
The fastest way to make dumplings. Delicious homemade dumplings

What do we imagine when we hear the word "dumplings"? Small, round and fragrant "ears" of dough with juicy spicy meat filling. Now in any grocery store or supermarket you can buy these frozen convenience foods.

But you can’t compare factory-made dumplings with home-made dumplings, lovingly prepared by a skilled hostess?

Russian people consider dumplings to be their national dish. But besides the original Siberian ones, there are also Mordovian cemors, Lithuanian sorcerer, Chinese jiaozi, Azerbaijani dyushbara, Georgian khinkali, Uzbek khanum and manti, Turkmen etli borek, Tajik hushans and shama, ravioli and tortellini from Italy.

Of so many types of dumplings, you can choose the best one for yourself only by cooking and trying. But, whatever you say, the closest thing for us is ordinary dumplings.

Types of dumplings

Any dumplings start with dough. There are many recipes for such a dough, but most often a simple, classic recipe is flour and water.

Simple on the water

There are several basic rules for kneading dumplings. Initially, the flour should be sifted into a large deep container, make a hole in the resulting hill, add salt and, adding a little water, knead.

This must be done by collecting flour from the foot with both hands and adding to the liquid. The main thing here is that the water does not spread over the flour.

If the dough rolls out into a perfectly even and smooth layer, then it is kneaded correctly.

Wrap the finished bun in a damp cotton napkin (or cover with a deep bowl) and set aside for half an hour so that the gluten contained in the flour “earns” and the dumpling dough becomes even more elastic.

Whey egg

Required Ingredients:

  • Flour (approximately 4 cups);
  • 1 glass of whey (either use very cold whey, or add 1 tablespoon of grated ice);
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 1 st. l. sunflower oil;
  • Salt.

Sift flour to form a mound. Mix all the other ingredients well, pour the resulting liquid into a hole in the flour, knead.

The dough must be thoroughly kneaded and beat on the work surface. Cover the thoroughly kneaded dough with a wet napkin or a deep bowl, leave for about half an hour to “ripen”.

Choux pastry recipe

Required products:

  • flour (about 3 cups);
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp salt.

Boil water, salt, gradually add flour to boiling water, stirring constantly.

The structure of the dough should resemble thick sour cream, drive an egg into the dough.

Put the dough into the flour sifted on the table and knead until the bun becomes absolutely even and smooth.

Another recipe for dumplings dough can be seen in the video attached below:

Recipe for homemade dumplings with pork

It's time to cook delicious homemade dumplings according to the recipe with a photo.

To prepare the dough you will need:

Necessary products for the filling:

Step-by-step recipe for homemade dumplings with a photo:

  1. First you need to cook minced meat. To do this, you need to chop the pork: the easiest way is to twist it in a meat grinder, but for the “correct” minced dumplings, the meat must be finely chopped with a knife;
  2. Add chopped onion to the prepared pork: if you twist the meat in a meat grinder, twist the onion too, you can chop it in a blender. The more onion in the filling, the juicier it will be. Salt and pepper the minced meat, you can add other spices (there are even special mixtures of spices);
  3. Prepare the dough: shake the egg in salt water, pour the mixture into the flour, knead the dough until smooth;
  4. In order for the gluten to work, set the dough aside for half an hour, covering it with a napkin or cling film;
  5. Sculpt your homemade dumplings. There are various ways of modeling: with your hands and with the help of a dumpling. If you sculpt by hand, then roll out the dough thinly, cut out circles with a mold, put the filling on them with a spoon, carefully close up, and bring the ends together so that the dumpling takes on a round shape. This method is the most correct, since the dumplings are the same in size. True, it is the most time-consuming, and even from the remnants of the dough, if they are kneaded again, the products eventually turn out to be hard. There is another method: cut the dough into several parts, roll each into a sausage, cut. Dip each piece of dough into flour, crush with the palm of your hand and roll thinly with a rolling pin. Put the minced meat on the resulting cakes and mold as usual;
  6. Boil water to boil. For a kilogram of semi-finished products, it is necessary to pour 4 liters of water into the pan and pour about 1.5 tbsp. l. salt. It is necessary to cook dumplings in small batches in salt water, when they float, boil for about a couple of minutes (no more), pull them out of the water with a slotted spoon, put them out, season with oil and serve immediately;
  7. With dumplings, you can serve vinegar, various sauces (tomato or mayonnaise), sour cream and the like.

