
Sweet yeast buns with jam. How to make fluffy homemade buns with jam

This recipe for buns with jam on yeast dough and Elena sent us her story. I am from Kazakhstan, Rudny. I am 36 years old. I was born in 1977 and grew up in the USSR.

“I grew up during perestroika and there was a shortage of everything, including food. We didn’t have the opportunity to cook expensive meals, and especially in our family. But a family is a family. We had to live somehow, something We especially wanted something sweet, and we looked for different ways to get it.

My mother used to bake us yeast buns with jam on the weekends, which she called "American". I don't know where this name came from. Either she heard somewhere, or she came up with it herself. These buns were only called so - “buns”, but in fact they were rolls with jam instead of filling. After cooking, they were cut and eaten with tea (and with pleasure). In this recipe, the whole point was in the thick jam.

And so, one day, I decided to somehow make my mother a pleasant surprise and bake these buns. Yes, and she herself, I must admit, was not indifferent to either sweets or pastries. I took out cherry jam from the mezzanine (I didn’t find another) and started preparing the dough. It was not difficult to make it - I knew how to knead the dough. And I did it lively, with enthusiasm.

She rolled out the cakes and began to smear them with jam. But the jam is cherry. Liquid. It was not smeared, but simply dripped from the edges of the dough onto the table. I did not give up, and pouring it on more cakes, rolled them up. She put it on a baking sheet and waited an hour.

An hour later I look, and my jam is completely leaked out. Well, how so! Something had to be done. Buns without jam will turn out tasteless, there is little sugar in the dough. The jam was supposed to give a sweet taste to pastries. And sweets are my weakness. And I poured some more jam on top of them. It doesn't matter that most of it is glass on a baking sheet. I, stubborn (and stupid, for my age), put the buns to bake. Soon the oven began to stink terribly. It burned my jam.

After preparing the buns with jam, it turned out that they were all tightly, black, stuck to the baking sheet, so much so that they could not be torn off. Therefore, I had to cut off (or tear off) the buns from it. But this was not all. I did not try the jam, which, as it turned out, was with seeds. And the bones don't go anywhere! So you can break your teeth.

So, training on my mom and dad, and on my brother, I gained the skill. But now I cook and quite tolerably. Next, I want to bring to your attention her recipe for the very bun, which did not seem so difficult to me.

Step 1: knead the dough.

First you need to knead the dough. Since it is yeast, it will take quite a long time to knead it. Therefore, it is better to prepare the dough in advance, for example, in the evening.
First, mix salt, sugar and yeast in a deep plate, pour them with warm milk (its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees). Leave the yeast to brew in a warm place for 25-30 minutes.
After the specified time, add softened and chopped margarine to the yeast with milk. Now gradually, in small portions, add the sifted wheat flour, simultaneously kneading the dough with your hands.
As a result, you should get a soft, but not sticky mass, do not sprinkle flour so that the dough does not come out too tight.
Wrap the finished dough with a towel or wrap with cling film and leave to reach in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.

Step 2: form buns with jam.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator, punch down and divide it into 20-25 equal balls.
Now the fun begins, we will form our beautiful buns. Take one ball and roll it into a round cake, but not very flat.
Use a cup or shot glass to cut a circle in the middle of your tortilla.
Take the part that looks like a bagel and fold it in the middle to make a figure eight.
Lay one part of the figure eight on the previously cut circle.
Wrap the second part of the figure eight inside and lay it on top, ring in a ring, to get a kind of "rose".
Immediately place the workpiece on a baking sheet greased with butter or covered with baking parchment and take on the formation of the next bun.
When all the dough goes to the blanks, put a spoonful of your favorite jam in the center of each bun. Now leave your products for a while so that they come up and spread out a little in all directions.

Step 3: bake buns with jam.

Preheat oven to 180-190 degrees Celsius, grease the buns with jam with loose yolk, and then send them to bake until a delicious golden brown. As soon as the dough is baked and changes color, take out your pastries and leave to cool at room temperature. After cooling, the buns with jam will be ready to serve.

