
Chocolate pear pie step by step recipe from instagram. Chocolate pie with pears

Cut the nuts into small pieces, setting aside 3-4 whole beautiful halves. Melt some butter in a frying pan. Add a small pinch of salt and nuts. Fry them, stirring, so that the nuts are covered with melted butter and lightly toasted. Remove from heat and cool completely, 30 minutes.

Cut cold butter into small cubes. Mix with the sifted flour and grind the mixture with your hands until the consistency of bread crumbs. Add sugar and nuts. Beat in the eggs one at a time, stirring each time.

Peel the pears. Cut into small pieces, leaving one pear whole. Finely chop the chocolate. Add to the batter along with chopped pears, mix quickly. Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Preheat oven to 150°C. Put the dough into a heat-resistant form with a diameter of 22-24 cm, covered with baking paper. Smooth out.

Cut the remaining pear in half and cut into thin slices, keeping the shape of the pear. Lay the slices overlapping on the dough, press down lightly. Decorate the center with the remaining nuts. Bake for 30-35 minutes. Remove the cake from the oven and cool in the mold.

One of the most delicious desserts is pear pie with chocolate. It gives pleasure not only in appearance, but also in a delicate, mild taste. You can make your own melt-in-your-mouth treat. The recipe for chocolate pear pie, which came from Italy, is not particularly difficult.

chocolate pear pie recipe

Chocolate pear pie is perfect for a family or holiday tea party. In the country of origin, it is called "Torta di cioccolato e pere". To make the taste rich, you should use only natural products. This is especially true for chocolate. You can take both milk and dark chocolate.

The recipe for pear pie with chocolate includes the addition of alcohol - wine, brandy, cognac or rum. If the delicacy is intended for children, the ingredient can be replaced. Fruit and chocolate is a delicious classic combination that will delight both adults and little gourmets. It takes 45 minutes to prepare.


To make Chocolate Pear Cake, you will need:

  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 7-8 pears;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 170 g butter or mascarpone;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • cardamom;
  • 200 g dark chocolate;
  • baking powder;
  • a glass of milk;
  • salt on the tip of a knife.

Instead of chocolate, dark cocoa powder is also used. It must be added to a mixture of butter and sugar. Butter can be replaced with margarine.

In the classic recipe, conference pears are used, but ordinary pears are also suitable - Duchesse, Williams. They take both small and large fruits, but then you need to reduce their number. Pears should be firm, not overripe.

Cooking the dough

The secret of a delicious chocolate pear pie is that all the components of the dish must be introduced in a certain sequence. To prepare the dough, the proteins are separated from the eggs and beat them until fluffy foam, adding a little salt. Chicken yolks are mixed with sugar and beat for several minutes. It is better to use a mixer. Softened butter is thrown to them. If the product is only from the refrigerator, put it in a plastic bag and beat it with a rolling pin to make it softer.

The ingredients are thoroughly ground. Milk at room temperature is poured into the mixture, flour is poured through a sieve, baking powder and 1 tablespoon of ground cardamom. You can add cinnamon, which goes well with pears.

After mixing the mass, you need to add eggs to it. Part of the proteins are usually poured in, and the rest is gently pressed into the dough to saturate with bubbles. Mix in a clockwise direction. The dough is divided into parts, cocoa or chopped chocolate is introduced into one of them, which is grated.

Pour the resulting chocolate mass into a mold, oiled or covered with paper. To make the cake easier to take out, you can sprinkle the form with flour. If you want the cake to turn out short, it is recommended to add more flour and put the dough in the refrigerator, wrapping it in cling film. Some housewives roll it between two layers of baking paper before sending it in the cold.

Video of making chocolate cake with pears


How to make stuffing

For the filling in the chocolate-pear pie, you should choose ripe pears. They “melt” during baking and release juice, which will make the dessert loose and rich. Wash the fruit, remove the core, cut into long thin slices. If desired, crush into small cubes. If the peel is hard, cut it off with a knife. The soft skin is not removed. Pears will turn out softer and more fragrant if you first marinate them in lemon juice and maple syrup for half an hour. For spiciness, add 1 tablespoon of grated fresh ginger.

