
How much mackerel is salted in salt. How to choose mackerel for salting

Mackerel is rightly considered a fish for health and beauty. How to pickle mackerel so that it remains as healthy and tasty as possible. Sea fish is good as an appetizer and as a main course, and with all kinds of side dishes, and in a salad.

Mackerel - an affordable delicacy on your table

Mackerel is a marine life with low calorie content, excellent taste and reasonable price. Its meat is hearty and healthy, it contains vitamins and minerals, fatty acids and antioxidants, easily digestible protein and healthy salts. Mackerel fat will help preserve youth and prolong life. Mackerel in the diet promotes vitality and well-being.

Health benefits of mackerel fish:

  • normalizes cholesterol;
  • increases hemoglobin in the blood;
  • gives the body the necessary vitamins, micro and macro elements;
  • promotes ;
  • improves metabolism;
  • reduces the risk of thrombosis;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • normalizes the hormonal background of a person;
  • positively affects the quality of the skin;
  • regulates the water-salt balance in the body;
  • restores nerve cells;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves eyesight;
  • promotes brain activity;
  • resists the aging process.

Mackerel on the table is a benefit, taste and satiety for the whole family. Salting mackerel at home is not difficult.

How to choose the right mackerel for pickling

Before you pickle mackerel at home, you need to purchase it. Mackerel should be bought whole, as the freshness of the product is easily determined by the appearance of fish eyes and gills. It is difficult to choose fish without a head, as the main signs of freshness and quality are absent.

Mackerel fish - signs of quality:

  • bright bulging eyes;
  • whole red gills;
  • even color without yellowness and darkening;
  • pleasant smell characteristic of marine fish;
  • skin without deformation and damage.

When buying frozen mackerel, you should pay attention to the ice glaze. The ice must be transparent and uniform, without yellowness, dark spots, cracks and sagging. After defrosting, high-quality fish remains elastic, the bones should remain in place during butchering and keep up with the meat.

The storage place for frozen mackerel is the freezer.

Freshly frozen mackerel - the best salting recipes

Sea fish in shops and the market most often comes in a fresh-frozen form. Fish and seafood are best preserved after shock freezing. Mackerel should be thawed slowly - in cold water or in the refrigerator, then useful substances, taste and smell of sea fish remain in it.
It is not recommended to defrost mackerel at elevated temperatures or in warm water. Together with such defrosting, the cooking process begins - the protein in the fish coagulates, and the quality of the product is noticeably reduced.

Fish and seafood during the defrosting process should remain in a plastic bag or under cling film, since the surface of the meat is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and microorganisms.

How to pickle fresh-frozen mackerel at home:

The permissible width of the pieces is from 2 to 3 cm, this size allows the meat to be salted quickly and well. For salting whole, you should choose medium-sized fish, it quickly salts out, it is convenient to work with it in the kitchen.

Mackerel in homemade brine

How to pickle mackerel? The brine can be spicy, for this, spices, sugar and spices are added during the cooking process - peppercorns, cloves, bay leaves and others according to personal taste and desire. Spicy salting is a delicious and original recipe for salting mackerel. This dish will decorate the festive table and diversify the daily menu. You can pickle mackerel according to the classic recipe - in salt brine.

How to pickle mackerel in brine:

Home salting of fish should be carried out in portions, since the shelf life of salted fish in the refrigerator is quite limited - no more than 5-7 days.

Salted mackerel - delicious, simple and fast

Sea fish is an obligatory product in the diet of a person of any age, replenishing vital and unique substances in the body. Mackerel is a source of protein, amino acids and vitamins. Sea fish and seafood are especially useful for children, teenagers and the elderly.

Mackerel belongs to the category of low-calorie diet foods, so it is recommended for people who are watching their weight.

