
The newest salads and appetizers. Lenten salad on the festive table

A birthday celebration is on the way, and the standard recipe book got bored?

We have some tips that will help you quickly prepare a festive table, while not spending much effort and precious time.

So, let's not waste time and start looking at all kinds of birthday snacks, or rather their recipes with photos.

Recipes for easy and simple birthday snacks

There are many different recipes for light snacks, but most of them require either large financial costs, due to the rarity of the product, or a long cooking process.

We have prepared two recipes that will allow you to prepare a delicious snack in record time.

Cucumber Canape

Cucumber canape is a light appetizer that has both a presentable design and a delicate, incomparable taste. She will not be left without attention and will leave behind a pleasant aftertaste.

Making mini sandwiches is phenomenally easy and a little creative. It takes just 5 steps:

  1. Cut the bread into 6 equal slices (you can use curly knives and molds);
  2. Cut the cucumber with a special grater into thin strips;
  3. Finely chop the dill and mix with curd cheese;
  4. Spread the resulting mass on bread;
  5. Take decorative skewers and stick a cucumber on them, and then stick them into a slice of bread with cheese.

A simple, healthy, bright snack for the festive table is ready!

stuffed mushrooms

A unique combination of tender chicken breast and champignons is a classic of a festive dinner. The appetizer is easy to prepare, but tastes superior to many gourmet dishes.

You need to prepare the following ingredients:

Cooking will take about 30 minutes, but the pleasant taste of the snack will remain in the memory of the guests for a long time. The ingredients are collected, let's start cooking.

  1. Cut the onion and chicken breast into small cubes and place in a preheated pan;
  2. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and cut out the stems. Finely chop the legs themselves and add to the pan to the chicken with onions;
  3. Leave the ingredients to simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes;
  4. Put the finished mixture on a plate, season with sour cream, add parsley, salt and pepper;
  5. Stuff the mushrooms and put in the oven for 15 minutes;
  6. After the time has passed, take it out, sprinkle with cheese and leave to languish for another 3-5 minutes.

The dish is ready to please you and your guests!

And if you like something exotic, then here is a recipe for dates with bacon:

holiday salad recipes

No celebration is complete without a festive salad. In addition to a pleasant, rich taste, salad, first of all, is an aesthetic component of the table.

It is important that the salad has an attractive, appetizing appearance.

We've put together a few birthday salad recipes that will satisfy even the fussiest guest.

corn salad

A phenomenally easy-to-prepare salad will not leave indifferent any guest at the holiday, and its original appearance will remain a pleasant memory for a long time.

Gathering the ingredients:

  • Bank of canned corn (250 gr.);
  • 250 gr. crab sticks;
  • 200 gr. cabbage;
  • One carrot;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Greenery for decoration.

It will take about 15 minutes to prepare this bright salad. With good skill, even less.

First of all, cut the crab sticks and cabbage into small pieces. We rub the carrots on the smallest grater.

We put all the ingredients in a bowl, add corn (without juice) and mayonnaise, mix. It is important to leave some corn for decoration.

Salad ready. It remains to bring it into a presentable form. To do this, you need oblong dishes.

Lay the lettuce on it, forming an oval that looks like a corncob. Top evenly distribute the remaining corn so that the gaps go unnoticed. Decorate the leaves with greenery.

A bright festive salad will decorate any table!

"Watermelon Slice"

Another great solution would be the Watermelon Slice salad. A bright, juicy dish will remind you of warm summer days, even if the birthday of the birthday boy falls on frosty January weather.

To make the salad the way you want, you should prepare the ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet - 400 gr.;
  • Several eggs - 2-3 pieces;
  • Hard cheese - 150 gr.;
  • One medium bulb;
  • Two tomatoes and a cucumber;
  • Two olives for decoration;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking takes place in several stages. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  1. First you need to pickle the onion. Cut it into small cubes and place in the marinade (tsp sugar, half a glass of water and 2 tsp table vinegar);
  2. While the onion is marinating, boil the chicken in lightly salted water, then cut into small cubes;
  3. Boil eggs, rub on a grater;
  4. Cheese is also prepared: three on a fine grater;
  5. Peel the tomatoes from the peel and the middle, finely chop;
  6. Cucumbers grate on a coarse grater;
  7. Time to spread the salad. Put a layer of chicken on a round crescent-shaped dish, smearing it well with mayonnaise. On the breast - pickled onions. Next is the egg layer. Grease it with mayonnaise too.

From the cheese, form a thin line in the form of a crescent, leaving a little space for the green "crust".

Put a small amount of cucumbers on the narrow side, forming the appearance of a watermelon slice. On a wide - tomatoes. Finish the decoration with “pits” in the form of chopped olives.

