
Sorrel soup for the winter in jars recipes. How to roll sorrel for the winter with cold water

A storehouse of vitamins - you can’t call sorrel otherwise, which occupies a very small corner of a summer cottage. Vitamins of group B, A, C, E; acids - oxalic and ascorbic; as well as calcium and magnesium, potassium and iron. Therefore, when preparing sorrel for the winter, the hostess provides her household with not only a tasty, but also a very healthy product. How to freeze sorrel, preserve with and without salt, how to prepare the filling for pies - will be discussed in this article.

The best ways to harvest sorrel for the winter

Recipe 1

Carefully sort out cut greens, remove yellowed damaged leaves and weeds. Rinse very well, let drain and spread on a kitchen towel to dry excess water.

Then the sorrel should be coarsely chopped and blanched. To do this, pour water into the pan, put on fire, and after boiling, lower the sorrel into it. Literally after 30 seconds, the sorrel greens will become olive in color. Now you need to reduce the flame to a minimum and start filling the jars.

It is best to use containers with a volume of 0.5 liters or less, so that in winter an open jar can be used at a time.

Pour boiling water into a container filled to the shoulders, in which the sorrel was blanched (to overflow) and immediately cork.

Lids also need to be sterilized. Closed jars are checked for leaks by turning upside down, and cooled in this form. The workpiece is well stored even at room temperature.

Another recipe for harvesting natural sorrel. No salt, no sugar, no more vinegar.

Recipe 2

The cooking method is very simple. Sorrel is not subjected to heat treatment and retains its taste.

For work you will need:

      • cutting board and sharp knife
      • jars with screw caps, 0.5 l or 0.25 l
      • boiled water at room temperature
      • sorrel
    Only leaves will go into the harvest, so carefully collecting the greens in a bunch, you need to cut off the petioles. Prepared leaves are poured with plenty of water and changed several times. All dust and sand should be washed off the leaves. Then the sorrel is transferred to a colander or kitchen towel to remove excess moisture.

Now the dried greens should be cut into pieces of arbitrary shape, as the hostess usually does for cooking green cabbage soup or salad.

The jars in which the greens will be laid must be sterilized. The same goes for lids.

Sorrel fall asleep in a container, tightly tamping each portion. You can use a wooden pusher or spoon (also wooden), or you can simply crush it with your hand.

Now pour water into the filled jar. Gently, in a thin stream, at the same time crushing the greens. This will allow you to expel the air remaining between the pieces of sorrel. Very little water will enter the jar, but it should be flush with the top edge of the neck of the jar. In this form, it is immediately screwed. Sorrel can be stored without salt for more than a year, while maintaining freshness.

This preparation is universal. It can be used for soups and salads without the risk of salting the dish. For sweet pastries, you will need to add sugar.

By the way, the petioles that were cut off at the beginning of the preparation of sorrel without salt can be crushed in a blender and frozen. A small portion of this puree will add sourness to borscht or sauce. It is added to the soup just before turning it off.

Sorrel for the winter: just add water

Harvesting sorrel with salt is not much different from the previous recipe.

Washed sorrel leaves must be cut into strips or pieces - as you like - and put in sterilized half-liter jars. The greens are compacted to avoid voids between the product. Sprinkle a teaspoon of salt on top. Salt should be ordinary, rock, without any additives. Now you need to pour boiled water at room temperature. Pour carefully, lightly pressing the leaves with a wooden spoon so that they do not float. Having filled the container with water flush with the edges, it is immediately corked and sent for storage.

Sorrel with green onions

Sorrel can be prepared mixed with other herbs. This preparation is ideal for green borscht or salad.


  • fresh sorrel greens - 450 g
  • green onion feather - 450 g
  • young dill greens - 220 g
  • parsley leaves - 220 g
  • kitchen salt without additives - 80 g

A wonderful preparation that saves the hostess time for preparing lunch or dinner.

All greens must be carefully sorted out, washed and allowed to dry, spreading a thin layer on a towel. Then all the components are crushed into medium-sized pieces and placed in a cup. Pour salt on top and mix, slightly crushing the mass. Mechanical impact on the greens will accelerate the release of juice.

Half-liter jars are kept in low-boiling water for 15 minutes, and liter jars for 25 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the jars are corked, cooled, turned upside down, and sent to the cellar for storage.

