
Turkey shish kebab: tender meat recipes. Turkey barbecue marinade secrets: spicy, fast, kefir, wine

Separately, it is worth mentioning the turkey as meat for grilling. Especially about the turkey fillet. This is the most tender and lean meat compared to the rest of the carcass, and that is why many fail, getting meat that looks more like chips than juicy and tender ruddy pieces. How to cook a good turkey kebab so that the next culinary feat is justified and crowned with an unforgettable dinner in nature? Only excellent meat and the right tactics!

Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes to cook (including ignition / marinating).

Ingredients for 3 servings:

  • 700 g turkey fillet (from one bird weighing about 3.5 kg)
  • salt, spices to taste
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil (to enhance the taste, you can try sesame or pumpkin)
  • 0.5 tsp honey

you will also need:

  • 2 volumes of barbecue firewood from fruit trees + 1 raw poleshek or a few sprigs of rosemary for a smoking effect (optional)
  • plastic bag
  • grill or skewers.


It's no secret that good meat does not need to be burdened with sophisticated additives, it is enough to add salt and season it with your favorite spices to make an excellent barbecue! And it is also very important whether we use the “correct” coals for cooking a particular type of meat. In these two directions, we will work out the tactics of a successful fillet barbecue.

So, first you need a chilled, skinned turkey fillet. It must be rinsed in cool water and allowed to drain. Next, the fillet should be cut into portioned pieces for 2-3 bites. It is very important in this case to guess with the size. If the pieces are too small, they will instantly turn into dry chips, and if they are too large, then while the middle “reaches”, the edges will also inevitably dry out.

Pour salt, a mixture of seasonings to taste into a plastic bag of a suitable size, and lay out the meat. Close the edges of the bag and twist the meat in it so that it is all in a spicy-salty breading and begins to marinate. Put the package in a cool place. By the way, the benefits of the package do not end at this stage, so it is recommended to marinate the meat in it.

While the meat is saturated with the aromas of herbs, it is necessary to burn the coals. The best coals for barbecue, with soft and “correct” heat, are obtained from. In order to quickly and successfully cook a barbecue from this amount of meat, you will need two volumes of a brazier of thin poles. Kindle firewood and let them burn out completely! At the bottom of the brazier there should be bluish-white hot coals. It is also very important that the heat is not too strong, after all, turkey fillet is meat that cooks quickly enough.

While the coals are burning to the desired level of heat, prepare the meat for cooking. Add a little honey and vegetable oil to the bag with turkey fillet pieces. Close the edges of the bag again and mix the pieces well in the honey-oil mixture. This little secret guarantees a beautiful crust on the finished turkey skewers, and will help the meat cook evenly and faster, as it will create an oil layer on the surface that increases the temperature. And your hands, at the same time, will remain clean, and not in sweet-butter caramel! And in this case, you do not need to lubricate the grate separately with oil, the barbecue will not stick. Pour the pieces out of the bag on the lower grate, press the second grate on top, fix the structure with a ring.

To start cooking barbecue, you need to make sure that the heat is right. To do this, lower your hand with your palm down to the level above the coals on which the meat will be cooked. If you can withstand the heat for the calculation of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, then the heat is correct, if not, then stir the coals with a poker or a free pole so that they burn out faster. As soon as the heat reaches the desired level, put the meat with the grate on the grill and cook the meat for about 7 minutes on each side.

If you want the kebab to have a smoking effect, then before turning the meat over on the other side, you need to put an undried pole on the coals. It will give a lot of smoke, but will not have time to catch fire. Another option for a "smoky" effect is to toss a few sprigs of dried rosemary on the coals.

While the meat is cooking, there is time to prepare the plates for serving. Fresh greens and young potatoes will make an excellent company for tender turkey skewers!

Remove the finished turkey fillet kebab from the heat, carefully disassemble the grate structure and let it rest for a few minutes. Put the pieces of meat on portioned plates and you can serve!

