
How long does alcohol stay in the human body? How long does alcohol stay in the blood?

Information about how long alcohol lasts in the body often worries people. A similar question is most often asked by motorists. After all, it is extremely important for them to understand how long after a stormy feast you can again sit on the steering wheel of your car. In this article, we will talk about how long alcohol stays in the body, as well as what factors can affect this.

Stages of contact between the body and alcohol

Conventionally, three stages can be distinguished:

  • mixing with blood;
  • oxidation by the body (digestion);
  • removal of the residual product.

Alcohol begins to be absorbed into the blood immediately after reaching its maximum concentration in the body. In each case, its meaning may differ. The withdrawal of residues, in which our liver is actively involved, occurs almost immediately after the first stage. The remains of alcohol that has not left the body are gradually converted into water or carbon dioxide.

What affects the duration of intoxication?

When answering the question of how much alcohol is kept in the body, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • what strength did the drink have;
  • the gender of the person (male/female);
  • general condition of the body and weight;
  • how much was drunk;
  • the use of antibiotics, psychotropic and hypnotic drugs;
  • how much time has passed since the last drink;
  • How often do you drink such drinks?

It is known for certain that alcohol is excreted more slowly by 20%.

Withdrawal time

How long does alcohol stay in the body if 100 grams of vodka was drunk? Considering all of the above factors, the time can be from 3 to 4.5 hours. But beer with a strength of 6% and a volume of 0.5 liters will affect the human body from only 20 minutes to 1 hour. As mentioned earlier, these numbers may differ in each case, so in order to avoid unpleasant situations with police officers, it is better to add a couple more hours to them to be sure. So, if we talk about how long alcohol is kept in the body, then first of all you should pay attention to the amount and strength of the drink. Here is a small summary table.

Type of alcoholic drink

Quantity (grams)

Estimated time of withdrawal from the body (hours)


Cognac and its mixture with champagne

Port wine

3.5 to 5.5

How to speed up the process?

It is quite possible to speed up the process. To do this, it will be necessary to take a shower, be sure to change the clothes in which you took alcohol the day before, and drink a lot, then the kidneys will also be connected to the procedure.


Summing up, it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question of how long alcohol stays in the blood. As we found out earlier, too many factors can influence this period. In conclusion, I would like to warn all drivers who come to any feasts or celebrations in their car that after drinking alcohol, before driving, you need to remove it from the body, and this takes time. Therefore, it is better not to rush, wait a few hours (depending on the amount of alcohol consumed, etc.) or call a taxi.

Getting alcohol into the body is only the first step in a complex process. Absorption into the mucosa is uneven, so doctors determine the highest degree of alcohol in the blood about an hour and a half after taking the first dose. But how many hours it takes to remove alcohol from the human body, whether it happens equally in men and women - these are issues that need to be considered in more detail.

How long does alcohol last?

  1. Floor. There is a big difference between the male and female body in terms of metabolism and other processes: alcohol is more quickly excreted from the body of a healthy young man.
  2. Weight. An obese person will take less time to get out of alcohol than a slender person.
  3. Age.
  4. The regularity of taking alcoholic beverages and their volume. A person who constantly drinks does not allow the body to completely remove the decay products of alcohol, so alcohol leaves the blood much longer than for someone who rarely drinks.
  5. The presence of diseases.

The latter, together with the strength of the drinks being drunk, is of decisive importance for calculating the time of alcohol content in the blood and exiting it. Almost all alcohol is processed by the liver, only to a small extent excreted through the excretory system. Therefore, it is difficult to say how long alcohol leaves the blood of a given individual. This is determined by the analysis of studies, but there is an average table of indicators, which will be discussed.

Important! Even a completely healthy person may not be aware of problems with the liver, have a reduced metabolism, a reduced function of removing decay products from the body, so the same amount of alcohol takes a different exit time.

