
Barbecue calories per 100 grams. How many calories are in pork skewers? How many calories in chicken breast skewers

It would not be easy, probably, to find a person who would not like barbecue. This wonderful dish has long been associated by most with outdoor recreation, with the cheerful crackling of firewood in the fire, with a light haze and with a company of friends. Shish kebab managed to gain immense popularity, which is why we sometimes do not remember that this dish is the real pride of the national cuisine of the inhabitants of the Caucasus and the peoples of Central Asia. There are many recipes for barbecue.

How many calories in a barbecue will depend on how the meat is marinated and what part of the carcass is used. If you need to lose weight, for barbecue you need to choose low-fat pieces of meat and marinate them without the use of mayonnaise.

How many calories in pork skewers

It is worth saying that this is a fairly satisfying dish, which, with regular use, can even cause obesity. The calorie content is easily reduced if you choose a less fatty part of the carcass (for example, shoulder or brisket). Let's compare: the energy value of the shoulder blade is 250 kcal per hundred grams, the brisket is 175 kcal per hundred grams, and the dewlap is already 550 kcal. As you can see, the difference is quite significant.

And now let's look at the dependence of the energy value on the marinade:

  • Pork skewers in kefir marinade - 200 kcal per 100 g;
  • In a marinade made from natural tomato juice - 195 kcal per 100 g;
  • In a vinegar and lemon marinade - 185 kcal per 100 g;
  • In beer marinade - 265 kcal per 100 g;
  • In mayonnaise - 255 kcal per 100 g;

As you can see, they can differ significantly from each other, so if you are afraid of gaining weight, try using lower-calorie options. We also recommend that you read the article about the benefits and harms of olive oil, which you can use to prepare this dish.

The benefits of barbecue

You should not think that taste is the only thing that barbecue can offer us. Pork, whose calorie content is the highest of all types of meat (257 kcal per 100 grams), is both very healthy and easy to digest.

Pork fat is less dangerous for the heart and blood vessels than beef. Yes, and you can not call this type of meat the fattest. For 100 grams of this product, there are 2.98 grams of fat, while in the same amount of chicken it is 3.03 grams.

Also, this meat includes a large amount of protein and B vitamins. Often the product is recommended for nursing mothers, as it promotes the formation of breast milk.

Particularly pleasing is the fact that in the process of cooking barbecue, useful properties are lost more slowly than with other methods of heat treatment of meat. The charcoal has little effect on the product, but it is enough to eliminate most of the harmful bacteria. And the calorie content in the end is less than if the pork was cooked in the usual way.

Properly cooked kebab serves as a prevention of arthritis.

The harm of barbecue

In addition to the high calorie content of pork kebab, it can be harmful to human health.

Today, measures are being taken to reduce the negative effects of pork on the human body, but still, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from the harm of pork.

Regardless of how clean food an animal eats and in what particular hygienic conditions it lives, it is still an animal that feeds on its excrement. Because of this, his body produces a large amount of antibodies and hormones that enter his muscle tissue.

Growth hormones are also of great danger to humans. This causes an increase in body weight, and it becomes difficult to get rid of extra pounds in the future. Because of this, deformation of the lines of the body and figure can occur.

The harm of barbecue also lies in benzopyrene, a carcinogen that is released from the fumes as a result of fat getting on hot coals, and then settles on the meat. To reduce the harm from such a substance, you can simply cut off the very fried places of the barbecue.

Serving barbecue

When lowering the calorie content of pork kebab, you should also remember what additional products it is served with. It is very useful to serve greens or various herbs to meat, but sauces, ketchups and other seasonings and spices will have to be excluded. Also, do not eat this dish with potatoes.

As a side dish, it is best to use fresh vegetables, it is necessary to significantly reduce the consumption of bread. If all the recommendations are followed, you can eat your favorite dish without thinking about calories.

How to neutralize calories in pork skewers?

Even if the barbecue is made from lean pork, it cannot be called low-calorie. But reducing the number of calories and harm to the waist is real.

Shish kebab is better to eat with vegetables, which have a lot of fiber, which reduces the time the food stays in the digestive organs. The ratio should be like this:

  • for 1 serving of lean pork skewers - 2 servings of vegetables;
  • for 1 serving of fatty pork skewers - 3 servings of vegetables.

The source of extra calories is sauces. For example, in tkemali 181 kcal, ketchup - 118 kcal, tartar sauce - 211 kcal.

But adjika has only 59 kcal. There are many recipes for this Caucasian sauce. In one version, the composition includes red tomatoes, bitter and sweet capsicum, wine vinegar, garlic, cilantro. They also prepare "green adjika" - from spicy greens (cilantro, basil, dill), hot capsicum, coriander seeds, garlic.

