
How many kcal does a 57 year old man need. Individual calculation of BJU

In order to lead a habitual lifestyle and at the same time not gain extra pounds, it is useful to consider all the calories consumed. The rate of calorie intake per day is determined depending on the age, gender and type of activity of a person. It can be calculated specifically for each person using several formulas, but not everyone is able to adhere to the resulting number. In fact, proper nutrition in calories not only helps to lose weight, but also normalizes the functioning of the whole organism, therefore it is recommended to absolutely everyone.

Those who want to get rid of the heaviness of their weight and some diseases must definitely overpower themselves and try to give the body only the right amount of energy.

What are calories?

Absolutely everyone has heard about the calorie content of foods, but not everyone still has an idea of ​​​​what calories are. In the classical sense, this is Every joule spent is equal to 4.2 Kcal. Calorie sources are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The former, entering the body, immediately break down into amino acids and, when consumed in large quantities, cause an increase in muscle mass and an increase in the liver. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy and are converted into glucose in the body and are mainly stored in the muscles and liver "until better times." Fat, getting into the body, is absorbed only by 0.1 part, and everything else is immediately deposited in excess weight. Why does it happen this way? Yes, because in 1 gram of proteins and carbohydrates there are 4 Kcal, and in the same part of fat - 9 Kcal. Of course, it is impossible to completely exclude fat from the diet, because only it provides a person with the most important macronutrients.

You can keep the body in good shape by correctly distributing the proportions of consumption between proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and not only when calculating the calorie intake per day.

The needs of the male body

At rest, a man needs less energy than a woman, but no healthy person spends his every day only in bed. Depending on activity and age, the daily calorie intake for men ranges from 2000 and above.

So, with minimal physical exertion, energy consumption, respectively, is minimal, which means that its receipt should be similar. For men over the age of 50, 2000 Kcal is enough. For representatives of the stronger sex younger - 30-50 years old - 2200 Kcal is enough, and for young guys 19-30 years old - 2400 Kcal. In general, the younger the body, the higher its metabolism and energy requirements.

If a man has moderate physical activity at work or regularly attends sports sections with a sedentary lifestyle, then his calorie intake should be within the following limits:

  • >50 years - 2.4 thousand kcal;
  • 30-50 years - 2.6 thousand kcal;
  • 19-30 years old - 2.8 thousand kcal.

The norm of calories per day for active representatives of the stronger sex at different ages is 200 Kcal higher than in the previous version.

The needs of the female body

For an active lifestyle, women need much less energy than men. In addition, the female body is very reluctant to part with the existing "reserves" in the form of body fat, so ladies should be much stricter in monitoring the quantity and quality of what they eat.

So, the rate of calories per day for a woman with a sedentary lifestyle also depends on age. The older the lady, the slower her metabolism, which means that the need for energy is reduced. Representatives of the weaker sex with minimal mobility over the age of 50 require only 1600 Kcal per day. At the age of 30-50 years, the need is 1800 Kcal, and at 19-30 years old - 2000.

Moderate physical activity increases the daily calorie intake for each age by 200 kcal. This category should include women with sedentary work, but sometimes visiting the gym or going out into the countryside for outdoor activities.

Regular physical activity requires an appropriate energy consumption by the body. In this case, the average should be increased by another 200 Kcal. Of course, one should not assume that such numbers will be ideal for each specific case. The above norms are only average indicators, and it is precisely possible to determine the daily calorie intake for each person, only taking into account his individual characteristics - weight, height, lifestyle, age, and so on.

Norms during pregnancy

The daily calorie intake for women during pregnancy should be calculated separately from the above standards. It is strictly forbidden to lose weight at this time, but you can’t eat “for two” either. The latter is fraught with excessive weight gain, which will interfere with the normal course of pregnancy and labor, and besides, it will be difficult to get rid of it later.

In this case, the calorie content of food should take into account the duration of pregnancy. At the very beginning, in the first months of bearing a baby, approximately 2500 Kcal should be consumed per day, gradually increasing the rate by the end of the term to 3200 Kcal. After childbirth, it is impossible to sharply reduce the calorie content of the diet, because the period of breastfeeding begins, when the baby consumes everything necessary for life and development from the mother. During this period, you should make a menu for 3500 Kcal per day.

Teen Norms

During puberty, the body of children requires large amounts of energy. At this time, it is very important to eat regularly and fully, because the body is very prone to gastritis, hormonal and immune failure, as well as the deposition of excess fat. With low activity, the calorie intake per day should not exceed 2000 Kcal. Active boys need a regular intake of 2.2-2.5 thousand kcal, and girls - 1.8-2.2 thousand kcal.

