
How many hours to cook pork tongue. Boiled pork tongue

They are considered delicacies due to their delicate soft texture, exquisite taste, vitamin and nutritional value. The tongue is a solid muscle in structure, so it contains proteins, some fat and is practically devoid of carbohydrates. The composition of the beef tongue contains zinc, which produces insulin in the body of a diabetic, and the pork tongue is rich in lecithin, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain cells. The absence of connective tissue in the tongue ensures its excellent digestibility, so it is safe to call the tongue a dietary product. It remains to find out how to properly cook pork and beef tongue so that vitamins, minerals and trace elements are preserved in them, and the meat melts in the mouth, surprising tasters with juiciness, aroma and unique taste!

Cooking beef and pork tongue at home

Before preparing various dishes from the tongue, it should be boiled, so the process of initial processing of the offal is very important for the future taste of the dishes. Here are some tips on how to cook boiled beef and pork tongue.

  • Rinse your tongue well under running water. Some housewives clean the meat at this stage, but this is not recommended, since valuable and tasty pulp can be cut off along with the film.
  • Soak your tongue for half an hour to make it more tender and soft.
  • Boil the meat in water without salt - everyone knows that it is better to salt the tongue in finished form. How to determine how long to cook beef and pork tongue? Pork tongue is cooked for 1.5–3.5 hours, and beef tongue for 2–4 hours, it all depends on the size of the product. Do not allow a strong boil, so as not to impair the taste of the meat, it is enough that the water only boils a little. Don't forget to skim off the foam with a slotted spoon. Some housewives cook the tongue in two waters - boil the meat for 15 minutes, then rinse it thoroughly, change the water in the pan and cook the product until tender. This allows you to remove harmful substances and unpleasant odors when cooking the broth.
  • Half an hour before cooking, add carrots, celery root, onion and bay leaf to the broth.
  • Hold the finished tongue for several minutes under cold water and easily remove the skin. If the tongue is not cleaned well, it means that it is not ready yet.

How to cook beef and pork tongue: favorite recipes

The tongue can be cut lengthwise into thin slices, served with horseradish or mustard - this is an excellent Russian snack for vodka.

Salads with tongue satisfy hunger and are very tasty if you combine meat with potatoes, avocados, pickles, mushrooms, cheese, green peas, eggs, carrots, garlic, herbs and mayonnaise. Taking any recipe for meat salad and replacing the meat with a tongue, you will get a very original and completely new dish in taste.

Very popular, baked in the oven with vegetables, mushrooms and cheese, and jelly and aspic from the tongue can be served on the festive table. The tongue can be fried in breadcrumbs, stewed with vegetables, marinated, meat rolls, casseroles, pies and homemade sausages can be made from it. If you don’t have time for the chores at the stove, cook the easiest dinner option - tongue with pasta, beans, potatoes or rice.

The taste of this delicious offal can be varied with various spices - thyme, basil and Italian herbs.

And for dessert - a little trick on how to make the tongue even more tender and tastier. After boiling and removing the skin, put it back into the broth, to which spices and salt have already been added, cook for another 30 minutes and enjoy the fragrant and melting meat in your mouth. It's great to be a gourmet!

Almost every day there are all kinds of meat dishes on our table, although most of us absolutely do not think if they know how to cook pork, For example. We just take a pot, put the meat there, fill it with water and put it on the fire, periodically checking the meat for readiness. However, this is hardly a reasonable position.

So let's figure it out together how to cook pork or other meat so that it is juicy, tasty and tender.

How to cook pork

First of all, I would like to note that there are two main ways of cooking meat.

The first way is traditional. He implies that the meat is sent to a pot of cold water. The broth in this case will be very saturated, because the overwhelming amount of fats, proteins and minerals passes into the water. Some even believe that the foam that forms when meat boils should not be skimmed off because it contains coagulated protein. Although, most of us still remove it, getting rid of excess fat and scale. Pork must be cooked over low heat.