To avoid the unpleasant consequences of harvesting sorrel for the winter, it must be thoroughly washed. This applies to all, without exception, recipes. Damaged and yellowed leaves are removed. Workpiece containers and lids are properly washed and sterilized.

The hostess will need sorrel and sparkling water. Just sparkling water, no flavored additives. It should be chilled before use. Sorrel is cut into pieces and placed in a prepared container, as tightly as possible. Then pour sparkling water and immediately roll up. The soda bottle must always be kept closed so as not to lose the zest of the workpiece - gas bubbles.

The sequence of actions is this.

  1. First, fill the jars with sorrel until all the cutting is finished.
  2. Then fill one of them with soda,
  3. screw the bottle of water and roll up the jar.
  4. And so on. It is very convenient to work in four hands.

All useful substances of sorrel are preserved with such preparation, and dishes with its preparation give the impression of using fresh herbs.

Harvesting sorrel for the winter: video

So that in winter you can enjoy pies (or pies) with sorrel, you should take care of this in the summer. A blank with the addition of sugar will serve as an excellent filling for any pastry.

  • Wash jars thoroughly and sterilize.
  • Washed and dried sorrel cut into small pieces.

For 1 kg of greens you will need 200 g of granulated sugar. Sorrel is tightly packed in jars, alternating with layers of sugar. The top layer should be sugar. Store this preparation in the refrigerator. But it will justify its place when pies reminiscent of summer appear on the master's table on a winter evening.

Drying sorrel

If there is a lot of sorrel, but there is no time for harvesting, it can be dried. The main condition is the absence of direct sunlight.

Cut sorrel leaves are washed, yellowed and damaged parts of the plant are removed. Dry on a towel or sieve. Next, the greens are crushed and laid out in a thin layer on paper in a well-ventilated and warm room. The cutting must be constantly stirred so that drying occurs evenly. But it is also important not to overdry the sorrel, otherwise it will crumble and turn into dust. Store dried sorrel in paper bags or glass jars.

A very simple option for harvesting sorrel for the winter. You can freeze both chopped greens, and the whole leaf as a whole.

Before putting the sorrel in the freezer, it is washed and dried. Then cut and put into containers. You can use plastic bags. Putting sorrel in the bag, it must be tightly rolled up, thus removing excess air. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in the volume of the convolution.

You can also freeze a mixture of greens by adding dill, parsley and a green onion feather to the sorrel.

Containers should be taken small, for one preparation. The same principle applies to freezing in bags. Portions are made based on one pot of borscht. An important advantage of freezing is simplicity.

If the sorrel leaves are washed, then lay them in the freezer, a matter of a few minutes. In addition, frozen greens retain the maximum amount of nutrients.

How to freeze sorrel: video

Yes, yes ... From sour sorrel, which is often removed from the beds like weeds, you can make jam. Its taste is unusual and somewhat remotely resembles the taste of apple jam. You have to be a real gourmet to appreciate this type of sorrel preparation.

Calculation of products for the preparation of a sweet treat

For every 500 g of greens, you need to take 400 g of granulated sugar and 30 ml of water.

Processing sorrel and making jam:

  • Rinse the sorrel thoroughly in several waters, remove the yellowed leaves and petioles.
  • Shake off excess water and spread on a towel to dry.
  • Then cut it into cubes or strips and put in a pan. The bottom of the pan should be thick, this prevents the jam from burning.
  • Water and sugar are also added here. When cooking, the workpiece should be stirred frequently, and the cooking time depends on the desired density of the finished product.

If the hostess intends to roll up the jam, then it is laid out hot in clean and dry jars and corked.

By adding a pinch of ground cinnamon, you can change the taste of the finished product. You can do this at the very end of cooking. Cinnamon jam is left to simmer under a lid for a few more minutes.

Sorrel and orange jam


  • sorrel - 500 g
  • granulated sugar - 400 g
  • water - 30 ml
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife
  • orange - 1/2 part

Pure sorrel leaves are finely chopped with a knife. Half an orange is scrolled in a meat grinder. The components are placed in a saucepan and mixed. Fall asleep with sugar, add a tablespoon of water and citric acid. The mixture must be boiled for about 15 minutes. Pour hot into clean and dry jars and roll up.