By the way, you can cook chicken fillet in the same way, but the cooking time will need to be controlled, the chicken can be ready even earlier.

Have a nice picnic and bon appetit!

Shish kebab is one of the most popular dishes in the post-Soviet space, the ideal meat for it is lamb. No less tasty, but more healthy and dietary, will be turkey kebab, the secret of the taste of which lies in the “correct” marinade, which is what we will talk about later.

The number of ingredients in each recipe is given per 1 kg of meat.

The most delicious marinade for barbecue turkey fillet

Many products are suitable for the sauce, the combination of kefir with tomato paste is optimal, here both the taste is excellent and the color is pleasing to the eye.


  • Kefir - 250 ml.
  • Onion - 3-4 pcs.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1-2 pcs.
  • Tomato paste - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • A little salt and a mixture of peppers.

What to do:

  1. Mix kefir with tomato paste.
  2. Cut the onions and peppers into half rings, pour into the tomato-kefir mass.
  3. Salt the fillet bars, grate with a mixture of peppers.
  4. Put in the prepared filling, marinating time - about 5 hours.

The recipe is simple, therefore it will be used more than once. Kefir will give the meat tenderness, tomato paste - a pretty pink hue, pepper and onion - the aroma of real summer.

Turkey thigh skewers are the perfect marinade.

Turkey thigh meat can be a little tough, but if you use mustard for marinating, then everything will turn out perfectly.


  • French grain mustard - 3 tsp
  • Wine vinegar - 70 ml.
  • Vegetable oil, ideally olive oil - 2-4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt is on the tip of a knife.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Ground pepper (hot).


  1. Connect all components.
  2. Stir until salt and sugar dissolve.
  3. Dip the chopped meat into it for a couple of hours.
  4. Keep cold.
  5. Fry either on the grill or on skewers.

Mustard will give extraordinary softness, and oil will keep the meat "juice" inside.

How to marinate a turkey with onions

“The simpler, the tastier” is the motto of real chefs, which fully justifies the following recipe.


  • Onion - 5-8 pcs. (depending on size).
  • Salt.
  • A mixture of peppers (or one black ground).

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the onion.
  2. Cut into half rings.
  3. Salt, pepper, knead well with your hands so that the “juice” goes.
  4. Cut the fillet into large enough pieces.
  5. Mix fillet and onion.
  6. Marinate for 4-6 hours, placing the bowl of meat in a cool place.

Fry the kebab without onions, as it burns quickly. But you can fry it in a separate pan and serve as a side dish.

mayonnaise marinade recipe

The best marinade is made on the basis of vinegar, but if the product is not in the house, then you can replace it with ordinary mayonnaise. You just need to reduce the amount of spices.


  • Mayonnaise - 200 ml.
  • Salt - a pinch.
  • Peppers and herbs - to taste.
  • Onion (green feather) - 1 bunch.


  1. Onion cut into pieces.
  2. Salt, add seasonings.
  3. Pour in mayonnaise, mix.
  4. Dip the meat pieces into the prepared composition.
  5. Marinating time - at least an hour at room temperature.

You can still lightly water the marinade during cooking.

With soy sauce

The following recipe suggests connecting the Far East and the Caucasus, it turns out unusual, but very tasty.


  • Soy sauce - 50-70 ml.
  • Lemon juice - 50-70 ml.
  • Pomegranate juice - 50-70 ml.
  • Salt.
  • Spices and ground pepper.

What to do:

  1. Salt the fillet pieces, sprinkle with herbs and spices.
  2. Combine lemon and pomegranate juice in a bowl.
  3. Pour in soy sauce.
  4. Put the meat, pressing lightly with your hands to immerse in the marinade.
  5. Keep at least 3 hours.

Cook in the traditional way, inhaling the amazing aromas.

On kefir

Vinegar gives a meat dish a specific flavor that many home-grown tasters dislike. This will not happen if you use ordinary kefir.

