
Blue Thai tea: useful properties, use in medicine and cosmetology. Exotic blue tea chang shu from thailand

Anchan blue Thai tea, also called chang shu purple tea, is a herbal drink of China, Thailand and other countries of Southeast Asia with beneficial properties, which is brewed from the flowers of the blue color of the clitoris plant - butterfly pea. Many hotels in Thailand welcome guests with Thai blue tea.

Thai blue tea chang shu is an annual weaving plant, with small pods, fruits and blue flowers, as in the photo, growing in the tropics, near the equator.

Thai blue tea - buy cheap

If you have come to this site for buy thai blue tea chang shu, then you can immediately do it by writing a comment. You can buy blue Thai tea from me absolutely inexpensively!

Blue Thai tea - the price is 1 baht per 1 gram.

100 baht for 100 grams (180 rubles).

In the CIS currency, this means:
1 gram of blue tea costs 1.9 Russian rubles or 0.67 hryvnia.

I live in Thailand permanently, and I can send chang shu blue tea at any time of the year by any shipping method - from the cheapest to the fastest. Cheap shipping will cost about $1 per 100 grams.

There are no restrictions on the minimum order amount. You can buy 10-20 grams of blue tea and I will send it to you in an envelope.

Information for example: the cost of shipping 500 grams is 140 baht (222r). If you want to order a different amount of tea, ask in the comments, I will calculate the shipping cost.

An additional two dollars will make it possible to track the package. Other, faster and more expensive ways of sending, we discuss in the comments and in a personal conversation.

Blue Thai tea useful properties, photo and description

The plant from which Thai blue tea is made is also called Butterfly Pea (blue butterfly pea flower) or Clitoria ternatea. The plant grows wild along rivers and other bodies of water, and its appearance resembles peas.

And this is how Thai blue tea grows in nature.

The flowers of the plant, a very beautiful blue color, have long been used in Thai culture to create jewelry and as a natural food coloring for various Thai traditional sweets, in natural cosmetics. Any food in Thailand that is blue or purple (blue rice, for example) is prepared with this natural dye.

Also, blue flowers are used to make delicious, healthy and unusually beautiful blue tea. In addition, Southeast Asian blue Thai tea is used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

Thai blue tea - beneficial properties

Since ancient times, Thai blue tea has been used in folk medicine as an antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, and even anticancer agent. Blue Flower Concentrate is added to hair care products and promotes the growth of beautiful healthy hair with strengthening properties.

Benefits of blue tea:

  • Blue tea is extremely beneficial for vision, it also relieves eye fatigue and tension. Slows down the progressive development of blindness.
  • Blue tea is beneficial for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Reduces the amount of sugar in the blood.
  • Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Prevents the development of vascular dysfunction, restores capillary function.
  • Blue tea is a powerful antioxidant that is available to everyone.
  • Strengthens hair, promotes rapid hair growth.

How to brew blue Thai tea - recipe

  • 5-10 blue Thai tea flowers - fresh or dry
  • Glass of water
  • sugar to taste

Both fresh and dry flowers are immediately ready for brewing. Pour the flowers with boiling water, close the lid. Gradually, a blue extract will stand out from the flowers.

Insist 15 minutes. Strain. Add sugar if desired. Blue Thai tea can be drunk hot or iced.

Blue Thai tea - natural food coloring

In addition to the fact that blue tea is a healthy, tasty drink with medicinal properties, it is also a bright natural dye. Foods that are blue in color usually raise doubts about their edibility and health benefits, but using Thai blue tea, you can make absolutely harmless sweets with an amazing color - a bright blue or purple hue.

In order to prepare a blue color dye, a recipe for making tea is used - you get a blue color. If you let the flowers brew longer - about an hour, then the color will be dark blue. Add some lime or lemon juice for a purple-red color. A few drops of lemon juice will change the pH level, resulting in a purple color.

your mark

For a long time, no one is surprised by the variety of teas. Black, red, green, herbal and medicinal, they are represented by different brands in large quantities and under various names. But few people have tried the mysterious blue tea from Thailand. It stands out from the general idea of ​​tea with its unusual ultramarine color and its inherent beneficial properties. Are there any reviews about it?

