
The fattest cheese. Green salad "Bouquet" with Ricotta cheese

Low-fat cheese is a non-existent concept. Any cheese has fat, the difference is only in its quantity. Let's find out: which cheese is the lightest?

In Russia, it is sometimes found under the unofficial names "granular cottage cheese" and "Lithuanian cottage cheese". In the USA and European countries (and not only English-speaking countries), corned cottage cheese is called cottage cheese(English village or cottage cheese).

It is often referred to as homemade cheese. At first glance, cottage cheese looks like fresh cottage cheese, but its texture is much softer, one might even say creamy, and it tastes a little saltier. 100 g of cottage cheese will provide our body with 85 calories and 17 g of protein, so it is recommended by nutritionists even with the most strict diets.

In appearance, this cheese has nothing to do with any other. It is produced in the form of strands of fibrous structure, tied into a bundle. Chechil ripens in brine, but often it is mixed with cottage cheese or other cheese and stuffed into unglazed jugs or wineskins.

The taste and smell of this cheese are sour-milk, sharp, the fibrous dough is dense, the surface of the product is rough. Fat in it contains up to 10%, moisture - no more than 60%, salt - 4-8%.

5. Low-fat cheese - Viola Polar, Grunlander, Fitness (fat content 5-10%)

Such cheeses are just a godsend for losing weight! But you need to look for them in large stores. Learn more about the reverse side of the package - the label, some cheeses contain 5% yogurt, not fat!

6. Low-fat cheese - Ricotta (fat content 13%)

Ricotta is an invariable component of the Italian breakfast. Often it is called cheese, but this is not entirely true: after all, it is not prepared from milk, as we used to think, but from the whey remaining after the preparation of other cheeses.

A slice of ricotta contains, on average, 49 calories and 4 grams of fat. half of which are saturated. The content of this product has the lowest amount of sodium compared to other cheese products. Due to its high nutritional value and impressive composition of vitamins and trace elements, ricotta gives a quick feeling of satiety. In addition, this variety of curd cheese is recognized as a protector of our liver, because it contains methionine, a sulfur-containing amino acid.

7. Low-fat cheese -light cheese, feta (fat content 5-15%)

This cheese, or rather, even feta cheese, is a traditional product of Greek cuisine. But it is eaten with pleasure in many other countries, including ours. Feta is considered a high-fat, high-cholesterol food with a calorie content of approximately 260 kcal/100 gm. But not everyone knows that the feta cheese they love is produced in the light version, although, to be honest, it is this variety that is hard to find on supermarket shelves.

However, the effort you put into searching will justify itself in full. Feta Light is usually made from goat's milk and contains only 30% fat, while traditional feta uses sheep's milk and is then 60% fat. It is usually put in a Greek salad along with vegetables and olives, or it is used in Caprese salad, where it replaces mozzarella.

If you do not consume feta in combination with high-fat foods, then it can be recommended as quite suitable for a diet.

8. Low-fat cheese - Arla, Oltermani(fat content 16-17%)

Such low-fat cheeses have a delicate pleasant taste of natural milk, the texture is dense, uniform, with small evenly distributed eyes. Great for people who care about their health.

“A meal without cheese is like a one-eyed beauty,” said the unsurpassed French culinary expert Jean Antelme Brillat-Savarin, and he was somewhat right. We are all used to this product: for breakfast it is the basis of a delicious and nutritious sandwich, for lunch it makes an excellent cream soup, and in the evening what else, if not for them, to have a bite of exquisite red wine?

But the time comes to get rid of extra pounds, and everyone begins to ask nutritionists with longing and hope in their voices, is it possible to eat cheese while losing weight - well, at least a little? The question is justified, because in this product the calorie content simply rolls over and amounts to 300-400 kcal per 100 g. It is clearly a non-dietary indicator. However, a loophole can be found.

Is it possible?

Many do not dare to eat cheese during weight loss. For different reasons:

  • high-calorie;
  • does not apply to ;
  • contains a lot of fat;
  • Expensive;
  • is not the basis of mono-diets;
  • in a number of diets is listed in the list of prohibited foods.

Calorie plays a crucial role, but it is she who is the easiest problem to solve. Cheese can be eaten as part of most diets, because it does not interfere with weight loss, because:

  • at a time, it is unlikely that you will eat more than 1-2 pieces, the weight of which does not exceed 20-30 g, respectively, it will be only 60-80 kcal;
  • those on a vegan diet can afford to enjoy tofu;
  • there are varieties with a low percentage of fat;
  • the same tofu is not so expensive;
  • there is no cheese mono-diet, because this product cannot provide the body with all the necessary substances;
  • prohibited only in some diets: vegan, raw, fat-free, vegetable. And allowed in all others.

And one more huge plus in favor of cheese as a dietary product: almost all of its varieties have a low GI. For comparison:

  • tofu = 14 units;
  • cheese = 0 units;
  • suluguni = 0 units;
  • cottage cheese \u003d 29 units;
  • hard varieties = 0 units.

We conclude: when losing weight, you can eat low-calorie cheese, rich in proteins and low in fat, observing the daily allowance. This will not harm the figure, will diversify the diet and improve health.

Did you know that... Do the French consider a day when they haven't tasted a piece of cheese a waste of time?


If cheese is regularly included in the diet during weight loss, it will have the most positive effect on health, as it has a number of useful properties:

  • improves digestion;
  • is a source of potassium, calcium and proteins;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • increases efficiency, gives a charge of vivacity and energy;
  • activates cellular respiration;
  • relieves insomnia;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to cope with stress, thereby reducing the production of cortisol, which promotes the deposition of fat and stimulates appetite;
  • normalizes the processes of growth and development in childhood and adolescence;
  • increases erectile capacity in men;
  • promotes visual acuity, prevents eye diseases.