Norms for children

For the full development of the baby, the norm of his calories should be increased every 6 months. On average, babies 1-2 years old need 1.2 thousand kcal, and at the age of 2-3 years - 1.4 thousand kcal. A preschool child should consume at least 1.8-2 thousand calories, and schoolchildren by the age of 13 should come to the norm of teenagers given above.

It is very important, especially in childhood, from which the absorbed energy was obtained. If on the day the child consumes all his norm only from sweets or pastries, such calories will not bring any benefit to the body. In addition, when calculating the norm, the load of the child, both mental and physical, should be taken into account.

food quality

It is not difficult to calculate the calorie intake per day, but it is not always possible to make a balanced diet at the same time. In order for the body to receive only healthy calories, you should enrich your diet with non-starchy vegetables, fresh fruits, fish, lean meats and other healthy foods. According to the universal formula, the daily ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be as follows - 1:1:4. For men, the daily requirement for nutrients is 65-120 g, 70-155 g and 250-590 g, respectively. Women need at least 60 g of protein, 60 g of fat and 250 g of carbohydrates per day.

Most accurate formula

The calculation of the daily calorie intake using the Mifflin-Saint Geor formula was first carried out in 2005, when it was invented. To date, this option is considered the most accurate for adults and does not take into account only the ratio of fat and muscle in the body.

To get the norm for men, you need to multiply your total weight in kg by 10, add to the result multiplied by 6.25 your full height in cm and subtract from this your age in years multiplied by 5. Add another 5 to the result and it remains only take into account the degree of physical activity.

For women, the formula looks a little different at the very end. When weight, height and age are taken into account, instead of adding 5 to the result, 161 must be subtracted.

Coefficient data

The activity coefficient is taken into account by multiplying by the resulting number. For minimum loads, it is 1.2; for the lungs - 1.375; for averages - 1.4625; for elevated - 1.55. If a person trains daily, then the result should be multiplied by 1.6375. In the case of a special intensity of training - by 1.725, and with heavy daily training or difficult physical work - by 1.9.

Formula with error

Deviations from reality in these calculations are approximately 5%. Such an error is forgivable, since the formula was derived more than 100 years ago.

According to it, for men, you should multiply the total weight in kg by 66.5, add 13.75 to the result and the exact height in cm multiplied by 5.003. The total age is multiplied by 6.775, and the result is subtracted from the previously obtained number.

For women, multiply weight by 9.563, height by 1.85, and age by 4.676. The separately added number is 655.1.

To find out how many calories per day are the norm for each person, after the calculations, the result must also be multiplied by the load factor.

World Health Organization Formula

In this case, the formulas differ not only for genders, but also for ages. So, women under the age of 30 need to multiply their total weight by 0.062 and add 2.036 to the result. After that, the resulting number is multiplied by 240 and the activity coefficient.

For ladies under 60, you need to multiply the weight by 0.034 and add 3.538 to it. Further similarly.

For those over 60, multiply the weight by 0.038 and add 2.755 to the result.

For men, the formula is similar, only a couple of numbers change. So, up to 30 years old - multiply the weight by 0.063 and add 2.896. After that, multiply the result by a factor and 240.

Men under 60 - multiply by 0.484 and add 3.653.

Older than 30 - multiply by 0.491 and add 2.459.

The most inaccurate

In this case, it is necessary to multiply the total weight by 21.6 and add 370 to the result. The formula is universal for everyone, and therefore is considered the most inaccurate.

To calculate the daily calorie intake for weight loss, you only need to subtract 10% from the result obtained in any way. If overweight in the body is more than 30 kg, then 20% can be taken away, but no more. Such a reduction in the norm contributes to safe weight loss without harm to the body.

The presence of fasting days will not harm when losing weight, but it is strictly forbidden to starve. Unloading is considered to be the minimization of calories consumed. On such days, you can completely switch to buckwheat, for example. Eat it in small portions every couple of hours, and drink green tea. The basic rules of a healthy diet are:

  • consuming more calories in the morning;
  • consuming enough raw plant foods rich in fiber;
  • periodically following the rules of separate meals, if possible;
  • consumption of starchy vegetables and sweets for breakfast or lunch.