Mysterious blue tea from Thailand

Butterfly peas, anchan, Thai orchid, trifoliate clitoria - all these are the names of the same plant, from the flowers of which the mysterious blue drink is obtained. This is an evergreen herbaceous vine, reaching a length of over 3 meters. Large, up to 6 cm in diameter, flowers are harvested early in the morning, dried for about 10 hours, subjected to oxidation, re-dried and then the buds are tightly folded by hand. When brewed, an absolutely incredible blue color is obtained. When lemon is added, the drink acquires a purple color, which only adds to its mystery and beneficial properties.


Anchan - that's what the people of Thailand call this amazing flower. The blue tea made from it is known as Butterfly pea tea. Bags of these exotic dried petals are one of the most popular souvenirs purchased by tourists in Thailand. The blue color of brewed buds attracts with its unusualness. As for taste, there are some disagreements. Someone calls the taste of blue quite specific, and someone does not feel any taste at all. Therefore, in order to form your own impression of the ultramarine miracle, most likely, you need to try it personally. Now you can buy this tea not only in Thailand, but also in numerous online stores or search in specialized stores in your city. Such popularity is justified not only by the ultramarine color of the drink. When brewed, special substances are released that make blue tea especially useful.

Dry flowers of clitoria trifoliate Mysterious blue tea A welcome souvenir from Thailand


Blue tea contains a large group of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins C, E, K, D, B1, B2, B12, B 13, as well as phosphorus, iron and manganese have a beneficial effect, normalize the metabolism in the body.

Beneficial features

Butterfly pea tea is a 100% natural product, consisting only of Clyteria trifoliate flowers. It has many useful properties:

  • improves memory
  • helps improve vision
  • increases stress resistance
  • helps get rid of insomnia
  • helps normalize high blood pressure
  • has a healing effect on hair and nails
  • normalizes metabolism
  • recommended for weight loss
  • slows down the aging process (including preventing the appearance of gray hair in the hair)
  • perfectly quenches thirst

It is important to remember that the use of any drink should be in moderation. For weight loss, it is enough to drink blue hour for a week, no more than 3 cups a day, then take a break for 3 weeks. If you just drink anchan tea for pleasure, then after a month of drinking the drink, it is advisable to take a break for 2-3 weeks.

The extract from the clitoris ternate is part of many cosmetics produced in Thailand, and also serves as an excellent natural food coloring.


Like any useful plant, the trigeminal clitoris has contraindications for use. First of all - individual intolerance. When using Butterfly pea tea, you should not drink a lot of water, as the load on the kidneys increases. You should also refrain from anemia and low blood pressure. Pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who plan to become pregnant, should consult their doctor before use.

Reviews of doctors about the therapeutic effect

Opinions of specialists in the field of medicine are quite opposite. Many doctors, and especially Thai and Indian doctors, confirm the undoubted benefits of the plant, citing numerous patient reviews and pharmacological studies as evidence. Another group of doctors argues that blue tea is an exceptionally ordinary drink, with the use of which all the benefits can be explained by the placebo effect. But these radically opposite groups are unanimous in one thing - anchan cannot harm the human body in any way, except for individual intolerance.

How to brew a Thai orchid

It is better to choose a teapot for brewing glass or porcelain. After the water boils, let it stand for 5-6 minutes, as the drink is not brewed with boiling water. Then pour 2 teaspoons of flowers with hot water and drain it after a minute. This will rinse the buds before use. Now you can add 200 g of water and after 5 minutes the infusion will be ready for use. It is drunk both hot and cold. You can add sugar, honey, lemon balm, mint, currant leaves to taste. It is noteworthy that adding a few drops of lemon juice changes the color of tea to purple-violet, which, however, does not harm its taste in the least.

