
How much does granulated sugar weigh? How to measure with spoons and a glass? How many grams of flour in a glass, tablespoon and teaspoon.

The question of how many grams of sugar is in a glass begins to worry us when we want to bake something delicious for our family. Indeed, many culinary recipes indicate the composition of the ingredients in grams, and many of us are used to measuring everything in glasses. Let's look into this issue.

Decide on the type of glass

To begin with, we need to decide which glass is considered the standard of weight. An ordinary faceted glass is the best suited for these purposes, because it is made according to a single standard and has a measuring strip at the top. And if we want to know how many grams of sugar are in a glass, and for this we take a beautiful container designed for drinks, then there will certainly be a discrepancy. Many housewives use measuring plastic cups in cooking to determine the weight of bulk (and not only) products. The measuring scale on the sides will make life easier for the home cook if the recipe requires a minimum amount of product.

1 glass of sugar: how many grams in a faceted glass

250 ml of water is placed in a faceted glass. Bulk substances are rather heavy, but between their particles (and in the case of sugar, these are crystals), when filled into a separate container, numerous air gaps form. This circumstance allows the weight of sugar in a glass to be slightly less than the volume of water. So, in an ordinary faceted glass, 160 grams of granulated sugar is placed up to the strip. It is also calculated that if you fill the glass to the very edge, then exactly 200 grams of sweet bulk product will fit inside. This information will be extremely useful for all cooks, because, based on the fact that the figure turned out to be round, you can easily visually measure out 100 grams (half a full glass), and 50 grams (one fourth of the same volume) and even 75 grams, which make up about half of the container filled to the strip. As you can see, it turned out to be a very simple task to find out how many grams of sugar are in a glass.

What to do if there is no faceted or measuring cup

If you use another glass to determine the weight of products, then for correct calculations you need to know its volume. Usually in a store, when you buy any product, for example, dishes, the capacity of the internal volume is indicated right on the shelves and display cases next to the price of the product. Also, large manufacturers provide such information for consumers on product packaging. So, for example, it is easy to determine how many grams of sugar are in a glass if the capacity is indicated on the package - 200 milliliters. This means that 160 grams of granulated sugar is placed in a narrow tall glass to the brim.

What if the glass was bought a long time ago, and you do not remember the exact number indicating its capacity? There are also options when the volume of the container may exceed 250 grams. In this case, it is not at all necessary to urgently look for scales or take a reference vessel from neighbors. There is one trick by which you can easily determine the capacity of your container. If 7 heaped tablespoons of granulated sugar are placed in your glass (to the brim), then the entire volume of the bulk product in the container is 160 grams. By simple calculations, we come to the conclusion that the mass of a filled tablespoon of the product takes almost 23 grams. And this means that it will be possible to fill a large glass up to 200 grams by pouring 8 and a half tablespoons of granulated sugar. Now it remains to make a notch on the glass and use it for its intended purpose.


Today we have received a lot of useful information that will easily help you navigate in determining the weight of bulk products. Summing up, let's rephrase the question of today's topic a little. So, how many cups of 200 grams of sugar contains? The answer to the question is laconic - 1 faceted glass filled to the brim.

If you like to cook homemade cakes, but there is no kitchen scale, then it will be useful for you to know how many grams of flour are in a 200 ml glass. In the future, you can measure the flour with glasses. And so, in a regular 200 ml glass, this is the amount of ingredients for baking:

  • flour - 130 g;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • water - 200 g;
  • melted butter - 180 g;
  • milk - 200 g;
  • kefir - 180 g.
Now you can measure these baking ingredients with a glass. We will offer you some simple recipes for quick baking.

Kefir pie with currant

Currants for this recipe can be taken both red and black, or you can make a mix of berries.


  • butter - 1 cup (200 g);
  • sugar - 1 cup (180 g);
  • kefir - 1.5 cups (270 g);
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • currants - 1.5 cups (150 g).
Cooking time for kefir pie with currants: 1 hour
Number of servings of kefir pie with currants: 8


1. Do not melt the butter, but only soften it well. Combine it with sugar and vanilla. Beat with a mixer or whisk to obtain a homogeneous mass.
2. Pour in kefir, pour in soda, continuing to beat.
3. Gradually add the sifted flour, the dough in the end should not turn out too steep.
4. Cover the baking sheet with parchment, put a layer of dough on it, level it, make small sides.
5. Washed and slightly dried from water drops, gently place the berries on top of the dough so that they drown in the dough by half.
6. Send the cake to the oven for 50 minutes (180 degrees).

