
The most delicious recipe for homemade noodles. Homemade noodles, egg recipe

Anyone who has cooked homemade noodles at least once knows how difficult it is to return to store-bought pasta after it. And it is difficult, and there is no need!

The times when homemade noodles were cooked in every family have not yet completely sunk into oblivion. There are also grandmothers and mothers who remember everything and know how to do everything. But alas, it seems that the skill is leaving, dissolving in the blessings of civilization. Walk into any grocery store and the varieties of noodles, pasta and pasta are eye-opening. Why the effort?

However, no industrial noodles can match the taste of homemade noodles. It is homemade noodles that are ideal for. It is she, home-made noodles, that absorbs sauces better than finished products. And she is the most delicious side dish to the top ten favorite family dishes.

Anyone who has cooked homemade noodles at least once knows how difficult it is to return to store-bought pasta after it. And it is difficult, and there is no need! In the end, there is a technique: a bread machine will help to knead excellent dough, and an oven will help to dry it faster.

Prep time: 90 minutes kneading and shaping plus drying time.


  • 0.5 cups of water
  • 2-2.5 cups flour (how much dough will take plus flour to roll out the dough)
  • 1 egg
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt
  • 0.25 tsp citric acid

How to cook homemade noodles

Dough kneading in the bread machine- This is the first step in preparing a recipe for homemade noodles. Pour water into the bowl of the bread machine and beat in the egg.

Add salt and citric acid there. The acid will increase the gluten content of the dough, making it more elastic and allowing it to be rolled out thinner.

Pour the flour into the bowl.

We select the operating mode "Dough for dumplings" (this function is available in almost all models of ovens). The program provides for 2 batches and rest time between them. If we set the kneading mode manually, we set the following parameters: 14 minutes for the first batch, 20 minutes for rest, 10 minutes for the second dough batch.

We follow how the batch is going. At first, the dough should seem a little dry to us - it should be so.

It is necessary to observe how the dough is kneaded, so that if the dough is not dense enough, add more flour. Or vice versa, if too dry, add water. The fact is that flour can be different in moisture, and therefore its amount can vary (within half a glass).

At the end of the first kneading, the dough should form into a ball.

After resting, it will be smooth and supple.

Noodle molding- This is the second step in preparing a homemade noodle recipe.

Turn the dough out onto a floured board and knead a little.

We divide into 6 parts.

Put 5 parts in a bowl and cover with a towel or bag so that the dough does not dry out.
Roll out 1 piece gently with a rolling pin.

Very important! It is necessary to roll out thinly, up to the point that the dough becomes translucent, and you can see the table through it. The correct thickness of the noodles depends on nothing less than its taste in the cooked dish. Keep in mind that the noodles will thicken after boiling.

Let the cake dry for 10-15 minutes. In the meantime, we are engaged in other parts and also roll them out.

Then thickly sprinkle the rested cake with flour. (And subsequent similarly).

Fold the cake in half, or three times, or turn it into a roll.

We cut into strips of the thickness that we like.

You can do this with a curly knife.

We fashioned and cut the noodles, now we need to dry it.

Drying noodles. This is the 3rd stage of cooking homemade noodles - the recipe is told for a long time, but in fact there is less hassle.

Homemade noodles can be dried in two ways: in the air and in the oven.

If drying in the oven, it is better to do it at a low temperature - 50-60 degrees - and use the convection mode.

In the oven. So, unfold the strips and lay them on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour. Place in preheated oven.

After 30-40 minutes, the noodle strips will become dry. Take out the tray and let the noodles cool down.

Can dry noodles on air laid out on a flat surface, such as a board. But it is better to hang the strips on a kitchen rail or a regular hanger with a crossbar. Then they will dry faster and more evenly, and after drying they will retain an even shape.

In the air, the noodles dry for about 4-5 hours. Remove the finished strips, wrap them and put them in a storage container.

Such noodles are cooked for 5-7 minutes after boiling water. Delicious!

Our grandmothers hardly looked into the notebook when they prepared this dish. My grandmother kneaded the dough effortlessly, adjusting the amount of food along the way. She shared her secret with me, and I with you.

