are not pre-washed and cleaned so that they do not darken. It is also advisable to place them in an open container so that the product receives enough air and moisture.

If you are interested in the question of how to store fresh champignons in the refrigerator for a longer period, we recommend using a few simple tips.

Figure 4. Features of storage in the refrigerator

Firstly, they cannot be washed and peeled so that their flesh does not darken. Secondly, it is advisable to transfer the mushrooms to a paper bag or plastic container. So the shelf life will last up to 7 days.

You can also store them in a plastic bag. But they need to be periodically opened for ventilation, and inspected. All sluggish and rotten specimens are removed, and if condensation has formed on the inner surface of the bag, the mushrooms are transferred to a new package.

Is it possible to store champignons in the freezer

We can please everyone who is interested in the question of how to store champignons in the freezer. These mushrooms are very easy to freeze, and their shelf life is quite long even without prior heat treatment (Figure 5).

Note: Properly frozen foods do not lose their useful properties and taste, so you can safely make preparations for the winter from them.

Fresh mushrooms are washed under running water, all darkened parts are cut off, and large specimens are cut into several parts. After that, they are laid out in sealed bags or plastic containers, and sent to the freezer. It is better to immediately freeze the mushrooms in portions, so as not to re-freeze them in the future.

Boiled champignons in the freezer

You can freeze not only fresh, but boiled mushrooms. To do this, they are prepared in the usual way: washed, cleaned and boiled in salted water for 15 minutes.

Figure 5. Features of freezing champignons

Ready mushrooms need to be cooled, divided into portions and laid out in storage containers. Such blanks will remain edible for six months.

Fresh champignons in the freezer

The shelf life of fresh champignons in the freezer is not so long. They will not lose their taste only if the shelf life is no more than 3-4 months.

It is advisable to use tight plastic bags and containers with an airtight lid so that excess moisture and air do not get inside. Then fresh mushrooms will stay fresh and tasty much longer.

How to freeze champignons correctly is shown in the video.


Champignons, like other mushrooms, can be dried. In order for the fruiting bodies to dry evenly, the mushrooms are divided by size. It is also desirable to separate the caps from the legs, and cut large specimens in half (Figure 6).

Note: Mushrooms should not be washed before drying. They are cleaned of dust and dirt with a dry cloth or brush.

Figure 6. Drying methods at home

For drying, you can use the oven, setting the temperature in it to 40-50 degrees, special drying for fruits, herbs and berries, or simply stringing hats and legs on a thread and hanging them in the sun.


Salting is a great way to preserve mushrooms in winter. Salting these mushrooms is very simple (Figure 7). First you need to wash, clean and dry the mushrooms. Then you need to take a large pot, wash it with hot water and lay in layers chopped horseradish leaves, cherries, currants, garlic and mushrooms.

Figure 7. Salting steps at home

Layers must be alternated, and the top sprinkled with salt and fresh herbs. For 1 kilogram of mushrooms, you need only one and a half tablespoons of salt. Cover the pan with a plate on top, put oppression and transfer it to a dark, cool place. In a few weeks, salted champignons will be ready and can be eaten or packaged in separate jars.

Pickling champignons

Marinating mushrooms is also easy (Figure 8). Pure mushrooms are lightly boiled in salted water, squeezed and laid out in jars.

Figure 8. Pickling at home

Containers are poured with hot marinade from water, garlic, salt, sugar, vinegar and spices. Banks are rolled up and transferred to a cool place for storage.

You will find a simple pickling recipe in the video.

How to store mushrooms for sale

If champignons are grown for the further sale of mushrooms, additional storage equipment must be purchased. For example, you can buy a shocker that quickly freezes fresh mushrooms and extends their shelf life.

Collected champignons are laid out in boxes and prepared for transportation. Until the moment of sale, they are recommended to be stored in special industrial refrigerators.

They can be different:,. Some housewives prefer them. It is very convenient, because it is always at hand. On any day, you can defrost a portion and cook a fragrant dish.

mushroom preparation

Before freezing in the freezer, they need properly prepare for it:

  • For choosing only the freshest mushrooms, bright white, without dents and spots, medium size.
  • should be washed thoroughly. Some housewives wash them thoroughly in cold water without cleaning them. Others recommend doing this in warm water: this will soften the hat and stem, which will help them clean up quickly.
  • Pure mushrooms need to be dried: they are laid out for 20-30 minutes on a napkin until it completely absorbs water. It will turn out faster if each mushroom gets wet with a paper towel.
  • Cut off the excess: the root system and darkened places.

