
The best green tea leaf. How to choose the best tea: selection criteria

Do you still not believe in the magical (read, beneficial) properties of green tea? We hope that we will be able to convince you. And you will drink it at least once a week. And it would be better every day. Because he:

satisfying because it is rich in protein. This feature was noticed by English tea experts working at the royal court. Depending on the variety, it contains from 15 to 25% protein. Perhaps that is why in China and Japan tea leaves are actively used in salads, soups and stews with meat.

has a fat burning effect. British scientists conducted an experiment. The subjects were divided into two groups: in one group, people took dietary supplements with green tea, in the second - a placebo. In the subjects from the first group, fat burned 17% faster, despite the fact that the diet and physical activity were the same. In addition, participants in the "tea" group, improved insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance and decreased cholesterol.

useful. The leaves of the tea bush contain about 300 compounds. Some of them have not even been explored yet. For example, tea rubigins could not be isolated even at the molecular level. But with the main ones everything is more or less clear.

What is in a cup of green tea?

Caffeine- gently tones, increases physical and mental activity, relieves fatigue, has a slight diuretic effect.

Complex of microelements(potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, barium, iodine, nickel, boron, copper…) - stimulates metabolism, favorably affects many processes in the body.

Tannins- remove toxins from the body and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Theanin is a unique amino acid. In the company of caffeine stimulates the brain.

Catechins- these powerful bioactive compounds are the most valuable thing in tea. They make the walls of blood vessels more elastic, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, reduce the risk of cancer and destroy free radicals. And in the USA, the use of green tea extract for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases is patented.

How to drink green tea?

Green tea is best drunk fresh. Vitamins and proteins in yesterday's tea leaves are not preserved. But a two-three-day infusion is very effective in the treatment of intestinal infections.

The optimal time for tea to infuse is 3-5 minutes. You should not “pickle” the leaves longer, otherwise the drink will become bitter. But in general, there are a great many ways of brewing.

In Japanese. The leaves are ground into powder in a special porcelain mortar, then poured in small portions into a pre-warmed porcelain teapot. Add hot (60ºС) water and whisk the drink with a rice whisk until the consistency of liquid sour cream. It turns out strong and tart. Proportions: 100-120 g of tea leaves per 500 ml of water.

In English. Tea is brewed with boiling water (1 teaspoon of tea leaves per 150 ml of water, 2 teaspoon per teapot. While the drink is infused, 2–3 tablespoons of warm milk are poured into preheated cups and only then tea is added. There is an opinion that milk protein reacts with catechins and neutralizes their benefits.

In Russian. 1 tsp for 200 ml of water. The tea leaves are poured into a warmed porcelain teapot and poured with boiling water about a third of the volume. After a couple of minutes, top up and keep the kettle under a napkin for a while. If the drink turned out to be too strong, already in the cup you can dilute it with hot water.

In Chinese. 4–5 g of tea are poured into a special gaiwan cup with a lid and immediately poured with hot water (90–95ºС) to half the volume. Infuse for two minutes (for some varieties - four minutes), pour into a bowl and drink without sugar and seasonings. Then everyone repeats (high-quality tea can and should be brewed 4-5 times). It is believed that this method allows you to get the maximum benefit from the drink.

Important clarification!

Contrary to popular belief, green tea bags are just as good as loose leaf tea. And sometimes even better. The larger the leaves, the longer it takes for the beneficial substances to pass into the water. Therefore, if you want green tea, but you don’t have time to mess with it for a long time, it’s better to take tea bags. The leaves here are crushed almost into dust and therefore catechins and other valuable compounds will be released to the water faster.

How much tea do you need to drink to...

…increase performance? 3 cups in the morning will provide a dose of theanine that will help you stay focused all day long.

…reduce cholesterol and protect against atherosclerosis? 2 cups a day will reduce the risk by 46% and 4 cups by 69%.

Is it possible to compare green and black?

"I've seen packages that green tea contains 20 times more catechins than black tea," says Dr. Engelhart, chairman of the coffee and tea working group at the German Standards Institute. - If we compare, then not abstractly black and green, but specific varieties. Yes, green tea catechins are indeed biologically more active. But this is far from the only important tea indicator. There may well be more other beneficial substances in black or red tea.”

Shelf life of green tea

Tea does not tolerate dampness, excessive dryness, sunlight, extreme cold or heat. It is best to keep it in a tightly sealed tin in a cupboard at room temperature (17-25ºC). Studies by staff members of the Faculty of Chemistry at St. Petersburg State University have shown that under such conditions, the amount of catechins is preserved even after 5 years. But essential oils disappear over time, so fresh tea is more aromatic and tastier, but not necessarily healthier.