No wonder it has such a complex effect on the body. After all, it is a storehouse of easily digestible proteins, milk fat, amino acids, mineral salts, water- and fat-soluble vitamins (A, B1, B5, B12, C, E, D, PP).


By production method

  1. Fresh is cottage cheese, which in many countries is considered a cheese product.
  2. Soft - has a crust of mold: with a washed crust (it is treated with alcohol) and fluffy (with mold).
  3. Semi-hard and hard: boiled (parmesan, mozzarella) and unboiled (gouda, cheddar).
  4. Pickled: cheese, suluguni, feta.
  5. Blue - with mold (roquefort).
  6. Fused: orbit, viola, friendship, amber.
  7. Smoked: sausage, pigtail.

Based on this classification, when losing weight, it is recommended to use fresh and hard cheeses. Those with mold are expensive and require getting used to their smell and taste. Despite the low calorie content of brine varieties, they contain too much salt, which disrupts the body's water balance and contributes to the formation of edema, which is unacceptable when losing weight. There are too many additives, dyes and flavors in processed cheese, so you should be careful with them. Smoked ones are also not recommended, since this method of cooking is banned both in diets and in proper nutrition.

By raw material

  1. Cow: over 85% varieties.
  2. Goat: shavru, manchego.
  3. Sheep: cheese.
  4. Mare: kurt.
  5. Mixed: feta (sheep + goat milk).

The most useful is obtained from goat's milk, but it is far from dietary, as it contains a large amount of fat. Sheep and mares are hard to come by. Therefore, everything that remains losing weight is cow.

  1. Dietary (10%).
  2. Fat by a quarter (20%).
  3. Bold (30%).
  4. Three quarters fat (40%).
  5. Bold (45%).
  6. Very oily (50%).
  7. Creamy (60%).
  8. Maximum creamy (85%).

Many varieties have a similar gradation. Therefore, it is important to carefully study the packaging and buy cheese with no more than 40% fat. The best option is lean.

By type of leaven

  1. Whey (ricotta).
  2. Rennet.
  3. Sour-milk: grater (green), curd.

Sour-milk - the most natural, is made from skimmed milk, which is fermented using lactic acid starter. It can be safely eaten on any diet.

According to the presence of additives

  1. With nuts.
  2. With greens.
  3. With onion.
  4. With sugar.
  5. With mushrooms.
  6. With salmon.
  7. With chocolate.
  8. With ham, etc.

Want to lose weight without giving up cheese? Then it’s better not to buy it with additional flavors: to extend its shelf life, manufacturers add a lot of preservatives to the product.

It is a fact. Until now, no one can calculate how many varieties of cheese are produced today in the world. The largest review of this product was made by Andre Simon - a French cheese maker. In his treatise "On the cheese business" 839 species are mentioned, he wrote it for more than 17 years.


Since for weight loss you need to choose the lowest-calorie cheeses, this table will show you in comparison which of them are dietary and which are better not to be abused.

The calorie content in the table is presented in ascending order, that is, the lowest calorie varieties are in the first positions.

low calorie


According to this table, the leaders are:

  1. The highest calorie is Mascarpone, the lowest calorie is Tofu.
  2. The most protein - Parmesan, the lowest content of proteins - Mascarpone.
  3. The fattest - Mascarpone, the most low-fat - Sour-milk.
  4. The most carbohydrate - Omichka.

From the world of stars. Salvador Dali's favorite cheese is Camembert.


It is worth refraining from this method of losing weight in the presence of the following conditions and factors:

  • obesity (we are talking about methods of combating this disease);
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • tendency to edema;
  • pancreatitis;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • cholecystitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • kidney disease;
  • children's age up to 2 years.

Naturally, from one piece 2-3 times a week, the listed diseases will not worsen. However, if you plan to include cheese in your regular diet, the presence of these diseases will prevent you from doing so.

In addition, do not forget that each variety also has its own list of contraindications. For example, those with mold are forbidden to eat during pregnancy. But tofu can be used by people suffering from lactase intolerance. So each case requires separate consideration and consultation with a doctor.

This is interesting. The shelf life of some varieties is very limited, and after it expires, they can be poisoned. Such, for example, is brie.

Ways to lose weight

Fasting day

The daily dosage is not more than 200 g, i.e., approximately 40 g for each meal (2 plates / piece). For this purpose, you can choose tofu, Fitness Cheese (semi-hard rennet), cottage cheese or Serbian cheese, as well as any hard varieties. Green tea and water are allowed. There is nothing else to eat. The result is minus 1 kg. You can only repeat once a month.

cheese diet

Type: low-calorie, protein. Deadline: 1 week. Results: 3-4 kg. Difficulty: medium.

Recommended for weight loss against the background of intense training. All low-fat protein foods are allowed (chicken breast, fish, sour-milk drinks, egg whites, legumes). The main condition is to eat a slice of low-fat cheese three times a day. Nutritionists advise mozzarella, ricotta, almetta, Philadelphia, Adyghe. It is advisable to include different varieties in the diet.

Curious fact. The French are passionate about cheese. They consider it not only dietary due to the minimum amount of carbohydrates, but also prolonging life and giving the joy of love (aphrodisiac).

How to choose a quality one?

Calorie content should be no more than 300 kcal per 100 g of product, fat content should not exceed 40%. The lower these figures, the better the results of losing weight. The composition should contain only natural ingredients: sourdough and milk, it is possible to add spices. Don't forget to check the expiration date. The wax coating should be smooth, solid, uniform in color, without swelling, damage and white bloom.