You can pickle mackerel quickly and tasty in a dry way. In the process of cooking, the fish releases its own juice, in which it is salted.
For 1 kg of mackerel, cut into pieces, you will need 2 large bay leaves, 10 black peppercorns, a teaspoon of sugar and 4 tablespoons of salt. Additionally, you can add a little universal seasoning with carrots and herbs, as well as a couple of tablespoons of mustard powder.

Fish pieces must be grated with a dry composition, put in a glass or plastic container and put in the refrigerator. After a day, you will get medium-salted mackerel, and after two days the fish will become more salty and spicy.

Mackerel - the best salting recipes

Salty foods are recommended to be consumed at the very beginning of the meal, as they excite the appetite and improve gastric secretion. Mackerel is a popular staple for many interesting snacks. In feasts, it is good on its own, its original taste perfectly complements salads.

Recipes for salting mackerel at home:

  1. With liquid smoke. This recipe produces mackerel with a pleasant smoked flavor. For three medium-sized fish, a brine is made from one liter of water with 4 tablespoons of salt, strong tea leaves, liquid smoke and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Liquid smoke is added to the cooled brine. The fish is placed in a glass container, poured with ready-made brine and closed with a lid. Mackerel according to this recipe is cooked for 2-3 days.

You can salt the whole mackerel - without gutting, with the head and tail. The composition for salting two large fish includes: 4 tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon of dry dill and ground pepper, a little vegetable oil. All the ingredients, along with the fish, must be placed in a plastic bag, which should be shaken well and put in the refrigerator for several days. The finished fish must be washed in water, allowed to dry on paper and lightly rubbed with oil.

Salted mackerel per hour

How to quickly pickle mackerel? Healthy and tasty salted mackerel can be cooked in 1 hour!

Quick salting - stages:

  1. Wash the mackerel, gut and cut into large pieces.
  2. For two carcasses, you will need about half a kilogram of salt, on which prepared pieces are laid out.
  3. After an hour, the fish is ready, it must be freed from excess salt and put in a clean storage container.

Beautiful and tasty serving of salted mackerel on the table - in onion rings, with the addition of vegetable oil and lemon juice.

Mackerel meat is very fatty, so it does not absorb excess salt. Storage of finished fish is permissible, both in the marinade and without it.

Mackerel is a fragrant and refined fish that is good on the table on weekdays and holidays. If the hostess knows how to pickle mackerel at home deliciously, then she can surprise guests and please loved ones with this unusual dish.

Mackerel is rightfully considered one of the most delicious types of fish. It has an unobtrusive aroma, a characteristic dense structure, and its taste is good both on its own and in combination with various spices and seasonings. Due to the fact that there are very few bones in mackerel, it is great for salting and pickling.

Tasty and healthy

Mackerel is also very useful. It contains high-quality protein, fish oil, many trace elements, including even selenium. It is also rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Mackerel meat contains calcium, iron, fluorine, sodium, phosphorus, iodine and many vitamins: A, B, C, PP.

Thanks to this, mackerel is one of the types of fish that doctors recommend for the diet of pregnant and lactating mothers, athletes, recovering patients, and adolescents. And unlike many healthy products, this fish also has a wonderful taste, which is perfectly manifested if the mackerel is salted. Apparently, therefore, salting is one of the most common and popularly loved ways of cooking this fish.

mackerel preparation

There are several ways to cook this fish. Depending on the recipe, mackerel is sent to be salted whole or in pieces. In any case, the beginning of the preparatory process is the same: the carcasses must be thoroughly washed, the entrails removed, and dried with paper towels. Particular attention should be paid to the gills, especially if the recipe for salting mackerel involves the use of fish along with the head. You can also salt half carcasses cut from the spine. This is done quite simply, the main thing is that the knife is sharp. There is another option for cutting - the carcass is cut along the ridge and unfolds into two halves. In this case, all the insides are removed through the dorsal incision. This method is good because it leaves the tummy intact and does not allow fat to flow out of the most juicy part.

