
The fastest way to boil beets. We cook in a multicooker

Many housewives are afraid of experiments, preferring to buy boiled beets. They motivate such a decision by the fact that the beets will be cooked for a long time and will not turn out so tasty. So, how much to cook beets?

The advice of experienced chefs will help you avoid mistakes and correctly calculate the cooking time. Cooking can take from 35 minutes to 1 hour. These factors depend on the size of the root crop and the method of preparation.

A slow cooker, microwave, double boiler or pressure cooker will help speed up the process. Which cooking option to choose - you decide!

How long to cook beets until cooked in a saucepan

Numerous recipes are reduced to the classic method of boiling washed root crops until tender. Medium-sized beets are cooked in this way for about an hour.

Using some tricks, the cooking time can be reduced. For 4 root crops, you need to take about 2 liters of water. Next, follow the sequence of actions:

in the microwave

A proven recipe will allow you to quickly get boiled vegetables while maintaining color and vitamins. This method will help out when you need to cook a healthy vegetable in a matter of minutes.

Cooking root vegetables in the microwave will get rid of dirty dishes. Beets prepared in this way are added to all kinds of salads, vinaigrettes and cold borscht. Water is not needed for cooking. For 3-4 beets, you will need a bag for baking vegetables or food cellophane.

  1. Root crops are washed with a brush under running water. The tail does not need to be removed.
  2. Place the vegetables inside the bag or wrap in food grade cellophane.
  3. Turn on the microwave at maximum power for 10-15 minutes. In the process of cooking, steam collects inside the bag, it swells strongly. There is no need to be afraid of this, let the contents cook until the signal about the end of cooking.
  4. Carefully remove the package, remove the contents. Dip the sweet root in cold water, then peel.
  5. To make the beets cook even faster, they are cleaned and chopped before being placed inside the microwave. Chopped root vegetables are cooked for 8-10 minutes.

In a slow cooker

Since the inventions of household appliances began to appear in the kitchens of modern housewives, cooking has become even easier. A slow cooker makes the cooking process much easier. Thanks to the slow cooker, the long and painstaking process of cooking root crops is a thing of the past.

Boiled beets in a slow cooker retain nutrients, color and do not lose their taste. The model of the multicooker is not important, the main thing is to have it on hand. Depending on the size of the bowl, 4-5 small root crops can be placed in the slow cooker.

  1. Rinse the vinaigrette root vegetable of table varieties with a sponge under running water. To fit more root crops, you need to cut the tails, if they do not interfere, they can be left.
  2. Put them in a multicooker bowl, pour in a little water, about 200 ml.
  3. Close the lid, turn on the "Cooking" or "Soup" mode. Turn on the timer for 60 minutes. The cooking time depends on the model of the multicooker. However, it cannot last more than 1 hour.
  4. You can cook a healthy vegetable in the same way in the “Steamer” mode. To do this, pour water into the bottom of the bowl. Place the root vegetables on a steamer. Turn on the appropriate mode and wait for the signal about the end of cooking.

Learn how to cook a gourmet French dish - with cream or with mushrooms.

How to cook a delicious side dish for meat dishes. Read which side dishes are best for pork, beef or chicken.

Read how to cook spicy cabbage in Korean -.

How much do you need to cook beets for salad in a double boiler and pressure cooker

Cooked in this way, the beets are very tender, fragrant and pleasant to the taste. Root vegetables can be steamed whole or chopped. Diced vegetables are steamed in minutes.

  1. Depending on the integrity of the boil, peel and chop or simply rinse the beets thoroughly.
  2. Pour the required amount of water into the steamer. Put the vegetable on the steamer grate.
  3. Close the lid, set the timer for 20-30 minutes. We put a double boiler without electronic control on fire, cook for half an hour. Boil diced beets for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the prepared vegetables from the double boiler and rinse it immediately, it will be difficult to do this later.

