
How long do sausages boil in boiling water. How much to cook sausages so that they retain their taste and do not lose their shape

Everyone knows that it takes several minutes to cook sausages in boiling water, but not everyone knows exactly how long it takes. It is easy to answer this question. In fact, this product is immediately ready for use, but after cooking it becomes tastier and juicier. It is also worth noting that more modern manufacturers of sausages are not distinguished by conscientiousness. Therefore, the cooking process not only improves the taste of sausages, but also makes them safer to eat.

How long do you need to cook sausages?

Boil sausages in boiling water for 5 minutes.

Cooking time does not depend on the type of sausages. They can be Bavarian, Viennese, dairy, chicken or others. It also does not matter in which casing the sausage product is: natural or cellophane. In any case, you need to cook sausages after boiling for no more than 5 minutes.

On a note! In fact, any sausages are allowed for cooking in the shell. But cellophane tends to burst under the influence of high temperatures. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to first pierce it in several places, and only then cook the product. Another option is to remove the casing before cooking the sausages.

You can boil the freshest high-grade sausages within 2 minutes after boiling water. Cooking time is reduced due to the fact that a quality product is completely safe to eat even raw. And two minutes is enough to warm up the sausages, make them more juicy.

How to cook sausages?

The method of cooking sausages is so simple that even children can handle it. To properly prepare them, you need to do the following:

  1. Prepare a small saucepan, pour water into it and place on fire.
  2. If desired, peel the sausages from the shell. Place sausages in water. It should completely cover the sausages. Some put sausages in cold water, others wait for it to boil. In fact, there is no fundamental difference.
  3. After boiling, reduce the heat, cook sausages in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, drain the water and transfer the sausages to a plate.

On a note! When cooking sausages, they need to boil for about 7 minutes, since they are larger than sausages.

In addition to boiling in water, there are other ways to cook sausages. One of them involves the use of a microwave. The process of cooking sausages in it is carried out at high power for 3 minutes. In addition, you can cook sausages in a slow cooker.

How long to cook frozen sausages?

Today, frozen sausages are on sale. With the help of freezing, sellers try to extend the shelf life of the product. The principle of cooking frozen sausages does not differ from the preparation of chilled products. However, it will take a little more time to prepare them.

Frozen sausages should be cooked for about 8 minutes.

Before starting the cooking process, you need to place the frozen sausages in a pot of cold water for about 30 minutes. It is not necessary that they are completely thawed, a slight defrosting is enough. Then you need to pierce the casing of sausages in several places with a knife in order to avoid deformation during the preparation of the product. Put the pot on the fire and bring the water to a boil. Boil sausages after boiling for at least 8 minutes. If they boil for less time, they may turn out tasteless. When 8 minutes have passed, drain the water, peel the sausages from the shell and put them on a plate.

Video: how long to cook sausages in boiling water?

Today, sausages are considered a popular product that housewives often use when there is no time to prepare a full dinner or breakfast. Indeed, to cook sausages, it will take a minimum of time and effort. In addition, many people like sausages - both children and adults. They are successfully combined with pasta, mashed potatoes, vegetables, and can also be used as a separate dish. The main thing is to choose a quality and fresh product.

To properly cook sausages and enjoy their excellent taste, you should familiarize yourself with the following videos.

How to cook sausages? That's just not necessary here your simple. Real, proper cooking of sausages is a whole complex of events and a magical ritual. After all, only then they turn out lush, fragrant and inviting.

How many pieces do you need

In many ways, the finished result depends on how many sausages you cook. After all, our charm will not fit in a small bowl. I'll have to take the dishes wider. And accordingly, one single sausage will be cooked in a large volume of water. And he will give her all his tenderness and aroma. Do we need it? Of course not.

Rule 1. You need to cook at least 5 sausages at the same time.

And it’s better to cook 30 pieces. Why so many? About stock. 10 in the freezer, 10 cooked, 10 eaten raw during the cooking process.


Aby which is not good. The purest chlorinated from the tap! Only in such water our delicacy fully reveals its wonderful qualities. Boiled or spring a priori will take away the magical smell and part of the taste.