It will take 500 g of sorrel and 1 glass of honey.

The leaves are washed, allowed to dry, separated from the petioles and cut. Chopped sorrel is poured into a saucepan, poured with honey and mixed. Cook the jam over low heat until thickened. Poured into jars and cleaned before winter in the cellar.

Having decided to cook sorrel jam, you should think about the dishes in which it will be cooked. Due to the large amount of acids in sorrel, preference should be given to an enameled basin or stainless steel pan.

All types of jam can be used as a filling for sweet pastries or for sandwiches and toasts.

Be sure to prepare sorrel for the winter - vitamins will be at hand in winter!

Good day, dear readers!

So the long-awaited period of harvesting and conservation for the winter has come! Today we will consider the simplest and most successful recipes for harvesting sorrel with minimal loss of vitamins.

After all, what could be better on a winter day to cook such a summer dish as And immediately it becomes warm in the soul, the mood rises not only for the hostess, but for the whole family! And if you cook a salad and bake pies stuffed with this sour grass - in a word, fantastic. I suggest not to waste time, but rather stock up on this fragrant sour greenery for the future ...

How to preserve sorrel with cold water in jars without salt. Best Recipe

For cooking you need:

  • Jar
  • Sorrel - bunch

Cooking process:

1. First things first, we prepare the jar and the lid: wash thoroughly and sterilize. Then we wash the sorrel under running water, but it is better to repeat this action several times. We select whole leaves without holes and yellowness and fold them one by one into a small bundle.

2. Let's start cutting. We cut off the stems, we do not need them and cut the leaves as you like. I used to cut lengthwise into thin strips about 1 cm wide.

3. Now we fill the jar, tightly tamping the leaves to the very bare.

It is convenient to close it in a container with a volume of 0.5 - 0.7 liters in order to use the entire workpiece at a time. For example, a half-liter jar of sorrel is enough for a 4-liter pot of borscht.

4. Fill with cold boiled water to the very neck. We crush with a spoon so that all the bubbles come out - this is air and we also remove the foam from the bubbles from above.

5. Add water so that it is filled to the brim and tighten the lid. We turn it over, thereby making sure that the lid is tightly screwed on and we put our conservation in the pantry!

When it comes time to cook borscht or soup, we add weed to the dish along with water. No need to throw the leaves into a colander, rinse or drain the water, just open it and add the entire contents of the jar to the pan.

Is it really an easy and quick recipe?

Salting with salt for the winter without sterilization

I offer the option of harvesting with salt, without sterilization and cooking. According to this recipe, grandmother and mother always prepared sour grass. Everything is also very simple and fast and useful substances are saved to the maximum.


  • Sorrel - 500 gr.
  • Salt - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the jar and lid well;

2. We sort out the sorrel, select the green leaves. Rinse in water several times to wash off dust and possible dirt. Give time to drain excess water.

3. Cut off the "legs" and grind.

4. Pour the required amount of salt based on 1 kg of green leaves, you need 100 gr. salt.

5. Mix, crushing a little. The grass will let the juice out a little and decrease in size.

6. Lay out on the banks, thoroughly tamping. Close the lid tightly, without sterilizing, you can take a nylon lid. We remove to a cool place.

Leaves are preserved by oxalic acid, which is released by salt.

Important! Before cooking, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the workpiece from salt.

Salting is ready!

Quick recipe without cooking

Another popular recipe. It will take about half an hour to prepare this preservation for everything about everything. We will not boil the leaves, but we will send them to the microwave at the highest power, I will not torment, let's get to work ...

We will need:


1. We thoroughly wash the leaves, give time to dry. Thoroughly wash two half-liter jars and sterilize with lids.

2. Cut the grass, as usual, you crumble into soup or borscht. And I also cut along with the stalks, they contain the most oxalic acid.

3. Transfer the chopped leaves to a plate or bowl that will fit in your microwave oven. Pour a glass of boiled hot water. We put in the microwave at the highest power (900 watts) for 4 minutes. Take out and mix the leaves.

4. Let's repeat the procedure. Send again for 4 minutes. Take out, then mix. And again we send for 1 minute, and I think you already guessed it - we mix it. The leaves have evenly acquired a dark marsh color, as after heat treatment.

