
How many calories are in boiled rice. White rice with round grains

Rice is a cereal that forms the basis of the diet of the inhabitants of Central and East Asia. It is also popular in our area. Rice often acts as a side dish for the main course, which is surprising in itself: where else has it been seen that the beneficial properties of a side dish are many times greater than the benefits of the main components of a dish? Half a billion tons of this cereal is collected annually in the world. We invite you to find out how many calories are in rice and popular rice dishes, get acquainted with the list of advantages of this product.

Rice calories per 100 grams

More than 20 varieties and types of rice are known. In Asia, they are all in high demand, and a specific variety is used for each dish. In our country, only a few species are popular. Let's look at the calorie content of the most commonly consumed varieties of the product.

In wild rice

Wild rice is black. It is extremely beneficial for the body. The product is a source of 18 essential amino acids for the human body.

Wild rice is eaten boiled. The product should be introduced into the diet of people suffering from overweight, metabolic disorders, problems with the work of the cardiovascular system. It does not contain fat and, when consumed regularly, reduces the content of bad cholesterol in the blood. For hypertensive patients and people who do not want to consume salt, black rice is an indispensable product.

The calorie content of black (wild) rice in boiled form is 101 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Stewed or steamed

What is parboiled rice? This is a product that has undergone a special steam treatment before sanding. The steaming process helps to move almost all the vitamins and valuable elements from the bran shell directly into the grain! From the steamed side dish comes out 2 times more than from other varieties.

The energy value of 100 g of dry product is 341 kcal. Calorie content of boiled rice (steamed) - 98 kcal per 100 grams.

Boiled in water

Different varieties differ in the color and shape of the grains, but white groats are the most popular all over the world. The product owes its purity, whiteness and smoothness to processing and careful polishing. According to the form, white rice is divided into 3 categories: long-grain, medium-grain, round-grain.

Brewing rules:

  • Rinse polished rice thoroughly before cooking.
  • Use thick-walled dishes, this will save you from having to stir the product every minute.
  • To make the finished rice crumbly, fill it with water in a ratio of 1 to 2.
  • Do not turn on the fire to the maximum: rice should boil on medium heat, and cook on the slowest.
  • On average, after boiling, white rice is cooked for about 20-25 minutes.
  • Do not digest the cereal: when the grains are easily cracked, but remain a little hard in the middle, you can turn off the fire. After that, the finished rice should be infused for several minutes under a closed lid.

The calorie content of boiled rice on water is 116 kilocalories per 100 grams.


In China, rice is regularly consumed boiled and fried. There are 2 fundamentally different ways of cooking fried rice used in the national cuisines of different countries: frying pre-boiled cereals, frying dry grains, followed by the addition of liquid.

In the first case, white or red rice is boiled according to all the rules. Moreover, it can be cooked without additives, or with salt and spices. Next, the product is cooled and laid out in a pan or saucepan and fried in oil.

In the second case, oil is heated in a frying pan, dry, pre-washed grains are poured into it. They are fried until golden brown. Next, spices are added to the vessel and water is poured. Other ingredients can either be added to fried rice and cooked along with it, or fried separately and mixed before serving.

Calorie content of fried rice is 193 kcal per 100 grams.

In brown

Rice grains consist of a hard yellow outer shell, a brown bran shell and a white grain proper. To get brown (brown) rice, you need to remove only the outer layer. And the remaining bran husk will give it a brown color and an unusual nutty taste.

In the process of cooking, follow simple rules:

  1. Groats are soaked in cold water for 6-8 hours;
  2. It is laid and boiled in cold water;
  3. Brown rice is boiled for 10 minutes, removed from heat, washed in cold water;
  4. Then it falls asleep again in cold water and boils for another quarter of an hour;
  5. The pan is removed from the heat and wrapped in a towel so that the grains “reach” until cooked;

The calorie content of dry brown rice is 337 kcal, the finished product is 110 kcal.