Simple cold pickle recipe

Tender mackerel meat is soaked with salt and spices rather quickly. Many methods are designed for literally a few hours. The simplest recipe for homemade salting of mackerel involves the use of only salt and spices. Pieces of fish just need to be sprinkled on both sides with a mixture of seasonings and put in a cool place for the night. In no case is Extra salt suitable for cold dry salting. It is best to use a large sea - then, gradually dissolving, it will completely saturate all the pieces.

Warm brine for mackerel

In addition to the amazing taste, this recipe is also good for the speed of salting. Mackerel prepared in this way will be ready in just 4 hours. And yes, it will take a little time to prepare. The brine recipe for salting mackerel includes the following ingredients (per liter of water):

  • salt - 3 tablespoons with a small slide;
  • sugar - one and a half tablespoons;
  • peas - 3 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp.

First of all, put the water on the fire. Add all ingredients to it, except vinegar. This tasty one is suitable for cooking fish in pieces. While the brine is boiling, cut the carcasses. We put it in a jar or a vessel. As soon as the liquid boils, remove from heat and add vinegar. The brine should cool down to 30 degrees, and only then they can fill the fish. After 4 hours, check the readiness - for this we break a piece along the spine. If there are no traces of fresh blood on it, then the fish is salted. The color of the meat becomes grayish instead of pink.

Homemade "smoked"

Everyone knows that smoking is far from the safest processing technology. Especially when it comes to pseudo-smoking in the liquid smoke chemical solution. This cooking method will simply ruin the healthy mackerel, saturating it with harmful substances. But lovers of smoked meats should not be upset, because there is a wonderful recipe for salting mackerel, as a result of which it turns out to be no less fragrant and tasty. And even its color is very similar to the one that is obtained as a result of smoking.

For this method, we also need a brine. For its preparation, we will leave the same proportion of salt and sugar as in the previous recipe, but we will make some amendments. Add 2-3 handfuls of onion peel, a tablespoon of fragrant black tea leaves, a little thyme, a couple of cloves and nutmeg on the tip of a knife. Boil the brine for about 20 minutes so that its color and aroma are fully revealed. This recipe for salting whole mackerel makes it very easy to use a plastic bottle. You need to cut off the throat from it, lay 4-5 fish inside (heads down), and pour the brine that has cooled to room temperature on top. You can also store mackerel in it when it is salted. Before serving, it is recommended to briefly hang the fish by the tail over the sink so that excess liquid is glassed.

Spices and lemon

Another recipe for quick salting mackerel involves the use of aromatic herbs, lemon, onion and spices. There are no strict proportions, it can be supplemented with your favorite seasonings.

The fish needs to be cut along the spine, quite a bit without cutting to the back. Inside, put a sliced ​​\u200b\u200blemon, black peppercorns, onion rings, rosemary sprigs. You can use garlic, bell pepper. Be sure to salt both outside and inside. Then we tightly pull the fish with kitchen string, tightly put it in a sieve. It is advisable to use oppression. If you do these steps in the evening, such a fish will be ready for breakfast.

Salted mackerel in oil

Mackerel goes well with olive and sunflower oil. You can also pickle it right in the oil!

To do this, take salt and seasonings, finely crush them. Here in this recipe it is just the same that it is permissible to use salt of the finest grinding. The recipe for salting mackerel in oil can sometimes contain vegetables: sliced ​​​​carrots, white and blue onions, herbs, bell peppers. Oil-filled fish should stand in a jar for a couple of days. How to check if there is enough salt? Elementary - the oil should taste a little salty.

Serving to the table and food compatibility

Salted mackerel is served with side dishes of potatoes and cereals, cut thinly for sandwiches, added to salads and snacks.

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Tell VK

I love to buy salted fish in autumn and winter. Because it is at this time that it is not salted, because in the cold it is already stored well. But in the summer, it is better to soak it, otherwise it seems that we eat only salt. Well, it's understandable. Recently, the desire to pickle mackerel on their own came to mind. This fish is very healthy and nutritious. I really like her fat tender meat. Yes, and it is separated from the bones much easier than that of a herring.

