
Weirdest restaurants ever. Fantasy without limits: the most unusual cafes in the world! Hospital style bar in Singapore

1.Kinderkookkafe (Holland)

Instead of adults in this institution, children serve and cook (under the supervision of a cook).

2.De Kas (Holland)

The employees of the greenhouse restaurant grow vegetables for salads right in the establishment.

3. Chain of restaurants O "Noir Montreal (France, Germany, England, Canada, USA, Russia, Australia, China)

The interiors of the "black" restaurants are made in dark colors, and waiters in night vision goggles meet and escort guests. It is forbidden to use lighters, mobile phones and other light sources here. By the way, in the Canadian O "Noir Montreal even blind waiters serve.

4.Dinner in the Sky (Belgium)

The "restaurant" structure at a height of 50 meters can accommodate 22 people, not counting the three chefs, waiters and entertainers. An institution with a table, a canopy, lamps and chairs weighs approximately 2.2 tons.

5.New York (USA)

Instead of chairs, visitors are offered to lie down on huge beds and eat food like Arab sheikhs - among pillows, cushions and airy fabrics.

6.Big Texan Steak Ranch Amarillo (USA)

Those who master a two-kilogram steak in an hour will get it for free - this is the tradition of this institution.

7.Hadaka Sushi (USA)

Japanese restaurant workers use a woman's body as a food tray. It looks like this: the models are laid on the table, the chef covers most of their body with banana leaves, on which he places sushi.

8.Observatory Restaurant Johannesburg (South Africa)

In between meals, you can look at the stars with a huge telescope.

9. Chain of restaurants Alkatraz (Japan)

At the entrance, guests are fingerprinted and read out the rules of conduct, then they are offered to taste the "thieves' cocktail" and put on a robe. But the main thing is the interior, completely made in the prison style.

10. Chacaltaya ski resort Cordillera (Bolivia)

The restaurant is located at an altitude of 5340 meters above sea level and is considered the most "alpine".

11.Kuappi Iisalmi (Finland)

The smallest restaurant in the world: it has only one table and two chairs.

12.Puutorin Vessa Turku (Finland)

Converted from a public toilet.

13. Space "Dial" (Ukraine)

The Dial space has opened in Kiev, where you can work, relax, play games, drink tea, hold meetings and events, bring your own food, paying only for the time spent here.

14.Hilton (Maldives)

The world's first underwater glazed restaurant is located at a depth of five meters. It is installed on a coral reef and is designed for only 14 seats.

15.Sounds of Silence Ayers Rock (Australia)

An open-air restaurant in the Australian desert next to the rock of Uluru.

16.Rising Sun (China)

Here you can release your anger on the waiters: shout, hit with your hand or bag, throw a glass or a plate. All this, of course, for a fee. The cost of bullying ranges from 50 to 300 yuan (8-50 dollars).

17.Robot Kitchen (Hong Kong)

The work of hostesses and waiters is performed by robots - flashing with light bulbs, cars greet visitors with a creaky mechanical voice, take orders, transmit them using an infrared device to the kitchen, and move around the hall with a tray.

The interior and serving are made in the "toilet" theme. Guests sit on toilet chairs at tables shaped like glass-covered tubs. Instead of lamps - urinals with screwed bulbs. Visitors eat from deep toilet bowls.

19.Yellow Tree House (New Zealand)

Quirky yellow treetop restaurant in New Zealand

20.ABAC Restaurant Hotel(Spain)

At the foot of Mount Tibidabo is a real studio of fine gastronomic art.

More and more people are looking for the most unusual restaurants in Moscow, because it is always interesting to visit original and sometimes even strange places.

Below we talk about interesting Moscow restaurants:

  • with animals;
  • themed interiors;
  • unusual menu;
  • unexpected entertainment;
  • other features.

For a complete immersion in the environment there is a restaurant "Mirror of Carlos Santos" where there are no usual tables, menus and waiters. Instead, guests are offered to put on masks and go through 12 themed rooms, where everyone will have to be not only a spectator, but also a participant in performances.

Unusual Moscow restaurants for two are places where you can have a memorable date. For example, perhaps the most unusual restaurant called "In the dark?!". This place is for those who like mystery. There is no usual list of dishes here, you can only choose the main ingredient, which will be served in complete darkness. Many visitors to this restaurant are very surprised when they find out what kind of dish was actually served.