How many calories in rice dishes per 100 gr

Rice is widely used in cooking. Different rice products have different calorie content. Let's find out how many calories are in the most popular product-based dishes and how to cook them:

  • Rice with vegetables. While the rice is boiled until cooked, diced onion is fried in a pan, vegetables are added to it (canned corn, young frozen peas, bell peppers, carrots). All contents are fried for 10 minutes. Ready vegetables are mixed with boiled rice, seasoned with soy sauce, seasoned with pepper, fried over low heat for 5 minutes. Calorie content of rice with vegetables (per 100 grams) - 189 kcal.
  • Meatballs with rice (hedgehogs). Minced pork is mixed with beaten egg and fried onions. Rice is washed, mixed with other ingredients. The mixture is salted, peppered, thoroughly mixed. Small balls are formed. Meatballs are stewed in a pan with vegetable oil until cooked. The calorie content of the dish is 218 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Cabbage rolls with meat and rice. Cabbage leaves are boiled in salted water. Minced meat, boiled rice, fried onions, garlic, tomatoes (or tomato sauce), chopped herbs are combined in another container, salt and pepper are added. A mixture is laid out on each cabbage leaf, it is folded into an envelope. Cabbage rolls are fried in a frying pan or deep saucepan in sunflower oil. Stew for 40 minutes in water with sour cream and tomato sauce. Calorie cabbage rolls with meat and rice - 96 kcal per 100 gr.
  • Rice with chicken. The ingredients of the dish - rice, chicken, onions and carrots, are used in equal proportions (150 grams each). Chicken fillet is washed, cut into small cubes. Onions are fried in a cauldron, grated carrots, chicken are alternately added (and fried). Water is poured into the container and everything is stewed until it evaporates for 20 minutes. Before serving, rice with chicken is sprinkled with finely chopped herbs. The calorie content of the dish is 124 kcal, so you can consume it in moderation even during a diet.
  • Peppers stuffed with rice and minced meat. Peppers are washed, cleaned from the stalk. The meat is rolled into minced meat. It is mixed with washed rice and carrots grated on a medium grater, salted and peppered. Peppers are placed in a vessel with a thick bottom, poured with tomato, stewed until tender. The calorie content of the dish is 95 kcal.
  • Pies with rice and meat. Rice with meat is an excellent filling for pies. They are baked or fried in a pan in sunflower oil. The proportion of the filling is as follows: for 1 cup of rice (boiled) there are 300 grams of meat. Calorie content of fried pies - 219 kcal per 100 grams, baked - 186 kcal.

Composition and nutritional value

Rice contains 8 essential amino acids for the human body. 100 grams of dry grain contains 7.5 grams of protein, 2.6 grams of fat and 62.3 grams of carbohydrates. Rice is perhaps the only cereal that does not contain gluten, a protein that causes allergies in some people. The product contains fiber: up to 4.5% in brown varieties, up to 3% in white varieties.

Rice is a rich source of vitamins B, E, H, PP, choline and valuable dietary fiber. Rice contains all (!) elements necessary for a person. 100 grams of rice contains a huge amount of silicon (41 times more than the daily requirement of the body), vanadium (10 times more), manganese (1.8 times). Among other minerals, we highlight cobalt (70% of the daily norm), copper (56%), phosphorus (41%), molybdenum (38%), selenium (36%), zinc (15%), iron (12%), boron (11%), calcium (5%).

Useful properties of rice

Rice is good for the respiratory system, it removes phlegm from the lungs and bronchi. Rice broth is used to treat bronchitis, asthma. The lecithin contained in the product is necessary to improve memory and brain function. Rice has excellent absorbent properties.

The cleansing properties of rice are used in the treatment of diseases of the intestines and the genitourinary system. Cereal strengthens the walls of the digestive tract, has a diuretic effect, improves the condition of the kidneys and bladder. It can be consumed in intestinal ulcers: rice water enemas hasten their healing.

Rice is a natural antiseptic, diaphoretic and antipyretic. Eating this cereal is useful for flu, colds, sore throats. Regular consumption of rice stabilizes the central nervous system, energizes and helps to recover faster after physical exertion. By eating cereal in the summer, you will reduce the feeling of thirst.