Freezing fresh mushrooms

For those who decide to freeze for the first time, the question arises: is it possible to freeze them raw or do they need to be cooked somehow? Experienced housewives willingly harvest fresh mushrooms. It takes a minimum of time, and later you can cook any dish from them. Freshly frozen, they are stored for 1 year at a temperature of -18 ° C.


Clean, dried mushrooms are prepared for freezing as follows:

  1. If they are small, they can be sent to the refrigerator as a whole.
  2. Fans of stuffed mushrooms can only freeze the caps, carefully separating them from the legs.
  3. To begin, the mushrooms are placed in a clean food container, a plastic bag, or a ziplock bag.
  4. Remove the air from the bag, close it tightly and place it in the freezer.
  5. Whole mushrooms can be baked with fish or.


Usually chopped mushrooms are used more often than whole ones. When freezing this type of mushroom, you must:

  1. Washed champignons cut into equal slices.
  2. You need to freeze them not in bulk, but in a thin layer: frozen pieces are very fragile and can break. You can use a flat surface for this, such as a baking sheet, a piece of foil, or a cutting board.
  3. The surface with the laid out mushroom pieces is placed in the upper section of the freezer so that they freeze quickly.
  4. After a few hours, when they freeze, they can already be poured into one bag or container and sent back to the freezer.
  5. Such champignons are perfect for soup, mushroom sauce, as a filling for pies and a side dish for.

Did you know? For the first time, champignons were artificially grown in 1650 near Paris. After 100 years, a method for their year-round cultivation was developed.

Other freezing methods

How else can you freeze champignons at home so that it lasts all winter? Boiled and fried.


Boiled mushrooms are prepared as follows:

  1. Fresh, washed mushrooms are laid out in a saucepan, poured with water, salted and put on fire.
  2. When they boil, boil for another 10-15 minutes.
  3. Then the boiled champignons are thrown into a colander so that the water is glass.
  4. When cool and dry, the mushrooms are poured into a storage container and put in the freezer.
  5. In boiled form, they are stored for six months.


Even fried champignons can be frozen:

  1. To do this, prepared mushrooms need to be cut into slices and put on a preheated pan, greased with oil. Salt is not necessary.
  2. They should be fried over medium heat until the moisture is completely evaporated.
  3. You can bake them in the oven without oil.
  4. The cooled mushrooms should be transferred to a storage container and sent to the freezer, where they can remain for about 6 months.

How long are stored in the freezer

Mushrooms, like other products, have their own shelf life depending on storage conditions:

  • mushrooms can lie open in the refrigerator for 3 days, then they darken, weather, it is no longer recommended to eat them;
  • under cling film at the same temperature, the shelf life increases to 6 days, after which they become hazardous to health.

But frozen champignons can be stored much longer. At a temperature of -18 ° C, any mushrooms are stored until the next season, and at -20 ° C, they can lie longer. In the case of champignons, this is not necessary, since they are artificially grown and are available for sale for almost a year.

Usually frozen mushrooms are stored:

  • fresh - 1 year;
  • boiled and fried - half a year and longer.

How to defrost

In order for products to remain both tasty and healthy after freezing, they should be defrost properly:

  • It is not necessary to defrost the entire batch of mushrooms, but only the necessary portion, because they cannot be re-frozen.
  • The defrosting process should be gradual. Therefore, the required amount of champignons is transferred from the freezer to the refrigerator for several hours, preferably at night.
  • Many dishes, such as soups and casseroles, do not need to be thawed for cooking.

Important! Mushrooms cannot be re-frozen, otherwise they will lose not only their shape, but also their nutritional value.

In recent decades, in order to save time on working days, family purchases are reasonably made once a week - on weekends. For example, you bought fresh champignons for a week, and you are interested in information on how to properly store them in the refrigerator and how long they are stored. The time period during which products remain safe for us and retain their beneficial properties is not an idle question - after all, food should “nourish”!

Mushrooms are a type of mushroom that are safe for health even without heat treatment! And if you bought them, but are not going to immediately cook any dish with their participation, then it is important to know how to keep their beautiful appearance and a lot of useful properties that they have for some time.

  1. Don't wash mushrooms! We clean the hats with a knife (light tangential movements) and, if necessary, cut the leg.
  2. We must cut off all damaged areas so that rot or bacteria do not spread.
  3. If the caps and legs are soiled with soil particles, you can wipe them with a damp paper towel or brush and let the moisture dry.

  • After pre-treatment, we put fresh champignons in containers and put them in a common refrigerator, preferably on the lower shelves.
  • Another good option is to put them in a plastic bag to protect them from drying out. Mushrooms in the open air quickly lose moisture and become tasteless in dishes, in addition, their surface oxidizes and darkens, while losing most of the nutrients - even in the refrigerator!
  • It is important to note that air access to the container or bag is simply necessary, otherwise condensate will accumulate and the product will quickly deteriorate.
  • If we did everything right, then in this form our favorite mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator for 5-6 days - this time will be enough for us until the next purchase of products.