A few facts:

  1. The alcohol contained in the blood is excreted in the average person at a rate of 0.15 ppm per hour. For women, the rate is lower and is 0.08-0.1 ppm per hour.
  2. As for how long it takes a person to completely get rid of alcohol, the strength of the drink is important. For example, vodka is excreted much more slowly, and the rate is 4 hours per 100 grams, 0.5 liters. beer about 2 hours, dry wine in the amount of 100 gr. out in 3 hours.

Important! Speeding up the process will not lead to the desired results. If a person drank a liter of vodka, then he will become sober in 18-20 hours and not earlier.

  1. The snack is also important. For example, if the food is fatty, then it will be easier to remove alcohol, but not faster. In this case, the internal organs will suffer much less from alcohol poisoning, but the process of removing alcohol from the body will not accelerate at all.

Important! Even if alcohol is almost eliminated from the blood, it remains in the cerebrospinal fluid and urine for a long time. Therefore, it is important to know the withdrawal period of alcohol from all liquids.

The only option to contribute to the release from poisoning and reduce the alcohol content in the body is a walk. It can be an intense jog or lazy walking, but always in the fresh air.

The average indicator of how much alcohol is kept in the blood of men is as follows:

  1. 50 ml cognac - 4 hours;
  2. A bottle (0.5 l) of cognac - a day;
  3. 1 liter of beer less than 4% strength - 3 hours;
  4. More than 100 gr. vodka with a strength of 40% - 11-19 hours;
  5. 0.5 l. semi-dry champagne - 5-7 hours.

The average indicator of how long alcohol lasts in the blood of women is as follows:

  1. 100 ml of vodka with a strength of 40% - 6-10 hours;
  2. 200 gr. semi-dry champagne - 3-5 hours;
  3. 50 ml cognac - 7 hours;
  4. 200 ml of dessert wine - 9 hours;
  5. 0.5 l of beer with a strength of less than 4% - 4 hours.

Important! In women, alcohol is released more slowly from the blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid by about 20% than in men! It should be remembered that even if there is no alcohol in the blood, it may be present in the urine during a one-time sampling.

Blood alcohol table

Some people have a feature - hydrophilicity, which means that the maximum concentration of alcohol is observed in the plasma, but almost none in the blood. But the standard level of content depends on the amount drunk and the stage of alcohol exposure:

  1. Absorption - the process begins immediately from the moment the drink enters the body and continues until maximum saturation;
  2. Allocation - the period lasts 8-12 hours. At this time, there is an active removal of vapors through feces, air - therefore, the persistent smell of fumes and characteristic sweat immediately notifies you that there is a person who has drunk in front of you;
  3. Oxidation is the final stage. As soon as all the ethanol is oxidized in the body, the alcohol concentration will return to the "zero" state.

Average alcohol withdrawal table:

Name of the drink, % strength Human weight Time (hour) of removal of 100 gr. Time (hour) of removal of 300 gr. Time (hour) output 500 gr.
Low alcohol up to 4% 40-60 kg 0,4 0,1-2 3,5-4
Low alcohol up to 4% 60-80 kg 0,3 1,5-2 2-3
Low alcohol up to 4% 80-120 kg 0,2-0,3 1,0 1,5-2
Drinks 4-11% 40-60 kg From 1.5 4-5 7-8
Drinks 4-11% 60-80 kg From 1 3-4 5-7
Drinks 4-11% 80-120 kg 0,5-1 2,5-3,5 5-6
Drinks 24-30% 40-60 kg 3,5-4,5 10-13 17-20
Drinks 24-30% 60-80 kg 2,5-3,5 9-12 16-18
Drinks 24-30% 80-120 kg 2-3 7-8 10-13
Drinks 40-42% 40-60 kg 5-7 18-21 30-32
Drinks 40-42% 60-80 kg 4-6 12-16 22-25
Drinks 40-42% 80-120 kg 3-4 11-13 20-22

We remind you that this table is not a constant, how long alcohol stays in the blood, it determines an additional mass of factors that must be taken into account.