Another way of cooking meat is based on the fact that a piece of meat is sent to boiling vegetable broth or water. Thus, there will be no release of protein into the liquid, that is, into the broth. In this case, the pork is cooked over a sufficiently high heat, because it only wins in taste, and the broth becomes transparent. While the fat content and saturation of the broth are minimized.

Regardless of which cooking method is most preferable for you, the richness of the broth, as well as the quality of boiled pork, is directly dependent on the proportion in which water and meat were selected.

When the pork is washed and cleaned of films and sinews, it is placed in water, which should cover it all. When it boils, you can add salt and other spices and seasonings to the pan. Salt will block the passage of meat juice into the broth.

The fat content of meat can be reduced by adding rosemary, basil, or marjoram to the pan. Using ginger, saffron or turmeric can make the broth more golden and the meat more savory.

The duration of pork cooking ranges from one and a half to two hours, everything, of course, depends on the freshness and age of the meat (young meat or old).

A few important tricks:
- during cooking, it is impossible to add water to the pan, it spoils the taste of both meat and broth;
- after cooking the meat, leave it for 10 minutes in a saucepan with a lid, it will be juicier;
- use meat to make pies, pancakes and casseroles.

Pork is the favorite meat of many people, which is valued for its simple taste, combined with everything, and for its nutritional value, and for the absence of unpleasant moments during the cooking process (nasty smell, a lot of films that need to be got rid of).

Pork takes a little longer to cook than chicken and is fairly easy to prepare. Fresh boiled meat can be used in, starting with salads, ending with aspic dishes and dressings for pizza, pasta ...

How long to cook pork

How much pork is cooked in time depends on the method of cutting and further purposes of use. Cooking time after boiling will be:

  • if the product is prepared as a whole piece, then the time may take from 50 to 120 minutes (a piece from 500 g to 1000 g), provided that the meat is not young;
  • if a large piece of young pork is being prepared, then a maximum of 40 minutes will be enough for it;
  • if you need to cook pork quickly, then it is first cut into pieces or cubes, then the cooking time is reduced by about a third and is 40 minutes (plus or minus a few minutes);
  • but boiling for the purpose of subsequent baking (for example, in pots with potatoes or in the same lasagna) should not be too long - about 15-20 minutes.

In any case, the readiness of the product must be checked before use in further dishes.

Important! Ready meat has a grayish tint, when cut, clear juice is released without admixture of blood, and there should be no redness inside.

In the soup, pork should be boiled for at least 25 minutes without adding potatoes, but other vegetables and spices should be added to cold water to fully reveal the taste.

Pork cooking technology

There are two main ways of cooking pork, which differ from each other by the subsequent use of the broth:

  1. If it is necessary to preserve the maximum taste of meat, then it is boiled in a whole piece, sent to boiling water.
  2. If you plan to use pork broth, then put the meat in pieces or a whole slice in cold water.

And the cooking process itself begins with a set of cold water, in which you can optionally put various spices. The technology then looks like this:

  • washed pork is placed in boiling or cold water, which is pre-salted;
  • boil, focusing on the time after boiling, covered with a lid;
  • if you need a beautiful broth, then the foam is removed, otherwise you can skip the step;
  • after boiling, reduce the fire to the middle;
  • After cooking, the meat must be immediately removed and cooled.

If pork is cooked with vegetables, then carrots, onions and celery should be added to cold water.

Secrets of cooking juicy meat

Pork is different, tenderloin is the leanest part, which is worst suited for, but excellent for making salads due to the complete absence of films and excess fat. Here are other interesting features of cooking delicious pork meat:

  • to get a fragrant, strong and tasty broth, you should take meat on the bones;
  • pork meat cannot be considered lean and dietary;
  • among the most pleasant spices that can reveal the taste of pork to the maximum, bay leaves stand out, as well as peppercorns (allspice and black);
  • loose spices such as ground pepper should not be added to the broth, as they will make it cloudy;
  • if you cook the broth over high heat, it will become cloudy;
  • if frozen meat is used, it must first be thawed so that the taste of the product does not deteriorate;
  • if the knife easily pierces the pork after the cooking time has elapsed, then it is ready!