You can eat such a fish, salted at home, with potatoes, vegetables. Or serve separately with, as an appetizer.

However, I don’t want to bother with cooking for too long, so I tried to find recipes that allow you to pickle mackerel deliciously and quickly. Consider the minimum cooking time of 30 minutes, and the maximum of 4 days (for those who are not in a hurry).

Do you know how to determine the fat content of mackerel? No, not in the belly, as many might say. After all, it may contain caviar or milk. You pull them out, and the fish may turn out to be small. Its fat content is determined by the back. The wider it is, the tastier the carcass.

Also pay attention to how much ice is on the carcasses. If there is a lot of it, then they have been thawed many times, and then frozen again. It is better not to take such a product. When you thaw it at home, a lot of juice will come out of it and therefore the dish can turn out to be quite dry. The meat itself can eventually fall apart.

And we need fresh-frozen or chilled fish. It contains very few people, the whole carcass is elastic, without blackening and spots.

Precisely because this product is often exposed to temperature changes during transportation and distribution to stores. I prefer to buy it not in large supermarkets, but in the market. There, at least they will give her a touch. Well, now it's time to start salting this yummy!

I'll start with the recipe that my grandmother cooks. She salts all the fish in the marinade. And this is probably the only salting recipe where vinegar is present. True, he is quite weak.

The treat is lightly salted with a slight sourness.

We will take:

  • liter of water,
  • lavrushka - 3 leaves,
  • 9 peppercorns,
  • 90 ml table vinegar (9%),
  • 85 g salt
  • 75 g sugar
  • mackerel - 3 fish,
  • a glass of sunflower oil.

We start cooking by boiling the brine. Pour 1 liter of water into the pan, send 3 bay leaves, peppercorns, all the salt with sugar and vinegar into it.

Let the liquid ingredients boil and turn off the heat. The apartment will immediately be filled with an appetizing aroma of spices!

Now let's move on to the fish. Of course, they must first be brought into the desired form.

Cut off the head and tail. We rid the carcass of the insides and wash it. No black film or blood should remain inside.

We will salt the fish in pieces.

We put the pieces in the finished and not hot marinade, leave them like that for 4-5 hours. If the house is not hot, then you can leave the container on the table.

Then you need to transfer the mackerel from the brine to the container in which you will store it. Add vegetable oil to it. The tighter you pack the pieces, the less oil you will use.

It is necessary to tightly close the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for another 2 hours. Mackerel can be stored in oil for almost a week.

How to pickle mackerel deliciously and quickly in 2 hours: in an instant marinade

The brine is always prepared very quickly. And in general, the whole process of cooking mackerel according to this recipe is very simple. Its huge plus is that you can serve fish to guests after 2 hours! This is very convenient if you are planning a holiday: or. There is already a lot of trouble, and the woman is also cooking!

Let's take:

  • salt - 3 tablespoons,
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.,
  • coriander - 0.5 tsp,
  • black pepper - 7 peas,
  • allspice - 4 peas,
  • lavrushka - 5 leaves,
  • water - 0.9 l,
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml,
  • table vinegar (9%) - 2 tablespoons,
  • 6 bulbs.

The marinade starts with onions. We cut one head into several slices. We take a ladle, put onion slices in it, the right amount of coriander and peppercorns, bay leaf, salt, sugar and pour almost a liter of water.

Boil on medium heat for 7 minutes. The spices should open up and begin to release their flavor into the water.

It is more convenient to carve the fish when it has not yet completely melted, it has become a little elastic. The main ice has already left it, but the insides are still captured.

We remove the head and intestines from the mackerel. Cut into serving pieces.

Transfer to a jar or other container of your choice. The main thing is that some kind of cover fits it.

We fill the jar with the fish with the cooled marinade.

Close the lid and put it in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours.

That's not all. We will marinate it in onions for another half an hour.

