
How many days homemade kvass roams. Homemade kvass recipe

Video: Part 5 - The Last of the Mohicans Audiobook by James Fenimore Cooper (Chs 19-22)

Kvass: centuries-old history and benefits

Perhaps kvass is the most ancient drink of the Eastern Slavs. Historical sources indicate that the drink appeared long before Kievan Rus. Later, kvass became obligatory in the diet of the army and navy, and was used as a healing drink in hospitals and infirmaries to restore debilitated patients. In difficult times, kvass helped maintain vitality during times of hunger and deprivation.

As in the old days, kvass is not only drunk, but also used as a dressing for okroshka, botvinia, and cold summer soups. In addition, meat and fish are marinated in it. Few people know about it.

In ancient times, kvass was truly intoxicating, its strength reached a higher rate than that of modern beer. The degree dropped only during the period when vodka appeared.


A balanced composition: vitamins, organic acids, essential microelements - all this allows us to talk about the unconditional benefits of kvass. Of course, we are talking about a drink prepared on the basis of a natural fermentation process. Most store-bought products are nothing more than an artificial kvass drink that is made with colorings, sweeteners, and gassing. Beneficial kvass bacteria kill pathogens in the intestinal microflora. Therefore, it is definitely worth preparing kvass at home using any of the recipes you like. We will talk further about how much it should be prepared and how to determine whether kvass is ready.

Video: Part 4 - Fathers and Sons Audiobook by Ivan Turgenev (Chs 24-28)

How to determine the readiness of homemade kvass

The activation of the fermentation process is accompanied by the release of bubbles and a kind of "game" of crackers. They either go up or go down to the bottom. This continues as long as the yeast works. Therefore, as soon as the crackers remain at the bottom and no longer rise, the kvass is ready. The same rules apply to the preparation of sourdough. The finished sourdough does not bubble, and the bread lies at the bottom of the container.

Another way to determine the readiness of homemade kvass is to taste it. If the taste of the drink seems not sharp and rich enough, let it stand a little more in a warm place. In the case when kvass is sour according to your taste sensations, the situation is easily corrected by adding additional sugar.

If kvass is prepared for okroshka or any other cold soup, it should be slightly sour and sharp.

In order for kvass to be more carbonated, a few raisins are already added to the finished drink immediately before cooling. In this case, thanks to raisins, fermentation will continue even in the refrigerator, saturated with gases.

A white foam forms on the surface of the finished kvass, which is especially pronounced along the edges of the neck of the jar with kvass wort.

Video: How long should the foundation stand ???

Kvass prepared on the basis of malt will ferment for at least a day. How long the drink will be infused depends on the accompanying ingredients and on the temperature at which the kvass wort is kept.

Bread or cracker kvass will be infused from 12 hours. Usually the period is no more than a day.

Herbal kvass also has a short period of infusion, some of its variants only need to stand for 3 hours.

If there is not enough time and you don’t want to mess with the sourdough, then you can cook

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Kvass in Rus' has always been a favorite drink. During Lent, kvass, along with onions and black rye bread, was the main source of vitamins. I read information that in hospitals during the war, kvass was not only a drink to quench thirst, but was also equated with healing drinks.

To cook kvass at home, you must first make sourdough for sourdough . Properly preparing sourdough is a guarantee of getting good, tasty homemade sourdough. Preparing a starter for homemade kvass is not so difficult and any housewife can do it.

Sourdough for bread kvass with yeast


Bread - 0.5 l jar

Sugar 50 -70 - grams

Yeast - 15 - 20 grams of dry bakery


Cut black bread into small pieces and fry in a pan or in the oven. Fold the dried crackers into a liter or one and a half liter jar and pour boiling water over it. Since the crackers will swell, the water must be calculated so that the end result is a creamy slurry. Therefore, it is better to add more water later. If overfilled, add crackers.

Add sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Cover the jar with gauze or a napkin and leave to cool.

As soon as the water cools down to 25-35 degrees, add the yeast. Yeast should only be added to warm water. Once again, mix everything well, cover with a napkin and leave to ferment. During the fermentation of the starter, carbon dioxide is released, so the jar should not be tightly closed with a plastic or other lid.

The prepared amount of sourdough is enough to prepare 8-10 liters of homemade kvass from rye bread.

Sourdough for kvass without yeast

The process of making sourdough from bread without yeast is not much different from the preparation of the previous sourdough. In this case, you need to take a little more sugar and instead of yeast - raisins.

Pour crackers with water, add sugar for 1-2 tablespoons more. Rinse a handful of raisins and add to the jar. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place. The fermentation process can last two or three days. It depends on the temperature: the higher the temperature, the faster the fermentation process will begin. But at the same time, the temperature should not be high enough, otherwise fermentation may slow down. The ideal temperature is 25-26 degrees.