Color - milky, with a yellowish tint. The smell should not be sour or pungent. Squeaks on the teeth - contains starch, it is better not to buy it. A sticky consistency indicates a violation of manufacturing techniques. The taste of a quality product is salty with a creamy tint.

When is the best time to eat?

The best time is for breakfast. According to scientific research, in the morning the stomach is able to fully assimilate all the nutritional elements of cheese. At lunch, you can use it as an ingredient in a dietary dish (cream soup, julienne, vegetable salad). For dinner, you can eat a small slice, because, according to the principles of proper nutrition, the last meal should be protein. But late in the evening, at night, eating it is not recommended either for weight loss or for a normal diet. Proteins and fats will weigh down the stomach and slow down the digestion process.

In any form?

Exceptionally fresh. A baked cheese cap and a gooey mass of creamy soup are the height of culinary delights, but they are of little use. During heat treatment, the protein is destroyed, and the amount of fat increases. And try not to eat it cold. Cut off a piece and hold at room temperature for at least half an hour.

How to store?

On the top shelf of the refrigerator for no more than a week. As soon as mold appears on it, it will become hard, covered with a yellow crust or droplets of liquid, do not risk your health - throw it away.

With the world - on a string. The leader in production is America. The leader in consumption is Greece. The best product is made in Switzerland. Experts are French.

Review of the best

  • Adyghe(264 kcal)

Homeland - Cherkessk. It is prepared from cow's milk with the addition of fermented milk whey, pasteurized at high temperatures. Refers to mild dietary varieties. It has a sour-milk spicy, slightly salty taste, has a delicate, dense texture. Contains amino acids, vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, H, PP, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, copper.

  • Fetaxa(251 kcal)

Homeland - the Mediterranean. It is prepared from sheep's milk based on rennet sourdough by curdling. Refers to brine processed varieties. It has a specific, piquant, slightly salty taste, somewhat reminiscent of Philadelphia, and a cottage cheese smell. Rich in vitamins E, D, C, B, A, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, iron. Recommended for diet programs, as it normalizes the intestinal microflora. Good in vegetable salads.

  • Suluguni(286 kcal)

Homeland - Georgia. Produced from cow and buffalo milk by pasteurization on the basis of rennet sourdough. Made exclusively by hand. No machine technology is used. Refers to pickled cheeses. It has a sour-milk, slightly salty taste. It has a thick, layered texture. It contains vitamins from group B, amino acids, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, phosphorus, potassium. It can be used as part of weight loss, as it solves problems associated with the circulatory system.

  • ricotta(147 kcal)

Homeland - Italy. Refers to soft, curd varieties. Made from cow's or sheep's milk. It is based on the whey remaining after the preparation of other cheeses, with the addition of rennet. It has a sweetish taste, without a sour smell. Contains phosphorus, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, D, E, K. Stimulates brain activity, quenches appetite, blocks hunger pangs.

  • Feta(264 kcal)

Homeland - Greece. It is made from sheep's milk with the addition of goat's. Refers to soft cheeses. It has a slightly salty taste and spicy aroma. Contains calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin. Improves the psycho-emotional background by preventing overeating (how to cope with irresistible gluttony and what it leads to, you can learn from).

  • Mozzarella(253 kcal)

Homeland - Italy. It is made from black buffalo milk (the classic version), but in stores you will find only a cow product. Refers to hard boiled cheeses. It has a delicate but fresh taste. Rich in protein, fatty acids and monosaccharides. It is used as part of weight loss due to low calorie content and improved digestion.

  • Brynza(262 kcal)

Produced in different countries. It is made from sheep, goat, cow milk. Refers to pickled cheeses. It has a sour-milk, moderately salty taste. Enriches the body with vitamins and minerals. Calcium in cheese is absorbed much better than from any other kind of cheese.

  • Sirtaki(231 kcal)

Homeland - Greece. Made from cow's milk. Refers to pickled cheeses. It has a specific salty taste. It contains protein, which is well absorbed by the body, so it is sirtaki that you can eat for dinner without fear of stomach problems. Improves digestion and blood circulation.

  • Tofu(85 kcal)

Produced in different countries. Made from soybeans. Has a neutral taste. This is the most useful cheese for weight loss, as it contains many bioactive substances and a minimum of calories, it can be included in the diet of any diet (including vegetarian), as it is of plant origin. It can be hard (dense) and soft (silk).

For comparison. Everyone wonders why tofu stands out from all other varieties with its low calorie content and low price. It won't seem like a miracle after you know the following numbers. It takes 10 liters of milk to make ordinary cheese, for the same amount of tofu - only 600 g of soy.

So you can eat cheese while losing weight, the main thing is to choose the right variety and not exceed the daily intake.

There are 9 main low-calorie cheeses: Suluguni, Feta, Ricotta, Tofu, Light Brest-Litovsky, Roquefort, Fitness Cheese, Lakomo Light, dietary Ichalki. They are approved for use in diets. Each product has a specific taste, smell, color, method of preparation, composition. These cheeses contain a large number of micro and macro elements, such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, selenium, and vitamins.

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    List of low fat and low calorie cheeses

    List of names of the most low-fat varieties of cheese:

    1. 1. Suluguni.
    2. 2. Feta.
    3. 3. Ricotta.
    4. 4. Tofu.
    5. 5. Brest-Litovsky light.
    6. 6. Roquefort.
    7. 7. Fitness cheese.
    8. 8. Lakomo "Light".
    9. 9. Dietary cheese Ichalki.

    Adyghe cheese - composition and KBJU, useful properties, recipe


    Pickled traditional Georgian low-calorie cheese. Suluguni is moderately salty in taste and has a dense layered texture. The color of the product is white, the presence of voids and irregularly shaped eyes is allowed. The crust does not form on the cheese. It has a 5% fat content.