Strong decoction of green tea can be used
as a lotion: it perfectly cleanses and tones the skin

Green tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Its history is much longer and more colorful than coffee, and its homeland has been reliably established. Today, the production of this product is carried out in many countries of the world, but China still holds the first place in terms of quality, production volume and a special attitude towards tea drinking.

Varieties and producers

In the store you can buy bagged, small-leaf and large-leaf green tea at a variety of prices. If you focus on the cost, then in Russia you can buy a really high-quality varietal product in the range from 7 to 800 dollars per 100 grams. Moreover, Chinese elite twisted tea is the most expensive, followed by Japanese, Indonesian, Ceylon.

The largest producers, as well as tea plantations, are concentrated in China, both in the south of the country and in the north. Hundreds of types of tea are produced here, from rare and expensive to simple, affordable, designed for everyday use. Good green tea is always large-leafed, and the stronger it is twisted, the stronger the infusion will be, the more delicate the taste and the healthier the drink itself.

Green differs from black in that it almost does not go through the fermentation stage, that is, it does not oxidize under the influence of external factors and its own enzymes. This allows the sheet to keep all the useful components without changing and turning into other compounds. To prevent fermentation, the harvested leaf is slightly dried under natural conditions and later subjected to high temperatures. This can be roasting in the oven, after which the leaves are manually twisted and dried completely.

Depending on the twisting option, teas are distinguished:

  • strongly twisted along the sheet;
  • strongly twisted across the sheet;
  • slightly twisted.

If the sheet is twisted along the axis, it takes the form of twigs, sticks, spirals. This option is very popular in Japan, and a prominent representative is the famous Gekuro and most of its varieties.

Plantations in China have existed for thousands of years.

When the leaf is rolled across, it can resemble balls, scales, and is labeled Gunpowder in China and Sencha in Japan. In China, such teas are also called pearl, and if they contain many tips, they are called golden or imperial. Balls can be of different sizes and shapes, their variety is very large.

Loose-rolled tea is a product that is naturally dried, so it can look like flattened blades of grass. It either does not curl at all, or is slightly wrinkled. The most popular product is called Long Ching.

Leaflets are twisted not only to increase their presentability. This is a way to keep the beneficial components of the tea inside longer and increase the shelf life. Slightly twisted leaves give a weak infusion, delicate, with a slight floral or citrus aroma. Strongly twisted ones are always more saturated, with a rich multifaceted aroma and taste. The color of green tea can vary from light green with a silvery sheen to dark green.

If, with proper brewing, the taste of tea is pronounced herbal, this is a low-grade product. A good and expensive product has a whole bunch of aromas from citrus to floral and light herbal, there may be a natural sweetness and honey flavor.

The most famous varieties

There are many ways in the tea industry to draw attention to a product. This is mainly advertising, beautiful packaging, original slogan. But for many centuries there are varieties of tea that are in constant demand and love without any popularization.

Xi-Hu Long-Jing - large-leaf green tea from the island of Xihu

Below are the most important varieties of green tea that have received the mark of the best:

  • Xi-Hu Long-Jing - Chinese large-leaved from Xihu Lake. Collected and produced since ancient times, today it is divided into 13 varieties, the best of which are the first three, represented by a large content of unblown buds collected in early spring. This tea has the lightest infusion color, which can be emerald green. The taste is very rich, the aroma is dense floral. It is brewed for about a minute and served in clear glasses to enjoy the subtle tinge of the infusion.
  • Taiping Hou Kui is a tea that is harvested from a limited number of plantations and only on a sunny day. There are strict rules for the selection of raw materials. This is a tea bud, which is hugged by two young, freshly blossomed leaves of the same size as the bud. Such a product is called tea with sharp tea leaves.
  • Bi-Lo-Chun - goes through the stage of manual twisting, from which the tea leaves take the form of small coiled spirals, which are also called snails. Inside the variety, there is a division into 7 sub-varieties, and the lower the type, the weaker the taste and aroma. When brewed, Bi-Lo-Chun gives a light emerald color of the infusion, fresh aroma, thick, rich taste. Fruity notes are felt in its taste. It is also customary to serve the drink in transparent glasses. The largest plantation is located in Jiangxi province.
  • Yongwu is one of the most expensive Chinese teas. It is grown on small plantations located on wet and damp mountain slopes, where the sun's rays rarely fall. It goes to the domestic market, therefore it is rare outside the country.
  • Gunpowder - tea leaves look like gunpowder balls, refers to pearl teas, is consumed very sparingly, as it has a very dense and rich taste.
  • Chan-Mi is the main loose tea in China, the second name is “eyebrow”, which is derived from the shape of tea leaves. It has a classic taste and aroma, mixed with flowers, herbs and citruses.
  • Huang Shan Mao Feng is the highest Chinese tea, the tea leaves have a light yellowish color, the taste is sweetish, the aroma is fresh and rich. Tea leaves resemble sparrow tongues.
  • Maojian is a large group of teas, the production of which is the upper bud with a leaf. The infusion after brewing acquires an amber color, a delicate taste with a pleasant aftertaste. To get the true Maojiang for 1 cup, you need to take 2 tsp. tea leaves.
  • Tien Shan Yin-hao - natural flavored jasmine tea. The infusion is light and transparent, the taste is classic, and the aroma is rich floral.
  • Dong Yuang Dong Bai is a light yellow drink with a bright floral aroma and a multifaceted aftertaste.