Blue tea in cooking

In Thailand, hard-boiled anchan is often used as food coloring for rice, noodles, and scrambled eggs. Blue jelly will also look unusual on the table. In order to make this dessert, you will need 1 cup of strong clitoris ternary tea, 3 tsp sugar, 3 grams of gelatin, 2/3 cup of water. You can add a few drops of lemon juice, then the jelly will be purple. Pre-soak gelatin in 2/3 cup of water, dissolve sugar in warm tea leaves. After the gelatin swells, mix it with sweet tea leaves and stir until completely dissolved. Strain, pour into molds and leave to harden.

Application in home cosmetics

This exotic drink has also found its way into beauty recipes, especially when caring for color-treated hair. 200 gr. clitoris trifoliate flowers, boil 100 g of sliced ​​ginger and a few sprigs of bergamot for 5 minutes and cool. Rinse your hair with this decoction after shampooing. This procedure will help strengthen hair, get rid of dandruff, keep hair from early graying, and brunettes will be able to refresh their hair color.

Tea is truly a magical drink. Friends gather for a heartfelt conversation over a cup of fragrant tea, family dinners are held and even business issues are resolved. What kind of varieties of this miracle drink does not exist: the usual black and green varieties, exotic red and yellow, and, of course, the mysterious blue.

Thai tea "Nam Dok Anchan", also known as "Butterfly Pea Tea", should not be confused with the blue tea from China, the oolong variety, which in its finished form is not at all blue, but a reddish-golden hue.

Blue tea is a tandem of vitamins (B, C, D, E) and trace elements. Contains manganese, iron, phosphorus and other substances useful for humans. Such a rich composition in the complex:

  • is a natural antidepressant, nourishes the nervous system, improves memory and activates the brain;
  • increases immunity, helps to preserve beauty and youth, restores strength after overwork;
  • participates in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • reduces the risk of blood clots, removes toxins and toxins from the body.

Trace elements prevent brittle hair and nails, promote their normal growth, fight irritation and inflammation on the skin, and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Thai blue tea is the best assistant for those who work at the computer. The beneficial properties of the drink help to eliminate fatigue and redness of the eyes, restore clarity of vision, and also facilitate the course of some eye diseases.

In addition, it perfectly quenches thirst, and the polyphenols contained in its composition activate the process of losing weight, contributing to the breakdown of fatty tissues.

Against the background of all the healing properties of this tea, it is difficult to single out contraindications, but they still exist. Be wary of the drink in case of individual intolerance and the presence of an allergic reaction to the vitamins listed above.

Contraindications to its use are also pregnancy and breastfeeding, anemia, taking drugs that reduce blood clotting.

Features of collection and processing

Blue tea is obtained from the dried flowers and leaves of the Thai orchid, also known as the clitoria trifoliate, anchan, moth peas. The plant has large blue flowers, which are also actively used to give a sky blue hue to culinary products.

The collection of raw materials for the production of tea resembles a real sacrament. Early in the morning at dawn, when the flower buds are still closed, pickers pluck them together with three petals. Only young buds are suitable for perfect blue tea.

The whole process of preparation is carried out manually under the close attention of tea masters and consists of several stages. First, the flowers are partially dried for at least 10 hours in the open air. With partial drying, the core of the clitoria flower is still wet, and the outer part is already dry. Then subjected to oxidation. Only then does the final drying follow. At the last stage, tea is rolled into spirals and packaged.

A sign of high-quality blue tea is whole buds that do not break into small pieces.

Secrets of brewing and range of taste

"Nam Dok Anchan" has a deep blue color and a delicate, subtle taste, which, according to reviews, is somewhat reminiscent of iodine. The original, unique aroma enchants and makes you drink it again and again. It is recommended to brew blue tea from Thailand in porcelain or glassware, and serve it in transparent cups. This will allow you to enjoy the exquisite color of the drink.

