
Fish schnitzel. Natural fish schnitzel



This technical and technological map has been developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the natural fish Schnitzel dish produced by a public catering facility.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, safety and quality certificate, etc.)


Product nameConsumption rate of products for 1 serving
Gross weight, gNet weight, g
Cod fillet (or haddock, or pollack, or pollock, or hake, or sea bass, or pike perch, or mullet)89,5 85
Onion fresh peeled semi-finished product

or fresh onion

17 17
UHT milk enriched with DP8 8
Diet chicken egg4 4
Salt "Extra"0,5 0,5
Breadcrumbs12 12
Butter4 4
Butter2 2
Exit: -* 100

* Gross weight of fish based on glaze content of 5%. If the glaze content is different, the gross weight of the fish fillet must be recalculated.


The prepared fish fillet without bones and skin is washed, cut into pieces, mixed with chopped onion, passed through a meat grinder with a large grate. Salt is added to the prepared mass, mixed thoroughly and oval-shaped products are formed, moistened in an egg mixed with milk, breaded in breadcrumbs, placed on a baking sheet greased with butter, baked in an oven on both sides at a temperature of 180-220 ° C in for 15-18 minutes until ready ..

On vacation, fish schnitzel is poured with boiled butter.


Serving: The dish is prepared at the request of the consumer, used according to the recipe of the main dish. Shelf life and sale according to SanPin, SanPin

Serving temperature: 65±5°С.

Implementation period: no more than 2 hours from the moment of preparation.


6.1 Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance - Characteristic of this dish.

Color - Characteristic of the products included in the product.

Taste and smell - Characteristic for the products included in the product, without foreign tastes and odors.

6.2 Microbiological and physico-chemical parameters:

According to microbiological and physico-chemical indicators, this dish meets the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On food safety" (TR CU 021/2011)


Technological engineer.

Step-by-step recipes for gourmet fish schnitzel in a pan, slow cooker and oven from tilapia, salmon, pike, carp, mackerel and several types of sea fish at once (assorted)

2018-06-28 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

18 gr.

4 gr.


8 gr.

137 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Tilapia Fish Schnitzel Recipe

A schnitzel differs from a cutlet by the degree of grinding of the main ingredient. So, for the first, meat or poultry must be chopped with a knife, and in the second case, it must be passed through a meat grinder. Today we will talk about fish schnitzel, which we will make from different types of fillets.


  • three tilapia fillets;
  • one egg (large);
  • fresh herbs to taste;
  • two spoons of semolina;
  • flour for boning;
  • salt/spices "For fish";
  • refined oil.

Step by step fish schnitzel recipe

Defrost medium tilapia fillets, leaving overnight on the kitchen table under the film. The next day, look at the fish so that thin bones do not remain in the pulp.

Wash carefully and cut into small pieces. Place the tilapia in a dry bowl of a suitable size.

Pour fish spices, semolina and salt there. Break an egg. Knead strong viscous minced meat with pronounced pieces of tilapia.

Now pour refined oil into the wide thick bottom of the pan. While it is warming up, form round blanks from the resulting fragrant mass.

Roll each in wheat flour and place inside the pan. Fry fish schnitzels for 3-5 minutes on both sides. Take it out, blot with paper towels. Serve with boiled rice or tender mashed potatoes.

Since we naturally thaw fillets, be sure to put the fish on a plate, because during thawing, quite a lot of water will appear. From it, by the way, telapia is better well, but squeeze it carefully so that the snack does not come out watery.

Option 2: Quick Salmon Fish Schnitzel Recipe


  • 305 grams of salmon fillet;
  • flour for deboning schnitzel;
  • salt to taste;
  • fish seasonings to taste;
  • refined oil for frying;
  • fresh chilled egg;
  • two tablespoons of sour cream;
  • two tablespoons of semolina.

How to quickly cook fish schnitzel

Pour sour cream into a glass or ceramic dish. Add mango and mix. Then heat it up in the microwave for a minute.

Get the dishes. While the grits swell a little, wash the piece of salmon. Finely chop on a clean cutting board. Throw in sour cream with semolina. Crack the chilled egg.

Add salt to taste, season with fish spices. After that, heat a large wide frying pan over maximum heat, pouring oil into it.

Place round pieces of fish mass on the hot bottom, rolled in a large amount of wheat flour.

Fry each fish schnitzel on one side and the other for three minutes, without reducing the strength of the burner.

