
Shish kebab from chicken legs at home. Delicious chicken thigh skewers - favorite recipes

Ahead of the warm season and the time for picnic trips, which means that many are already thinking what kind of meat and how to marinate it in order to get a tasty and juicy barbecue. Below we will consider various methods for preparing marinade, as well as some secrets of cooking meat on coals.

Pickling meat began in ancient times, various methods were used for this in different parts of the world. Nowadays, traditions have not changed much, for example, in northern countries, meat is put in salty sea water (sometimes even boiled in it), and vinegar is used in the south.

In Asia, various spices are actively used, in other words, all this is necessary in order to make the meat more juicy and soft.

Today, traditions have remained the same, and the main condition for pickling any meat for barbecue requires acid. It is she who softens the meat, thus allowing spices and spices to be better absorbed into it.

But acid is not only table vinegar, because other products can be used instead, for example:

  1. Wine or apple cider vinegar (both are more natural and healthy);
  2. Fruit juices, such as lemon, grapefruit, pineapple, apple, or pomegranate;
  3. Dry wines (white wine is ideal for chicken kebab);
  4. A combination of fruits such as pineapple and kiwi, which are cut into slices and stacked with meat;
  5. Soy sauce;
  6. Kefir or natural unsweetened yogurt.

But one acid will not be enough to get a delicious barbecue, so you will need to add spices to it:

  1. Garlic;
  2. Rosemary;
  3. Bay leaf;
  4. Dill;
  5. Coriander (cilantro);
  6. Fennel;
  7. Mustard;
  8. Juniper berries;
  9. Pepper black, red, sweet or hot;
  10. Special seasoning mixes for meat.

You can also add a little vegetable oil to the marinade, in which case, during frying, the meat juice will not flow out, and the meat will not be dry. Oil can be replaced with mayonnaise, the barbecue in such a marinade will turn out very tasty. In any case, it is in these products that spices dissolve best.

By the way, about the spices themselves. Experienced chefs advise putting no more than 3 types of herbs in the marinade, otherwise they will interrupt the smell of each other, and the barbecue will not get all their aroma and taste.

Poultry meat does not tolerate aggressive marinades, so you can prepare a dressing for it not from vinegar, but from fruits or fruit juices. In addition, it will not be necessary to marinate such a barbecue for a long time.

The marinade does not need to be salted. The product itself is salted directly and only in finished form. If you add salt to the marinade, the meat will turn out dense and tough.

Quick recipe for kefir

Chicken meat marinated in kefir is considered one of the most delicious dishes.

How to prepare the marinade:

Marinade for chicken fillet based on vinegar

Vinegar is a classic ingredient in barbecue, be it pork, lamb or chicken. What is required here:

The time allotted for pickling meat takes 1 hour. The calorie content of such a dish will be approximately 53 kcal per 100 g.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, wipe them with salt and pepper, set aside in a special deep dish;
  2. Peel the onion and cut into large rings, put it to the chicken;
  3. Vinegar mixed with water (proportions should be 1 to 2), add sugar there and stir it well;
  4. Pour the resulting vinegar-sugar solution into a bowl with chicken, mix the meat well so that each piece is well marinated;
  5. Put the meat in the refrigerator for 1 hour;
  6. Thread meat and onions on skewers, alternating these products;
  7. Lay the skewers over the coals, fry on each side for 3-5 minutes.

Recipe for shish kebab marinated with honey and soy sauce

Another way to prepare a tasty and rich chicken dish is to marinate it in soy sauce with honey. What is required here:

Pickling time - 2 hours. Calorie content per 100 g of product - about 67 kcal per 100 g.

How to cook the dish:

  1. Pour soy sauce into a deep bowl, add ground pepper, honey and vegetable oil to it, beat all the ingredients well with a whisk;
  2. Cut the onion and bell pepper into large cubes, pass the garlic through a press. Add all products to the marinade;
  3. Pour a small part of the marinade into a separate container (it will be needed to lubricate the meat during the frying process);
  4. Cut chicken breasts into small pieces, put them in a bowl with marinade, mix everything well and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours;
  5. Alternately string meat, onion and pepper on skewers, fry them on coals;
  6. During cooking, brush the skewers with marinade.