And no salt! Enough for sausages. But throwing a bay leaf or a couple of peas of allspice is optional. Particularly advanced gourmets put a quarter of a peeled onion and a sprig of green dill. Again - for an amateur.

How much water to take? Here in the wrong recipes they write - so much so that it completely covers the sausages. And how to understand it? Will it cover, or will our adorable sausage bottoms shyly peek out of it? Well, in fact, do not dip them before cooking in a saucepan to check the liquid level! In order not to be mistaken for 1 sausage, take 200 ml of water.

To peel off the shell or not

Surely you have heard the statement that the artificial casing from sausages must be removed without fail. Allegedly, there are some harmful substances released during heat treatment. And they are directly absorbed into our charm!

I beg you, leave these stupid nonsense to the opponents of sausages, let them chew. But how are they thermally processed at the factory? Where does the toxicity from food cellophane go? Is it soaking into sausages again? So it turns out a storehouse of poison simply, and not a harmless yummy.

And remember, hot on a plate, cut. Juice flows out from under the film, and you blot it with bread ... Ah!

Rule 3. Do not remove the artificial casing from sausages before cooking.

And it’s completely strange if a similar question is asked about a natural casing. Of course, don't shoot. Cook and eat!

It would seem much easier: fresh 2 minutes, frozen 5 minutes. But no! What are these recommendations? What kind of water do they put them in? Have you ever tried to mock sausages like that?

First measure the required amount of water. That is, for 3 pieces - 600 ml. Pour into a saucepan or ladle and put on a strong fire. Expect a strong boil. And only then put sausages. Do not throw! Otherwise, a local collapse is possible. The fire is not extinguished. As soon as the sausages boil, they immediately transfer to the smallest one. And fresh sausages languish for 5-7 minutes, from the freezer 10-12. That is how long it takes for the product to warm up completely, but not have time to digest.

Why hot water? Because boiling water immediately causes the protein to curdle, which means that all the delicious juice will remain inside the sausage, and will not go into the broth. If you put them in a cold one, then everything will be exactly the opposite.

Rule 4. Sausages are put only in boiling water.

By the way, by the liquid remaining in the saucepan, you can determine whether you have a good product today on a plate or horns with hooves and dyes. If the water is pink, transparent - congratulations! You bought minced meat from feathers and claws of unknown birds, and even well flavored with artificial dyes. If the water is whitish, cloudy, then you can only rejoice - today you have a product of exceptional quality on your platter.

And another debunking of a stupid myth. Say, sausages should lie in the container strictly straight. Pfff. As if bent, they will become inedible. If the sausage can be rings, then why can't the sausage be rolled into a ring? She will not lose taste from this and will bring you as much joy as the classic straight sausage.

Oh, what a cruel phrase! How can our charm yes in the microwave? From such an attitude towards oneself, the sausage is completely crushed there! Her beautiful forms turn into unappetizing bumps, some of the beautiful juice evaporates. And if you overdo it a little, then you will catch pieces of the mortal body of sausage and the microwave door all over the kitchen. And then wash the walls.

Rule 5

But, if the soul yearns for an experiment, and the kitchen still needs to be renovated in the near future, then you can try. Take a special plate or saucepan that can be used in the microwave. Pour some water into the bottom. This will keep the sausages juicy. Then make several punctures in the shell with a needle. Just not with a knife or fork! Thanks to this, the product will not unfold like a rose, but will remain intact.

Then turn on the warm-up function for 3-4 minutes. But we are not leaving. We check readiness every minute. So you will know for sure that it will not explode. Depending on the power, 3 minutes per eye is usually enough.

Can sausages be eaten raw?

There are strict prohibitions on eating raw sausages in the open spaces of the network. Allegedly, it is not known where they were stored, but who touched them, and what kind of bacteria settled there ...

Fine. Let me believe. And now let's figure it out. If you love sausages, then you also respect the sausage? And you carry each bowler you buy right at a run to cook, fry or sterilize! Of course, it is not known in what conditions it was stored, what monsters pawed it, and even all sorts of hungry viruses strive to bite off a piece of sausage ...

How not? Do you eat raw sausage? Do you clean off the film and put it on a sandwich? What two-faced comrades you are! What didn't you like about the sausage? They took off the film and ate it carefully. Yes, without cooking and other heat treatment.

