
How many calories in strawberry jelly without sugar. Low calorie jelly, is it true? Blueberry-lemon jelly on agar

Many of our compatriots are interested in the benefits of jelly. Naturally, this article is about jelly made not from concentrates, but from natural products. For preparation, any warmed fruit juice is used, to which gelatin is added, and then cooled. At the same time, the finished dish does not become hard, but simply turns into a beautiful colored icy mass. But the taste, color, smell will depend entirely on the fillers.

Chemical composition

As part of a delicious iced product, there are two main components - a gelling agent and natural fruit juice. Of course, when preparing juice (which is boiled), some of the nutrients disappear and decay. However, vitamins and chemicals in small doses remain in the product. So, the body will definitely get iron and potassium, calcium, which are found in different proportions in any fruits and berries.

In other words, the benefit of jelly lies in the fact that it supplies useful chemical elements and vitamins to the body. Some biologically active substances (antioxidants, anthocyanins, tannins) also enter the body.

jelly calories

This tasty and healthy product can be included in a variety of diets. And the whole secret is that the calorie content of jelly is 80 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The benefits of jelly

The gelling agent added to the jelly can be gelatin, pectin, or agar-agar. These components carry different chemicals, they are largely different from each other. So, pectin cleanses the intestines from stones and toxins. Gelatin is well absorbed into the intestine due to its animal origin. Agar-agar is practically not absorbed by the body at all, but it cleanses the intestines well. There is also sugar in the jelly.

Jelly is useful, primarily due to its composition. Depending on the fillers used, the product will become a source of a variety of vitamins.

An integral component of the dish is also glycine. This component is simply necessary in order to recover quickly from injuries, it is useful for damage to cartilage and bones. This component is an excellent prophylactic against a disease such as arthritis.

Vegetarians have their own recipe for a delicious dish based on algae. Red and brown algae are used. This component has a beneficial effect on the intestines, it significantly improves peristalsis.

Harm to jelly

It is impossible not to mention also the dangers of jelly. This applies to artificial dishes, which contain harmful substances. For the preparation of dry briquettes, manufacturers often use concentrates, as well as low-quality products. They not only do not benefit the body, but also significantly undermine health. Frequent use of such a dish can cause chronic ailments, so it is better to cook jelly yourself. It's both healthy and tasty.

Let's talk about the benefits of gelatin - available all year round and a healthy food product, especially for people who want to lose weight. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about gelatin, both perception and complete denial of the product, its benefits and harms to the body. Let's try to figure it out.

What is edible gelatin made from?

Gelatin is a hydrolyzed collagen protein, a natural product, most often extracted from the connective tissue, tendons and bones of animals, by denaturation. The product is widely used in food, building materials industry and pharmacology.

The origin of the name gelatin comes from the French female name gelatin (frozen, frozen) - Jella. There is a version that Peter Cooper, who discovered this product, named it after his beloved woman. This is one of the versions.

Not all gelatin is made from animal products; you can get a product from algae (agar-agar) and pectin found in vegetables and fruits. agar agar contains a lot of magnesium, which has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels. Gelatin derived from vegetable pectin less useful in its composition, however, it perfectly removes radiation from the body and is good for this.

Attitude towards gelatin has always been ambiguous, given the technology of its production - somewhat negative, but due to the natural origin, gelatin is recognized as a very useful product for human health. True, the debate does not subside about its benefits for restoring joints and ligaments, as well as about chondroprotectors. But there are living witnesses who more than once themselves were convinced of the improvement in their health with the constant use of products with gelatin.

To improve the condition of cartilage and ligaments - the norm of use 10 grams dry matter gelatin per day. For the prevention of diseases, 2-3 grams per day is enough and just eat foods that contain a lot of gelatin more often.

So what is this gelatin product? And what is its use.

The composition and calorie content of gelatin

Gelatin is 86% composed of squirrel and it has absolutely no carbohydrates. This composition makes it beneficial to health.

In addition, gelatin contains amino acids like glycine, lysine and proline, which are necessary for the body to synthesize connective tissue, ensure the functioning of the brain, relieve nervous tension and.

Main trace elements: , phosphorus, iron, contained in gelatin always add value to the product.

Calorie gelatin 350 kcal. per 100 grams of product. Of course, this is a lot, but given that gelatin is added to dishes in a microdose, this is quite a bit.

So the calorie content of fruit jelly is so low, only 80-90 kcal.