Chicken skewers in beer marinade

Chicken meat is very tender and spicy when marinated in beer. Here you will need the following ingredients:

The time during which the meat will marinate should take no more than 2-3 hours. The calorie content of the product per 100 g is approximately 110 kcal.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Rinse the legs, divide each into 2 parts, put in a deep bowl, salt, mix;
  2. Pour beer into a container with meat, add mayonnaise there, mix everything thoroughly;
  3. Cut the onions into medium rings, and the lemon into small slices, put them into a container with meat, add ground pepper and seasoning, mix everything thoroughly with your hands;
  4. Put the bowl of marinade in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours;
  5. Grill the chicken, turning occasionally.

How to make barbecued chicken in the oven

In order to cook a delicious chicken kebab, it is not necessary to leave the home, because the whole procedure can be done using a conventional oven. For such a delicacy, you will need the following:

Marinating time - 1 hour. Caloric content of the product per 100 g - no more than 60 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Mix rice vinegar and rice wine together in a deep bowl, add honey and soy sauce there, mix everything well;
  2. Finely chop the ginger and garlic, add to the marinade;
  3. Chicken fillet (or breasts) cut into small pieces, put in marinade, refrigerate for 1 hour;
  4. In the meantime, coarsely chop the onion and mushrooms, prepare the skewers;
  5. When the meat is ready for frying, alternately string chicken, mushrooms and onions onto skewers;
  6. Grease the grate lightly with vegetable oil, heat the oven to 180 °, place the skewers on the grate and fry them on each side for 6 minutes;
  7. Brush chicken with marinade while cooking.

Experienced chefs strongly advise observing the meat marinating time, which depends on what exactly the marinade is prepared from. Chicken meat is a very delicate product, so it does not need to be marinated for a long time, especially if it is vinegar. If you do not calculate the time, you can get tough meat.

The remaining marinade should not be thrown away, as it can be periodically lubricated with barbecue during frying.

No picnic or holiday is complete without mouth-watering kebabs. I propose to cook a shish kebab from chicken legs. The easiest and fastest way to cook is useful to every hostess. Fragrant hearty kebabs will please all your relatives and friends.

For kebabs, you can cook sweet and sour sauce or any suitable sauce that harmonizes with chicken meat. So, to business.

Take the following products.

Before you marinate the skewers of the legs, you need to prepare the meat.

Wash chicken thighs thoroughly. Discuss. Cut into two halves. You can leave it as is if you wish. Season.

Add fat mayonnaise. Mix well.

Add onion cut into large rings. Stir gently so that the onion does not fall apart. Leave to marinate for several hours in the refrigerator.

Put the marinated meat on a wire rack or put it on skewers. Make a fire and wait for the coals to form. Lay the grill with chicken skewers on the grill. Fry until golden brown. Turn occasionally to keep the chicken from burning. Make sure there is no fire. In case of fire, sprinkle with water. Serve immediately.

In this recipe, we will show you how to cook delicious chicken thigh skewers. After a long cold winter, when it got warmer outside, I want to go to rest in nature and, of course, according to tradition, fry a shish kebab. In our understanding, shish kebab is a dish that is prepared only from lamb and only on coals. However, today the search for delicious ideas has expanded and options have been found that allow us to cook them with different vegetables, pork, beef, veal, liver, fish and everyone's favorite chicken. Chicken kebab is the lightest, fragrant and tender delicacy, which is quickly prepared and easily absorbed by our body. Most importantly, chicken is affordable for every family.

We invite you to remember the marinade recipe, as they did before, when there were no different modern spices and seasonings, namely, marinate chicken in with onions, as in the good old days. Chicken skewers in vinegar have a characteristic sourness and aroma. Such a kebab will be appreciated even by those who have never tried it, it is also good that you do not need to go to the store to cook it, the main ingredients of this dish are always in the kitchen of every housewife. As a rule, the softest and juiciest meat is obtained when it is marinated with vinegar and onions. Because acetic acid breaks down collagen fibers and the chicken becomes even more unusually soft and tender. Therefore, at least for a change, because there are so many gorgeous summer days ahead for outdoor recreation, to fry meat, remember this old way.

For this we need:

Legs 3 kg (you can take any other parts of the chicken body, but for me this is the best and most affordable option).

Onion 7 pcs.

