
Secrets of winemakers: natural mash from apple juice. How to make moonshine from apple juice at home

Apples are used in home brewing for a number of reasons. Firstly, because of the availability of raw materials in various regions. Moonshine can be prepared from any variety, regardless of the sweetness and ripeness of the fruit. Both carefully selected varietal fruits, and wild game, carrion, regrading will do.

In addition to the budget of the feedstock, do not forget about the taste characteristics of moonshine. It has a subtle sweetish aroma. This is what captivates connoisseurs of aged Calvados, fruit eau de vie and homemade cider. Our apple moonshine is a close relative of these noble drinks. Let's figure out how to make moonshine from apples, using several recipes as an example.

Raw material selection


The taste of fruit is determined by an important parameter for home brewing - the sugar content. Everyone who has ever driven moonshine knows that yeast “eats” sugar and releases valuable ethyl alcohol in the course of its life. Accordingly, the alcohol content of the future mash depends on the amount of sugar in apples. On average, according to the percentage of sugar, all varieties can be divided into 4 groups:

  • wild game or sour varieties - 6%;
  • unsorted sweet and sour - 10%;
  • sour-sweet and tart garden - 16%;
  • sweet - 20%.

Without yeast and sugar, only sweet fruits can be fermented. For mash from sour varieties, the addition of sugar is mandatory. The more sour the apples, the more sugar you will need.


Yeast in the manufacture of apple mash for moonshine is a matter of taste. And both literally and figuratively. Artificial yeast speeds up the fermentation process at times, but partially interrupts the fruity aroma. Use them additionally or rely on wild microorganisms living on the peel of berries and fruits - decide for yourself.

As a natural alternative to baker's or dry yeast, raisins can be offered. If you want a faster result without losing flavor, opt for wine yeast.

Preparing apples

The hackneyed truth: “Fruits should be washed before eating” does not work in all cases. Moonshine apples do not need to be washed, so as not to kill the wild yeast living on the peel. It is better to wipe the dirtiest fruits thoroughly with a dry cloth. Natural microorganisms will not interfere even if you are going to add yeast in any case. They will help create a nutrient medium and speed up fermentation.

Purchased apples will be an exception. Of course, it is understood that usually moonshine is driven from its own crop due to its overabundance. But if the stars have aligned so that you are using imported apples of unknown origin, it is better to wash them well.

The next stage of preparation is cutting off the excess. For moonshine from apples at home, you will not need bones, cuttings, stalks. They hold a lot of tannins. We also cut out the rotten pulp.

Braga from apples for moonshine

This method attracts with its simplicity. Everything is quite simple even for a beginner moonshiner. The amount of sugar added depends on the sweetness of the fruit. Experienced winemakers recommend taking 4 kg of sugar for 30 kg of sour apples, 3 kg for sweet and sour apples, and 2-2.5 kg for sweet ones. We take water at the rate of 5 liters for every kilogram of sugar. Here is one of the recipes for moonshine from sour apples. For other varieties, the technology will not change, and the number of ingredients can be recalculated independently.

List of ingredients:

  • sour apples - 15 kg;
  • water - 10 liters;
  • granulated sugar -2 kg;
  • pressed yeast - 50 grams or dry - 15 grams.

Cooking method

  1. Chop prepared apples. It is not necessary to achieve the consistency of puree. Moreover, such a thick mash will be difficult to overtake. For processing, you can use a vegetable grater, blender, food processor or even a grinder. It all depends on the volume of processing. Apple porridge should be about 5 liters.
  2. We measure out 9 liters of water and mix with apple porridge in a large container. Pick up a convenient bottle with a wide neck in advance. Then it will be convenient to fill in the apples and stir the mash.
  3. From the remaining liter of water and sugar, we prepare sugar syrup. Pour sugar into warm water and cook until it is completely dissolved. Cool the finished syrup to room temperature and add to the apples and water.
  4. It remains to add yeast. To activate them, pour warm water in a ratio of 1:10 and wait 10-20 minutes. You can add some sugar to speed up the process. After the appearance of light foam, add them to the apple mixture.
  5. We leave the must to ferment for 1.5-2 weeks. To do this, remove the closed bottle in a warm place. Once every few days, stir the wort and knock off a dense hat from the surface.
  6. The readiness of the mash is determined by several criteria. The pulp will fall out. The hissing and bubbling on the surface will stop. The taste of mash will change from sweet to sour or even bitter.