It is important to understand that it is not necessary to become an ardent supporter of separate nutrition, it is enough just to follow the basic recommendations for combining products. Also remember that starch and glucose are well absorbed only if they are followed by physical activity. Even a seemingly light vegetable salad of potatoes, carrots, beets or corn for dinner can bring extra pounds.

Calories are the energy that our body spends for its full functioning. How many calories you need to consume per day is determined by criteria such as gender and age, the presence or absence of physical activity in everyday life, and lifestyle.

This is due to the fact that a young body needs more energy for development and growth, the daily calorie intake for men and women differs, and different amounts of calories are spent on different types of activity.

In order to determine, first find out how many of them are required in the norm for an ordinary person. Especially for those who are not going to lose weight.

How many calories to consume per day is normal for men?

With a sedentary lifestyle in which there is no sport, men over the age of fifty need only two thousand calories per day.

With the same lifestyle, a man from thirty to fifty will need 2200 kcal per day.

If the same men lead a moderately active lifestyle, for example, do daily exercises and walk on foot for an hour a day, then they should add another 200 to 400 calories per day to the above figures.

With an active, athletic lifestyle, men from eighteen to thirty years old should adhere to a daily allowance of three thousand calories. Men over thirty can reduce this figure by 100 to 200 calories. And the representatives of the stronger sex after fifty, which are recommended to consume from 2500 to 2800 calories.

Calories per day in foods that should normally be consumed by women

With a sedentary lifestyle, ladies after fifty need no more than 1600 calories per day. Women in the age category from 26 to 50 need 1800 kcal, and girls under 26 need two thousand.

With a moderate active lifestyle, the same indicators need to be increased by 200 units.

And with full activity, the average daily calorie intake for women under thirty is 2400 kcal, for ladies from 30 to 60 - 2200, and for women from sixty and above - two thousand calories.

The number of calories per day for weight loss, of course, will be less than the usual norm. And if a person wants to get better, then vice versa.

In addition to the above factors, the calculation of calories per day should also be based on the ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the food consumed. These are key trace elements that provide strength and energy to the body.

A Brief Overview of Trace Elements

When you lose weight, you need to strive not only to reduce the number of calories consumed per day, but also to ensure that these calories are properly distributed and bring maximum benefit to the body.

First microelement

Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy. And they should make up 60% of the calories consumed per day.

Carbohydrates are simple and complex, or in another way - harmful and useful. A person who wants to lose weight should eat only complex ones, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and products from them. Chocolate, buns, ice cream, pasta and potatoes (especially fried ones) should be completely excluded from the diet. What is their difference? Simple carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the body, this leads to a sharp rise in blood pressure, but it also falls sharply, after which the person begins to feel severe hunger and fatigue. processed by the body longer, besides, they are more nutritious, that is, satiety remains for a longer time. When they are assimilated, blood sugar remains at a normal level, which does not cause fluctuations in mood and well-being.

Second microelement

Proteins are the building blocks of the body. Human nails and hair, organs and muscles are made up of protein.

Its daily rate should be 15%. When compiling a menu in calories for the day, make sure that at least 200 of them are from protein.

Proteins are of animal and vegetable origin. Which one to choose depends on your preferences. In the so-called "animal" products, this trace element is contained in greater quantities. But at the same time, plant foods can be eaten more in volume without exceeding the maximum number of calories per day for weight loss.

Third microelement

Fats are the main component for activating the protective function of the body. Also, these trace elements are directly involved in metabolic processes.

Fat should be in the daily diet of 25-30%. For example, out of 1000 calories per day, 250 should be allocated specifically to fats. However, more than half of them must be unsaturated. They are also called "healthy". They are found in milk and dairy products, in fish and nuts, in olive oil. The amount should be reduced as much as possible in the diet. They are not only harmful to the figure, but also contribute to the acquisition of various heart diseases.

Count calories and lose weight

If you want to always stay in shape, you need to learn how to calculate calories per day. To do this, you need to find out the number corresponding to your main exchange.

For men, it is one calorie per kilogram of body weight per hour. For the weaker sex, this is 0.9 calories per kilogram per hour.

If you are a woman and you weigh 70 kg, then the basal metabolic rate is calculated as follows:

0.9 calories x 70 kilograms x 24 hours. This will be 1701.6 calories, round up and get 1702 calories per day.

In order to calculate the number of calories per day for weight loss to the desired result, you need to replace the existing weight in the formula with the one you want to get.

For example, you want to weigh 60 kilograms.

0.9 calories x 60 kilograms x 24 hours = 1296 calories. This is your daily allowance to lose weight.