The video recipe for making dumplings is attached below. Only minced meat according to the recipe will be mixed.

Cooking with a dumpling

Following the classic recipe, dumplings must be molded by hand. But if you need to cook a large amount in a short time, and there are not enough working hands, a dumpling comes to the rescue for savvy housewives.

A dumpling machine is a special device for making a large number of dumplings at once (about 30 pieces).

It looks like a metal (or plastic) circle on small legs, in which identical small hexagons are cut.

To cook dumplings using a device such as a dumpling, you need to take two identical pieces of dough, roll them into a circle slightly larger in diameter than the dumpling itself.

Put one layer of dough on top of the dumpling, pressing down a little with your hand so that the borders of the hexagons protrude.

Put the filling in the center of each hexagon. Cover the minced meat with a second circle of dough, also press it a little with your palm, and then roll it out with a rolling pin so that the dumplings fall out from below.

Dumplings made with a pelmeni are not as neat as those made by hand, but they are made much faster.

See all the stages of working with a dumpling in the video:

Stuffing: bold experiments

The most important component of dumplings is the filling.

Classic dumplings are with meat, but they also come with fish, mushrooms, herbs, nettles, potatoes, cabbage, and even buckwheat and cottage cheese.

Classic minced meat for Ural ravioli


Grind the meat very finely, mix, knead softened butter into the minced meat, add salt and pepper, mix thoroughly. Add onion (very finely chopped), gradually pour in the cream, stirring well.

Stuffing for original Siberian dumplings


  • 400 g of venison pulp;
  • 200 g ham (raw);
  • 1 onion;
  • 200 g cooking oil;
  • 1 st. l. butter;
  • Salt pepper.

Finely chop the onion head, cut the ham and venison without veins into small cubes, chop the fat, combine everything, add soft butter, salt, pepper.

Boiled Siberian dumplings are traditionally seasoned with butter and served with sour cream.

Mushroom dumplings


  • 300 g fresh forest mushrooms (you can also use store-bought champignons);
  • 1-2 onion heads;
  • 4 tbsp. l. melted butter;
  • Salt.

Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly, peel, chop finely, salt, sweat in a pan until all the liquid has evaporated, then fry in oil. Finely chopped onion fry separately, add to the mushrooms, salt. Mushroom sauce on sour cream goes very well with these dumplings.

And what is the difference between the dough for dumplings and dumplings? Find out all the answers on our website!

Can you make some manti? This is something between dumplings and dumplings. See recipes There you will also find various tips for preparing this dish.

In you will find ways to prepare delicious dough for crispy chebureks. They are so tasty that it is difficult to break away, although people who watch their weight should not get carried away with flour dishes.

  1. Water for kneading must be taken literally ice cold;
  2. If you need a large number of dumplings, it is best to knead the dough several times: the smaller the portion, the easier it is to knead, besides, it will not have time to dry out;
  3. The usual dumpling dough is made without salt, only from water and flour. After all, its main role is to emphasize the taste of the filling;
  4. The dumpling dough should be perfectly kneaded - when cut, it does not remain on the knife, and the cut itself is smooth and shiny;
  5. To make the filling juicier, a piece of crushed ice is added to it, as much onion or cream as possible;
  6. It is better to eat dumplings with a spoon, because when pricked with a fork, juice flows out of them.

Homemade dumplings prepared by a skilled housewife are an incredibly tasty and satisfying dish. In most cases, dumplings are cooked with meat. But they are no less tasty with fish and mushroom filling, which will be appreciated even by the most demanding gourmets.

Surely, before the holidays or on weekends, every family had a tradition of cooking homemade dumplings. For each of us, homemade delicious, juicy, fragrant dumplings are the taste of childhood and the comfort of the parental home.

In the real world, few people will take it like this and gather on a quiet evening to cook a delicious meal for the household. And you, take and gather the family together and stick delicious dumplings. Time spent with family is priceless.

Let's recall a little background, where the first dumplings came from and who started cooking them. Since ancient times, it was customary to cook dumplings among the Ural and Siberian peoples, dumplings came to Russian cuisine only in the 15th century, when the eastern lands joined Russia.

The word dumpling is taken from the languages ​​of the Ural peoples of the Komi and Udmurts, where it means ‘ears of dough’ (pel - ear, nyan - bread, dough).