  • in order to rinse the root crops well from dirt, it is better to wash them with a brush;
  • you need to clean boiled vegetables with gloves, otherwise your hands will be stained;
  • the cooking pot must be washed immediately after cooking;
  • to enjoy a delicious root crop, you need to choose vinaigrette varieties;
  • you can not salt, salt gives the beets an unpleasant aftertaste, it is better to add sugar.

Now, when cooking beets, you will not have a question - how long to cook it. Remember our tips! Good luck!

Everyone knows about the benefits of beets, just like about its excellent taste. What wonderful dishes you can cook from it! For the family budget, this vegetable is also good - its cost is quite affordable for everyone.

Usually, beets are used as an ingredient for salads - the famous, beloved by all, herring under a fur coat, etc. However, not all housewives may know how to cook beets, how long it will take, etc. In general, this is really not easy - after all, you need to not only boil the beets so that the beets are tasty, but also do it with minimal loss of useful properties. But let's be consistent...

Choosing the Right

Knowing how to cook beets is, of course, good, but first you need to choose the right root crops. Delicious boiled beets are obtained if you select medium sized vegetables.

They should be colored as intensely as possible - the darker the color, the sweeter the beets. The skin of good fruits is dense, thin, without damage and rot, not wrinkled.

But the shape does not play a role - there are good varieties of both a rounded flattened shape and an oblong elongated one. Personally, I find it more convenient to work with long root crops that resemble carrots.

If there is an opportunity to see the beets in the context - use it. Often, in externally beautiful fruits, there are white streaks inside, which, even after prolonged cooking, remain hard, that is, such beets are not at all suitable for boiling.


How to cook beets in a pot

The most affordable and proven way of cooking is in a saucepan. It's easy to do this:

  • wash well the roots of the same size, trying not to damage the peel and leaving tails;
  • we collect a sufficient amount of water in a saucepan, boil;
  • put all the vegetables in boiling water and reduce the heat;
  • cook under a closed or slightly ajar lid;
  • we check whether the beets are cooked or not with a knife (should go in to the middle with ease);
  • if ready, then drain the broth and immediately fill it with ice water.

After 10 minutes, the root vegetables can be peeled and used for the planned recipe.

The main thing in this whole process is to correctly calculate the cooking time for beets until cooked. An average of 50 minutes is enough. If the beets are small, then you can check with a knife after 40 minutes. Large specimens should be boiled for more than an hour.

In the water while cooking in a saucepan, you can add spices for flavor, lemon juice or vinegar to preserve color and 2-3 tbsp. sugar to make the vegetable even sweeter. But experienced chefs do not recommend adding salt - the beets will turn out tough.

How to cook beets in a double boiler

If the kitchen has a double boiler, then it will not be difficult to cook beets quickly. This method is not suitable for all recipes, but only for those where the root crop must be cut into slices, cubes or sticks. Whole specimens are not prepared in this way, however, as well as those that should be grated.

We cut the washed and peeled beets as required by the dish.

We put it in a double boiler and after 20 minutes the vegetable is completely ready. It remains only to cool it and send it to the salad.

This method has a significant disadvantage. It should be understood that chopped beets will lose some of their juices during cooking.

We cook beets in a pressure cooker and a slow cooker

Such kitchen helpers as a pressure cooker or a slow cooker are also quite suitable for our purpose.

A pressure cooker is good because it reduces the cooking time of beets by almost 2 times. In all other respects, the process is the same as in the pan.

The slow cooker in this case does not differ at all from the pan - the number of minutes is the same, the ingredients are the same. Unless you are lucky and this kitchen gadget has a steam function. Then you don’t have to think about how to quickly cook beets for vinaigrette - the advice about a double boiler is described above.

How else can you cook beets?

How much you need to cook beets, we figured out - it’s problematic to do it very quickly. But if you have a microwave, you can speed up the process. You may need this method as a last resort. When, as they say, guests are on the doorstep. And you have nothing ready for the table.

