
Sweet yeast dough on yolks. Vanilla buns on yolks

We present to your attention a recipe for very mouth-watering pies that will scatter in an instant from the table.

The dough is thin and airy. You can choose any topping. Even after cooling, these wonderful pies do not lose their amazing taste. You can use the recipe for this dough for any baking. Available ingredients and ease of preparation cannot but please every housewife. Save the recipe and surprise your surroundings with such awesome pastries.

Required Ingredients

For the test

  • 350-400 gr flour
  • 200 ml milk
  • 50 gr creamy margarine
  • 2 yolks
  • one and a half teaspoons dry yeast
  • 3 teaspoons of granulated sugar
  • half a teaspoon of salt

For filling

  • 350 boiled giblets
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • salt and ground black pepper
  • 200 ml broth
  • 50 ml vegetable oil


  • 1 yolk

Starting the process

  1. First of all, we make dough. In a separate container we send dry yeast, half a portion of granulated sugar and half of milk, preheated to 36-40 degrees. The next step is to mix everything well, cover with cling film and leave for 10 minutes in this form.
  2. In another container we send the remaining half of the milk, granulated sugar, add salt and melted warm margarine. Mix well and at the end add two yolks.
  3. When the dough rises, foam will appear on top. Stir a little and pour into the yolk mixture. Stir well again and sift the flour here in parts. When it becomes difficult to mix with a spoon, transfer the dough to a floured work surface. We knead it with our hands. Now add the flour in small portions, so as not to overdo it, as the dough can become tough.
  4. We take a separate container, grease it with oil and transfer the prepared dough, which we also grease with oil so that a crust does not form on top. Then cover with cling film and leave in a warm place for half an hour.
  5. Let's start preparing the filling. To do this, we pass chicken liver, navels and hearts through a meat grinder. This process must be repeated two times. Boil the giblets until tender. Then peel the onion and cut it into small cubes. Then, using a grater, we rub the peeled carrots on a large fraction. We send these two prepared ingredients to a preheated pan with a small amount of oil to fry until cooked. Then we shift them to the minced meat and add salt, ground black pepper to taste. Pour in the broth for the juiciness of the filling and mix well.
  6. After the required time has elapsed, we take our prepared dough and knead it a little. We make a tourniquet and divide it into 10-12 pieces. We form a ball from each and be sure to cover everything with cling film. Now you need to roll each ball into a thin cake. Spread the filling on one half and cover the second. We connect the edges. At the same time, while you are forming the pies, the finished products must be covered with a towel.
  7. Take a baking sheet and put baking paper on it. Then we place the pies and send them to preheated to 190 degrees for 10 minutes. After the required time has elapsed, we take them out and grease them with whipped yolk. Return back to the oven for about 10 minutes.

You may also like the recipe of which you will find on our Recipe Ideas website.

Bon appetit!

Lush homemade buns on yolks are very reminiscent of Easter dough. It is just as soft, tender and very tasty! It turns out 10 large buns that need to be broken off from one large piece. Buns separate easily. You can sprinkle the workpiece not only with poppy seeds, but also with sesame seeds, sugar. I found the recipe at Good Kitchen.

The diameter of the form is 27 cm, the height of the sides is 4 cm. Store-bought milk is 2.5% fat. The number of yolks - 5 pcs. It is convenient to first mix the dough with a relatively flat wooden spoon with a long handle, so less effort is required. The dough is then kneaded by hand. It needs to be stretched and raised as much as possible so that more dough “takes” more air. So the dough will stop sticking to your hands without too much flour.

To lubricate the buns after proofing, you can use a beaten egg, yolk with milk, I just took egg white. If the buns start to brown too much, you can place a sheet of foil on top.

Today I will share with you a lifesaver recipe that will come in handy if you need to spend the remaining yolks. Biscuit on yolks is striking in its lightness and taste! If you have not prepared this version of the biscuit, be sure to take note!


  • Egg yolks - 6 pcs.
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Warm water - 50 g
  • Flour - 100 g
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp (with slide)
  • Starch - 30 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp Can be substituted for vanilla sugar

How to cook a biscuit on yolks (step by step recipe with photos):

Put the yolks (6 pieces) in a convenient bowl and add warm water (50 g). Stir until smooth with a mixer. In this recipe, I use frozen yolks that I have leftover after cooking, meringue or

When the egg mass becomes light, add granulated sugar in a thin stream. Our task is to stir the sugar into the eggs until dissolved, preventing it from falling to the bottom. So that the hand does not break during the addition, and the whole glass does not fall to the bottom, you can add with a tablespoon.