Properly cooked homemade noodles do not boil soft, they are tender, moderately elastic. To make it this way, do not add water when kneading.

If there is not enough moisture, enter the egg (or one yolk if you are making the dough on the yolks), but not water. Otherwise, the pasta will be loose and it is possible that it will boil.

Dried egg noodles made according to this recipe will keep for up to 2 months, so feel free to knead a double rate and stock up for future use.


  • Chicken egg - 3 pieces;
  • Flour - 300 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.

On a note

The number of ingredients is calculated based on the fact that 1 egg is taken for every 100 g of flour.


  1. We sift the flour and drive the eggs into the recess in the center, pour in the oil.
  2. We knead the dough. It becomes thick and tight.
  3. We shift into a bag, cover with a bowl or cover with cling film, leave for at least half an hour.
  4. We divide the bun in half, roll each part separately. Rolling thickness does not exceed 1 mm.
  5. Let the dough dry a little so that it does not stick to the knife.
  6. Then we proceed depending on what kind of cutting we need. If it is long, then we fold the sheet into a tube, if it is short, we fold it four times, cut it into strips 3-5 cm wide, collect them in a pile and cut the strips of the desired width.
  7. Lay out to dry.

This is a basic (classic) dough for homemade noodles, cooked on eggs without water. If you are making a serving for soup and are not going to store the homemade semi-finished flour product for a long time, you can add salt, for long-term storage this is not necessary.

If there is no time to dry, this can be done quickly in a dry frying pan over low heat. Make sure that drying does not turn into frying.

Homemade lean noodles - no eggs

If for some reason eggs are excluded from your diet, you can cook lean homemade noodles. It will be just as delicious. This recipe contains water. For beauty, add turmeric, it will give a beautiful yellowish tint. We will take products in small quantities, we will not procure for the future.


  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup plus 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 1/2 tbsp. l;
  • Salt - ½ tsp

On a note

As a measure for flour, we take a glass with a capacity of 250 ml.

If this amount is not enough, proportionally increase all the ingredients. For example, 200 ml of water will require 2 cups of flour, plus 2 tbsp. spoons. Salt - 1 teaspoon full, vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Dissolve salt in warm water.
  2. Pour the flour into a bowl, make a well in the center. We add oil and water.
  3. Knead a fairly stiff dough.
  4. Cover with foil or transfer the bun to a bag, leave for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Roll out, cut in any convenient way.

Noodles for soup with herbs

The dough can be colored with pomace from vegetables or chopped greens can be added to it. It will turn out original and quite festive.

Juices are used for coloring:

  • Beet;
  • tomato;
  • Carrot.


  • Saffron;
  • Turmeric.
  • Spinach;
  • Basil.

Green homemade noodles cooked with spinach. This greens is rich in vitamins, the soup turns out to be tasty, bright and healthy. You can use fresh or frozen spinach.

For 100 g of flour you will need:

  • 1 st. tablespoon chopped fresh or frozen spinach
  • 2 tsp vegetable oil;
  • 1 egg.

If you want to make a dough without eggs, then for lean noodles, use 4 tbsp. spoons of water.

Dough recipe with a photo of the finished product:

  1. Knead as usual - break the egg into the recess of the flour and pour in the vegetable oil.
  2. Spinach should be added along with the egg.
  3. Sprinkle more flour if necessary.

It will look like this:

Homemade noodle dough for manual and electric noodle cutter

If you want to make real Italian pasta, then durum flour is indispensable. It gives that special taste that distinguishes this dish. For pasta cutter, the dough must be very tight, so it is kneaded either by hand or in a special dough mixer.


  • Wheat flour - 250 g;
  • Durum flour - 250 g;
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.


  1. Knead a tight dough. When cutting with a knife, it should not stick and stretch.
  2. After kneading, the dough should stand for half an hour. During this time, it will gain elasticity.
  3. Roll small pieces through a dough sheeter. The mode depends on the model, you need to start with the largest. After the first rolling, the sheet of dough is folded so as to hide the torn edges. Gradually reduce the gap between the rollers.
  4. After rolling and cutting, hang the strips on a special dryer or lay them out on a table.

The ideal dough for making homemade noodles, designed for noodle cutter, does not fold when pressed. It is homogeneous and should not contain any inclusions and lumps.