    The composition includes:

    • pasteurized cow's milk - 12 l;
    • rennet sourdough - 1.4 mg.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Milk is heated to 35 degrees, rennet is added, the product is fermented - a dense clot is obtained, which must be crushed into small pieces and pressed.
    2. 2. After that, the cheese is cut into bundles and melted on a stove at a temperature of 80 degrees, stirring until a homogeneous mass is formed.
    3. 3. The resulting mass is divided into identical pieces and formed by laying in molds.
    4. 4. Forms with the product are placed in cold water for several minutes, and then the cheese heads are pulled out and kept in brine for several days until they are salted.

    After salting, the cheese is ready for consumption.

    In 100 g of productcontained:

    • water - 51 g;
    • proteins - 18.5 g;
    • fats - 23 g;
    • carbohydrates - 3.0 g.

    Calorie content per 100 g of product - 290 kcal.

    Useful substances in the composition:

    • vitamins A, E, C, B1, PP;
    • potassium;
    • sodium;
    • iron.

    The beneficial substances found in cheese help maintain the heart, bones and the entire body in a healthy state at any age. Since the cheese is low in fat, it is recommended to use it in diets. Suluguni goes well with basil and cilantro, as well as in salads with fresh vegetables. Cheese is considered an excellent filling for khachapuri, it is also fried with sesame seeds.


    Feta is a traditional Greek cheese made from sheep's or goat's milk. The color is white or slightly creamy, the product has a cottage cheese smell and a dense texture. Fat content - from 30 to 50 percent. Feta is one of the main ingredients in Greek salad. This product belongs to the group of pickled cheeses.

    The composition includes:

    • sheep or goat milk - 8 l;
    • rennet - 1.5 mg.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Milk must be boiled until foam appears, then cool it to room temperature.
    2. 2. Part of the milk must be poured into a clean glass and pour a package of dry starter into it.
    3. 3. Stir the starter with a spoon and pour the mass into the main one.
    4. 4. Fermented milk must be sent to a warm place for 7 hours.
    5. 5. When the whey separates, you need to cover the bottom of the colander with gauze and pass the mass through it.
    6. 6. Next, collect the edges of the fabric and tie them into a knot to make a bag. It must be hung on a tap or nail to drain the liquid. This will take about half an hour.
    7. 7. The curd mass is placed in a colander, which is placed in a bowl and pressed down with oppression. In this position, the mass should be 2 hours.
    8. 8. Serum is drained and mixed with salt.
    9. 9. Serum is poured with hot water and a bag of cheese is lowered into it.
    10. 10. You need to leave the product for 2 hours.

    Feta must be in brine - so its shelf life is significantly increased.

    In 100 g of productcontained:

    • water - 55 g;
    • fats - 21.3 g;
    • proteins - 14.3 g;
    • saturated fatty acids - 15 g;
    • ash - 5.1 g;
    • carbohydrates - 4.08.

    Calorie content - 265 kcal per 100 g.


    • vitamins B5, B6, B12, A, C, E;
    • calcium;
    • iron;
    • zinc;
    • phosphorus;
    • manganese;
    • sodium.

    The use of cheese is indicated for people with obesity, heart disease and diabetes, osteoporosis, the product strengthens bones and teeth. Cheese is combined with fresh vegetables and toasted bread, as well as pears.

    Ayran - composition, benefits and harms, methods of cooking at home


    Ricotta is a traditional Italian whey cheese. It is made from whey left over from other cheeses. The sweetish taste of ricotta and fat content depends on the milk used in the manufacture. Up to 10% fat - from cow's milk, up to 20% - from sheep's. There are various varieties of ricotta that differ in taste and composition.


    • whey from cow or sheep milk - 5 l;
    • citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
    • water - 50 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. It is necessary to heat the whey to 90 degrees.
    2. 2. Dilute citric acid in 50 g of water.
    3. 3. Mix the ingredients.
    4. 4. The resulting cheese flakes must be filtered using gauze.

    Ricotta is a dietary product that is not intended for long-term storage. Harder cheese keeps for about 1 week.

    in cheesecontains:

    • proteins - 11.3 g;
    • fats - 13 g;
    • carbohydrates - 3.05 g.

    Calorie content is 160 kcal per 100 g.

    Micro and macro elements in the composition of ricotta cheese are:

    • vitamins of groups A, B6, B12, D, C;
    • calcium;
    • phosphorus;
    • magnesium;
    • selenium.

    Cheese is useful for hypertension, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, high cholesterol. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, visual acuity. Recommended for children and the elderly to strengthen bones and teeth. Cakes, cannoli are made with ricotta, cheese is used in hot dishes, when baking Easter bread Pastiera.


    Tofu is a fat-free white soy cheese. Has a neutral taste.

    There are the following typestofu:

    • silk;
    • solid;
    • pressed;
    • smoked;
    • dried.

    Soy cheese contains a lot of protein and calcium. The amount of protein is superior to that found in foods such as beef and eggs.

    Cheese contains:

    • soy milk - 1 l;
    • juice of 1 lemon.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. It is necessary to heat the soy milk to a boil and leave it on the stove for 7 minutes.
    2. 2. Add lemon juice to milk.
    3. 3. In order for the mass to curl well, you need to stir it thoroughly.
    4. 4. It is necessary to squeeze out moisture from the resulting product.
    5. 5. Place the mass under the press.

    Cheese must be kept in the refrigerator in water and stored for no more than 7 days.

    • proteins - 8.05 g;
    • fats - 4.8 g;
    • carbohydrates - 1.89 g.

    Calorie content is 72 kcal per 100 g.