Step 4: serve buns with jam.

Buns with jam are great for tea and as gifts. They are beautiful, ruddy, sweet and very fragrant, so they look good on the table and invite everyone to tea. And what can warm you better in a cold autumn than a cozy and relaxed atmosphere when everyone is at home? Probably nothing.
Bon appetit!

Similar buns can be prepared with natural marmalade, it also turns out very tasty.

Always look at the expiration date of yeast. Only with fresh yeast will your dough turn out to be quite airy, otherwise all your efforts may be in vain.

To prevent the edges of the buns from falling apart, fasten them together with slightly damp hands.

Do you want to please your family with your own baked pastries? We offer you to learn how to bake buns with jam in the oven. In this article, you can get acquainted with the nuances of preparing yeast and puff pastry specifically for sweet pastries. As a result, we will get one hundred percent real homemade buns with jam. The test recipe for them is the first thing you need to familiarize yourself with.

yeast dough ingredients

Many of us remember how grandmothers and mothers made dough on weekends to bake buns, pies or whites. The apartment was filled with the smell of baking, which brought a little more comfort and well-being to the general atmosphere! Let's try to remember these times, independently going through all the stages of preparation.

Dough recipes for each baking vary slightly in composition. Prepare something that is ideal for buns with jam.


  • half a liter of cow's milk;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of salt (some people prepare the dough without it, but it turns out to be fresh);
  • a kilogram of flour;
  • 25 grams of yeast (it can be dry instant or fresh);
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 150 grams of margarine for baking or butter.

Putting yeast dough

Making dough on your own is a long process and requires a lot of attention. But if you follow our instructions strictly, you will succeed the first time even with a novice hostess. We are gaining patience, we begin the process:

  1. We heat the milk on the stove, its temperature should be approximately 45 degrees.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to milk.
  3. If the yeast is fresh, then dissolve it in warm milk, add 3 tablespoons of flour. If dry, then mix with three tablespoons of flour and add to milk. Mix well so that there are no lumps.
  4. We've got steam. It must be covered with a lid or towel, put in a warm place - a must! Wait for the mixture to foam up a little, this can take from 30 minutes to an hour - depending on the quality of the yeast.
  5. We mix three tablespoons of sugar with three eggs, you can beat a little with a whisk - we send it to the dough.
  6. Melt margarine / butter, add to the dough.
  7. Salt, mix all the ingredients well.
  8. Sift the flour, gradually introduce into our mixture, stirring constantly. When it is no longer possible to mix the dough with a fork, you need to put it on a board sprinkled with flour and knead. Knead until it stops sticking to your hands, you get a homogeneous mass.
  9. We grease the bowl with vegetable oil, put the dough in it, which we also grease with oil. Cover with a lid or towel and put in a warm place.
  10. The dough should rise twice. When this happens for the first time, slap it to settle. From the second rise, you can start baking buns with jam.

Puff pastry ingredients

Of course, it is easier to buy ready-made puff pastry, but we decided to go through all the stages of preparation on our own. Having tried to make such a dough with your own hands once, you will no longer want to resort to the help of a store product. We will need:

  • three glasses of flour (may take a little more or a little less);
  • 200 ml of water;
  • one chicken egg;
  • a tablespoon of vodka (cognac or rum will also work);
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 50 grams of flour additionally for butter;
  • a third of a teaspoon of salt;
  • 3 teaspoons of vinegar (9%).