We offer you to watch a video recipe that uses a noodle cutter.

Dough for homemade noodles in a household bread machine

The products you need are:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Flour - 300 g.

It is difficult to give exact proportions, since eggs are different, so we advise you to add flour gradually - first 100 g, then add another handful, and so on. At the same time, be sure to make sure that the bread machine motor works without overload. Part of the specified amount of flour will go into the bread machine, the rest - for kneading by hand.

The dough should turn out like dumplings. If there is such a mode, then we knead on it. If there is no such mode in the bread machine, then we detect 18 minutes from the start of the kneading. By this time, an elastic, well-kneaded bun is obtained.

After the main part of the work is done, pour flour on the table, take the dough out of the bread machine and continue to knead it by hand.

Making dough for homemade noodles is a laborious process, but in a bread machine the most difficult stage is mechanized, so it takes much less effort to manually knead. Do not forget to let the kolobok stand - cover it with a film or a bowl and leave it for at least half an hour.

How much to cook, how to cut and store homemade noodles

Noodles cook quickly, especially those that are freshly cooked. Its preparation time is on average 7 minutes. To keep the broth light, you need to get rid of the remnants of flour. To do this, the workpiece is pre-boiled in boiling water for 3 minutes, and after that it is transferred to a pot with soup, where it is cooked for another 4-5 minutes.

How long to cook homemade noodles depends on how they are stored. If it is fresh, not dried, it is enough to boil it for 3 minutes after it pops up. Dry cook longer. After boiling the broth again, at least five minutes should pass (the total time from bookmarking to readiness is 10 minutes).

Dry noodles in several ways:

  • Natural air drying;
  • In the oven;
  • In a frying pan;
  • In an electric dryer.

Products such as long spaghetti are hung on dryers or on handy devices. For this, even a dryer for clothes or dishes, hangers for clothes, a rope stretched over the table are suitable.

It is convenient to dry the noodles on the bottle rack supplied with the refrigerator. Most often, this "shelf" gathers dust in the pantry. It's time to get it out of there and adapt it for drying homemade noodles.

In the oven at 200°C, you get delicious, lightly browned homemade noodles for mushroom soup in 10 minutes.

For long-term storage in the oven, the temperature is set to the lowest possible, the oven door does not need to be closed.

For soup, short noodles are used, they can be dried on the table, mesh pallets, on sieves.

Drying time is determined experimentally. It depends on whether the dough is made on eggs or water, how thinly it is rolled out, on the power of the device, temperature and humidity in the room.

Dried noodles are stored exclusively in paper bags, as they become moldy in plastic bags. After a couple of weeks, it can be transferred to a glass jar.

In addition to drying, the freezing method is used for storage. To do this, you still have to dry it, after which you need to put it in a bag and send it to the freezer. In this way it is convenient to store "nests", which are twisted just before drying.

How to cut long and short homemade noodles

If the household does not have a noodle cutter, do not be discouraged. You can also cut homemade noodles evenly and thinly by hand. To do this, roll out the dough thinly (1 mm). Dry it - 15 minutes is enough for an egg, it will take a little longer to dry without eggs.

  1. Roll up a tight roll.
  2. Then proceed depending on what kind of noodles you want to get. If short, cut the roll into a herringbone; if long, cut straight.
  3. Fluff up the noodles immediately after slicing so they don't stick together. At the same time, try not to use flour, sweep the rest from the table, and lay out the finished product on paper or cloth. Leave until the morning, after which you can cook the soup.

Homemade noodles are not only suitable for soup, any recipe can be used to make delicious pasta with various sauces, vegetables and seafood. And the dough is rolled out in thin layers, cut into rectangles, dried and made into lasagna.

Homemade noodles are a great alternative to store-bought pasta. It is made from the most common products: flour, water, eggs. Cooking homemade pasta is a rather laborious process, but dishes from it are tasty and nutritious. They are present in the cuisines of different countries and are very diverse. Noodles go well with chicken, veal, pork, mushrooms, seafood, vegetables.

How to cook homemade noodles

To prepare homemade pasta from unleavened dough (as in the photo), you will need the following ingredients:

3 cups flour;

- ¾ cup of water;

Baking soda.