    Micro and macro elements of cheese are presented:

    • vitamins E, B12, B6, D;
    • calcium;
    • phosphorus;
    • iron;
    • zinc.

    Due to its low fat content, tofu is good for obese diets. It has the ability to remove dioxin from the body, which has a cumulative effect and can contribute to the formation of a cancerous tumor. Cheese contains phytoestrogens, which have a good effect on women's health during menopause and hormonal disruptions. Tofu is combined with many ingredients, it can be baked, fried, boiled, stewed, and also added to salads, desserts.

    Brest-Litovsky lightweight

    Brest-Litovsky light cheese has a pleasant cheesy smell and creamy taste. Its color is light yellow.


    • pasteurized cow's milk - 4 l;
    • starter based on lactic acid mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria - 1.5 mg;
    • food salt - 1 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. A starter from lactic acid thermophilic and mesophilic bacteria is added to warm milk, fermentation occurs.
    2. 2. When ripening, a cheese grain is obtained, which is well mixed and pressed for 30 minutes.
    3. 3. The cheese layer is cut and formed, then placed under the press.
    4. 4. The cheese is placed in the salt compartment, dried, packaged and placed for maturation.

    Natural food coloring "annatto" is added to the product.

    In 100 g of productcontains:

    • proteins -3 1.3 g;
    • fats - 18.1 g;
    • carbohydrates - 0 g.

    Calorie cheese - 288 kcal.

    Cheese contains the following useful substances:

    • vitamins of groups A, B6, B12, D, PP;
    • potassium;
    • calcium;
    • phosphorus.

    You can use the product, combining it with bread in the form of a sandwich, add to salads and cold snacks, use for baking. This cheese is perfect for people with problems of the cardiovascular system, to strengthen bone tissue, and for obesity.


    Roquefort is made from sheep's milk in France. The maturation of the cheese takes place in lime grottoes, so that a mold of the Penicillium roqueforti type forms inside the product, giving it a characteristic smell and taste. The top of the cheese is covered with a white moist crust. The consistency of the cheese is oily with blue mold, forming small cavities. It has a hazelnut flavor.


    • sheep's milk - 8 l;
    • water - 50 ml;
    • calcium chloride - 1/4 tsp;
    • mold Penicillium roqueforti - 1/16 tsp;
    • rennet - 1/4 tsp

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Heat sheep's milk to 30 degrees.
    2. 2. To prepare the starter, place 100 ml of milk in a separate bowl and add mold to it. Add half of the mass to milk.
    3. 3. Scatter the starter over the surface of the milk and mix with a slotted spoon after 2 minutes.
    4. 4. Dissolve rennet and calcium chloride in 50 ml of cold water. Add to bulk. Close the lid and put in a warm place for an hour.
    5. 5. Cut the resulting clot into cubes.
    6. 6. Arrange the cheese cubes in special forms and drain the liquid from them every 3 hours.
    7. 7. After the cheese has dried, it must be pricked with leaven using a medical syringe.

    In the productcontains:

    • proteins - 22 g;
    • fats - 27.75 g;
    • carbohydrates - 2.35 g.

    Calorie content is 355 kcal.

    The product contains such useful substances as:

    • vitamins PP, B3, B12, E, K;
    • potassium;
    • calcium;
    • phosphorus;
    • copper;
    • selenium;
    • zinc;
    • choline.

    It is recommended to eat 30 g of cheese per day. Penicillin in its composition contributes to the normalization of the intestines and improves its microflora, digestion. Roquefort is considered a good snack for dry and semi-sweet dishes. Blue cheese goes well with fruit and bread.

    fitness cheese

    Cheese is included in the group of low-fat foods - from 15 to 25 percent. The taste is fruity and nutty, the color is yellowish. Cheese with low salt content.

    The composition includes:

    • pasteurized normalized cow's milk - 3 l;
    • bacterial starter - 1.5 mg;
    • edible salt - 1 tsp;
    • lysozyme - 1.2 mg.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Milk is heated to the desired temperature, bacterial starter is added and fermented.
    2. 2. Separate the curd mass from the whey, add salt and lysozyme.
    3. 3. Spread the mass into molds, press and put on ripening.

    In 100 g of productcontained:

    • proteins - 28 g;
    • fat - 10 g;
    • carbohydrates - 0 g.

    Calorie content is 224 kcal per 100 g.

    Compoundproduct is presented:

    • vitamins A, B1, C, D, E, K, PP;
    • zinc;
    • selenium;
    • iron;
    • phosphorus.

    Cheese is used for diet food, as well as for making pizza, sandwiches and sauces.

    Lakomo Light

    Cheese Light is a low-calorie product. Made from cow's milk. It has the color of baked milk, packed in a sealed package in the form of cuts.


    • normalized pasteurized cow's milk - 4 l;
    • bactericidal starter of mesophilic lactic acid bacteria - 1.6 mg;
    • table salt - 1.5 tsp;
    • calcium chloride - 1/14 tsp;
    • lysozyme - 1/16 tsp

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Bacterial starter culture is added to milk, and fermentation takes place.
    2. 2. The cheese mass is heated to a temperature of 32-42 degrees, calcium chloride, salt and lysozyme are added.
    3. 3. Then the cheese is pressed and ripened.

    In 100 g of productcontains:

    • proteins - 32 g;
    • fats - 11 g;
    • carbohydrates - 0 g.

    Calorie content - 202 kcal.

    The product contains:

    • vitamins;
    • calcium;
    • iron;
    • phosphorus;
    • selenium;
    • zinc.

    Dietary Ichalki

    Dietary cheese belongs to low-fat semi-solid light varieties. The product is light yellow in color, with a delicate creamy taste, elastic consistency.