Cooking puff pastry

  1. Mix water, egg, vodka, vinegar and salt. Mix well to get a homogeneous mass.
  2. Be sure to sift the flour, gradually introduce into the liquid mixture, stirring constantly.
  3. We spread the dough on the table and knead until it begins to lag behind the hands. You will get a homogeneous lump weighing approximately 650 grams.
  4. We put the dough in a bag, leave it at room temperature to "rest" for two hours. After that, it will become more elastic, it will be easier to make puff pastry out of it. For buns with jam - that's it!
  5. We take out the butter from the refrigerator (it should be chilled, cut into cubes, add 50 grams of flour. You can grind the ingredients with a fork, but it’s easier to use a food processor.
  6. We place a mixture of butter and flour on parchment, cover with a second sheet, roll it into a thin layer.
  7. We remove both the layer and the dough in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  8. We roll out the dough so that its thickness is 5-7 mm, spread the butter on one edge. It should take 2/3 of the dough layer, leave an indent of 1.5 centimeters from the edges.
  9. We cover the oil layer with the rest of the dough, pinch the side edges.
  10. We cover with the oil part, pinch the edges, we get a rectangle. We put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  11. Sprinkle the dough and the table with flour, roll it out well, the thickness should be about 10 mm.
  12. We measure the middle of the dough, fold one side to this level, cover the second (the photo shows how to fold), roll out. Repeat twice more, that is, you get four rolls. The thickness of the finished puff pastry will be about 8 mm.

Yeast buns with jam

So, the dough has come up, it's time to bake. There are many ways to make buns with jam, we will choose the simplest, but at the same time the finished product will please the eye.

  1. From the dough we form balls of the same size. We roll each one a little.
  2. We turn the edges up so that a hole forms in the center, pinch them well (you can use a fork) so that the jam does not leak out when heated.
  3. We put jam or jam in each hole, sprinkle with flour a little (this will not affect the taste in any way, but the flour will keep the jam from "escape").
  4. Grease the edges of the dough with egg yolk.
  5. We spread the buns with jam on a baking sheet so that there is a distance of half the size of the bun between them, since the volume of the dough will increase during baking.
  6. We let it stand for a while so that the dough rises a little again, then we send it to the oven preheated to 200 degrees.

After about twenty minutes, our buns with jam will be ready, you need to follow the browning of the edges.

"Friendly family" with jam

You can cook such buns with candy inside, but today we will use jam. You will need yeast dough and a family-favorite jam / jam. Cooking:

  1. Divide the yeast dough into balls, flatten each one a little.
  2. Add a tablespoon of flour to the jam. Again, this will not affect the taste, but the ingredient will not leak, it will not leave a tasteless sugar burn on the baking sheet and on the rolls.
  3. We stretch the ball of dough in the palm of our hand, put a teaspoon of jam on it, pinch the edges well.
  4. We grease the baking sheet with oil, put the buns on it at a small distance from each other, grease with egg yolk. Let stand for 15 minutes, then send to the oven preheated to 200 degrees until browned.


Let's make buns with jam from yeast dough in the form of snails:

  1. Divide the dough into balls, roll them out to a thickness of 0.5 centimeters.
  2. Spread over each jam, dust a little with flour so that it does not spread.
  3. Roll up the rolls, pinch the edges. Next, lay the rolls on a baking sheet in the form of snails.
  4. Lubricate with egg yolk, send to bake at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes - until the buns are well browned.

Puff pastry buns

The dough must be rolled up, cut into portions for buns. We put each piece with the cut up, roll it thinly (thickness should be 2 mm).

Put the jam on the center of the rolled dough, sprinkle with a little flour.

We form triangular buns, put them on a baking sheet with the fastened edges down. Lubricate with egg yolk, bake until fully cooked.

The result is a fluffy, patterned bun with jam! The photo shows the finished result.

Today, the shelves of shops and supermarkets are simply bursting with various sweet products: sweets, cookies, tiles, as well as all kinds of baked goodies. However, they cannot be compared with the extraordinary taste of homemade cakes. One of such unforgettable delicacies for both kids and adults are buns with jam.

Filling for baking

Starting the chores of preparing homemade cakes, you must first prepare all the necessary ingredients. And if you cook pies or buns, you first need to take care of their filling. It can be anything: cottage cheese, potato, mushroom, vegetable, fruit. But the most delicious delicacy will be. For this, apricot, and apple, and pear, and strawberry are suitable. Red currant is also very tasty, vitamin, healthy and fragrant. It is prepared in this way. After pre-cleaning the berries, you need to squeeze the juice of the red currant. When it starts to boil, ripe strawberries are added to it, which are boiled for about ten minutes. Then sugar is added, and all this is cooked for another quarter of an hour. After cooling, the jam can be eaten, and also used as a filling.

