
The most necessary things on the train. List of necessary things for traveling by train: what to take on the road? Children's train tickets with discounts

Our whole country is permeated with an ornate network of railways. Often, it is the train that is the most affordable and convenient way to get from point "A" to point "B". However, when buying tickets, do not forget that you will have to spend some time on the road. What to take with you on a train for two days from food and household items? We bring to your attention a universal list for any trips.

For life on the train - separate luggage!

If you are going on vacation, to visit relatives or on a business trip, you probably already have a large suitcase with clothes and things that you will need during the trip. And now it's time to collect a separate bag from the things that you will use on the train itself. Don't make the common mistake of first-time travelers - don't put everything you need on the road in your main luggage. Get a separate comfortable bag or backpack, or prepare a large and dense package. What to fill it with, what to take with you on the train from things? Imagine that for two days you will be in a compartment or a reserved seat car, where only a minimum of furniture and bedding is available, what will you need?

Clothing and footwear

It is very convenient to change clothes on the train immediately before departure. The best option for travel clothes is sportswear, as practical as possible and free enough. It can be shorts and a top, or leggings and a turtleneck. Don't forget about comfortable sweatpants or whole suits. Accordingly, clothes should be chosen according to the season, if it is cold enough outside, be sure to bring warm socks, a sweater or another version of “winter” clothing. The best shoes for the train are rubber flip flops, they are easy to clean and light in weight, and you will not have any difficulty getting your shoes off and on quickly. What to take with you on the train besides the listed clothes? If you spend 2 days or more on the road, consider changing your underwear. When it comes to sleep, most travelers prefer to sleep in t-shirts and shorts, and women often opt for special sleep sets consisting of a top and shorts.

Traveling with a child under 3 years old

Not all parents decide to go on a long train trip with very young children, but sometimes this is the only way to get to the right place. If you are one of them, you do not need to worry, but you should pay maximum attention to arranging the life of the smallest family member on the road. Start by addressing basic physiological needs. On the road, you will need hygienic wet wipes, diapers or a potty (it is more convenient to use a special inflatable), a sufficient amount of clothing for the season. For a very small child who does not know how to sit, you can take a special carrying bag, which during the trip will also become the baby’s personal bed. In addition, stock up on enough food. In any store you will see powdered milk formulas, instant cereals, as well as juices and purees. If you are traveling in the summer, check the packaging for recommendations regarding storage temperature. But dry cereals and mixtures are stored under any conditions. Take care of your leisure time - toys, books, developing cards and drawing supplies for kids over two years old will help you out on the way.

Road life for a child over 3 years old

What to take with you on a train with a child who has already managed to celebrate his third birthday? Usually, babies at this age already know how to voice their needs, use the toilet on their own and have a lot of interests. The most acute issue is nutrition, if you have to spend two days on the road. Give preference to cereals brewed without cooking, take the usual homemade food for the first day. Be sure to think over the child's leisure time, books, board games and coloring with pencils will turn the trip into an exciting adventure. You can also entertain your son or daughter on the train with the help of modern gadgets. A smartphone, tablet or laptop with cartoons or games will give you a lot of quiet moments. Attention: power surges in train sockets can damage modern electronics. It is much safer to take a second battery with you than to charge the device at your own risk.

Table setting on the road

If you have to spend at least two days on the train, you should think about catering. A common mistake for first-time travelers is to stock up on groceries but forget about eating accessories. So, what to take with you on the train: a list of dishes and utensils. Let's start with the good news: all, even the oldest, carriages have unlimited boiling water. And this means that at any time you can get hot water absolutely free of charge in order to make tea or “cook” some kind of semi-finished product. Take cups (preferably made of unbreakable material), a teaspoon (or one for each family member). A set of disposable tableware will also help you out on the road, which is convenient to use for serving, and then you can immediately throw it away. Another important accessory is a universal folding knife, it's good if it also has a can opener. Be sure to stock up on enough paper and wet wipes.

What to take with you on the train from food and drinks?

Based on the first day, you can take almost any food. But if it’s too hot outside, then it’s better not to risk it, or at least put the food in a cooler bag. Traditional food for trips are convenience foods from the “just add water” category: noodles, mashed potatoes and instant soups. Cheap, cheerful, the packages are lightweight, each set has everything to quickly prepare lunch or dinner. From ordinary food, boiled eggs, smoked sausage and cheese are stored for a long time. What to take with you on the train from food for 2 days, besides this? Don't forget fresh vegetables and fruits. Choose wrinkle-resistant and well-kept in all conditions. Cucumbers, bell peppers, radishes, apples, citruses are ideal for eating on the road. Do not forget about drinks - tea, coffee in bags, but you can easily buy water, juices and beer at any station.