5. We shift it into a jar, lightly tamping to fill the space more densely together with the resulting water.

We will not add anything else, this plant has a high acid content, due to which neither vinegar nor salt is needed. It keeps well at room temperature.

6. When the jars are full, roll up the lid using a seamer. Turn upside down to make sure that the lids are tightly closed and do not leak

7. Cover with a kitchen towel and leave to cool completely.

That's all!

The workpiece is ready, is it really simple? Write in the comments how do you like this recipe for preservation?

Canned sorrel without salt

Now I will share with you a recipe on how to prepare green leaves easily and quickly without salt. It doesn't get easier! And on cold winter days, having prepared sorrel soup, you will plunge into summer!

For cooking you need:

  • Sorrel;
  • Cold boiled water;
  • Banks and lids for spinning.


1. First of all, you need to prepare the jars: rinse thoroughly and sterilize along with the lids.

2. Then we take the sorrel. We select whole green leaves, the rest eaten by bugs, yellowish - discard, we do not need them. We thoroughly rinse the grass in water, preferably several times, then spread it on a clean towel to drain excess water. During conservation, it is not necessary to dry it completely from moisture, it is enough that there is no excess water.

Then we fold the leaf to the leaf in a bundle and begin to cut. We cut it as usual for soup or borscht, according to your desire.

When cutting, do not press the leaves too hard so as not to wrinkle.

Also, do not chop too much, as when cooked, the sorrel will decrease slightly in size.

3. Pour 500 ml into a large iron bowl. water, put on fire and bring to a boil.

Important! Water at the rate of 1 kg of sorrel per 0.5 liters of water. If you have more greens, then calculate how much water you need.

Water is needed to steam the plant well, but if you take more, it's okay, all the same, only canned leaves will be placed in jars.

4. As soon as the water starts to boil, throw in the sour grass, cover with a lid and reduce the fire.

5. Steam for 10-15 minutes, depending on the amount of greens. Every 4 minutes - stir so that all the leaves from a fresh green color become dark green as during heat treatment.

6. The sorrel boiled well and let the juice flow. It's time to put it in pre-sterilized jars, but without liquid. It is very convenient to use a spoon with holes, excess liquid flows through these holes. When the jar is filled to the top, pour the juice in which the leaves were boiling, and then tighten the lid.

7. Cover the jars with a towel and leave to cool completely. One jar is enough to prepare a 5 liter pot of soup or borscht.

Since the sorrel is already ready with us, we throw it into the pan at the very end, let it boil a little and that's it! The first dish is ready!

Our blank can be stored both in the basement and in the pantry in the apartment at room temperature. The main thing is that direct sunlight does not fall!

Video on how to freeze sorrel for the winter in bags?

This is the easiest way to preserve sour weed at home - freezing in the freezer. I washed it, dried it well, chopped it, put it in bags and sent it to the freezer of the refrigerator. I collect the plant in June and it is perfectly stored all winter, retaining all its properties, and in particular sourness. The recipe is simple, I will not paint it. I suggest watching a video from YouTube, where the author briefly and clearly tells how to save sour greens for the winter.

This is where the post comes to an end. Be sure to write which method you liked the most? Or maybe you can share your best recipe with us and we will say a huge thank you!

That's all for me!

See you soon!

Canning a useful plant is one of the first preparations that we make in the summer. I offer you a recipe for harvesting sorrel for the winter in jars, with and without salt, without adding water, which better preserves the vitamins and beneficial properties of the plant.

Fresh sorrel, unfortunately, is stored for a very short time. Yes, and in the garden it outgrows quickly enough, so you can preserve it for a full summer period. And in winter, it’s a pleasure to open a jar and cook soup and!

I advise you to start harvesting in May - June, firstly, there is more time until other seamings begin, and secondly, it is at this time that the plant is the most juicy, not overgrown.

Sorrel for the winter - recipes at home

There are several ways to preserve:

  • To freeze. A good option, since vitamins and are completely preserved in the plant. Provided that you do not defrost and then re-freeze. Frozen sorrel is stored for up to 2 years.

Wash and sort the leaves, cut them and arrange them in bags in portions for one boil of soup.

  • Dry. An easy option and a little fuss. Spread the leaves of the plant in an even layer, after washing them and sorting them out. They dry quickly and are ready in a couple of days. It is better to store in a glass jar.
  • Canned in jars. Preparation of the product with and without salt. Below are some tried and tested recipes.