However, these calculations are true for people with an inactive lifestyle. At the same time, if you go in for sports and you are a man, then 400 - 500 should be added to the figure obtained. If you go in for sports and you are a woman, then add another 250 - 350 kcal.

Take care of the safety of losing weight

If you really have problems with weight, then lose weight only under the supervision of a doctor. If you just decided to drop a few pounds, for example, by the beach season, then it will be enough to exclude simple carbohydrates and saturated fats from the daily menu and add more physical activity to your daily routine.

Weight loss should promote health and beauty, not harm them.

With very rapid weight loss, the liver suffers greatly. After all, the fats we hate are not burned anywhere and do not disappear from the body, as is commonly believed, they are simply processed into other chemical elements. The first sign of excessively rapid weight loss is the appearance of fatty acids in the blood plasma in large quantities. This is poison for her, and the liver rushes to the rescue and begins to purify the blood. These fats are already accumulating in it, but in a different form. This may well lead to cirrhosis of the liver, and, as you know, people die from it.

In order to lose weight, you do not need to starve or take any special drugs. It hasn't done anyone any good yet. Do not trust advertising about miracle cures, thanks to which you can eat as much as you like, whatever you want and at the same time lose weight. This doesn't happen. You can't fool the body. You just need to control yourself in order to spend more calories daily than you consume. From debilitating diets, among other things, hair falls out, nails deteriorate. Starvation adversely affects the heart and muscle function.

In addition to maintaining the balance of trace elements, you also need to consume the required amount of fiber and fluid per day. It is advisable to eat at the same time every day. For people who are losing weight, three meals a day are ideal, with the last meal three to three and a half hours before bedtime. Before compiling the menu, study in advance the ratio of the necessary trace elements in them. Cook tasty, healthy, balanced and beautiful food.

Remember that losing weight should be safe and bring joy and ease.

Men need to take care of their health too! Therefore, you should understand how much different products are used. But first you need to find out the acceptable caloric intake for daily diet. Again, the components of the dishes and their balance are important.

Any person needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a specific amount, as well as vitamins and trace elements that we get from food. However, those who take their health seriously should first calculate the individual rate of calories consumed during the day. Food should provide the body with the amount of energy it needs, excess energy is useless.

Food is a source of energy for every person. This energy is defined in kilojoules (kJ). On almost all products, the nutritional (energy) value, that is, their nutritional value, is indicated in this measure of measurement. It is difficult for people far from physics to understand this. This is why calories (kcal) are used to indicate nutritional value.

Calculations should be made, focusing on the norm:

  • Protein average 65–70
  • Fats on average 70–80
  • Carbohydrates on average 280–360.

Each product has its own calorie requirement. The assimilation of different substances also occurs in different ways. Carbohydrates are divided into fast And slow, for the assimilation of which energy is spent in larger quantities than for the first. For this reason, the body gets more benefit from them. But how do you determine the quantity?

To find out how much energy a particular person needs, you need to know how he spends energy. Those who lead an active life, playing sports and spend energy also actively. It is also important to consider age - young people need more energy than older people.

Why is it important to balance the calorie content of meals?

The human body immediately shows its attitude in situations where the amount of food consumed exceeds the permissible limits. The unused supply of calories remains in the body in the form of fat, the body begins to “swim”, unnecessary kilograms are added. The places where fat is most concentrated are the abdomen and thighs. But in addition to external aesthetics, health problems appear: the circulatory system (heart and blood vessels), kidneys, liver, knee joints and spine suffer.

Naturally, this process will seem tedious to someone, and in this case, another option is possible - try to refrain from eating the following products too often:

  1. Fatty meat and poultry (pork, lamb, duck, goose).
  2. Semolina, oatmeal and rice porridge.
  3. Cakes, muffins and white bread, cookies.
  4. Smoked products and sausages.
  5. Omelets and fried eggs.
  6. Dried fruits.
  7. Soda, ice cream and milkshakes.
  8. Pickles and jams.
  9. Alcoholic drinks, since 1 g of alcohol \u003d 7 kcal. Among other things, they lead to an increase in appetite and provoke eating more food than necessary, which will cause an energy "overdose". Vodka and cognac are especially dangerous in this regard.

The approximate number of calories that a man needs to consume has been established. It is not possible to establish a 100% error-free number, but this is not required, all you need to do is determine what is close to the norm.