Place the washed, unpeeled beets in a glass or ceramic container with a lid and add half a glass of water. At the highest power, cook for 7 minutes, then turn the root vegetables over to the other side and turn on the microwave for another 7 minutes. How to understand that the beets are cooked completely? Wait 5 minutes after switching off and check with a knife. If anything, turn on the microwave for another 2-3 minutes.

By the way, in a microwave oven you can cook beets in a bag - also one of the quickest ways. We just put the clean beets in a bag, tie it up, pierce it in several places to let the steam out. Cooking time - 10 minutes, then let the vegetables stand for another 5 minutes. I advise you to replace the bag with a baking sleeve - it's safer.

There are many ways to cook beets, as well as modern gadgets. But everyone can learn it. It remains only to try all the ways and choose your favorite. For a snack, recipes are different - choose and cook.

Video - cooking beets in a bag

In this tricky method, beets are placed in a bag and boiled in a pot. Thus, the vegetable does not lose juices, as when baking in the oven.

Beetroot is a product not only very common in our latitudes, but also extremely useful, due to its high fiber content, a whole range of trace elements and vitamins (A, B, C), as well as organic acids and amino acids. It is used as a remedy for a hangover, improves the functioning of the endocrine system and kidneys, is useful for diets and is necessary for pregnant women. Another interesting property of this root crop is its special resistance to heat treatment. It is known that when cooking, vegetables and fruits lose most of their useful components. The statement is true, but not for beets. A comparison of a fresh vegetable with a boiled one shows that the difference in performance is insignificant. It is this property that makes the root crop an indispensable source of vitamins, especially in the cold season.

Which beets to choose for cooking

The range in today's markets and stores is quite wide, but sometimes you can see fodder beets mixed with canteen, sluggish or spoiled root crops on sale. It's no secret that poor-quality raw materials can ruin any dish.

To avoid this, you must adhere to three rules for choosing a vegetable:

  1. Table beet - medium size and smaller. Giant root crops can only be in a fodder variety.
  2. Dark burgundy color is also a good sign. Even an unripe table variety has an amaranth color. But the pinkish color is a clear sign of a tasteless vegetable.
  3. The skin should be even, smooth and without damage. Remember: even minor damage to the product becomes an entry point for bacteria.
It is also worth knowing that the rounder the root crop, the more time it will take to cook. And the shelf life of this vegetable in the refrigerator is 1 month.

Classic cooking recipe

The traditional way of boiling vegetables, regardless of their type, is most often the same:

  1. My product. We can clean, we can cook in the peel.
  2. Place in a pot of cold water and set over medium heat.
  3. After the water boils, reduce the heat and cook for several hours until tender. Make sure the water always covers the vegetables.

Important! Whichever method you choose, be sure to place the beets in cold water at the end. Among other things, this will allow you to then remove the peel easily and quickly.

The only difference in cooking beets is a long cooking process, about 3 hours on fire. By the way, if you put a vegetable in already boiling water, the cooking time will be reduced to 1 hour due to the temperature difference.

How to quickly cook beets

We bring to your attention a recipe for even faster decoction, which takes no more than half an hour.

  1. We wash vegetables, do not cut tails.
  2. Dip them in a pot of boiling water and cook for about 20 minutes.
  3. Quickly transfer the vegetables to another container with cold water and leave there for 10 minutes. Ready!
Due to the contrasting temperature change, we get soft, ready-made beets much faster than with continuous cooking. By the way, you can soften the root crop even more if, after a boiling pot, place it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.

However, there is a way to cook a vegetable even faster:

  1. We wash and clean the root crop and fill it with water 3-4 fingers above the beets.
  2. Put on high heat and bring to a boil. The pot should always be with the lid open.
  3. Boil for about 15 minutes over high heat.
  4. After that, place in a container and put under a stream of cold water for 10 minutes.
This is the fastest way to cook beets. However, at the same time, an insignificant amount of useful substances remains in the product.