How long do fresh mushrooms last in the freezer?

Fresh champignons retain their gastronomic qualities in the freeze much less time than boiled or even fried! It's up to you how you store them, but we'll consider all options!

Fresh champignons

We pre-process fresh champignons, as we said above, put them in airtight containers or tightly tied bags.

For convenience, we lay them out in portions and preferably according to the size of the caps: small and large separately. Large mushrooms are cut into pieces familiar to our dishes, and small ones are frozen whole.

How long to store our stocks in this form? No more than a few weeks - up to 30-40 days.

Boiled champignons

Boiled champignons can be stored longer - up to 6 months (and why, if this product can be bought at any time of the year?). But if you are so thrifty or visit large supermarkets or markets quite rarely, then this is a very suitable option for you.

After preliminary dry cleaning, rinse the champignons under running water, cut into convenient pieces (if the caps are large) and dip into boiling, slightly salted water.

Cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes, pour the contents of the pan into a colander or sieve, and put our product on culinary paper towels. Let the water drain completely and let the mushrooms cool.

We put in packages in portions or lay out in containers. All containers must be tightly closed!

* Cook's advice

  • It is very important to store mushrooms in the freeze dry! Ice crystals break mushroom fibers, and in dishes the product becomes soft and watery in taste. Therefore, let them dry thoroughly.
  • The second point to remember: mushrooms cannot be re-frozen! Therefore, we advise you to freeze the product in portioned quantities!

Fried champignons

Fried champignons can also be stored in the refrigerator, or rather, in the freezer! To do this, grind the mushrooms at your discretion and fry (do not salt!) In a small amount of vegetable oil until the mushroom juice boils away.

Drain on paper towels and let the excess oil soak in. Further, as in the previous storage method, we put it in a container for further freezing.

Fried mushroom semi-finished product is also stored for about 5-6 months.

Baked champignons

Baked champignons are an excellent option for storage in the refrigerator, especially at low, sub-zero temperatures. Everything is simple here! Peeled with a knife and wiped with a damp towel, the mushrooms are laid out on a baking sheet covered with foil or baking paper and baked at an average temperature for no longer than 10-15 minutes.

How long are these blanks kept? Yes, as much as you like! But would you wait six months to add mushrooms to a fragrant vegetable soup?

We hope that our information on how to store champignons in the refrigerator or freezer will wake up a real gourmet in you who knows a lot about mushroom dishes and conjures over the stove with pleasure!

Lots of people love mushrooms. They are considered a kind of delicacy, so they are often bought not only for instant preparation, but also for storage. Mushrooms, especially champignons, are a very delicate product that immediately deteriorates if not handled properly. Today we will talk about how to store champignons for the winter, as well as the timing, methods and features of storing champignons at home.

How to store fresh mushrooms in the refrigerator

They think about how to store fresh champignons in the refrigerator if storage is needed for a short time. Before laying champignons, you need to properly prepare. To do this, the caps are cleaned with light movements with a knife. All areas with signs of deterioration are removed. Never wash mushrooms! If they are still dirty, wipe them with a damp cloth and leave them to dry well.

Dried champignons are put in containers, covered with cling film and put in the refrigerator. The film must be changed daily so that excess moisture does not accumulate under it. The optimum storage temperature is 0 degrees.

If you have fulfilled all the conditions, then the mushrooms will delight you with freshness for 3-5 days. To increase the shelf life up to a week, champignons are packed in a paper bag and aired daily.


Before laying, the champignons are washed, the tip of the leg is cut off, and the film is removed from it. The top skin is also removed.

There are several ways to store mushrooms in the freezer:

  • Fresh.
  • Boiled. After cleaning, the mushrooms are boiled over medium heat for about ten minutes, the water is removed with a colander and spread on paper towels to dry. Before laying, be sure to check whether the mushrooms are completely dry. After completing these steps, do everything in the same way as indicated above.
  • Fried. Mushrooms are processed in the manner indicated above, and fried in a pan until the juice is completely boiled away. Mushrooms do not salt! Completely cool the product and freeze it.
  • Baked. Peeled champignons are spread on a baking sheet covered with parchment and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Let cool and freeze.


You can save mushrooms for a long time with the help of drying. Before drying, they are not washed, only cleaned and cut into identical slices. Dry the champignons in an oven or a special dryer at a temperature of 45 degrees, distributing a thin layer on a baking sheet. If it is not possible to use the oven, then this can be done in the sun. Then the mushrooms are pre-covered with a thin cloth to avoid the risk of insects.