    • pasteurized milk with the addition of mesophilic lactic acid bacteria - 700 ml;
    • greens - a bunch;
    • soda - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • rennet NATUREN - 1.2 pcs.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. It is necessary to grind natural cottage cheese with a sieve or blender.
    2. 2. Place the resulting mass in a saucepan and pour milk, put on a small fire. The mixture must be constantly stirred.
    3. 3. After the mass begins to boil, whey will appear. To make it glass, you should line the colander with gauze and wait until the liquid separates.
    4. 4. With soda, herbs and salt, you need to beat 2 chicken eggs. Add 1 egg to the mass without whey and knead everything thoroughly so that no lumps of cottage cheese remain.
    5. 5. The cheese mixture is laid out in a pan with thick walls, then it must be melted. It will become plastic.
    6. 6. The mass is placed in a cling film, the desired shape is given.
    7. 7. Next, send the cheese to the refrigerator.

    The useful substances that make up the product are:

    • vitamins B6, B12, D, H, PP;
    • magnesium;
    • potassium.

    Keep open in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. The dietary product is suitable for preparing cold appetizers, salads, and is used for baking.

    1. 1. Peel the zucchini and cut into small cubes, add finely chopped garlic and part of the lemon juice, salt, leave to marinate.
    2. 2. Cut the tomatoes in half and add chopped basil to them.
    3. 3. Chop shallots, cucumber halves, bell pepper into small strips.
    4. 4. Put all the vegetables in a salad bowl, season with the remaining lemon juice, mix.
    5. 5. Cut the feta cheese into cubes, cut the olives in half and add to the salad bowl with the vegetables, season with olive oil and salt.
    6. 6. Ready salad can be decorated with fresh basil leaves.

    Salad with suluguni cheese, chicken and croutons

    Ingredients are presented:

    • smoked suluguni - 200 g;
    • chicken breast - 300 g;
    • eggs - 4 pcs.;
    • canned corn - 1 can;
    • crackers - 1 pack;
    • mayonnaise - to taste.

    Cooking scheme:

    1. 1. Boil the chicken breast in salted water and cut into oblong pieces.
    2. 2. Divide suluguni cheese (in the form of a pigtail) into fibers.
    3. 3. Boil eggs, cool and cut into cubes.
    4. 4. Drain the liquid from the corn and place in a salad bowl.
    5. 5. Mix all the ingredients in a deep salad bowl, season with mayonnaise and salt.
    6. 6. Before serving, sprinkle the salad with crackers and herbs.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

    I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

    But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

Cheese is a healthy and nutritious product that is recommended by most nutritionists and fitness trainers. Some varieties of cheese are more suitable for fitness nutrition, others are less, but in any case it is an extremely healthy and nutritious product. The choice of cheese to eat during and after fitness depends on many factors.

Recall that by the amount of fat, cheeses are usually divided into:

fat-free cheeses - less than 20%,

light cheeses - from 20% to 30%,

normal cheeses - from 40% to 50%,

double fat content - from 60% to 75%,

triple fat content - more than 75%.

low fat cheeses and light cheeses are made from skimmed milk, and especially fatty ones are made from cream or from whole milk with the addition of cream.

Here is a list of the most and low calorie cheeses. Products are shown in descending order of calories:

1. Low-fat cheese -. It's soy cheese. Its fat content ranges from 1.5 to 4%. According to its content, tofu is rich in high-quality proteins, so this cheese can be successfully replaced with meat. In addition, 100 grams of tofu contains only 80 kilocalories. Therefore, tofu is recommended to be included in diet and fitness menus.

2. Low-fat cheese - grained cottage cheese(fat content 5%). In the USA and European countries (and not only English-speaking countries), cottage cheese is called cottage cheese (English village or cottage cheese). Calorie content of grained cottage cheese: 98-125 kcal. The lowest calorie produced in Russia is grained cottage cheese “Savushkin product “101 grains + cream” BIO 5%. Its calorie content: 98.6 kcal.

3. Low-fat cheese - from skim milk (8%). The calorie content of this cheese is 140 kcal.

4. Low-fat cheese - Kaluga “”, delicacy smoked, rope. Its fat content is 10%, and calorie content: 140 kcal.

5. Low-fat cheese - from skim milk. The calorie content of this cheese is 149 kcal.

6. Low-fat cheese - Viola Polar, Grunlander, Fitness (5-10%), calories: 148 kcal

7. Low-fat cheese - Chechil(fat content 5-10%). Chechil is a fibrous pickled cheese, similar in texture to suluguni. It is produced in the form of dense fibrous strands, twisted into tight bundles in the form of a pigtail, often in a smoked form. Fat in it contains up to 10%, moisture - no more than 60%, salt - 4-8%. With a fat content of 5%, the calorie content is 155 kcal.

8. Low-fat cheese - Feta Arla Apetina. Apetina in traditional packaging - the cheese has a slightly salty taste and delicate texture. Perfect for salads or as an appetizer with any kind of bread. Nutritional value: proteins 15.0g, carbohydrates 5.0g, fats 8.5g. Calorie content: 160 kcal.

9. Low-fat cheese - Cheese Arla Apetina Light cubes in brine 22% Cheeses from the Arla Natura line have been produced in Denmark, in the hills of the Jutland Peninsula since 1961, at the Norre Vium dairy, known for its old traditions and the highest quality standards. Nutritional value of 100g: fats 10.3g, proteins 16.5g, carbohydrates 0.1g. Calories: 162 kcal.

10 Low fat cheese - Galbani Mozzarella Light thirty%. Nutritional value: proteins 20g, fats 9g, carbohydrates 0.4g. Calories: 163 kcal.