The remaining onions cut into half rings, add. Slightly shake this mass with your hands so that the onion juice is actively released. Pour oil with vinegar into it.

We take the fish out of the refrigerator and send it to the onion.

Leave for another half hour in this new marinade.

Fish salted with onions and butter

The next cooking method, remind me or. This is because it is universal. The ingredients are stacked in layers in a pan and languish for several hours under pressure.

By the way, this method is also called the "grandfather's way." Since we do not take a container, but a pan, it means that we need not 2 fish, but as many as five.

Let's take:

  • 5 fish,
  • 3 bulbs
  • salt - 3 tablespoons,
  • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons,
  • any fish seasoning - 1.5 tbsp.

We prepare products. We rid the fish of everything unnecessary and wash it. We remove excess moisture with a napkin and cut into pieces, about 1.5-2 cm wide.

It is more convenient to cut the onion into half rings.

We make a mixture for marinating. Pour salt, sugar and seasoning into the bowl. We mix this dry mass.
Now take a pan and lay out the ingredients in layers.

Fill the bottom of the pot with the mixture. There is a row of mackerel on it. Put the onion on the fish.

Again, repeat the sequence of layers until all the pieces of mackerel are gone. Fill everything with oil.

Cover with a plate and place oppression on top.

We will salt for about 12-14 hours in the refrigerator. As oppression, a weight or a jar filled with water is perfect.

How to pickle whole mackerel in brine with tea (tea brew)

I know that sometimes black tea is added to the brine. It gives the upper skin of the carcass a golden hue. And on the table it looks like smoked.

Let's take:

  • 2 fresh frozen carcasses,
  • liter of boiling water
  • tea (dry brew) - 4 tablespoons,
  • 8 tsp salt with a slide,
  • 8 tsp sugar without a slide.

Carcasses must first be cleaned and rinsed with running water.

Brew tea with boiling water. To do this, it is better to take a glass jar of 1 or 1.5 liters. Salt and sugar are completely soluble in tea.

Place mackerel in this solution. We remove it for 4 days in the refrigerator.

Then we take it out of the container and rinse it from tea leaves under running water. Pat the fish dry with paper towels.

We salt mackerel in onion peel and in a plastic bottle - it tastes like smoked

For those who like a little smoked flavor, I offer this recipe. It is convenient to prepare it in a plastic bottle. In which you need to cut off a narrow part with a neck so that the carcasses freely enter it and do not touch the edges. Two whole fish are freely placed in one such bottle.

Let's take:

  • mackerel - 2 things,
  • water - 1 liter,
  • onion peel - 2.3 handfuls,
  • tea brewing - 4 tsp,
  • salt - 3 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 1 tbsp,
  • 2 inflorescences of cloves,
  • 5 pieces of allspice,
  • bay leaf.

Let's start by preparing the marinade. After all, we need to boil it, and then cool it down. Otherwise, he will cook our fish.

We put a handful of onion peels in a saucepan and pour 1 liter of cold water.

Add a measured amount of salt and sugar. We put laurel leaves and two tablespoons of tea. For flavor, add more clove inflorescences and a few pepper balls. We put the marinade on the fire, boil for 5 minutes and let it cool. Then be sure to filter.

Now we clean the fish, cut off the head, tail and take out the insides with a black film.

We take a plastic bottle. We cut off a narrow neck from it and put it inside the carcass with tails up.

Pour the carcasses with strained marinade.

Refrigerate for at least 3 days.

Then we take it out and try it. If desired, it can even be dried. To do this, hang the carcasses in a cool place for another 2 days. To do this, you can tie the twine around the tail and fix it with the tail up with a clothespin.

Place a container downstairs into which excess liquid will drain.

In our country, they won’t let her cool for five whole days, so we always eat only the first salty version.