How to cook thick rye flour for kvass

Guscha is a leaven made from rye flour. It can be prepared with or without yeast. With yeast, the fermentation process will be faster. But the taste of yeast will be felt at first, but in the process of updating the thick, it will go away. I will give a recipe for making yeast-free thick with raisins, they also speed up the process of lactic acid fermentation. To prepare the grounds, it is better to take a jar with a volume of at least 1 liter.

Fill a half-liter jar of rye flour with warm water, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and mix everything well. We should get like dough for pancakes. Therefore, the amount of water is not indicated. Water should be added gradually, mixing well so that lumps do not form. Add 10-15 pieces of raisins to the dough, cover with a napkin and put in a warm place for fermentation. Raisins after cooking thick will need to be removed. Determining the readiness of the thick on rye flour is simple: as soon as you feel sourness, then the thick is ready. Usually thick is ready in 2-3 days.

As I said already, to speed up the process, you can add yeast. One teaspoon will be enough.

Hop starter

Making hop starter at home is very easy. Hop cones can be bought at the nearest pharmacy.

Three tablespoons of hops pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Put on a slow fire and boil for 15 minutes. Then strain the broth and cool to 40 degrees. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey and add flour to get thick like sour cream. Cover with a napkin and put in a warm place for 24-30 hours. Store the finished sourdough in the refrigerator.

Sourdough on hops can be cooked in another way. But it is more suitable for making sourdough bread.

Pour a glass of dry hops with 2 cups of boiling water and boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Remove and leave to infuse for 30-40 minutes. During this time, the broth will cool down. Strain, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and gradually add flour until you get a pancake-like consistency.

We put the jar with the talker in a warm place for 2-3 days. The sourdough should begin to "play", i.e. foam and bubble.

Make mashed potatoes from one or two small potatoes. We mix the cooled puree with our talker and put it again in a warm place for one or two days. Now our starter should stop foaming and bubbling. That's it, the hop starter is ready. Put it in the refrigerator.

Before preparing kvass, take it out, beat it with flour, sugar and the sourdough for kvass is ready.

These are the main methods making sourdough for homemade sourdough . Preparation of sourdough on malt is a more laborious and lengthy process.

And the last tip. To prepare sourdough for kvass, it is better to take an enameled pot or a glass jar.

Kvass with raisins and rose hips (from dry kvass and dry yeast)

A glass of kvass))

Simple and very tasty homemade kvass with a subtle, cooling aftertaste. Comes in a day.

Composition of kvass

for a 3 liter jar

  • Dry bread kvass - 0.5 cups;
  • Sugar - 6 tablespoons;
  • Dry baker's yeast - 2 teaspoons;
  • Raisins and rose hips - a handful;
  • Ginger - a small piece (optional)
  • Mint - a sprig (optional);
  • Lemon or orange - 1 circle (optional).

How to make homemade kvass

  • get ready: boil about 3 liters of water in advance and cool to warm. Rinse raisins and rose hips. Wash the jar for kvass, pour over with boiling water and dry.
  • Make a sourdough: combine in a prepared jar 1.5 cups of hot boiled water (boiling water) with dry kvass. Stir. Let it brew for 1 hour.
  • Collect everything in the bank: add sugar to the finished sourdough and stir. Pour warm boiled water (from 35 to 40 ° C). Add raisins, rose hips, mint, ginger (if fresh - grate on a coarse grater, if dried - put in a slice) and a slice of lemon. Add yeast and stir. Cover with a cloth or towel so that the fermenting kvass can breathe.
  • ferment: leave to ferment for 20-24 hours in warmth (at room temperature, not higher than 35 ° C). The readiness of kvass is determined by the sour smell and characteristic taste.

Strain the finished kvass through a cloth. Pour into bottles and store in a cool place.

  • New kvass: fill the remaining sourdough with 4 tbsp. sugar, brew in a small amount of water 4 tbsp. dry kvass (1 hour), add to the sourdough, pour water and start over.

Kvass was brewed, now we leave it to ferment)

Kvass prepared according to this recipe turns out to be a pleasant dark honey color, with a slightly sweet sour taste. Ginger sharpness and minty coolness barely show through in it, and then only when the last drop is drunk ... a light, cooling trace on the tongue.

The taste of kvass is subtle and refined. With it, any food on a hot day will be very tasty. And also.

Drink Me!)))

How to replace dry yeast with live yeast for kvass

If you have pressed live yeast in a piece, then 20 g is enough.