And to feel the real taste and aroma, you need:

  1. Preheat the kettle by rinsing with hot water.
  2. Pour in two teaspoons of tea leaves.
  3. Pour hot water (250 ml) for 10 seconds, then drain. This will remove possible dust and small particles. Boiling water should be avoided, water should be 85-90°C.
  4. Then re-fill the tea leaves with water and leave for 5 minutes. The drink is ready to drink! It can be drunk both hot and chilled.

Sugar, honey or lemon can be added to Thai blue tea for a richer taste. Under the influence of lemon, the drink changes its color to purple.

The same tea leaves can be used 2-3 times, during which it retains its properties. A freshly brewed drink has a delicate blue color, as it cools, it turns blue.

It is believed that the therapeutic effect of blue tea is manifested with regular, but not excessive use, it is enough to drink it no more than 1-2 times a week.

How to choose a quality product

Thai blue tea lovers do not always have the opportunity to bring it from Phuket, Pattaya or Bangkok. What do you need to know in order to choose a quality product?

  • The tea should look like dried flower peas. It should not contain foreign leaves and any impurities.
  • Flowers should be whole, not broken into small pieces.
  • There should be no blue stains on the walls of the cup after drinking the drink.

Popular varieties of Thai tea

In addition to blue tea in Thailand are also popular:

  • milk oolong;
  • matum;
  • jiogulan.

A truly magical drink. Its delicate creamy aroma and mild sweetish taste have gained wide popularity. Useful properties are similar to blue tea: it strengthens the immune system, activates the processes of losing weight, and rejuvenates the skin.

It got its name in honor of the fruits of the tree from which it is made. The taste resembles a bouquet of dried fruits, flowers and berries. It does not contain caffeine, but despite this, the drink invigorates and tones. This tea in Thailand is advised to use for colds and to strengthen the immune system.

Jiogulan or "drink of immortality", as it was popularly called, is made from gynostemma five-leafed. The tea has a pleasant taste, floral aroma and an amazing mint tint. It is useful in the fight against stress, as well as in strengthening the heart and normalizing metabolism.

The variety of Thai tea is fascinating, everyone can find a drink to their taste. However, the true pearl of all splendor is the blue Thai tea "Nam Dok Anchan", which not only surprises with its color and taste, but also enriches the body with vitamins and useful minerals.

Freshly brewed fragrant tea... This drink invigorates in the morning, helps to concentrate during work, and relaxes after a busy day at work. Many people love tea. For its taste, aroma, tonic effect, benefits for the body.

The modern selection of tea varieties is impressive: black, blue, red, green, white. Each type of drink has its own characteristic and unsurpassed taste, affects the human body in different ways.

What plant is this type of tea made from?

Blue tea (or Butterfly Pea Tea) is an exotic drink native to Thailand. Raw materials for the preparation of this drink - herbaceous vine buds, which has many names: trifoliate clitoris, moth peas, Thai orchid, anchan. The flowers of this climbing evergreen plant, reaching a height of more than 3 meters, are quite large - 5-6 cm in diameter. Flower petals are painted in deep blue.

Production process

For blue tea, only blooming clitoria buds with three petals are used. There should not be any other ingredients in this drink. The flowers are picked by hand, early in the morning. It is believed that this is the most optimal time for harvesting raw materials, since the concentration of nutrients in plants is maximum.

The drying process is carried out in several stages. Hand-picked raw materials are dried in the fresh air for 10 hours. Still wet plants are subjected to oxidation and then finally dried. Repeated processing is necessary so that the buds retain their elasticity and are not brittle. The final step in blue tea production is the hand-curling of dried buds into tight curls.

When brewing tea, you can find out whether the process of drying and harvesting of raw materials was carried out correctly. If everything is done in accordance with the technology, then the buds brewed in boiling water remain intact and do not break into fragments. It turns out a kind of floral bright blue tea. Tea leaves in a transparent glass bowl look especially beautiful.