Salad "Watermelon Slice" is ready to become the main dish of the festive table!

If you don’t like onions at all, but you liked the salad, then you can cook it without it, as in the video:

Buffet snacks for birthday

A buffet table is an excellent solution for people who prefer lively communication, an informal atmosphere to long feasts with a huge number of "heavy" dishes. We present several ideas that will appeal to you and your guests.

Rolls with chicken and vegetables

Cute little rolls will be a great addition to other buffet appetizers on your holiday table. Easy to make, they are both beautiful and satisfying.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • Dough for pancakes (300 ml of milk, 100 gr. flour, one egg, vegetable oil);
  • 200 gr. smoked chicken breast;
  • 2-3 medium cucumbers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 150 gr. cream cheese;
  • Lettuce leaves (for decorating the finished dish).

The first thing to do is to bake 6 small pancakes, the basis of future rolls.

While the pancakes are cooling, it's time to prepare all the ingredients: finely chop the chicken, cucumbers and tomatoes.

Grease the finished pancake with cheese, and put all the prepared ingredients in equal proportions on top.

Roll up and cut into small pieces.

Best served on a platter with lettuce.

Such an appetizer will be a bright addition to the festive table, it will cause appetite and a pleasant aftertaste.

Crackers with salmon and cream cheese

This appetizer is a real lifesaver for the hostess who wants to prepare a great buffet with a wide variety of dishes, while not having a lot of time.

The ingredients are as simple as the appetizer itself:

  • crackers;
  • Cream cheese;
  • Dill;
  • garlic (to taste);
  • Weakly salted salmon.

First you need to make a dressing - mix the cheese with dill and garlic (if used in the dish). You can use a mixer, you can manually. To do this, finely chop the dill, and pass the garlic through a garlic press.

Lubricate each cracker with the resulting mass. Cut the salmon into thin strips and roll into a tube.

Place the salmon in the cheese mass, slightly opening the edges of the tube, forming a kind of rosette. In the middle for beauty, you can put a small sprig of dill.

A savory appetizer for the buffet table is ready!

And here is another buffet snack in the video plot - "Carrots"! Just sweep it off the table!

Options for cold dishes for the holiday

The simplicity of recipes for cold appetizers attracts housewives. Especially when cooking time is strictly limited on your own birthday.

cucumber rolls

An easy-to-make, but original cucumber-based appetizer will be a great additional dish for a festive table or a buffet table. It is easy to prepare, the ingredients are available to everyone:

  • One large cucumber;
  • Creamy and hard cheese - 100 gr each;
  • Crab sticks - 100 gr.;
  • Greenery.

The first step is to make the buttercream filling. To do this, finely chop the greens, and grate the hard cheese. Mix greens, grated and cream cheese.

Finely chop the crab sticks. Using a special grater or special tool, make long plates from the cucumber.

Roll the cheese mixture into small balls with wet hands. Wrap them with cucumber plates, if necessary, stab with a toothpick.

Place a teaspoon of chopped crab sticks on top. Decorate with green sprigs.

The appetizer is ready to decorate your festive table and satisfy the gastronomic needs of your guests!

Chips "Tenderness"

We replenish simple recipes for birthday snacks with extraordinary deliciousness!

Its basis is ordinary chips. Who would have thought that with the help of them you can get such a delicate and beautiful appetizer for the festive table!

The ingredients are easy to find:

  • Potato chips;
  • One avocado;
  • 200 gr. shrimp;
  • One tomato;
  • Greenery;
  • Mayonnaise.

It is difficult to find a snack, the ease of preparation of which could compete with "Tenderness".

To begin, combine mayonnaise, tomato, avocado, most of the shrimp and herbs in a blender. Put the resulting mass gently with a teaspoon on the chips, and put one shrimp and a sprig of parsley on top.

The snack is ready. It took 5-7 minutes to cook, and a pleasant aftertaste will remain with you and your guests for a long time.

We offer you another interesting snack option - Tiger Cub roll:

Dishes for a holiday for children

It is not always easy to please a guest, especially if the guest is a child. Children are known to be picky.

Therefore, it is important that the snack is not only tasty and healthy, but also looks attractive. We bring to your attention some simple, but at the same time, original recipes for children's birthday snacks.

Mini sandwiches "Hedgehogs"

Bright "animals" on the festive children's table will not go unnoticed. To create them you will need:

First, boil the eggs and carrots. Peel the eggs and cut them in half lengthwise.

Carrots are cut into rings, and with the help of a curly knife, you need to cut out future "thorns". Chop greens.

Take slices of bread, grease well with mayonnaise or butter, sprinkle with prepared herbs. Place an egg on the bread slices, making three cuts in each of them. In the cuts are placed "thorns", that is, carrots.