Chinese teas are considered the most fragrant and delicate in taste. In this country, a huge number of varieties are produced, different in organoleptic properties and unimaginable in shape. Japanese teas are darker in color and less aromatic. The most popular are Sencha, Bancha and Gyokuro. A product from India is considered the lowest grade, although it is in demand due to its affordable price. It can give a slight spicy flavor and aroma.

Beneficial features

Green tea is the most useful due to the content of vitamins, amino acids, essential oils, antioxidants in it. It is rich in fluorine, iodine, zinc, calcium, potassium, and antimicrobial components. It has a high biological activity, which is expressed in the following effects on the human body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • makes vessels elastic and reduces their permeability;
  • heals the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • activates mental and physical performance;
  • useful for weight loss;
  • has an antitumor effect;
  • removes toxins, including salts of heavy metals;
  • strengthens the skeletal system.

Green tea retains its beneficial properties only when properly brewed. Boiling water is destructive for them. The water temperature should be from 60 to 80 degrees, and the infusion time lasts from 1 to 3 minutes. If the drink is overexposed, it can become bitter due to the high caffeine content. An important ingredient in brewing is water. It must be necessarily soft, spring, so as not to spoil the taste of the drink.

A cup of green drink promotes weight loss

You need to know when is the best time to drink this tea. This time is from morning to 16-18 pm. Green tea is a highly energizing drink, so it is not recommended in the evening. Pregnant women and children should not get involved in tea.

The best green tea

If we talk about which green tea is better, then this is a product of an early spring harvest with a lot of tips. It is considered the most fragrant, delicate in taste and useful. Such raw materials are always treated with care, excluding the possibility of spoilage, since ready-made tea is expensive and is purchased by people who know a lot about it.

The best green tea is produced in China, and has been doing this for thousands of years. Many works of Chinese sages are devoted to the benefits and beauty of the tea leaf. In Russia, 50% of the product sold on the market is purchased in China, the rest in Sri Lanka, Georgia, Vietnam, Japanese varieties are very rare.

  1. Greenfield Flying Dragon is a Chinese leaf from a plantation in Hunan. Gives a light color infusion, light floral aroma with herbal notes. Does not have bitterness and astringency;
  2. Princess Java Best - inexpensive Chinese with a mild taste, light infusion, good tonic;
  3. Ahmad Green Tea - represented by the Chinese variety Chan Mi, which has a mild pistachio aroma. Gives a light infusion with a slight astringency.

When buying tea, you need to pay attention to the completeness of the information provided on the package. It is best to opt for loose teas, which are sold through a network of specialty boutiques. Here you can not only see tea leaves, but also taste the desired variety. It is important to check the timing of tea production, the less time has passed since the moment of collection, the more aromatic and healthy the drink will be, because a long shelf life under the wrong conditions can spoil the taste of the most expensive variety. Buying such tea is even dangerous.

Homemade green tea

In Russia, black and green tea has long been prepared from a wide variety of plant materials. Fireweed was the most popular, although using a similar technology, tea leaves can be prepared from currant leaves, cherries, raspberries, and medicinal herbs. To make your own green leaf tea, you need:

  • during the flowering period, collect fireweed leaves;
  • spread them on a flat surface in a warm room for several hours so that they wither and lose some of the juice;
  • then they are laid out on a baking sheet and sent to the oven for frying to stop the oxidation process;
  • after roasting, the final drying takes place, which can be done with or without twisting the leaves by hand.

Store tea in glass or tin jars in a dark cupboard at room temperature. You can add dried currant leaves, cornflower flowers, oregano and other aromatic natural additives to them.

Probably green tea is the richest variety. If oolongs, for example, crowded in only two provinces in southern China, and pu-erh is produced only in Yunnan, then green tea ranks first in terms of prevalence. And of course, when they say "Chinese tea", the first thing that comes to mind is green tea. What varieties of green tea exist today and which ones are the best?