Now that you know how to make mash from different varieties of apples, let's learn how to make it from apple juice.

Braga from apple juice

Getting apple juice

If instead of apples you have become a happy owner of natural apple juice, you can only be congratulated. Moonshine from apple juice is even easier to make than from whole fruits. True, here, too, you need to be sure of the raw materials. The composition can only contain apples, sugar and a little citric acid.

The second way to get apple juice and be sure of its composition is to make it yourself. At first glance, this may seem like an over-complication of the process. In fact, the labor costs are not so great, and the result justifies itself. Braga from fresh apple juice is more noble, and the taste and aroma are thinner. It is excellent for making fruit wines (eaux de vie) and cider.

There is another argument in favor of apple juice mash. The pulp of apples is rich in pectin. It decomposes to methanol during fermentation. It is difficult to determine its quantity in domestic conditions. But those who want to play it safe resort to cooking mash "in white", that is, without pulp.

apple mash recipe

The composition of the mash is simple: juice, sugar and yeast. But again, we pay attention to the sugar content of apples and, accordingly, the sweetness of the finished juice. Depending on the variety of apples, a different amount of sugar will be required.

List of ingredients:

Cooking method

  1. We get juice from apples in any way available to you: with a grater, juicer, food processor. Squeeze out the pulp, filter. We hold out for a day. Drain the clear, slightly cloudy juice from the sediment.
  2. Activate the yeast in warm water for 15-20 minutes. Wine yeast allows you to achieve optimal results. Unlike bakery or dry ones, they do not give a characteristic “mash” smell, but retain a natural one.
  3. In a glass bottle of the appropriate volume, mix the juice, sugar and yeast.
  4. After 3-4 weeks, we check the readiness of the mash according to the signs from the previous recipe. Shake the bottle periodically during fermentation.

Distillation of moonshine from apples

The made mash must be removed from the sediment. Before this, it is recommended to move it from a warm room where fermentation took place for 1-2 days to a cool place. And only after that merge. Before driving the mash, you can pass it through a cotton-gauze filter.

  1. For the first distillation, we slowly bring the moonshine still to 80 ° C. Braga can be distilled without separation of fractions. At this stage, this is not critical. The selection of the distillate is usually carried out "dry" until the strength drops to 5 °.
  2. To improve the aroma of the drink, before the second distillation, we advise you to insist the distillate on apples for several days. We dilute the flavored distillate 50 to 50 with water and proceed to the next step.
  3. In the second distillation, be sure to separate the primary "heads" and the final "tails". From each liter of apple mash (recipe 1) we select 50-70 ml of “heads”, for apple juice mash (recipe 2) - 80-90 ml. After the fall of the fortress below 40 °, “tails” begin. To get a stronger moonshine, you can stop a little earlier.

Before using moonshine, it is better to withstand 1-2 weeks. You can do it just in an ordinary bottle, or you can do it in an oak barrel. An extravaganza of taste and aroma is guaranteed.

Attention, only TODAY!

In our country, apples are highly revered. And they eat them in the most diverse way - in compote, salad, mashed potatoes, jam, pies. And do not forget about the culture of distillation. Apple moonshine has always been the most common in the USSR and Russia after sugar. Most likely, large harvests, especially individual years, have an impact.

At first glance, apples are easy to process. In reality, this is not the case: there is a huge discrepancy in recipes and dosages when preparing products. This has its own charm - in the uniqueness of each particular recipe.

But there are still general rules for production technology. Braga as a whole is prepared according to a recipe that includes water, yeast, sugar. And, of course, the fruits themselves. With the option of preparing mash without yeast, it will be necessary to remove it in a warm place.

Fruit should be properly prepared: try not to wash the fruit, as natural bacteria are located on the skin to promote fermentation. It is also necessary to remove the boxes and stalks from the seeds, which give a not very pleasant bitter aftertaste. We do not forget about possible rotten places to avoid the ingress of harmful impurities, and the raw material for the future drink is ready.