Beat the mass with a mixer at 4-5 speeds until a thick light mass is obtained. We stop when we see: there are traces from the whisks on the surface. The egg-sugar mixture becomes thick, airy, shiny.

Add 1 tsp. vanilla extract in the dough. If you decide to make a replacement for vanilla sugar, it is better to add it along with regular sugar, after mixing.

Add baking powder (1 tsp) to flour and mix.

Mix flour (100 g), starch (30 g), baking powder (1 tsp) better with a hand whisk.

Sift dry ingredients into a bowl with liquid ingredients.

A sure sign that the egg-sugar mass is well whipped is that the flour remains on the surface and does not immediately sink to the bottom.

With gentle movements, using a spatula (or a mixer at the lowest speed), mix the flour into the dough.

We stir in the flour with upward movements, so as not to lose air in the biscuit dough.

If at this stage you are too zealous, the dough will settle, become dense and as a result the biscuit will not turn out airy and light.

For baking a biscuit, I use a detachable form with a diameter of 18 cm. At the bottom I put a sheet of parchment paper cut around the circumference, I do not lubricate the walls of the form with anything. The question often arises: why should not the sides of the form be lubricated. It's simple: the dough will roll down along the slippery walls while rising in the oven and the biscuit will rise worse than on the usual, low-fat walls of the mold.

If you really want to grease the mold, use a “French shirt”: slide a piece of butter along the walls of the mold, then sprinkle with flour and shake off the excess. A thin floury layer is formed, which allows the dough not to roll down to the bottom.

Put the dough into a mold. It turns out quite thick, flows down with a thick ribbon.

The top layer can be smoothed out with a spatula or knocked on the table several times to release excess air.

We bake a biscuit in a preheated oven at 170-180 C until a dry toothpick and a ruddy surface.

A very important condition is a preheated oven! You can read about the mistakes in baking biscuit dough at. Read carefully and do not make mistakes in cooking!

Cool the finished biscuit in the form of 5-7 minutes. Then we run a sharp knife along the walls to separate it from the form, turn it upside down on a wire rack and leave to cool completely.

To make the biscuit juicier and reach the density we need, you can wrap it with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. After the cake has rested, it will be tastier, it will not crumble when cut if you want to cut it into several layers.

Happy tea!

Where else to spend egg yolks

It often happens that egg yolks remain that you don’t know where to apply. Under no circumstances should you throw it away! The easiest way is to freeze the yolks in a container (be sure to cover with a film) so that you can use them later in some other recipes.

Biscuit on yolks

The biscuit recipe from this article is economical and versatile: it can be used for making pastries for tea, as a biscuit base for cakes and pastries.

Custard on yolks

A huge number of custard recipes that require only the yolks, not the whole eggs. I have it on my website (you can follow the link and read it).

Butter cream for cake

The simplest recipe for recycling yolks:

  • 200 g butter (82% fat)
  • 150 g granulated sugar
  • 2 yolks
  • vanilla

Mix everything until smooth into a thick silky cream.

minced meat

To make the cutlets fluffy and airy, you can add 2-3 yolks to the minced meat. To do this, add thawed or fresh yolks to the already seasoned minced meat, mix and let stand / soak.

Brushwood on yolks

There is a recipe on the Pirogeevo website (it uses whole eggs), but you can put 4 yolks instead of two eggs, the result will not change for the worse.

Cream Charlotte

Traditionally, one yolk goes in, not the whole egg. Be sure to make this delicious cream from our childhood that goes with a lot of biscuits!

homemade mayonnaise

The recipe is not yet on the site, but I will definitely add it in the near future. Yolks or whole eggs go into mayonnaise (tastier on yolks).

homemade ice cream

There are a large number of recipes for this delicacy, among them the most delicious ice cream is obtained on the basis of yolks. From the article Ice cream on cream, there is a variant of Berry Ice Cream cooked on yolks.

You can also make egg sauce, send it to pastry or pancake dough, make a hair mask, etc.

Tell us what you spend egg yolks on, what recipes do you like best? I look forward to your comments and suggestions.