Main Components

  • Kefir - 200-250 ml.
  • Salt - ½ tsp.
  • Allspice (ground) - ¼ tsp
  • Paprika - ¼ tsp
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves.


  1. Pour salt, seasonings and chopped garlic into kefir, mix well.
  2. Place the turkey in the marinade.
  3. Keep for 2-3 hours without hiding in the refrigerator.
  4. Squeeze and send to the grill or skewers.

The tenderness of the meat and the delicate aroma of paprika are guaranteed!

How to marinate turkey skewers with honey

Tender turkey meat, a subtle touch of honey and the aroma of freshly baked bread guarantee the following recipe.


  • Natural honey - 50 gr.
  • Kvass of natural fermentation - 500 ml.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 4 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Cut onions into half rings.
  2. Bulgarian pepper too.
  3. Mix kvass with honey, salt and pepper.
  4. Place vegetables in the marinade.
  5. Dip the pieces of meat in the liquid, press down so that they are completely covered.
  6. Marinate up to 4 hours.

Fry traditionally, basting with marinade filling if necessary during the cooking process.

Spicy marinade with mustard

Many people like skewer with a spicy taste, but this is not very good for the stomach, a spicy mustard-based marinade will make the meat more tender and flavorful.


  • Mustard ready-made dining room - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Soy sauce - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Suneli hops - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 2-4 cloves.
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tsp

How to cook:

  1. Pass the garlic through a press (“crusher”).
  2. Mix with all other ingredients.
  3. Brush the fillet pieces.
  4. Marinate for at least 3 hours.

Serve with a lot of greens, as befits a real barbecue.

"Lady's" marinade for turkey barbecue with wine

Many people know that wine can turn ordinary charcoal roasted turkey into a divine dish.


  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Red wine (only dry) - 200 ml.
  • Ground pepper - 1/2 tsp.
  • Basil - 1 tsp
  • Paprika - ½ tsp
  • Onion - 5-6 pcs.
  • Salt.


  1. Mix wine with olive oil, all spices, spices.
  2. Chop the onion into half rings, combine with the liquid base.
  3. Marinate the turkey overnight in a cool container.

Ready kebab has a very pleasant ruddy color and an unforgettable taste.

Turkey meat should be fresh or chilled, but not frozen.


Turkey skewers on skewers can be cooked in the usual way, on a fire, and at home, on a grill pan. It will be delicious either way. We settled on the second option. But soon the picnic season is opening, and our step-by-step recipe with photos will also be useful for lovers of outdoor recreation.

We'll cook the Caribbean turkey. True, in the Caribbean, chicken is usually used in this recipe. The problem is that turkey meat is leaner than chicken, which makes it easier to dry out. To be on the safe side, take a turkey thigh fillet (it is fatter). In addition, we marinate turkey in ginger marinade. So it will turn out more juicy. By the way, this marinade is not just tasty, but versatile and suitable for various types of meat, so take it into service.

Do not be intimidated by the duration of the barbecue. The fact is that the turkey, in order for it to become juicy, needs to be marinated for a long time (preferably at least 4 hours). And in nature, you still have to wait until the coals flare up ... That's why it seems that turkey skewers are not cooked quickly, although in reality it is not. It is better to marinate the meat overnight (keep in the refrigerator), and then in the morning you can start cooking.


  • (600 g)

  • (1/2 piece)

  • (5 cm)

  • (2 cloves)

  • (20 g)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (20 ml)

  • (40 ml)

Cooking steps

    We free half of the red bell pepper (necessarily juicy!) from the seeds and cut into large pieces. We clean 2 cloves of garlic and 5 cm of ginger root. Wash and dry 20 g green onions.

    The products prepared in this way are sent to the blender bowl, pour 20 ml of natural soy sauce and blend.