For those who love chocolate, there is a confectionery Max Brenner- an interesting cafe in Moscow, where almost everything is "saturated" with this sweetness: from the menu to the interior and musical accompaniment. Max Brenner offers cocktail tastings - chocolate, of course.

Unusual and interesting bars in Moscow

An interesting restaurant will bring bright resort colors Tiki bar- an unusual bar with palm trees, boats, surfboards and tropical dishes on the menu Guests are entertained with master classes in Latin dances, kite surfing parties, diving and discos.

Fans of the post-apocalyptic genre will appreciate an unusual bar in Moscow "Shroedinger `s cat" located in a former bomb shelter. The interior, reminiscent of the popular computer games Fallout and Stalker, and the serving of signature cocktails in flasks, frozen spheres, and test tubes, complete the bright impression.

A male company will like an interesting restaurant "Predator Burgers" steampunk style. After visiting this institution, one really wants to re-read The Difference Machine by Bruce Sterling and William Gibson and The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells. Burgers and steaks. A peculiar atmosphere and a wide selection of cider and beer are what visitors love "Predator" for.

This page provides a list of the most unusual and themed restaurants and bars in Moscow that are worth visiting. The choice is yours: from a variety of original approaches to serving dishes and interior design to unexpected modern concepts.

Going to a restaurant is a fairly common form of recreation. And everyone knows what to expect from him: tables covered with tablecloths, helpful waiters, gourmet dishes ... But even such a pastime can get boring. And what if you want to go to a restaurant and want variety too? We invite you to read about ten unusual restaurants, the impressions of which will remain with you for a long time.

1. Dinner in silence

Welcome to Greenpoint, Brooklyn, home to Nikolos Nauman's new Eat restaurant, where diners are required to eat their egg casserole frittata and whole grain porridge in silence.

Nauman spent some time at a Buddhist monastery in India a few years ago, which inspired him to come up with the idea of ​​a silent restaurant.

Silent dining is a monthly event and has proven so popular that diners have to reserve a table days in advance for the privilege of dining without speaking or hearing a word in a small room that seats only 25 people.

2. Dinner in the nude

Once a month, a restaurant in Manhattan throws a nude dinner party. Nudist activist John J. Ordover came up with ideas for dinners where you don't have to be dressed - as soon as guests enter, they undress and enjoy specialties.

Sanitary regulations oblige staff to remain clothed even if they wish to join. In addition, visitors must bring something to sit on - a towel or, for discerning women, an elegant silk shawl.

Don't worry, the windows are tinted, hot soup is not served, and people only look at your face level.

3. Offensive lunch

Dick's Last Resort is a chain of small bars and restaurants in the US known for deliberately recruiting rude waiters - they are trained to behave in this way.

In addition to the staff, the decor of the restaurant is wacky. His goal is to offend customers and put them in an unpleasant position. Diners are provided with bibs and large handmade paper caps to wear throughout the meal. There are no napkins on the tables - as a rule, waiters throw them at visitors.

This restaurant, which has picnic tables and no tablecloths, came about after its owner's first high-end restaurant failed and went bankrupt. Instead of continuing to work in a high-class field, the owners redirected their efforts to slovenliness. The end result was a success, leading to the creation of six more such restaurants.

4. Lunch in the style of Alice in Wonderland

There is a chain of restaurants in Japan inspired by Lewis Carroll's famous fairy tale Alice in Wonderland. The interiors of the restaurants opened by Diamond Dining were created by the Japanese studio Fantastic Design Works.

Each restaurant offers its own interpretation of the classic fairy tale with teacup tables, romantic lighting, Alice's blue dressed waitresses and, of course, delicious and delicious food. Knock on a giant hardback book and you will be let into this elegantly decorated restaurant. Being inside is like falling down the rabbit hole into Alice's world.

5. Dinner with the dead

In some restaurants, the atmosphere can be really dead, but one Indian restaurant owner claims that his business has flourished since he opened a diner on the site of an old cemetery. Instead of destroying the graves to make room for the cafe, owner Krishnan Kutti decided to keep the coffins and arrange tables around them at the ironically named New Lucky restaurant in Ahmedabad.

The coffins are all that's left of the Muslim cemetery, and the café has become a popular gathering place for young and old.

Approximately a dozen coffins, covered with iron bars, are located inside the cafe. Every morning, when the diner's shutters go up, the waiters spend some time wiping down the tombstones and decorating them with fresh flowers.

6. Singing Restaurant

Bel Canto mixes haute cuisine with the excitement of the opera house. The unique combination of a talented pianist and professionally trained opera singers makes evenings at Bel Canto unforgettable.

