
Fat or lard: what is the difference and what is tastier. Wholesale pork fat

Many peoples of the world prefer to introduce lard from geese, pigs, bears and even camels into their diet. As for the Slavs, it is subcutaneous pork fat that is very popular, so there are many recipes for its preparation: smoking, salting. Particular attention should be paid to lard, which can be made even at home using step-by-step recipes.

The difference between lard and lard

Pork fat is usually called bacon, and lard or lard is a salted-smoked or salted specific part. This product is actively used in the process of cooking meat delicacies, used as an addition to a side dish or as an appetizer. Given the specifics of the structure of fat, not everyone is able to eat it. After reviewing a huge number of bacon recipes, there is a unique opportunity to choose exactly the dish that will suit your taste.

Spike varieties:

  1. Side. It is a chic binding agent that is suitable for the manufacture of sausages, semi-finished products and minced meat.
  2. As for the fat removed from the side parts of the pig carcass, it is characterized by a rather loose consistency, slight melting is observed when heated. Suitable for cooking bacon as part of ham delicacies, sausages of the second and first grade.
  3. Spike from the back. There are streaks of meat, it is not characterized by a very good thermal effect. A distinctive feature is that it keeps its shape well, has an attractive appearance, as it does not spread in the finished product. The spinal part is used in smoking, salting and cooking premium sausages.
  4. Iberian or the highest grade of this product deserves closer attention. It can be obtained from pork of the same variety as the name. Salo has a pinkish or white color. Suitable for the manufacture of elite sausages, can be consumed in its pure form.

As for the composition of lard, it contains about ninety percent of animal fat and one and a half percent of excellent protein. In addition, there are many vitamins, various fatty and organic acids, as well as nutrients. The approximate energy value of one hundred grams of the product is 842 kilocalories. The bacon contains carotene, elastin and collagen, vitamins (A, D, E), fat of animal origin, as well as acids: oleic, linolenic and stearic, palmitic and arachidonic.

You can use lard not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. Due to the unique composition and properties, the product is suitable for the elimination of pain in the joints. This is due to the high content of collagen, and it actively renews cartilage.

Consumption of bacon in small quantities prevents varicose veins and cholesterol plaques, strengthens the immune system, and activates the synthesis of certain hormones. Due to the warming effect, it is used in the treatment of catarrhal pathologies.

Helps fight age-related changes, as it contains a lot of vitamins and collagen, which activate the processes of skin regeneration, improve vascular function.

Scope of lard

Salo in salted and smoked is extremely popular, because it can be eaten in its pure form, added to sausages and other foods as a grease. Most often consumed in Russia, Ukraine and Germany. In addition to the fact that lard is used as an independent, full-fledged snack, it is recommended to put it in other dishes.

That is why it is salted, boiled and fried, stewed and even baked. As for bacon, it is a basic note, a valuable flavor accent in any dish. Quite often this product is used in the production of meat products, sausages. The side part is suitable for the manufacture of sausages of the second and first grade, as well as sausages and sausages.

The product is perfectly heated, so it is possible to soften the meat mass, improve taste. The spinal part is suitable for the preparation of combined dishes, due to the density, resistance to heat treatment and a special pattern.

Despite the popularity of the product, one should not forget about possible contraindications. Given the high fat content, lard will not be beneficial for absolutely everyone. If you eat it in large quantities, there is a risk of obesity, an increase in the level of bad cholesterol and the manifestation of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

The optimal daily rate of bacon is 40 grams. It is recommended to remove fat from the diet for those who suffer from diseases of the gallbladder and liver, there is intolerance to the product, and there is also a violation of cholesterol metabolism.

Rules for cooking bacon at home

To prepare a delicious bacon, you can use a chic recipe. Homemade bacon is very easy to prepare. It will take one liter of water, a head of garlic and one hundred grams of salt, black and allspice pepper, as well as bay leaf. Take one kilogram of fresh fat, it must be thoroughly washed with water, and then dried.

Using a sharp knife, process the skin, namely, scrape it white. Send the prepared meat to the marinade and bring to a boil, boil for at least ten minutes and remove from the stove. Leave for four hours in a dark place, put in the refrigerator overnight without draining the brine. Then dry the bacon and boldly serve it to the table.

There is another simple way to prepare a universal snack for any feast, namely the Hungarian one. A distinctive feature of the product is that it contains a fairly large amount of paprika. First you need to wash a piece of fat, clean and dry. Poke holes with a knife to insert the garlic cloves.