    Pour 1 tsp into vegetable puree. ground chili pepper. Instead, you can take a few pieces of fresh, grinding it in a blender along with other ingredients. We mix. This is our spicy ginger marinade.

    We clean from the veins and cut into medium-sized cubes (about 4-5 cm each) 600 g of turkey fillet.

    Transfer the marinade to a plastic bag. We also send turkey cubes there. We tie the bag and shake it several times so that the marinade is evenly distributed among the meat. Marinate the turkey in the cold for several hours.

    Then we string it on wooden skewers and put it on a grill pan. If you are cooking barbecue on the grill, do not forget to pre-moisten the skewers in water so that they do not catch fire.

    Turning constantly, evenly fry the turkey until cooked through. It is difficult to say exactly how long it will take, because it depends on the heating power, on the size of the pieces, and on the quality of the meat. To make sure that the turkey skewers are done, try piercing the meat in the widest place: if the turkey is soft and the juice that has flowed out is clear, then the dish is ready.

    Serve hot turkey skewers with any vegetables and tomato sauce.

    Bon appetit!

Turkey shish kebab is an original choice for a picnic, tasty and healthy. Choose the best marinade!

  • Turkey thigh fillet: 1.5 kg;
  • Onion: 2 pcs;
  • Lemon: 1 piece;
  • Dried basil: 2 teaspoons;
  • Black allspice peas;
  • Red ground pepper: ¼ spoon;
  • Salt: 1.5 teaspoons.

Thoroughly wash the turkey thigh fillet and cut into pieces of medium size 5-7 centimeters.

Peel the onion and cut into rings of medium thickness.

Marinade for turkey skewers is very easy to prepare. Put the meat into a saucepan. Add previously chopped onion. Season with basil, red ground pepper, salt, add black allspice peas. Mix everything gently with your hands so as not to break the onion.

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze both halves into the pan. Mix a little again. Leave for 1-2 hours. Then pour half a glass of cool water, and put a saucer on top and press down. Cover the pot with a lid and leave to marinate for at least 8 hours.

Thread the turkey meat onto skewers along with the onions.

Heat up the coals on the grill so that they give a good heat. Put skewers with meat on the grill.

Fry the kebab periodically rotating the skewers. When the meat is fried on all sides, you can taste it, the most important thing is not to overdry. I love shish kebab even slightly undercooked.

Recipe 2: turkey barbecue, mineral water marinade

  • turkey fillet - 1600 gr
  • dry basil - 2 tsp
  • onion - 4 pcs
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs
  • table vinegar - 2 tbsp.
  • highly carbonated water - 1000 ml
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • ground red pepper - 0.3 tsp
  • salt - 1.5 tsp

Recipe 3: turkey fillet skewers with garlic and spices

  • turkey fillet - 1.2 kg
  • ground sweet pepper - 2 tsp
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • dried granulated garlic - 2 tsp
  • oregano - 1 tsp
  • dry white wine - 1 cup
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml

Cut 1.2 kg of turkey fillet into a cube with a side of 3-4 cm and put in a marinating pan.

We pour 2 tsp to them. ground sweet pepper, salt and dried granulated garlic, as well as 1 tsp. oregano.

Pour a glass of good dry white wine, mix everything thoroughly and leave the turkey to marinate for 3-4 hours.

In the meantime, we breed a brazier, bring the firewood to the state of coals, wait until a whitish coating appears on the latter, string the marinated turkey on skewers, grease it with vegetable oil (about 20 ml) and fry until golden brown with constant turning.

Recipe 4: Delicious Wine Marinated Turkey Skewers

Turkey skewers can be eaten even by those who are on a diet and follow proper nutrition. The meat should be marinated first. Turkey goes well with white wine, so marinate the meat in dry white wine for 2-4 hours.

  • Turkey fillet - 1.5-2 Kilograms
  • Onions - 2-3 Pieces
  • White dry wine - 100 Grams
  • Greens - 20-30 Grams
  • Adjika - 100 Grams
  • Salt - to taste

Cut the fillet into large pieces. Separately chop the onion rings.