Incomparable Mackerel Recipe Pickled in 30 Minutes

The fastest recipe involves salting mackerel in just 30 minutes. For me personally, this is very little. But they say that this time is enough. I think it's still worth a try. This option involves dry salting, there are several variations. And this is one of them, the second will be discussed below.

Let's take:

  • 1 mackerel,
  • 2 tsp salt,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,
  • half a lemon
  • onion - 1 pc.

We clean the fish from the intestines.

Cut off the head and tail.

Wet the inside with paper towels.

We make an incision along the ridge and pull it out. We got two fillets.

Sprinkle generously with salt on both sides. You can not worry, because more than necessary, it will not take.

We put the fillet in the container on top of each other with the insides. And cover with a lid. Keep in the refrigerator for half an hour.

After 30 minutes, wash the meat from excess salt that has not been absorbed.

In order to fully reveal the taste of mackerel, we will serve it with onions. We cut the head in half rings. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon on it.

Then we shake this mass well. And fill it with vegetable oil. After 30 minutes, put the onion mass on a plate, and you can put the fish on top.

Variant of salting fresh-frozen fish with garlic

Another variant of a similar dry salting, as above, but with the addition of garlic. The taste of the fish will be very different.

Let's take:

  • fresh-frozen mackerel - 0.9 kg,
  • 4 garlic cloves,
  • salt - 2 tsp,
  • lavrushka - 4 leaves.

Cover the board with cling film. We prepare the fish by removing the offal, cutting off the head and tail.

We cut the skin at the ridge and take it out with our hands. It turned out to be a fillet.

We pull out all the bones, blot the meat with a paper towel, removing all the veins.

Salt and pepper the fillet.

We break a bay leaf on it. Crush the garlic with the flat side of a knife and finely chop it. We distribute on carcasses.

We fold the fillet with the inner side to each other and twist it in cling film.

The salting process lasts 7 hours in a cold place.

Recipe for dry salting mackerel in a bag

Another option is dry salting. Here we would not clean the carcass. In this recipe, it is taken whole, without removing the head and offal. They are removed after salting.

Let's take:

  • 5.5 tbsp salt,
  • 2 fish,
  • a mixture of peppers - 1.5 tsp,
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp.

Due to the fact that the insides are not removed, the meat turns out to be juicy, fatty and very tasty.

We put a paper sheet, A4 format, on a flat tray. It is better to take a dense landscape. It absorbs fat and the smell of fish well. We will throw it away immediately.

Pour sugar, salt and black pepper onto a landscape sheet of paper. Stir and gently coat the mackerel in this mixture. Pressing it and turning the carcass. It is important not to leave unsalted places.
There is no need to pour salt into the gills.

We shift the carcasses into a bag. Sprinkle the rest of the salt inside.

This bag needs to be wrapped with another one so that the fat does not leak out and the aroma does not go away.

We put it in the refrigerator and wait 3 days.

Then we take it out of the refrigerator, carefully wash off with water all the salt that the fish did not take.

And we rid the carcass of the head and entrails. Rinse again with water.

The pulp has become very tender, it is salted both inside and along the ridge evenly.

Salted mackerel with mustard at home per day

In this recipe, we will take only three spices for the marinade. And, believe me, this is quite enough. Mustard must be taken dry. But, if there is none, replace it with pasta. However, the result may be worse.

Let's take:

  • 3 mackerels,
  • 2 tsp salt with a slide,
  • 2 tsp sugar without a slide,
  • 2 tsp without a slide of dry mustard.

We clean the fish, divide it in half and cut out the ridge, trying to remove all the bones. It turns out a fillet.

It must be washed from all unnecessary and dried with napkins.

We prepare the mixture for salting. In a deep bowl, mix sugar, salt and mustard.

Stir and rub the fillet with this mixture.

We spread the carcasses in a container in which it will be salted. For convenience, take a container with a lid.

We send it to the refrigerator for a day.

The next day, the carcasses should be washed.

Excess moisture is removed with napkins.