In a container, mix the wig, black pepper and salt, and then generously grate a piece of lard. Wrap with two layers of foil, leave in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning, get rid of the foil, put it in the cold for two days, or bake in the oven for three hours at a temperature of fifty degrees.

How to cook bigos with beef and cabbage

Ready bacon can be safely used in cooking. It is very important that the fat is of high quality. As for sauerkraut, it is not just a tasty dish, but also healthy. It can be used as an addition to bigos. In addition to it, you can add tomatoes, mushrooms and onions, meat, spices and wine.

Bigos cooked with bacon and meat can replace a full-fledged balanced lunch, which contains a huge amount of macro and microelements, vitamins. It takes about fifty minutes to prepare. The calorie content of one hundred grams of the product will be 274 kilocalories.

List of required components:

  • sauerkraut - 3 cups;
  • meat broth - 1 cup;
  • parmesan - 120 grams;
  • fat - 200 grams;
  • fried beef - 0.5 kg;
  • wheat flour - ½ tablespoon;
  • breadcrumbs - 35 grams;
  • onion - 1 head.

Steps for preparing a Polish dish:

  1. Read the recipe in detail and prepare all the necessary ingredients.
  2. Cut some of the bacon into pieces, send to the pan and mix with sauerkraut.
  3. Put a row of fat on top, which must be cut into thin slices. Pour in the broth, simmer over low heat.
  4. Chop the beef into small cubes, add spices and salt.
  5. Peel the onion, chop and send to the pan, mix thoroughly. Simmer until all the sauce has boiled away.
  6. The finished mass is sent to a baking sheet, it should be in-depth. Drizzle with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and cheese, previously grated on a coarse grater. Put in the oven for thirty minutes.

Ready to serve hot to the table. It is important to note that the cooking method is very simple, fast and affordable, even a novice hostess can handle it.

As you can see, bacon is a versatile product that can be eaten in its pure form, as well as added to other dishes, sausages. In addition to excellent taste, lard boasts a unique composition and healing properties.

Composition and nutritional value of bacon without skin

The chemical composition of lard contains choline and vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, E, H, PP. Also in this product there are such minerals:

  • Calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper.
  • Manganese, iron, sulfur, chlorine, iodine, chromium, fluorine.
  • Molybdenum, cobalt, tin, nickel, phosphorus, sodium.

I would also like to note that the protein contained in lard is pure collagen and elastin. They contribute to the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin.

100 g pork fat without skin contains:

  • Water - 5.7.
  • Proteins - 1.4.
  • Fats - 92.8.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.
  • Kcal - 816.

Pork bacon is consumed raw, salted, and also flavored with paprika, black or red hot pepper, getting an original bacon with a spicy taste, etc. Ukrainians have many recipes for making the original bacon, which are passed down from generation to generation, but the love for this truly tasty and healing product remains unchanged.

Benefits of eating pork bacon

  • Arachidonic acid, which is contained in bacon, helps to maintain tone and immunity, especially in the cold season.
  • The biological activity of lard is five times higher than that of butter. Natural fat can be compared to seal fat.
  • Fat melts at the temperature of the human body, so it is perfectly absorbed by the body.
  • Fat contains cholesterol, which is not deposited on the walls of blood vessels.
  • The use of bacon with garlic helps to cleanse the blood vessels of bad cholesterol.
  • The use of natural fat without a skin helps to release the liver from heavy metals.
  • It is useful to use this product for mastitis and pulmonary diseases.
  • In folk medicine, bacon is used as an external remedy for joint pain, toothache, weeping eczema, heel spurs, warts, hemorrhoids, varicose veins.

Harm from eating bacon

The use of lard should be dosed, since excessive passion for this product can be harmful. Fat is a high-calorie product, so obese people need to use this product, controlling its amount. The daily rate of consumption of lard is 30g, and for overweight - 10g.

Salo is contraindicated in chronic liver diseases.

What you need to know about bacon

When purchasing bacon on the market, be sure to pay attention to the smell and taste. Feel it and pierce it in a place near the skin (should be soft).

Pork bacon without skin is used salted with rye bread and with mustard or horseradish seasoning, with onions, garlic, as you like.

Unsalted bacon can be melted in a cast iron over low heat. After that, strain and refrigerate (lard).

Lard is added to pastries (baking with lard is crumbly and airy).

Food should be not only healthy, but also tasty, give pleasure while eating. Otherwise, there is no use from it, only the costs of money, effort and time. And what could be tastier when you get hungry than a piece of fragrant salty bacon seasoned on a slice of fresh black bread?