Dumplings are made from unleavened, thinly rolled dough. They are usually made in a round or square shape. Minced meat is applied in the middle of each circle or square, pinching the edges well. The best minced meat is a combination of beef, lamb and pork. You can also add onions and spices to the minced meat.

Dumplings are boiled for several minutes in slightly salty boiling water or in meat broth. Hot dumplings are served to the table, if this is a second dish, then with butter, sour cream, vinegar; if, as the first course, it is served in broth.

Siberian dumplings, before being cooked, must be frozen, this makes their taste better. It is also convenient in the climate of Siberia.

Step-by-step recipes for homemade dumplings with classic dough and minced meat recipes

If you decide to cook homemade dumplings, then you have come to the right page, we will tell you and give you recommendations on how to make the dough perfect, minced meat juicy and some simple and tasty cooking variations.


1. Dough recipe for dumplings

To prepare the dough for dumplings, we need to a greater extent only two components - flour and water. By mixing just two ingredients and adding a little salt, we get an excellent elastic dough.
Some hostesses advise supplementing with sunflower oil, eggs and even cow's milk. But we will not do this.


  • Water 250 gr.
  • Flour 750 gr.
  • Salt 1 tsp


1. Pour the flour into a deep container in a slide, make a recess in the top in the middle, add salt and pour in water.

2. Knead and knead the dough with enough effort. We should get a nice smooth, elastic ball.

3. The finished dough must be wrapped in a plastic bag or cling film and left at room temperature for 30 minutes - this will make it more elastic when rolling out.

The filling is the most feature, first of all, what percentage of delicious dumplings will be depends on the filling.

Classics are classics , but frequent monotony becomes boring and boring . Let's see what else you can add minced meat to make dumplings even tastier.


  • pork tenderloin 0.5 kg;
  • beef tenderloin 0.5 kg;
  • onion turnip 2 pcs;
  • salt, pepper to taste.
  • Water half a glass


We clean the meat from the films, wash it. We clean the onion and twist it together with the meat in a meat grinder. Mix well, add salt and pepper. leave the finished stuffing to rest for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, add half a glass of water to it, mix the minced meat again and begin to sculpt dumplings.

3. Recipe for dumplings with meat at home

Oh, these homemade dumplings, as you think, you immediately want to eat. Cooked with your own hands, with all your heart and soul, they are so tasty and juicy that they jump into your mouth one after another.


  • Flour 3 cups
  • Water 1 glass
  • Turnip onion 2 pieces
  • Sunflower oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, Pepper to taste
  • Pork 500 gr


1 . We knead the dough from water and flour as we did in the first recipe. While the finished dough is resting, let's deal with minced meat for dumplings, we chose pork meat.

2 . Wash the meat and cut it into small pieces and pass it through a meat grinder. Peel the onion and grate it on a coarse grater or also pass it through a meat grinder. Mix meat with onions, adding sunflower oil, salt and pepper to taste. Add a little water to the minced meat. And knead the stuffing well.

3 . We take not a very large piece of dough, make a round ball out of it and roll it out with a rolling pin in a very thin layer.

4 . Cut out with a glass or whatever is convenient for you circles of dough. We have a small glass with sharp edges. Put a little stuffing in the middle of the circle. The amount of stuffing to be applied depends on the size of the cut out circle.

5 . We fold the edges of the dough and pinch the edge carefully. Next, we connect opposite dumpling tips.

6. There will be a lot of dumplings. But so that they do not dry, sprinkle the board with flour, put ready-made dumplings on it and cover with a towel or napkin.

7. In a large saucepan, bring the water to a boil, salt and put the dumplings into the water, stirring constantly, so as not to stick together. As the dumplings begin to float, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes.

8. Put the prepared dumplings on plates and serve hot with sour cream or vinegar. Bon appetit!

4. Homemade dumplings recipe


  • flour 750 gr
  • water 1 tbsp
  • chicken eggs 1 pc
  • salt, pepper, herbs
  • minced beef+pork


1. Knead the dough. Sift the flour, make a small depression in the resulting slide, pour the egg into it, sprinkle salt and pour in warm water. Knead the dough. It should turn out elastic and not stick to your hands and countertop.

We put the resulting dough in a warm deep plate, cover and let it rest for 30 minutes, this will give the dough additional elasticity.

2. Cut the onion and greens. And mix all the ingredients (minced meat, onions, herbs, salt and pepper to taste).

3. After 30 minutes, remove the dough from the plate. Roll out the dough into a thin layer. Next, cut out circles from the dough. We take the cut out circle and put the minced meat in them, bend the rounds in half and pinch the edges. Connect the corners together.