Quick currant pie is ready.

banana cookies

Ripe bananas can be successfully used in baking.


  • flour - 1.5 cups (200 g);
  • butter 100 g;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups (100 g);
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • baking powder - 1 pinch;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • banana - 2 pcs.;
  • chocolate - 50 g.
Cooking time for banana cookies: 50 minutes
Servings of Banana Cookies: 8


1. Butter should be soft, grind it with sugar.
2. Grind bananas in a separate container, you should get banana puree.
3. Add flour, beaten egg, salt, baking powder, as well as chopped chocolate and banana puree to the butter.
4. Line a baking sheet with parchment, put cookies on it, rolling up small balls and flattening them.
5. Such cookies are baked in the oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes, the time depends on the size of the balls themselves.
Fragrant banana cookies are ready, enjoy its taste!

Now you know how many grams of flour are in a 200 ml glass, you have learned which baking ingredients are also convenient to measure in glasses. We hope our recipes will help you in preparing delicious pastries.

How many grams of flour in a glass. It is not uncommon that we are puzzled by this simple question when there is a desire to make another recipe at home, homemade bread or. And here's the truth. Will someone be able to immediately answer such a seemingly simple and even stupid question: how many grams of flour are there in a glass? Or how many grams in a tablespoon. Or you can go the other way around and try to find out how many glasses of 500 grams of flour are? For standardization and purity of the experiment, we can agree that our glass is faceted. Therefore, the clarified question will sound like this: how much flour is in a faceted glass? Does anyone know the answer?

Turning to more accurate and fine measurements of flour, a meticulous culinary specialist will look at a tablespoon. Where? Where is my spoon? Yep, here she is! After all, how often do we find exactly tablespoons in baking recipes. As a unit of measure. Accordingly, questions arise. Namely, how much flour is in a tablespoon, how many tablespoons of flour are in a glass, and how much a tablespoon of flour weighs.

Do you think that's all? 🙂 Not at all! Logical fabrications on the topic of how much flour is in a glass or in a tablespoon continue almost at the nano level and there is a scale for the volume and amount of flour. And already each measurement step is equal to a teaspoon. How much flour is in a teaspoon? Or like this, a teaspoon is how much flour? And if you move in the direction of increase, then you can meet liter cans and their banking issues. For example, how much flour is in a liter jar. Well, or in half a liter, for anti-globalists. 🙂

We will not go to dessert spoons and glasses. But in order to always know exactly how many grams of flour are in a glass, and tablespoons in a glass of flour, it is absolutely necessary to deal with all this garbage.

Ah, right! But what about scales? You may ask that we forgot about the usual culinary scales. This unpretentious kitchen device solves all these problems for one or two. With home scales, such “stupid” questions as how many grams of flour are in a glass will no longer be asked by a home cook. But everything happens, everything is possible, so to speak. And if the battery in the scales of the village. A? Or the scales suddenly broke... Or maybe they never existed? And our valiant Arkady Parovozov will not fly in on ropes with scales under his arm, he will not help us weigh the flour. Because he pulls the unlucky Sasha and Masha out of the swamp.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter why the question arose about “how many grams of flour”. We just need to know how much flour is in a spoon or in a faceted glass. And also how many spoons of flour fit in a glass and how much this glass of flour weighs. For ease of measurement, we will omit such quantities as flour grade and its moisture content! 🙂 Phew!

So drum roll...

  • One faceted glass contains about 150-160 grams of flour. If the contents of this glass are translated into spoons, then we get 8 tablespoons.

Important! If you scoop up flour with a spoon with a high slide, the height of which can reach up to 5-7 centimeters, then the volume of flour will double or even triple. Therefore, be guided by such a slide, which would be formed by granulated sugar. Here is a photo of a tablespoon with 20 grams of flour:

Accordingly, in one such tablespoon there are about 20 grams of flour. This is where our cognitive experience can end, because knowing the weight of flour in one tablespoon, the number of spoons in a glass and the weight of flour in a glass, we can easily calculate all other volumes. Let's just remember that:

1 tablespoon is equal to 20 grams of flour
1 cup holds 150-160 grams of flour

For example, you ask, but 200 grams of flour is how many glasses, spoons or cans. We believe:
200 grams is 1 full glass plus 2 more tablespoons of flour. Or, 200 grams is 10 tablespoons. I repeat once again, do not load the spoon with multi-centimeter mountains. Scoop flour as in the photo above.

OK it's all over Now! I hope now the reader has a question, how many grams of flour in a glass, will not cause any difficulties. Happy Friday everyone and have a great weekend everyone!