Not only do visitors taste fantastic French cuisine here, they are also serenaded. During the evening, at regular intervals, four singers perform opera classics, moving between the tables.

Bel Canto has two restaurants in Paris (in Neuilly-sur-Seine and at the Hotel de Ville) and one restaurant in east London (at the Corus Hotel by Hyde Park).

7. Dinner on the edge of a cliff

Fangweng Restaurant in China's Hubei province is conveniently located next to the popular Sanyu Cave, otherwise known as the Cave of the Three Travelers, but you might find it more impressive that the restaurant seems to be hanging on the edge of a cliff.

If you didn't know this ahead of time, you might be surprised because there are no clues about the entrance. You must go down the passage that juts out of the Happy Valley in Xiling Canyon to reach the dining hall. A few tables are located on a balcony overlooking the rock. But most of the tables are inside a natural cave.

8. Dinner alone

A table for one, please! At Eenmaal, the new restaurant in Amsterdam, this is your only choice. Social designer and initiator Marina van Goor explains the idea of ​​the restaurant: “Eenmaal is a restaurant like any other, but it differs in one way: here you will only find tables for one. Eenmaal is an exciting experience for those who never go to cafes alone, as well as an attractive opportunity for those who often go to restaurants alone.”

With the help of "Eenmaal", Marina hopes to break the stereotype that something is wrong with a person if he sits or eats alone.

9. Exclusive dinner (wait five years for your turn)

Self-created and housed in the basement of his own home in upstate New York, Barel's restaurant has been serving hand-crafted dishes made from personally grown and harvested produce for 25 years at high prices. All the ingredients used in each evening's unique menu are grown in the garden of Barel's personal farm, including acorn flour and butter made on the spot.

The dining room can accommodate up to 20 people, who must arrive at a certain time in advance to take part in a five-hour dinner. The restaurant was such a hit that Barel received over 10,000 reservation requests in just a week.

The meal costs (not including the suspense) up to over $200 per serving, but every wealthy person with the ability to plan five years ahead can have a truly one-of-a-kind date.

10. "Jumping" restaurant

The contemporary and underground restaurant trend shows no sign of abating, but it's a new twist - the Pale Blue Door restaurant, created by British artist and decorator Tony Horneker, is popping up, packing up, then resurfacing in another country, taking part in festivals along the way.

Pale Blue Door is not a simple 'jumping' restaurant, it's a dine-in club and installation in a decrepit world of wonder at a secret location in Dalston, London. Tony Horneker is the man who founded the mystery club that makes customers travel to Santiago and Buenos Aires and Glastonbury and Berlin. Visitors are invited to Horneker's life-size human-sized dollhouse for a three-course dinner while they are entertained by pantomimes and cabarets such as "A Man to Pet" and Johnny Woo.

Horneker started his idea at his studio and terrace home in Hackney, London, where a jumble of windows, odd rooms, furniture, knick-knacks and drag queen performances are served with panzanella, rare beef and crumble pudding.

This restaurant, like many ingenious inventions, was created out of necessity. At the beginning of the year, Horneker's agent went bankrupt, his work dried up, and he had nothing to pay the rent. Horneker had long nurtured the idea of ​​starting a restaurant, and thanks to his previous experience - he had been a waiter since the age of 14 and trained to be a chef at 16 - it was a natural solution to his financial crisis.

7 Useful Lessons We've Learned From Apple

1% of recording artists receive 77% of all music revenue

Cafe where the price depends on the courtesy of visitors

Very slow Japanese "turtle taxi"

At the performance of Spanish comedians, the audience pays 0.30 euros for each smile

Eight-year-old millionaire YouTube star

Restaurants range from simple and luxurious to unusual and with amazing locations. Unusual restaurants can be high in the sky or under water, and some of them are notable for offering great views of the nearby surroundings, pleasing to the eye. Visiting many restaurants allows you to be in the medieval past. For all their unusualness, these restaurants serve their intended purpose, providing visitors with an unforgettable gastronomic experience of a delicious meal.

What is the relationship between travel and restaurants? Cafes are considered the highlight of any travel experience. Tasting new foods and new dishes can be likened to the unforgettable experience you get every time you visit a new restaurant.

If you want to double or triple the fun, then you should try the cuisine of new countries in the most unique restaurants from around the world, and make sure that your trip is not only new food. It will be a truly unforgettable experience.