And adjika also has useful properties - it improves metabolism, normalizes digestion, and the functioning of the circulatory system. This means that pork is digested faster by the body.

Do you want pork skewers? To health! The harm from its use can be minimized if you choose the right one:

  • pork;
  • marinade;
  • snack;
  • sauce.

Want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you.

How to make barbecue better?

The high calorie content of pork kebab is not the main danger of this dish for those who adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. With proper preparation, it is quite a dietary delicacy. But we must not forget about other rules for its use.

For example, you should not combine barbecue with potatoes, pasta and other heavy side dishes. It is better to eat as many vegetables and herbs as possible, which will dramatically reduce the impact of harmful substances. True, it is advisable to refuse tomatoes, which are “asking” as a barbecue snack, because they slow down the digestion of protein.

For a tangy flavor, use pomegranate juice instead of ketchup and vinegar.

The golden crust is a very tasty thing, but if you follow your health, you will have to cut it off, because there is nothing useful in it, but there is more than enough harm.

For frying, it is preferable to use not coals, but firewood.

Shish kebab is a popular meat dish in our country, loved by many. It is prepared from different types of meat, which can change the calorie content and BJU. We will now find out how many calories a kebab cooked according to a particular recipe contains.

Nutritional value of barbecue

So, how many calories are in a piece of barbecue? The exact numbers depend on the meat from which the kebab is made, but in general, any of its types contains a lot of protein, but the amount of fat varies. There is a minimum of carbohydrates in any barbecue, and in raw meat they are not at all. It is from the percentage of fat content in the selected meat that the calorie content of the dish per 100 grams largely depends.

The chemical composition of barbecue may differ slightly in numbers, but the set of vitamins and minerals is generally the same: vitamins A, C, E, PP, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc. This is just a small list of useful substances, but in general any meat has the richest vitamin and mineral composition.

Calorie barbecue from different types of meat

Pork skewers

Let's start with the most popular option and consider the calorie content of barbecue made from pork. It is a tender meat with a high protein content compared to lamb. Also, this type of meat is easier and faster absorbed by the body than beef. The calorie content in a classic pork kebab depends on the chosen part:

  • from the neck - at least 340 kcal per 100 g;
  • from the shoulder blade and ham - 260 kcal;
  • from the sternum - 180 kcal.

The calorie content of lean pork skewers is the least, but the marinade itself adds extra calories.

Calorie skewers of lamb

Barbecue made from lamb is a traditional dish of Central Asian and Caucasian cuisines. Lamb is very common in these regions. The meat is fragrant, satisfying and stored for a long time even without a refrigerator. At the same time, lamb has a lot of fat, but it has a high content of zinc, calcium, various vitamins and biotin.

The calorie content of a lamb dish per 100 g depends on the selected parts of the meat. Tenderloin has less fat content, and the neck is more high-calorie:

  • lamb leg barbecue - 320 kcal;
  • from the scapular part - 280 kcal;
  • from the loin - 220-250 kcal;
  • from the neck - 230 kcal.

Calorie content of veal skewers

Beef is characterized by increased rigidity compared to pork, so barbecue is rarely prepared from it. More often they use tender and juicy veal, but these two types of meat are similar in calories. Both are good sources of iron, so they eat hemoglobin well. On average, beef skewers contain 240-270 kcal per 100 grams.

Chicken skewers: calories

Shish kebab is often made from chicken, and the thigh is considered the most delicious part. The pulp is tender and tasty, and in terms of calories, chicken skewers are much inferior to pork and lamb. For example, you can even cook a diet barbecue with a minimum calorie content from breast. The number of calories per 100 grams is as follows:

  • chicken breast barbecue - 100 kcal;
  • from chicken drumstick or thighs - 170-180 kcal;
  • shish kebab of their chicken wings - 200-220 kcal.

All figures are given taking into account the removal of the skin, and with it the calorie content will be approximately 30% higher.

Also, calories depend on the selected marinade recipe. Consider the example of breast skewers:

  • on kefir - 145 kcal per 100 g;
  • based on soy sauce - 160 kcal;
  • in mayonnaise - 185 kcal;
  • in honey marinade - 200-210 kcal.

In addition to chicken, turkey is suitable for cooking barbecue. It has even fewer calories, but a lot depends on pickling:

  • turkey barbecue on mineral water - 115 kcal;
  • in wine - 135 kcal;
  • in mayonnaise - 160 kcal.