Important! After drinking alcohol, alcohol can remain in the urine longer than in the blood. The analyzes showed a high content of ethanol 5 hours after the ppm in the blood had already decreased significantly. The indicator depends on the speed of metabolic processes and the frequency of going to the toilet.

How to increase the rate of ethanol withdrawal?

The duration of the period, how many days alcohol is in the blood, is determined by factors such as:

  1. The composition of the blood. The average rate of decrease in the amount of alcohol in the blood per hour is up to 0.2 ppm.
  2. In a patient whose weight is above 80 kg, alcohol will remain in the blood, urine for less time than in a person weighing less than 60 kg.
  3. In the exhaled air, ethanol vapor can last a day or more, decreasing by 0.1 mg / l per hour.
  4. The denser the food was before drinking drinks and during them, the slower the accumulation of ethanol and the critical amount will be determined later than in a hungry individual.

But if you need to quickly bring the ppm indicator back to normal, you can help yourself as follows:

  • Take a diuretic, which will cleanse the body of waste products by removing them through the urine.
  • The hangover syndrome will have to be moved on your feet. Many people prefer to lie quietly, but this will not help reduce the time alcohol is released only with active movement. Let it be simple household chores, a walk in the air or swimming, the result will appear immediately: alcohol stays in the blood just as long as it starts to be renewed, and in the process of work, a lot will come out through the sweat glands. Don't overdo it, it's easier to go outside and take a walk than go to the sauna or the gym - intense exercise will damage the heart.
  • Regardless of how much alcohol is stored in your body, you need to drink plenty of clean water. Let there be mineral water without sodium, juices (non-acidic), neutral teas or just water - there should be a lot of drinking.
  • Activated charcoal, Eneterosgel are sorbent preparations, they will “collect” the remnants of poisoning and help them go away.
  • A cool shower will help you survive a hangover, but a hot one will only increase the pressure, bringing a headache.
  • A few ascorbic tablets will allow you to stay on your feet at the most plentiful feast, but you need to eat them before you drink the first glass.

Important! Knowing how much alcohol is kept in the blood, the table is given above, with an estimated decrease in the content of alcohol in the blood, after 2-3 hours you can take bath procedures. But only if the heart is in perfect order, otherwise a crisis cannot be avoided.

Complete sobering up of the body begins with the advent of a hangover. Ethanol vapors can still be contained in the blood, excreted with sweat and urine, but the body is trying to recover from poisoning. Once all hangover symptoms have passed, the individual is considered completely sober and can drive.

You should not trust the internal judgment of “sobriety”, private individual testers and various “anti-police” pills - many people do not know about problems with the body, therefore, with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the very first breathalyzer will show “drunk” because alcohol can remain in the mucous membrane. It’s easier to once again see how much alcohol is removed from the blood, determine your weight, the volume of alcohol you drink, and give time for the alcohol to come out naturally.

Which path to choose is up to you. Recall that the female body accumulates more alcohol and removes it more slowly, so there is only one way to get away from a hangover and problems with the traffic police - do not drink.

The length of time that alcohol stays in the blood is very important, especially for drivers. After all, driving while intoxicated is fraught with accidents, as well as deprivation of rights and. Therefore, for those people who use their car, but do not want to miss holidays and feasts, it is useful to know how long after drinking alcohol they can safely drive.

Of course, the body of each person is individual, and therefore, various physiological processes take place at different speeds. Some have a more resistant body to alcohol, while others have a slower blood flow than usual. Gender, age, and weight of a person matter - there are a lot of all the features that affect the process of sobering up. Do not forget about the strength and quality of drinks consumed. A glass of beer and the same volume of cognac contain a different amount of alcohol, respectively, and the time until it is completely eliminated is different.

Video about how much alcohol is kept in the blood:

For example, from the body of an ordinary short man, weighing no more than 60 kg, 4% beer will be released within 3 hours. But 6% beer will linger for another hour, while champagne will wear out for 8 hours. But a man who weighs 90 kg will get rid of the effects of a sparkling drink in just 5 hours.