Travel first aid kit

Theoretically, everyone needs to have a small first-aid kit in their purse, and doubly for all mothers. Choose a convenient cosmetic bag or container and put everything you need for first aid in case of any injury. Namely - bandages, sterile wipes, antiseptic solutions, cotton wool, plaster. What to take with you on the train from medicines? One of the most likely problems on the road is food poisoning or indigestion. Accordingly, do not forget to take medicines for diarrhea, bloating and heartburn with you. It will not be superfluous and an anti-allergy remedy. If you are constantly taking some kind of medicine, do not forget to take it with you.

Little things you need on the way

Now you know what to take with you on the train from food, but what else should you remember to put in your travel bag? During the trip, the most important thing is to solve all your household needs and figure out what to do on the road. Choose entertainment to your liking - crossword puzzles, magazines or books will be very useful. If you are passionate about some kind of needlework, the materials for which take up little space, you can take unfinished knitting or embroidery with you. However, if you are traveling with children, you obviously will not be bored. We hope that our article helped you pack your travel bag, and now you know exactly what to take on the train in summer and winter.

Going on the road, some easily stock up on food, others do not know at all what to take with them. I belong to the last category of people: I carefully and selectively plan the purchase of products for the road table. But experts have certain requirements for products that are desirable to eat on the train: the possibility of storage in hot conditions, safety for adults and children. We will help you with the choice of healthy and safe food for you and your child, which is worth taking with you on the road.

When traveling by train, you can visit the dining car and choose your favorite food. But not everyone is used to such a service. Therefore, I offer you an approximate list of travel products that are safe to take with you on the train.

1. Vegetables and fruits- optimal products for the travel table, they are tasty and healthy, rich in fiber, provide a light snack, and at the same time do not burden the stomach. You can always wash vegetables and fruits in the car, but it is better to do it in advance and wipe it dry, which will help to avoid quick spoilage of food. It is more convenient to transport vegetables and fruits not in a bag, but in a container - this will preserve the appearance, shape and taste of the products.

2. Homemade food will always be in demand by both adults and children. These are pies with various fillings, homemade pizza, baked chicken or meat with vegetables. Cutlets, chops, fish - these are other candidates for the place of honor on the road table, just do not forget that these products should be consumed no later than 6-8 hours from the start of the journey. If you decide to take boiled eggs on the road, it is better to place them in an egg container for convenience. Your child is happy to eat sandwiches with cheese or meat and vegetables for breakfast or dinner.

One of the best options for baby food on the train is canned puree. It will provide complete nutrition for your baby on the road. Such food does not deteriorate for a long time, since it is hermetically sealed, while the jars can be heated at the conductor or in a container with boiling water.

3. As a satisfying option for a snack, - nuts, dried fruits, dryers, bagels, cookies. Ask your child to eat at the table, otherwise cookie crumbs eaten in bed can make it very difficult for you to sleep.

4. Yoghurts— good, light and tasty food on the train. My family and I love to take them on the road: they are satisfying and healthy. But if your trip lasts more than a day, then yogurt should be transported in a special cooler bag that keeps the cold for about 6-8 hours. This will help extend the shelf life of such dairy products.

5. You can pamper your family porridge. And it doesn't have to be instant. Ordinary buckwheat is "steamed" in a thermos for about 20-30 minutes. And if you also put dried fruits in a thermos, then a tasty and healthy breakfast will be provided.

6. Water in small bottles, fruit drinks and compote in packages or juice - the most convenient drink on the road. The conductor always has tea and coffee, you can order it at any time of the day in unlimited quantities. Cold drink: children's juice and mineral water - it is better to take with you, because. you know better what your baby loves and what he categorically refuses. Remember that concentrated juice and sweet sparkling water contain a lot of sugar and do not quench thirst well.

So, an approximate menu of the day on the train might look like this: for breakfast, you can eat oatmeal steamed with boiling water, a cheese sandwich and drink a glass of tea or coffee. For lunch - homemade chicken with vegetables. For dinner, you can yogurt, fruit and tea with cookies.

We all sometimes have to use the services of the railway - it is cheaper than traveling by plane and more convenient than by bus. However, for a train ride, you will need to take with you not only what you will need where you are going, but also things necessary for a comfortable stay on the train.