Delicious lightly salted fish in 12 hours

Another delicious pickle recipe. But here we do not use vinegar and oil. The fish is lightly salted and with tender meat. We will cook it in just 12 hours.

Let's take:

  • 3 fish,
  • 600 ml of water
  • 2 tsp without a slide - granulated sugar,
  • 2 tsp with a slide - salt,
  • black pepper - 3 pcs.,
  • allspice - 3 pcs.,
  • lavrushka - 3 pcs.,
  • sprigs of cloves - 3 pcs.

Defrost the fish. Get rid of the head and tail. We clean the abdomen from the intestines.

We wash it with water, simultaneously removing all black films and blood along the ridge. It is convenient to cook when the carcass is cut into pieces. Place the mackerel in a plastic container.

We take a glass jar, put spices, salt, sugar inside and fill them with water.

It is important for us to completely dissolve the crystals of salt and sugar. Pour the marinade into a container.

It is better to salt mackerel in a cold place. In a city apartment, this is a refrigerator or a balcony.

We will try this yummy after 12 hours.

Some housewives do not like the aroma of cloves, any of these recipes can be varied at your discretion.

Thank you for your attention and I wish you success in cooking!


Tell VK

When choosing a fish, always study its appearance very carefully. It is best to take a fish with a wide back, with a skin that has a beautiful bright shade, without damage and white bloom.

You need to defrost the fish in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf - you do not need to fill the fish with water or take it out into the air.

Wash the mackerel on the outside, make a longitudinal cut along the abdomen and carefully remove the insides. Carefully scrape the dark film with a knife, rinse well again in running water and dry a little.

After that, it will be possible to cut the mackerel into not very thick pieces.

For salting mackerel in brine, it is best to use classic spices - peppercorns and bay leaf. The recipe for salting mackerel in brine is very simple - boil the brine, cool it and pour over the fish.

Put pieces of mackerel in a glass jar - it is best to take half a liter or liter jars. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, pepper and bay leaf to it and bring to a boil. The brine must be boiled for several minutes so that the salt and sugar are completely dissolved.

After that, the brine must be cooled to room temperature and fill them with fish.

We cover the jars with fish with a plastic lid or film and leave for about four hours. After that, it can be put in the refrigerator for a few more hours. Usually a liter jar of mackerel is salted for six hours.

To make it convenient to store the fish, it is best to use not very large jars - take as much mackerel that you can eat at a time.

The ambassador of mackerel at home will largely depend on your taste preferences. If you like salted fish, then after six hours you can serve it to the table, for lovers of more spicy and salty fish, there is another wonderful recipe.

If you like a more fragrant fish, then the recipe for salted mackerel slices in spicy brine is the best for you. The fish prepared in this way will be a wonderful snack for the festive table.

Mackerel must also be cleaned, washed and cut into not very large pieces - 2-3 centimeters thick. Wash the lemon well in running water, then cut into two halves. Set half a lemon aside, and cut the other half into thin sticks or medium cubes.

In a separate bowl, mix salt and sugar, add peppercorns and chopped bay leaf to them. Cut the onion into rings - not very thin.

Pour the required amount of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and add all the prepared spices to the water, except for the onion and lemon.

The resulting brine is well mixed and left to cool completely. When the brine has cooled to room temperature, it will be possible to fill the jars.

Spread the fish, lemon and onion in layers. Gently pour brine on top and cover the jars with a lid or plastic wrap.

We salt mackerel at home in several stages. Let it sit at room temperature for two to three hours, then put it in the refrigerator.

If you remove the bones from the fish and salt only the fillet, then the mackerel in brine will be ready in 5 hours. Medium pieces of mackerel - 4-5 centimeters thick, will be ready for use in a day, and small ones - 2-3 centimeters can be tasted in 12 hours.

On the video, how to pickle mackerel, you can see all the stages of preparing this great snack. If you are going to cook a large amount of fish, then try to stick to the proportions of salt and sugar - 2: 1. Instead of lemon, you can use lemon juice or a little fruit vinegar - this will make the fish more tender.