The composition of the drink is enriched with a whole group of trace elements and vitamins:

  • Iron has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system of the body, helps to enrich the blood with oxygen. Also, this microelement contributes to the strength of the structure of nails and hair;
  • Manganese helps the absorption of iron in the body, is involved in the process of building cells;
  • Phosphorus, which is found in large quantities in tea, is a useful element for tooth enamel and bone tissue. Improves metabolism and production of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • Vitamin B1 normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the nervous system;
  • Vitamin K slows down the aging process;
  • Vitamins E and C are antioxidants that strengthen the immune system, protect the body from the effects of free radicals at the cellular level, and reduce the risk of developing cancer;
  • Vitamin B2 is important for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, for visual acuity and normal metabolism;
  • Vitamin B12 is a natural antidepressant that tones and protects the body from stress.

Useful properties of blue tea from Thailand

Blue tea has many health benefits. He is advised to take it to those people who, due to the specifics of their work, are forced to constantly strain their eyesight. The complex of substances contained in the drink, helps improve vision, expansion and cleansing of the blood vessels of the eyes. This drink is very useful for glaucoma and cataracts.

The drink has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of the body. Trace elements and minerals promote vasodilation improve their elasticity and permeability. Tea is indicated for Alzheimer's disease due to the high content of phosphorus and manganese in the composition. It is useful to drink it to improve memory.

Blue tea helps to relax and calm down. natural antidepressant helps reduce the effects of stress on the body, prevent depression.

Thai anchan tea for weight loss and beauty

This tea, unusual in color, is also considered a very useful drink for the fair sex. This miraculous elixir is drunk to preserve the beauty and health of nails and hair. The substances contained in tea help keep calcium in the body which keeps teeth healthy and bones strong. Calcium is very important for hair and nail growth.

The drink can be drunk during weight loss. Polyphenols, which are rich in clitoria, improve the breakdown and removal of fat cells from the body. The complex of vitamins improves metabolic processes, slows down aging and fading of the skin, tones the body.

How to make tea from the clitoris

Dried buds of a Thai orchid should never be poured with boiling water.

The teapot should be glass or porcelain. The process of brewing blue tea is correctly carried out as follows:

  • To boil water;
  • Pour the right amount of freshly boiled water into a clean teapot;
  • After steep boiling water has stood in a glass or porcelain container for 5-6 minutes, you can put a few buds of dry clitoris in it and close the lid.
  • The drink should be infused for 10 minutes.

Brewing the same buds maybe 2 times. The taste of blue tea cannot be called pronounced or sharp. To some, it resembles regular herbal tea.

To improve the taste of the drink, you can add fresh lemon, mint, lemon balm, currant leaves or other ingredients to it. Instead of sugar, you can add honey - there will be more benefits from the drink. It is worth knowing that if you add lemon to blue tea, its color will become rich purple.

You need to drink a drink in courses. If tea is used to prevent eye diseases, then the drink is indicated 3 weeks 2 cups a day. If the beauty elixir is taken during the period of weight loss, then you can slightly increase the dose - 3 cups a day for 3 weeks.

Do you want to learn about the ancient healing Chinese tea? about the benefits and possible harms of white tea will help with this.

Where can I buy

The drink is quite popular in its historical homeland - in Thailand. There it is not too expensive and you can buy it when visiting any resort in the country: Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok. The cost of 100 grams of dry drink ranges from $ 3, which is quite cheap.

Blue Thai tea Butterfly Pea Tea is a healthy drink with a delicate aroma and unusual color. Tea is valued for its healing properties and effect on the human body. It can be safely called an elixir of beauty.

This drink is famous not only for its marvelous color, but also for its unusual taste, thanks to which it has gained a huge number of fans around the world. With all this, moth blue tea, or butterfly pea tea, has a lot of useful properties, which makes it a truly unique remedy for the treatment of a variety of ailments. The rules for preparing and taking the mentioned drink will be discussed below.