It is not necessary to cook this appetizer from a whole piece. Often in fish shops or departments of supermarkets you can buy fish trimmings. It is also much cheaper, and you do not need to waste time grinding.

Option 3: Carp fish schnitzel in a slow cooker

You can buy carp today in any large supermarket where there is a fish department. But how to make a schnitzel out of it, we will tell in the next recipe of our selection.


  • small carp (600-700 grams);
  • large onion;
  • four tablespoons of flour in minced meat;
  • breadcrumbs for deboning;
  • salt/fish seasonings;
  • a spoonful of vegetable oil in a bowl;
  • egg;
  • slice of lemon.

How to cook

Clean the carp from sticky scales and gut, cut off the head. Wash the carcass and remove both sides from the ridge, carefully trimming the flesh.

Spread the resulting fillet on the table and use tweezers to get absolutely all the bones. Then cut the carp into small identical pieces and sprinkle with juice from a slice of lemon.

Having received a strong mixture, leave it on the refrigerator shelf. Half an hour later, minced carp and onions are returned to the table.

With hands (constantly wet) form round cakes and roll in breadcrumbs. Place all blanks on the board.

Pour oil into the bowl. In the "Frying" mode, under an open lid, fry all the fish schnitzels. Time for one side - 2 minutes.

After completing this process, pour a spoonful of water into the bottom of the bowl. Lay all the schnitzels in several layers. Lock the multicooker.

Simmer in the same mode for about five minutes, and then turn off the machine from the network. Leave the snack to "walk" for another 30-40 minutes.

If you are worried that the onion will not allow you to keep the integrity of the schnitzel, rub it on a fine grater. In this case, the appetizer will have a bright onion taste and aroma, but at the same time, you won’t feel anything except for the fish inside.

Option 4: Pike fish schnitzel in the oven

Fishermen often bring home pike. This fish is bony, and not all housewives like to cook different dishes from it. However, the creation of a schnitzel does not require much effort. See for yourself!


  • kilogram pike;
  • large onion;
  • medium carrot;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt/spices "For fish";
  • large egg;
  • flour for the viscosity of minced meat;
  • odorless vegetable oil.

Step by step recipe

Gut the pike, clean and rinse well. Separate the fillet parts and choose as carefully as possible small thin bones.

Chop the prepared pulp. Pour into a clean container. Separately chop the onion and fresh medium carrot.

Root vegetables to introduce to the pike. Mix, salt. Beat in a cold large egg and add spices. At the very end, sift the flour. Knead strong heterogeneous minced meat.

Leave it to infuse, preferably on a refrigerator shelf, for an hour. After this time, form blanks in turn, which are immediately breaded in breadcrumbs.

Line a baking sheet with a flat bottom with parchment paper. Lubricate with a small amount of refined oil.

Place all fish schnitzels at some distance from each other on top. Send to the oven.

Bake a pike snack for 15-16 minutes at 195 degrees. After turning off the oven, cool the dish partially and serve with mashed potatoes and pickles.

Pike is a rather bony fish. Therefore, allocate enough time to remove the bones, because their presence in the schnitzel is unacceptable. As for carrots and onions, it is permissible to grind them manually, on a grater or in a stationary blender.

Option 5: Mackerel Fish Schnitzel with Chili and Garlic

For a spicier and spicier appetizer, we recommend adding fresh chili and peeled garlic cloves to the mackerel schnitzel recipe. Believe me, the aroma will amaze your culinary imagination!


505 grams of mackerel fillet;

4-5 grams of chili;

5 garlic cloves;

large cold egg;

flour for breading;

three spoons of semolina;

refined oil for frying;

fish spices / salt in minced meat.

How to cook

Defrost the mackerel fillet in the microwave or overnight directly on the table under the film.

Throw everything in a bowl, where to add fish seasonings, semolina, a cold egg and salt to taste. Knead a strong mixture with a spatula or by hand.

Also add chopped chili and crushed garlic to the minced meat. Mix again and refrigerate for half an hour.

After a predetermined time, ignite the odorless oil at the bottom of the pan. While this is happening, make oval fish schnitzels and bread the blanks in flour.

Fry the mackerel appetizer for 3-4 minutes, turning over a couple of times with a wide spatula. Transfer the schnitzels to a plate with napkins, which will immediately absorb the oil. Serve with pickles and your favorite side dish.

If you don't find a frozen mackerel fillet, take a whole fresh carcass. It remains only to gut it, wash it and, after removing the bones, chop it on the board. More time needs to be spent, but fresh fish is better than frozen anyway.