If the pears are hard, they are boiled in syrup to make them soft and juicy. Take 500 ml of water, a bag of fruit tea, 50 g of brown or regular sugar, 1 lemon, 4 cloves, cinnamon. Fruits are boiled in the mixture for half an hour. The firmer the pears, the longer they need to be cooked. Pears can be simply fried in butter with vanilla sugar and cinnamon until soft. Some prefer to simmer them in a mixture of cocoa and butter.

Another filling recipe includes wine. The slices are laid out in a deep saucepan, wine is added, and kept on fire until the liquid has evaporated. To prepare pears, fruits can be poured with water with sugar and rum and heated in a saucepan over low heat until soft. Alcohol gives a special smell and taste. Fruits will become like marmalade. If children eat dessert, you can stew pears in cream with a fat content of 33%.

To keep the pears from turning brown, use lemon juice. Pears are placed in a bowl, sprinkled with juice, sprinkled with brown sugar and poured with wine. An hour later, the resulting juice is drained and stored. They impregnate the cake at the end.

Immediately after stewing, the fruits are transferred to a separate bowl so that they cool. The sliced ​​​​pieces are laid out on half of the dough with chocolate slightly overlapping, they are poured on top with the remaining dough. For more piquancy, pears are smeared with Nutella.

How to cook and decorate a pie

The dough, which should turn out to be the consistency of thick sour cream, is poured into a mold and leveled with a spatula. If you grease the mold with butter, the bottom of the cake will turn out with a baked crust.

After adding the filling, the dough is placed in an oven preheated to 160 degrees and a chocolate pie with pears is baked for 40 minutes. The readiness of the dessert is checked by sticking a fork or wooden stick into its middle. If nothing sticks to it, they take it out. If the toothpick becomes wet, increase the temperature to 180 degrees and continue baking for another quarter of an hour.

After pulling the dessert out of the oven, it must be left alone for 10 minutes, covered with a towel. If you take it out right away, the cake may break. When it stands a little, you can remove the sidewall of the detachable form. After that, the form is turned over, the cake is sprinkled with powdered sugar for decoration. It is smeared with warmed honey or hot jam with a brush.

If there is time, the finished cake is decorated with icing. While the cake is cooling, prepare the decoration. Pieces of chocolate are melted in a water bath with milk. For flavor, you can add a little cognac or wine. After removing the mixture from the heat, butter is added to it. It should be sticky. Cooled frosting evenly cover the cake. You can simply mix cream and melted chocolate - the glaze will be harder.

A delicious classic cake can be decorated:

  • assorted berries from currants or grapes;
  • crushed chocolate chip cookies;
  • cocoa;
  • coconut flakes;
  • chopped walnuts;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • sliced ​​almonds;
  • apricot jam;
  • orange peel.

Part of the dough can be set aside in the freezer for half an hour, and grate it before sending the pie to the oven. Get a grated chocolate pie with pears.

Dessert will be especially tasty if served with ice cream or sour cream. Top it with chocolate custard. To prepare it, you need to take 320 ml of milk, heat it over low heat. A glass of sugar is beaten with 4 yolks until the mixture turns white. Pour hot milk into the yolks, stirring constantly. The cream is poured back into the saucepan and boiled until it thickens. Care must be taken not to form lumps. Chocolate melted in a water bath is added to the custard, mixed with 80 ml of low-fat cream.

Instead of cream, you can make mousse. For him, melt 300 g of milk chocolate in a water bath, cool it. Whip 600 ml heavy cream to high peaks. Chocolate is mixed with cream. The mousse should be carefully and evenly distributed on the cake, lay out the pears, add the remaining mousse on top. After that, the cake must be cooled in the refrigerator. Mousse tastes like ice cream.