It is also useful for the female body. Rice ensures the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy. And when consumed during lactation, it improves the quality of milk and strengthens the body of the child. The product improves complexion, fights skin rashes, makes the skin supple and soft.

product calories squirrels fats carbohydrates
white boiled rice 116 kcal 2.2 g 0.5 g 24.9 g
brown boiled rice 110 kcal 2.6 g 0.9 g 22.8 g
wild boiled rice 100 kcal 4 g 0.3 g 21.1 g
unpolished cooked rice 125 kcal 2.7 g 0.7 g 36 g

Rice is the first and main product of various oriental cuisines. Only due to its valuable nutrients and low calorie content of boiled rice, it serves as the basis for many diets. There are several types of it - white, brown, black, red, wild and brown rice.

Rice has cleansing properties for the human body. It is considered an ideal and indispensable component for dietary nutrition. Many methods for weight loss have been developed by nutritionists based on rice. In many ways, its properties depend on the processing method. Preference is given to white polished rice. Although it is less nutritious.

This product gained its uniqueness and popularity due to its properties. That is, from the calorie content of boiled rice. In addition, it goes well in taste with many other products. It also affects its type (round-grain, long-grain or medium-grain).

Nutritional properties of cereals

Boiled rice is considered very useful not only in the dietary system, but also for the usual diet. Such cereals should be cooked 1-2 times a week. Its use in such a dosage will have a beneficial effect on the state of human health.

The cereal contains vitamins E, D, B1 or thiamine, B2 or riboflavin, B3 or niacin and B6. These groups of useful components affect the strengthening of the nervous and immune functions of the body. They contribute to the process of converting nutrients into energy, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the whole organism.

Rice also contains amino acids, which contribute to the process of formation of new cells. In addition, it contains potassium and phosphorus. And less calcium, zinc, iodine and iron. Rice is rich in natural fiber and starch.

It is difficult today to find products other than bread and potatoes that would be as popular as rice, which is present in many, including the most popular, dishes. In some eastern countries, it replaces bread, and it is the constant consumption of rice that is due to the fact that there are fewer overweight people in Asian countries. Rice groats are obtained by grinding, after which it acquires an oblong or round shape. Its calorie content depends on the form of rice and its variety. Most often, we use white rice, but it also comes in brown color, and such rice differs significantly in its composition and calorie content. Knowing how many calories are in rice, many use it for weight loss, and rice is part of many diets.

Composition and useful properties of rice

In addition to the fact that rice dishes give uniqueness to any dish, it is also a very healthy product that contains a large amount of nutrients. Particularly noteworthy are the vitamins of group B, which are involved in the normalization of the body's activity and improve its protective functions, in addition, there is a sufficient amount of nicotinic acid or vitamin PP in rice, which can lower cholesterol levels. Vitamins E and H are also present in rice.

Those who are interested, first of all, in how many calories are in boiled rice, should know that rice groats are rich in minerals, among which potassium deserves special attention, which normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle and is able to remove excess water from the body. Rice is also a storehouse of such chemical elements as phosphorus, magnesium and iron, but silicon is especially abundant in it. There are also other minerals, the presence of which favorably affects the functioning of the body.

Rice is indicated for use not only for those who are worried about their figure, but also for people with health problems. Given the fact that rice contains practically no sodium, but enough calcium, the latter easily neutralizes sodium salts, and this property will be appreciated by people with kidney problems and those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Rice, among other things, contains lecithin, which improves memory, which makes it useful for the elderly. Rice broth contains a substance that can envelop the walls of the digestive tract, and this is useful for people suffering from gastritis and ulcers.

Rice calories

People who are prone to fullness are interested in how many calories are in boiled rice, but this question cannot be answered unambiguously. It depends on many factors, but it is known for sure that when cooked, the calorie content is reduced by three times. 100 grams of dry rice contains 280-370 kcal, and the energy value of boiled rice is already 80-140 kcal per 100 grams of product, which makes it indispensable in dietary nutrition, especially considering that it is nutritious and contains a huge amount of carbohydrates that accumulate in muscle tissue.

