
How much to cook heads of corn. How many minutes to cook corn and on what heat? How to boil corn

Boiled corn- this is what you need when you want to have a snack with something extraordinary and at the same time satisfying: tasty, low-calorie, very useful for the human body in its properties.
Corn is a typical summer treat. Nowadays, corn can be bought boiled, but, as they say, it will not be “hot, hot” and will already lose some of its useful and taste properties. And, without a doubt, nothing compares to the aroma of homemade food!

Choice of corn for cooking

An important step that occurs even before cooking is the choice of variety. The Dutch variety does not require much trouble, the corn will be cooked in less than half an hour. Sugar grade or "bonduel" considered the tastiest. But fodder varieties of corn are poorly suited for cooking, because. as a result, they turn out to be hard and dryish.

It is also necessary to focus on the degree of maturity of the cereal. The ears must be young. It is easy to determine this, just press your fingernail on the grain. If it is easily squeezed and "milk" is released, then the cooked corn will be soft and juicy.

The color of the corn kernels can also indicate whether it is young or already overripe. If the grains are pale (almost white) or slightly yellowish, the corn is young, and the dark yellow color indicates that it is already old and not suitable for cooking.

Question - how long to cook corn on the cob- not so simple. The cooking time of corn in a pan directly depends on the size of the cobs and grains, that is, cobs of different sizes will cook non-uniformly in the same period of time. Some may turn out to be boiled, while others are tough.
Therefore, it is imperative for one pan to choose cobs approximately equal in size.

Before boiling, you should carefully cut off all the leaves in which each cob is wrapped, and, of course, remove all stigmas (hairs). If, nevertheless, large cobs are caught, they should be cut in half. Small cobs are always boiled whole.

Peeled cobs are thoroughly washed and soaked in cold water. In the meantime, you need to put a pot of water and wait for it to boil. Corn is always dipped in boiling unsalted water. You can not salt in advance, otherwise the grains may become tougher. Salt is added 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Doesn't take too long to cook young corn - it is enough to cook it for 20-30 minutes. To determine the degree of readiness, you need to get one cob out of the water and pierce the grain with a fork or the tip of a knife.
Ripe corn on the cob is boiled at least an hour or even up to two hours. The easiest way to check readiness is by tasting a grain - do you like such rigidity or want it softer.
Ready, not yet cooled corn can be greased with butter or olive oil and sprinkled with salt if it is not salty enough.

But the usual way of cooking boiled corn takes a lot of time (mature is cooked for at least 1 hour), significant energy costs, as well as natural gas consumption. In addition, when something is cooked on the stove for a very long time in the kitchen of a residential apartment in the summer, the apartment turns into a steam bath.

I offer a proven recipe for quick cooking corn in an unconventional way. Clean the corn and rinse with cold water.
She will cook in the microwave, which is an unconventional quick way to cook it. Next, you need to lay the washed cobs on the bottom of a saucepan special for a microwave oven so that they occupy no more than a third of the entire volume of the saucepan in height. If necessary, large cobs can be cut into pieces.

The next step is to pour boiling water over the corn so that the water is 1 centimeter above the corn layer. Cover the pan with a lid so that steam can escape from under the lid, that is, it is not airtight. Place the pot in the microwave at the highest temperature for 20 minutes.

After the specified time, add more boiling water to the pan so that it covers all the corn (but no more), salt and send to the microwave until fully cooked for another 15 minutes. After turning off the microwave, do not immediately take out the pan with corn, let it brew for 10 minutes in time.

Then we take out the saucepan, check the readiness of the corn for eating by piercing the grains with a fork. If they pierce easily, the corn is ready to eat. Next, put the corn on a plate, you can additionally sprinkle with salt to taste.
It takes only 35 minutes to cook boiled corn in the microwave, plus there is no steam in the kitchen. If you have new varieties of corn on the cob, from the banduelle series, which cooks quickly and at the same time tastes very sweet, then the cooking time can even be reduced.