First of all, mix the egg with water and beat well. Add salt. The mixture should be salty.

Sift the flour and pour 1½ cups in a heap onto a work surface or into a deep bowl. Make a well in the middle and pour the prepared liquid mixture into it, add ½ teaspoon of soda, mix all the ingredients thoroughly and start kneading the dough. At first, it is convenient to do this with a fork, and when the dough becomes steep enough, continue kneading it with your hands. The dough should turn out plastic, to give it density, constantly add flour.

When the dough is the right consistency, start rolling. Do not forget to sprinkle flour on the board or table where you will make the noodles, and dust the rolling pin with flour. Roll out a thin layer. This can be done in the following way: sprinkle a layer of dough with flour and roll it three times. Roll out, sprinkle with flour again, fold again, bending the dough layer in other places, roll out again. Repeat this process a few more times until you get the thinnest layer of dough.

Then cut the noodles, they can be short or long. The length of short noodles is usually equal to its width. To cook long noodles, you can roll up a layer of dough, chop it, and then unfold it. For cutting noodles, you can use a special wheel with a wavy edge.

If the noodles are prepared for the future, they must be dried for 12-15 hours until they become brittle. Then the noodles should be transferred to a bag or jar with a lid, where they can be stored for a very long time.

Sprinkle the finished noodles with flour and leave it for half an hour. Before cooking, the noodles must be transferred to a colander or sieve and shake slightly. This is done to get rid of excess flour.

One of the easiest recipes for homemade noodles is lean. It needs only water, salt and flour. To cook lean noodles, you need to take:

100 milliliters of water; - 200-250 grams of flour; - salt.

Dissolve salt in warm boiled water. Then sift the flour and pour it on a table or a wooden board in a slide, make a depression, pour salt water into it and knead the dough. The longer you knead it, the tastier the homemade noodles will be.

When the dough has acquired the desired consistency and becomes steep, cover it with a towel and leave for 30 minutes. Then separate a small piece the size of an apple from the dough and roll it into a layer about 2-3 millimeters thick. Sprinkle the rolled out layer with flour and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then roll the dough into a roll or fold it into 3 layers, cut strips of the desired width with a sharp knife and unroll the noodles.

To make homemade noodles, boil water and salt. Add the noodles, stir gently, bring to a boil and cook until tender. This will take 7 to 10 minutes. Cooking time for homemade noodles depends on its thickness.

Throw the finished noodles in a colander, drain the water. Then transfer the homemade noodles to the pan, season with oil and mix well. Cover the pan with a lid, wrap in a towel and let stand for about 10 minutes.

squid noodle soup recipe

To make a delicious homemade squid noodle soup, you will need:

500 grams of squid fillet;

250 grams of peeled shrimp;

1-2 carrots; - 50 grams of parsley root;

1-2 heads of onions; - 1 egg;

200 grams of flour;

50 grams of butter;

- ½ teaspoon of salt.

To make the dough for homemade noodles more elastic, after kneading it must be kept for about 30 minutes

To prepare the noodles, pour the flour into a bowl in a heap, make a well in the center, add an egg mixed with 1-2 tablespoons of water, salt and knead the dough. Then roll into a very thin layer (about 1-2 millimeters thick) and cut into strips 5-6 centimeters wide. Then cut each one across again. Let the noodles dry a little and remove the flour from the surface.

Then boil the cooked noodles in a separate pan until half cooked, drain in a colander and rinse with hot water. Cut the squid fillet into strips, shrimp necks into pieces, boil until tender. This will take literally 3-5 minutes. Then take out the meat, and leave the broth in the pan.

Peel the carrots, onions and parsley root, finely chop and fry in a pan with oil. Then transfer to a boiling broth and cook for 5-10 minutes. After that, add the noodles boiled until half cooked, pieces of squid and shrimp and cook everything together for another 5-7 minutes.

Beginning hostesses are usually frightened by the process of making homemade noodles. But after reading the recipe, you will see that the noodles are easy and simple to prepare. Yes, and you will need nothing at all: flour, an egg and salt. With this amount of noodles you will feed 5 people, or cook 2 pots of soup. The incomparable aroma of homemade noodles will show the way to your dear household members to the table.