What are the benefits of gelatin for the body

  • Gelatin is involved in the synthesis of collagen in the body and connective tissue. Its presence leads to the restoration of the body and the improvement of the condition of all organs.
  • It is essential for joints, ligaments, tendons. Therefore, it is useful for people suffering from joint diseases, osteochondrosis, with injuries of ligaments and tendons.
  • To enhance the growth of muscle mass, gelatin is useful as a product containing protein.
  • Gelatin perfectly coagulates blood, therefore it is recommended for those suffering from this problem, as well as for vascular rosacea and vascular "asterisks".
  • Dishes with the use of gelatin are good for the stomach, providing good digestibility and assimilation of food. Enveloping its walls, jelly products relieve pain in gastric diseases. Due to the lightness of jelly, it is allowed as the first food for the patient after surgery.

Gelatin for weight loss

All jelly-like products are useful: mousse, marmalade, jelly, aspic, jelly, especially fruit and berry products from natural fruit and berry juices, the calorie content of which does not exceed 80-90 kcal per 100 grams of product. So for people who are trying to normalize weight, dieting, products with gelatin are very welcome. You can eat them as much as you like without restrictions, if you do not add sugar. These delicious treats are easy to cook at home using natural juice and fruits.

Gelatin for ligaments and joints

Scientifically proven benefits of gelatin for the elasticity of ligaments, cartilage, to maintain the natural lubrication of the joints. All you need is gelatin! A simple and cheap ingredient that is available to everyone. It is only important to use products with it daily:

The recipe is simple:
In the evening, soak 5 grams of dry gelatin in 50 grams of water and leave it to swell all night. In the morning, add any drink that you are used to having at breakfast to the swollen gelatin. Be it yogurt, milk or tea and eat it. After a while, you can have breakfast with more calories.

Within a week you will feel how much your health improves. The usual course of treatment is 30 days. After half a year it is recommended to repeat the treatment.

Jelly recipe:

1 st. pour a spoonful of dry gelatin with a glass of boiled water, let stand until completely swollen. Heat to a boil, but do not boil and add 1-2 cups of natural fruit or berry juice, or rosehip syrup (the very necessary vitamin C), you can add pieces of fruit, candied fruits, berries. Pour into forms. Tasty and healthy!

As you can see, the benefits of gelatin and products containing it are considerable. However, there is one subtlety: digestion of gelatin from food is possible only with full provision of the body vitamins, especially "C" and bioflavonoids(rutin, quercetin, hesperidin and catechin from light yellow-green and colorless plants).

Otherwise, all the benefits of food containing gelatin will be reduced to zero. At the same time, vitamins should be natural from vegetables, fruits, berries, and not their synthetic counterparts.

This is where the argument comes from that there are no facts confirming the therapeutic effect of gelatin dishes. If there is a lack of vitamins in the body - do not expect benefits!

Gelatin in cosmetology

Gelatin is widely used in cosmetology. As containing collagen, it improves the condition of hair, nails, skin. Masks with it even out the skin, making it elastic, reducing flabbiness and removing wrinkles. You can do them on the face, décolleté, hands. It is important that the skin is cleansed and that the eye area is avoided.

Face mask recipe (nourishing, moisturizing, toning, rejuvenating)

Soak 1 tablespoon of gelatin in 1/3 cup of water, let it swell. Heat to a boil, do not boil. Remove from heat, let it cool down a bit, you can add any of the following products there: cucumber juice, milk, kefir, activated charcoal tablets, flour, oatmeal, strawberries, banana, cosmetic oil, glycerin, any product that has a beneficial effect on the skin and depending on what effect you want to achieve.

Apply with a warm brush on the face in 2-3 layers. Don't get up and stay calm. The exposure time is 20-30 minutes. Moisturize your face regularly. Rinse first with warm, then cool water. You will see the effect of the mask on your face 🙂 .

Harm and contraindications to the use of gelatin

Since it is difficult to eat even 10 grams of gelatin at a time, there is practically no harm from it. But still there are a number of limitations:

  1. Gelatin is contraindicated for people who are allergic to animal protein or suffering from oxaluric diathesis - a rather rare disease.
  2. For patients with urolithiasis, control the consumption of dishes.
  3. Due to increased blood clotting, the product is not recommended for those suffering from varicose veins, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
  4. People with chronic constipation should not overindulge in gelatinous foods that have glutinous properties or prepare jellies with prunes, figs, or other laxative foods.

And in conclusion, a video about the benefits of gelatin, how superfood for weight loss.