With the help of greens, make a mouth for a hedgehog, and use carnation seeds as an imitation of eyes. Fabulous sandwiches are ready for the table!

Agree that no children's birthday is complete without a cake. Therefore, we suggest you cook a big hedgehog, that is, a cake.

Watch the video on how to do it:

Canape "Mushrooms"

Familiar to everyone "Mushrooms" look fresh and original if they are presented on the festive table in the form of pretty canapes on skewers.

By the way, in the presence of cream, waffles will turn into wonderful tubes.

The cooking algorithm is no different from the classic recipe.

Hard boil the eggs, and while the latter are being cooked, take care of the tomatoes.

Wash them and cut them into even pieces, taking out the middle.

On skewers, you must first string a “cap”, that is, half a tomato. Then - an egg and a leaf of parsley.

So two whole mushrooms are placed on one skewer.

Such an appetizer will always look bright and fresh, especially on a children's holiday table!

It is not necessary to burden yourself with the preparation of heavy, in every sense, dishes on your birthday. It is enough just to apply imagination and prepare light salads.

Long feasts, like a relic of the past, have long sunk into oblivion. A modern holiday is simple snacks, an exciting party, positive emotions and pleasant memories.

It is difficult for every housewife to choose which salads to prepare for the festive table, because the variety of recipes is dizzying. You need to decide which main ingredients to use and build from there. You can please your guests with very simple delicious salads or make delicious complex puff snacks.

What salads to cook on the festive table

Each hostess thought at least once how to prepare salads for a holiday to please all guests. To make a complex exotic salad or a simple one recognizable by everyone - there is plenty to choose from. There are many holiday salad recipes that even beginners can handle. They will be helped by step-by-step instructions and photo lessons of each stage.


Everyone loves beautiful and tasty salads for the holiday, because they delight not only the stomach, but also the eyes of everyone present at the solemn event. For example, here are some winning tasty dishes:

  • smoked ham with grapes, lettuce, mustard dressing and lemon juice;
  • traditional Olivier;
  • Herring under a fur coat, Pomegranate bracelet;
  • crab sticks with pineapple and boiled potatoes.


If there is no time to create complex dishes, then it will come in handy to know how to prepare simple holiday salads. Here are the best examples of dishes with minimal ingredients but impeccable taste:

  • fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, sour cream and lemon juice dressing;
  • carrots in Korean, Chinese cabbage, boiled egg;
  • the simplest salad - open canned corn, green peas, beans, mushrooms, mix and season with mayonnaise.


Most people love hearty snacks, but light salads for the festive table will appeal to many. To save time, you can simply chop fresh vegetables, serve them with sour cream and yogurt dressing, sprinkle with nuts or seeds. These holiday salad recipes are very simple:

  • Beijing cabbage with canned corn and prunes;
  • fruit snack of orange with apple and pear;
  • ham, hard cheese, tomatoes.

Salad recipes for the festive table

On the Internet and not only you can find a variety of recipes for delicious holiday salads. To make them right, there are special tutorials with step-by-step photos of each step. This makes life much easier for the hostess who wants to impress guests with a culinary masterpiece. Make a salad with meat and vegetables, seafood and vegetables, ham and beans. Everything can be combined - for example, a dish of red cabbage and orange, seasoned with mustard and lemon juice, will be unexpectedly tasty.


A variety of meat ingredients are the most popular, because festive salads prepared with them perfectly saturate guests and serve as an appetizer for spirits. You can use any meat - beef, pork, chicken, tongue, liver or smoked brisket can surprise. If you're looking for directions on how to make meat salads for the holiday table with photos, you don't have to jump on old tried and true recipes. When everyone is tired of traditional Olivier and Stolichny Olivier, a quick salad with beef and vegetables will surely interest guests.


  • beef - 0.2 kg;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • olive oil - 75 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar - 10 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the beef, cool, cut into strips across the fibers. If you prefer other meats, beef can be easily replaced with pork, poultry, or smoked ham.
  2. Cut the pepper, cucumber into cubes, chop the dill.
  3. Make dressing from vinegar, oil, salt.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, season with sauce, garnish with fresh dill.

Without mayonnaise

Recipes for salads without mayonnaise on the festive table will be useful to every housewife. Although everyone is used to the budget store-bought sauce, it is not always appropriate and sometimes contraindicated due to dietary rules. In this case, novelties on the menu will help out - interesting sauces based on sour cream, natural yogurt with spices, lemon juice or vegetable oil, with the addition of a fragrant bite. Very tasty and inexpensive dressing is obtained from mustard and sunflower oil.


  • chicken fillet - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 1 pc.;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • canned corn - 50 g;
  • olives - 75 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • mustard - 25 ml;
  • lettuce leaves - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the fillet in broth or steam, cut into cubes.