How to cook

To prepare juice from apples, the following is required: apples are processed into puree, sugar is added in the proportion of one glass - 1 kilogram. We mix the wort and pulp until the sugar dissolves and infuse at room temperature for four days. When the mash ripens, we separate it from the cake, preferably with gauze.

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Add sugar to the filtered liquid with the calculation of one kilogram - one glass. We mix everything thoroughly and put it on fermentation for half a month. After the mash is ready, it is recommended to overtake it twice to get the result in the form of apple moonshine.

As we found out, there are many options for apple moonshine, so let's focus on the five most typical ones. Cooking them is not as difficult as you might think.

Eternal classic from mash

We note with confidence that the drink associated with the brew according to the description below is liked by the absolute majority. We take a kilogram of 30 apples, 20 liters of water, 2-4 kilograms of sugar and 10 grams of dry wine type yeast. Apples should be processed before crushing to get a coarse-grained gruel. Be sure to try the resulting mixture to determine the water-sugar calculation.

With the predominance of acidic types of apples in the must, lay the maximum amount of water-sugar solution. And with the predominance of sweet or unripe apples, we reduce such a calculation to options of 3 kilos of sand and 15 water-sugar product, or even 2 and 10 kilograms, respectively.

If everything is clear in the proportions, then add 9/10 cool pre-poured water and mix everything, and make sugar syrup in the rest. We make cooling to 30 degrees, place it in the blank for the wort, stir again.

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At the same time, we dilute the yeast contents in water heated to 35 degrees, leaving for 20 minutes. Add the resulting product to the fermentation tank and mix everything again. The container is then closed with a lid with a water seal and left for 21 days in a dry and warm place. Do not forget to eliminate the surface cake. With its complete sedimentation at the bottom of the container and the liquid changing in favor of light and bitterness, you can safely start distilling the contents.

Apple pomace in mash

After the appearance of juice, the so-called apple pomace remains. The result is interesting - the approximate equivalent of the famous apple chacha. To prepare it, you will need a dozen kilos of the cake itself, 5 kg. sugar, 35 liters of water and yeast. You can take 100 grams of dry or a pound of pressed type.

So, the cake should be placed under water at a temperature of 30 degrees. Then sand and yeast solution are added. Close the fermentation container tightly with a water seal, leave to rest in warmth and without moisture. And then apply the technology described in the first recipe of the classic plan.

Apple juice and mash

This option will delight genuine gourmets of this kind of drink. As a result, we get apple brandy, the base of which will be pure juice. This is truly the most perfect type of taste and aroma. To the classic ingredients in the form of apple juice about 15 liters, sand about 3 kg., 200 grams of yeast, honey and lemon zest are added to taste.

Let the juice stand for a few days beforehand. Then it is decanted from the sediment, and mixed with sugar and yeast, or rather their solution. Add lemon zest and honey if desired. The resulting substance should be stored in a dim room for 30 days with occasional stirring. And now, after a month's rest, the finished mash is ready for use.

Apples? a great option for preparing an environmentally friendly cheerful drink for a feast. The cost of fruits is insignificant: more than 10 buckets of fruits can be harvested from a tree. They are very juicy, which leads to a large yield of alcohol. The mash production technology is easy to perform, but you need to know some subtleties. It is important to choose quality ingredients, prepare them. It is equally important to find a good recipe. And also know how to make low-alcohol mash or cider from apple juice? basis for strong homemade calvados, schnapps, brandy.

Attention! Always remove the seed box along with the seeds, otherwise the drink will acquire bitterness and an unpleasant odor during the fermentation process, storage.

Choosing ingredients and utensils

To put the mash, you need yeast, sugar, water. Everything seems simple, but there are special requirements for the ingredients.

  • Baker's yeast is used to make the classic 10 degree home brew. To make a fermentation drink (fruit must), for apple calvados, wine or alcohol yeast is needed. They raise the degree to the limits of 18? 25%.
  • Sugar. Most of all it is in summer varieties of fruits, however, their juiciness and aroma are lower than those of autumn and winter. Therefore, for mash it is better to choose mixed varieties. The sweeter the solution in the manufacture, the stronger the drink.
  • Water is needed spring, from a well, or filtered. Not boiled.
  • Utensils: an aluminum flask, a glass bottle, a jar, stainless steel containers, an enameled tank, a wooden barrel.
  • "Lid": sealed (near the flask), rubber medical glove with thin punctures (on the jar). Cork with a water seal (for a large bottle). It is important that carbon dioxide slowly escapes, preventing oxygen from entering.