Conditions that affect calorie requirement:

  1. The greater the weight, the more energy is required to maintain its stable value.
  2. Tall people also need more food.
  3. The older a person becomes, the less energy his body consumes.
  4. Lifestyle: a person who, due to the nature of his activity, does not move much, accordingly needs less food and the energy received from it. For someone who is constantly involved in sports and / or engaged in physical labor, the need for energy increases.

Estimated optimized version 2400 – 3000 calories, but this data is influenced by lifestyle and aspirations. Those who want to say goodbye to unnecessary weight should reduce the calorie content of their diet. But we must not forget that 1500 - the maximum allowable reduction in caloric content, which does not represent serious consequences for health! In this case, the energy reserve is used only to preserve the functions of the body (without playing sports!): brain function, metabolism, hemodynamics, respiration, intrasecretory work of the glands, maintaining the natural temperature in the body.

Of course, at first it’s not so easy to make calculations, but the basic list of products that are consumed every day, as a rule, is unchanged and in the near future you will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to determine your rate and, if necessary, adjust your nutrition.

Determination of the daily norm by age and activity level:


  • 2400–2600.
  • 2600–2800.
  • 3000–3200.


  • Minimum level of physical activity 2000–2200.
  • moderate physical activity 2400–2600.
  • Intense physical activity 2600–2800.

Ages 61 and over:

  • Minimum level of physical activity 2000 .
  • moderate physical activity 2200–2400.
  • Intense physical activity 2400–2600.

Fasting is not the way to lose weight! With a sudden decrease in the number of calories consumed in the body, an “alarm signal” is triggered, which leads to loss of muscle mass, and not to get rid of fat at all. Why is this happening? Glucose is vital for humans, which means the body will strive to get it in any way possible!

On the first day, the glycogen reserve is used for this, the largest amount of which is found in the liver, as well as in the muscles. But the very next day, glucose is "taken" from the muscles, leading to their dystrophy, which means that after the hunger strike is over, you will have to do the "revitalization" of muscle tissue. With malnutrition at first, weight is reduced due to the loss of muscle mass, the consumption of fat reserves occurs last.

The problem is that not everyone wants to devote time to training, and not everyone can correctly choose the load to strengthen muscles. Conclusion - a hunger strike not only does not get rid of excess fat, but, on the contrary, increases its amount, because fat replaces lost muscles, moreover, weight can increase from 15 to 100%!

A starving person becomes slow and nervous, and the expected result cannot be achieved.

Don't try to control your weight this way! Safer and more natural options are proper nutrition and exercise.

Perhaps many men question the benefits of counting the calorie content of foods, but the main arguments “for” should be the desire to maintain health, optimism and attractiveness in old age!

The online calculator of daily calorie and BJU will help you understand what rate is needed to maintain shape, gain weight or lose weight. Specify your parameters, choose a lifestyle and a goal. The system will do the calculation automatically!

Your height (cm):

Your weight, kg:

Your lifestyle:

Don't know Sedentary, sedentary Light activity (exercise 1-3 times a week) Moderate activity (exercise 3-5 times a week) High activity (heavy loads every day) Extremely high activity

Your aim:

Daily calorie intake:
according to the average consumption per kilogram 2600 - 3000;
according to the Harris-Benedict formula 2923;
according to the formula Mifflin - St. Jeor 2410.
Landmarks for:
calorie range 2290 - 2531;
daily protein intake 143 - 221 grams;
daily fat intake 64 - 84 grams;
daily intake of carbohydrates 258 - 348 grams.

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates are the most important components of our food. When planning a diet for weight loss, it is necessary to accurately calculate the daily calorie intake to meet the needs of the body and the ratio of BJU. Properly selected nutrition will allow losing weight:

  • do not feel hungry, lethargic and weak;
  • provide yourself with enough nutrients;
  • effectively lose weight, keep weight at a certain level, which is especially important for women;
  • for men - choose a diet for gaining muscle mass or for weight loss, prepare the body for drying;
  • get the right ratio and balance of nutrients in the body.

Online calculator for calculating BJU and daily calorie intake

  • specify your parameters;
  • choose a lifestyle and purpose;
  • the system will do the calculation automatically.

Why do you need to know?

The counter will allow you to get answers to the questions:

  • How many calories do we need to lose weight?
  • Should I increase / decrease the nutritional value of food?
  • Are we eating enough BJU?

Daily calorie intake for weight loss

How many calories do you need per day to lose weight? How to correctly calculate calories and their consumption? An online calorie calculator will help you solve these problems.