Following these instructions, it is not at all difficult to cook juicy, fragrant corn, which will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. It can be served on its own or as a side dish. Another little secret - many children and adults like to eat warm corn with cool milk.

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An article on how to choose and cook corn correctly, as well as prepare a special sauce for it.

First you need to find out what quality corn you bought. It is best to purchase corn in supermarkets or stores. Because in the market you will most likely be sold a fodder variety instead of a food variety. Feed is originally intended for animal feed. A person, of course, will not be poisoned by her, but she will not get much pleasure either.

If this is early ripening corn intended for human nutrition, then it is cooked from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours maximum. And if you buy fodder or late varieties, then you will have to cook it from 2 to 5-6 hours.

In the following, we will talk about the preparation of food corn.

Corn can be cooked in a pot, microwave, or double boiler. We strongly recommend that you cook the corn in a double boiler whenever possible. There it acquires the most intense taste and at the same time does not lose its beneficial substances.

How to cook corn in a pot: young food (it is white or pale yellow in color) put corn in a saucepan with cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 30-25 minutes. Cook old (bright yellow) corn cobs for 50-60 minutes.

How to cook corn in a double boiler: peeled cobs, it is possible in 2 layers, they are placed in a steamer on a grate, an allowable maximum of water is set in the steam generation tank, the steamer is closed with a lid and cooked until it is turned off. If the corn is mature, topping up may be necessary; for young corn, an incomplete capacity of water may be required. Boil for 30-40 minutes depending on the maturity of the cob.

How to cook corn in the microwave: wrap the corn in cling film and put it in the microwave. It takes 3 minutes to cook corn in the microwave.

Grease boiled corn with butter, grate with salt and spices to taste and can be served.

A few important tips to keep in mind when cooking corn:

1. Before cooking, corn cobs must be washed and cleaned of dirty sheets, clean sheets should not be removed.
2. Cook corn without salt so that it does not become tough.
3. Corn stalk is not eaten.
4. It is better to cook corn in a deep thick-walled pan under a closed lid.
5. Boiled corn is served immediately after cooking on a hot plate.

We also bring to your attention a special sauce for boiled corn. Ingredients: sour cream, a spoonful of sugar, salt, pepper (preferably mill), garlic and plus herbs (parsley, basil). Recipe: Whisk all ingredients together and pour sauce over hot cobs before serving.

Bon appetit!

Before figuring out how long to boil corn, you need to understand the product itself. You need to clearly imagine what it is, and only then look at why and how it is better to cook it.

Types of corn

It should be noted that corn is a cereal plant that was known several millennia ago. Currently, scientists distinguish about six main types of this culture: tooth-like, waxy, sugar, siliceous, starchy and bursting. Each of them has its own distinctive features and related applications. Some species are used for food, others are for livestock feed, and the rest are used in industry. True, it is difficult to draw a clear line between food and fodder varieties. Both are used as food. Therefore, most often you have to judge a product by its external characteristics. Here you can distinguish between young and old corn. The first grains have a color ranging from cream to pale yellow. They are sometimes referred to as "milk-wax ripeness" products. Old corn is distinguished by a bright yellow color of the grains. They are quite large and firm to the touch. This is where you need to know in advance how long to cook corn, depending on its age. Of course, a fresh young ear will cook faster than an old and overripe one.

Cooking conditions

In order to correctly answer the question of how long to cook corn, you must first decide how the cooking process itself will take place. A modern housewife in the kitchen has a lot of helpers, and such a simple procedure as cooking can be done in several ways:

  • in a regular saucepan on the stove;
  • in a pressure cooker;
  • in the oven;
  • in a double boiler;
  • in the microwave.

Cooking times will vary depending on the option chosen. If you take an ordinary young cob and try to cook it in each of the listed ways, the result will look like this:

Choosing any device, you can already calculate in advance how long to cook corn in it and plan your work around the house. True, some options have their own characteristics, and you need to cook in them according to certain rules.

Where to buy and how much to cook cobs?