When adding a photo to Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo so that I can find your photos on the web. Thank you!

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There are many different recipes for shortcrust pastry: simple shortcrust pastry without eggs, just with flour and butter; sour cream dough; shortbread dough on yolks. But they are all similar in that cookies and pies are golden, crumbly, very tasty!

In the past, I often used a simple shortcrust pastry recipe, from which I made chestnut cookies, cheesecake crust and walnut rings, and a variant of powdered sugar dough, from which children's cookies in the form of different figures are excellent. And now I offer you a recipe for shortcrust pastry on yolks, which I found in an old book about confectionery.

Homemade shortbread dough prepared according to this recipe is suitable for shortbread cookies, pies, and pastries.


  • 3-3.5 cups of flour;
  • 3 yolks;
  • 300 g butter;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt (one fourth).

How to cook homemade shortbread dough on yolks:

There are two options for preparing shortcrust pastry.

In both the first and the second, you first need to sift the flour in a slide on the table. I cover the table with confectionery parchment, it's more convenient.

Then, in one version, grind the sugar with softened butter and yolks, and in the other, chop the butter with a knife with flour until crumbs form, and grind the sugar only with the yolks. I like the second option better, since the yolks are easier to grind with sugar without butter.

So, grind the sugar with the yolks until the mass begins to become lush and brighten, and the sugar grains melt.

We chop the butter into large crumbs with flour.

At this point, crushed nuts, cocoa powder, or instant coffee can be added to the batter to make nut, chocolate, or coffee cookies.

In a hill of crumbs, we make a recess into which we pour the yolks, pounded with sugar, and knead the soft dough.

The finished dough can be rolled out on a table sprinkled with flour, you can cut or sculpt different figures from it; sprinkle with sesame seeds, poppy seeds, cinnamon sugar (only after sprinkling, you still need to roll the cake with a rolling pin so that the sprinkling is securely fixed in the dough and does not sprinkle). Roll out 3-5 mm thick.

Ready cookies can be glued with boiled condensed milk, melted chocolate, jam; you can decorate with meringue or whipped cream, glaze with chocolate fudge or sugar icing, paint with sugar pencils ... and every time you will get a new shortbread recipe.

And you can also (I got this from the same book of 1955) roll out a sand cake, make a side of dough, bake, fill with berries and pour jelly.

That's what a universal homemade shortcrust pastry on yolks! And what will you bake from it?

Often, when making meringue, icing or protein cream, unspent egg yolks remain and they need to be urgently applied somewhere so as not to be thrown away. For such situations, we offer an excellent option - crumbly shortbread cookies with sour cream and yolks, which is prepared in an elementary way, and disappears from the table even faster!

Sweet pastries based on sour cream, covered with a thick layer of sugar, have a delicate taste and a fragile texture. Such cookies will be a good accompaniment to tea, coffee, a glass of milk and any other drinks.


  • egg yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • flour - 200-220 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons in the dough (+ 2-3 tablespoons for decorating cookies);
  • zest 1/2 pc. lemon.

Shortbread cookies on sour cream and yolks recipe

How to make shortbread dough with sour cream

  1. In a deep bowl or on a work surface, sift 200 g of flour through a fine sieve. Next we throw sugar.
  2. For flavoring, grate the zest of half a lemon on a fine grater and add to the flour. We remove only the yellow peel of citrus - we do not touch the white bitter part. Mix the flour mixture.
  3. We rub a bar of hard, cold butter on a coarse grater or finely chop with a knife, send it to the flour. Immediately add sour cream, egg yolks and quickly knead the dough, roll into a ball. If necessary, add an additional portion of flour, but try not to compact the dough too much!
  4. We divide the flour mass into small pieces, forming "flagella" about 15 cm long.
  5. We form pretzels in the form of peculiar hearts from the obtained blanks. To do this, we bring the ends of each "harness" to the center and connect. Thanks to sour cream, the dough is soft and plastic, so it will not be difficult to give the blanks the desired shape.
  6. Each future cookie is generously breaded in sugar on both sides and laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment. We put in a hot oven and bake at a temperature of 200-220 degrees for only 10-15 minutes.
  7. As soon as the dough is browned, shortbread cookies on sour cream and yolks are ready! After cooling, serve sweet crumbly pastries for tea or other drinks!

Happy tea!