Rule 6. Sausages can be safely eaten without cooking.

Another question is that it is boiled that it becomes not just tasty, but wonderful. If you are still afraid that hordes of pathogenic bacteria will pour into your mouth along with raw sausage, then boiling water will help you. Simply cover the sausages with boiling water, leave for 3 minutes, then drain. And that's it. Eat calmly.

And further. Now I will voice the intrigue that made you read the whole text. Sausages do not have to be boiled, fried or eaten raw. But strictly necessary and vital: see Rule 7.

Rule 7. Always love sausages!

By the way, remember, at the beginning we left 10 pieces to be eaten just like that. My sausages were already over by the end of the article. And your?

Video: how to cook sausages

In our fast-paced age, when many people are in a hurry to take their place in the sun, working hard and making a career, the food industry offers us various convenience foods in abundance. Sausages are one of those products. They have become a real lifesaver for our hostesses. Homemade cutlets and casseroles can be left for the weekend, and on weekdays, when there is little free time, you can cook delicious, tender and fragrant sausages for the whole family. But few people know how to cook sausages correctly, and not only the taste of these products, but also their benefits and safety depend on this.

The initial stage - remove the film

So, how to cook sausages? In order to prepare these semi-finished products, you need to do the following: before sending them to a pot of water in which they will be cooked, you need to remove the plastic film from them. Of course, there are people who choose not to. They remove the film when the sausages are cooked. But it is worth considering that cellophane releases harmful compounds during the cooking process, and we do not need them at all. If the sausages are in a natural casing, then, of course, it is not necessary to remove it. Simply rinse the semi-finished products in running water. Prepare as usual.

Now you need to pierce each sausage in several places. You need to do this so that they do not burst during the cooking process. Agree that bursting semi-finished products are an unappetizing sight.

Cooking water

How to cook sausages correctly? First we prepare water for them. Someone first boils it in a saucepan, and only then puts sausages there, and someone puts semi-finished products in a bowl, pours cold water and puts it on fire. You can do this and that, but the first method is preferable, since in this case there is a minimal loss of useful substances contained in these products. After boiling, you do not need to cook sausages for 20 minutes. In order for them to be ready, 2-3 minutes are enough. There is no need to add salt to the water, as these semi-finished products already contain a sufficient amount of salt and spices. After the specified time, drain the water, serve sausages on the table hot. They can be served as a side dish with boiled potatoes, stewed cabbage, and pasta. A great addition would be sauce: sour cream, cheese, tomato, mayonnaise, adjika or mustard.

We cook sausages in the microwave or double boiler

But what if you cook sausages, for example, in a microwave or double boiler? There is nothing easier! Microwave Recipe: Set a bowl of water and sausages for 3 minutes at the highest power level, and that's it! Just make sure that the liquid completely covers the sausages. Recipe for a double boiler: put sausages, naturally, peeled from the film, in a bowl and put in a double boiler for 10 minutes. Cooked in this way, they turn out to be unusually tasty and juicy.


In this article, we talked about how to cook sausages. As it turns out, even this simple task can cause difficulties for some people. Cook sausages correctly, enjoy their delicate taste!

A person is accustomed to eat in accordance with their financial capabilities. And it doesn't matter which products you like more. Sausages are considered to be that tasty option that can be safely considered a universal food. Many argue that they are ready to eat such food all the time. Indeed, the choice of this product today is quite extensive - pork, beef, chicken. Their difference is considered not only the constituent meat raw materials, but also the outer shell. Therefore, having decided to purchase this product, do not rush - carefully look at the composition of sausages.

What is the best way to cook sausages?

Sausages are considered ready to eat, but they are not recommended to be eaten raw. There is a chance of getting food poisoning, and the taste will not be particularly good than that of boiled ones. Moreover, it will take no more than ten minutes to cook.

There is nothing easier than cooking them in a regular saucepan. Cold water is poured, the container is placed on the fire. Sausages should be freed from the protective film and immersed in water. It should cook for five minutes.

There is an option to cook the product in the microwave. We collect water in a special dish, put pre-peeled sausages in it. The stove is set to a heating mode of three minutes. The cup is placed in the oven - we begin to cook.