Video: how to cook beets quickly

Did you know? By adding different ingredients during the cooking process, we can get a different effect. So, when adding 1/2 tsp. vinegar in a pan, the beets will retain their beautiful burgundy color and will not stain all the dishes during the cooking process. Lemon juice and sugar will have the same effect on the product. As for salt, salt does not affect the taste of the future dish in any way, because it evaporates in the process. But the root crop will definitely make it harder, which can be both a plus and a minus, depending on its purpose.

How to cook beets in the microwave

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. My vegetable. As for skinning - the choice is yours, you can do this and that.
  2. We pierce the root crop with a fork in different places for better penetration of microwaves.
  3. We place the beets in a baking sleeve or a regular plastic bag and put in the oven.
  4. With an oven power of 800 watts, the baking time is about 10 minutes.

In this method, water is not used, since microwaves can penetrate deep into the product without additional means. You can bake not only in the microwave, but also in a conventional oven. The sequence of actions differs from the previous recipe only in that the bag or sleeve does not need to be used. Baking time in the oven - about half an hour at 200 ° C. Keep in mind that baking both the first and second recipes gives a sweeter taste than boiling or frying, but vitamin C almost completely evaporates.

Video: how to cook beets in the microwave

How to cook beets in a slow cooker

If you stand for hours at the stove - the prospect is not for you, a slow cooker will come to the rescue. The method is also good because with the help of this kitchen assistant you can not only boil, but also bake or stew beets.

The most useful way is steam cooking:

  1. We wash the vegetables, but do not clean or cut the tails.
  2. Pour water into a bowl. Place a steam rack on top.
  3. Lay the vegetables on the grill. It is important to choose root crops of the most similar size so that everything boils evenly. If not, the largest vegetables can be cut into 2-3 pieces to reduce size.
  4. The mode we need is "Steam". If this is not available, "Cooking" or "Soup" will do. Cooking time - 30-40 minutes.
  5. Open the slow cooker and check the readiness of vegetables with a fork. If necessary, turn on the mode again for 15-20 minutes.
Please note that the indicated cooking time is based on closing the lid and until the product is ready. If your device counts from the moment the water boils, you can digest the product. You can check the time on your phone or watch for insurance.

Using a slow cooker and root crops, you can also cook baked beets:

  1. We wash the vegetables and put them in a slow cooker in a peel and with ponytails. It is tastier and healthier to bake the whole product, but you can cut it to speed up the process.
  2. We start the "Baking" mode and cook vegetables for 40-60 minutes. Remember that the younger the root crop, the faster it cooks.
  3. At the end, we check the readiness with a fork and, if necessary, start the process again for another 5-10 minutes.
Also in a slow cooker, you can cook beets together with other vegetables: stew, fry.

Video: how to cook beets in a slow cooker

Important! If you cut the root vegetables, do not forget to add a little vinegar so that everything does not turn red.

How to steam beets

One of the mildest and most vitamin-saving ways of preparing a product is to steam it. The recipe is not only useful, but also simple:

  1. Wash, clean and cut the root crop.
  2. We put the chopped product in a double boiler and cook for 20 minutes.
However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to cook a whole root crop in this way. Steam does not penetrate deep into the vegetable, because of which it will be cooked on the outside, but raw on the inside. You can cook beets for a couple and using a slow cooker, if the device has such a function.

How to cook vegetables for vinaigrette

One of the favorite recipes in our latitudes is vinaigrette salad. Its preparation itself is quite simple, but there are several nuances.

Ingredients (6-8 servings):

  • 400 g
  • 400 g
  • 300 g
  • 200 g
  • 150 g
  • 1 can of canned
  • vegetable oil and salt to taste.


  1. The first step is to start cooking beets, since even the fastest option still takes more time than other products. For vinaigrette, beets can be boiled or baked.
  2. Boil potatoes (about 30 minutes) and carrots (15-20 minutes). Remember that these root vegetables need different times, so cook them separately or put the carrots in later.
  3. Cool the roots, peel and cut into cubes. We also cut into cubes pickled cucumbers and onions.
  4. We put everything in one container, add peas, salt and oil and mix thoroughly. Ready!