Green tea varieties and non-varieties

Let's separate marketing first. Probably, for a person who is not immersed in tea, there is no difference between "Emerald Spirals of Spring" and "Dreams of a Geisha" in terms of the creativity of the name. At the same time, Bi Lo Chun "Emerald Spirals of Spring" is a varietal tea, and the dreams of sultans, geishas are marketing.

What does varietal tea mean? This is tea grown from a bush of a special variety, in a certain region and produced according to its own technology. Everything, as with wine and vineyards. If one of these parameters does not meet the standard, then the tea does not have the right to be called by this name. Thus, Long Jing "Dragon Well" tea can only be called tea that is obtained from leaves from certain bushes grown in Zhejiang province. Tea grown from the same bushes, made in the same way, but not in another province.

Moreover, the state protects the names of teas on a geographical basis - Xi Hu Long Jing can only be tea that is grown on plantations near Xi Hu Lake. Long Jing grown elsewhere cannot be called Xi Hu. Why is everything so difficult? Because climate and geography greatly influence the quality of tea, its taste. There are some conditions on the shore of the lake, others in the mountains, and others on the plains, and all this creates different tea. Xi Hu is the tastiest and most expensive Long Ching, and therefore, under this name, a dishonest manufacturer can sell tea for more than it costs.

And when you take ordinary sencha, which is harvested in hundreds of tons from industrial plantations and diluted with pieces of fruit and flavors, you get all the creative splendor that can be seen in some tea shops - the dreams and dreams of sultans, geishas, ​​dragons, monkeys, samurai, phoenixes and more eastern fauna. Who exactly comes up with these names, we do not know.

Teas twisted into rings and balls are not varieties either. Usually this is all a way of increasing the cost of raw materials, marketers call this “improving consumer properties”. The so-called "blooming" teas, when a flower appears from a ball in a glass, are not for drinking at all, but for admiring the process. Put it on the table like flowers - and you admire it. Initially, this was the point, and drinking this tea is like taking a sip of water from a vase.

Which green tea is best?

In general, of course, this is the one that you personally like. And so - in China there is a list of "Famous varieties". He often corrects, some enter there, some leave. These teas won prizes at industry exhibitions and were presented as state gifts. I mean, these are really outstanding teas, the best of the best.

Long Ching (Dragon Well)

What is famous for: No. 1 tea in China. Almost a symbol of all green teas. Recognized almost as a cultural heritage of the country, received a huge number of awards, presented on behalf of the head of state, known since the 8th century. 18 bushes have survived to this day, from which the variety originates. Amazing floral aroma with notes of chocolate, the aroma of the sun and spring. Sweet, rich taste. Perfectly invigorates, tones.

Huang Shan Mao Feng "The Fleecy Peaks of the Yellow Mountains"

What is famous for: in the 80s was an official government gift. Very pronounced freshness in taste and aroma, with light floral nuances. Relaxes, refreshes.

Bi Lo Chun "Emerald Spirals of Spring"

What is famous for: tea number two in China after "Dragon Well". It grows among fruit trees in plantations near Dongting Lake, Jiangsu Province. Small, twisted in a spiral tea leaves, covered with white pile. Very graceful, gentle, soft, sweet. Floral aroma and fruity taste. Strongly relaxes. When brewing in glassware, you can watch the dance of the villi - a very spectacular sight. A characteristic feature of this tea is the incredible lightness that appears during tea drinking.

Tai Ping Hou Kui "Monkey Leader from Hawken"

What is famous for: gold at the Panama Pacific Show in San Francisco, in 2004 was named the "King of Green Teas". Heady floral aroma, thick soft taste with tobacco notes.

Liu An Gua Pian "Pumpkin Seeds"

What is famous for: 8 times won prizes at national and world exhibitions. It was presented on behalf of the party to foreign delegations. Very gentle, soft, light, almost feminine tea. Without astringency. One of the sweetest green teas.

Meng Ding Gan Lu "Sweet Dew from Meng Ding Peak"

What is famous for: tea growing on one of the sacred Taoist mountains - Meng Ding, at an altitude of about 1500 meters. Manuscripts say that varieties of tea such as "gan lu" ("sweet dew") were known during the Han Dynasty (2nd century BC - 1st century AD). It has a delicate aroma and fruity taste. Very gentle and light elegant tea.