The most unusual restaurants in the world TOP-15

1. Restaurant in a cave overlooking the sea

In the town of Polignano a Mare in southern Italy (province of Bari, Apulia) is the most intriguing Italian restaurant grotta Palazzese. Open only during the summer months, the restaurant is built inside a vaulted limestone cave with amazing sea views. The restaurant belongs to the hotel grotta Palazzese, located above.

2.Restaurant under water

Located at a depth of 16 feet (4.87 m) below sea level, unusual restaurant in the Maldives offers its customers a 180° view of the sea. Visitors can have a delicious dinner at this place while watching the life of marine life. An underwater restaurant is a small establishment designed to accommodate fourteen people at the same time. Its area is approximately 5m x 9m (16ft x 30ft). An amazing institution opened in April 2005. Entrance is via a spiral staircase located at the end of the spa pier in a thatched pavilion.

3. Snow institution, Finland

The snow restaurant is located on LumiLinna. This is a real snow castle in Kemi, Finland. The snow restaurant is rebuilt annually and usually opens at the end of January. During the season, you can have lunch or dinner here daily. The institution maintains a constant temperature in the region of -5 degrees Celsius.

4. Dinner in the sky

A team of professionals arranges a dinner in the sky at a table placed at a height of 50 meters. Such a restaurant is also interesting in that it can be installed in any city or country where there is a flat area of ​​about 500 m2. Up to 22 people can sit at the table at the same time. In the sky, guests are together with three employees (cook, waiter, animator). To date, Dinner in the Sky has taken place in 40 different countries.

5.Sarnic Hotel Restaurant, Istanbul, Türkiye

The restaurant is made in the form of a beautiful underground hall of a medieval castle.

6. Rooftop restaurant

Located on the 63rd floor of the lebua hotel in Bangkok, Sirocco restaurant delights guests with excellent Mediterranean cuisine in a superb outdoor setting. The restaurant is on the roof of a multi-storey building, with incredible views of the bustling city below.

7. Unusual restaurant at the waterfall

Labassin is a waterfall restaurant in the Philippines. Located in Villa Escudero, the restaurant is open for lunch and dinner only. Guests are seated at bamboo dining tables while their feet are washed by an artificial waterfall from the Labasin Dam. The dam of the reservoir has been turned into a lake, where tourists can go white water rafting on classic bamboo rafts or explore exhibitions of Philippine culture.

8. The highest restaurant

On the top floor of the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai, there is a restaurant occupying more than 1,030 square meters. meters. The institution is located at the level of 122 floors at a height of 442 meters above the ground. This place is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest restaurant.

9. Cafe inside the Ferris Wheel

The Singapore Ferris Wheel, the world's largest, reaches a height of 165 m (541 ft). The Singapore Flyer itself is a beautiful structure with a panoramic view of Marina Bay overlooking neighboring Malaysia and Indonesia. Inside the cabin you can have a great dinner. The menu consists of 4 courses, a good selection of wines and butler service. And all this can be obtained without leaving the spacious transparent capsule cabin.

10. Unusual restaurant in the rock

Located in China's Hubei province, in the xiling gorge near Yichang, Fanweng Restaurant is carved into the rock and literally hangs several hundred feet above the ground overlooking the Yangtze River. Part of the dining area is located above the cliff, while the rest of the space is inside a natural cave.

11. Nekorobi Cat Cafe, Tokyo, Japan

In Japan, cats are very fond of, all doors are open to them. Fashion shows are arranged for them, and even some cafes are happy to have tailed guests. Nekorobi is a cafe for humans and cats located in the entertainment district of Ikebukuro. Here you can have a great time with your feline friends. People can enter through the modern glass doors into the dimly lit room. Cats can roam all over the cafe, where cat treats are laid out on the floor in glass bowls arranged in a circle around floor lamps.

12. Cafe Ninja, New York, USA

The Ninja Restaurant is like a strange, dreary, underground labyrinth... You are greeted by warriors in black suits, as if you were in a 15th-century Japanese feudal village full of dark alleys and winding passages. Waiters not only serve sushi and sake, but also perform all sorts of tricks.

13. El Diablo, Spain

Imagine that your food is being cooked on a grill set on the crater of an active volcano. This is how food is prepared at El Diablo.

14. Diner GajumaruTreehouse, Japan

When delicious food is combined with natural beauty, it becomes the key to a good dinner. At the GajumaruTreehouse, the dining room-restaurant is located on a large tree, 20 feet high. After taking the lift to the main dining room, customers can enjoy Japanese stew dishes with vegetables. Evening harbor lights will make dinner on the tree even more beautiful.