Be sure to put the drink in heat (20 - 30 degrees). When the temperature is lowered, fermentation does not occur, when the temperature rises? stops (microorganisms, enzymes die).

How to make mash from fresh apples correctly

The fruits from the tree can not be washed, they are clean from heavy rains and contain natural yeast cells on the surface. Fruits are imported, from the market, the store must be washed, it is not known what chemicals they were treated with.

Recipe: from apple slices


  1. Separate seeds, dark spots from fruit. Leave the peel.
  2. Grind the fruits, fill the bottle with them.
  3. Make a warm yeast solution: yeast, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, 0.5 l of water. Mix thoroughly and add to fruit.
  4. Pour in the same mixture of heated water with the remaining sugar dissolved.
  5. Put on a glove with 2-3 holes pierced with a thin needle. During fermentation, the glove inflates, after the drink is ready, it will fall off (5 - 7 days).

When the mash is ready, it needs to be filtered, filtered, bottled. Place them inside a cool dark cabinet.

Recipe: from fruit puree - the basis for moonshine, calvados

  • 15 kg of apples,
  • 10 liters of water
  • 2 kg of granulated sugar,
  • yeast 50 gr. (dry? 10 gr.).


The first distillation of the strained mash is carried out 10-12 days after the pulp settles at the bottom of the dish. For flavoring, dried candied fruits are added to the alcohol solution. The second stage of processing should be done after 5 days.

Braga from fresh apple juice

Recipe: Rapid Fermentation Drink

  • Juice 10 l,
  • sugar 2 kg,
  • dry yeast powder 20 gr.


  1. Mix yeast, sugar in warm apple juice, fill bottle to ? level.
  2. Seal with a medical glove.
  3. Infuse the drink for 6 - 8 days without access to light, at an ambient temperature of 20? 25 deg.

Filter, pour into containers, store in the cold.

Recipe: apple mash? basis for spirits

  • Juice - 20 l,
  • sugar 4 kg,
  • fresh pressed yeast 200 gr.


Filter apple mash twice, distillation? in a day.

How to make cider for homemade apple calvados

Recipe: no added sugar, yeast

All you need is apples. Take 20% sour, 10% bitter, 70% sweet fruits, peel, chop. Do not wash them first.

  1. Separate apple juice, strain into a bottle.
  2. Pour the cake with water, squeeze it out after 24 hours, add the solution to the juice.
  3. Make wine sourdough, leave for a day.
  4. Remove sediment, foam, mix with cider base.
  5. Seal the bottle with a tight cap with a tube inserted into it? hose, one end of which is lowered to the bottom of the dishes. Place the other in a container of water. (You can use an industrial water seal, or a latex glove).

Just like with apple wine, the production time for Calvados cider is from 3 to 5 months.

Recipe: Instant Cider

  • Apples dense juicy sweet and sour 3 kg,
  • sugar 600 gr.
  • water 600 ml.
  • raisins 50 gr.


Will the glove deflate after 7? 9 days of fermentation. Filter the drink, pour into a clean container under the corks.

Homemade apple cider on juice tastes like fruit champagne, it is not recommended to store it for a long time, so it is better to prepare small portions.

Preparing your own invigorating drinks: apple mash, cider, calvados will protect you from the danger of poisoning with poor-quality wine and vodka products, and save you from extra cash costs.

Natural moonshine from apples at home is fragrant and tasty. The implementation of the product is relevant for those who have a dacha, or access to a large harvest of apples. In conditions when part of the fruit falls off, or the harvest is so large that it cannot be dealt with by harvesting, making fragrant moonshine from apples becomes an excellent way to process stocks.

Any recipe for apple mash does not require significant financial costs, is unpretentious in preparation, and with a high chance it turns out to be successful even after the first attempt. Positive in the preparation of the mash is the fact that it can be left as it is, without turning into moonshine, getting an excellent soft drink or cider.

Suitable apples for mash

You can put mash from almost any apple. Even cake or pieces with rotten parts removed are suitable. But ideally, it is desirable to use whole sweet fruits. The sugar content in the wort for apple mash, and later the alcohol content in it, will depend on the type of fruit used, the sweeter the better.