4. Throw the molded dumplings into boiling slightly salty water and cook after surfacing for about 10 minutes. Put on plates and serve with vinegar, sour cream, herbs. Bon appetit!

5. Dumplings in pots

Dumplings can also be made a festive dish, just bake in pots. Beautiful look, taste and aroma will delight you and your guests.


  • dumplings self-molded 20 pieces
  • butter 3 tbsp.
  • sour cream 4 tbsp
  • hard cheese 60 gr.
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste.


1 . Boil the required number of dumplings until cooked.
2. We spread the boiled dumplings in a greased pot, add butter, fill everything with finely chopped greens, and pour sour cream on top.
3 . Grate hard cheese to the very top, close the lid and send it to a preheated oven to 180-200 degrees until the cheese is browned.
Bon appetit !

6. Siberian dumplings

Secrets of delicious Siberian dumplings

1. Take different types of meat for minced meat. The filling will be tender and juicy. The main meat is beef.
2.Cold. Ready dough and minced meat should be pre - chilled . This will make it easier to mold and improve the taste of the dish.
3. Water balance. It is necessary to observe both when preparing minced meat and when cooking.


  • beef - 0.4 kg
  • lamb - 0.3 kg
  • pork - 0.2 kg
  • turnip onion - 3 pcs
  • flour - 1 kg
  • chicken eggs - 3 sh
  • water - 400 ml.


1. Water must first be cooled in the freezer, but so that the water does not freeze.
2. Sift the flour on the table, beat the eggs in a bowl, make a recess on top of the resulting slide and pour the egg.
3. Knead the dough. Pour chilled water a little bit. Gradually, the flour will take in the water, and the dough will become more and more pliable and homogeneous. Knead the dough until elastic.
4. As the dough is kneaded, wrap it in a plastic bag or cling film and let it “rest” at room temperature for 30 minutes.
5. Cooking minced meat. In a meat grinder, scroll through all 3 types of meat and onions. Salt and add a little water. Put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
6. The dough rested, let's start modeling. Separate a small piece from the dough. Roll into a sausage. We cut the resulting sausage from the dough into pieces of 1.5-2 cm long.
7. Roll out each piece with a rolling pin. Put the stuffing in the center of each circle. We bend the pieces of dough in half and pinch the edges, you should get a semicircle. We connect the lower corners with each other and get a round dumpling.

The "Soviet" tradition of storing dumplings on the balcony in winter makes sense not only for preserving semi-finished products. It has long been noticed that frozen dumplings release juice much better when cooked. In the old days, crushed ice was even added to minced meat for these purposes. So, even if you plan to immediately cook everything that you have stuck, put the dumplings on the balcony for a short time (if it is winter outside) or cool in the freezer.

Bon appetit!

7. Video - Homemade dumplings

Bon appetit!

Dumplings are everyone's favorite delicacy. Unfortunately, from the home camp, the old dish completely migrated to the store. However, no factory-made product can be compared with the taste of a home-made dish carefully prepared by the hostess, so the recipes for making dumplings have been and will be popular.

Types of modeling dumplings

There are two types of cooking - manual and mechanical. Mechanical is limited in forms: if you use a typewriter, then apart from square, products of a different shape will not work. It will be possible to make them round or semicircular with your hands, therefore, if not only taste is important for you, but also the look, then the options for sculpting dumplings by hand will turn out to be a hundred times more diverse and richer.

The hostesses prepare the mass at their discretion, soft or steep, but roll it out very thinly with a rolling pin. Minced meat is kneaded from different types of meat or mushrooms with the addition of pepper and fried onions, pepper and salt to taste, ice water, oil, herbs are added. How to mold dumplings, each housewife decides for herself: often family recipes are used. If we talk about the types of cooking according to different recipes, then we can conclude that they are all similar. Of the ingredients for the test are present:

  • water;
  • flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • egg.

Tool for making dumplings

For those who want to save time, a device for making dumplings at home comes to the rescue. Mechanical is a machine: we load minced meat, dough into it, turn the handle. This device is good in that it regulates the thickness of the sheet, you can make a large amount at once in order to freeze half. The only negative is the high cost compared to other devices.

At home, they work by hand, using a flat form with holes in the form of honeycombs: in addition, you only need a rolling pin. Such a dumpling will help to stick a whole batch at once. The most modern option is the hand-cooker from China: it's a plastic mold that only makes one thing at a time. Of the advantages, one can note the openwork pattern, which is printed along the contour.