Harvesting sorrel in jars with salt without sterilization

Recipe number 1. The simplest, in fact, salting. The leaves of the plant have enough of their own, natural acid, it perfectly preserves sorrel without additional heat treatment. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to sterilize the workpiece in banks.

  • Cut the leaves (I usually put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin a large bowl), sprinkle with salt and stir. By the way, I cut the stems, but not completely, but the upper part, it seems to me, contains the largest amount of acid.
  • Then arrange in jars, but tightly so that more enters. And close with regular lids. Put the jars in the refrigerator.

Recipe number 2. With water. If you are afraid to harvest the plant in the first way, and doubt its long-term preservation, do the usual preservation.

Arrange the cut leaves in jars, throw a teaspoon of salt on top, then fill them with cooled boiled water and roll up. You can take hot water, boiling water, but with cold it is excellent.

How to close sorrel in jars without salt

I offer you a couple of recipes for harvesting for the winter without adding salt.

Recipe number 1. On a water bath. Let's do the usual sterilization of sorrel jars without adding salt.


  • Boil the lids, prepare the leaves - sort and wash, and then cut arbitrarily.
  • Sort into banks. I usually prepare in half a liter, they are more convenient to use. But here you should know that not all sorrel is laid out in jars, some should remain.
  • Pour hot water into a pot, turn on the gas. Put the jars in a saucepan and let them warm up. Gradually, the leaves will give juice and begin to settle down. There will be free space in the jar - start adding the remaining chopped leaves.
  • Slightly crush them in a jar, they will boil faster, and the next place for sorrel will appear. Thus, fill the jar to the top, and when it is completely filled, remove it from the pan and roll it up with a sterilized lid. With such sterilization, a lot of plants enter the jar.

Recipe number 2. Sorrel for the winter without salt. A lighter version of the workpiece.

  1. Boil the lids, sterilize the jars, prepare the plant and cut as desired.
  2. Put in jars, tamp tightly.
  3. Pour in boiling water and roll up immediately. Tip: wait a minute, let the air bubbles come out first, then add boiling water to the top and roll up.

Preparing sorrel for harvesting

  • Sort the leaves, remove the grass, discard the affected and torn ones.
  • Pour the leaves with water, leave for half an hour so that the dirt comes off the leaves and stems, the bugs and spiders rise up.
  • Wash the leaves thoroughly. With insufficient processing, bacteria that have fallen from the soil may remain on the greens - wash as thoroughly as possible.

By opening a jar of home-prepared sorrel in winter, you can cook in a matter of minutes

A natural question arises, is it necessary to wait for spring and is it possible to use healing herbs in the cold season? Of course, you can, if you know how to save sorrel for the winter without losing its unique nutritional properties.

What is useful sorrel and why it should be harvested for the winter

With proper processing, this leafy vegetable retains most of the vitamins, trace elements and organic acids. Canned or frozen sorrel is a great way to stay healthy during the winter. There is an opportunity to cook all year round.

This list can be continued for a long time. However, the above is enough to make sure that regular use of sorrel is beneficial. And, therefore, the need to harvest it for the winter.

Freezing as a way to preserve sorrel in the cold season

In home-made preparations, the main thing is to preserve as much as possible the vitamins and nutrients that fresh herbs are so rich in. That is why, when considering how to store sorrel for the winter in the refrigerator, housewives prefer freezing. And indeed, in this case, the “spring king” does not lose its healing properties and original taste, giving them to the dishes in full.

For all its simplicity, the freezing process has some subtleties:

  1. First, the sorrel is placed in a basin filled with water and carefully sorted out, getting rid of random blades of grass, yellowed or spoiled specimens and other debris. During this time, the earth and sand remaining on the plant settle to the bottom and there is no need to keep the leaves under running water for a long time, destroying their delicate structure.
  2. Then the sorrel is rinsed under the tap to finally get rid of pollution. Let the water drain and lay out the raw materials on paper towels to dry.

    when laying in the freezer, the sorrel should not be wet, then at the output we will get a really high-quality product.