Calorie skewers of fish

Fish kebab is a tender, healthy and low-calorie dish. Fish contains rapidly digestible protein. Fatty varieties are usually chosen for barbecue, but low-fat sea fish is also suitable. The calorie concentration in fish skewers per 100 g is as follows:

  • from salmon - 90 kcal;
  • from salmon - 170-210 kcal;
  • tuna barbecue - 140 kcal;
  • from mackerel - 160-180 kcal;
  • from sturgeon - 110 kcal;
  • from trout - 130 kcal;
  • from catfish - 120 kcal.

barbecue calorie table

To make it easier for you to choose this delicious calorie dish, we have prepared for you a small table with averaged data for different types of barbecue:


So, the calorie content of barbecue strongly depends not only on the type of meat chosen, but also on the part of the carcass and on the marinade. Summing up, we can conclude that the least high-calorie fish kebab is, and in second place is turkey and chicken breast kebab, although in the latter case it turns out to be somewhat dry.

If you want to taste a dish of real meat without overloading your body with calories, choose veal skewers. And the champions in calorie content are pork neck and lamb kebabs.


It would not be easy, probably, to find a person who would not like barbecue. This wonderful dish has long been associated by most with outdoor recreation, with the cheerful crackling of firewood in the fire, with a light haze and with a company of friends. Shish kebab managed to gain immense popularity, which is why we sometimes do not remember that this dish is the real pride of the national cuisine of the inhabitants of the Caucasus and the peoples of Central Asia. There are many recipes for barbecue.

Today, if you visit a restaurant, cafe or bar, you can be offered a variety of types of barbecue. The imagination of culinary specialists sometimes suggests the most extravagant solutions.

At your choice, meat kebabs, kebabs of fish and other seafood, kebabs of mushrooms and vegetables can be offered. And here the question arises - how many calories are in a barbecue? Indeed, what is the calorie content of this dish prepared in different ways?

The calorie content of barbecue is determined not only by the products used for its preparation, but also by the marinade and the method of preparation.

Shish kebab is a word of Turkic origin and means strung on a skewer. Like all semi-finished products, kebabs are semi-finished food products that only need to be fried and served on the table.

There are several varieties of kebabs: lamb kebab, beef tenderloin kebab, pork, pork heads, Armenian kebab, etc. The kebab consists of small pieces of beef meat, pork or lamb meat, not exceeding in weight, mainly 10 - 15 g each. Pieces of kebab meat in Karski, Baku and some others can weigh 30-40 g each.

Good kebabs are obtained from young meat, or you need to take meat with pieces of lard or fat, and if the pieces of meat are lean, then add pieces of lard or fat, which are placed, strung on a skewer over the meat. This is done so that the fat, melting, soaks the meat.

The classic kebab is made from the best parts of excellent lamb: from the pulp of the hind leg - ham, dorsal and kidney parts of the carcass.

Meat for kebabs is cut in different ways, each recipe provides for cutting meat of certain sizes. The marinade is prepared in accordance with the recipe, which is desirable not to change. In some barbecue recipes, meat is not marinated at all, in others it is marinated for up to 30 minutes, and in some it is for a day or more.

To make the meat juicy, it is recommended to hold it in the marinade before baking, or dip small pieces in vegetable oil, and larger pieces in cold water. After that, the meat does not burn and is well baked.

Barbecue is prepared from meat, fish or poultry not over a fire, but over hot charcoal. Prepare coals from dry hardwood, acacia, fruit trees. Good uniform and strong heat is provided by coals from dry, husked corn cobs. Coals from spruce and pine are not suitable for baking kebabs because of the resinous smell and unpleasant aftertaste.

Before frying, pickled pieces of meat are put on a metal skewer, interspersed with sliced ​​onions. Roast the kebab over coals burning without a flame for 15 to 20 minutes, turning the skewer so that the meat is fried evenly.

If there is no brazier, barbecue, then the barbecue can be fried over the coals of a fire, in a frying pan, in a hot oven, in an electric grill.

Ready barbecue must be removed from the spit. Put on a dish, drizzle with oil or wine, garnish with green onions, tomatoes, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bwedges and lemon slices. In addition, rice and separately pomegranate juice can be served as a side dish.

How many calories are in pork kebab?

The calorie content of pork kebab, of course, will not be small. But do not forget that the number of calories in a dish can be reduced by taking a less fatty part of the carcass (brisket, shoulder blade) for its preparation.

Calorie content of pork kebab (in kefir marinade) - 192-215 kcal per 100 gr. product

Calorie pork kebab (in natural tomato juice) - 188-206 kcal per 100 gr. product

How many calories are in lamb skewers?

Lamb contains a lot of fat, but it is perfect for barbecue. This meat has a specific taste. Under the influence of the marinade, lamb acquires a delicate texture and excellent taste.