Fat and lard

In Germany, Hungary, Poland, bacon is especially popular. What is it - you ask. The word is translated as the same fat. But not everyone, but prepared in a special way. Firstly, only lard is suitable for lard. It should be quite dense, although soft. The subcutaneous layer is best suited for these purposes. Secondly, it is important to remember about necessarily salted fat or salted and smoked. Thirdly, when preparing it, one cannot do without the use of spices. The traditional ones are used: bay leaf, black allspice and bitter peppercorns. Plus those that housewives prefer if the product is made at home. And I also want to add about lard, that this is an important component of a huge number of culinary recipes. It is put in many dishes, for example, in cereals, pea and bean soups, to give it tenderness and aroma. And, of course, they eat just like that, in the form in which the product is obtained after salting. By the way, the East Slavic peoples, actively consuming lard for food, did not call it lard. That this dish is close to our national cuisines became clear when the first cookbooks appeared, revealing the art of preparing various dishes.

How to pickle bacon at home

There are a lot of recipes on how to make a natural product yourself, at home. Let's look at the simplest one first. Under pork fat, fat is taken from the spinal and lateral parts of the carcass. Undercuts are more suitable for rendering on lard, sausages and other products. Cut the blanks into identical strips or bars 10-12 cm long and 20-30 wide. If they have layers of meat - great, it will turn out even tastier. Rub each piece generously with regular table salt. Only large and not iodized (otherwise the fat will turn out dark, with rusty smudges and with an unpleasant aftertaste). Try to salt all 4 sides of the bars. Then take a wide enameled pan or basin. Sprinkle the bottom with salt too. Spread lard in layers, skin side down. You can salt each layer. Cover them with garlic cloves cut lengthwise, peppercorns and bay leaves. If you want to make Hungarian bacon, rub each piece of lard with paprika. Then the lard will need to be smoked.


When the pan is full, cover it with a clean rag or lid, put a load on top, and leave it in the kitchen for 4-5 days. The lard should stand for some time at room temperature in order to be well saturated with spices. Then you should shift the pieces: the top - down, and vice versa. Take the pan to the cellar or put it on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. The lard should reach another 2-3 weeks in the cool. The thicker and larger the pieces, the longer the salting takes place. Therefore, the time indicated is approximate. The finished fat is soft, a match easily enters it. Now cut off the skin, scrape off the excess salt with a knife, cut into thin slices and enjoy!

Recipe "quick"

It is also quite simple and quick to cook bacon in this way. Put the lard in the refrigerator so that it freezes a little and cuts better. Divide it into strips 4-5 cm wide. Salt thoroughly. Then rub with ground pepper just as thoroughly. You can finely break dry laurel, take coriander, paprika, crush the head of garlic through the garlic, mix and rub each bar well with this composition. In addition, cuts can be made in the pulp of the fat and garlic cloves and bay leaves can be put into them. The future lard should be covered and left for 7-9 hours in the refrigerator. And then for about half an hour or a little more (depending on the hardness of the product) boil for a couple or smoke. Check readiness with a match or a toothpick. Then the fat is allowed to cool down, to “rest”. And they serve it to the table.

Product Description

Fat (lard), layers of dense non-layered subcutaneous fat of pork, no more than 1.5 cm thick. It is used in cooking for stuffing meat, adding to minced meat products, stewed cabbage, for dressing some soups, etc. The bulk is harvested for future use, i.e. e. salt. For salting, lard is taken from the dorsal and lateral parts. Salted lard can be with or without skin, the skin is thoroughly cleaned of bristles before salting. Salt the bacon in pieces. To make it better salted, large pieces are cut in the middle, each strip is moistened in brine before salting, then rubbed with salt and placed on clean boards, while each row is sprinkled with salt. Usually lard is stacked skin down. After 10-12 days, the stack is shifted, moving the upper rows down, and again rubbed with salt and poured over each row with it. The salting process lasts at least 20 days. Salted bacon in a room with a temperature not exceeding 5 ° C. But you can salt the bacon and dry method at a temperature of 12 ° C.


There are three types of lard: lateral, spinal, Iberian. As can be seen from the names of this simple classification, the varieties of lard correspond to its location. Fat taken from the spinal region has a large granular structure, its refractoriness is very high. For the manufacture of raw smoked sausages, this type of bacon is the best, because its structure does not violate the natural shape of the sausage and its pattern, and all because these grains of fat remain unchanged when heated. Side fat is obtained from the sides and chest of the carcass, it is much softer than the back fat. It is actively used for the production of chopped ham or semi-smoked sausages of the first and second grade. Iberian bacon is the most expensive of all types of this product. It is taken from the dorsal part of animals, which must only be of a special Iberian breed. Its color is pure white or has a pinkish tint, the shape of this fat is a thick layer without interspersing meat, and its palatability remains consistently high. This fat is ideal for smoking or salting. Occasionally, Iberian bacon is added to meat delicacies as a special ingredient, so to speak, "zest".