There are tricks that will help you achieve the perfect pear baking:

  1. While laying pears in the dough, sweet tooth can sprinkle them with vanilla sugar.
  2. The dough can be improved by adding crushed Amaretti cookies to it. The dessert will turn out crispy and original in taste.
  3. To make the cake fluffy, it is advisable to mix the dough from the bottom up.
  4. Canned pears can be used instead of fresh pears.
  5. It is better to use a mold with a diameter of 22-24 cm. Although there is butter in the dough, it is better to sprinkle the mold with flour or bake a dessert on baking paper. The most convenient form with a split bottom - it is easier to get the cake in it.
  6. For a brighter taste, ordinary flour can be replaced with almond flour, and brown sugar can be used.
  7. Before serving, you need to let the pear-chocolate pie cool for at least 20 minutes, it is better to put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  8. Glaze can be made not from chocolate, but cocoa. You need to mix it with butter and milk. The cake can also be simply smeared with melted chocolate.
  9. To achieve a lower calorie content, you can make a cake without flour. Instead, add 90 g of roasted hazelnuts. It is fried in a dry frying pan for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, cooled and ground into flour. You can do this with a blender.

An interesting chocolate cake with caramelized pears will turn out. It will take 150 g of butter, 250 g of sugar. Butter and sugar are fried in a frying pan. As soon as the mixture disperses, 50 ml should be added. water. You need to cook the caramel, stirring constantly, until it becomes almost black. For flavor, you can add a teaspoon of vanilla essence.

Caramel is poured into a mold, spread on top of the pears, sprinkling them with sugar. Puff yeast-free dough should not be rolled out very thinly, put on top of the pears, completely covering them. After the cake, send it to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for an hour. The dough should be golden. It needs to be checked from time to time. If it burns, you can cover the mass with foil or baking paper. The plate is placed on top of the mold, and the cake is turned over. The delicacy is served with cream or ice cream.

Calorie content of foods in the composition of the dish

Dessert refers to foods with a high calorie content. There are approximately 480 calories in 100 grams of chocolate cake. Carbohydrates in the delicacy - 35 g, fat - 13 g, proteins - 5 g. Due to the use of a small amount of butter and a high content of fruits, the calorie content of the dish is lower than that of a classic chocolate cake. A pie with pears and chocolate is not an everyday dish, you can occasionally treat yourself to it.

Such an autumn delicacy is delicious to eat with coffee or with any other drink. It can be served both hot and cold. Dessert can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. An interesting contrast of crispy pear and chocolate will bring unforgettable moments of bliss.

Pear pie with chocolate is perhaps one of the most interesting types of dessert. It will please all family members with its soft and delicate taste. This melt-in-your-mouth delicacy is easy to make at home. We offer the best savory recipes.

chocolate pear pie recipe

To make chocolate pear pie, you can use alcohol: wine or stronger options, such as rum or cognac. Choose good quality drinks - they taste much more aromatic. If children will eat dessert, it is better to refuse it.


For the chocolate pear pie you will need:

  • chicken eggs - four pieces;
  • pears - five or six
  • wheat flour - 250 g;
  • butter or mascarpone - about 160–180 g;
  • granulated sugar - 80–90 g;
  • cardamom - to taste;
  • dark chocolate - 150 g;
  • soda or baking powder;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • salt - the minimum amount.

Cooking process

It will take no more than an hour and a half to prepare a pear pie with chocolate. According to the recipe, all the ingredients must be added in a certain order.

For test:

  • Separate the proteins from the yolks, beat them until a fluffy foam is obtained, then add a small amount of salt.

  • The yolks are mixed with granulated sugar, and then beat with a mixer for several minutes.

  • Then softened butter is introduced or taken out of the refrigerator, placed in a bag and beaten a little with a rolling pin.

  • All components are thoroughly ground, and milk is added to the mixture - it is better if it is at room temperature.

  • Through a sieve, add wheat flour, a little baking powder, 1 tbsp. l. crushed cardamom.