  3. Small leaves can be left whole, and large ones can be cut into long strips and put into portions in bags, preferably “sliders” or containers. Then fast freeze.
  4. There is another option: the greens are crushed, laid out in ice molds and poured with water. Then sent to the freezer. With this method, other seasonings are often added to sorrel, such as parsley, dill or cilantro.
  5. Sometimes, before storing, the sorrel is blanched for 1 minute, then it is thrown back on a sieve and spread on an absorbent surface. Heat treatment will in no way affect the taste of sorrel, on the contrary, the greens will become more fragrant and, after freezing, will acquire a bright color. Blanching helps keep the product longer, rids it of putrefactive bacteria and pesticides.

sorrel must be frozen in portions, because when it is re-processed with cold, it will lose its appearance, taste and useful properties. Add greens to the dish 5 minutes before cooking. Pre-defrosting is not required.

Drying sorrel

One of the easiest and most effective ways to save sorrel for the winter at home is to dry it and, like other garden greens, use it as a seasoning.

The dehydration process can be natural or artificial.

The leaves must first be prepared: sorted out, cleaned of foreign matter and rotten specimens, but not washed.

There are three ways to dry sorrel in the open air:

  1. They bind small (5 - 7 cm in diameter), loose bundles so that air can freely penetrate between individual plants. Hang them in the shade or in a room with good ventilation and dry for 1 to 2 weeks. Greens need to be stirred periodically - this will protect it from mold.
  2. Prepared sorrel is laid out on sheets of paper, lattice wooden pallets or sieves and dried in the same way as bunches: indoors or under a canopy, avoiding direct sunlight. Once a day, the leaves are turned over for even dehydration.

    the thinner the layer of greenery, the better and faster it will dry. The maximum "thickness" of the plant mass should be 5 cm.

  3. The third method: the leaves are not only sorted out, but also washed, and then cut into strips and laid out on a dry, natural cloth or paper towel. Dry the sorrel as usual, but in a very thin layer.

The taste of such a product in dishes is almost no different from fresh.

A special dryer for vegetables greatly facilitates the process of dehydration. However, in this case, the leaves, acquiring a beautiful green color, slightly change the taste, which may confuse some gourmets. It is better to first prepare a small "trial" portion and if the result is satisfactory, send the entire oxal stock to the electric dryer.

To check the readiness of greenery, rub it with your hand - the leaves should crumble, but not turn into powder.

Store dried seasoning in tightly closed dark glass or porcelain containers. Moisture is especially dangerous for sorrel, it should be avoided in the first place.

Important: if the leaves of the plant were not treated with water before drying, they are washed when preparing dishes.

Preparations with salt

You can save sorrel for the winter with salt.

The taste of this seasoning is rich, bright.

The main thing is not to rush to salt the dishes in which such greens are placed, it is better to do this at the very end of cooking, if necessary.

Sorrel in brine

We will need:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tbsp. l. (without top) coarse salt
  • a large bunch of sorrel.


  1. We wash the greens, clean them of debris, remove the petioles and cut into long strips. We put it loosely in sterilized jars and add the brine cooled to room temperature.
  2. To pour, you need to boil water and, stirring, dissolve the salt in it.
  3. Banks are closed with either plastic or screw caps. Store in the cellar or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Cold salting

The easiest way:

  • 1 kg sorrel
  • 2 tbsp. l. coarse salt.

If there is more greenery, we increase the proportion accordingly.


  1. Cut the prepared leaves, place in a deep bowl and, adding salt, mix thoroughly with your hands. It is not necessary to knead strongly, otherwise the sorrel will lose its elasticity and turn into gruel.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes until the juice appears, then transfer the leaves to half-liter, pre-sterilized jars and close with plastic lids. Store in the same way as sorrel in brine.

When choosing between two salting methods, it is better to stop at the first one, especially if the leaves are intended for borscht, and not as a filling for pies. In the filling, the sorrel retains its integrity and absorbs less salt, so it does not have to be washed before use.

How to store sorrel without salt

The “spring king” has one feature that helps housewives a lot in home preparations. It is rich in oxalic acid, which is an excellent preservative in itself. Therefore, you can save a useful plant even without salt or vinegar.

Preservation with water

  1. Prepared sorrel blanch for 5 minutes in boiling water.
  2. We throw the leaves on a sieve, let the water drain and put them in sterile half-liter jars.
  3. Pour the greens with the solution in which it was blanched and roll up.
  4. Preservation should be stored in a cool place - a cellar or a zone with a positive temperature in the refrigerator will do.