Packaging and storage

Products from lard should be released for sale with a temperature in the thickness of the product not higher than minus 8 ° C - for frozen and not higher than plus 8 ° C - for chilled.
Packing, marking, transportation and storage of bacon products sent to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas - according to GOST 15846-79.
Products from pork fat are transported in refrigerated trucks and vans with an isothermal body in accordance with the current rules for the transport of perishable goods.
Transportation in packaged form is carried out in accordance with GOST 21929-76 and GOST 24597-81.
Salted bacon, unsalted frozen sausage bacon and frozen salted lard are transported by rail; smoked lard, smoked-baked puff lard, salted and smoked snack lard, Hungarian lard, home-style lard and Belarusian lard are not transported by rail.
The shelf life and sale of bacon products from the end of the technological process at a temperature of 0 to.8 ° C and a relative humidity of 75 + - 5% is:

Salted bacon, salted sausage bacon, home-style bacon, Belarusian fat up to 60 days; bacon puff smoked-baked up to 5 days;
- smoked bacon and Hungarian bacon up to 30 days;
- cold unsalted sausage bacon - no more than 3 days;
- salted and smoked snack bacon - no more than 30 days, including the shelf life at the manufacturer - no more than 24 hours.

The shelf life and sale of frozen bacon products from the moment the technological process is completed at a temperature of minus 7 - minus 9 ° C is:
salted bacon, unsalted and salted sausage bacon, salted and smoked snack bacon up to 90 days, including the shelf life at the manufacturer - no more than 24 hours.
unsalted unfrozen sausage bacon is not subject to sale.
In the trading network, all bacon products are sold without wrapping materials, twine, paper clips and without removing the shell for snack bacon.

Bacon is a fresh, salted or salted-smoked meat product made from subcutaneous lard. It is used both for eating and for preparing various dishes.


In most cases, for the manufacture of lard, lard is used from the dorsal (spinal) and lateral parts of the pork carcass. To improve the taste properties, various spices are added in large quantities. As a rule, it is garlic, bay leaf and black pepper.


According to the breed of pigs and the feed used, the fat is hard, semi-solid, soft and oily, and depending on the location of the fat - lateral, spinal, Iberian. Side fat, characterized by softness, is used in the production of meat and sausage products of 1 and 2 grades. Back fat has a granular texture and increased resistance to thermal effects, which makes it an excellent option for making raw smoked sausages. In turn, the Iberian fat, cut exclusively from the back of pigs of an exclusively Iberian breed. It is distinguished by the absence of meat cuts, white or pinkish color, as well as excellent taste. As a rule, Iberian bacon is used for eating in salted and smoked form.


100 grams of bacon contains about 812 kcal.


The chemical composition of lard is characterized by a high content of fats (up to 90%), proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic). In addition, this food product contains small amounts of vitamins A, D, E, as well as phytonutrients, primarily carotenes.

How to cook and serve

Due to its original organoleptic properties, bacon has been widely used in cooking. As a rule, it is used in the preparation of soups, second courses of meat, vegetable side dishes, cold appetizers. The list of recipes using bacon is quite varied, thanks to its excellent compatibility with most popular foods, from meat to vegetables and spices. In addition, lard is very often served as an independent dish, having previously been cleaned of the skin, excess spices and salt, and then cut into thin slices.

How to choose

When choosing bacon, you should focus on the thickness, color of the cut and the absence of fat droplets on the surface. The thickest pieces of bacon with a white or pinkish cut color have the best gastronomic qualities.


The bacon should be stored in the refrigerator. At a temperature of 0 to 8 degrees Celsius, depending on the spices used in the preparation, the shelf life varies within 30-60 days.

Beneficial features

According to its chemical composition, bacon is close to vegetable oils, which determines the nature of its beneficial properties. In particular, the regular use of this food product normalizes fat metabolism, helps to bring the heart rate and blood pressure to optimal levels, and prevents the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis of blood vessels. In addition, lard has a tonic, immunostimulating, choleretic effect, stimulates brain activity, and improves kidney function.

Use restrictions

Individual intolerance, overweight, diseases of the digestive system.