Despite such individual indicators, there are averaged data, on the basis of which we can draw a conclusion about the time of withdrawal of alcohol from the body:

  • 4% beer for 2 hours;
  • 6% within 4 hours;
  • gin and tonic for 5 hours;
  • port wine within 13 hours;
  • vodka for 29 hours;
  • cognac for 30 hours.

Keep in mind that this is the maximum time for the withdrawal of alcohol from the blood. But it also depends on how much you drink.

When calculating the right time, you should not take into account popular myths. For example, it is believed that with a good snack, after intense sports, after taking a shower or after a few cups of coffee, alcohol will quickly disappear from the body. In fact, all these procedures do not affect this process in any way, so you should not indulge yourself in vain illusions and risk your own safety.

How long does it take for the smell of alcohol to disappear from the exhaled air?

For drivers who are confident in their ability to drive flawlessly, the issue of safety is not so much important as the possibility of losing their license. Therefore, for them, the priority is not the time of complete elimination of alcohol from the body, but the disappearance of the smell exhaled with the air. Indeed, many traffic police inspectors, when presented, try to notice just such signs of intoxication of drivers. Therefore, the following data should be taken into account when alcohol vapors cease to be noticeable:

  • for every 50 g of vodka, it takes about 1.5 hours;
  • for every 100 g of cognac for at least 4 hours;
  • per 100 g of champagne an hour;
  • for beer from 500 g 0.5 hours.

But although the smell mostly disappears during this time, professional devices that traffic police inspectors have can easily determine the presence of alcohol in the blood. Therefore, you need to drive as carefully as possible so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion.

A more detailed table that will allow you to present, how long will alcohol be present in exhaled air:

Devices for determining the degree of intoxication

You can also find out the amount of alcohol in your blood on your own, without resorting to time calculations. Now portable breathalyzers are gaining more and more popularity. They are relatively inexpensive, so more and more drivers are trying to get them. But keep in mind that such compact devices are less accurate in measurements than the professional equipment used by the police. Therefore, you should not unconditionally trust a portable breathalyzer.

In an effort to hide alcohol intoxication from the police, one should not forget that government officials also have more modern equipment in everyday life, for example alcohol laser. It works on the principle of laser optical spectrology. The device, the size of which is equal to a two-liter car engine, remotely detects the presence of ethyl alcohol vapors in the car at a distance of 20 m and fixes violators on the installed camera.

With the help of a laser beam, substances that are denser than carbon dioxide can be seen in the spectrum. Therefore, drivers who are not sure that they are completely sober need to be as careful as possible, and even more so not to take drunk passengers with them. Otherwise, it may attract unnecessary attention of traffic police officers. Yet the use of such equipment is rare today. Basically, law enforcement agencies use the usual breathalyzers.

The dangers of drunk driving

Despite widespread bans on driving while intoxicated, many drivers continue to famously risk themselves and the safety of others. Some argue that after drinking, they cope with the car much more virtuoso. However, this is a completely distorted view of reality.

It has been scientifically proven that when the content in the blood is from 0.2 to 0.5 ppm, the human reaction is significantly reduced, and this can already lead to unpleasant consequences. If the dose is increased, for example, more than one bottle of beer or a glass of vodka is drunk, vision reacts worse to various light objects and red color. And this inevitably threatens to make it much more difficult to distinguish between streams of fast moving cars and traffic signals.

Well, if a person is frankly drunk, his angle of vision narrows so much that he ceases to perceive almost any movement that occurs on either side of him. This completely eliminates the possibility of safe driving. As a result, you can crash into someone else's car or other obstacle, or, even worse, hit a pedestrian or harm your passengers.