For spicy salting, you can use any spices to your taste - you can experiment and add ginger, garlic, dill or parsley. All vegetables that contain essential oils are great for making spicy fillings.

When the fish is completely ready, carefully remove it from the jar and set the table. Bon appetit!

The fish that tastes great is mackerel. You can cook various dishes with its content: appetizers, salads, use as an independent dish.

Delicious recipes for pickling mackerel at home

Salted fish lovers will never pass by mackerel. It is tender, fragrant, goes well with potatoes. And what delicious salads are obtained using this seafood! In addition to its amazing taste, the product has a large amount of vitamins and various minerals. Constant eating will strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolism, improve hormones and heart function.

Salted fish is very nutritious and tasty. You can take fresh or frozen products. The main thing is to choose it correctly.

Pay attention to the fish when buying: if it is even, there are no dents, no visible damage - feel free to buy.

The color of the fish should be bright, evenly distributed. If the scales look faded, this is a sure sign of improper storage and the likelihood that the product has gone bad.

Do not defrost fish in the microwave, under hot water, or even in the kitchen. Place in a plastic container, cover with a lid so that the smell does not permeate the rest of the food, and defrost it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

When salting, only coarse salt is used, without iodine. You can cook the fish in pieces, whole or fillet.

Dry salting


  • allspice - 10 peas;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • mackerel - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • dill.


  1. Remove the insides, removing the dark film, if left, it will give bitterness to the finished product.
  2. Cut off the head. Wash.
  3. Pour salt, allspice peas, dill, parsley into the container.
  4. Mix salt and sugar.
  5. Coat the fish on all sides.
  6. Place in a container. Dill put in the abdomen, sprinkle with spices and salt.
  7. Close and refrigerate for three days.
  8. Excess salt can be washed off or removed with a towel.

under the yoke

To cook the dish faster, you can use oppression. To do this, put a jar filled with water on the cooked fish. You can use a kilogram bag of cereals, packed in polyethylene. It turns out a very tasty recipe for salted mackerel.

  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • allspice - 5 peas;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • mackerel - 2 pcs.;
  • cloves - 5 pcs.


  1. For brine, pour water into a saucepan.
  2. Sprinkle spices.
  3. Immediately add salt and sugar.
  4. Wait for a boil.
  5. Boil for a couple of minutes.
  6. Cool down. To make the process go faster, you can pour into a wide bowl.
  7. Tail, head, fins cut off.
  8. Gut the insides.
  9. Cut into pieces.
  10. Transfer to bank.
  11. Add vinegar.
  12. Pour in the brine to completely cover the pieces. Do not pour hot marinade.
  13. If there is not enough liquid, prepare more. After twelve hours, a spicy fragrant fish is obtained.

In onion peel with brine

There is not always time to look for lightly salted mackerel. Finding the perfect tasting fish is hard. How to salt mackerel at home with the taste of smoked meats, you will learn in this recipe. Onion peel will give a golden hue.


  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • loose black tea - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • mackerel - 2 pcs.;
  • husk - from 5 large onions;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.


  1. For brine: pour salt, tea, sugar, husks into water (rinse well). Wait until it boils.
  2. Cover with a lid and leave to cool. This process will take several hours.
  3. Cut off the head, tail. Clean out the insides.
  4. Wash the abdomen so that there is no bitterness in the finished product.
  5. Strain the marinade through a sieve. You can take gauze to help.
  6. Put the fish in a jar or container.
  7. Pour in the brine.
  8. Marinate for 3 days, turning every day.
  9. Remove from the marinade, grease with sunflower oil so that the view is more beautiful and the fish does not dry out.

Pickled in tea brine

Salting mackerel with tea is a delicious, easy-to-follow recipe. The only negative is that it takes about four days to prepare. The fish comes out melting in the mouth and resembles cold-smoked mackerel.