2. Peel the cucumber, cut into half rings, slice the tomatoes.

3. Chop the onion, cut the olives into 4 parts.

4. Coarsely rub the carrots, mix with the rest of the ingredients and corn, previously thrown into a colander.

5. Make a sauce of mustard and vegetable oil, season the dish with salt and pepper. Serve with fresh herbs.

With fish

Fish salads on the festive table are popular. They can be made on the basis of salted, pickled or boiled fish. A beautiful salad familiar to everyone - a traditional herring under a fur coat - is a classic inexpensive dish for the New Year or birthday. In order for it to acquire a bright pleasant taste and delicate texture, it is necessary to let the puff snack brew for several hours in the refrigerator before serving.


  • salted herring - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • vinegar - 10 ml;
  • mayonnaise - package.

Cooking method:

2. Cut the potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots. Beets can be grated on a coarse grater or cut into small cubes.

3. Chop the onion.

4.Clean the eggs, separate the yolks from the proteins.

5. Cut the herring - remove the insides, skin, bones and caviar. Cut the cooked fillet into small pieces.

6. Lay out in layers, spreading with mayonnaise: herring, onions, then potatoes, beets, protein, carrots, yolk.

7. Leave for several hours in the refrigerator to soak the dish.

Try other delicious recipes.


If you are expecting people who do not eat meat and fish to visit, you can make vegetarian holiday salads that are in no way inferior in taste to everyone else. For their preparation, you need to take simple vegetable, legume components, seasoning with tofu, vegetable oil, lemon juice and white wine vinegar. It turns out very tasty unusual dishes that will be appreciated by all guests at a spring or summer celebration.


  • tofu - 180 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • green peas - half a can;
  • pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • lean soy mayonnaise - 150 ml;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • gherkin - 1 pc.;
  • dill - a bunch.

Cooking method:

1. Boil vegetables in a saucepan or steam, cut into pieces.

2. Cut cucumbers into cubes, slice tofu, chop onion, mix with peas and chopped vegetables.

4. Decorate with fresh dill, chopped gherkin.

With Chinese cabbage

Light, but satisfying salads with cabbage for the holiday are obtained. The Chinese variety is very well suited for snack dishes, because it has a more delicate texture compared to white cabbage, it is more convenient to cut and season. The dish, prepared according to an unusual recipe, turns out to be hearty due to the use of chicken fillet, and fresh pineapple and mustard dressing add piquancy to it.


  • chicken breast - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • fresh pineapple - 1 pc.;
  • Chinese cabbage - 100 g;
  • iceberg lettuce - 100 g;
  • oak leaf lettuce - 100 g;
  • light mayonnaise - 100 ml;
  • sour cream - 50 ml;
  • Dijon mustard - 20 ml;
  • fresh dill - a bunch;
  • balsamic vinegar - 15 ml;
  • red ground pepper - a pinch.

Cooking method:

1. Sprinkle the breast with salt, fry in oil on both sides, then cut into slices. If you fry already cut pieces, they may turn out to be too tough.

2. Remove the skin from the pineapple, cut into small slices.

3. Make a sauce of mayonnaise, mustard, sour cream, chopped dill, red pepper, salt.

4. Shred cabbage, lettuce leaves, pour dressing.

5. Put the salad mixture on a serving plate, sprinkle with chicken and pineapple pieces on top.

6. Decorate with dark drops of balsamic vinegar.

in layers

Puff salads on the festive table look very unusual and elegant, however, due to the use of a large amount of mayonnaise, they cannot be called dietary or light. One of the popular recipes uses a mixture of chicken fillet, hard cheese and boiled eggs, and Korean carrots add spice to the unusual taste. You can make it yourself by flavoring finely chopped carrots with hot pepper and cardamom, or buy ready-made.


  • chicken fillet - 0.3 kg;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • Korean carrots - 150 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 120 g.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the eggs, then separate the whites from the yolks and grate on a coarse grater.

2. Bake or steam the fillet, cut into pieces.

3. Rub the cheese.

4. Lay out in layers, spreading each with mayonnaise: chicken, then carrots, yolks, cheese, proteins.

5. Decorate with carrots, let it brew in the refrigerator for 2.5 hours.

With seafood

Seafood salads on the festive table are always popular, because they are distinguished by their exquisite taste and appetizing appearance. It is good to serve an interesting dish of squid or shrimp, mussels or red fish if a festive table is planned for a small number of people.


  • tiger prawns - 20 pcs.;
  • arugula - a bunch;
  • cherry tomatoes - 120 g;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • balsamic vinegar - 30 ml;
  • soy sauce - 25 ml;
  • lime - slice;
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • garlic - 0.5 cloves.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the shrimp, fry in oil with the addition of a mixture of soy sauce and chopped garlic.