And there is also an interesting recipe for ginger kvass (lemonade) from the island of Corfu (Greece). It is prepared without bread and dry kvass, but with lemon juice and zest (can be replaced with orange, pineapple juice or lime juice). Vigorous drink, highly carbonated, delicious!

What can not be added to kvass

From the composition of the products necessary for kvass, you can exclude: mint, rosehip, ginger, lemon. And last but not least, raisins.

What else to put in kvass

And to get a richer and brighter taste, you can add finely chopped custard bread or black bread with raisins to dry kvass.

The first batch of kvass is ready, the next one is ripening

The drink can ripen earlier, a lot depends on the temperature of its environment. Try. Make no mistake))

The glass of the jar, usually cool, remains slightly warm while the kvass ferments. And air bubbles shoot out of the thick like small high-speed rockets. Or like fast fish rushing to feed. It is pleasant to drink kvass and watch how it is born and lives.

How to understand that kvass is ready

The readiness of kvass is determined, checked for taste (it should be characteristic, sour, pronounced) and for smell - open and smell: kvass, which is in the process, will be almost odorless, and ready - sour.

How to store grounds for kvass

Sourdough (thickness, kvass wort) can be poured into a glass jar and stored in the refrigerator until the next time.

What could be better in the summer heat than homemade bread kvass. A pleasant, light drink perfectly quenches thirst and is well suited for making okroshka.

You can cook it with yeast and bread sourdough. The sourdough needs to be done only once, and then you will be with the sourdough all the time. And if you want to quickly use yeast and also get a very tasty drink. It's a matter of preference.

Recipe for homemade kvass from bread


based on a 4-liter jar (for a 3-liter proportion, almost the same)

  • 8-10 slices of rye bread (you can also use gray)
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • a handful of raisins
  • 1/2 tsp dry yeast or 1 tbsp. leaven


  • 30 g rye flour
  • 30 g water
  • 1/2 tsp sugar or honey (optional)

Both methods (with yeast and sourdough) are the same in terms of cooking technology.

At the end of the article I will write how to make rye sourdough.

How to put bread kvass

  • Dry the bread in the oven, you can even “set it on fire” a little for a beautiful color and good taste, but not much.
  • Pour a third of cold boiled water into a clean jar (you can take bottled water, you don’t need to boil it).
  • Sprinkle in sugar and raisins.
  • Add either dry yeast or sourdough and mix everything.
  • Lay out the crackers, a whole part, and break a couple.
  • Add water, not reaching the edge of the jar by 2-3 fingers, so that the soaked bread has room.
  • Cover the jar with a loose lid or gauze and put it in a warm place for fermentation.

How long does kvass wander

The fermentation time is directly dependent on the ambient temperature.

In hot weather, 1.5-2 days is enough, in cooler weather it may take three days. Watch for kvass, it should “play”, i.e. pieces of bread should slowly move up and down the jar. Part of the bread will remain at the bottom, but there should also be a bread layer at the top, if all the bread falls, then kvass is peroxide. The smell of kvass during fermentation should be pleasant bready with a slight sourness.

  • At the finished kvass, remove the crackers remaining on top - this is the sourdough for the next portion.
  • Add sugar to taste to the bottles (I add 1 tbsp per 1.5 liter bottle).
  • Tightly wrap the neck of the jar with gauze folded in four layers and strain the kvass into bottles, discard the remaining mass in the jar, this is a waste product.
  • Add a couple of raisins to each bottle and close the lids tightly.
  • Shake the container well to stir the sugar and put the kvass in the refrigerator to mature.
  • The best taste of kvass appears after it has been in the refrigerator for two days.

Grind the bread that was removed from above directly with your hands, add sugar, raisins to it and mix.

Place breadcrumbs in a jar. The second time you can take them a little less, but the more crackers, the tastier the kvass, but the less it is.

Add the sourdough to the breadcrumbs and fill the whole mass with water.

Cover the jar again with a lid and put it away in the same place and at the same time.

And then you repeat everything in the same order.

If you want to interrupt, then those crackers that you remove from the top and use as a re-sourdough, put in a jar and put in the refrigerator. They can be stored there for up to three weeks. Then just take them out of the refrigerator and do everything according to the above scheme.

How to cook sourdough for kvass

For the preparation of sourdough, it is best to use whole grain rye flour, or, in extreme cases, any rye flour.

  • Mix flour with water in equal proportions. You can use sugar or honey to speed up the process, but this is optional.
  • Cover the jar with gauze or a lid (not tightly) and place in a warm place.
  • If nothing happens after a day, wait another day.
  • If there are small bubbles, take half of the sourdough and add 30 g of the same flour and 30 g of water, mix and remove for another day.
  • Feed the starter this way for 5-7 days (10 is better, but I can't stand it).

Now it can be used.