The corn season starts at the end of summer. In the city it becomes immediately noticeable. Entrepreneurial vendors appear on every corner, offering to taste the fresh, still steaming cob. The smell of corn attracts attention, and many cannot deny themselves such a pleasure. But, from a safety and hygiene point of view, it is better not to do this. Who knows what hands the product was in? Where did he lie and what did he cook in? For your own peace of mind and complete confidence, it is better to buy a raw product and cook it yourself. To do this, you need to find out how much corn needs to be cooked so that it can be eaten. Naturally, an undercooked product will not give anyone pleasure. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the temperature regimes and time intervals. If there is nowhere to hurry, then you can use the oven or grill. Cobs should simply be wrapped in foil or a special bag, and then sent to the oven for 40 minutes, laying them on a baking sheet or wire rack. You can do it differently. Place the corn in a greased baking dish and cover with water. In this case, you should not ask how much you need to boil the corn. The answer will be the same.

How long is corn cooked?

Many people set themselves such a task for the first time, therefore they treat it with the utmost responsibility. In order not to be mistaken in the details, it is better to clarify specifically how many minutes to cook corn. After choosing the method you like, the answer still depends on several more important factors. First, the variety. Sweet corn cooks much faster than others. This is due to the fact that its grains have a very thin skin. This significantly affects the speed of the process, that is, how many minutes to boil the corn. Secondly, the degree of maturity. If 15 minutes is enough for young food cereals, then mature sweet corn will cook as long as fodder. This will take 40 minutes, no less. For fodder varieties, the situation will be somewhat different. A young cob will cook in 1 hour, and for old and overripe ones it will take from 1.5 to 2.5 hours. Therefore, it is better to approach the choice of a product more carefully than to rack your brains and waste precious time on its lengthy processing.

The usual way

You don't need a recipe to boil corn. It simply doesn't exist. There are only small nuances or advice from experienced chefs that it is advisable to take into account when starting cooking. To begin with, the selected cobs must be washed well so that no dirt remains on them. Next, you need to remove all the leaves along with the fibers. The topmost of them can be immediately thrown away, and the rest sorted out and put aside. Then carefully fold the cobs into a wide container and fill it with cold water. If among them there are large specimens, then do not be upset. A long cob can be easily cut across with a knife. Top the corn with clean leaves. Along with them, you can put fibers. This is done in order to make the product more fragrant in the end. Now the finished structure can be put on fire. Under no circumstances should salt be added. Otherwise, the grains will turn out to be very hard and tasteless. After the water boils, you need to note the time to control the duration of cooking. Young ears will be ready in 15-20 minutes, while more mature ones will need additional time. This will take approximately 1-1.5 hours. Ready corn can be taken out on a plate and eaten with pleasure.

Circumstances of brewing

Although there is no approved technology for how to cook corn, there are circumstances that help to get the best possible result. First, the dishes. Her choice must be approached thoroughly. In order for the products not to burn and warm up evenly, it is best to use a saucepan or any other container with thick walls. It may even be a rustic iron pot. Second, temperature. The whole process should be carried out on a slow fire, because with a strong boil, the water will evaporate very quickly and the contents will not be able to boil properly. Thirdly, the degree of readiness. Some housewives believe that the product is ready as soon as it begins to change color or emit a characteristic smell. In this case it doesn't work. The readiness of corn can only be judged by taste. To do this, as soon as the measured time has elapsed, it is necessary to separate one grain from any cob and try it. If it bites easily and is soft inside, then the corn is ready.

Delicious anyway

Of course, the quality of the original product plays a significant role. But there is an option that allows you to make almost any corn tender and sweet. Even mature cobs after such processing can be eaten with pleasure. All you need is fresh corn, clean water and a couple of tablespoons of sugar.

And everything is done very simply:

It is better to serve such corn on the table with butter and salt.

Only ice cream and watermelons can compare with the popularity of delicious golden corn. On the seashore, freshly cooked corn is perhaps the most popular commodity, for which vacationers are willing to pay as if they were real delicacies. To please yourself at home, you need mere pennies and a little quickness. Hot debates and discussions are conducted not only about the methods of cooking corn, but also about the cooking time. But in reality, this is not so tricky, it is only important to know some subtleties.