Option 6: Assorted fish schnitzel from sea fish

Finally, we propose to make a schnitzel from assorted fish. We will pick it up ourselves. You can take other types or include several seafood (shrimp or mussels) in the composition.


195 grams of salmon fillet;

195 grams of halibut fillet;

195 grams of flounder fillet;

salt for fish;

half a small lemon;

a third of a bunch of dill;

large egg (cold);

three tablespoons of potato starch;

small breadcrumbs;

vegetable oil in a frying pan.

Step by step recipe

Carefully wash three types of fillet and, turning off the water, blot with paper towels. Just in case, see if there are any bones.

Then chop all the fish on a cutting board and transfer the pieces to a small bowl, rubbed dry. Pour lemon juice over half of the fruit.

Inside, also add salt, a large chicken egg, chopped dill and salt. Mix with a spatula until relatively homogeneous.

Now form blanks from salmon, halibut and flounder and breaded in small light breadcrumbs. Lay out on a board and refrigerate.

After an hour, ignite a little refined oil in a thick-bottomed frying pan. Fry the appetizer in turn, not forgetting to blot each fish schnitzel with a paper towel. Serve immediately with a side dish, white wine and your favorite cheese.

In addition to these types of marine and oceanic fish, it is permissible to take others. For example, it can be red trout, salmon or mackerel. As for dill, it is permissible to use any other greens along with it or instead of it.

I have long wanted to make cutlets from catfish, but still nothing. The fact is that fish is generally an infrequent guest on our table, not to mention the fish felling. In short, then there is no catfish, then there is no time. I don’t have worked out recipes, I didn’t really want to find another “masterpiece” on the Internet. When I find myself in such a situation, I simply open a collection of recipes, although everything is simple and peasant-style, but you definitely won’t stumble. At first I wanted to make cutlets, but I saw a schnitzel, it is natural, without bread additives, so I chose it. Didn't fail at all.)

Recipe (net) for 1 serving.
Catfish (perch, cod, pollock, sea bass) - 106 gr.
Onion - 20 gr.
Parsley (greens) fresh - 4 gr.
Milk - 10 gr.
Eggs - 5 gr.
Crackers - 15 gr.
Oil rast. or cooking oil - 13 gr.
Plum oil. (for serving) - 10 gr.

I had 10 servings.
Catfish (fillet) - 1.1 kg.
Onion - 4 pcs. small
Parsley - 50 gr.
Egg - 2 pcs. (one for minced meat, the other for lezon)
Milk - 0.5 tbsp.
Melted butter for frying.
Plum oil. for submission.
Salt, pepper to taste.

Clean fillet (without skin and bones) * cut into pieces, also onion and parsley, pass through a meat grinder. Add an egg** to the minced meat, salt, pepper, mix well.

To form, the shape is oval, in fact, they had to be flattened more, but I was afraid that they would tear when frying. Reinsured. Then we moisten in lezon (whipped mixture of eggs and milk).

Breaded in breadcrumbs. I will retreat about crackers. I always make them myself, I just buy a loaf of white bread, cut it into cubes and dry it in the oven at 70 degrees until done, then grind it in a mixer. Why these extra moves? I’ll tell you, the fact is that industrial-scale crackers are made from returnable bread, if it didn’t sell, it’s a return. But this is not so bad, more precisely, it does not matter at all. And the trouble is that at bakeries they don’t make a difference between black, white, rich and other breads. They are dried and milled together, so they taste sweetish, and sweetness does not fit into the concept of many dishes. Of course, there are also specially made ground crackers, but I have not seen them here, so I do everything myself, with pens.
We spread the breaded schnitzels in a pan with heated fat, I used the ghee "President" and fry for 8-10 minutes on both sides. Then he transferred them to a baking sheet, as he fried them in three portions and put them in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 7 minutes, added about half a glass of water to the bottom of the baking sheet so that they would not dry out. Ready. Served with boiled rice and fresh vegetables, sprinkled with dill, and put a piece of butter on the schnitzels. Beautiful, Th perishing, but delicious not to describe. Mentally even. My wife really checked it out, said that they were not at all like in the kindergarten, I blunted and asked in which kindergarten, but immediately caught up and neighing. Damn, the last time people ate fishcakes was in kindergarten, this is the popularity of the dish. Urgently reanimate!

* A clean fillet without a skin is used in order to avoid getting the scales remaining after cleaning into the finished product, and since the catfish does not have scales, I left the skin, and I like it, the catfish.
** Eggs according to the recipe do not go into minced meat, but are allowed. And I'm not greedy.