15. Clothes are optional for dinner

There are places in New York where you don't have to worry about dressing up. Here it is customary to have lunch and dinner in the nude style.

Each country in the world is unique and original in its own way with its attractions, among which restaurants are not the last. Today, these catering establishments allow you to plunge into the most unusual atmosphere, which sometimes even competes with the most beautiful places on our planet. The editors invite you to make a "journey" to the most unusual restaurants in the world that will not leave indifferent even "experienced" tourists.

10 most unusual restaurants in the world

There are hundreds of thousands of restaurants all over the world, the fantasies of the owners of which can only be envied. To attract customers, restaurateurs bring to life the most unexpected ideas that amaze with their scope and direction, relating not only to the originality of the cuisine, but also to the atmosphere of the establishment itself.

Underwater Restaurant Ithaa (Maldives)

This is a glass bathyscaphe carved into a coral reef, located at a depth of 5 m below sea level. Its visitors can enjoy an unforgettable lobster carpaccio while watching the marine life through the glass walls in a 180-degree panorama.

Restaurant on the Ferris wheel "Singapore Flyer" (Singapore)

This unusual restaurant is located in the capsule of the largest Ferris wheel, which allows you to climb to a height of 165 m during dinner and see all of Singapore from a bird's eye view. In each capsule of the restaurant, customers are served by a personal chef, and the order is based on a prearranged 4 dishes, which guests are invited to taste for an hour, while the wheel makes two circles.

Restaurant in the air Dinner In The Sky (Belgium, Brussels)

This restaurant invites guests to dine 50 meters above the ground. A special structure, on which tables with customers are located, is lifted into the air by a crane, where the chef and waiters will offer guests to taste European cuisine with a solid dose of adrenaline.

Labassin Waterfall Restaurant (Philippines)

This unusual restaurant is located in the Escudero Plantations and Resort Villa, located 80 km from Manila. Tables for visitors in this institution are located in the open air at the foot of the waterfall, which washes the feet of customers during the meal. Despite the fact that the waterfall is artificial, it is surrounded by real and vibrant tropical vegetation.

Paradise restaurant "360 Degrees" (Thailand, Phuket)

This is a two-level open-type restaurant that allows its customers to plunge into a real tropical paradise. During the meal, customers can enjoy the enchanting landscape and beauties of the Andaman Sea at all 360 degrees, and skilled chefs delight guests with “daring” dishes of national cuisine that will not leave indifferent even the most capricious gourmets.

Ice restaurant "Lumi Linna Castle" (Finland)

"Snow Castle" is considered the brightest and most unusual restaurant in the world. It is part of a luxury hotel in Kemi, whose clients, crossing the threshold of the establishment, find themselves in a “Lapland fairy tale” with alluring backlighting. The interior of the restaurant is completely made of ice, which is harmoniously complemented by reindeer skins for seating guests.

Restaurant on the tree "Yellow Treehouse" (New Zealand)

This establishment is a boom in nested architecture, allowing customers to taste delicious dishes of national New Zealand cuisine at a height of 12 m above the ground. The restaurant on the tree is a round structure made of wooden piles, which is held around the trunk of a huge sequoia, due to which customers get into the atmosphere of a fairy forest from the first minute.

Restaurant in the cave "Grotta Palazzese" (Italy)

The cave restaurant-grotto is unique in its location - it was cut into a limestone rock above the Adriatic Sea. The interior and amazing cuisine captivates customers with its luxury, allowing you to plunge into the depths of the sea and feel all the romance of the pearl of this tourist region.

Restaurant "O'Noir Montrea" (Switzerland, Zurich)

The most unusual restaurants in the world are presented by the Swiss restaurant "O'Noir Montreal". This "dark" restaurant is distinguished by its interior and atmosphere, as customers, crossing its threshold, find themselves in pitch darkness.

In the institution, the service and dining of guests takes place without any lighting, and guests are even forbidden to use telephones, flashlights and backlit clocks. The idea of ​​restaurateurs is that people, without seeing the food, can fully concentrate on their taste sensations and appreciate the culinary masterpieces of the chefs.

Restaurant on the volcano "El Diablo" (Spain, Lanzarote island)

This place is unusual for its cuisine and its preparation. Here, the chef prepares dishes in front of visitors right above the mouth of the volcano. The interior of the restaurant itself is like an alien base, which offers a breathtaking view of the landscape of one of the most visited Canary Islands.