11. Low-fat cheese - Favita Salad thirty%. Salad sandwich cheese Favita. Mass fraction of fat 12%. Nutritional value per 100g: proteins - 14g, fat - 12g, carbohydrates - 3g. Calories: 176 kcal.

12. Low-fat cheese - Cheese Chevrefin Chevrefin fresh goat 40% - calories: 164 kcal.

13. Low-fat cheese product - Kaserei Champignon Dor Blue a la cream, light. Gently - spicy cream with the addition of cheese with noble blue mold. Mass fraction of fat in dry matter 15%. Nutritional value per 100g of product: fat - 15.0g, protein - 9.0g, carbohydrates - 3.0g. Energy value - 183 kcal.

14. Low-fat cheese - cheese President Camembert Legey 28%. Nutritional value per 100g of product: protein 24.5g, fat 11g, carbohydrates 0.5g. Calories per 100g. - 197 kcal.

15. Low-fat cheese - Gaudette(fat content 7%). Gaudette is Scherdinger's new low-fat cheese, an easy treat for those seeking a healthy lifestyle. Calories: 199 kcal. Nutritional value: proteins 34g, fats 7g, carbohydrates 0g.

16. Low-fat cheese - Arla, Oltermany(16-17%). Calorie 210 kcal.

17. Low-fat cheese - low-fat (light), feta (fat content 10%). This cheese is a traditional product of Greek cuisine. But it is eaten with pleasure in many other countries, including ours. Traditional feta is considered a high-fat, high-cholesterol food with approximately 260 calories.

18. Low-fat cheese -. Its calorie content is 285 kcal.


Salad recipes for fitness nutrition:

Tofu Salad with Soybeans

Ingredients: tofu - 100 g, boiled soybeans - 100 g, onions - 2 onions, vegetable oil (soy or sesame) - 4 tablespoons. pepper, salt - to taste

Finely chop tofu and onion, mix with boiled soybeans, salt, pepper, season with oil and mix. Before serving, it is better to leave for a few minutes in a cool place.

Tofu and Cabbage Salad

Ingredients: tofu - 500g, white cabbage - 1/2 head of medium size, onion - 1 onion, cucumbers and tomatoes (fresh) - 4 pcs., apples - 2 pcs., soybean oil - 1/2 cup, mayonnaise ( or sour cream) - 100-150 g, salt, herbs - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage, finely chop the rest of the vegetables, combine everything and mix with grated apples. Thoroughly grind tofu (or mix in a mixer) with mayonnaise or sour cream and soybean oil, add to vegetables. Mix everything, salt to taste and garnish with herbs.

Salad of tofu and lettuce

Ingredients: lettuce leaves - 0.5 bunch, tofu - 150 g, salted mushrooms (pickled) - 200 g, green onions - 50 g, dill - 1 bunch, parsley - 1 bunch, sunflower seeds - 2 tbsp. spoons, balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons, olive oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons, young garlic - 2-3 cloves, black pepper.

Lettuce leaves tear or chop coarsely. Chop greens. Put lettuce leaves on portioned plates (servings 3). Mix greens in a bowl, add mushrooms and chopped garlic. Small mushrooms can be put whole, large - cut into 2-4 parts. Mix well and spread the mixture over lettuce leaves. For the sauce, combine balsamic vinegar, oil and black pepper. Beat well. Use a wet knife to cut the tofu into medium cubes so that the cubes are even and neat. Put the tofu on the salad. Drizzle salad with prepared dressing. Serve salad with sunflower seeds.

Green salad "Bouquet" with Ricotta cheese

Ingredients: Ricotta cheese - 1 pack, Romaine salad - 80 gr., Frisse salad 30 gr., Radiccio salad - 30 gr., walnuts - 2 nuts, extra virgin olive oil - 2 Art. spoons, balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons, honey, liquid 2 tbsp. spoons.

It is convenient to cook the salad directly in a plate, or a large dish and put it on a plate with tongs so as not to overturn. Coarsely tear the salads with your hands and put on plates. Using a teaspoon, carefully place the cheese in slices on top, trying to keep the shape. Ricotta cheese for this salad is better to use the brand "Galbani". Salad is not mixed. Sprinkle the salad with ground nuts on top, season with oil, sprinkle with balsamic vinegar and pour over a thin stream of honey.

Ricotta with orange

Ingredients: ricotta cheese - 200 g, parsley - 100 g, orange - 1 pc, lemon - 1 pc, beets - 4 pcs, red onion - 1/2 pc, olive oil - 50 ml, salt - to taste, ground black pepper - to taste.

Squeeze juice from orange and lemon. Pour it into a deep bowl and add olive oil, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly. Wash the beetroot and remove the skin. We cut it into thin strips. We clean and chop the onion. Wash the parsley, pat dry and finely chop. Put the beetroot, onion and parsley in a bowl with the sauce. Mix well and leave for 20-30 minutes. Add the ricotta to the bowl of vegetables. Stir and add salt and pepper to taste. Put the salad on a dish and decorate with parsley leaves. If you use not raw, but pre-boiled beets, then it does not need to be marinated in the sauce for so long. It is enough to let it brew for 3-5 minutes.

Mozzarella salad with tomatoes and cheese

For 2 servings: 2 tomatoes, 1 pack of Mozzarella cheese (250 g), basil, olive oil, salt, pepper

Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices. Drain brine from Mozzarella and cut into slices. Arrange the tomatoes and cheese alternately on a serving platter. Drizzle with oil and season with salt and pepper. Garnish with basil sprigs.