Technique for making dumplings

How many housewives - so many techniques for making dumplings. The best way to properly sculpt dumplings with your hands is Siberian. This is an ordinary recipe from a circle of dough folded in half: someone then glues the ends to make an “eye”, someone cooks it unchanged, like a dumpling. There are many options for making dumplings in the world - these are Italians with ravioli, Chinese with "nests", Georgians and khinkali, Indian modak and much more.

The most accessible, but unusual ways to replenish your culinary collection are interesting: for example, “bags” - this option resembles manti, but they turn out to be more miniature. How to prepare "bags"? It is necessary to roll out a circle of dough, put minced meat in the middle, wrap it in the shape of a bag. Similar to this, but more elegant way - "star": for this form we do everything the same as in the first case, but instead of a bag we form five even edges.

How to make dumplings with your hands

Hand-made dumplings are increasingly receding into the background, but those housewives who want to treat their family to a delicious dish should remember a few simple rules. How to sculpt dumplings without the hassle - the dough you cooked will answer. The main condition is to knead it well so that it does not stick to your hands, and so that the edges do not stick out, dip your fingers in flour more often, sprinkle it on the table.

How to quickly make dumplings

From preparing a dish, most housewives are stopped by the thought of how much time it takes to stick it. Experienced chefs know that making dumplings quickly is a matter of a little practice and a few secrets, and no machines are needed for this. The main thing is to learn how to quickly cut sheets and form products not one at a time, but in large batches. A pizza cutter will help solve the problem of reducing time. It is distinguished by a round blade that easily cuts the rolled layer without collecting it:

  • Cut the rolled layer into long strips.
  • We put the stuffing in a plastic bag, one corner of which we cut off.
  • We squeeze the minced meat immediately to its full length and cover it with a second strip.
  • We cut into squares of the desired size, then you can pinch.

If there is no pizza cutter, you can speed up the task in another way:

  • We fold the rolled sheet with an accordion, cut into pieces of a suitable size.
  • The resulting strips are stacked on top of each other, cut again. This will help you get even squares out of a piece of dough just as quickly.
  • From them we stick round, square or even triangular products.

How beautiful to sculpt dumplings

Beautiful modeling of dumplings will require some skill. One of the common cooking options is the formation of a “pigtail” along the edge. How to cook:

  1. We give the test the usual form.
  2. Then we wrap a small piece on the side that is already stuck together.
  3. Press lightly.
  4. One step - one pinch.
  5. At the end, glue the edges to make a circle. "Pigtail" will be noticeable even after cooking.

"Flowers" - another option for a beautiful design of dumplings. How to wrap dumplings to get a flower:

  1. Roll out the circle.
  2. We form 5 faces by bending the edges.
  3. We turn the resulting pentagon over, put the minced meat in the middle, glue it, again forming five faces according to those already obtained.
  4. At the end, turn off the edges and see a beautiful flower, as in the photo.

How to make small dumplings

Often, picky eaters make claims to the most delicious dish that the volume is too big. During cooking, it is difficult to determine by eye what size to cut out the test base, and as a result, the size comes out too large. To sculpt small dumplings, special molds with a diameter of 10 mm or more will help. If there is no form, you can use a regular glass.

How to make Chinese dumplings

The Chinese version of the dish differs in fillings, shape, size, side dishes with which it is served. The most famous dish is similar to manti, in the form of bags. There are options tied with green onion feathers. Every Russian knows one type of Chinese dumplings. The “bear ears” technique is also popular there, with which the Russian people are well acquainted. All these methods are complex, so it’s better to watch a training video or photo on how to sculpt correctly so that everything works out. You can sculpt Chinese dumplings in the following ways:

  • Raise the edges up. Then glue along the edges.
  • The edges gather at the top, stick together in the middle. Three faces are obtained, thanks to which the product looks like a neat triangle.
  • Sichuan is famous for its open envelope dish. To do this, fold a square piece of dough diagonally. The edges of the triangle are fastened, and the corners at the base are bent towards the center.