2. Tear arugula with your hands.

3. Cut the avocado into thin slices of avocado, and chop the tomatoes in half.

4. Mix all the ingredients, season with a mixture of balsamic vinegar, lime juice.

5. If desired, decorate with pine nuts, sesame seeds.

Original salads and snacks for the festive table - cooking secrets

To make your holiday salads and snacks always excellent, interesting and tasty, you should follow simple tricky rules:

1. The preparation of holiday salads always requires special design, even if inexpensive ingredients are used. If you decorate the dish with at least chopped herbs, boiled eggs or boiled carrot stars, it will look much more elegant.

2. In holiday salads, it is important to keep a balance of certain components: add something protein, green, exotic and crispy. All ingredients are seasoned with carefully selected dressing.

3. Add piquancy to dishes of blue cheese with mold, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, citrus fruits in combination with meat.

4. Meat ingredients for salads can be boiled, baked, fried, cooked in a double boiler, smoked - depending on this, the taste will change.

5. For a children's birthday or other celebration with the participation of children, it is better to make light fruit holiday salads, distinguished by a simple balanced taste, served with decorations in the form of beautiful pictures or figures of vegetables.


Festive salad "Two hearts"

Surprise your guests with this fabulously beautiful and insanely delicious salad! I'm sure you won't be indifferent))

1) Potato + vegetable oil + onion
2) Pickled cucumber
3) Boiled chicken
4) Prunes (steam)
5) Boil mushrooms and fry with onions
6) Fresh cucumber
7) Egg
8) Raw carrots (on a fine grater) with garlic
9) Cheese (on a fine grater)
10) Walnut (very finely chopped)
11) Pomegranate
After each layer, a thin mayonnaise net.

Festive puff salad "Orange Slice"

This original in appearance and very tasty salad, for sure, will decorate any holiday table. Try to cook and see for yourself!

carrots - 2 pcs. large,
chicken eggs - 4 pcs.,
onion - 1 head,
chicken fillet - 300g,
marinated champignons - 200 g (net weight, without brine),
hard cheese - 150 g,
garlic - 3 cloves,

Layered salad "Drop of water"

1 can of tuna
150 gr. rice (round)
1 PC. medium cucumber
1 PC. bulb
1/2 lemon
70 gr. cheese (any hard)
3 pcs. eggs
mayonnaise, salt, pepper to taste.

Layered salad "My General"

Very tasty and beautiful puff salad. I recommend!

100g hard cheese
4 eggs,
2 boiled carrots
2 boiled beets,
boiled meat, garlic, mayonnaise.

fish cake

The necessary products for the finished cake are 7-8 cm high and 19 cm in diameter at the base:
Lightly salted fish (trout / salmon) - 500 g,
Boiled eggs - 4 pcs.,
Boiled rice - 4-5 tbsp. l.,
Crab sticks (or shrimp) - 1 pack.

For cream: Soft cheese "Philadelphia" - 100 g.,
Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.,
Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.,
Gelatin - 8 g.

For decoration: Greens and Red caviar.

Salad "Princess"

Ingredients for 6 servings:
canned salmon - 1 can (canned food can be replaced with ~ 200 g of boiled or baked trout or salmon),
1 small onion or half a medium onion
boiled eggs - 5-6 pieces,
cheese "Russian" - 150-200 g,
1 large or 2 medium apples
canned corn - 0.5 cans,
lemon juice - 1 teaspoon,
freshly ground pepper
For decoration
slightly salted salmon or trout - 200-300 g,
red caviar - 1 tablespoon (optional),
boiled quail eggs - 1-2 pieces,
cream cheese - 3-4 tablespoons (optional),
parsley or dill

Salad "Bangladesh"

This salad is an old family recipe, one of the modifications of the well-known Mimosa salad, which her boss once shared with her mother. This salad is a favorite of ours and has taken root in our family. The recipe has been slightly modified to suit the tastes of our family, but the name remains original. The highlight of this salad is the use of canned food in oil (tried with canned food in s / s - it turns out not right). There must also be butter, although, at first glance, it may seem that butter is fatty, it is superfluous, etc., but this is not so. Everything here is "to the point and in the subject." If you cook this salad in this composition, strictly adhering to the recipe, you will not be disappointed. He is very pleasant and gentle. I recommend!

rice (raw) 4 tbsp. l.
egg 5-6 pcs.
canned fish (required in oil: tuna, saury, sardine, salmon) 1 can
apple 1 pc.
onion 1 pc. (small)
butter 80 g
mayonnaise 200 g
sugar 1 tsp
lemon juice 1 tbsp. l.