Types of corn

At first glance, identical cobs in fact can turn out to be completely different in taste, which depends on the type, variety of corn and its degree of maturity. Without delving too deeply into varietal diversity, all corn can be divided into two main types: food or sweet and ordinary fodder, which is mainly intended for animal feed. You can eat both food and fodder corn. Some "gourmets" even like harsh and not so sugary fodder varieties, but still the best palatability It is food corn that has it, because its juicy sweet grains just melt in your mouth. Young, early-grade food corn will take 15 minutes to one hour to cook, while feed and late varieties will take two to five hours to cook.

How to choose corn

It is best to choose freshly picked cobs of young food corn for cooking. You should buy unpeeled corn, since the natural “wrapper” will indicate not only the freshness of the cob, but also prevent it from drying out ahead of time. First of all, bright green leaves and slightly damp cool “antennae” will help to identify young cobs. If the leaves began to turn yellow, it means that the corn was plucked a long time ago and could already have lost some of its juiciness. So that there is not a single doubt about the quality of the product being purchased, you can conduct a simple test for ripeness: at the very base, press with your fingernail on one of the grains: if it turned out to be soft and juice came out, then everything is in perfect order - this is young, so-called dairy, corn . The harder and drier the seed, the riper and older the cob. The degree of maturity of corn affects not only the cooking time, but also the taste of the product. The fact is that when the corn dries out, the sugar inside the grains begins to turn into starch, which deprives it of aroma and sweetness.

How to cook corn on the cob the right way

1. Cooking cobs for cooking

First of all, you need to prepare the cobs for cooking. Some prefer to completely clean raw corn from leaves and tendrils. Others remove only dirty leaves. Both the first and second are right in their own way. The fact is that the leaves and fibers make the corn more juicy and fragrant, but when boiled, they are rather poorly cleaned. What to do? Completely clean the cobs of everything superfluous, and place the leaves and "antennae" in a saucepan separately.

2. Choose a container for cooking

A pot for cooking corn should be wide and deep enough so that you do not have to break the cobs, and thick-walled. A cauldron or a cast iron is ideal, which can be tightly closed with a lid. Using a pressure cooker will greatly speed up the cooking process. In order for corn to retain all its nutrients, it should be cooked over low heat, at a temperature of 200-250 degrees.

3. We lay the cob

We put corn leaves on the bottom of the pan, and put the peeled cobs on them. It is desirable to place the leaves on the sides so that the corn does not come into contact with the walls of the container. On top of the cobs, we also close the leaves and add the “antennae” that will make the corn sweet and appetizing.

4. Fill with water

Fill the corn with water so that it completely covers all the cobs and put the pan on the fire. How long to cook corn? On average, corn takes 40 minutes to cook, but depending on the variety, the process can take from 20 minutes to 3-5 hours. When cooking, it is important to periodically check the corn for doneness. During cooking, the corn must certainly be completely covered with water, and the water, even when cooking over low heat, must boil.

5. To salt or not to salt...

Under no circumstances should water be added especially if you are cooking dessert corn, which has significantly more water in the grains than feed and milling corn. Salt speeds up the process of water release from the grains into the broth and the finished product will turn out to be less juicy and tasty.

6. Readiness test

We carefully monitor the cooking process, from time to time picking up the cob with a fork, pinching off a grain and trying until the corn is boiled. If the grains are soft, juicy and easy to chew, then the corn is ready, it can be turned off and served.

7. Serve piping hot

The most delicious corn is piping hot, so it is better to enjoy it immediately after cooking. We take out the cob from the pan, let the excess water drain, clean it from leaves and fibers if the corn was boiled unpeeled. Corn is served at the table on a hot plate with skewers so that you do not have to get your hands dirty, rubbed with salt and eaten. In addition to salt, corn can be brushed with butter and spices.