Zhu Ye Qing "Freshness of Bamboo Leaves"

What is famous for: grows on mountain plantations surrounded by monasteries. Already in the era of the Tang Dynasty, tea was supplied to the emperor from here. It has a fresh aroma, tart taste with a sweet aftertaste. Refreshes wonderfully. A separate pleasure is to watch the dance of the tea leaves, which rise vertically in the glass and then fall, then rise back.

Real fresh Chinese green tea is sweet, fragrant and very healthy. We will talk about the varieties of green tea, the best way to brew and the beneficial properties of this wonderful drink.

Green tea is harvested in China in the spring, and already in May-June, fresh green tea appears in Russia. In order not to create confusion, we recall that the Chinese separate green tea from white (which is also light green or fawn in appearance), from yellow (which can be confused with some varieties of green tea) and from oolongs, the leaves of which are twisted into lumps and have a green color. . The topic of this article is only green tea.

Fresh green tea has several advantages at once:
. Light fragrance
. Delicate taste
. Fresh cooling aftertaste
. Awakening action
. Purification and strengthening of the body

It is fresh green tea that the Chinese have in mind when they talk and write about the benefits of tea. With the help of green tea and gymnastics, old people in Asia live to a ripe old age with a minimum of diseases and remain active and with a clear mind at a respectable age. Green tea perfectly cleans and strengthens blood vessels, helps to avoid excess weight and nourishes the body with vitamins and microelements. It was green tea that helped thousands of Japanese to endure the consequences of the atomic explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Cases of a complete cure of radiation sickness and the removal of radionuclides are known. All this thanks to good green tea and regular and proper tea drinking.

How to brew green tea

Speaking of correctness, we mean the Asian way of brewing. Until the middle of the 20th century, Europeans could not taste fresh green tea, and all the main brewing methods that developed in the 17th-19th centuries refer to red or black tea and are completely unsuitable for green tea, as it becomes tasteless and completely unhealthy.

In Asia, green tea is brewed in a small container (teapot or gaiwan - a cup with a lid) with a volume of 80-120 ml, with non-hot water about 80 degrees. Tea leaves are put noticeably more than with the European method - from 15 to 35% of the volume of the kettle. And tea is brewed for just a couple of seconds, immediately pouring the infusion into a cup.

An ideal vessel for brewing delicate green teas is the traditional Chinese gaiwan - a cup on a saucer with an unfinished lid. On a small preheated gaiwan take about 1 tablespoon of tea. The time of the first 3 infusions is 2-3 seconds. For the following brews, you can increase the time up to 10 seconds. This method allows:
1. Drink less liquid
2. Brew tea five or more times
3. Get the most out of tea

Taste and aroma of green tea

The aroma of fresh dry green tea is sweet with clear tones of fresh grass, July meadow herbs and flowers. The aroma of brewed green tea is fresh with a predominance of herbal notes. The aroma should be gentle and clear, and the smell of an empty cup can be noticeably stronger than the aroma of the drink itself. In an empty cup, it can smell like flowers - from lilac and jasmine to tropical flowers.

The taste of green tea is necessarily sweet and oily. There should be almost no bitterness and astringency in it, especially in the first tea leaves. The infusion is light green with yellowness, almost transparent - this is absolutely normal. Do not try to achieve strength and rich color from green tea. After all, in order to get the usual red-brown color, the tea must be fermented, that is, turn brown, which happens with red or black teas.

How often to drink green tea

We consider tea leaves, and not the mythical "cups of tea." One brew in a teapot with a volume of 100 ml takes 3-4 grams (1 tablespoon) of dry tea. You can brew 5 times in a row and get 2 large European cups or 15 Chinese bowls (30 ml each) by volume. In China, they can prepare green tea 3-4 times a day, which means 10-15 grams of dry tea. In order for the active substances of tea to begin their work, and we feel the effect, you need to drink green tea at least 1 time per day. That is, once a day you need to brew 3-4 grams, make several tea leaves and get a lot of cups of green tea. Noticeably tangible effect of green tea begins when brewing in this way at least three times a day.

Varieties of green tea

The most famous variety of green tea in China is Long Jing (Dragon Well). More than 40 varieties of tea bushes have been bred for this variety in China. The variety of flavors of Long Jing is amazing. The variation in quality is also quite large. In Russia, a good Long Jing, as a rule, costs from $20 per 100 grams. Long Jing is harvested in April, quite strongly and quickly fried in a special heated vat, intensely pressing against a hot surface. Due to this, Long Jing has a noticeable aroma of roasted pumpkin seeds with grassy undertones. But the taste is dominated by freshness and sweet notes.

(Fleecy Peaks). This tea is harvested in early Chinese spring, that is, in mid-February. The tea is processed on the same day and can be drunk almost immediately. This tea is a champion in terms of the content of invigorating and active substances. Fresh Mao Feng is quite expensive, but by the end of spring it becomes much cheaper, which allows you to buy it in Russia for $ 20 per 100 grams.