Salad "Mushroom stump" №1

-4 carrots (boil)
-3 potatoes (boil)
-3 green apples (sour)
-4 hard boiled eggs
-150g boiled mushrooms (I have champignons in their own juice)
-300g boiled chicken fillet
-10 walnuts
- mayonnaise to taste
-salt to taste
- lettuce and olives (optional for decoration)

Salad "Mushroom stump" №2

For pancakes:
Milk - 250 ml.
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Paprika - 1 - 2 tsp
Onion - 1 medium onion.
Greens (parsley) - to taste.

For salad:
Boiled potatoes - 2 tubers.
Boiled carrots - 2-3 pcs.
Eggs - 3 pcs.
Pickled mushrooms (honey mushrooms)
Ham - 200 - 300 gr.
Greens (dill, parsley)
For registration:
Soft melted cheese.
Egg - 2 pcs.
Marinated mushrooms.
Greens (dill, parsley).

Salad "Coral bracelet"

This salad was born as a variant of the famous "Pomegranate Bracelet" salad with smoked chicken and pomegranate seeds, only I have smoked fish instead of chicken, and caviar instead of pomegranate ... Salad, of course, is not for every day, but this is a real decoration of the festive table, And yes, it tastes great.

- beets - 1 pc.
- avocado - 1 pc.
- pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
- boiled egg - 3 pcs.
- hot smoked fish - 200 g
- onion (optional) - 1 pc.
- mayonnaise
- red caviar - 2 tbsp. l.

Cake caviar - shrimp

standard recipe - make changes to the recipe and decoration to your liking...

round wheat bread - 1 roll
boiled-frozen shrimp - 50 pcs.
canned krill - 300 g
pollock or capelin caviar - 200 g
salmon caviar - 50 g *
butter - 250 g>
(butter can be replaced with cream cheese if desired)
dill greens - 1 bunch
lemon - 1 pc.
ground red pepper, salt to taste
parsley (if you will decorate)

Salad "Neptune"

The salad is incredibly tender and tasty.

- shrimp-300 gr
- squid-300 gr
- crab sticks-200 gr
-5 eggs
-130 gr. red caviar

Salad "Royal fun"

Simple, delicious and exquisite!

eggs - 5 pcs
cheese -100 g
salted salmon -200 g
sl. oil - 100 g

Puff salad "Heart"

My husband loved this salad! Delicious!!!

Lettuce is laid in layers (with mayonnaise) in the form of a heart:
(all ingredients finely chopped)
1. crab sticks
2. fresh cucumber
3. shrimp (boil with salt and spices)
4. egg whites
5. egg yolks + dill
6. tomatoes (without seeds)
7. avocado (sprinkle with lemon juice)
8. lay thin slices of salmon so that there are no gaps.
Garnish with Philadelphia cream cheese and caviar.

Layered salad with chicken, raisins and walnuts

Raisins in a salad go very well with chicken and walnuts. The salad is really incredibly tasty, tender, fresh, crispy!

Boiled chicken fillet - 1 pc.
Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
Carrot - 3 pcs.
Chinese cabbage - 200-300g
Eggs - 3 pcs.
Cheese - 200g
Raisins - 150g
Walnuts - 150g
A bunch of dill, mayonnaise

Layered salad with smoked chicken, prunes and champignons

I found the recipe in a magazine, a very, very long time ago, I made my changes and now I often cook this salad on the festive table, guests really like it
Recently, I forgot something about him, but I remembered when I leafed through my culinary notebook
The salad is very tasty, hearty, but surprisingly harmonious, the salad decoration was invented by myself. Help yourself!

Smoked chicken - 400g
Prunes - 100-150g
Walnuts - 100g
Carrots - 2 pcs.
Potatoes - 4 pcs.
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Cheese (hard) - 300g
Champignons - 250g
Salt, mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil for frying
Half a fresh cucumber, 3 tbsp. l. finely chopped walnuts, parsley sprig and cranberry for garnish (optional)

Layered salad with avocado and ham

Avocado - 1 pc.
Cheese (hard) - 200g
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Ham - 300g
Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
Green peas (frozen) - 200g
1 large bell pepper
Mayonnaise, bunch of parsley

Festive puff salad with smoked chicken, prunes and cheese

The salad is very tender and juicy. I especially liked the combination of smoked chicken with prunes, and a hint of tender cheese on top .. Mmmm ... Delicious!