We send the chopped fillet to a deep container, add onion and wine. Salt and season to taste. Let marinate for at least 2 hours.

We string the meat on skewers in the usual way, after which we fry it on coals.

If there is no time to marinate the kebab, then you can fry it right away, only then pour it with marinade during frying.

Before serving, you can decorate the kebab with greens and serve it with your favorite sauce.

Recipe 5: Garlic Marinade for Turkey Skewers

  • Turkey fillet - 1.5 kg;
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Spices for the marinade (½ teaspoon each): suneli hops, adjika, paprika, black pepper;
  • Salt - to taste.

Wash a piece of turkey fillet well, cut off unnecessary films and veins. Cut the bird into small (if possible the same) portioned pieces.

We are preparing the most delicious marinade to soak turkey skewers in it. Grind the garlic cloves with a knife, or crush them on a garlic press (another option is to rub on a fine grater)

We shift the garlic into a cup, and pour about 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into it. Oil is needed in the marinade to bind salt, garlic and spices, so you need just enough of it to end up with a thick slurry of spices and garlic.

Pour half a teaspoon of hops-suneli, adjika, paprika spices into the marinade, add salt to taste to the marinade (about 1 teaspoon).

Finishing off the spice mix in our turkey kebab marinade is half a teaspoon of ground black pepper. After adding black pepper to the marinade, mix the contents of the cup well, and let the mixture stand for 10 minutes so that the oil is saturated with the aroma of garlic and spices.

We thoroughly mix the marinade with the meat with our hands, let the turkeys marinate for 2-3 hours, after which the pieces of turkey are strung on skewers like a regular barbecue.

And they go to bake on the grill. It is very important that the coals over which we are going to bake the turkey skewers give a uniform heat.

After about two to three minutes from the moment the turkey kebab begins to roast over the coals, the kebab turns over for the first time.

After that, the kebab turns over as needed. The turkey is baked over the coals, until fully cooked no more than 10-12 minutes, if you cook the bird further, the kebab can be burned, or it will turn out dry.

Recipe 6: tender turkey skewers in the oven on skewers

  • Turkey fillet - 800g;
  • Smoked brisket - 150g;

For marinade:

  • Mayonnaise - 5g;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons;
  • Horseradish (ready seasoning) - 1 tablespoon;
  • Ready mustard - 1 teaspoon;
  • Hot sauce "Tabasco" - 1 teaspoon;
  • Dill greens - 1 bunch;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper - to taste.

To prepare a turkey kebab recipe in the oven, first rinse the turkey fillet with water, cut into large cubes.

Cut the lemon into small cubes.

Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

Put the turkey fillet in a large bowl, add lemon and onion to the meat.

Peel the garlic and pass through a press, add the garlic to the meat.

Add hot Tabasco sauce to the marinade.

Chop the dill and also add it to the meat.

Lastly, add mayonnaise.

Knead the meat in the marinade, cover the cup with cling film and refrigerate for eight hours.
When the meat is marinated, cut the smoked brisket into slices.

Thread the turkey pieces onto wet wooden skewers, alternating each piece of turkey with a piece of smoked brisket.

Put the skewers of turkey with smoked brisket on a baking sheet, bake at a temperature of 250 degrees for no more than 15 minutes until golden brown.

Recipe 7: Turkey Skewers with Pineapple (Step by Step with Photo)

  • turkey fillet - 800 g,
  • pineapples (canned) - 600 g,
  • mustard (Dijon) - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • olive oil - 3 tsp,
  • salt - to taste,
  • spices - to taste.

Soak the skewers in a bowl of water for 20 minutes.

Cut the turkey fillet into medium equal pieces.

Mix with spices and mustard, add salt and marinate for half an hour.

Cut pineapple rings into 6 slices.