Calorie content of lamb shish kebab (loin, in natural pomegranate juice) - 225 kcal per 100 gr. product

Calorie content of lamb skewers (in wine sauce) - 235 kcal per 100 gr. product

How many calories are in beef skewers?

Beef skewers will not be as high in calories as, for example, lamb or pork. Beef tenderloin or rump is best suited for him - the meat will be tender and juicy.

Calorie content of beef kebab (in dry red wine with onions) - 169-180 kcal per 100 gr. product

Calorie beef kebab (in mustard dressing) - 148 kcal per 100 gr. product

How many calories are in chicken skewers?

It is best to take the upper part of the chicken leg (thighs with bone) for chicken skewers. Then the barbecue will turn out perfectly tasty and tender. The calorie content of chicken kebab will be slightly less than that of cattle meat kebab.

Calorie content of chicken kebab (in kefir) - 140 kcal per 100 gr. product

Calorie chicken kebab (from chicken hearts) - 152 kcal per 100 gr. product

How many calories are in turkey skewers?

Turkey has excellent taste. If we take turkey fillet for barbecue, then:

Calorie kebab from turkey (in mineral water with spices) - 113-119 kcal per 100 gr. product

Calorie kebab from turkey (in white wine marinade) - 134 kcal per 100 gr. product

How many calories are in salmon skewers?

Fish skewers. Such a dish will be not only tasty, but also healthy.

Calorie content of salmon kebab - 168-220 kcal per 100 gr. product

How many calories are in veal skewers?

Veal is a product suitable for dietary nutrition.

Calorie content of veal skewers - 94 kcal per 100 gr. product

How many calories are in pork neck skewers?

Calorie barbecue from pork neck - 340 kcal per 100 gr. product

How many calories are in chicken breast skewers?

The number of calories in chicken skewers and turkey will be relatively small. For example:

Calorie barbecue chicken breast - 120 kcal per 100 gr. product

Shish kebab is one of the most common dishes at picnics and countryside outdoor recreation. It is also served in many restaurants and cafes. It is almost impossible to refuse meat roasted on fire because of its unique smell and taste. However, the calorie content is quite high and is more than 350 kcal per hundred grams of the product. That is why people who monitor their health or practice a diet are forced to deny themselves this pleasure. In fact, everyone can afford a little baked meat. The main thing is that its use is moderate, and the combination of accompanying products helps to reduce fat intake by replacing them with fiber. Meat is best eaten with vegetables, which will quickly reduce hunger, thereby limiting the consumption of other foods.

Shish kebab and its decline

There is a special technology to reduce the calorie content of the dish itself. The first helps to reduce the latter by almost half, and with the right combination, calorie content can be reduced to a minimum. This is achieved by replacing certain products or adding a kind of calorie content can be reduced from 350 to 180 kcal. In this case, all that is required is strict adherence to the recipe.


For cooking you will need products:

  • pork (lean) - 1 kilogram;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • Pineapple juice;
  • onions - half a kilogram.

Meat preparation

First of all, you need to choose the right pork. Do not choose low-fat parts to the detriment of taste. It is enough just to take a small piece of the neck, asking the seller to choose less fatty meat. To reduce the calorie content of pork skewers, it is necessary to remove all fat and veins when cutting pieces. They will simply have to be thrown away, since these are the parts that contain the most calories.


To give the dish a taste, the meat must be marinated. To reduce the calorie content of pork skewers, you should not use wine, honey, dairy products or mayonnaise. Sour fruits or juices work very well for this. The meat is salted, peppered and mixed with grated onions. Pineapple juice is added to this mixture. Pork should be in the marinade for about three hours.


Meat on coals should be fried only when they are covered with a white coating of ash. This is how the optimum temperature is determined. If the kebab on skewers starts to dry out a little, it can be sprinkled with clean water, but not with marinades or sauces.


When lowering the calorie content of pork kebab, you should also remember what additional products it is served with. It is very useful to serve greens or various herbs to meat, but sauces, ketchups and other seasonings and spices will have to be excluded. Also, do not eat this dish with potatoes. As a side dish, it is best to use fresh vegetables, it is necessary to significantly reduce the consumption of bread. If all the recommendations are followed, you can eat your favorite dish without thinking about calories.

The time of trips to nature and summer gatherings is the time of barbecue! Shashlik is the most popular and delicious summer dish.

Due to the popularity of barbecue, its different cooking options can be found in the national cuisines of the world - in Armenia - horovat, in Azerbaijan - kebab, in Turkey - shish-kibab.

The word kebab itself is of Turkic origin, derived from the word “shish”, which means “grilled food”.