Smoked chicken (I took a fillet) - 400-500 grams
Potatoes - 4 medium pieces
Carrots - 2 medium
Prunes - 100-150 grams (pitted)
Mayonnaise - gram 100-150
Walnuts - 150 grams
Eggs - 4 pieces
some salt
split form

"Napoleon" diner

Delicate, delicious appetizer. The cake is made quickly and easily, eaten with pleasure. The main "trick" in the use of curd cheese. The taste is awesome!

ready-made puff pastry or ready-made cakes
carrots 2 pcs.
garlic 1 clove
egg 3 pcs.
canned fish (salted salmon, tuna, saury) 250 g
curd cheese "karat" with shrimps 140 g

Semuzhny cake

The recipe was invented along the way))

slightly salted salmon fillet (I salted it myself, added cognac, which gives salmon flavor) - 250 - 300 g,
avocado - 1 pc.,
fresh cucumber - 1 pc.,
chinese cabbage leaves,
Bulgarian pepper (red and yellow) - ½ each,
eggs - 3 pcs. (only protein, yolks sent to cod salad),
hard cheese (I took "Olterman" 17%) - 50 - 80g,
cheese "Almette creamy" - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons,
shrimp (small, boil them with spices in heavily salted water and peel)) - 200-300 g,
caviar, pine nuts, mayonnaise.

Salad "Bouquet of roses"

It would seem, well, what else can be done with a banal herring under a fur coat? It turned out you can! Yes, and how interesting! I saw it in a magazine and rushed to cook it, there was a good reason. By itself, the "fur coat" is already delicious, and the pancakes give tenderness, but it looks so amazing in general!

1 herring fillet
1 boiled carrot
2 boiled potatoes
3-4 boiled eggs
1 small onion

Salad with ham, turkey and mushrooms

Champignons - 200g
Ham - 300g
Turkey fillet - 300g
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.
Cheese (hard) - 150g
Pistachios (roasted, peeled) - 70g
A bunch of dill, lettuce
Salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil, mayonnaise

Salad "Little Red Riding Hood"


I make this salad like this:
1. onion (finely cut into cubes and pour over with boiling water)
2. potatoes (cubed)
3. chicken breast (preferably smoked or grilled)
4. walnuts (finely grate or grind in a blender)
5. carrots (boiled, cut into cubes)
6. egg (mash or rub on a coarse grater)
7. cheese

Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise, but not a thick layer.
Place pomegranate seeds on top. If I do it for a holiday, then I make letters or a drawing with grenades.
It is advisable to let the salad stand for at least an hour, so that the mayonnaise is soaked.

It is better to make a menu for a festive feast in advance

We offer recipes for birthday snacks that any housewife can cook. Most of the dishes are classified as simple. On our website, all birthday snacks with photos are presented so that you can see how this dish will not only look on the table, but also how to cook it step by step. It is very comfortable. You can come up with decorations yourself, or you can use those that the authors offer.

A festive table for a birthday is impossible to imagine without a variety of snacks. Since almost the same people close to you usually gather for your birthday every year, you really want to diversify the feast, and snacks will provide invaluable assistance in this.

Familiarize yourself with the proposed recipes, select those that you liked the most and, in accordance with the proposed recipes, make a list of all the products that you need to buy. It is better to strictly follow the recipe and do not change anything. If there is a desire to dream up and make changes to the proposed recipe, it is better to do this before your birthday to try what happens.

Presentable snacks can be prepared very quickly and inexpensively

We offer our visitors the best recipes for delicious, originally designed snacks, the preparation of which does not require large financial investments, a lot of time and effort in the cooking process. We want the guests to be satisfied with the magnificent festive feast on this beautiful day, and the hostess does not feel tired after cooking.

If you don’t believe that you can cook a wonderful holiday table and not get tired, take a closer look at the recipes offered on the site, the simplicity of their preparation will not only surprise, but also please.

After you decide what exactly you will cook as snacks to surprise your dear guests, look at the step-by-step recipe with a photo to clearly understand how much time it will take for the cooking process, as well as what preparations for preparing snacks need to be done in advance ( e.g. boil vegetables).

In order for the festive table to turn out well, for the preparation of all dishes we select and purchase only high-quality and fresh products. Only in this case everything will turn out divinely delicious.

In the review: recipes for quick and tasty snacks for the holidays.

Be sure to read the information on which should be served with different types of alcohol. And in the review you will find various snacks, focusing on the main ingredient of the dish.

What to cook for a snack inexpensively, quickly and tasty in a hurry for a birthday: a menu of simple light snacks, recipes

A standard appetizer or appetizer menu consists of

  • canapés (small bite-sized sandwiches);
  • tartlets (small baskets made of unleavened dough with various fillings);
  • vol-au-vents (small turrets made of puff pastry with various fillings);
  • profiteroles with filling;
  • or an omelet;
  • all kinds of plates: cheese, meat, fish, vegetable, seafood, etc.;
  • small pies, incl. , ;
  • a variety of dips: sauces for dipping chips, vegetables, cheese, meat, etc. in them. For example, dips include the world-famous Pesto sauce, the recipe of which you will find at;
  • vegetable and meat stews in portions, julienne.