Cooking is the art of food preparation, which requires precision in the proportions of ingredients. The final result depends on how accurately the products necessary for a particular dish are taken in accordance with the recipe. To cope with this task is quite easy using a kitchen scale.

But what if they are not at hand? There were no scales in the kitchens of our grandmothers and mothers, however, they knew how to cook delicious dishes and bake fragrant pies. For them, the units of measurement were a glass, a tablespoon and a teaspoon.

The answer to the question of how much the flour that fits in these improvised meters weighs will help you measure its required mass without weights for a new pizza or cake recipe, as well as convert the amount of dough for kulebyak according to the recipe from my mother's cookbook into grams.

How many grams of flour in a glass: faceted and other types

Most often, bulk products weighing more than 100 g are measured in glasses in recipes. And it is supposed for these purposes to use the famous creation of the sculptor Vera Mukhina - faceted. It is also called "Stalinist" or "Soviet".

They are of two types: with a rim on the top, into which the conductors poured tea on the train, which is why they are also called tea and without a rim. In addition to the presence of a rim, these vessels also differ in their volumes. The volume of tea is 250 ml, and the usual faceted one is 200 ml.

In a vessel with a volume of 200 ml, 130 g of flour is placed, and in a teapot, containing 250 ml of liquid, 160 g.

But if there were no such dishes in the kitchen, you can use any other or even a tea cup for measurements. For example, there is a cup with a volume of 300 ml. By simple mathematical calculations, using the known proportions of the volume of a faceted vessel (250 ml) and the weight of flour (160 g) placed in it, it is possible to calculate the mass of the product that can be measured with it: 300*160/250=190 g.

This method of calculation can be applied to any cup or other vessel at hand, if their volume is precisely known.

How many grams of flour in a teaspoon and a tablespoon

Another measure that is often used in recipes to measure weight is a tablespoon and a teaspoon.

Before measuring products with them, it should be noted that the volume of the dining room is 18 ml, and the tea is 5 ml.

It is also important to remember that a fine powdered product will not fall off this cutlery, such as sugar, but will form a mound, the height of which can reach 5-6 cm. Therefore, depending on the presence of such a mound, different things can fit in a tablespoon flour amount:

  • without a mound, this weight will be 20 g;
  • a spoon with a small mound 2-3 cm similar to the one that forms sugar on a spoon - 25 g;
  • with a larger mound - 30 g.

A teaspoon with a mound will fit 10 g of flour, but depending on the height of the elevation, the mass can vary from 9 to 12 g.

Return trip

Knowing the weight occupied by the volume of a faceted glass, a tablespoon and a teaspoon, you can also solve the inverse problem of how to convert the mass in grams to glasses. Knowing that 130 g of a grain product can be measured with a faceted one, it turns out to calculate:

  • 200 g is about 1.5 cups;
  • 250 g is 2 cups without 1 tsp;
  • 300 g is 2 glasses and 2 tables. l. without a slide;
  • 400 g is 3 cups and 1 tsp;
  • 500 g is 4 glasses without 1 table. l. without a slide.

We calculate the weight, depending on the type and type of flour

For baking, different types and grades of flour are often used. Due to the fact that they have different densities, the amount of product that is placed in the same vessel has a different weight.

So, 200 ml of wheat flour of the highest grade will weigh 130 g, and the same vessel with a grain product of the first grade - 140 g, that is, the lower the quality, the heavier the weight.

In addition to wheat flour, rye, corn, potato and grain flour are also used in cooking. In a faceted vessel of 200 ml, the following mass of each of them is placed:

  • rye - 105 g;
  • corn - 130 g;
  • potato - 150 g;
  • coarse - 140 g.

How to weigh flour correctly: subtleties

Weighing bulk solids using volumetric measures is associated with certain errors. Typically, this difference is about 10 g, but ignoring certain rules can significantly increase the error.

To prevent this from happening, you need:

  1. Before measuring the required number of grams of flour, it must be sifted, since a caked and sifted product of equal weight will occupy a different volume;
  2. Flour should be poured into the vessel in small portions and in no case should it be scooped up. This will help to avoid the formation of air voids near the walls and get a more accurate result;
  3. It, like any other substance, cannot be tamped. This can significantly change the readings;
  4. Bulk substances are poured into a glass with a slide, but then it must be carefully cut off with a knife, as it were;
  5. For measurements, it is better to always use the same dishes. This will allow even without scales to measure the same amount of flour and not spoil the pastries.