Lamb shish kebab is a traditional choice of Caucasians, which has a specific taste and aroma. Lamb is probably the only meat product that contains fluoride, and it is known to strengthen tooth enamel. In addition, lamb contains a lot of lecithin, which regulates the release of insulin and helps people think faster. But, unfortunately, lamb is hard to digest, so if a person has problems with the intestines and stomach, then it is better to limit its intake.

As for the preparation of lamb skewers, it is better to marinate meat in an acidic environment - in white or red wine, fermented milk products - yogurt, kefir or juices are also perfect. At the same time, it should be said that the calorie content of lamb shoulder shish kebab is 280 kcal per hundred grams of product, and the calorie content of lamb leg shish kebab is 320 kcal per hundred grams of product.

Beef skewers are rarely cooked. Veal is best for cooking, as it is more tender. Young beef contains iron, vitamins B, A and PP. In addition, beef is a complete protein. But, if we talk about the “old” beef meat, then it accumulates harmful saturated acids and substances that cause oxidation processes in the body, which contributes to aging. The calorie content of beef skewers is 250 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

Many people love dietary rabbit meat and are happy to cook barbecue from it. The taste of rabbit meat resembles chicken meat. It is easily digested and almost completely absorbed by the human body. Rabbit meat contains little fat and sodium salts, which makes it simply indispensable in dietary nutrition. And in terms of vitamin and mineral composition, it is several times superior to other types of meat. The calorie content in rabbit meat skewers is 150 kcal per hundred grams of product.

Today there are lovers of cooking barbecue from the liver. One hundred grams of beef or chicken liver contains the daily intake of iron, and as you know, iron from the liver is better absorbed, unlike other products. The liver contains heparin, which reduces the risk of blood clots in the body. The calorie content of beef liver kebab is 190 kcal per hundred grams of product, and the calorie content in chicken liver kebab is 150 kcal per hundred grams of product.

The most common types of kebabs are pork kebabs and chicken kebabs. But, before talking about how many calories are in pork and chicken skewers, it is worth mentioning the beneficial properties of these types of meat.

The benefits of pork and chicken meat

Doctors have long proven that the benefits of pork meat are great. But you need to follow the rules for its use. The daily intake of pork for an adult should not exceed 200 grams. For pork to bring maximum benefit, it is recommended to cook it in the oven.

Pork meat contains all the B vitamins, which is its main benefit. Pork is recommended for breastfeeding mothers, as it contains protein, which is excellent for milk production. It is also recommended to use pork for men, as it has an excellent effect on male power.

Speaking about the benefits of chicken meat, it is worth noting the high content of vitamin B6 in this meat. It also contains a lot of glutamine, which helps in the fight against stress and supports the immune system and nervous system.

In addition, chicken meat contains as much phosphorus as fish. And we need phosphorus for joints and bones.

Pork skewers calories

Pork is the most popular meat for barbecue. It marinates quickly, and the kebab is soft and juicy. Despite the fact that pork skewers contain a large amount of calories, it is easily digested and has excellent taste. Pork skewers can be made from pork ham, neck and ribs.

The calorie content of pork skewers, more precisely from pork ham, is 280 kcal per hundred grams of product. The calorie content of pork rib skewers is 320 kcal per hundred grams of product. Calories in pork neck skewers are in the amount of 340 kcal per hundred grams of product.

How many calories are in chicken skewers? First, it is probably worth recalling that chicken meat is considered dietary, so the calorie content of barbecue from it is low.

In fact, the calorie content of chicken skewers depends on the parts of the chicken that were used in cooking.

The calorie content in chicken breast barbecue is 120 kcal per hundred grams of product. Calories of barbecue chicken legs are 160 kcal per hundred grams of product. Calories in chicken wing skewers are in the amount of 180 kcal per hundred grams of product. It is impossible not to say about the calorie content of turkey breast barbecue. It is 150 kcal per hundred grams of product.

Many people who are on various diets are interested in the question - how many calories are in a barbecue? Based on the foregoing, we can answer that the lowest-calorie kebab is chicken kebab.

The harm of barbecue

Chicken skewers should not be eaten by those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular diseases. Also, chicken kebab is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus and kidney disease due to the presence of salt and hot spices in the kebab recipe.

In addition to the high calorie content of pork kebab, it can be harmful to human health.

Today, measures are being taken to reduce the negative effects of pork on the human body, but still, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from the harm of pork.

Regardless of how clean food an animal eats and in what particular hygienic conditions it lives, it is still an animal that feeds on its excrement. Because of this, his body produces a large amount of antibodies and hormones that enter his muscle tissue. 4.2857142857143

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