You can also sprinkle with cinnamon if you wish. It goes well with pears and complements the taste.

  • The mass is stirred, proteins are slowly added to it. Do all this carefully, strictly clockwise.

  • Then the dough is divided into two parts, one of which is injected with chocolate or cocoa powder. The tile is crushed on a grater.

  • The already prepared mass of chocolate is poured into a mold, which is pre-lubricated with oil or covered with paper. It is also advisable to sprinkle it with flour so that the baked pie with pears and chocolate is easier to remove.

  • Pour the mixture into the mold and smooth it out with a spatula. The dough in its consistency should resemble thick sour cream.

Next, the filling is added and the future pear pie is placed in the oven, which is preheated to 160 degrees. Bake it for at least 40 minutes. Check the readiness of the dessert with a fork or wooden stick. If all is well, the cake is removed from the mold and allowed to cool.

How to make stuffing

It will come out tasty and rich only when using ripe fruits. To prepare the filling for the pear and chocolate pie, you need:

  • rinse the fruit thoroughly, cut out the seeds and the entire core, cut them into long thin slices;
  • cut the peel with a knife if it is hard, while the soft one does not need to be removed;
  • marinate pears in lemon juice or maple concentrate for 30 minutes to make the fruit more fragrant and soft;
  • if desired, add one tbsp. l. grated ginger for a spicier flavor.

If the fruits are still too hard, they should be boiled in syrup to make them soft. To do this, use 450–550 ml of water, any fruit tea, a little granulated sugar, one medium lemon, cinnamon and four dried clove flowers.

How to decorate a cake

To do this, you can grease the dessert with warmed linden or acacia honey. Or spread the top of a chocolate-pear pie with hot jam.

If you have a little more time, prepare a delicious original glaze:

  • in a water bath, melt the pieces of chocolate with milk;

To improve the taste of the dough and give it originality, you can add cookies, such as Amaretto. First you need to grind it to a crumb state. Then you will get a pear dessert crispy and very tasty.

  1. To make the pastries as lush as possible, you need to mix the dough in a special way - from the bottom up.
  2. If you don't have fresh pears on hand, you can find canned ones.
  3. For the preparation of delicious and fragrant chocolate-pear pastries, almond flour is used instead of ordinary flour. You can also add not white, but brown sugar.

Before serving the pear treat prepared according to our recipe, it must be cooled for at least 20 minutes. Even better - put in the refrigerator for three to four hours. Then the chocolate cake with pears will settle, soak, become very tasty.

There are enough recipes for chocolate pies, pear pies and chocolate pies on our site. Of course, everyone deserves attention.

I want to draw your attention to the amount of flour in the recipe. Everything will depend on the size of the eggs and the moisture content of the curd. Actually, this applies to any recipe!

I also want to turn to the sweet tooth: the cake is not very sweet. If you like your baked goods to be very sweet, increase the amount of sugar. How much? I think about 20-30 grams. But still it is better to focus on your taste. You can not increase the amount of sugar, but sprinkle the finished completely cooled cake with powdered sugar: it will be both beautiful and sweeter.

It is better to take a pear strong enough so that it does not turn into mashed potatoes during the baking process.

So, let's prepare the products according to the list.

Beat eggs with salt and vanilla until fluffy.

Add melted and cooled butter and cottage cheese.

Whisk again so that the curd is dispersed in the mixture.

Add flour mixed with cocoa and baking powder.

We arm ourselves with a spoon or spatula and mix the dough.

It will be thick enough...

Like this.

We lay it out in a mold (the size of the mold is 20x20 cm).

Peel the pears, cut into slices.

We spread the slices on the dough, slightly pressing them into it.

We send the form to the oven preheated to 175 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Focus on your oven! The splinter from the finished pie will come out dry.

Chocolate pie with pears is ready.

Take it out of the mold and cool completely on a wire rack.

Happy tea and coffee drinking!