Without a kitchen scale and a measuring cup with a weight scale for various substances, you can also measure the required amount of the product using improvised containers. Of course, the error that will be present in this case will be more significant. It can only be called critical for molecular cuisine, where nanoparticles are the measure, so even a new pie recipe can be tested by measuring the ingredients with a glass or spoons.

Experienced housewives rarely use measurements or kitchen weights in familiar dishes, as they are used to doing everything by eye. Exact proportions are observed only in new recipes, to which the eye is not yet accustomed. In this case, special measurements or ordinary containers are used, which are in every kitchen. But there is a nuance in that different substances in the same glass will have different capacities. How much and what is obtained in grams when measured with the same containers, you can find out exactly using the table, but it is not always at hand.

It all depends on the size of the components. So let's find out how much flour is in one faceted glass. After all, it is its proportions that are very important in the preparation of many dishes.

improvised measurements

The measure with glasses has been used since ancient times, and the size of this container has not changed dramatically. But how much content in a glass depends directly on the structure of the filler and the type of glass.

The capacity in the glass depends on the type:

  • thin-walled - 250 cm 3;
  • faceted - 200 cm 3.

It is natural to assume that more product is placed in a thin-walled container than in a faceted one, since they have a difference of 50 cm 3. A thin-walled glass has an ideally smooth edge contour, and a faceted rounded rim has 6 to 14 sides. In general, glasses are used not only for measurements, but also as cutters of round shapes, during the preparation of cookies, dumplings, etc.

Any good housewife in the kitchen must have a faceted and thin-walled glass just for these events.

Content measurement

It is easy to determine how much liquid is in a glass, since its volume is equal to the standard measure of capacity 200 or 250 cm 3. Regardless of the density of the liquid substance, the size will be the same.

Bulk solids, when measured with the same containers, have different weights. And this fact greatly complicates the measurement process.

How much in a glass of flour or other bulk product in 1 glass: table

Other products Thin-walled glass, g Faceted glass, g
crushed nuts 130 140
whole almonds 130 160
hazelnut 130 160
honey 265 325
sour cream 210 250
tomato paste 250 300
ground crackers 100 125

Scrupulous precision is not always appropriate, especially in the preparation of soups, but almost all dishes using flour need it. How much wheat flour in a thin-walled or faceted glass is already known - 140 and 175 grams, respectively. It is the exact proportion of flour with other liquids that is the basis of properly cooked pastries. When baking bread, this will result in slow fermentation, and when kneading pies, the dough will tear, not sway.

How to measure flour

There are many different ways to determine the amount of flour. How much wheat flour in a glass is known, but what if a smaller amount is required? A number of baking recipes call for a small amount of flour, and exactly how much is required cannot always be measured in a glass.

It is especially difficult for novice cooks, whose eye is not yet as skillful as experienced cooks and housewives. In addition to glasses, the amount of flour can be measured with a spoon - a tablespoon or a teaspoon.

The calculation of flour by small measures is banal, like the first section of arithmetic. It is enough to know the volume of the measured container. Of course, it takes longer to measure flour with a spoon, but you will know how much it will turn out in the end more accurately. In addition, there are small sieves for flour, into which it is more convenient to pour the product with a spoon.

How much flour in a spoon

A deep standard tablespoon holds 20 grams of flour. With a large slide, you get from 25 to 45 grams of product.

Flour is measured with a teaspoon only when it is needed to prepare one serving of a face mask. How much it is needed in an oatmeal or potato mask is indicated in the recipe, and the doses there are usually quite small.

Owners of multicookers or bread machines must have a measuring container that comes as standard with these types of kitchen appliances. As a rule, they are quite small and, as a result, low-capacity. The multicooker comes with a 100-gram measuring cup. But it should be borne in mind that 64 grams of flour is placed in a 100 ml container.

Several types of flour are used in cooking:

  • first-class flour is measured according to the above parameters;
  • second-rate wheat flour, commonly used for making homemade bread, is almost identical in weight to first-rate flour. Therefore, it can be measured by the same methods.
  • rye flour has a coarse grinding, and therefore weighs more. A level tablespoon contains 25 grams of this product. With a slide - up to 65 grams.

Some housewives measure flour by eye, dividing a kilogram package into parts. Thus, the weight is approximate, and the accuracy of the recipe is not respected. Flour has such a structure that it is better to add less, if there are no exact measurements at all, than to overdo it. Gradually, the skill will be strengthened, and with experience, the young culinary specialist will acquire the appropriate skill. The main thing is to have a desire.
