
Apple strudel filo pastry recipe. Apple strudel filo dough (1 video)

Each housewife, in addition to ordinary, albeit tasty dishes, should have in stock a recipe for a very tasty, refined and unusual dish, at least so that it seems so. In other words, a dish that, in terms of taste and appearance, even the name, will delight guests and just loved ones, and for you, as a hostess, it will be completely easy to cook it.

An example of such a delicacy is phyllo dough strudel. This dish is a puff pastry pie, both yeast and yeast-free, with an apple or a cherry. Preparing such a pie is not difficult, but if you make it for the first time, then you still have to work a little. So, let's look at what we need to cook shortbread strudel with apples.

  • Raisins - 1 cup;
  • Sugar - 0.6 cups;
  • Cognac - 4 tablespoons;
  • Dry white bread crumb - 3/4 cup;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Lemon juice - half a lemon;
  • Filo crustas dough - 1 pack;
  • Apple - 4 pcs;
  • Walnuts - 1 cup;
  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
  • Cloves - 1 pinch.

The products are prepared, now we confidently and carefully begin to cook apple strudel from puff pastry.

Step by step recipe

  1. We start cooking with raisins, for this we put it in a small saucepan, ladle, or best of all in a Turk. Fill the raisins with cognac, you can also use rum and put it on a small fire and warm it up a little. After that, we cover our container with raisins with cling film and let it stand for a while, it will take about 20 minutes, during which time the raisins should absorb all the alcohol added to it.
  2. Since we have a shortbread strudel with apples, so let's deal with the crumbs for the pie. To do this, take a stale loaf or white bread and crush it. It is best to grind with a blender.
  3. The resulting crumb is sent to a frying pan, which we preheat and lightly grease with butter. You need to fry this mass until it becomes slightly ruddy.
  4. And again we start grinding, but already walnuts. For this, too, we will use a blender.
  5. Next, let's move on to apples. We clean them from the skin, cut them into pieces to properly remove the core, and then cut them into thin pieces.
  6. So that the apples do not darken and the puff pastry strudel looks beautiful, while we are dealing with apples already cut, we put them in a bowl, pour water along with lemon juice.
  7. After that, we drain the water and fried crumbs, raisins and walnuts go to the apples. We add raisins without liquid, if it still remains and is not completely absorbed. Mix the whole mass well.
  8. The next step is to add a little cloves, cinnamon and sugar to the total mass. However, please note that we will not pour out all the sugar, but leave somewhere around 4 tablespoons.
  9. Put the butter in a saucepan and melt it.
  10. Next, we spread the parchment with which our strudel with puff pastry apples will be baked. We spread the dough on the parchment, or rather its first sheet, grease it with already melted butter, you should not overdo it, with light movements with a brush we confidently grease and sprinkle with sugar, which we left especially for this.
  11. On top of the first sheet, put the second sheet of dough and repeat the same steps, namely grease and sprinkle. Thus, in total, we line six sheets of dough, which in turn are lightly oiled and sprinkled with sugar. The very last, sixth sheet is unnecessary to lubricate.
  12. We lay out the filling for our pie in the length of the dough, do not forget to leave the edges, on the sides about 6 cm, and from the edge 1 cm, and only after that we grease the remaining edges so that as a result of the connection they stick together well.
  13. Now we begin to roll up, do it from the sides, and then from above we twist everything into a roll. As a result, a seam is obtained at the bottom of the pie.
  14. The resulting filo strudel is greased with oil and sent to the oven.
  15. On a baking sheet, put parchment and our cake, send it to the oven for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  16. When the right time has passed and our puff pastry strudel is ready, we take it out and put it on a dish, sprinkle with cinnamon and powdered sugar, cut it into delicious pieces and you can try it.

The dish turns out to be really tasty, perhaps cooking it at first will not seem very easy to you, but after going through all the cooking points, you will like this process and next time it will not cause you any difficulty.

Also, puff pastry strudel is prepared not only with an apple, but also with a cherry, the result is no less tasty.

Try both options, and if you can, choose your favorite one, because each of them will be very tasty.