Inspection Law

Rules against drunk drivers are getting tougher all the time. Now, if alcohol intoxication is detected, you can be deprived of your rights for up to 1.5 years and a large fine will be issued. If driving while intoxicated leads to an accident and casualties, the violator faces a real term. If the stopped driver refuses to undergo the examination procedure, this is interpreted as an actual admission of guilt, and the rights can again be deprived.

Video on how to conduct an examination for intoxication according to the law:

However, it must be remembered that the inspector may be wrong, and as a result, an innocent driver will suffer. Therefore, remember that you have the right to demand documents certifying that the device that the police officer will use for examination is working. Because there were many cases where they had too large an error, which led to undue fines. Almost every holiday and day off in Russia is celebrated on a large scale and with the use of a huge amount of alcohol. However, you should strive not to drive drunk. After all, this is a direct threat to the life of others and their safety. And the fines for violators are getting bigger every year.

It may be worth spending more time with friends and sobering up than risking your health. Or give the right to drive your car to a sober person who is able to adequately respond to the road and everything that happens on it. Everyone decides for himself how long it takes to get behind the wheel, but remember that it is better to play it safe and abandon the trip than to get into an unpleasant situation. Take care of yourself!

It is important for every motorist to know how much alcohol is kept in the blood. After all, even one drunk bottle of beer can lead to deprivation of rights. When calculating, the physique of a person, gender, age, physique and many other factors are of particular importance.

Below are tables of blood alcohol concentration, which were compiled on the basis of general patterns and give only an approximate result. To measure the exact amount of alcohol in the blood, special equipment is used.

How to calculate blood alcohol content using a table?

In fact, everything is quite simple. In order to find out how much alcohol is in the blood, you need to know your weight and the amount of alcohol you drink.

As you can see, for a person of small build, the period of disintegration of alcohol in the blood can reach 16 hours. And this is far from the limit. A small dose dissolves in the body in an average of 2-3 hours.

Attention! The rate of disintegration of alcohol in the female body is lower than in the male. Therefore, one more hour must be added to all indicators when calculating.

To better understand the interaction between a person's weight and the amount of alcohol in the blood, consider a few practical examples:

  1. Imagine a person weighs 58 kilograms, and he drank 150 milliliters of vodka. We select in the table of the breakdown of alcohol in the blood the weight we need and the amount of alcohol we drink. After we find the intersection of the column and row. It's 10 o'clock. After this time, you will be able to drive. Alcohol will be completely out of your blood.
  2. The mass of a person is 110 kilograms. He drank 2 liters of beer. How long will it take for him to drive? We do the same as in the previous example. We select the most appropriate figure in the weight column - this is 100 kg. Above we find the right amount of alcohol. The result is the following - alcohol will dissolve in the blood after 7 hours.
  3. Let's take a more complicated example. Your weight is 79 kilograms. You have consumed 0.6 liters of beer. A natural question arises, which column to choose where 0.5 or 1 l? The main rule of the blood alcohol level table is to always round up. You will be able to drive the car only after 5 hours.
  4. The young woman drank two small cans of beer. Its mass is 50 kilograms. In one jar 0.33 liters. In two - 0.66 liters. The girl will need 8 hours for her body to completely dissolve all the alcohol in the blood.

Comment! If a woman's weight is up to 50 kilograms, it is best to add one more hour to the final figure for complete certainty.

Correction factors

Naturally, there is not only vodka and beer in the world. In order to calculate the blood alcohol content from, say, the consumption of whiskey or absinthe, there are correction factors.

The first table of blood alcohol ratios shows spirits. The standard is vodka, which traditionally contains 40% ethyl alcohol. In rum, by comparison, this figure is at the level of 60%. We divide 60 by 40 and get 1.5. So, to use the first table, you need to multiply the amount of rum you drink by one and a half.

The further algorithm remains the same. You indicate your weight and find the right time. This way you can find the dissolution time of any alcohol in the blood. Now you will always know how much alcohol is in your blood.

Important! The second table shows the indicators of low-alcohol drinks in relation to beer with a strength of 5%.

How accurate are the readings in the tables?