Economical recipe for delicious buns

You don't have to have expensive ingredients to whip up delicious meals. They may well be simple products. In addition, the preparation of this baking takes a small amount of time.

To get the dough, combine in a deep bowl one glass of sugar and sunflower oil, one teaspoon of salt and one liter of water. All this is well mixed and put on fire. After the mixture boils, it is set aside to cool. At this time, yeast (four tablespoons) and one tablespoon of sugar should be diluted in a glass of warm water. After they fit well, they are combined with the cooled mixture, flour is added and kneading begins. Rolls are formed from the finished dough and laid out on a greased baking sheet. After that, they go to a well-heated oven.

Cooking inimitable yeast buns

Yeast buns with jam are always very tasty. Universal dough is also suitable for Easter cakes.

The method of its preparation is as follows. In one liter of milk, one hundred grams of yeast, a little sugar and flour are bred. The result is a dough like pancakes, which should ferment for about an hour. Then half a kilogram of sugar, four hundred grams of margarine, six eggs, vanilla sugar and salt to taste are added to it. All this is thoroughly kneaded and left for a while to come up. Now buns of the desired shape are formed from the finished dough, jam or boiled condensed milk is added to them. After heating the oven to the desired temperature, you can start baking them.

For softness and airiness of the yeast dough, before baking, it is added to it already cooled down, which is rubbed on a fine grater beforehand (2 potatoes are taken for 1 kilogram of flour).

Buns that always turn out

Many women, despite their great love for homemade flour products, do not want to mess with the dough. Added to this is the fear that baking may not work out. However, even the most inexperienced housewife will be able to cook buns with jam in the oven according to this recipe.

So, thirty grams of yeast is ground with one teaspoon of sugar. It is better to do this in a deep bowl. Seventy-five grams of butter or margarine (melted), one glass of warm milk, half a teaspoon of salt, one hundred and fifty grams of granulated sugar and four hundred grams of flour are added to the available ingredients. The dough is kneaded and placed in a warm place to rise. After this happens, it is rolled out in a thin layer and transferred to an oiled sheet for “proofing” in the form of the desired shape. Jam is laid out on the risen dough and spread evenly. At the same time, the edges remain uncovered, they are lifted onto the filling and pressed with fingers. These buns are baked in a fairly warm oven until lightly browned.

Making puff pastry buns

They say that making puff pastry is not a job for the lazy. But this is not so at all. Puff pastry buns with jam can be prepared very quickly if you use this recipe. 500 grams of flour are sifted onto the board, 300 grams of chilled margarine or butter cut into pieces are placed on it. All this must be chopped with a knife to a homogeneous mass. Next, a recess is made and 4/5 cup salted water, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon lemon juice or vinegar are added. The dough is kneaded in the same way - finely chopped with a knife. After that, it is rolled into a ball and, covered with a napkin, put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then the dough is rolled out, and you can form delicious buns with jam.

There is also another little secret that is used when baking various homemade products. To make them bright and shiny, they are smeared with an egg diluted with water before serving in the oven.

The formation of "roses"

Every mother, when she wants to please her kids with pastries, becomes a real sorceress at this time. And from ordinary buns, she can create a real miracle. For example, turn the dough into flowers. In fact, there are such ways of forming buns - "rosettes".

In the first case, a small piece of dough in the form of a ball is stretched by hand into a cake. A circle is cut out with a glass so that the rim around it remains intact. The resulting circle is placed on a prepared baking sheet. Jam is laid out on it, and on top it is covered with a dough rim in the form of a figure eight. It should be noted that each recipe for buns with jam can be combined with such molding.

In the second version, the cake is created in exactly the same way. Next, the jam is placed in the center, and a circle of dough is divided with a knife into five petals. One of them should be the largest. Slightly pulling the edges, the petal must be circled around the jam, and the second is fixed towards it. Thus we form a bud. The last petal must be stretched more so that it wraps around the flower completely and secures it.