The calorie content of foods depends on what we consume them with. Therefore, when asking how many calories are in rice porridge, you should clarify what you will eat it with. Rice is a good side dish for various dishes, and in order to understand, for example, how many calories are in rice with meat, you need to know the calorie content of the meat itself, and it differs depending on the type and type of meat. Schools and preschool institutions take care of the health of children, therefore, catering workers are required to know how many calories are in rice porridge with milk, a favorite dish of many children. Such porridge "weighs" about 100 kcal, and knowing how many calories are in rice porridge on water, which is 80 kcal per 100 grams, you can safely include such porridge in your diet.

Rice can be cooked not only with meat and milk, it goes well with vegetables, therefore, having learned how many calories are in rice boiled in water, you can calculate how many calories are in rice with vegetables. A dish that includes a standard set of vegetables, including carrots, bell peppers, onions and garlic, contains about 100 kcal, and this is already taking into account the vegetable oil in which the vegetables were fried. Without oil, the "weight" of the dish is reduced, and it can also be considered dietary.


A little about rice:

Rice porridge is familiar to everyone since childhood, and rice, as an agricultural crop and food product, is not only popular, but also the main one in many countries. This product is very popular with us. Therefore, the question of how rice is useful, the calorie content of boiled rice, is far from idle. Especially for women.

Rice as a crop is one of the oldest cereals. Archaeologists and historians claim that this culture was known in the East already in the third millennium BC. Rice appeared in Europe about two or three hundred years ago.

Many, of course, know, but it does not hurt to recall that this cereal is classified according to the shape of the grain. In accordance with this classification, rice is round-grained, medium-grained and long-grained. According to how it is processed, there are white rice, parboiled and brown.

Rice (polished, polished and crushed) has the highest starch content - up to 75%. Rice groats are easily digestible and contain almost no fiber. There are relatively few proteins, but in terms of amino acid composition they are more complete than the proteins of other types of cereals. There are few minerals and vitamins in rice groats.

Rice is widely used in dietary nutrition when it is necessary to spare the digestive organs, as well as in case of exhaustion. Rice is an excellent food for the elderly, but is not recommended for those who are predisposed to be overweight.

The cooking time of rice groats is about an hour, while the volume increases five to six times.

Nutritionists say that rice as the basis of nutrition is ideal, because it is rich in a variety of nutrients and does not contribute to obesity. At 150 gr. rice has no more fat than a third of a slice of white bread, but protein - as in half a glass of milk, calcium - as in one tomato, magnesium - as in five stalks of asparagus. There are also vitamins B and E, iron and vegetable fiber in rice. Rice is divided into long-grain, round-grain and medium-grain.

The aroma and color depend on the place of cultivation and the method of processing after harvest. The basmati variety is grown in India at the foot of the Himalayas and has a delicate aroma. The jasmine variety grows in Thailand - it is a long-grain white fragrant rice. Brown rice has a shell containing many vitamins and minerals, which gives the grain its brown color. The aquatic variety acquires a dark color after drying in the sun.

Dietary properties of rice:

The low calorie content of rice, including the calorie content of boiled rice, as well as its other beneficial properties, are explained by its unique composition. It contains 7 to 8 percent protein, which in turn contains eight essential amino acids. These amino acids are indispensable in the creation of new body cells. Rice can be safely given to allergy sufferers, as it does not contain gluten. In addition to proteins, rice contains B vitamins: vitamin B1 - 0.08 mg, vitamin B2 - 0.04 mg, vitamin B3 - 0.45 mg, vitamin B6 - 0.2 mg, vitamin B9 - 1.9 mg, vitamin E - 0.4 mg, vitamin H - 3.5 mg, PP - 1.6 mg.

This cereal is not deprived of minerals and has up to 100 mg of potassium, 8 mg of calcium, 50 mg of magnesium, 12 mg of sodium, 1 mg of iron, 46 mg of sulfur, 150 mg of phosphorus, 25 mg of chlorine, 100 mg of silicon, etc. It contains and trace elements - zinc, boron, manganese, copper, nickel, molybdenum, fluorine, cobalt, chromium.

Rice is rich in complex hydrocarbons, which can support a long-term energy supply for the human body, and lecithin, which rice contains, is useful for people engaged in intellectual activities.