What to take on the train - a list of essentials

First of all, you should take care of personal hygiene. Toilet paper, antibacterial soap, toothbrush, toothpaste - this is what you will definitely need on a long journey. In addition, wet wipes will not be superfluous. They should wipe all surfaces that you can touch - a dining table, all kinds of handles, holders, light switches, etc. In addition, if you are squeamish enough, we recommend that you also take things such as bed linen, a towel and some cutlery (cup, spoon).

Of course, you will need a change of clothes on the train, and to look neat, try to take less wrinkled clothes. As for shoes, rubber slates are ideal, if necessary, they can be easily washed, and it is much more convenient to put on and take off shoes in them. You will probably also need a change of underwear and a clean pair of socks.

Men will definitely need an electric razor during a long journey, and in case there are no sockets in the car, it is worth taking a safety razor and shaving cream.

On the road, any health problems may arise, so it will not be superfluous to take a small first aid kit with you: a bandage, alcohol, cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide, tablets, etc.

Even on a long journey, it is better to take less food than more. As a last resort, you can always dine in the dining car or buy food at stops. Therefore, all that we recommend that you take on a train from products is:

  • any fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • porridge, noodles, instant mashed potatoes;
  • chicken (wrapped in cloth soaked in vinegar);
  • hard-boiled eggs;
  • sliced ​​bread;
  • hard or processed cheese;
  • canned food, pate;
  • cookies, pies with sweet filling, sweets, nuts, dried fruits, marshmallows;
  • tea bags, instant coffee, refined sugar, salt;
  • plenty of water (we do not recommend taking juices or sparkling water).

What do you need to take on the train for entertainment?

Of course, when the train passes through cities, it is interesting to observe and enjoy the view of unfamiliar places, but this activity quickly gets boring, and the view from the window between settlements also causes despondency. Therefore, it is worth taking care of what will help you have fun and quickly pass the time on the road.

Readers will not have to puzzle over this problem for a long time. It will be enough to take a couple, and you will not notice how you find yourself at the appointed place of arrival. If you do not want to take extra weight with you, you can take a few magazines, crossword puzzles or an e-book on the train.

If you are indifferent to books, a laptop, portable DVD player, tablet PC will be an excellent leisure option for you. Inveterate music lovers should definitely take an MP3 player with them - their favorite music perfectly cheers up, and sometimes it helps to fall asleep with unusual pitching and noise in the car. Keep in mind that the train may not have sockets, so you should stock up on batteries and accumulators.

In the event that children are traveling with you, for them you need to take a couple of favorite toys, coloring books, pencils, plasticine, etc. In addition to all of the above, what you need to take with you on the train, do not forget to take all the documents, money, and , of course, tickets.

If you are going to travel by train soon, then this is the place for you. Here you will find the most complete list of what you need to take on the train for a long stay on the road for more than a day. In addition, this list can be divided into essentials and auxiliary items. First, let's deal with the first necessary items.