The simplest and fastest type of snack is slicing. The secrets of the beautiful design of the festive cuts are collected.

You will find a variety of recipes for simple and light snacks in the following sections of the review.

Quick snacks on the festive table: a menu of simple light snacks, recipes

Below is a sample menu of cold and hot appetizers for the festive table.

vegetable plate

It can be any fresh cut vegetables and fresh herbs for the season. As a rule, the basis of a vegetable plate is tomatoes (better, small cherry tomatoes), cucumbers, sweet peppers. Optionally, you can add celery stalks and sweet onion rings.

Another option for a vegetable plate: grilled vegetables or vegetables baked in the oven. Here, the flight of your imagination is completely unlimited: you can bake zucchini, eggplant, mushrooms, young onions, potatoes, carrots.

Cheese plate

To form a cheese plate, you will need at least 5 types of cheese, cut into slices, cubes, sticks.

As an addition to the cheese plate are served:

  • portion pieces of pears, grapes - with soft cheeses,
  • nut kernels - with fatty cheeses,
  • dried fruits - with spicy cheeses,
  • spring liquid honey or jam - with blue and sweet cheeses.

For convenience, skewers or toothpicks are always served with the cheese plate.

Eggs stuffed with pâté


  • hard-boiled eggs - 6 pcs.
  • ready-made pate (meat, fish, liver) - 3-4 tbsp.


  • Peel the eggs from the shell and cut into two halves lengthwise.
  • Take out the yolk. Mash the yolk with the pate until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add salt, pepper (to taste) to the mass.
  • Use a pastry syringe to fill the egg shells.

Recipe notes.

  • It is better to fill the boats just before serving.
  • From above, just before serving, you can apply a mayonnaise net and decorate with finely chopped greens.
  • Be careful. The dish wears out fairly quickly.

Tips on how to properly boil eggs are collected.

How to cook liver pate, told

Appetizer of quail eggs with cherry tomatoes on skewers

For the youngest guests, such an appetizing appetizer of quail eggs on skewers is suitable.

Children's mini pizzas

Almost all children are big fans of pizza. You can find many delicious pizza recipes by going to.

Children's dessert S'more

Children's dessert Smore


  • any cookies (cracker or shortbread) - at the rate of 2 cookies per serving,
  • marshmallow (chewing marshmallow),
  • chocolate.


  • Preheat the oven to 200⁰С.
  • Cover the baking deco with parchment paper. Arrange the cookies on the deco.
  • Place a piece of chocolate on each cookie. Place marshmallows on top of chocolate. Make sure that the marshmallow does not roll off the cookies.
  • Place the cookie sheet in the oven for 4-5 minutes. During this time, the marshmallow will increase in volume, become soft and slightly golden.
  • Take the deco out of the oven. Quickly cover the dessert sandwiches with the remaining biscuits.

fruit cut

Fruit as a snack for children is best served in portions. These can be fruit platters laid out in waffle, plastic or paper cups.

You can interest children in fruits by offering them a bright and tasty fruit skewers.

Quick Snacks for the New Year

Having ready-made tartlets and a minimum set of holiday products in stock, you can prepare several types of original snacks.

  • For a buffet at work, any of the recipes suggested above is perfect. A lot of interesting ideas will be prompted by a video collection of recipes for simple and tasty snacks (see below).

    Video: HOLIDAY SNACK 3 types (1 Part) OFFICE CORPORATE PARTY. Simple and delicious! Appetizer

    Video: HOLIDAY SNACK 3 types (Part 2) OFFICE CORPORATE PARTY. Appetizer

    Quick snacks for a picnic in nature in summer

    An ideal option for a picnic would be a variety of pita snacks, incl. rolls, pies, chips. You can find an overview of recipes by going to.

    Diversify the menu for a picnic, easy to prepare and very tasty bruschetta.


    • ciabatta or any other, slightly stale bread,
    • a few cloves of garlic
    • olive or any other vegetable oil (not refined) - 2-3 tbsp.
    • tomatoes and greens.


    • Cut the ciabatta in half lengthwise. Bread cut into portions.
    • Grill until golden brown.
    • Drizzle with vegetable oil and rub with garlic.
    • Cut the tomatoes into cubes or slices, chop the greens.
    • Lay the vegetables on the bread and serve immediately.

    Recipe notes.

    On a fried piece of bread, you can put chopped vegetables, previously grilled, grated cheese, ham.

    Snacks in a hurry for the wedding, ransom of the bride

    Quick snacks for every day

    Each of the snacks suggested in this article can be adapted to the daily menu.

    Video: 7 Canapes - well, Very tasty! / Snacks for New Year and Christmas