Sorrel in own juice

Leaves with this type of preservation not only retain their beneficial properties, but also delight with excellent taste.

  1. We put the washed greens in half-liter jars as tightly as possible.
  2. Tomim sorrel in containers in a water bath until juice appears. The leaves begin to settle and during the cooking process, you will have to add fresh portions several times.
  3. When the jars are filled with herbs and juice to the brim, close them with plastic lids and put them in a dark, cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Both types of preparations are stored all winter, without loss of taste and quality.

Important: before preservation, sorrel should be washed several times in a basin, and then under running water. In addition, the leaves should be carefully sorted out, leaving no spoiled specimens. Stems should not be completely removed - they contain the most oxalic acid. Subject to these conditions, blanks without salt and vinegar will “hold” for as long as possible.

Sorrel in marinade

We will need:

  • 1 kg sorrel
  • 1 liter of water
  • ½ cup vinegar
  • 1 tsp salt.


  1. Sliced, washed and dried leaves are cut into strips.
  2. We sterilize the jars and put greens in them.
  3. Boil, stirring occasionally, marinade from water, salt and vinegar. Set aside and wait until completely cooled.
  4. Pour the marinade over the leaves, adding it in small portions and making sure that the air comes out.
  5. We roll up the jars and store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Multi-component preparation for borscht

  • ½ kg sorrel
  • ½ kg green onions
  • 250 g of dill and parsley
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt.


  1. Grind each type of greens.
  2. We combine the vegetable components, add salt and grind lightly until juice is formed.
  3. We fill the jars with green mass, tamping it well.
  4. We sterilize half-liter containers for 15 minutes, roll up and cool. We store, like other sorrel blanks - in a dry, cool, dark place.

For all its merits, the "spring king" has some contraindications. Oxalic acid, which it is so rich in, in excess amounts can lead to urolithiasis, kidney problems, increased acidity of gastric juice and metabolic disorders.

To avoid trouble, you should follow simple rules:

  1. For preparations, young sorrel leaves are taken, with a low acid content.
  2. At their summer cottage, the plant is harvested from the first spring shoots to mid-summer. After that, the leaves become rough, accumulate oxalic acid and it is highly undesirable to use them, including canned ones.
  3. Banks with sorrel, rolled up with metal lids, cannot be cooled by turning upside down. The reason is the same oxalic acid. It corrodes the food varnish, after which the lid rusts and can ruin the preservation.

With proper use, sorrel will perfectly support the body in the winter, until new greenery appears. Do not refuse such a healing product.

Proper nutrition is the key to good health and an active life!

Useful video

Harvesting sorrel with dill, parsley and green onions is a ready-made dressing for green cabbage soup in the winter.

With the onset of summer, we all enjoy eating various greens, salads, saturating the body with vitamins and strengthening our health before the upcoming winter. Sorrel is one of the most useful plants in our garden, but we rarely use it raw.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications for its fresh consumption. At the same time, this sour grass is successfully used in cooking for the preparation of vitamin green borscht, pies, salads and other dishes. And in order to be able to cook such dishes all year round, many housewives prepare sorrel for the winter.

A classic recipe used by many housewives. In order for sorrel to be stored all winter, you need to preserve it. I like to make any preparations for the winter according to several recipes, because everyone has their own taste. In this case, we will do without salt.

We will need:

  • sorrel - 1 kg
  • water - 1/2 l

Sorrel leaves are carefully sorted and washed. Cut the leaves as small as possible.

Boil water in a saucepan or basin and dip the chopped leaves into it.

We cover the dishes with a lid and steam the greens over a very low heat. We warm up, but do not boil! This takes approximately 4 minutes. Stir with a wooden spoon, while the leaves change color. Close the lid again and leave for another 3 minutes.

Sterilize jars and lids. There are many ways to sterilize. I described them in detail in my article. In this case, I boil the jars and lids a little in the pot.

We put the steamed greens in sterilized jars and roll them up with lids.

We turn the jars upside down, cover with a towel and keep them upside down until they cool completely.

The best recipe for harvesting without salt

If in the first recipe we boiled sorrel a little, then this wonderful method involves simply dousing the workpiece with boiling water. Simple, fast and reliable recipe.