The readings given above are the result of statistical studies. For each person, the time of sobering up is individual, as is the level of resistance to alcohol. It is possible to single out a whole group of factors that in one way or another affect the rate of excretion of ethyl alcohol from the blood:

  • metabolic rate;
  • additionally taken medications;
  • snacks that were consumed with alcohol;
  • health status.

Of course, age and gender also matter. But judging by the tables, the main role is played by the mass of a person. The more you weigh, the faster alcohol is eliminated from the body. There is also an interesting pattern: the faster a person gets drunk, the higher the rate of disintegration of alcohol in the blood.

How does blood alcohol affect driving skills?

There is an opinion among motorists that a low blood alcohol content does not interfere with driving. However, this is not entirely true, even half a glass of beer can negatively affect the adoption of the right decision in a critical situation.

If the alcohol in the blood is in the range of 0.2-0.5 ppm, then the driver cannot accurately perceive moving light sources. Difficulties arise with the estimation of the volumes of objects. In this state, the person behind the wheel is prone to risky maneuvers, which means that the possibility of an accident increases several times. Other consequences include:

  1. The inability to determine the exact distance to the cars moving towards.
  2. Increased risk of collision when overtaking.
  3. The motorist cannot accurately maintain a safe distance.
  1. It becomes difficult for a motorcyclist to stay in his lane.
  2. Brake and stop signals are poorly perceived.
  3. When moving from high beam to low beam, a second loss of spatial orientation is possible.

The norm of alcohol in the blood is from 0.8 to 1.2 ppm. The person begins to feel euphoric. This results in a reassessment of one's strengths and capabilities. The angle of view and depth are reduced. There is a so-called tunnel view. On the road, this can lead to the following consequences:

  1. The driver notices pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles parked at the curb too late.
  2. Driving style becomes risky. There is a deceptive relaxation.
  3. Peripheral vision is becoming increasingly difficult to notice passing cars.

The level of alcohol in the blood is from 1.2 to 2.4 ppm. Attention deteriorates, it becomes impossible to concentrate on a particular action. There is a strong euphoria. The reaction is slow, the balance is disturbed. Driving in this condition is almost impossible. While driving, you will see:

  1. Problems with orientation in space.
  2. Mistakes while driving. A person can easily confuse the brake pedal with the gas pedal.
  3. Driving style can be classified as extremely risky.

The dose of alcohol in the blood is from 4 to 5 ppm. With such a content of ethyl alcohol in the body, a person should think about going to the hospital as soon as possible. The dose is lethal.

Breathalyzer and alcohol neutralization rate

Many drivers buy such gadgets for themselves in order to know exactly when it is possible to get behind the wheel. Even pocket instruments give quite accurate results. Of course, a certain error is also possible here. But usually it does not reach 0.3 ppm. The question is, how to determine when you can drive?

The liver is responsible for removing toxins from the body. The average rate of neutralization of alcohol in the blood is 0.10-0.15 ppm for men, for women this figure is 0.08-0.10.

To illustrate, let's take a simple example. At a noisy party, the driver brought the blood alcohol content to 2.2 ppm. The minimum decay rate is 0.10 ppm. Therefore, by 8 o'clock in the morning the breathalyzer will show 1.4 ppm. The body will be completely clean only in the evening at 22:00.

The result is simple - it takes at least 24 hours for complete intoxication after drinking alcohol in especially high doses.

Important! Neither a shower nor coffee speeds up this process. They only help to cope with the consequences and spur the nervous system.

Allowable ppm

In some European countries, a person can drive with a certain amount of alcohol in their blood. Russia was no exception. The history of the issue began in 2010. Then the odious law on "zero ppm" was in effect. Three years later, it was canceled and new rules were introduced.

The thing is that a certain ppm of alcohol is contained in many products. It is found in bread, cabbage, bananas and even kefir. Due to the odious law, the driver could fall under the sanctions of law enforcement agencies for drinking kefir and a loaf of black bread eaten. As a result, this legal norm has been revised.