Jelly- this is a very tasty and healthy product, the use of which helps the growth of nails, hair, and gives youth to the skin, due to the high content of collagen - a protein for human connective tissue.
How many calories in jelly

It is easy to find out the calorie content of jelly if you buy it in bags, industrial. The packaging lists both calories and energy value. For homemade jelly, you need to calculate the calorie content yourself, considering how much sugar will be in the dessert, or what it is made of. Fruit jelly, which you prepare yourself, will have a calorie content of 100-150 per 100g. product. Depends on the fruits you use and the amount of sugar they contain.

Banana has more calories than orange or cherry. A banana has 91 calories, an orange has 38, a cherry has a calorie content of 53, and a lemon is ideal for jelly, only 31 calories. The calorie content of lemon jelly is 86 calories. When using canned fruits, the calorie content increases significantly due to the sugar added to the fruit. But with dried fruits you need to be more careful - they are very high in calories, and they are not very suitable for making jelly, as they will greatly increase the number of calories in it. Chocolate and milk jellies will be more caloric than fruit jellies.
Gelatin and its beneficial properties

Gelatin itself is high-calorie, it contains 355 calories per 100g. But this does not apply to the calorie content of jelly, since 15 grams are needed for 1 liter of juice. gelatin.

Gelatin is a healthy product. With the frequent use of dishes containing gelatin, and this is not only jelly, but also aspic, aspic, the body is enriched with collagen and lecithin, which are responsible for youthful skin, accelerate the growth of nails and hair. And for women, these criteria are very important, so you need to include jelly in your diet more often. It will not work to recover from this, but it will help to improve the appearance. Gelatin is also useful for people who have joint problems - the consumption of gelatin increases the amount of lubricating fluid in the joints.
Jelly on the child's menu

Jelly must be present in the child's diet, especially since many children simply adore it! You just need to arrange it beautifully: multi-colored layers, with pieces of fruit inside, in the form of broken glass.

Berry jelly.

Jelly is made from water, sugar and gelatin (usually about 50 g of gelatin per 1 liter), as well as from fresh berries, fruits; berry juices, syrups, milk and other products. Vanilla sugar, citrus zest, citric acid, wines, liqueurs are added for flavoring.
Gelatin is soaked in a large amount of cold water, and when it swells (after about an hour), the excess water is drained and the gelatin is introduced into the boiling syrup with continuous stirring. When the gelatin is completely dissolved, the jelly is ready. It is poured into molds and put in a cold place to solidify.
To remove the jelly from the mold, it is immersed in hot water for a few seconds, preventing water from getting on the jelly.
Jelly intended for pouring flour confectionery products is cooled to a viscous state, the products are poured in a cool place.

Jelly from berries.


725 g juice
- 100 g of granulated sugar
- 100 g of white wine
- 8 g gelatin
- 1/4 lemon.


Squeeze juice from berries (raspberries, strawberries, currants), add sugar, white wine, lemon juice and boil. Then pour in the gelatin previously soaked in cold water and dissolved, mix well, pour into molds and place in a cold place to cool. Before laying out the jelly, dip the mold for a few seconds in hot water, slightly detach the jelly from the edge of the mold and put it in a bowl. Served in cream.

Pour the jelly into a mold, let it harden in the refrigerator, then very briefly, for 1-2 seconds, dip the mold into hot water and gently tip it onto a dish.

Berry jelly.


1 glass of berries
- 3 glasses of water
- 0.5 cup sugar
- 2 tbsp. l. gelatin
- 1 g of citric acid.


Soak gelatin for 1.5 hours in cold water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. gelatin in 0.5 cups of water. Berries (cranberries, raspberries, currants, etc.) rinse, squeeze the juice. Pour the pulp with hot water and boil for 5-6 minutes. Strain the broth, add sugar, citric acid, bring to a boil, remove the foam, add the prepared swollen gelatin, stir to dissolve. Bring to a boil again, pour in the berry juice, stir, pour into molds and cool. Before serving, dip the mold with jelly 2/3 into hot water, shake and put on a dish or in a bowl.

Wild berry jelly.


250 g of any berries
- 250 g of water
- 50 g sugar
- 10 g gelatin
- sour cream.


Ripe berries (wild strawberries, wild raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, blueberries, lingonberries) sort, rinse, squeeze juice through gauze, put it in the cold. Pour the squeezed pulp with boiling water and cook for 5 minutes, then strain, add sugar, gelatin and berry juice soaked in a small amount of water, stir.
When the gelatin is completely dissolved, strain again, pour into molds or bowls moistened with cold water, put in the cold.
Garnish with whipped sour cream and fresh berries before serving.
You can decorate the top of the cake with uncooled jelly, pour fresh fruits or berries and serve them to the table on a dish.