Of course, every person who wants to lose weight has their own lifestyle: some more, some less active. Accordingly, one needs to calculate the number of calories per day for weight loss and strictly adhere to this plan, while the other just needs to decide how much he needs to keep himself in shape.

How to correctly calculate calorie consumption for weight loss

If you decide to lose weight, you need to know your allowable rate and the optimal number of calories per day. To calculate calorie consumption and understand what calories a particular dish has, use the online calculator.

To calculate your calorie intake per day, you need to determine how many of them you consume in one day.

There is a specially designed Mifflin-St Geor formula:

  • daily calorie intake for men: (10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (g) + 5) x A;
  • for women, the daily calorie intake is calculated using the same formula, the difference from the male formula in the last coefficient: +5 changed to -161.

After performing this simple computational operation, we obtain data to keep ourselves in shape. In order to calculate the calorie content for weight loss, multiply the result by the indicator of physical activity (A):

  • low (sedentary work in the office + rare walks around the city) = 1.2;
  • small (the above + exercises in the gym + swimming several times a week) \u003d 1.4;
  • average (training 3-5 times a week) = 1.6;
  • high (daily physical activity) = 1.7.

Harris-Benedict Formula.

BMR (basal metabolism) * AMR (active metabolism).

BMR for women: 447.593 + (9.247 * weight in kg) + (3.098 * height in cm) - (4.330 * age in years).

BMR for men: odds 88.362; 13.397; 4.799; 5.677 respectively.

  • Sedentary lifestyle - 1.2;
  • Moderate activity - 1.375;
  • Average (classes 3-5 times a week) - 1.55;
  • Active people (intense loads) - 1,725;
  • Athletes (6-7 times a week) - 1.9.

For a set of muscle mass AMR=1.2; for losing weight women and men - 0.8.

Consumption per kilogram depends only on weight and lifestyle:

  • sedentary. 1 kg from x26 to x30;
  • light activity. 1 kg from x31 to x37;
  • average. 1 kg from x38 to x40;
  • high. 1 kg from x41 to x50;
  • extreme. 1 kg from x50 to x55.

Norm for men and women per day for weight loss

Nutritionists say that when losing weight, the daily calorie intake for a woman and a girl should be at least 1100-1300 kcal. Such an amount of consumption is able to provide the female body with everything necessary.

For weight loss, the daily calorie intake for a man is slightly higher - 1300-1600 kcal. It is extremely important to calculate the calorie content of the food you eat in such a way that it contains not only proteins, but also complex carbohydrates. In no case should you refuse entire groups of products. This can negatively affect your well-being.

How to calculate the daily calorie intake for weight loss?

The online daily calorie calculator will help you understand what calorie intake you need to keep fit, as well as make a calculation and help you understand how many calories per day you need to lose weight. In addition, you can calculate the rate yourself using tables and formulas for calorie intake.

For a person, the recommended daily calorie intake for weight loss is 20% less than the result that you received in the course of the above calculations (1200-1400 kcal). For a child (up to 10 years old), the average daily intake, when losing weight, fluctuates around 1800-2000 kcal, and for a teenager the recommended daily intake is 2300-2500 kcal.

The ratio of BJU in the diet

For a long time, doctors, nutritionists, scientists and physiologists have tried to derive a proportional ratio of BJU so that the human body can fully function, and also so that diseases associated with inadequate or malnutrition do not arise. As a result, they established the following relationship, which is important to remember:

  • 1 g B = 4 kcal;
  • 1 g F = 9;
  • 1 g Y \u003d 4.

On the day a person should consume food containing 40% protein and carbohydrates and 20% fat. The formulas for calculating are as follows:

  • B: (2000 kcal * 0.4) / 4;
  • W: (2000 * 0.2) / 9;
  • Y: (2000 * 0.4) / 4.

The results obtained are for you the necessary norm for each substance separately.

Table of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU) products

The last task remains: to find food that matches these data.
It is important to take into account its usefulness for the body, the presence of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other useful elements that are directly involved in the growth and regeneration of cells and the proper functioning of all internal organs and systems.

The menu should be varied. If possible, include dairy and sour-milk products, meat, fish, cereals, fruits, vegetables, flour, nuts, sweets.