You can also cook smoked meat, in this case you need to cool it right in the broth, and the cooking time will be about 3 hours. Smoked broth is perfect for pea soup, and the meat itself is perfect for savory salads.

Unusual recipes with boiled pork

Pork is not necessarily pilaf, meatballs, stewed potatoes with meat and ordinary salads with cucumbers, greens, tomatoes ... You can cook amazing snacks and hearty main dishes from boiled meat. They combine familiar ingredients in an incredible way, and ingredients such as overseas seasonings, coconut milk and Parmesan give a completely unusual style.

Salad with apples

To prepare a delicious pork salad, you need to take 250 g of boiled meat, 100 g of walnuts, the same amount of Parmesan, a little black pepper and a large sweet and sour apple. Dressing will be low-fat sour cream. Here's how they cook:

  • first boil the pork fillet;
  • the cooled meat is torn into pieces by hand;
  • the apple is cut into slices and added immediately to the meat, then sour cream is put;
  • then add cheese, grated in large divisions;
  • coarsely chopped walnuts;
  • pepper the mixture and serve.

Corn salad with meat

Another option for a hearty snack that is easy to prepare is a salad of 6 boiled eggs, 2 onions, a jar of corn and 300 g of boiled meat. Dress the salad with mayonnaise and salt, a small amount of white crackers. Cooking process:

  • boiled meat is disassembled into fibers;
  • crumble eggs;
  • onions are cut into thin half rings;
  • everything is mixed and seasoned;
  • at the very end add croutons.

Coconut soup with meat

Delicious Asian recipe with coconut milk playing a key role! It needs only 20 ml per 200 g of pork. You will also need 40 g of olive oil, 50 g of leek and the same amount of celery, a pinch of black pepper, salt, nutmeg.

First, the meat is boiled in cubes in salt water, oil is added and stewed until the liquid is completely eliminated. Separately, boil the celery root and a white fragment of a leek. They also put nutmeg there, transfer the meat. Coconut milk is added at the very end, when all the ingredients are ready. Immediately salt and put 1-2 tablespoons of rice or wine vinegar.

That's how many mouth-watering and delicious recipes with boiled pork exist, just add a few interesting ingredients to them! And the process of cooking meat is simple and does not require skills.

Boiled pork is very tasty and nutritious, it is used to make a rich broth for soup (borscht, cabbage soup), as a tasty addition to many side dishes and salads, so in this article we will look at how to properly and how much to cook pork until cooked in a saucepan, so that it was soft and juicy, and also to get a delicious rich broth.

How long to cook pork in time?

The cooking time of pork primarily depends on the size of the piece or pieces that will be cooked, on the type of meat (young pig or not), and on the purpose of cooking (boiled to obtain a delicious broth or the main goal is juicy pork meat). Let's take a closer look at how much you need to cook pork until cooked:

  • How long to cook pork meat until cooked in a saucepan? The average cooking time of pork (whole piece) is 1.5-2 hours, and cut into small pieces 45-60 minutes.
  • How much to cook pork for soup (broth)? For cooking the broth, it is recommended to use pork on the bone, but you can also cook meat without the bone, while the average cooking time is 1.5-2 hours after boiling the water in the pan.

Having learned how much pork needs to be boiled, we will further consider the cooking process itself in order to know how to cook pork meat deliciously for a side dish or salad, or how to cook pork meat broth.

How to cook pork in a pan?

  • Ingredients: pork (a piece of pulp without bone), water, salt, bay leaf, black peppercorns.
  • Total cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes, boil time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • Calories: 375 calories (per 100 grams of product).
  • Cuisine: Slavic. Type of dish: meat dish. Servings: 2.