How to make dumplings on dumplings

Modeling dumplings with the help of dumplings greatly facilitates the task of housewives during cooking. The kitchen device helps to make about 40 neat identical products at the same time. If we are talking about a simple dumpling, which consists of a mold with holes, then you will need two sheets of dough, kneaded in the usual way, and minced meat. We also prepare it according to your taste. Further technology is simple:

  • Roll out two thin sheets.
  • We put one of them on the form, then we put minced meat in each cell.
  • We cover all this with a second sheet of dough, roll it out directly in the form.
  • You must try to put as much pressure on the rolling pin as possible.
  • Readiness will be indicated by the fact that dumplings will begin to fall out of their cells. This means that the edges of the honeycomb were cut and separated the pieces from each other.

Find out.

“When there are no consolations in life,
So what to do? Eat dumplings!”
M. V. Blinov, "Songs about dumplings."

What a pleasure it is to make homemade dumplings with your own hands. Especially when the whole family takes up this business and the modeling of dumplings turns into a kind of ritual, and eventually becomes a good family tradition. And if you approach this with pleasure and with soul, then the dish will turn out to be incredibly tasty. They are homemade dumplings: how they are treated, they will come out like that! Almost every national cuisine has its own "version" of dumplings. And there is nothing to be surprised here - even pasties and pies are considered distant relatives of "ears with meat". And for example, do not manti, khinkali or ravioli resemble dumplings? All these culinary products differ only in the thickness of the test shell.

The classic dumpling dough recipe consists, as everyone knows, of flour, eggs and water, but minced meat can be almost anything! Homemade dumplings are prepared not only with minced pork, beef or lamb. There are dumplings with eggs and mushrooms, with fish, radish, peas, tomatoes and cheese, shrimp and squid, with ham, rice, zucchini, lentils, cheese and greens. Onion, garlic, pepper, and other spices are put into the filling, hence this dish has a different taste and aroma. Dumplings, which can also contain cottage cheese, potatoes, and peas, still differ from dumplings in the shape, size and thickness of the dough. Real homemade dumplings are shaped like ears, and the dough for them is rolled out very thinly. By the way, after kneading the dough must be kept for 20-30 minutes, so it will become more elastic.

Connoisseurs say that the most delicious dumplings are very small, they boil faster and turn out more tender and juicy. It turns out that in order to feel the true taste of dumplings, you need to put it entirely in your mouth, and not bite off a piece. So that homemade dumplings can please your family much more often, you can stick more of them and freeze them. Put the dumplings in the freezer laid out on a board and sprinkled with flour, and after a couple of hours transfer them to a bag, plastic bag or any other container with a tight lid.

Dumplings are boiled in boiling salted water with onions (can be in the husk) and bay leaves or in broth. And to make the cooked dumplings look appetizing and have a pleasant yellowish tint, you can add a little turmeric during cooking. By the way, dumplings can not only be boiled, but also fried, baked with cheese in the oven, simmered in pots and even put in soup. Homemade dumplings are served to the table with sour cream, butter, mayonnaise, cream, vinegar, ketchup or mustard or in broth.

For test:
2 stack flour,
½ stack water,
1 egg
½ tsp salt.
For filling:
200 g beef,
200 g pork
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
3 tbsp milk,
½ tsp salt,

Knead the dough from the above ingredients and let it stand for 30-40 minutes. Pass beef and pork with garlic, onion through a meat grinder, add milk, salt, black pepper and mix. Form the dough with flagella, which are then cut into pieces. Roll them into thin circles. Put minced meat in the middle of each, wrap in the shape of a crescent, pinch the edges and connect the corners. Boil the finished dumplings in boiling salted water. Serve with oil and vinegar.

For test:
250 g flour
100 g of water
1 egg
For filling:
200 g liver,
10-15 g dried mushrooms,
4 boiled egg yolks,

Soak dried mushrooms in cold water overnight. Rinse the liver thoroughly, free from veins and film, and also hold the night in cold water. In the morning, knead the dough and leave it for 30 minutes. Boil mushrooms until tender. Fry the liver cut into pieces in lard and simmer until soft. Pass mushrooms, liver and boiled yolks through a meat grinder. Salt and pepper to taste. Knead the mince. Form dumplings into ears and boil in salted water.

Homemade dumplings with chicken and mushrooms

500 g flour
200 g of water
2 eggs,
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
½ tsp salt.
For filling:
500 g chicken meat,
500 g fresh champignons,
½ stack cream,
salt - to taste.

Prepare the dough, let it "rest" for 30-40 minutes. Pass chicken meat through a meat grinder. Finely chop the washed champignons and fry in butter. Then mix them with minced chicken, add cream, salt, knead and let lie for 20 minutes. Shape the finished dough into circles, put 1 tsp in the middle of each. mince and make dumplings. Boil as usual.