It has this cereal and substances that envelop the stomach, so rice is useful for people suffering from stomach ulcers and gastritis. Rice broth is recommended for use in various stomach disorders.

Rice is very useful for people with cardiovascular diseases, with diseased kidneys, blood vessels and joints, since it contains practically no salt and is rich in sodium and potassium. And the lack of fiber can be compensated by adding vegetables to rice dishes.

So, what is the calorie content of rice. Like this, depending on the type:

Rice calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of rice cooked in different ways is as follows:

Table of nutritional value of rice (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

Rice Squirrels, c. Fats, gr. Carbohydrates, gr.
white 6,7 0,7 78,9
brown 6,3 4,4 65,1
wild 10,0 0,66 54,0
Mistral Aquatica Color Mix 8,8 2,3 72,8
Mistral Aquatica Wild 14,0 0,5 72,0
Mistral round grain 0,1 0,4 79,5
Mistral steamed 7,1 0,7 79,3
polished 7,0 1,0 71,4
not polished boiled 2,7 0,7 36,0
white boiled 2,2 0,5 24,9
wild boiled 4,0 0,3 21,1
brown boiled 2,6 0,9 22,8

At first glance, the calorie content of dry rice is not very small. What explains the low calorie content of boiled rice? The fact is that during the cooking process, dry rice increases its volume by almost three times. Therefore, if we cook one hundred grams of dry rice, then as a result, we will have three hundred grams of boiled rice. But since water has no calories, the calorie content of boiled rice does not change in any way compared to dry rice. So if we cooked one hundred grams of white rice, then we get three hundred grams of porridge, which will contain 340 kcal. Hence:

The calorie content of boiled rice will be 113 kcal per hundred grams of product

How to cook rice properly? Here's a simple recipe for you:


  • One glass of rice
  • Two glasses of water
  • A pinch of salt

We take two glasses of water for one glass of rice. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Salt, pour rice into salt water, mix, reduce the heat of the stove to a minimum and tightly close the lid. Cook for exactly 25 minutes, with the lid closed. That's all! And the dish is delicious and the low calorie content of rice will not add extra pounds to you.

What is the benefit of rice for weight loss?

With the help of ordinary rice, you can quickly lose weight and cleanse your body. Rice is an ancient cereal that contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, as well as vitamins and proteins. This cereal perfectly cleanses the body, removes toxins and harmful salts.

A balanced rice diet for weight loss is designed for supporters of a low-calorie and balanced diet. It is designed for 7-10 days. For the day you will need the following products:

500 grams of rice for the whole day;

200 grams of low-fat yogurt for breakfast in addition to rice;

200 grams of lean fish or other seafood, chicken, lean beef or turkey;

500 grams of any fruit, except bananas, as they contain a lot of carbohydrates, which you will get in full with rice anyway;

300-500 grams of any vegetables, greens, except those containing a large amount of starch, since it is enough in rice;

1 liter of apple juice, if you get tired of the juice, then any fruit tea will do. Or 1 liter of kefir.

Eliminate fatty, starchy, sweet, smoked, fried, salty and high-calorie foods and you are guaranteed to lose 4-5 kg ​​in a week. The beauty of such a diet is that the feeling of hunger will not be present in your life, because you can eat both proteins and carbohydrates, in the form of rice, fruits and vegetables.

A balanced diet for weight loss is good because every day you can vary protein foods and varieties of vegetables and fruits, tired of which you can include cheese, dairy products and one egg a day.

Which of the proposed options you would not choose, the main thing to remember is the following:

  1. Any rice diet is not only the right way to get rid of extra pounds, but also an effective cleansing of the body from toxins, cholesterol deposits, salts and toxins, because rice is an excellent absorbent.
  2. Rice leaches potassium from the body, so add foods containing this trace element to your diet, such as dried apricots, raisins, potatoes, nuts, parsley, or asparkam or any other preparation.
  3. 3. As rice for weight loss, choose only brown or brown rice, black rice, or steamed, they can be alternated by day, in this regard, a balanced diet is ideal.