Raspberry jelly.


200 g raspberries
- 140 g sugar
- 10 g gelatin
- 40 g of dry wine
- 160 g of water
- 30 g cream
- 10 g of sugar for cream.


Mash raspberries, add water and rub through a sieve. Boil the resulting juice with sugar, add pre-soaked gelatin, mix everything, strain, pour in dry white wine, pour into molds and put in a cold place.
Served in bowls garnished with cream whipped with sugar.

Jelly in orange peel halves.


We take 3 oranges, 10 g of gelatin, 100 g of sugar, 1 sachet of vanilla sugar.

Wash oranges, cut in half from pole to pole, take out the pulp with a spoon.

Squeeze the juice out of it and add sugar and vanilla sugar. Soak gelatin in half a glass of cold boiled water.

When the gelatin swells, heat it in a water bath until dissolved and pour it into the heated orange juice. About 500 ml of liquid is needed to fill 6 orange peels, so the gelatin mixture can be topped up with water to get the right amount. We put the orange peels for stability in a baking dish for muffins and pour the prepared slightly cooled orange mixture into them.

Put in the refrigerator to chill. After the jelly has hardened, take it out of the refrigerator.

The jelly in the halves of the orange peel can be cut into slices after hardening. Very sharp knife before cutting warm up in hot water.

Jelly in watermelon or melon slices.

Here's how pretty jelly can be made using watermelon or melon rind as a mold. To find out how much jelly is needed for half a watermelon or melon, you need to count how many glasses of water fit in the scraped crust. When it hardens, I cut the jelly watermelon into slices. It turned out beautifully and the jelly is firmly held in slices.


This product is the result of mixing components such as fruit or berry juice and gelatin. Often pieces of fresh fruits or berries are added to the jelly, the juice of which is used to make it. Jelly can have the most diverse color and interesting shape - this draws attention to this dish.

jelly calories

The calorie content is different. With a minimum of components - about 100 kcal. For example, orange jelly - 87.6 kcal, strawberry - 69.1 kcal, apple - the same amount. If more ingredients are used, the calorie content increases: curd jelly - 165 kcal, from barberry - 218.3 kcal. The content of proteins is in the region of 3-4 g. Fats are hundredths and thousandths of a gram. Carbohydrates - from 20 g and above.

The benefits of jelly

Despite the use of a certain method of preparing jelly, the vitamins and microelements contained in fruits and berries are partially preserved. The gelling agent itself is also useful. They can be pectin, agar-agar, gelatin. Glycine, an amino acid needed by the body, is also found in jelly.

Harm to jelly

The presence of artificial components in the jelly determines the harm of this product. Its use in this form can lead to the manifestation of allergies, in particular, skin rashes, itching, etc.

Product Kcal Proteins, g Fats, g Ang, g
Jelly with fresh and canned fruits 53,7 2,1 0,1 11,7
Meat or fish jelly 140 21,7 5,7 0,6
Jelly from fruit or berry extract, or from natural fruit or berry juice (juice) 82,3 2,7 0,1 18,9
Cream jelly 249 6,4 12 30,9
Jelly from fruit or berry syrup 10,5 2,6 0,01 0,02
Jelly from fruits or fresh berries 69,1 2,5 0,04 15,6
Jelly from milk 192,1 6,3 11,1 17,9
Jelly from lemons, oranges, tangerines (lemon) 69,4 2,6 0,03 15,6
Kishmish jelly 247 65,9
Crowberry jelly 67,4 2,6 0,01 15,1
Barberry jelly 218,3 58,2

galaretka 373 10,1 0 87,6

Cake jelly 87,6 2,8 0,02 20,3

Apple jelly 69,1 2,5 0,04 15,6

curd jelly 165 9,864 6,866 15,268

Lemon jelly 87,6 2,8 0,02 20,3

Milk jelly 31,8 2,717 1,237 2,375

Kiwi jelly 69,1 2,5 0,04 15,6

cherry jelly 56 2,8 0,02 14

Jelly is one of those desserts that has not lost its popularity for a long time. This is not surprising, since the pleasant fruity taste, ease of preparation and low energy value of the dish attract people of all ages.

France is rightfully considered the birthplace of a delicious dessert. It was in this sunny country that chefs came up with the name of a dessert, most often made from fruits, which is poured into beautiful forms while still hot and sent to the cold for complete solidification.