Delicious, fluffy buns with filling - pastries that are simply impossible to resist. The best part is that you can hide a lot of goodies in the filling - from a mixture of sugar and cinnamon to fresh fruits / berries, jam or even jam. And to prepare such buns, as a rule, is quite simple. Some difficulties may arise, perhaps if you decide to bake buns with jam from yeast dough in the oven. A recipe with a photo step by step here is useful to everyone, especially a beginner. Jam, especially if it is not the thickest, is a rather capricious filling. How to hide it in a bun so that it does not leak out? And in order not just to spread sweet syrup over the dough, but as in real homemade buns - with a lot of filling? Very simple! The main thing in such baking: knead a tender, obedient dough; choose a suitable shape for the buns so that you can hide as much stuffing as possible there; and give the jam the necessary consistency so that during baking it does not run onto the baking sheet. Well, are you ready to try?


  • milk - 250 ml,
  • sugar - 100 g,
  • egg - 2 pcs.,
  • yeast - 1 tbsp. l. dry or 20 g pressed,
  • butter - 80 g,
  • vanillin - 1 sachet,
  • salt - 0.5 tsp,
  • flour - 450-500 g,
  • any thick jam (for filling) - 0.5 tbsp.,
  • starch - 1-2 tbsp. l.,
  • powdered sugar (optional) - when serving.

How to make jam buns

We start the dough for buns, taking into account the recommendations on the packaging of yeast. I took dry yeast, which can either be mixed immediately with flour, or diluted in milk. I suggest using the second option: mix dry yeast, 3 tbsp. l. flour and 1 tbsp. l. sugar in one bowl. If you have pressed yeast, we breed them in the same way.

Pour the dry mixture about 1/3 tbsp. warm milk. Knead everything until smooth and set aside the bowl closer to the heat.

After 10-20 min. the liquid mass turns into such a magnificent hat.

In a separate, deeper cup, mix the remaining milk with 1 egg, pour in the remaining sugar, vanilla and salt. Lightly beat the mixture with a whisk until the eggs are smooth.

After we introduce the dough that has risen with a hat, knead again and add flour to the dough.

Do not forget that you need to introduce flour in several approaches, so as not to accidentally overdo it with its amount. It took me 3 tbsp. flour (without a slide), the glass is the same as milk was measured.

As soon as the contents of the bowl gather into a dense, heterogeneous lump, add the melted and cooled to room temperature butter.

And we begin to mix it into the dough. At first it will seem that there is a lot of oil, but the longer you knead the dough, the better the oil will absorb, and the softer and more elastic it will become. Here is such a smooth and uniform lump of dough should turn out.

We cover the bowl with a towel or cling film and leave it warm for about 1-1.5 hours. The dough should grow at least 2 times.

The filling for buns is ordinary jam. It can be of any flavor and texture. The taste is an amateur, and the consistency is fixable. If you want to see only berries in the filling - throw the jam on a sieve, in a few minutes you will get rid of most of the syrup. Another option is to thicken the jam with starch. The amount depends on the initial consistency of the jam. I had watery currant jam. At 0.5 st. jam I took 2 tbsp. l. starch (without peas).

After rising, we divide the dough into approximately equal parts, I got 16 of them. We round each ball, roll it into a wide cake.

From each edge of the cake we make an incision, stepping back from the edges about 1 cm.

Then we wrap one edge of the cake so that the incised strip lies close to the cut on the opposite side (as in the photo). We pinch a little.

We also cover the opposite edge with the second incised strip. Thus, a recess is obtained in the middle. We stretch the dough a little to make this recess bigger, and put the jam filling in it - 1-2 tbsp. l.

We transfer the formed buns to a baking sheet, placing them at some distance from each other. We give the buns a distance of 20-30 minutes, after which we send them to the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Ready! If desired, the finished buns can be sprinkled with a little powdered sugar. Buns are equally delicious both warm and cold. Keep them covered.