Cooking pork in a saucepan is quite simple, while the cooking sequence is very similar when cooking meat and cooking broth, so let's consider them together:

  • If the meat was frozen, it must first be thawed by placing it from the freezer into the common compartment of the refrigerator a day before cooking.
  • Rinse fresh or thawed meat thoroughly in cold running water.
  • If the goal is to cook tasty and juicy meat, then it is better to cook in a whole piece, if you need to cook the broth, cut the meat into small pieces.
  • We collect cold water (2/3 of the volume) in a pan of a suitable size and put it on a large fire. If we cook the broth, we lay the meat immediately at the beginning of cooking, but if you just need to cook the meat deliciously, then put it after boiling water in a saucepan.
  • Add bay leaf and peppercorns (black and allspice) to the boiled water, and reduce the heat so that the water boils slightly.
  • We cover the pan with a lid and cook the pork for 1.5-2 hours until cooked, while every 10-15 minutes we carefully remove the resulting foam on the surface of the water in the pan.
  • 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, salt the water in a saucepan (if the pork meat is salted at the end of cooking, it will be softer and juicier).
  • We check the meat for readiness by piercing it with a knife (if it is soft and easily pierced, then it is ready).

Note: when cooking, it is better to salt the pork at the end of cooking (10-15 minutes before the end of cooking), while during cooking, do not forget to remove the foam so that the broth does not end up cloudy.

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Languages ​​are an ingredient in non-everyday meals. They are prepared for big holidays and are expected to get a lot of pleasure from unusual dishes. The more insulting it is to invest financially, spend some time at the stove, decorate with love, serve beautifully - and chew something tasteless, or even “rubber”. To avoid such a cruel disappointment, learn how to cook pork tongue properly. In almost all dishes, it is present in boiled form. If you cope with this initial stage of preparation, further actions will not cause you any difficulties.

Preparing the product for cooking

Before cooking the pork tongue, it must be well soaked. To do this, the product is dipped in clean cold water and left in it for at least an hour and a half. If the tongue is large, the soaking time is increased to two.

Then the product must be washed under running water with a brush or scraper. If it was bought in a large store, the rest of the “cleansing” actions have already been done by professionals before you. Marketed languages ​​have the advantage of freshness, but are usually under-processed. They will have to remove the sublingual and muscular tissue, remove the lymph nodes and clean off the blood, fat and other unnecessary components.

Cooking Basics

Before you cook the pork tongue, you need to boil the water, and then just send the offal there. When the future broth boils again, the fire is reduced to very low, dense foam is removed from the surface, ordinary spices are laid (pepper, parsley, onion head and a whole carrot - everything you like), and the tongues are boiled until they become soft.

How long to cook pork tongue? The question is moot. Most cooks are inclined to think that the time will take from one and a half to two hours. Some consider such a gap too long - they say, an hour is enough. In any case, readiness can be checked by piercing: if the fork pierces through the tongue without hindrance, it is ready. It is removed from boiling water and immediately lowered into cold (you can even add ice) water. After a couple of minutes, the product is removed, the skin is removed from it. Most of the time there is no problem with this. But if the pig was young, then the thin skin can be torn. Then you have to remove the shreds. If the skin sticks and breaks into very small pieces, then the tongue is not yet cooked. Repeat all the steps - and the skin will be easily removed. Now you can already create culinary masterpieces - bake your tongue, put it in salads, serve it as an independent snack, etc.

Another opinion

However, there is an alternative point of view. A fairly large number of cooks believe that boiling before removing the skin is not enough. In their opinion, the language remains too elastic, not soft enough. These cooks offer a different way of how to cook pork tongue. The recipe suggests at the initial stage to do without any spices at all. And only after removing the skin, when the tongues are sent to the broth a second time, all seasonings are added to it. The second stage of cooking lasts half an hour. You can also try this method of how to cook pork tongue. They say that the product is uniquely fragrant and extremely soft. You can take two pieces: prepare one according to a more common recipe, the second - according to an alternative one. And compare results.