Tai Ping Hou Kui(The Monkey Leader from Tai Ping). Tea that the Chinese love to give. For example, in 2006 Tai Ping Ho Kui was presented to Russian President Vladimir Putin. This is a very fresh green tea. The leaves are large and flat. The infusion is very gentle with the aroma of fresh herbs. Tai Ping Ho Kui is very useful when fresh.

(Green Peony) is named for the resemblance of tea leaves to peony petals. The variety has been known since the 10th century. Its taste is refreshing, with a noticeable chill in the aftertaste.

Liu An Gua Pian(Pumpkin seeds). Tea is produced in the same place as the famous Tie Guanyin - in Anxi. The tea leaves are shaped like pumpkin seeds. The tea is very fragrant and invigorating.

(Emerald Spirals of Spring). This is a very delicate tea with white pile. bai hao on the leaves. This variety of tea was supplied among others to the court of the Emperor. Bi Lo Chun is sorted and processed on the day of collection, which allows you to save a record amount of the most valuable amino acids. The tea has a delicate emerald color of the infusion, a thick aroma and a delicate taste.

Sencha- Japanese tea, which is drunk daily in the Land of the Rising Sun. It quenches thirst, improves digestion, invigorates and helps to endure the heat.

Gunpowder(Powder). It's an inexpensive everyday Chinese tea. It can be drunk as an aperitif or digestif before meals and after spicy food.

Aromatic green tea

Very often, green tea is flavored with natural flavors. There are few of them and they are all traditional for China and Asia as a whole. For example, jasmine tea is an inexpensive tea infused with jasmine flowers. There are premium jasmine teas, and here the tea was simply dried over a layer of jasmine flowers. That's the sort jade rings or Jade Rings. The second most popular supplement is osmanthus flowers (cinnamon tree).

Teas with flower and fruit additives smell very pleasant, but the raw materials for them are always taken inexpensively. A bright non-specific aroma in green tea indicates artificial additives. Such tea is unlikely to be useful, as additives usually mask the age or low grade of tea.

Oolong - turquoise tea

Oolongs are externally green in color, give a green-yellow infusion, so they are often referred to as green tea. This is not true, because oolongs are quite thick in taste and can even resemble some red teas. The aroma of oolongs is not herbal and fresh-cool, but rather floral and denser and thicker than that of green tea. Oolongs are used in the classical Chinese tea ceremony and are brewed 10 times or more. Oolongs are an intermediate link between green and red (black) tea.

Green tea properties

In ancient China, tea was perceived more as a medicine than as a drink. The tea was ground into a powder, mixed with other herbs and a rather bitter infusion was obtained. They drank such a drink without pleasure and only in order to get the desired effect. But later it was noticed that if tea is brewed carefully, regularly and in sufficient quantities, then the beneficial properties of tea manifest themselves even better. It is much more pleasant to drink delicious tea often than to brew a bitter green broth.

The benefits of green tea

How useful is green tea? For the Chinese, this question invariably raises a smile, since all the main books on the benefits of green tea were written in China more than a thousand years ago, and the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire have no doubts about its benefits. It is green tea that the Chinese drink daily and often. This is green tea they mean when they talk about the benefits of tea, about the many diseases that tea lovers simply do not have. Dry cold numbers of statistics tell us that China has the least number of deaths from heart attacks and strokes. One small detail can change the attitude towards tea and medicine in China in general: traditional medicine in China they call it not a tablet, but as we would say, traditional medicine. And the main direction of Chinese and Asian medicine is traditional ancient methods of treatment and prevention of diseases.

Tea removes toxins, radionuclides, toxins, cleanses and strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, thereby equalizing pressure and eliminating problems with the cardiovascular system. Green tea contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. According to numerous studies, tea contains from 300 to 700 active substances that are beneficial to humans.

Harm of green tea

The main harm from green tea comes from the poor quality of tea, from excessive drinking, thoughtless brewing and non-compliance with the recommendations and centuries-old traditions of drinking tea. It is known that any medicine in large quantities becomes a poison. Recall that you can die from plain water if you drink more than 10 liters at a time. A lethal dose of salt is only 250 grams. Green tea in moderation is absolutely harmless, you should not be afraid of it.

Green tea and blood pressure

We recommend that you be careful and restrained in drinking green tea with high blood pressure. In these cases, you need to make a test tea drinking and drink a small cup of tea, wait 15 minutes and assess your well-being. If the pressure does not increase, then you can continue to drink tea, observing moderation. Subsequently, regular tea drinking will reduce the amplitude of pressure surges, reduce the frequency of increases, and over the years will completely get rid of this problem.