In 2015, the allowed amount of alcohol in the blood is 0.35 ppm. In fact, this is the size of the average measurement error. Therefore, you should not rely on this legislative norm when using it on the road.

How to speed up the removal of alcohol from the blood?

In life, there are emergency situations when you need to put yourself in order as quickly as possible. When removing alcohol from the blood, a person sets himself the following goals:

  • improved response;
  • restoration of coordination of movements;
  • normalization of memory;
  • optimization of brain activity.

The most effective method of removing alcohol intoxication is to go to the hospital. Narcologists will put a special drip containing glucose, saline and other additives. This mixture will allow the body to quickly cope with alcohol and remove it from the blood. It takes 4-8 hours for full recovery.

If there is no opportunity to go to the hospital, there is a whole list of folk methods that help to remove alcohol from the blood:

  1. Drink more water.
  2. Make yourself orange or grapefruit juice. These fruits contain a large amount of fructose, which stimulates the cleansing of the body.
  3. Eat foods high in vitamin C. This element is found in lemon, onion, kiwi, and so on. Or just buy ascorbic acid at the pharmacy.
  4. Drink activated charcoal. Enough 6-8 tablets 2-3 times a day.
  5. It is believed that the sauna and bath help to remove toxins from the body. Increased sweating, quickly cleanses the blood of harmful elements. Alternatively, drink hot tea with plenty of sugar and sweat under a blanket.
  6. Even a simple exercise improves blood circulation, which means that alcohol leaves the blood faster.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to judge the effectiveness of these methods. Of course, they give a certain result, but a trip to the hospital is guaranteed to get rid of alcohol in your blood.


The tables above are intended to help you find out the approximate time for a complete cleansing of the body. The best option is to buy a breathalyzer. Most importantly, before driving, remember that even a small amount of alcohol in the blood can seriously affect your behavior on the road. It is better to wait an hour or two and only then start the engine.

How long does alcohol stay in the blood

How long does alcohol stay in the blood

What determines the degree of alcohol intoxication? On the one hand, on the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed and the alcohol content in them, and on the other hand, on the characteristics of the human body behind the wheel. The characteristics of the body include body weight, emotional and moral state of the driver. In addition to these factors, it is necessary to take into account how much time has passed since the consumption of a dose of alcohol. The body of a more massive person contains more water. Therefore, with the same consumed dose of alcohol, the amount of alcohol content will be greater in someone who has a lower body weight.
Is it possible to influence the process of removing alcohol from the blood? The body and blood are released from the accepted dose of alcohol by its oxidation and subsequent excretion. The liver removes about 90% of the alcohol that enters the body. A small amount of alcohol is excreted through the lungs, sweat glands, kidneys. It takes time to get the dose of alcohol out. However, cold and hot showers, a walk in the fresh air, strong black coffee, tea, juices help to some extent remove alcohol from the body. You need to eat well, potatoes, orange juice and activated charcoal help break down alcohol.
When can you drive without violating traffic rules? If you have drunk, you will have to wait a little while driving so as not to fall under sanctions for violating traffic rules. How long to wait, you will be prompted by a table of norms for the consumption and removal of alcohol from the blood and the body, which contains averaged data on the time of this process. It should be noted that consumption in a bad mood (or state) can increase the indicated values ​​by almost 2 times. Therefore, just in case, give yourself some more hours in reserve to equalize the rate of alcohol in the blood.
How does alcohol affect the reaction? At 0.2 - 0.5 ppm it is already difficult to estimate how fast the light sources are moving and their size.
At 0.5 - 0.8 ppm (1 liter of beer or 150 ml of vodka), the eyes switch to different types of lighting more slowly and perceive red color worse.
A greater amount of alcohol in the blood narrows the angle of view, and the driver generally ceases to see what is happening on the sides.
A dose of 1.2 ppm (2.5 liters of beer or 400 ml of vodka), as a rule, leads to a complete loss of the ability to drive a car.
The content in the blood of 4 - 5 ppm is officially considered fatal.
Table of norms of consumption and time of removal of alcohol from the body, blood
The period of complete elimination of alcohol from the body in hours.
Volume 100 grams
Volume 300 grams
Volume 500 grams
Personal data may differ from those given in the table due to the physiological characteristics of the body. So from the body, the blood of a woman, alcohol is excreted on average 20% more slowly.