String on skewers, alternately, marinated meat and pineapple slices.

Put the prepared ingredients on a baking sheet with foil, greased with olive oil, and put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes.

Turn the kebabs over to the other side, pour over the juice that has stood out and bake for 7 minutes until tender.

Serve hot with tomato or cranberry sauce and fresh vegetables. Bon appetit!

Recipe 8: Turkey Kebab with Mayonnaise (with photo)

  • turkey breast
  • seasonings
  • mayonnaise
  • pepper, salt
  • sunflower oil

We cut meat. This meat itself is a bit dry, so cut into larger pieces.

Grind (namely grind, not cut) the onion in a blender.

Onion is something that cannot be spoiled with barbecue - you need a lot of it. Finely ground onion gives a lot of juice, which greatly affects the subsequent taste of the kebab.

Required: add sunflower oil (this is what gives juiciness) and mayonnaise.

Mix everything thoroughly.

Leave in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours or overnight.

Take your time with the coals: let them flare up very well, they should be covered with a white coating over the entire surface - this means that the coal is ready. The distance between the coal and the meat should not exceed 10 cm (approximately 3-4 fingers). First, the meat must receive a "fiery blow" i.e. close. Therefore, we put the skewers on the grill, and wait until the meat is lightly fried. Flip over and do the same with the other side.

Shesh kebab from turkey at home is a great alternative to barbecue in nature. Dietary meat is quickly marinated with soy sauce, vegetables add juiciness and taste, and spices add astringency. The dish can be served for dinner or a holiday right on wooden skewers. The recipe for turkey skewers in the oven on skewers does not require complex manipulations, the preparation is the simplest.

Taste Info Second courses of poultry


  • turkey (fillet) - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • red onion - 1 pc.;
  • Bulgarian pepper (yellow) - 1 pc.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 30 ml;
  • sunflower oil (table) - 20 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt (coarse grinding) - to taste;
  • dried spices for meat (paprika, chili, oregano, thyme, nutmeg) - to taste.

Preparation time (without marinating): 35 min. Servings Per Container: 8 Skewers.

How to cook turkey skewers in the oven

Carrots, two types of onions and bell peppers perfectly complement the turkey fillet. You can take cherry tomatoes, medium-sized fruits are easy to string on skewers. As for spices, paprika, chili, oregano, thyme, and nutmeg are the best pairings with white meats. The whole food set is ready, let's start cooking. In addition to the products, you will also need several wooden skewers and a deep refractory tray or grill.

Be sure to marinate the turkey for at least 30-40 minutes. To begin with, rinse the fillet, cut into a medium cube and salt liberally with coarse salt.

For barbecue (for skewers), you will need to chop red onion into large rings, white sweet onions and bell peppers into quarters. Carrots can be cut into thin slices. Cut cherry tomatoes in half or leave whole. The garlic cloves will go into the marinade, so either chop them with a knife or squeeze them through a press.

We send vegetable slices to the meat.

The next step is to add dried spices with sunflower oil. Mix everything with your hands, season with soy sauce and mix again. Be careful, the taste of soy sauce is quite salty, so its amount can be reduced by balancing with salt.

We cover the dish with meat with a plate, without pressing it, or with a film and, putting it in a cool place, leave it to marinate.

After wetting wooden skewers with cold water, we string meat and vegetables on them. We alternate the ingredients for beauty (everything except garlic) so that the serving looks appetizing.

On a tray or grill, lay rows of skewers with barbecue. Turn up the heat by covering the bottom of the pan with foil.

In an oven preheated to 220 C, fry the turkey skewers with vegetables in the grill mode. If the pieces are large and in contact with the foil, turn to the other side after about 15 minutes.

It will be seen when the meat is well fried, but remains juicy - take it out.

Before serving, you can pour the resulting gravy over the turkey skewers on a skewer. The dish is ready, decorate with greens if desired.