Natural fish schnitzel. GOST.

I have long wanted to make cutlets from catfish, but still nothing. The fact is that fish is generally an infrequent guest on our table, not to mention the fish felling. In short, then there is no catfish, then there is no time. I don’t have worked out recipes, I didn’t really want to find another “masterpiece” on the Internet. When I find myself in such a situation, I simply open a collection of recipes, although everything is simple and peasant-style, but you definitely won’t stumble. At first I wanted to make cutlets, but I saw a schnitzel, it is natural, without bread additives, so I chose it. Didn't fail at all.)

Recipe (net) for 1 serving.
Catfish (perch, cod, pollock, sea bass) - 106 gr.
Onion - 20 gr.
Parsley (greens) fresh - 4 gr.
Milk - 10 gr.
Eggs - 5 gr.
Crackers - 15 gr.
Oil rast. or cooking oil - 13 gr.
Plum oil. (for serving) - 10 gr.

I had 10 servings.
Catfish (fillet) - 1.1 kg.
Onion - 4 pcs. small
Parsley - 50 gr.
Egg - 2 pcs. (one for minced meat, the other for lezon)
Milk - 0.5 tbsp.
Melted butter for frying.
Plum oil. for submission.
Salt, pepper to taste.

Clean fillet (without skin and bones) * cut into pieces, also onion and parsley, pass through a meat grinder. Add an egg** to the minced meat, salt, pepper, mix well.

To form, the shape is oval, in fact, they had to be flattened more, but I was afraid that they would tear when frying. Reinsured. Then we moisten in lezon (whipped mixture of eggs and milk).

Breaded in breadcrumbs. I will retreat about crackers. I always make them myself, I just buy a loaf of white bread, cut it into cubes and dry it in the oven at 70 degrees until done, then grind it in a mixer. Why these extra moves? I’ll tell you, the fact is that industrial-scale crackers are made from returnable bread, if it didn’t sell, it’s a return. But this is not so bad, more precisely, it does not matter at all. And the trouble is that at bakeries they don’t make a difference between black, white, rich and other breads. They are dried and milled together, so they taste sweetish, and sweetness does not fit into the concept of many dishes. Of course, there are also specially made ground crackers, but I have not seen them here, so I do everything myself, with pens.
We spread the breaded schnitzels in a pan with heated fat, I used the ghee "President" and fry for 8-10 minutes on both sides. Then he put them on a baking sheet, as he fried them in three portions and put them in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 7 minutes, added about half a glass of water to the bottom of the baking sheet so that they would not dry out. Ready. Served with boiled rice and fresh vegetables, sprinkled with dill, and put a piece of butter on the schnitzels. Beautiful, Th perishing, but delicious not to describe. Mentally even. My wife really checked it out, said that they were not at all like in the kindergarten, I blunted and asked in which kindergarten, but immediately caught up and neighing. Damn, the last time people ate fishcakes was in kindergarten, this is the popularity of the dish. Urgently reanimate!

* A clean fillet without a skin is used in order to avoid getting the scales remaining after cleaning into the finished product, and since the catfish does not have scales, I left the skin, and I like it, the catfish.
** Eggs according to the recipe do not go into minced meat, but are allowed. And I'm not greedy.

Happy everyone!

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients.

So let's start with the fish fillet. Cut it into cubes, about one centimeter each. Then salt and pepper. Then we stir a little, just don't make a lot of effort so as not to make a fish paste. Then we'll move on to the bow. We clean it from the skin and rinse with water, removing a thin film, if any. Then cut into cubes, a little less than fish. Then add it to the fish and stir lightly, I repeat, so as not to chop the fish. To make our mixture infused and more juicy, wrap the plate with cling film and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. After the mass has been infused, add 2 tablespoons of flour and 2 eggs to it. Then mix gently.

Step 2: Fry the schnitzels.

In the oil heated in a frying pan, spread the minced meat in the form of pancakes. We do this with an ordinary spoon. And fry on all sides until golden brown. See that the schnitzels do not burn, for this every time you look at the roast.

Step 3: Serve to the table.

We spread the finished schnitzels on a plate and serve with any vegetables or sauce. This dish is indispensable in those days when you want something tasty, but you don’t know what. I advise everyone to try. Bon appetit!

The fish can not be cut into cubes, but chopped into three even parts, and then fried in breadcrumbs or batter.

Choose the type of fish of your choice. As the saying goes: "There are no comrades for the taste and color."