What is blue tea

This exotic life-giving composition has many names: clitoria, anchan, Thai orchid. The raw materials for tea are the flowers and leaves of the butterfly pea, a climbing plant with blue or purple flowers. By the way, only young buds, which are plucked at dawn, are suitable for the production of anchan. In addition, along with bright flowers, the picker also removes three leaves. The quality of the final product is determined by subsequent drying and fermentation.


A rich blue or purple hue to tea is given by the anthocyanins included in the buds of Thai peas. The latter are organic dyes, so they are absolutely harmless to the body. The freshly brewed blue drink contains polyphenols and useful trace elements necessary for a person: iron, phosphorus, manganese, zinc. In addition, blue tea from Thailand is the source of the entire line of B vitamins. Among other things, the composition of the drink includes antioxidants.

Beneficial features

The healing qualities of Thai turquoise tea are due to the rich content of vitamins and trace elements. So, due to the presence of manganese in the composition of the blue drink, it is rightfully considered an excellent antidepressant and is used to eliminate the effects of stress and insomnia. Blue Thai tea promotes weight loss and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Regular consumption of the drink has a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation. In addition, Anchan tea has other therapeutic effects:

  • fights glaucoma and other vision pathologies;
  • strengthens the vessels of the eyeballs;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair;
  • strengthens nails;
  • has antioxidant properties;
  • helps to lose weight (promotes the breakdown of body fat);
  • improves blood circulation;
  • helps improve memory.


Clitoria tea has a minimum of restrictions for admission. So, due to the fact that the blue drink has a strong sedative effect, it is not recommended to use it before a long drive or an important meeting. If there is an individual intolerance to any component that is part of the flowers of the moth pea, it is better to refuse to take it. Otherwise, the exotic drink is absolutely harmless and is allowed to be consumed even by pregnant women.

How to brew blue tea

Making a drink requires some experience and patience. So, if you pour dry clitoria flowers with boiling water, all the benefits of the plant will be reduced to zero, and the final product will lose its aroma and unusual taste. Water for brewing tea from Anchan flowers should be boiled and then allowed to cool to the prescribed 90 degrees. At this temperature, all the healing properties of the clitoris will safely pass into the drink.

Dry flowers, leaves of moth peas are brewed with hot water, but after a few seconds it is drained. After steaming the tea again, let it brew for about 5 minutes. Lemon juice, honey or sugar are added to the finished blue composition to taste. In no way is it forbidden to prepare herbal mixtures. So, the rich aroma of butterfly peas is recommended to be supplemented with thyme, mint or ginger. According to Asian experts, this combination of medicinal herbs has the maximum benefit for human health.

How to drink blue tea

In most cases, anchan is used for therapeutic purposes, although some gourmets prefer to enjoy the unique taste and smell of this drink every day. Taking a Thai orchid for the prevention and treatment of various diseases requires a slightly different approach to its preparation. In this case, blue or purple tea is placed in a thermos and brewed with slightly cooled boiling water, after which it is infused for about 30 minutes. Such a healing composition is recommended to be consumed in a glass 15 minutes before bedtime.

Thai slimming tea

Butterfly peas contain polyphenols that speed up metabolism and promote more efficient breakdown and elimination of fats. Purple tea for weight loss is drunk every other day for a week, after which they take a break. Due to the fact that the body quickly gets used to the effects of butterfly peas, it should be discontinued for 21 days, and then the course should be repeated again.


blue tea price

In Thailand, butterfly peas can be purchased for about 160-200 rubles. for a 100 gram pack. It is rather difficult to find Anchan outside the country. For this reason, counterfeit (fake) products are often distributed under the guise of the original. In this regard, you should buy a Thai orchid only from trusted sellers, because only in this case you can be sure of the quality of the product. Meanwhile, prices for purple tea in specialized online stores in Moscow range from 270 to 300 rubles. for a 50 gram package.