Noodles can be cooked in two ways: by machine and by hand. On the machine, I usually cook thinner noodles for broth or soup; by hand, it is easier to cut noodles for garnish.

To prepare the dough for both types of homemade noodles, you will need the same products. We will need one medium sized egg, flour and a pinch of salt.

Break the egg into a bowl, add a pinch of salt. Sift the flour and add to the egg in portions, stirring first with a fork and then with your hand. Knead until the dough is homogeneous, and wrap the resulting bun of dough in a film and leave to rest for half an hour. Focus on your pain. The dough should be tight.

From the rested dough we will cook noodles on a typewriter. Divide the dough into 4 pieces. Roll out each part very thinly. The thinner the dough is rolled, the more beautiful the noodles will be. Place a colored towel under the dough, and if the patterns are distinguishable, then the dough is ready. While we were rolling out the fourth cake, the first one dried out a little, which is what we needed.

We twist the first, slightly dried-up shortcake with a roll.

We cut the rolls. The thickness depends on how thick the noodles you want to be.

Gently separate the noodles with your fingers and dry them. Can be used immediately or dried completely and stored in paper bags or boxes.

If you want to boil the noodles, boil them in plenty of salted water to taste. 4-5 minutes is enough. Such noodles, which do not include water, will never spread.

Throw the noodles in a colander and serve either just with butter or with sauce, delicious!

To cook noodles on a typewriter, we also do not divide the dough, but roll it into a long sausage and flatten it with our hands. And then we pass in the typewriter. At the same time, we instruct the division number 1. Then we change the divisions from the thickest to the thinnest, without missing, in any case, a single division. If you skip divisions, the dough will tear. Roll out the thinnest dough.

We cut a long strip into pieces, the length of which is equal to the length of the noodles. Then we pass it into the slot with sliced ​​\u200b\u200band cut the thinnest noodles.

We leave the noodles to dry, sprinkled with flour, turn over from time to time. When the noodles are dry, we transfer them to a paper bag or a cardboard box in which we will store.

The noodles are ready, bon appetit!

Many products are sold ready-made or semi-finished. This significantly reduces the cooking time, but deprives them of their natural and natural taste, as well as rich aroma. Today we’ll talk about homemade noodles, or rather, about its manufacture and subsequent storage.

Taking care of relatives and friends, many hostesses try to use only fresh and real products for relatives, friends and, especially, for children. Pasta is used in soups, side dishes, salads and even for baking. To create homemade noodles, the following products are needed:

  • wheat flour - 350 g;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 40 g;
  • salt - 10 g.

Cooking time takes a little more than one hour, and the energy value of 100 g will be 280 kcal.

You will need a deep bowl to knead the dough. Oil is poured into it, eggs are driven in and the whole mass is shaken with quick movements of the fork in a circle. Then you should very slowly and gradually introduce flour into the resulting mixture to improve the process of kneading the entire dough. At first, it is easier to use a fork to mix the mass, and then proceed to manual kneading.

When using a food processor, this process of creating a tough dough will significantly reduce the cooking time of noodles and reduce the labor intensity of the entire process of creating this semi-finished product.

Having made a dense and steep dough, it should be set aside for fifteen minutes, and then knead again until elastic. Then put in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

After this time, the dough for homemade noodles should be cut into several parts, each of which should be rolled out with a rolling pin to a layer thickness of three to four millimeters, and left to dry for ten minutes, and then turned over to dry the other side for another ten minutes.

After proceeding with the cutting - roll up the dough layer into a roll and cut the egg noodles of the required thickness across this bundle, and then dry it.

These semi-finished products can be boiled immediately or stored in a jar, plastic bag.

Rice noodle dough recipe step by step

This dish can be consumed with only one additive - butter, and still the noodles will be tasty, satisfying. Rice flour, used to create semi-finished products, became known only after the Great Patriotic War. Before that, it was made only from fine and broken rice, but now this flour is a fairly common and well-known product. To make your own homemade rice noodles, you will need:

  • rice flour - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • water - 30 g.