Green tea and diet

Any tea effectively helps to fight excess weight. Of course, if the diet consists of pies and cakes, then no tea will help. Tea helps to better cope with heavy food, removes toxins and generally improves the tone of the body. With tea, any diet seems especially pleasant, and the results are even more pleasing to the eye. But green tea is not a panacea, and you should not seriously count on the fact that tea will cope with sweet soda, mayonnaise salads, buns, sweets and greasy sausage.

The best green tea

The best tea is fresh tea. Green tea is valued primarily for its freshness. It may be low grade, non-elite and inexpensive, but it must be fresh, harvested this year.

Taste differences between varieties sometimes give rise to debate over which green tea is the best, but this is outside the realm of tea culture. China has its own preferences. The most popular green tea in China is Long Jing (Dragon Well). A huge number of tea growers are engaged in the cultivation and production of Long Jing, and it is no coincidence that they drink it throughout the day. But in terms of taste and benefits, Long Jing "competes" with Mao Feng (Fleecy Peaks) and Tai Ping Ho Kui (Monkey Leader from Hu Kui). Fans of Lu Mu Dan (Green Peony) or Liu An Gua Pian (Pumpkin Seed) tea may disagree and consider their tea to be the best. And here only taste preferences intervene.

Green tea with milk

Milk green tea is nothing but milk oolong, which, although green, belongs to turquoise teas. Milk oolong has a natural bright creamy aroma and a clear sweetish taste, reminiscent of the taste of green and high-grade red tea, such as Indian tea. Darjeeling. It is not customary to add milk to green tea.

Good and fresh green tea is a very healthy, centuries-old drink. Drink green tea often, take only the best and freshest tea, brew it correctly, and you will get a delicious, fragrant and very healthy drink.

10/05/2016 10:49

Tea, regardless of color, occupies one of the main places in the human diet, as it is the most consumed liquid. Tea is a source of nutrients, a tonic that can energize you for the whole day, and tea is also a common addition to gatherings with friends or heart-to-heart conversations in the kitchen.

In addition to the usual black tea, green varieties are becoming increasingly popular, and it can be very difficult to sort out the existing variety.

What is green tea?

Before answering the question of how to choose the right green tea, let's figure out what it is? Green tea refers to a special type of beverage obtained from the tea leaf, while the peculiarity is that black and green varieties are obtained from the same bush, it all depends on the processing of raw materials. As a rule, for the preparation of high-quality green tea, a couple of the upper leaves of the bush are used, which are believed to have the highest content of nutrients and trace elements. After collection, the resulting raw materials are sent for processing, the process of which either completely eliminates fermentation or requires it in a minimal amount.

Only fresh leaves from the very top of the tea bush can ultimately become an elite drink.

The term "fermentation" came into use precisely with the appearance on the shelves of various varieties of tea, such as white, green, turquoise and others. In fact, this word, which is not entirely clear to a simple layman, hides an elementary process of fermentation. During the processing of tea leaves in the manufacture of black varieties, it is subjected to drying and twisting, which leads to a violation of the structure and the release of juice, which begins to ferment in conditions of high humidity. The duration of fermentation affects the color of the drink in the future. At the same time, during the fermentation process, the beneficial properties of the tea leaf do not disappear, they simply change, but the caffeine content is significantly reduced.

But it is worth returning to green tea. The absence of a fermentation process allows the leaf to preserve its natural green color and give the drink a recognizable taste and aroma inherent only in green tea. Some note that green tea sometimes smells like fish. There are two explanations for this:

  • According to the Chinese, who are trendsetters in tea fashion, the most valuable varieties should have a slightly noticeable fishy smell, which indicates a high content of protein in tea. Also, in teas flavored with flowers of various plants, the presence of a fishy smell is allowed, since the flowers have the ability to accumulate dimethylamine, and this is exactly the substance that gives a fishy smell. To eliminate the aroma of raw fish, the Chinese use jasmine flower petals;
  • if there is a strong fishy smell, you should check the expiration date or the quality of the tea, since for cheap varieties, fish waste is used as fertilizer, which can give the drink a similar flavor.

Properly processed tea retains its green hue when dry.

Properly prepared and brewed green tea should not have foreign odors, except for the specific rich aroma of tea. The further processing of the tea leaf consists in exposing it to high temperatures, which helps not only to dry the leaf, but also to stop the oxidative processes occurring in the plucked leaf. This is achieved through roasting, steaming or simply fixing with hot air.