Braised tongues with mushrooms

After we figured out how to cook pork tongue, let's think about what can be cooked from it. For example, it can be extinguished. For such a dish, you will need mushrooms (it’s easier to get oyster mushrooms, but if you come across forest mushrooms, even better). Take 300 g of them. Plus 150 g of sour cream, a little flour, a small piece (50 grams) of butter, onion, pepper, salt, dill and parsley - it's all to your taste. And, of course, languages ​​are two things. Mushrooms are washed and cut - not finely. Finely chopped onions are fried in butter, mushrooms are introduced into it and stewed, covered with a lid, for about a quarter of an hour. Then flour is poured into the pan, sour cream is added (too thick can be diluted a little with milk), everything is peppered and salted, after which the contents languish on fire for another five minutes. Next, chopped tongues are laid in the vessel, and all together for another 10 minutes continues to be stewed. When everything is ready, the dish is sprinkled with herbs and served with a side dish, which is potatoes, pasta or rice.

Exquisitely: the usual Olivier with tongue

This is a very interesting way to cook boiled pork tongue. An offal, being present in a favorite, familiar dish, gives it a unique charm. The rest of the ingredients are the same as in the standard set. Sausage or meat, which you usually put in Olivier, is simply excluded. Plus, carrots are added. It is boiled together with potatoes and cut similarly to it. Everything else - as always. How to cook pork tongue, you already know; ready cut into small cubes. All the ingredients are crumbled, seasoned, and the salad is ready. The only clarification: it is better to season with a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream in a ratio of 2: 1, and it would be nice to cut a small onion into the salad, even if you don’t put it in a regular Olivier salad. And a familiar dish will sparkle with new flavors!

Fabulous and unique recipe

In principle, it can be called a pie. A quarter kilo of puff pastry is thinly rolled out and laid out in a mold or on a baking sheet. The boiled tongue (1 piece is enough) is cut into thin small slices. Zucchini, also 1 piece, cut into thin slices, grilled. Alternating tongue and zucchini are laid out on the overlapping dough. From 4 large spoons of sour cream, 2 small spoons of horseradish sauce, 2 crushed garlic cloves, salt and dill, a filling is made. It is spread on top of the filling of the pie. Cubes of two tomatoes are laid out on top, grated cheese is poured - about 200 g. The edges of the dough are slightly bent so that the juice does not flow out, and the cake is placed in a well-heated oven for 25 minutes. Taste - you will lick your fingers!

Unusual soup

Pork tongue is not only for main courses. The first ones are very good too. Moreover, the base - the broth - is also useful. It just needs to be strained when the tongue is taken out, and boiled again. The cooled tongue is cut into cubes, the prepared carrots and onions are also chopped (it is better to cut the first one into strips, but this is up to you). Vegetables are introduced into a low-boiling broth. At this time, two large potatoes are peeled and cut, which are laid in 10 minutes. After another five minutes, buckwheat is poured in - about a quarter of a glass, then the tongue is added. It remains to beat one egg, and then pour it into the soup in a thin stream with continuous stirring, chop the greens, turn off the heat, cover and insist.

For fans of the multicooker

This is a very popular kitchen unit today. And since many people willingly use it, it remains to figure out how to cook pork tongue in a slow cooker. Note that there is nothing complicated about this. The tongue is taken, for it - parsley root, onion, a little tomato paste, bay leaf and salt (as you like). The main ingredient is placed in the bowl, poured until completely covered with cold water, salted. After that, the lid must be closed and the extinguishing mode must be set for two and a half hours. When it "beeps" - chopped root parsley, lavrushka and onion are added. The mode switches to "Heating" and the time to half an hour. Then it’s standard: dip the tongue in cold water, remove the skin ... Then put the tongue into the planned dish or cut it into slices and serve with bean or mashed potatoes and ketchup. Successful experiments!