When compiling a balanced diet, this table will be an excellent helper:

Product Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories per 100g
boiled chicken egg 12,7 10,7 0,8 144
buckwheat 12,6 3,3 68,0 335
rice 7,0 1,0 77,3 330
boiled brown rice 2,7 0,8 24,7 116
semolina 10,3 1,0 73,3 328
oatmeal 11,0 6,1 65,4 303
durum wheat 13,0 2,5 66,6 301
wheat bran 15,1 3,8 33,5 191
Hercules 11,0 6,2 65,7 305
pearl barley 9,3 1,1 73,7 320
Dutch cheese 26,0 26,8 0,6 352
low-fat cottage cheese 18,0 0,6 1,8 88
raw cow's milk 3,2 3,6 4,8 64
Mozzarella 21,2 20,7 0,7 264
low-fat kefir 3 0,05 3,8 30
sour cream 10% 3,0 10,0 2,9 115
banana 1,5 0,1 21,8 89
watermelon 0,7 0,2 10,9 38
apple 0,4 0,4 11,8 45
cherries 1,1 0,4 11,5 50
cherry 0,8 0,5 11,3 52
pear 0,4 0,3 10,9 42
melon 0,6 0 10,3 38
strawberry 0,6 0,3 7,2 33
raspberries 0,8 0,3 14,1 42
peach 0,9 0,1 11,3 46
black currant 1,0 0,2 11,5 38
kiwi 1,3 1,0 9,8 52
White cabbage 1,8 0,1 6,8 27
cauliflower 2,5 0,3 2,4 30
corn 3,5 2,8 15,6 101
potato 2,0 0,4 18,1 80
salad 1,5 0,2 3,1 17
carrot 1,3 0,1 9,3 34
bulb onions 1,4 0 10,4 41
Sweet pepper 1,3 0 7,2 27
garlic 6,5 0 6,0 46
tomato 1,1 0,2 5,0 23
beet 1,5 0,1 11,8 42
tomato 1,1 0,2 5,0 23
cucumber 0,8 0,1 3,8 14
vegetable marrow 0,6 0,3 5,2 23
bell pepper 1,3 0,1 7,2 26
cod 17,1 1,1 0,6 81
pink salmon 20,8 6,8 0,5 147
squid 19,0 2,6 1,3 105
pollock 16,5 1,3 0,6 78
salmon 20,8 10,1 1,3 172
trout 20,3 7,9 0,4 152
tuna 22,5 2,6 0,3 115
chum salmon 21,3 6,1 1,1 140
beef 20,4 12,7 0,5 193
beef liver 18,8 4,2 3,4 125
mutton 16,9 17,4 1,2 219
pork 20,5 11,5 0,04 209
chicken 21,3 9,7 1,3 175
chicken breast 23,9 2,9 0,7 124
chicken liver 19,8 6,7 1,1 143
chicken thigh 19,4 11,5 2,0 187
minced chicken 17,7 9,9 0,6 164
turkey breast 20,5 3,2 0,1 111
turkey fillet 20,0 4,1 0,2 117
peanut 26,3 45,2 9,9 551
cashew 22,6 49,0 17,5 606
dairy pasta 11,5 2,9 67,1 345
hard pasta 10,4 1,1 74,9 337
spaghetti 9,9 1,4 59,2 293
wheat grain bread 8,1 1,4 45,6 231
black bread Borodino 6,8 1,3 41,8 207
premium wheat flour 10,3 1,1 70,6 334
pita 9,1 1,1 56,2 277
green beans 1,2 0,1 3,1 16
beans 21,0 2,0 54,5 292
green peas 5,0 0,2 13,8 73
asparagus 3,8 2,0 4,4 46
chanterelles 1,6 1,1 2,2 20
raisin 1,8 0 72,2 262
dried apricots 3,0 0 68,5 227
dates 2,5 0 72,1 271
granulated sugar 0 0 99,8 379
natural honey 0,8 0 80,3 314
raspberry jam 0,6 0 72,6 275
water 0 0 0 0
black coffee 0,2 0 0,3 2
cocoa powder 24,2 17,5 33,4 380
crab sticks 6,0 1,0 10,0 73
cutlet 15,4 18,1 8,2 248
smoked sausage 17,0 40,3 2,1 431
sausages 11,2 23,9 2,3 256
boiled breast 25,4 3,2 0,4 130
mashed potatoes 2,5 3,3 14,4 96
fried zucchini 1,2 6,6 7,1 96
braised cabbage 3,4 4,0 7,4 66
pancakes 6,1 8,4 27,9 206
pancakes 6,6 7,6 35,3 229
dumplings 11,5 14,0 25,8 265
pizza 9,3 13,4 24,7 260
pilaf 10,0 9,9 26,5 211
millet porridge 4,9 2,4 25,7 138
boiled rice 3,3 1,7 24,8 130
fried eggs 14,2 16,8 1,2 211
borsch 2,7 3,1 3,8 56
chicken bouillon 3,2 1,6 1,4 32
cheeseburger mcdonalds 13,9 11,9 28,6 281
french fries mcdonalds 3,2 12,7 31,3 252

To make the consumption of these components even more beneficial, it would be nice to additionally:

  • go in for sports (running, walking, squats, push-ups, press - these are the minimum physical activities that everyone needs);
  • spend more time outdoors.