A crispy dessert with fragrant apples and raisins will not leave anyone indifferent; it is not difficult to prepare it. Add a scoop of ice cream to this golden-brown, traditional Viennese pie and serve with aromatic tea or coffee - success is guaranteed!


* Apples - 1 kg (for 2 strudel)
* Breadcrumbs - 3 tbsp.
* Cinnamon - 1 tsp
* Sugar - 3 tbsp.
* Raisins - 100 g
* Ground nuts - 100 g
* Butter - 40 g
* Filo dough - 450 g (for 2 strudel)
* Rum - 150 ml

How to cook:

1. Rinse raisins and soak in rum, preferably for a day.
2. Peel the apples from the core and peel, cut in half and cut into thin slices.
3. Add cinnamon, crackers, sugar, ground nuts and raisins to the apples, first drain the remaining rum from the raisins, mix everything well.
4. Divide the dough into two halves, put 1 sheet of dough on a towel and brush with melted butter, then put a second sheet on it and brush with melted butter again, so repeat with five more sheets of dough.
5. Put half of the apple filling on the last layer and roll up the strudel with a towel.
6. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and put the strudel, grease the strudel with plenty of melted butter.
7. Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake for 40 minutes until golden brown. Ready strudel and grease with melted butter. Bon appetit!

Peel apples and seeds, cut into thin slices and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Add berries to apples (do not defrost frozen) and sugar, mix with starch.

Defrost filo pastry ahead of time. Melt butter. Spread a sheet of dough, brush with oil, cover with a second sheet and brush again. Thus, lay four sheets of dough.

Spread the apple filling over the pastry.

From the indicated amount of ingredients, three such rolls will be obtained. Place the phyllo strudel on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (do not grease the paper) and brush with butter on top. Using a toothpick, make a few holes in each roll so that the steam from the filling does not tear the dough when baking.

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and bake the strudel for 25-30 minutes until golden brown. Transfer the finished strudel to a wire rack, cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

I will not dissemble, I met filo dough not so long ago - about 7 years ago, when I ended up in Crete. Here this dough is very popular and is often used for traditional pastries.

It seemed to me that it was very difficult to work with this dough, and I was even afraid to even think about preparing it myself. Fortunately for me, phyllo dough is sold in our supermarkets, so, as they say, God himself ordered to master baking from this dough.

Today I will sing an ode to filo dough and make apple strudel out of it. Juicy, fragrant inside and very crispy-ruddy outside - we will cook such a strudel with you.

Let's prepare products for filo strudel with apples.

Cut the apples into medium sized cubes. While we cut all the apples so that they do not darken, pour water into a bowl and squeeze the juice of half a lemon, and now put the chopped apples in a bowl.

Then drain the water from the apples and pour the breadcrumbs over the apples. They are needed so that when baking, the juice that the apples let out is absorbed into the crackers and the cake turns out to be juicy, but not watery.

Walnuts can be crushed in a mortar, or you can break through in a blender until crumbs. We don't like large nuts in baked goods, I blew them in a blender.

Add nuts to apples.

Add sugar and cinnamon.

IMPORTANT: adjust the sugar to your taste as apples can be sweet or sour.

Add raisins. If your raisins are too dry, soak them in cognac or rum. You can just pour boiling water for 10 minutes, then drain the water, and put the raisins in the filling.

Mix all ingredients well. The filling for the strudel is ready.

Now let's take a test. I covered the table with parchment paper and laid out one sheet of phyllo dough on it. Lubricate it with melted butter using a silicone brush.

IMPORTANT: while working with the first sheet of dough, simply cover the rest of the sheets with a damp kitchen towel, so the dough does not dry out and will not tear or crack.

I make apple strudel with 3 sheets of phyllo dough, which I lay one on top, brushing each with melted butter.

On the third sheet of dough lay out our apple filling. We wrap the edges of the dough, as shown in the photo.

And then we twist the dough with the filling into a roll. When we reach the edge of the dough, grease the edges well and wrap the roll.

Transfer our strudel along with baking paper to a baking sheet with a seam down and grease the top of the strudel with the remaining butter. Now you can send the filo strudel with apples to the oven preheated to 180 degrees C for 30 minutes.

