
Shawarma from the chef. Cooking with a Chef: Authentic Syrian Shawarma at Royal Kebab & Salads Shawarma Secrets from a Turkish Chef

This is probably one of the most delicious snacks. Shawarma is very easy to make at home. Buy products according to the list and repeat after me! Everything is very simple and pretty fast.

Preparation description:

Many people ask the question "how to cook shawarma according to the classic recipe?". I am happy to share the recipe, tell you how tasty and quickly cook your favorite delicacy. Cucumber will need fresh or canned, depending on the season. Shall we start?


  • Lavash - 1 piece
  • Tomato - 0.5 pieces
  • Cucumber - 0.5 pieces
  • Cabbage - 4-5 Art. spoons
  • Ketchup - 2 Art. spoons
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt, ground black pepper - 1-2 pinch
  • Chicken fillet - 150 grams
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons ((for frying chicken fillet))

Servings: 2

Order at Utkonos, it's profitable for beginners!

How to cook "Shawarma (classic recipe)"

Prepare food. Wash meat and vegetables. Let's get started.

Chop the cabbage finely. Salt a little.

Slice the tomato and slice the cucumber.

For the sauce, mix mayonnaise with ketchup and a pinch of black pepper.

Salt, pepper the chicken fillet, fry over medium heat under a lid on both sides until cooked. Remove from fire.

Spread pita bread on your desktop. Brush the center generously with the sauce. Distribute cabbage, tomato, cucumber.

Cut the finished chicken, half a piece goes to one shawarma. Drizzle some sauce on top.

Wrap the envelope so that the sides are closed. Try to roll the shawarma tightly and put it in a clean and dry pan (if you have a grill, this will be the best solution) for a few minutes until browned on both sides.

Shawarma is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Author's street food is a fashionable note in modern gastronomic life. The food that is usually sold on the street and has nothing individual, in the hands of famous chefs, begins to play with fresh colors. For them, this is also a challenge. It would seem, well, what new can be said about shawarma? And here it is possible, you just need to give the floor to a professional.

Today our expert is Vladimir Mukhin, chef of the renowned White Rabbit restaurant.

Vladimir Mukhin is one of the few Russian chefs who are as famous abroad as in Russia. His restaurant White Rabbit was ranked 23rd in 2015 in the ranking of the 50 best restaurants in the world. Today he is the brand chef of a dozen more restaurants in Moscow and Sochi, travels a lot, tours and never stops learning new things.

“Shawarma is what you always want, but there is somewhere scary. Because it is not clear who cooked it, with what hands and from which chicken. While developing the menu before the opening of the Tsypa-Tsypa restaurant on the Danilovsky market, I thoroughly studied the issue: in a tent near the metro, you can easily run into a chicken, which, not to be said at the table, died a natural death. Plus cheap chickens are usually pumped up with hormones like bodybuilders. In general, there is such a scary thing. So we decided for ourselves that our shawarma should be: a) healthy b) interesting c) with chicken so that even children can feed it. It turned out to be a difficult task: I had to inspect 20 potential suppliers until, on a farm near Tula, I found chickens of the condition we needed, which were fed without any growth stimulants. And since the chicken is really tasty, then everything else should correspond to it: pita bread is baked to order at a Moscow bakery, it is soft here, without the “cardboard” that is often felt in factory pita bread. We make our own mayonnaise. Those who try shawarma for the first time are surprised: “Something you have is not at all spicy!” Why do we need an explosion of spices?! We do not need to mask anything, on the contrary, we want to make the taste of fried chicken more voluminous. Therefore, we prepare mayonnaise on yogurt, and replace ketchup with pure tomatoes. And homemade adjika gives sharpness.