For test:
3 stack. flour,
1 egg
⅔ stack. water,
1 tsp salt.
For filling:
150 g duck meat,
250 g beef,
1 onion
½ stack milk,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Knead the dough and leave it for 30 minutes. Pass duck meat, beef and onion 2 times through a meat grinder. Pepper, salt, add milk and mix well. Form dumplings and boil them in salted water. Serve with butter or sour cream.

For test:
3 stack. flour,
1 stack warm water
½ tsp salt.
For filling:
400 g fish fillet,
1 onion
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tsp salt,
ground black pepper - to taste.

Sift the flour, pour it on the table, make a recess in it, pour warm water into it, salt and knead the dough. Let the finished dough stand for 20 minutes, covering it with a napkin. Fish fillet, cut into pieces, and pass the onion through a meat grinder. Salt, pepper the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. Make dumplings and put on a table sprinkled with flour. Boil water in a saucepan, salt, add bay leaf and black peppercorns. Put the dumplings and cook for 7-10 minutes.

For test:
300 g flour
1 egg
½ stack water,
salt - to taste.
For filling:
500 g squid,
1 egg
1 onion
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Peel the squids, wash, cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder together with the onion, add the egg, vegetable oil, salt, pepper and mix well. Make a well in the sifted flour, pour warm water into it, add the egg, salt and knead a stiff dough. Roll it into a thin layer, cut out circles and put small balls of cooked minced meat on each of them. Make dumplings and boil them in boiling salted water, and before serving, pour over them with melted butter.

For test:
2 stack flour,
½ stack water,
1 egg
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, pepper - to taste.
For filling:
1 medium zucchini
1 onion
½ stack milk,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt - to taste.

Prepare the dough by mixing all the ingredients and let it rest for 20-30 minutes. Zucchini, peeled and seeds, grate on a coarse grater. Add milk to the grated zucchini, mix, put on fire and bring the resulting mass to a boil. Finely chop the onion and fry it in hot vegetable oil, then add the zucchini to it, mix well and cool. Roll out the dough into a layer and cut circles out of it. Blind dumplings and boil them in salted water. Dumplings can also be prepared with minced radish. To do this, grate 450 g of radish on a coarse grater, stew with sour cream and butter, salt to taste and cool. Dumplings with minced vegetables are a great lean dish, only the dough needs to be prepared without eggs.

For test:
500 g flour
2 eggs,
100 g of water
salt - to taste.
For filling:
300 g boiled potatoes,
50 g canned beans,
1 onion
2 tbsp butter,
salt, sugar, citric acid, ground black pepper - all to taste.

Cut the boiled potatoes into small pieces, chop the onion. Prepare dressing from oil, pepper, salt, sugar and citric acid. Pour the mixture of onions, canned beans and potatoes with this dressing and refrigerate for 2 hours. Knead the dough and make dumplings out of it using the chilled filling. Transfer the dumplings boiled in salted water to a deep dish, season with butter and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Green onions and eggs also make an excellent filling for dumplings. To do this, chop 500 g of green onions, mix with 5 chopped boiled eggs, add melted butter and salt. Prepare the dough according to any recipe, roll it thinly, make dumplings and boil in boiling salted water. Serve with sour cream.

Homemade dumplings with sauerkraut and walnuts

For test:
700 g flour
2 stack water,
2 eggs,
1 tbsp melted butter,
salt - to taste.
For filling:
500 g sauerkraut,
1 stack peeled walnuts,
2 boiled eggs
salt, sugar, red ground pepper - to taste.

Knead a stiff dough and let it rest for 30 minutes. Put the sauerkraut in a pan and, adding a little red ground pepper, simmer under the lid. When the cabbage becomes soft and turns brown, mince it along with hard-boiled eggs and walnuts. Knead the minced meat, add sugar to taste and stuff the dumplings.

Pelmeni fried with garlic and carrots

For test:
3 stack. flour,
½ stack water,
2 eggs.
For filling:
200 g pork
200 g beef,
1 large carrot
4 garlic cloves,
salt - to taste.

Knead the dumpling dough and let it stand for 10-15 minutes, then knead well again. Pass pork and beef through a meat grinder 2 times. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, finely chop the garlic with a knife and add these ingredients to the minced meat, salt, pepper, mix and fry the resulting filling a little. Boil dumplings in boiling salted water for 5-7 minutes, and then fry in a pan until golden brown.