8. The subtleties of storage

Cooked corn should cool right in the pan. If you take it out of the water, it can wrinkle and lose its appetizing appearance. Without loss of technological and taste qualities, corn can be left in water for three to four hours, at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. You can store boiled corn in the refrigerator for up to two days.

frozen corn

When the corn season is behind us, but you still want to eat golden grains, a semi-finished product will come to the rescue - frozen corn on the cob. It is processed with steam and instantly frozen, which contributes to the preservation of all valuable consumer properties of the product. Cooking frozen corn is not difficult, because it is much less troublesome than fresh corn. Just dip it in boiling water and cook until tender. After the secondary boil, the full cooking time is only 20-25 minutes. We put the finished corn on a skewer, grease vegetable oil, rub with salt and serve.

Useful properties of corn

Golden corn is not only tasty, but also a very healthy food product - a real treasure trove of vitamins and microelements! To provide the body with all the necessary nutrients, it is enough to eat 40-50 grams of corn per day. It contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, amino acids lysine and tryptophan, unsaturated fatty acids, ascorbic acid, vitamin C, E, B, PP. Due to its high fiber content, corn helps cleanse the body of toxins and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Doctors recommend using corn for people with diabetes, allergic diseases, metabolic disorders, obesity, and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Regular consumption of corn is an excellent prevention of cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the substances contained in corn contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the brain and improve memory. Corn also has a positive effect on the work of the neuromuscular system: it nourishes and restores nerve cells, and also affects the formation of healthy muscle fibers. Few people know that golden corn grains are also the only carrier of natural gold! Do not deny yourself the golden pleasure!

This is a favorite delicacy not only for children, but also for adults. And in order for it to turn out really tasty, juicy and soft, it must be chosen and cooked correctly. After all, no one likes to chew dry hard grains! This article will help us find the answer to the question of how and young.

How to choose?

Ask the seller what kind of corn is in front of you. The most delicious varieties are Anava, Golden Fleece, Aurika and Viola. It is best to give preference to small ears of corn. And to check if it is overripe, it is worth separating one grain from it and trying to crush it in your hand. If it is soft and juicy, then you can be sure that you have made the right choice - the corn is young! And if the grain is dry and hard, feel free to push this cob aside. Such corn is either overripe, or it has simply been cut from the root for a long time. Of course, she did not lose her useful qualities from this, it will just take much more time to cook it.

How long to cook young corn?

You need to note the time exactly from the moment the water in the pan boils. On average, it takes no more than 45 minutes to cook the cobs. Mature corn is distinguished by the color of the seeds, they have a pronounced yellow tint. And the young one is almost white or pale yellow.

How to cook young corn?

First of all, the cobs are cleaned of leaves and washed under running water. Here it is worth considering one important point: do not throw away the tops from corn. It is useful to us in order to cover the bottom of the pan, where the corn will be cooked. Leaves play the role of seasoning. They will give the corn a special flavor, as well as protect it from possible burning. So, the leaves and cobs are already in the pan, now you can pour water - it should completely cover them. Add salt (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), cover with a lid and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, the question immediately arises of how young. It comes to readiness quite quickly, usually it takes 15-20 minutes. But as for mature corn, it is cooked much longer. If you like soft grains, then until fully cooked, you need to keep it on fire for 45-60 minutes, and if hard, then 30 is enough. Well, now you know how much to cook young and mature corn. Important! Salt when cooking mature corn does not need to be added! She can get hard. Only after full readiness, already before serving, it should be rubbed with salt. This will give the corn a bright and incomparable taste.

How to determine readiness?

We already know how much to cook young corn, but if you still doubt its readiness, then you can simply check it without directly removing it from the heat. To do this, take a fork and try to pry a few grains with it. If they separate easily and taste soft and juicy, then the corn has reached readiness and can be removed from the stove.


1. In order for the corn to remain soft and juicy even the next day, the broth in which it was cooked should not be drained from the pan. Store corn directly in it, only in the cold.

2. Serve the corn hot, after brushing it with butter or olive oil. It will become even softer and more fragrant.

Well, now you know how much to cook young corn and how best to serve it to the table. Bon appetit!