Did you know? Beets are one of the most common foods in the world and have been eaten since time immemorial. However, before people began to eat root crops, for a long time only tops were considered edible. It is worth emphasizing that it is in the leaves of this vegetable that a shock dose of vitamins is contained, so this gastronomic habit of the ancestors should not be abandoned at all.

Remember that there are many variations of the well-known salad. So, some people cook vinaigrette without peas or onions, with sauerkraut, instead of butter they use mayonnaise. Whichever option you like, you should know some recommendations from professionals. So, in a salad you can put not boiled, but baked beets. Together with sour-salted cucumbers and / or cabbage, such a dish will have a pleasant sweet and sour taste.
To make a salad colorful, and not completely red, two tricks can be used. First of all, during the cooking process, you can add a little vinegar to the pan, it traps the color inside the product. Another option is to cut such a coloring product after the rest of the products, put it in a separate container and mix with a small amount of vegetable oil. It envelops the beet cubes and prevents the juice from flowing out. With boiling carrots and potatoes, there are usually no difficulties. If you boil potatoes whole, you can avoid overcooking by piercing each one with a knife or fork beforehand. These little tweaks will help create a truly flawless salad.

Important! With all the range of useful substances, there are some side effects with excessive use of the product. Fructose and glucose content can be harmful for people with type 2 diabetes. Do not lean on this vegetable and patients with osteoporosis, as beets prevent the absorption of calcium by the body. The third limitation is imposed by oxalic acid in the composition, which is undesirable in kidney diseases, in particular in urolithiasis.

As you can see, there are many ways to cook beets, and it is not necessary to spend half a day on this. Do not miss the opportunity to enrich the body with such a set of trace elements, which distinguishes this product.

How long does it take to cook beets until tender? Young housewives mainly think about this. The answer to this question is given by experienced housewives and suggest how to speed up the cooking process.

How long to cook beets in a pan

Beets, harvested in autumn, are boiled for 2 to 3 hours - it all depends on the variety and size of root crops. If this is too much for you, then read the tips for reducing the cooking time. Young beets, plucked from the ground at the beginning of summer, will cook in a saucepan for 30-40 minutes - this is already quite fast.

How to quickly cook beets in a pan - little tricks

  • Smaller beets will cook much faster, so choose the smallest root vegetables. Small beetroots will cook twice as fast as large ones.
  • When buying beets from a store or market, look for one that is slightly flattened. The small thickness of the root crop will also reduce its cooking time by 50%.
  • If you bought round or large beets, then you can quickly cook it this way. Cover the beets with cold water and bring to a boil. Boil the beets over low heat for exactly 1 hour. Then quickly drain the hot water and cover the beets with ice water - you can even add ice from the freezer. After an hour, drain the cold water.
  • If you have a pressure cooker at home, then boil the beets in it - it will take you only 30 minutes to cook.

And one more useful tip, not related to the time of cooking beets. Quite often, after the root vegetable for vinaigrette is already cooked and cleaned, it turns out to be completely unsweetened. To avoid this, with any method of cooking and for any variety of beets, put a couple of tablespoons of sugar in the water (per 1 liter of liquid). Sugar will bring out the taste of the beet, and if it is not initially sweet, it will help it become so.

How to cook beets quickly and correctly is a question that is asked not only by "teapots" from cooking. There are enough subtleties and tricks in the preparation of beets. Their knowledge will facilitate the achievement of the result, make it tasty and healthy. So, how to cook beets quickly and easily?

How long does it take to cook beetroot?

Beets are cooked from 20 minutes to 3 hours depending on the method, size and age.

What is here:

Boil 2-3 hours

If you put it in a pot of cold water and just put it on the stove, the cooking time will be 2-3 hours (depending on the size). Cook beets quickly it will not work, but, nutritionists say, some vitamins will remain.