It will take one hour to knead the dough and prepare this semi-finished product, and the nutritional value of one hundred grams will be 260 kcal.

The recipe for creating noodles is to sequentially perform the following steps:

All proportions of products must be strictly observed in order to obtain the correct thickness of the product.

Dough for homemade Chinese noodles

Recently, archaeologists in one of the Chinese provinces found a clay pot with the remains of noodles. This was the main proof of the love of the Chinese people for such self-made dough products as noodles. To create this semi-finished product you will need:

  • water - 200 g;
  • wheat flour - 500 g;
  • salt to taste (2-3 g).

It will take two hours to create real Chinese noodles, and the calorie content of one hundred grams of the dish will be 270 kcal.

Pour the sifted flour in the form of a slide onto a work surface to knead the dough. In the center of the "mountain" make a hole, pour in water and start kneading. The end result should be a stiff, dense dough. By taking cold water to create the noodles, the dough will also be more elastic.

Wrapping the resulting ball of flour in cling film, send it to the refrigerator for one hour. After this time, take out the dough, divide into several pieces.

Roll out all the parts with a rolling pin until an almost transparent layer is formed, each of which is sprinkled with flour and left to dry for ten minutes, then turn over and leave the other side to dry for the same time.

Cut homemade Chinese noodles to the required thickness, boil and taste with sour cream, butter, meat dishes and fresh salads.

How to make a semi-finished product

The proper process for making homemade pastry noodles is a little different than simply rolling the pastry into a regular sheet with a rolling pin and cutting it into strips with a sharp knife.

Chinese culinary specialists carry out all the processes for creating noodles by hand. After the dough has been kneaded, stood in the refrigerator for about an hour, it is rolled into a long tourniquet. The two ends of this tourniquet are taken in both hands and, making jerky waves, they are thrown alternately down, up, twisted to the right and left sides.

This process should be done until the dough becomes elastic and begins to tear.

Only after that it is sprinkled with flour and begins to be pulled into thin, long threads, which are the correct way to create noodles.

With the natural manual process of preparing this semi-finished product, it should be used in creating a variety of dishes at once so that the noodles do not lose their appearance and taste.

Storage Features

The creation of this semi-finished product is a rather difficult process that cannot be repeated daily in connection with other pressing household chores.

Questions about drying homemade noodles and storing them can be solved in the following way:

  1. Purchase special racks for placing noodles that require drying on them or use the backs of chairs, a clothes dryer, which must first be covered with clean linen towels;
  2. If you need to store the product for a long time, freezing is the best method. To do this, the semi-finished product is carefully laid out on a flat surface, sent to the freezer for ten minutes, and then transferred to clean, dry containers. This allows you to increase the shelf life up to six months;
  3. Dried noodles should be brittle, hard, dense. With proper drying of these products, storage can be done by immersing the product in an airtight container sent to the pantry, kitchen cabinet.

Having spent one day to create homemade noodles, you can please your family, friends, guests for a whole year with delicious, healthy and satisfying dishes from this semi-finished product.

The beneficial properties of homemade noodles are due to the high content of vitamins E, group B, fiber, which are part of wheat flour. Rice noodles are considered a dietary dish and are perfect for children, people with weak immunity, and stomach problems. Buckwheat noodles contain a lot of iron and can increase hemoglobin. Homemade food is always considered the most useful and much more highly valued, therefore, using the recipe for creating any noodles, you should remember that:

  • When choosing flour for dough, preference should be given to the first grade or wholemeal flour. This will help retain more vitamins and minerals in the product;
  • For noodles, it is better to use non-carbonated mineral and chilled water - the dough will be more elastic, glossy in appearance after settling in the refrigerator;
  • For the egg noodle recipe, only fresh eggs should be taken - the staleness of this product will cause the dough to tear when rolled out;
  • The knife for cutting strips of noodles should be taken sharp, the dough should in no case stick to it;
  • The longer you knead the dough, the tastier the homemade noodles will be.

This semi-finished product of industrial production is very dangerous for health, does not contain the necessary vitamins and minerals, can lead to addiction and obesity. Only the home-made way of cooking noodles is aimed at maintaining health.

Another recipe for making homemade noodles is in the next video.