I, perhaps, will not even indicate the number of ingredients, we will do everything “by eye”.

We will need:

  • sorrel

We cut the greens arbitrarily, although personally I like smaller ones.

We put the sorrel in pre-sterilized jars and ram it with a spoon, or even better with a wooden crush. A good bunch of greens will enter a half-liter jar.

Sterilization methods - a great many, I wrote about them

At the same time, boil a kettle or water in a saucepan and pour it over the sorrel in a jar. The water should completely cover the contents of the jar. From above, with a spoon, you need to crush the greens in the jar a little more so that all the air comes out.

It remains only to close with a sterile lid, turn the jar over and cover with a warm blanket until it cools completely.

How to close sorrel for the winter with cold water

It turns out that it is not necessary to boil or pour boiling water over our greens. Thanks to oxalic acid, the workpiece is perfectly stored all winter and can be filled with ordinary cold water. At the same time, the color of greenery remains saturated green, as if it had just been plucked from the garden.

In some recipes, even jars are advised not to be sterilized. I still sterilize both jars and lids for greater reliability.

Cut the sorrel and put it in a jar, slightly crushing it. No need to tamp.

Pour the contents of the jar with ordinary cold water and roll up the lid.

The fastest and probably the easiest way.

Quick recipe in the microwave

Speed ​​in the kitchen remains a priority, because there is never enough time to cook. And in summer and autumn, stocks for the winter are added to the usual dishes for the family. So we are looking for simple and quick ways, and in this we will use a microwave.

Cooking sorrel for the winter with salt without sterilization

Another one of my favorite ways I want to introduce you. I like it for its simplicity. True, it is prepared with the addition of a sufficient amount of salt, and when preparing any dish, there is a danger of forgetting that it should never be salted. In any case, I had several such “punctures” when cooking green borscht. By the way, you can get acquainted with the recipes for such a soup with sourness here.

We will need:

  • sorrel - 1 kg
  • salt - 100 gr.

It's simple - wash the greens, dry a little and cut. We put it in a saucepan or any other convenient container.

Sprinkle generously with salt on top.

We crush the greens a little with our hands, try to do this without fanaticism so that vegetable puree does not turn out.

We take glass jars and pour a little salt on the bottom.

You don't need to sterilize the jars in this recipe - the salt will do the trick.

We spread the greens and tamp with a rolling pin or spoon.

A lot of juice is formed in the jar, the excess must be drained. When the jar is full, sprinkle more salt on top.

It remains to close the lid and wait for winter.

Video on how to prepare sorrel in the freezer

Recently, many people choose to freeze when harvesting greens, berries, mushrooms and vegetables. I am also a fan of this method, because it is believed that vitamins and trace elements are best preserved this way. And the taste is more similar to the original from the garden. True, there is not always enough space in the freezer. But if there is a separate freezer or enough space in the refrigerator, then this method is for you.

Green preparation for borscht

I propose to prepare a mixture of different greens, because it is very convenient - I opened a jar, put a couple of potatoes and the borscht is ready. And if you haven’t found your favorite green borscht recipe yet, you might find it.

In summer, the choice of greens is great, so you can pick up various herbs in this mixture. About half of this blank consists of sorrel, and you can add herbs to the second half at your discretion. I chose the traditional ones - onion, dill and parsley.

We will need:

  • sorrel
  • dill
  • parsley
  • green onion
  • Bay leaf
  • black and allspice
  • water - 1.5 liters
  • garlic - 3 heads
  • citric acid - 1/2 tsp each on a jar

We cut the sorrel, while using only the leaves, and do not throw away the stems, but put them in a separate container (we still need them).

We also cut various greens quite finely so that they cook beautifully in borscht.

In clean jars we put greens tightly up to half, pour slices of peeled garlic into the middle. And again, to the top, fill the jar with a green mixture.

Sorrel stalks are quite hard, we will not use them for borscht. But from them we will prepare a healthy sour broth. Boil water, add bay leaf, pepper and boil the cut stems over low heat.

Pour the contents of the jars with this broth, and put the jars in a pot of hot water to be sterilized. Add 1/2 tsp to each jar on top. citric acid and add a little more broth. Cover with a lid and sterilize for 20-25 minutes.

Close the lids tightly and leave the jars upside down to cool.