Sour and neutral fruits require the use of additional sugar. An approximate division by the amount of sugar and fruit acids:

  • Wild game and sour varieties contain 6% sugar and 1.3% acids
  • In gradeless sweet and sour fruits, the rates are 10% and 0.9%
  • Sweet and sour and tart soda apples contain 10% sugar and 1% acids
  • Sweet apples are 10% sugar and 1% fruit acids.

Let's look at a few suitable options for how to make apple mash.

Recipe from whole apples with yeast

The proposed apple mash recipe can become an independent drinking drink, or is suitable for further distillation.

Here's how many ingredients you need to take:

  • 30 kg apples
  • 4 kg of sugar (can be omitted if the apples are sweet enough)
  • 20 liters of water
  • 100 g dry yeast

The apple moonshine recipe looks like this:

  1. Cut apples in half or quarters
  2. Grind all apples with a meat grinder, or a drill with a special construction attachment until a homogeneous puree is obtained.
  3. Transfer the puree to a fermentation container, pour 16 liters of water there
  4. Dissolve the sugars in the remaining water and also transfer to the fermentation tank
  5. Before adding yeast, you need to ferment it, pour it into warm water with a temperature of 30 to 35 degrees in a ratio of 1:10 and let it brew for 10-20 minutes

    Dry baker's yeast or any other is suitable for making apple moonshine, but wine yeast is ideal for apple moonshine.

  6. After the yeast cap has risen, add the yeast to the wort and mix everything
  7. Close the container tightly, install a water seal and put the apple mash in a warm place up to +25 degrees for 7-12 days
  8. A day later, the braga needs to be opened and checked. When a dense layer (cap) of the pulp is formed, mix it well so that it does not sour
  9. When all the pulp settles and the mash becomes lighter, you can still make additional clarification with bentonite or immediately start distilling apple mash

Distillation of apple mash

  1. Apple mash must be distilled 2 times
  2. For the first distillation, it is desirable to use a steam generator or steam boiler. The method allows the liquid to be distilled without filtration, which retains more of the apple flavor. If you do not have this equipment, take and squeeze through several layers of gauze
  3. Pour the finished mash into a distillation cube. It is important that the cake pieces do not fall into the tank, otherwise they will start to burn and give bitterness.
  4. The first stage is driven almost to water up to 5% alcohol in the jet. The first distillation often gives cloudy moonshine due to apple fusel oils.
  5. Measure the strength of the resulting raw alcohol and determine the amount of absolute alcohol

    Before the second distillation, apple moonshine can be infused on fresh apples for 3-4 days, this will enhance the apple flavor of an already fragrant product

  6. Dilute the resulting raw material with clean water up to 20-30% without additional purification methods, because. a pleasant apple flavor should remain in the final product
  7. Distill a second time with separation into fractions. Select the first 10% of the absolute alcohol of the heads, they have an unpleasant odor and contain a lot of harmful impurities, you can’t drink it
  8. Select the main product to a temperature in a cube of 91 degrees, select the rest separately for further processing, for example, rectification
  9. Dilute the resulting moonshine to a strength of 40% and leave to rest in a glass in a dark place for at least 7 days, after the end of aging, the moonshine acquires a delicate aroma and loses an unpleasant aftertaste.

Recipe with apple juice yeast

On freshly squeezed or on ready-made industrial apple juice, they put mash for moonshine, only on condition that it is 100% natural without preservatives, otherwise fermentation will be difficult for mash.

Braga is prepared from apple juice as follows:

  1. Take 5 liters of juice
  2. Take pressed yeast 30 g or 10 g dry, better wine
  3. The technology for making moonshine from apple juice is the simplest, mix all the ingredients in a fermentation container and leave to ferment in a warm, dark place
  4. After fermentation is complete, remove the mash from the sediment
  5. In fact, this is a young wine, after double distillation you will get moonshine from young apple wine
  6. The resulting "wine" can be bottled and left to rest for a few months, so you get a delicious cider as a drink on its own.
  7. To get moonshine from apple juice, distill twice

Yeast-free recipe

Before making moonshine from apples, it is important to test the selected variety. In the absence of yeast in the apple mash recipe for moonshine, you need to test: 1 kg of the selected variety is mashed and mixed with 200 g of sugar. The mixture should actively “walk” by the evening for 2 days.