Pickled champignons are a recognized delicacy and a great appetizer. For pickling you will need:

  • 5 kg of mushrooms;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 50 ml of refined vegetable oil;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp 5% vinegar;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaf;
  • A teaspoon of sugar;
  • A teaspoon of salt without a slide.


  • Pour water into the pan, add vinegar, salt, bay leaf, pepper, sugar, oil and chopped garlic.
  • Mushrooms are washed, added to a saucepan with marinade and brought to a boil over medium heat. After boiling, cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Remove from the stove, cool and serve. Pickled mushrooms will last the longest if you roll them into jars.

Shelf life of champignons at home

  • How long can you keep fresh mushrooms in the refrigerator? Depending on the method chosen, the shelf life ranges from 3 to 7 days.
  • Mushrooms that have been frozen fresh are usable for 30-40 days. Pre-boiled - up to six months, and fried or baked - about 5-6 months.
  • Dried mushrooms are usable for about a year. They are stored in paper bags or linen bags in the refrigerator or on the shelves of lockers.
  • Pickled champignons, rolled up in jars, can be preserved in their original form for several months.

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Mushrooms are a fairly common product in European cuisine. Therefore, very often housewives prefer to buy them with a margin. True, here you have to think about how to ensure the proper storage of champignons, what conditions must be met and how long to use them.

In a refrigerator

Storage of fresh champignons in the refrigerator should not exceed 7 days. In this case, mushrooms should not be shifted from place to place. Their surface is easily damaged and covered with dark spots, which further trigger the processes of decay and deterioration.

If you do not have the opportunity to deal with mushrooms immediately after purchase, do not wash or sort them, just put them in the refrigerator. In this form - on the middle shelf and in an open dish - the mushrooms will stand for about 3 days. In a vegetable box and a paper bag, the shelf life will increase to 5-6 days.

The shelf life of fresh mushrooms can be increased by transferring them to special food trays or containers with holes, as well as bags made of natural fabric. When storing in containers, fold the mushrooms in a single layer and cover with cling film on top. Poke holes in it with a toothpick to increase air circulation.

in the freezer

It is permissible to store mushrooms in the freezer both fresh and boiled or fried. Before sending the mushrooms for storage, divide them into small portions and arrange them in bags or other containers. To simplify further processing, you can immediately cut the mushrooms into pieces. Remember that re-freezing is not recommended, so form servings based on each one dish.

There are several ways to freeze mushrooms.

  • Freezing fresh mushrooms. Wash and clean fresh mushrooms thoroughly. Dry well. Cut into pieces if desired. Send for storage in the freezer.
  • Freezing fried mushrooms. Prepare the mushrooms: wash and clean them. Cut into thin pieces and fry. Cool the finished semi-finished product, put it in containers and freeze.
  • Freezing boiled mushrooms. Boil prepared champignons in salted water for 5-7 minutes. Drain in a colander and dry well. Place in bags and freeze.

Remember that the moisture remaining on the champignons has a bad effect on their structure, making the pulp more loose and watery. Therefore, always dry mushrooms thoroughly before freezing. The shelf life of frozen champignons is 6-8 months.


Drying is another great way to store mushrooms. Mushrooms can be dehydrated both naturally and in an oven or a special dryer. Wash and clean the mushrooms thoroughly. Cut them into plates. If you're a fan of natural drying, string the mushroom blanks on a string and hang to dry in a sunny, well-ventilated place. When drying in the oven, spread the mushrooms in a thin layer on a baking sheet and dry for 1 hour at a temperature of 40-45 ° C, then 3 hours at a temperature of 70-80 ° C. Place dried mushrooms in paper bags or linen bags and store at room temperature for 1–1.5 years.


The longest storage of champignons is achieved by pickling or pickling. In this case, you can not only solve the storage problem, but also get a great snack. Marinating begins with boiling brine. Prepare the marinade at the rate of 1 tbsp. salt, 1 tsp sugar, 5 peas of allspice and black pepper, 1-2 bay leaves per 1 liter of water. Bring the brine to a boil, put the mushrooms in it and cook for about half an hour. Cool the mushrooms in the marinade. Then add 50 g of vinegar, arrange the prepared mushrooms in sterilized jars and roll up. It is better to store such blanks in the refrigerator or cellar. The shelf life depends on the temperature and can be up to two years.

The choice of how to store champignons depends on what exactly you plan to cook in the future. So, when preparing mushrooms for julienne and second courses, it is better to use freezing. It is customary to add dried preparations to soups. Pickled and salted champignons can be used as independent dishes. Remember that any mushrooms do not tolerate heat well. Therefore, in the summer, even dried champignons are best stored in the refrigerator.