Cook in 1 hour

If in boiling water - then an hour. But the process can be accelerated.

Professional approach to cooking beets

Professional chefs cook beets like this: after it has boiled for 30 minutes, drain the water and put it under a stream of cold water (the colder the better) for 15 minutes. The temperature difference brings the beets to readiness. So, the whole process takes 40-50 minutes.

Boil beets in 15-25 minutes!

If you want to cook the beets even faster, put them on a large fire without reducing or covering the pan with a lid. (True, in this case, nothing will remain of vitamin C). But then there should be a lot of water, it should cover the root crops 8 centimeters higher, otherwise it will boil away before the vegetables are cooked. After 15 minutes - under ice water for 5-10 minutes. Everything, the beets are ready.

Boil 40 minutes +

"Long-playing" method: large fire (if thrown into cold water) to a boil - medium fire (40 minutes) - quiet fire (until cooked). At the same time, we pour water 5 centimeters above the level of the beets.

Always end the process with cold water. Then the beets, in addition to what "reaches", are easily peeled.

Not fast, but tasty - in the microwave

Not the fastest, but very tasty way to cook beets - do not cook, but bake in a microwave or oven at a temperature of 200 degrees, placing in a baking bag. It will take 25-30 minutes; if the temperature is not so high or the beets are large and old, then it will take more time.

  • Important! Vitamin C is destroyed at 190 degrees C.

By the way, baked beets are sweeter than boiled beets. And it is it that is recommended to be used in recipes for salads and vinaigrettes.

More about the nuances of quick cooking beets:

Choose small, flattened, thin-skinned burgundy roots that are tastier, prettier, and cook faster.

Pour a spoonful of vegetable oil into boiling water along with beets (I found a recommendation on the Internet, I haven’t tried it myself).

Barbaric way: peel the beets, cut into pieces, in a word, do as with potatoes. In a pressure cooker, they cook it for 20 minutes, after cutting it into strips.

10 secrets on how to cook beets correctly, and not only

1. Clean not clean. Firmly, with a brush, wash. We do not remove the peel, we cook with it. We do not cut off the tail. If you break the integrity of the beets, juice will flow out of it and it will turn out watery and whitish. Beetroot is peeled if it is intended for stewing.

2. Salt-do not salt. We do not salt the beets at the beginning of cooking, since the salt will evaporate anyway, and there is no point. In addition, salt will make the vegetable hard, which means it will increase the already long cooking time. Salt the beetroot dish directly. But not all hostesses will agree with this. Some people think that it is necessary to add salt at the beginning of cooking, otherwise it will turn out tasteless.

4. How to neutralize the smell. Not everyone likes the smell of beets. To neutralize it, throw a crust of bread into the saucepan.

5. How to check readiness. The readiness of the beets is checked with a fork: it should gently and easily enter the vegetable.

6. If you have peeled fresh beets, it can not be kept in the air, so as not to destroy vitamin C.

7. If the beets are dry. If your beetroot has dried up, do not rush to throw it away: scald it with boiling water, pour water at room temperature and let it swell. Then put it on fire without changing the water.

8. How not to "color" vegetables in a vinaigrette. WITH going to make a vinaigrette? Cut boiled or baked beets into pieces and immediately sprinkle with vegetable oil, then other vegetables (potatoes, for example) will not stain.

9. About the benefits of beetroot broth. Do not pour out the beetroot broth that remains after cooking the beets! It is better to add equal amounts of lemon juice, cinnamon and ginger to it (how much - adjust yourself, depends on the amount of broth). You get a tasty and healing refreshing drink, no worse, the preparation of which is more troublesome. With diuretic, laxative, antihypertensive and action.

10. About beet tops. Be sure to learn how to cook dishes from beet tops, pkhali, for example, add it to borscht and beetroot, because beets are healthy, and beet tops are even more useful - they contain a shock dose of vitamins. Only young tops will go into food, the old is not good.