You can use a steamer. With its help, you will give sausages softness and juiciness. If there is no such apparatus, just steam them using a regular colander. We draw water into the container, fix a colander on top, put the peeled sausages into it and cover everything with a tight lid. This dish takes five to ten minutes to prepare. It is considered the most useful in dietary nutrition.

Take off the shell?

This question always arises, no matter which way you cook.
took advantage. You need to know that the casing on sausages can be of several types. With a natural coating, everything is clear - it is allowed not to be removed during cooking, because such a composition will not bring harm. But coatings made of food-grade polyethylene or cellulose composition cannot be eaten, for this reason they should be removed before cooking. But remember that these actions can cause deformation of the product during the cooking process. The way out is to eat - do not overexpose on the fire. There is an easier way - to remove the shell after cooking.

If you decide to cook in a film, then the sausage should be pricked with a fork or a needle so that the film is not damaged during the cooking process. Small-sized sausages should be cooked for no more than five minutes. The product should be immersed in cold water at the very beginning of cooking.

When choosing sausages, do not stop at inexpensive options. In more expensive options, flavoring compounds, coloring pigments, and thickeners are added during manufacture. Sodium nitrate is present in all products - it gives a pink hue. The shelf life of products should not exceed five days.

Sausages are boiled and frozen

They must be pierced several times with a pin, do not remove the film. Pour water into a saucepan, immerse sausages in it, bring to a boil over medium heat. Cook for about seven minutes, then remove the film. According to the same rules, sausages from the freezer are cooked in the microwave for five minutes.

Boiled sausages with vegetables

Take four sausages, half a liter of water, one tablespoon of vegetable oil and tomato paste. To this set, add fresh frozen vegetables, mustard and spices of your choice. Vegetables should be fried in oil until golden brown. After that, they must be filled with water, add tomato and spices. Put on fire and simmer for twenty minutes. Remove the film from the sausages, cut into several parts, add to the container with vegetables and keep on fire for another seven minutes.

Cooking sausages with pasta

We cut the sausages into circles, fry for about seven minutes over moderate heat. Add cooked pasta to sausages. Serve with ketchup and various sauces.

There is another way. We stick pasta into sausages to form a “hedgehog”. We lower them so that the pasta is well soaked. Such a hairy sausage should be cooked for about ten minutes.

We cook in boiling water!

The method is original. Water is pre-boiled in a kettle. Sausages are poured with boiling water and tightly covered with a lid. The shell is previously removed, cuts are made on the sides. Soak in hot water for at least three minutes.

There are many more different ways. Sausages are added to pizza, scrambled eggs are fried with them, sandwiches are prepared and even soups are cooked. You can eat sausages separately or serve with a side dish.

If you do not know how to cook sausages in water in a saucepan, microwave, multicooker with or without a shell, then we will help you figure this out. In fact, everything is very simple. By the way, read, with sausages or with it will be very tasty.

To cook sausages you will need:

  • sausages;
  • water;
  • pot.

How to cook sausages in a saucepan with or without a shell so that they do not burst

How to cook sausage? Place a pot of cold water on the stove. Prepare the sausages - remove the casing from them. Poke a couple of holes in the sausages with a fork to keep them from bursting. Place sausages in boiling water. Salt is not needed. How long to cook sausage in a pan? Boil sausages in water for 4-5 minutes.

You can cook in the shell, putting the sausages immediately in cold water. Cooking time after boiling water 3-4 minutes.

How to cook frozen sausages in water

Sausages in the shell, without defrosting, put in a saucepan with cold water. Put the pot on the fire. After the water boils in a saucepan with sausages, cook them for 3-4 minutes.

How to cook sausages without casings in the microwave

How to cook sausage in the microwave Remove the casing from the sausages, put on a plate. At the bottom of the plate, pour 2-3 tbsp. spoons of water. Close the container with sausages with a plastic lid or other smaller plate. Put in the microwave. Cook sausages in the microwave for 3 minutes.

How to cook sausages in a slow cooker

Pour 2 cups of cold water into the MW bowl. Place a steamer basket with sausages without casings in it. Close the lid. Boil the sausages with the "Steam" program for 10 minutes. Bon appetit!

How to cook sausages - video of cooking sausages