Mozzarella salad with shrimps and basil

For 4 servings: 4 regular shrimp, 8 large shrimp, 300 g plum tomatoes, 2 green onion sprigs, 250 g Mozzarella Light cheese, basil, oil, salt, pepper

Cut the tomatoes in half, onion - half rings. Season with salt, pepper and basil.

Peel the shrimp and boil in boiling salted water for 1 minute. Divide tomatoes, onion and Galbani Mozzarella Light cubes on a plate. Lay shrimp on top. Season as desired.

Mozzarella salad with mango and avocado

For 4 servings: 200 g fresh arugula, 2 fresh mangoes, 2 fresh avocados, 2 packs of Light Mozzarella cheese (125 g), juice of 2 limes, fresh chili, 2 stalks of green onions

Wash and dry all ingredients, especially arugula. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, peel and cut into thin slices. The same with mango. Cut Galbani Light Mozzarella into thin slices. Arrange mango, avocado, arugula and cheese alternately on a plate.

In a small bowl, prepare the dressing: cut the chili into thin rings, mix with lime juice, slowly pour in the olive oil, stirring constantly. Drizzle dressing over salad and garnish with green onions. Serve chilled.

Bon appetit and good figure!

- the diet followed by people with diseases of the liver, biliary tract and gallbladder is a restriction in fats and cholesterol-containing foods. In the article "" I wrote that hard cheeses are high in protein, minerals, milk fat and cholesterol.

You obviously won’t eat a lot of such a product, given that the daily fat intake is limited to 90 grams, 30 of which should be of plant origin. How to be? Is it really possible to retire cheese from the post of the main morning product? To get started, try looking at a different shelf in the store. As an alternative to goudas, emmentals, Dutch and other high-calorie cheeses, I offer dietary Adyghe, ricotta and feta.

Feta - 290 kcal, fat content - 24%, proteins - 17 gr

Let's start from the end: the top five low-fat cheeses are closed by feta - the one without which it is impossible to imagine a Greek salad. The fat content of feta can reach up to 50%, we are satisfied with the option with 24%.

I’ll make a reservation right away: table number 5 does not allow frankly salty cheeses, like cheese. Feta, although stored in brine, is tender in taste. Therefore, there is no strict ban on it.

Feta takes a lot from sheep's milk, which is its basis. This cheese is rich in beta-carotene and vitamins A, E, K, D, group B, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, selenium, but most of all it contains calcium and sodium.

There are so many useful lactic acid bacteria in feta that they are quite enough to eliminate gastrointestinal disorders, including those caused by food poisoning. True, only feta made from natural and unpasteurized sheep's milk has such properties.

Mozzarella - 160-280 kcal, fat content - from 17 to 24%, proteins - 28 gr

Italian mozzarella is purely formal in our ranking in fourth place. In fact, she shares the same position with feta, since her fat content can reach the same 24%. But if you try, you can find a more dietary product with 17% fat content.

What is good about mozzarella? This young tender cheese is combined with almost all vegetables, herbs and even berries. Like any natural cheese, mozzarella is rich in phosphorus and calcium, contains easily digestible protein and healthy fatty acids. At the same time, it is worth noting that mozzarella is not a source of beneficial lactic acid bacteria: milk for it is fermented using rennet, without additional microflora.

! Natural mozzarella has a very short shelf life - 5-7 days.

If the label indicates an expiration date of more than a week, preservatives have definitely been added to such mozzarella.

Adyghe cheese - 240 kcal, fat content - 14%, proteins - 19 gr

Next in line is Adyghe cheese. For me, this is the perfect breakfast option. The previous two options are more likely associated with an afternoon snack or five o "clock tea - it's more of a light snack. It's easy to start your day with Adyghe. Unlike mozzarella, it is made by adding lactic acid bacteria to pasteurized milk. At the same time, it tastes almost the same as the Italian counterpart.

Adyghe cheese is an integral part of the diet of not only patients following diet No. 5, but also of all losing weight. It has only 14% fat, 19 grams of protein and no carbohydrates at all.

Ricotta - 172 kcal, fat content from 8 to 24%, proteins - 11 gr

Our rating of the most low-fat cheeses is headed by Italian - ricotta. It is often called cheese, but let's be honest, it's more like cottage cheese. Ricotta is made from whey, which remains after the preparation of other cheeses - mozzarella, for example. It does not contain ordinary milk proteins, only albumin protein, which is present in human blood (therefore, its absorption is faster and easier).

What cannot be taken away from ricotta is beneficial trace elements, vitamins and calcium. Cheese made from cow's milk has a lower fat content - 8% (for comparison, from goat's - up to 24%).

! The soft variety of ricotta has a shelf life of no more than 3 days, the hard one is stored for up to two weeks.

Tofu - 72-90 kcal, fat content up to 5%, proteins - 8 gr

Separately, I will say about soybean cheese - tofu. Yes, it has the lowest fat content among all the cheeses I have listed and should come first, but there is one “but”: tofu contributes to excessive gas formation, and therefore, with gastrointestinal diseases, it should be eaten in very limited quantities.

The rest of the tofu is priceless. It is an antioxidant that removes dioxin from the body, which causes cancerous tumors, and also reduces the level of "bad cholesterol". At the same time, tofu is not just a dietary, but a super dietary product: calories - 73 Kcal, proteins - 8 grams, fats - 4.5 grams, carbohydrates - 0.8 grams. So occasionally, for a change, you can afford tofu. Adding it to salads is a sweet thing, I tell you.

We summarize: Adyghe cheese and ricotta fit best into the criteria for the fifth diet. They are not salty, not fatty, contain not much protein and are great for breakfast. Just what the doctor ordered. Just do not forget to count calories daily (it is more convenient to do this with the help) and take. Like diet, it is an essential element of a liver repair program.