We take out the finished strudel from the oven and let it cool completely on a baking sheet.

Sprinkle the cooled apple filo strudel generously with powdered sugar, cut into portioned pieces and serve with tea.

Happy tea!!

I want to show you a simple apple strudel recipe that will win you over with its taste. Having tried it once, you will definitely stop at this option. This is a classic apple strudel recipe made from phyllo dough, which is rolled out so thin that you can even read something through it. Phyllo dough is very famous in the Mediterranean and is used to make a variety of tubes, pies, rolls and many other pastries. The filling can be taken both sweet and savory. The dough itself is very fragile and light. This is not the first time I cook it, but it is from filo dough that this is my first experience. Since ready-made dough in the supermarket is not cheap, I decided to make it myself at home, given that it is prepared from the simplest ingredients that are always in the kitchen. And I can say that I was very pleased with the result. From this amount of products, two rolls are obtained.

Below I will show in detail how to cook apple strudel to make it delicious. The finished strudel is very fragile and light. This is a real gourmet delicacy that will be appreciated even by the most sophisticated gourmets. It is worth working hard to prepare this wonderful pastry, and then you can proudly give yourself the title of a professional. I will show you exactly how to make strudel with filo dough apples in step-by-step photos, so do not hesitate, you will also succeed. And if you do not have enough time to prepare the dough, I advise you to try.


  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Boiled water - 135 ml.
  • Sunflower oil - 1.5 tbsp
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Vinegar - 2/3 tsp


  • Apples - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp
  • Raisins - a handful
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp

How to cook apple strudel at home

The recipe for apple strudel dough is not quick to prepare, but it's worth it. The first step is to separate the whites from the yolks. We don’t need proteins in this recipe, so you can immediately hide them in the refrigerator. Pour warm boiled water into a bowl, add salt and let it dissolve. I recommend using fine salt, since undissolved grains can eventually tear the dough when rolling out. Then add vinegar and yolks. Lightly beat everything with a whisk until smooth.

Pour the sifted flour into a separate deep bowl and pour liquid into it in parts, adding sunflower oil. Thus, knead the dough with your hands. To obtain a dense and elastic dough, it is necessary to beat it at least fifty times on the table and knead it well with your hands.

Then wrap it in cling film and leave it at room temperature for an hour to rest.

Now we need the filling for the strudel. Rinse the apples, remove the core and peel, cut into small cubes. Immediately drizzle the sliced ​​apples with lemon juice to keep them from browning.

Add sugar, mix and pour into a saucepan. Put on low heat, add raisins to taste and simmer until excess liquid has evaporated, about 5-10 minutes. See that the filling does not turn into gruel. The apples should just soften slightly. Cool the apple filling. You can add more cinnamon if you wish.

After the dough has rested, divide it into two parts. Melt butter and set aside. We need it to grease the dough.

Take a kitchen towel or any smoothed piece of cloth, cover it with a kitchen board or countertop and sprinkle with flour. We will roll out the dough on top of the towel to see how thin it turns out. It may seem to someone that it will be very difficult to roll it out on a towel, but this is not so.

Using a rolling pin, which is also sprinkled with flour, roll out the dough very thinly, like a sheet of paper, giving it a rectangular shape. It can also be stretched by hand. The dough itself is very pliable and elastic, the main thing is to work with it carefully and not rush.

Now you need to grease the filo dough with butter using a pastry brush, retreating from three sides by 5 centimeters and from one side by 10 centimeters (this will be the top layer of the strudel). Spread half of the filling on one side.

And wrap the edges of the dough so that the juice from the apples does not flow out during the baking process.

Roll up tightly and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet.

Top the strudel with oil and bake in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Brush the strudel with oil once or twice more while baking.

Remove the finished strudel from the oven using wooden spatulas and carefully transfer to a tray, and then allow to cool.

Sprinkle powdered sugar on top and it's ready, it remains only to cut into portioned pieces. Here is a recipe for a simple and delicious apple strudel, I hope you liked it and want to cook it for your family. Bon appetit!