If the test is successful, they begin to prepare the ingredients for yeast-free apple mash:

  • 10 kg apples
  • 4 kg sugar
  • 100 g raisins

The recipe for cooking consists of several stages:

  1. Make a puree, mix with sugar
  2. Raisins are added to speed up fermentation.
  3. Mix well for 10-15 minutes, achieving complete dissolution of sugar
  4. After 10-14 days, the cake is removed
  5. Apple mash is filtered through several layers of gauze
  6. Add 6 more glasses of sugar and leave for 2 weeks
  7. After 2 weeks, apple mash for moonshine is removed from the sediment and filtered, it becomes ready for further distillation


Cooked apple distillate is great for any time of the year. Its unobtrusive aroma goes well with cold appetizers, chicken and vegetable dishes. Having prepared a drink 1 time, you will definitely want to use similar recipes again. After all, this process is quite simple, cost-effective and affordable.

With a large harvest of apples, something must be done. If jam, compote, juice and even puree are ready, then it's time to make blanks from alcoholic beverages. Sugar mash with apples is one of the best sentences for a good harvest, because you can get both low-alcohol drinks from it and use it for distillation to get moonshine. What are the ways to cook mash?

What is apple mash

By itself, apple mash is a ready-made low-alcohol drink made from fresh fruits. It has a light brown color, almost zero transparency, sweet and sour taste, sediment at the bottom of the bottle. Since apples contain a lot of iron and other nutrients, the mash does not lose these properties, because it does not undergo heat treatment. So we can safely say that mash is a useful product, and the ease of preparation makes it one of the most popular among summer residents.

What apples are needed

Before proceeding with the preparation of the mash, it is necessary to clarify from which apples it is best to do this. Depending on your ultimate goal, you can take both fruits from the tree and fallen fruits. If you will distill the mash into moonshine, then collect everything in a row. For cider, prepare good whole fruits that will make the drink not only tasty, but also beautiful in appearance.

If you do not want to use yeast in the recipe, then you will only need sweet varieties. For any low-sweet varieties, you will have to add sugar and yeast one way or another. Here are some data on varieties that can serve as a reference point for using apples in a particular recipe (% sugar / % fruit acids are indicated):

  • wild game or sour varieties - 6/1.3;
  • unsorted sweet and sour - 10/0.9;
  • sweet and sour or tart garden - 16/1;
  • sweet - 20/1.

Braga from apple juice for moonshine will ferment well, give the desired degree and yield of the product, if sugar is added to sour and unsorted sweet and sour fruits. In this case, the period of fermentation of apples with a high content of acids will be less than for less acidic varieties, because an acidic environment is fruitful for yeast fermentation. If apples are without sourness, then lemon juice can be added to the recipe.

apple mash recipe

The process of making mash on apples is not that complicated, but it takes a long time to wait for the finished drink - from 10 to 30 days. There are several recipes, and not only on whole apples, but also on other raw materials: cake, applesauce or even ready-made juice. The strength of the drink will depend on the number of days that the mash fermented and produced alcohol.

From applesauce

  • Time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

The easiest way to make mash is with applesauce. The result will be excellent, regardless of what kind of apples, sugar content and acidity you choose. The recipe calls for the addition of yeast. You can use both pressed and dry fruits. It is important to keep the proportions in order to get a delicious mash, without an obvious yeast flavor.


  • apples of any variety - 30 kg;
  • water - 20 l;
  • sugar - 4 kg;
  • yeast - 100 g (or 30 g dry).

Cooking method:

  1. Apples turn into puree. Grind fruit can be using a food processor or meat grinder.
  2. Dilute with 17 liters of water.
  3. Pour sugar into 2.5 liters of water and mix. To quickly dissolve the water, you can warm it up a little, but you can’t boil it.
  4. Cool the finished syrup and pour into the apple mixture.
  5. Heat the remaining half-liter of water to 30 degrees, pour in the yeast, a spoonful of sugar, wait for foaming and add everything to the must of applesauce, water and syrup.
  6. Close the container and put it in a dark place for 10 days. The air temperature must be at least 25 degrees.
  7. On the first day, the bottle or pan must be shaken strongly to remove the “cap” of pulp on the surface - it interferes with gas removal and fermentation.