Person's weight in kg.

35 min.
1 hour 44 minutes
2 hours 54 minutes

30 min.
1 hour 29 minutes
2 hours 29 minutes

26 min.
1 hour 18 minutes
2 hours 11 minutes

23 min.
1 hour 10 minutes
1 hour 56 minutes

21 min.
1 h 03 min.
1 hour 44 minutes

52 min.
2 hours 37 minutes
4 hours 21 minutes

45 min.
2 hours 14 minutes
3 hours 44 minutes

39 min.
1 hour 57 minutes
3 hours 16 minutes

35 min.
1 hour 44 minutes
2 hours 54 minutes

31 min.
1 hour 34 minutes
2 hours 37 minutes

Gin tonic 9%

1 hour 18 minutes
3 hours 55 minutes
6 hours 32 minutes

1 h 07 min.
3 hours 21 minutes
5 hours 36 minutes

59 min.
2 hours 56 minutes
4 hours 54 minutes

52 min.
2 hours 37 minutes
4 hours 21 minutes

47 min.
2 hours 21 minutes
3 hours 55 minutes

Champagne 11%

1 hour 36 minutes
4 hours 47 minutes
7 hours 59 minutes

1 hour 22 minutes
4 hours 06 minutes
6 hours 50 minutes

1 hour 12 minutes
3 hours 35 minutes
5 hours 59 minutes

1 h 04 min
3 hours 11 minutes
5 hours 19 minutes

57 min.
2 hours 52 minutes
4 hours 47 minutes

Port wine 18%

2 hours 37 minutes
7 hours 50 minutes
13h03 min.

2 hours 14 minutes
6 hours 43 minutes
11 hours 11 minutes

1 hour 57 minutes
5 hours 52 minutes
9 hours 47 minutes

1 hour 44 minutes
5 hours 13 minutes
8 hours 42 minutes

1 hour 34 minutes
4 hours 42 minutes
7 hours 50 minutes

Tincture 24%

3 hours 29 minutes
10 hours 26 minutes
17 hours 24 minutes

2 hours 59 minutes
8 hours 57 minutes
14 h 55 min.

2 hours 37 minutes
7 hours 50 minutes
13h03 min.

2 hours 19 minutes
6 hours 58 minutes
11 h 36 min.

2 hours 05 minutes
6 hours 16 minutes
10 hours 26 minutes

4 hours 21 minutes
13h03 min.
21 h 45 min.

3 hours 44 minutes
11 hours 11 minutes
18 hours 39 minutes

3 hours 16 minutes
9 hours 47 minutes
4 pm 19 min.

2 hours 54 minutes
8 hours 42 minutes
14h 30 min.

2 hours 37 minutes
7 hours 50 minutes
13h03 min.

5 hours 48 minutes
17 hours 24 minutes
29h00 min.

4 hours 58 minutes
14 h 55 min.
24 hours 51 minutes

4 hours 21 minutes
13h03 min.
21 h 45 min.

3 hours 52 minutes
11 h 36 min.

3 hours 29 minutes
10 hours 26 minutes
17 hours 24 minutes

Cognac 42%

6 h 05 min.
18 hours 16 minutes
30 hours 27 minutes

5 hours 13 minutes
15h 40min
26h06 min.

4 hours 34 minutes
13 h 42 min.
22h 50 min.

4 hours 04 minutes
12 hours 11 minutes
20 hours 18 minutes

3 hours 39 minutes
10 h 58 min.
18 hours 16 minutes