Salt, ground black pepper and 9% vinegar to taste.

recipe cooking:

1. Rinse the legs and cut them into small pieces so that they fry better and faster. Cut the onion into rings.

2. Then we put part of the meat in a bowl, salt, pepper, pour vinegar and put onions. Then another part of the meat as well, that is, marinate in layers.

3. We close the dish with meat with cling film and leave it, a little later the meat and onions will release juice, plus more vinegar and the pickling process will begin (we marinated in the evening, and fried from lunch).

5. We fry on hot coals, gradually turning over.

Here, in fact, is the whole process. Chicken skewers are ready. Bon appetit!!!

    The main idea of ​​this dish is to cook chicken skewers in an oven that has an upper and lower heating element. Potatoes with onions are placed in a frying pan, and skewers with chicken legs are laid out above it. All the juice flows into the garnish, making it much tastier. Let's take two ordinary chicken legs. They can be bought directly or cut off from a chicken carcass. These limbs must be washed in running water, remove obscene parts and dry.

    The set of spices for cooking this dish will be small. Ground black and red pepper, salt, a little suneli hops, a little garlic. A piece of lemon will be squeezed onto the chicken. This is a very simple but very effective type of marinating any meat.

    Squeeze a piece of lemon over the chicken. Then rub the chicken legs with salt and red pepper. They need to be left alone for 15 minutes.

    During this time, it is necessary to wash and peel 8-10 potatoes and one large onion.

    Cut the potatoes into slices, and the onion into half rings. Place these vegetables in the pan. We distribute them evenly.

    Add salt, ground black pepper, a little hops-suneli seasoning to the pan. Thoroughly mix the contents of the pan, then pour the future side dish with vegetable oil.

    At this time, the legs have already marinated enough. Each leg must be carefully put on a skewer and put on top of the side dish in a frying pan.

    We send the pan with a side dish and chicken legs to the oven. We bake at a temperature of about 200 degrees. The chicken legs should be turned over periodically for even frying. 5 minutes before the end of the barbecue, you need to add crushed garlic to it. Well-marinated chicken cooks quickly. It is not necessary to bring our barbecue to the state of anthracite. It would be more correct to remove it from the oven and separately bake the side dish until fully cooked.

    Homemade shish kebab is ready. Remove the chicken legs and put them on flat plates. The contents of the frying pan (potatoes with onions) were baked and soaked in chicken juice. This delicious side dish is served with chicken. The dish can be garnished with chopped dill, slices of fresh tomatoes and onions.

Tips on how to marinate chicken for barbecue will be useful to anyone who likes to cook tender aromatic meat outdoors. Today, several successful recipes for chicken marinade are known at once, which can improve the quality and increase the nutritional value of dishes. The best of them are collected in our selection.

Classic chicken barbecue marinade

The classic recipe includes a minimum of products. Ingredients: 2 chicken carcasses, 6-7 onions, a mixture of black and red ground pepper, salt to taste.

  1. Chickens are cut into medium pieces. Each of them is smeared with salt and pepper.
  2. The onions are cut into half rings, after which they knead well with their fingers to let the juice flow.
  3. Meat is laid out on a thick pillow of vegetables. Further, the prepared products alternate in layers.
  4. The “tower” always ends with a bow.

Under the lid in the cold, the mass will marinate for 3-5 hours.

With added vinegar

This option can be called the second classic recipe. Most often, chicken skewers are soaked with the addition of vinegar. Ingredients for 1.5 kg of poultry: 8 large spoons of purified water, table salt, 2-3 onions, a large spoon of sugar, 4 large spoons of table vinegar.

  1. The chicken is washed, dried and coarsely chopped.
  2. Each individual piece of meat is salted and placed in a deep bowl.
  3. The onion is rubbed on a coarse grater, after which it is mixed with chilled water. Sugar and vinegar are added to the resulting marinade. They are filled with chicken.

It is desirable that the bird stays in the resulting mixture all night.

With onion

Onions are used to soften chicken fibers, make the bird more tender, softer, and of course saturate it with a unique aroma. You need to take vegetables in large quantities. Ingredients for 1 kg of chicken: 600 g of white onion, special seasonings for barbecue, salt.

  1. The chicken is cut into large pieces.
  2. All onions are peeled, washed and rubbed on a coarse grater. The vegetable mass is sprinkled with seasonings and salted, after which it needs to completely cover the meat pieces.
  3. It is enough for the chicken to lie in the marinade for an hour.