From juice

  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 200 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: alcoholic beverage.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you have harvested a large crop and prepared a lot of juice, then it is quite possible to turn even the smallest part of it into mash. This is done very simply, your actions are literally for 10 minutes. The main condition for preparation is that the juice must be 100% natural. Shop options will not work, do not even try. As in the previous recipe, fermentation yeast can be used both dry and pressed.


  • apple juice 100% without sugar - 5 l;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • pressed yeast - 30 g (or 10 g dry).

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a bottle.
  2. Put in a dark place for 30 days.

On cake

  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 15 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 250 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: alcoholic beverage.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: difficult.

Getting mash on the cake is almost 100% waste-free production. Everything that remains after squeezing the juice, including seeds, stalks, peel, is ideal for future distillation of moonshine. It is recommended not to squeeze apple pomace dry, thereby increasing the fructose content. This will make the alcoholic drink more aromatic and retain the taste of apples in it.


  • apple cake - 10 kg;
  • water - 35 l;
  • sugar - 5 kg;
  • pressed yeast - 350 g (or 100 g dry).

Cooking method:

  1. Place the apple pomace in a large container that will leave room for fermentation after adding all the ingredients. In this case, you need a container of 60 liters.
  2. Heat the water to 30 degrees and pour the cake.
  3. Dissolve sugar in advance in a small amount of water, add to the cake and mix.
  4. Dilute the yeast in water in advance, add to the wort and mix.
  5. Close the container tightly by installing a water seal or a rubber glove, making several punctures in it.
  6. Remove the future mash in a warm place where the sun's rays do not fall. The temperature should be at least 18, but not more than 28 degrees.
  7. In the early days, stir the mash so that the cake from the cake settles.
  8. The duration of fermentation is from 6 to 10 days.
  9. The end of fermentation is determined by the cessation of the release of gas bubbles by a water seal or if the glove is blown away, as well as by the bitter taste of the mash.
  10. When the mash on apples wins back, filter it from the cake and let it brew for another day. It is best to strain through several layers of gauze.

Yeast free

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 240 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: alcoholic beverage.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Another way to prepare mash eliminates the addition of yeast. Not all varieties of apples are suitable for such a recipe, so before starting cooking, it is necessary to check one or another variety for the possibility of fermentation. To do this, take 1 kg of apples and grind it into puree in a way convenient for you. Add 100 g of sugar to it and leave at room temperature. If after 1-2 days the puree began to ferment actively, then feel free to start preparing yeast-free mash.


  • apples - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 4 kg;
  • raisins or wheat germ - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the apples in puree along with the peel according to the standard scheme, add sugar.
  2. Throw in raisins or wheat germ. Stir.
  3. After 10-14 days, the first stage of fermentation will end. Remove the cake (it can be used to bookmark other batches).
  4. Strain the juice - it will turn out about 5-6 liters.
  5. Add another 5-6 cups of sugar to the juice, leave to ferment for 2 weeks.
  6. Braga from apples without yeast is ready!

Although cooking recipes may seem very simple to you, as in any other business, there are recommendations and secrets that help make high-quality mash:

  1. When choosing apples, do not take those that are already starting to rot. Otherwise, carefully cut out all stale parts, otherwise even the distillate will get a bitter aftertaste, not to mention the Braga itself.
  2. The 10% rule tells you to always choose a container that has 10% empty space for foam and carbon dioxide.
  3. Never use baker's yeast to make alcoholic beverages. If there are no other options, then be prepared for the fact that the taste and smell of the drink will not be the most pleasant. Such yeasts form volatile impurities that require double distillation.
  4. Add apple slices to the sugar syrup while making it. This will improve the taste of sugar mash at the end of fermentation.
  5. You can safely mix apples with other fruit and berry ingredients. If desired, you can get apple and plum mash or apple and grape mash. It is very important in this case to ensure that the concentration of sugar in the future wort does not exceed 20%, otherwise fermentation simply will not take place.
  6. The prepared distillate, which was based on pear and apple mash, is best consumed within the next few months, or aged in an oak barrel, but not more than a year. Experts assure that this drink after a long storage partly loses the fullness of its flavor bouquet.