Starting to get rid of excess weight by counting BJUK, you must initially correctly calculate calories for weight loss. Rather, determine how many calories a day you need to eat so that the weight gradually decreases. In the previous article, all indicators that affect the daily intake were considered, and a simple method for determining this value was given. Today we will look at complex, but also more reliable formulas for calculating calories.

How to count calories to lose weight

Harris-Benedict Formula

This formula for calculating the norm of calories was determined empirically and published in 1919 by famous anthropologists Francis Gano Benedict and James Arthur Harris.

  1. BMR = 66 + + - - men
  2. BMR = 655 + + - - women

Studies were conducted at the beginning of the last century on a group of active young people, so this method of calculation is not entirely correct to use to determine the daily energy requirement of an average resident of a metropolis. The calculated value obtained using the Harris-Benedict formula exceeds the real need of a modern person in calories. This should be taken into account when calculating the daily calorie intake for women, people with a BMI above normal and those who want to lose a lot of weight.

Over time, this formula has been repeatedly refined and revised. As a result, today there are several other ways to determine the daily calorie intake.

Calorie Calorie Calculation Formula Mifflin - San Jeora

This formula will be younger than the previous one, as it was developed at the end of the last century (in the 90s).

  1. Men - BMR = + - + 5
  2. Women - BMR = + - -161

To determine the required level of calories, this method of calculation is the most popular today. It is designed taking into account the specifics of nutrition and other realities of our time. However, this formula does not take into account the proportion of fat in the body. Based on this fact, and taking into account other nuances, it can be assumed that the result of the calculation using the Mifflin-San Geor formula is also slightly higher than the body's actual calorie needs.

For ease of perception, study a visual example of how to correctly count calories using this formula.


You are a woman. Weight -85 kg, age - 35 years, height - 170 cm. Calculate BMR for these conditions:

BMR = + - -161

Using the above formulas, the basic metabolic rate BMR (Basal metabolic rate) is calculated - the amount of energy needed to carry out life activities (lie down, sit, breathe). However, a healthy person who is not bedridden per day needs a little more calories for a normal existence. In order to calculate the final rate of calorie intake, which should be followed when planning a daily diet, it is necessary to multiply the obtained BMR values ​​​​by the corresponding coefficient of physical activity.

Some people do not adequately evaluate their activity, so it is possible to get not quite correct values ​​as a result of the calculation. When determining the level of your activity, try to objectively look at your life.

  • 1.2 - the minimum level of physical activity or its complete absence (sedentary work, lack of sports);
  • 1.3-1.4 light activity level (light exercise about 3 times a week, daily morning exercises, walking);
  • 1.5-1.6 average activity (sport up to 5 times a week);
  • 1.7-1.8 high-level activity (active lifestyle coupled with daily intense training);
  • 1.9-2.0 extremely high activity (sporty lifestyle, hard physical labor, long hard workouts every day).

Example continued: BMR *1.2 = 1578.45*1.2= 1894.14

By multiplying the calculated BMR value by the activity coefficient, you get the boundaries of the caloric content corridor that must be observed when planning your meals. By accurately calculating how many calories you need per day to consume, you can control your weight for a long time and stay healthy without making any extra effort.

Why do we need to know the basic daily calorie intake?

You probably know your goal - to lose weight, maintain or gain weight. In order to adjust our diet to achieve the desired result, we need to know our daily calorie intake:

  1. If you want to save weight - stick to the values ​​\u200b\u200bfor the calculation
  2. Your goal is to lose weight - reduce the resulting value by 10-20%
  3. Gain kilograms - add the same 10-20% of calories.

An example of calculating daily caloric intake for weight loss:

1894.14-1894.14*20% ÷ 1894.14-1894.14*10% = 1515.31 ÷ 1704.72

It is recommended to regularly monitor ongoing changes in weight and conduct a timely recalculation of daily calories. When changing weight by 5 kilograms or more, a revision of the daily norm is mandatory.