Homemade dumplings baked with cheese

For test:
4 stack flour,
1 stack water,
2 eggs,
salt - to taste.
For filling:
300 g pork
300 g beef,
1 onion
salt, black and red ground pepper - to taste.
For baking in the oven:
50 g melted butter,
200 g hard cheese.

Knead the dough from flour, eggs, water and leave for 30 minutes. Pass beef and pork twice through a meat grinder. Add finely chopped onion, season with pepper, salt. Mix everything well. Roll out the finished dough into a thin layer. Cut out mugs with a glass, put 1 tsp on them. stuffing and pinch the edges. Boil the dumplings for 5-7 minutes, then place them on a greased baking sheet and sprinkle thickly with grated cheese on a coarse grater. Bake at 200°C until cheese is melted and golden brown.

Dumplings stewed with vegetables

20 homemade dumplings
1 carrot
100 g cauliflower,
100 g eggplant,
100 zucchini,
100 g champignons,
100 g paprika,
1 bouillon meat cube,
salt, dried parsley, black peppercorns - to taste.

Dilute the bouillon cube, add salt, black pepper and dried parsley. Simmer the vegetables in the broth until almost done. Then add dumplings to the mixture of vegetables and simmer the resulting mass until tender. Serve in a deep bowl with broth and vegetables, sprinkled with fresh dill and parsley.

500 g dumplings,
2 eggs,
2 stack milk,
3 tbsp melted butter,
sour cream - to taste,
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Boil dumplings in boiling salted water until tender. Then transfer them with a slotted spoon to ceramic pots, fill with a mixture of raw eggs and salted milk, add sour cream and butter. Place the pots in the oven and bake the dumplings in an oven preheated to 160°C for 25 minutes.

It is always satisfying, tasty and sincere, because homemade food is always prepared with soul.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Tasty homemade dumplings are impossible not to love. What could be tastier than hot, appetizing-smelling dumplings, sprinkled with black pepper, herbs and poured with butter! I have a problem, I don't like to sculpt dumplings by hand, it makes me tired to mold each dumpling. Therefore, I became interested in how to stick dumplings quickly.

The first way I found was sculpting with the help of an assistant. In this recipe, I will show another way to quickly sculpt - using a stack, i.e. glasses. We will sculpt on the table, we will make the dough ourselves.

Taste Info Vareniki, dumplings


  • For test:
  • flour - 3.5 cups (glass - 200 g);
  • water - 1 glass;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1/2 tsp
  • For filling:
  • minced pork and beef - 500 g;
  • large onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt;
  • pepper - to taste.

Time - 1.5 hours.

How to cook homemade dumplings and stick them quickly

I sift the flour into a deep bowl, make a recess in the flour. Pour 1 cup of ice water into the hole. I add 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and salt.

I knead the dough, achieving a smooth, elastic state. The finished dough should not be blurry, it keeps the shape of the ball well. After kneading the dough, cover it and leave it for 30 minutes.

In each circle I spread about half a teaspoon of minced meat. Minced meat is prepared in advance from pork and beef. I twist the meat through a meat grinder along with onions. Constantly stirring the minced meat, add ice water. I knead the minced meat until smooth so that there is no water left in the bowl, and then I place the minced meat in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

When the minced meat lies in the middle of each circle, gently lift the edge of the layer with both hands and cover the minced meat (the minced meat is on the fold line of the dough).

Then lightly press the dough around the stuffing.

Such dumplings are lined up along the edge of the dough layer.

It remains to separate each little thing, using a stack for this.

This manipulation must be done with each dumpling.

As a result, you will get small and neat dumplings.

teaser network

I collect the rest of the dough to knead them, and then put this dough back into business.

I connect the tips of the dumplings with my fingers, giving the dumplings a round shape, now few people will understand that you did not sculpt each dumpling by hand.

I put the finished dumplings in a form sprinkled with flour, send them to the freezer.

Then I repeat all over again until the dough runs out.

If the dough layer is dry, then I moisten it with water with a brush.

To cook dumplings, I throw frozen dumplings into boiling water and then stir them in a pot so that they don't stick to the bottom. After the water boils, reduce the fire. When the dumplings float, cook them, stirring for 2-3 minutes, remove them from the water with a slotted spoon. I put a small piece of homemade butter in the finished dumplings, mix.