Jelly quickly conquered the hearts of sweet lovers in all corners of the globe. Now this dessert is often served at children's parties as a treat and the main decoration of the table.

Today I want to talk not about the excellent taste of this dish, but about the calorie content of fruit and milk jelly. After all, this question worries a lot of people, especially those who strictly follow their menu, are counting calories. But first, let's talk about the beneficial properties, as well as the possible dangers of this delicacy.

The benefits and harms of dessert

The beneficial properties of jelly are innumerable, and they are directly related to its composition. The dessert contains gelatin - an integral component of a delicious treat. This ingredient has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails and joints, but, of course, with regular use.

Often, gelatin in dessert is replaced by pectin or seaweed extract - agar-agar. These products are also beneficial for the body. So, pectin has the ability to remove radionuclides and salts of heavy metals from the body, and agar-agar improves bowel function.

In addition, jelly contains various amino acids, for example, glycine, which is so necessary for the restoration of cartilage and damaged bones. In addition, this component is an excellent prevention against arthritis.

The only harm jelly can do is cause cavities if the dessert is too sweet and you don't properly care for your teeth. But seriously, you can harm your body with this delicacy only if it is made from low-quality ingredients.

Therefore, if you do not prepare jelly yourself, but buy mixtures that only need to be diluted with water, then carefully study the composition of the product. It should be simple, without any extra preservatives and dyes.

We learn to cook a delicacy from berries and find out its energy value

The preparation of a fruit jelly dessert allows the use of any berries, both fresh and frozen. In the summer, when the season of fresh fruits comes, the delicacy of cherries and red currants is the most popular.

Everyone can prepare such a dessert, for the dish you will need:

  • fresh red currants (take any to your taste) - 1 cup;
  • clean water - 3 cups;
  • sugar - 1/2 cup;
  • gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • citric acid - 1 g (there are bags with this dosage).

If all the ingredients are there, then you can start creating a delicious dessert:

  • First of all, soak the gelatin at the rate that for 1 tbsp. l. product you need to use 1/2 cup of water. Gelatin needs to lie down for at least 90 minutes;
  • Rinse the currants, remove the branches from the berries, if any, and squeeze the juice from the fruits. Do not throw away the remaining pulp, but pour 2 cups of hot water and boil in a saucepan. Boil everything for 5-7 minutes;
  • Strain the resulting broth into another bowl, pour sugar into it, add citric acid. Boil the resulting mixture, remove the resulting foam;
  • Add gelatin that has had time to swell into the saucepan, mix everything thoroughly so that the product dissolves;
  • Pour the juice into the bowl, bring the mixture to a boil, stirring occasionally;
  • After removing the almost ready dessert from the fire, pour it into bowls and cool. Before serving, you can decorate the jelly with fresh berries or whipped cream, but remember that additional ingredients will make the dessert more nutritious.

That's all. The calorie content of jelly made from red currant according to this recipe will be about 57 kcal per 100 g. But keep in mind that you will get more than 100 g of goodies, so you should not eat everything cooked.

We learn how to cook a dairy treat and find out its energy value

Cooking milk jelly should also not cause any difficulties, but it tastes very gentle and pleasant. And if you first let the fruit dessert cool down, and pour milk jelly on top, then you get just beauty.

So let's move on to the recipe for treats with milk. For cooking you need:

  • milk (recommended fat content 3.2%) - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • clean water - 100 ml;
  • cinnamon stick optional - 1 pc.

Let's start cooking:

  • Pour the gelatin from the bag into a glass or plate and pour 100 ml of warm boiled water into it. Stir the contents of the container and leave the product to swell;
  • Pour sugar into a small saucepan and put cinnamon. Some replace it with vanillin, but it is possible without these additives;
  • Pour milk into a bowl with sugar and cinnamon;
  • Now send the saucepan to the gas and bring the milk to a boil, but do not boil. If you miss the moment, then, of course, you will succeed in dessert, but it will have a too bright taste of gelatin;
  • After the milk has come to a boil, remove it from the heat and let stand for a quarter of an hour;
  • Remove the cinnamon stick from the bowl and add gelatin, which has swollen by this time, into the composition. Stir the contents of the pan very thoroughly so that no lumps remain. After that, you can pour the future jelly into bowls and leave to cool completely.

We learn to cook a delicacy from sour cream and find out its energy value

Delicious sweetness can be made not only from milk, but also from sour cream. For cooking you need:

  • 400 ml of liquid sour cream;
  • 5 st. l. Sahara;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • instant gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 50 ml.