Signature shawarma "Chick-chick"

quantity: 1 shawarma, level: 1, calories: 220, prep: 20 min (+ mayonnaise time), prep: 20 min


    150 g chicken thigh fillets

    vegetable oil for frying

    40 g young cabbage

    1 tomato

    100 g homemade mayonnaise

    2 tbsp. l. pureed tomatoes in their own juice

    1 fresh cucumber

    1 pickle

    1 thin Armenian lavash

    any greens (parsley, dill) to taste

for the chicken marinade:

    25 ml unscented vegetable oil

    1 tsp red Abkhazian adjika

    1 garlic clove

    salt pepper

for mayonnaise:

    125 ml natural yoghurt

    2 egg yolks

    1 st. l. mustard

    1 st. l. Sahara

    125 ml vegetable oil

    1 st. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice

    salt pepper


1. Prepare mayonnaise: pour egg yolks into a blender bowl, add mustard, sugar, a pinch of salt and pepper. Beat at low speed, pouring half the oil in a thin stream. Then add yogurt, lemon juice. Beat until the mass becomes thick and homogeneous. Continue whisking, pouring in the remaining vegetable oil in a thin stream until the mixture becomes slightly viscous. Place in refrigerator for at least 40 minutes.

2. Mix all the ingredients for the marinade (crush the garlic), coat the chicken well with it and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours.

3. Fry the chicken in vegetable oil until tender. Then remove the skin from the thighs, and cut the flesh into long strips.

It would seem, what could be simpler than shawarma? However, the simpler the dish seems to us, the more interesting details it contains, thanks to which we love it. To find out the recipe for a real and delicious shawarma, we went to the Royal Kebab & Salads cafe at 36 Rakovskaya Street. The chef of the establishment is a real Syrian who definitely knows a lot about this dish.

East is a delicate matter. But an even more refined thing is the cuisine of the East. You can hardly figure out this culinary culture alone. And that is why we asked for it "as a student" to the chef Ihab Jahjah. From the first minutes of communication, it became clear that our maestro is simply in love with his profession. He can talk about cooking techniques for hours. And since we came to visit on his birthday, he even revealed the secret recipes of his sauces, which make his signature shawarma unforgettable.

Ingredients: pita bread, chicken meat, tomatoes, pickles, garlic sauce and red hot sauce, various spices

Before we approach the skewer, on which prepared meat is already spinning, the chef tells that they bake pita bread themselves. They also pickle fresh cucumbers themselves. The hardest part is making the signature sauce. Ihab Jahjah uses Bulgarian pepper, tomato, salt, sugar and olive oil for its preparation. Basil and oregano are added to the seasoning sauce without fail. On average, the preparation of the sauce takes 40 minutes.

Another signature Ihaba sauce is spicy. It is made with fresh chili and seven spices (oregano, rosemary, thyme, pepper, cumin, cilantro and fresh basil). The finished mixture is added to tomato paste from fresh tomatoes and boiled to a boil.

There are subtleties in the meat that is added to shawarma.

- The fact is that you can not use the topmost layer of meat. It is cut off, and shawarma is not made from it, because the meat is dry. But the next layer is just right for our shawarma!- says Ihab Jahjah.

The same applies to meat, which is located at the base of the skewer. It does not go to the quality shawarma that Royal Kebab & Salads is famous for.

- Our dish fully complies with the rules of halal cuisine,- concludes the chef.

The meat is cut strictly from top to bottom from beginning to end in a very thin layer. Then the pieces of meat are cut into smaller pieces.
By the way, it is important to cut pita bread correctly. Even the sharpest knife, if you put pita bread just on the countertop, will cut crookedly. For slicing, the chef “twists” the pita bread, and only then cuts it to the desired length.

An important point: the meat is strung on a skewer after it has acquired its taste in a special marinade. The meat is marinated all night. Marinade is also our chef's signature recipe. The main highlight of our marinade is a little cinnamon, which gives a great flavor to the meat. And instead of kefir, Ihab adds yogurt to it. As for spices, cardamom and coriander will come in handy.

When the filling, sauces, meat and pita bread are ready, everything is packed in the usual form and sent to the grill. Anything can be added to the shawarma. For example, even cheese. After a minute, the shawarma is ready to eat.

Since Ihab Jahjah has a birthday today, he invites you to visit Royal Kebab & Salads. Today, guests are waiting for pleasant gifts there, and an invited DJ will complement the atmosphere.