How to choose the right green tea?

The choice of green tea depends on two parameters, which can be conditionally called subjective and objective. The subjective factor in choosing a variety is the desire and awareness of what you want from the purchased product. The objective parameter is compliance with quality criteria, since green leaf tea must comply with the standards and quality requirements that are documented by Rospotrebnadzor.

When defining in your desire, you should understand what is required from the product, since everything depends on the degree of processing. A long fermentation process leads to a richer and thicker drink; if it is stopped ahead of time, it will lead to the preservation of the complex of available amino acids and vitamins of groups C and PP in tea. Among ordinary people who are just starting to dive into the world of tea, all varieties that differ from the usual traditional black drink are called green. A truly green tea is one whose fermentation rate is only 3%. This is a tea leaf in which the oxidation process was interrupted immediately after picking. The most famous varieties of real green tea are Xihu Longjing, Dongting Biluochun, Luan Guapian, Xinyang Maojian, Taiping Houkui. Among these varieties, Longtsyz and Maofeng should be singled out separately, which are ideal for the first acquaintance with green tea, since they are not so demanding on the brewing process and make mistakes when observing the temperature regime of water.

The best way to store tea is to place it in a tin container.

Among the most fermented varieties, with a fermentation rate of 50%, is oolong tea, which is also considered green, although it is actually a turquoise variety of tea. Oolong or oolon is distinguished by a rich aroma, in which there is a pronounced perfume note, which gradually changes from oily notes to sweet fruity notes when brewed. This tea should be brewed at the highest water temperature of about 90 degrees, which will allow the drink to fully open up.

The easiest way to choose the most optimal variety, especially at the very beginning of your acquaintance with the tea ceremony and green tea, is to visit a specialized club or store. As a rule, in small shops selling real elite varieties of green tea, there is a competent consultant who will tell you in detail about all the varieties and the nuances of choice. At the same time, in such a store, the buyer has a real opportunity to examine the tea, feel it, check the aroma and quality. An objective parameter for choosing green tea is its quality.


The main criterion for the quality of green tea varieties is its color. Most often, properly prepared tea leaves in a dry state retain a noticeable green tint. The gradation of green can vary from silver with a slight dull sheen to dark green. The shade will depend on the particular variety. If the leaf is too dark, then this may be evidence of overheating during processing, which is an indicator of a poor-quality product, since such a tea leaf will not bring benefits. It is believed that the highest quality ones have a pistachio color.

collection time

Another important parameter that determines the quality of the drink and green tea is the time of year when it was collected. This indicator directly affects the taste of the resulting tea leaves. The tea leaf, harvested in the spring, will give the finished drink a sweetish aftertaste, and the summer harvest will give a slightly noticeable bitterness. Tea harvested in the current year is considered fresh; if a dry product is stored for more than a year, it is already considered old.

To visually determine the age of tea leaves, you should carefully examine the dry mixture. If there are more than 5% of dry tea leaves of garbage, broken sheets or sticks in the total amount, it is considered that such a product is old.


High-quality storage implies humidity in the range from 3 to 6%. At the same time, the humidity conditions for tea are similar to those for any dry products. The more humidity, the worse the product. When the humidity reaches 20%, green tea begins to mold and become damp, which deprives it of its beneficial properties and makes it harmful for consumption. Finding out the moisture content of tea is very simple, just take a few leaves and try to grind them with your fingers. Excessive brittleness or rapid turning into dust indicates that the tea leaves are too dry or have been stored for a very long time.


Each variety of green tea has its own name, which allows you to identify what the consumer will see after purchasing the tea in the package. As a rule, the marking indicates the size of the sheet. The large-leaf green tea is called Gunpowder, the medium-sized leaf with an admixture of large fractions is designated Imperial, the medium-sized tea leaf is called Young Hyson, and the small leaf is called Twankay. The last type of tea in terms of leaf size is simply dust, which is called Hyson Skin. Also, the name may contain a numbered marking, which means the quality of the tea leaf. The best quality tea is labeled "extra", and all subsequent quality levels are numbered from 1 to 7.

Each package of quality green tea should have a name that indicates the size of the tea leaf.

In the process of choosing packaged tea, it is necessary to pay attention to the integrity of the pack, the presence of the manufacturer's logo, the full name of the manufacturer and its address, the country of origin of the tea, variety, weight and date of manufacture.

An interesting video about choosing green tea:

Choosing green tea may seem like a rather complicated process due to the abundance of varieties, but one has only to plunge into the wonderful world of tea to understand all the subtleties and nuances and choose an exceptionally high-quality product to get a fragrant and invigorating drink that has benefits and brings pleasure.