  1. The most important thing when boarding a train is documentation. Without them, they will not be allowed to board the train, so do not forget to put tickets and a passport in your hand luggage. This item includes a mini-bag for documents, money, phone, which you need to take with you when leaving the stations in order to avoid theft and for your own peace of mind. Available money do not put it in one place, but rather shove it deeper into your suitcase, carry some with you in your bag, or better keep the main financial reserve on the card.
  2. Be sure to cook for yourself change of clothes for the train. It can be a T-shirt and breeches, sweatpants and a jacket, in hot weather a T-shirt and shorts, cotton socks. In the winter season, you can take a woolen shawl with you, because in some non-branded trains it blows mercilessly from the window frames. To replace street shoes, prepare flip flops, they are convenient to move around the car, take off and put on effortlessly.
  3. Hygiene items . Collect a toothbrush and paste, soap, a comb in a cosmetic bag. If you cannot do without evening washing, as at home, then put another tonic with cotton pads and cream in your cosmetic bag. Be sure to take care of the presence of wet wipes - centuries-old dust often accumulates in trains, especially in old ones, and it will be possible to wipe the surrounding area with wipes. To go to the toilet, stock up on ordinary paper napkins in packs, because they take up little space and are versatile.
  4. Some people do not like the quality of the bed linen given out on the train, allegedly irritating the delicate skin of the face. If you face such a problem, it is not necessary to drag your underwear from home. better to have personal towel for face and hands , and a good solution would be to take only pillowcase or big cotton scarf , which can be laid on a pillow over government linen. And in case of blowing from the window, it can be used for its intended purpose and wound around the head.
  5. Food and drink. At this point, everything is more individual, after all, there are such families who prefer not to take anything from food at all, but to eat in the dining car, or buy pies and hot meals on the platform from compassionate grandmothers. If you still trust your own food bought and cooked, then choose “long-playing” products that will not deteriorate from stuffiness and without a refrigerator. Fresh vegetables and fruits are well suited for a snack: tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, bananas, pears, in summer you can take a package of cherries and other berries on the train. If you want something hot, you can boil a jar of potatoes or noodles with boiling water, or you can grab boiled potatoes from home. Raw smoked sausage and processed cheese are perfect for sandwiches. It’s better to buy sliced ​​​​bread right away, and boil the eggs for the road, prepare some salt. Take a bite of nuts and dried fruits, cookies. From drinking it is best to take ordinary water, sweet drinks only further whet the appetite and increase thirst. Tea and coffee bags, a little refined sugar, and your trip will be calm, cozy and comfortable. But it is better not to stock up on dairy products and meat dishes, there is a very high probability of poisoning with stale stocks.
  6. Recently, it has been noticed that if the car is packed to capacity, then the conductor may not have enough glasses for tea for everyone. Therefore, take your mug, preferably made of thick plastic or metal, and teaspoon , small knife for cutting food.
  7. Medications. It’s not so little to go, so you need to be on guard of your health and collect the necessary pills in advance. In the travel first aid kit, you need to have allergy remedies, painkillers, pills for pain in the abdomen and stomach, nose drops and lozenges for the throat, sleeping pills or sedatives. It's also a good idea to take an antipyretic, plaster, iodine on the train. If you have specific diseases, be sure to prepare your medications for the trip in advance.
  8. For those who find it difficult to fall asleep on the train, earplugs will be simply necessary - earplugs and eye mask covering from the light. Then neither a noisy company behind the wall, nor a neighbor's snoring will cause you any inconvenience.
  9. An optional, but highly desirable item is entertainment. Take magazine, book, crossword . If you are a fan of reading at night, then come in handy road flashlight. Women often occupy themselves on the road with knitting. The youth is playing tablet, PSP, laptop . It will not be superfluous notebook and pen , suddenly a brilliant idea comes to your mind on a trip, but there is nowhere to write it down.

The presence of a small child directly affects the number of things needed on the road

So, for a baby under three years old, you will have to take it on a train pot. Now they sell special bags for a trip that are put on a potty, so you don’t need to run around to wash it. Take some baby toys, children's book . For the crumbs will be necessary diapers and disposable diapers . Buy jars of baby food , take a thermos with hot boiled water, if there is a need to dilute dry mixes and cereals. With a breastfed baby, there will be no problems at all, because the breast is always at hand. Prepare change of clothes child on the train just like yourself. As a rule, children tolerate the train journey well, where you can walk around, stare out the window, go out on the platform and get some air. And crumbs up to a year sleep more time, rocked by the sound of wheels.

Do not be afraid of anything, in advance and according to the list, collect all the necessary things that you think will be useful on the train, and then the time on the road will not seem tiring, but very comfortable and fun.

A hundred years ago, traveling by train was akin to something miraculous and gave a foretaste of new adventures and experiences. In the modern world of high-speed technologies, travelers increasingly prefer air transport. Why travel by train with children, if tickets for it are often a little cheaper, and sometimes even more expensive, than on a plane? But we often still have to use rail transport, because we fly abroad, as a rule, from Moscow. And you still need to get to it from Perm. Here's a train to help us. He doesn’t really bother me, because. it has always been like this and I have already come to terms with this state of affairs many years ago.

In general, before writing this article, I thought that I didn’t really ride trains with a child. Is it possible to consider our trips Perm-Moscow-Perm as something supernatural in order to have the right to share some experience in a blog? But then Masha Korshunova, whose column is also on the site "Alternative Mom", reminded me of the Indian trains, on which Mishutka and I rode more than once. Then I remembered the trains in Malaysia and Thailand, the Czech Republic and Germany, and realized that I really would have enough material for an article :)

Train travel from Malaysia to Thailand. Train cars in Southeast Asia are narrow, so there are side shelves on both sides, but the “beds” are wider than Russian ones and are separated from the outside world by curtains, which is very convenient!

It is noteworthy that each country, of course, has its own peculiarities of rail travel, but there are also general rules for traveling by train with children. I will try to put them together and generalize, although it is incredibly difficult for me to do this, because I have this process organized so automatically that I don’t think at all how and what I do, and therefore I have to strain to remember the details and nuances =)

At what age can you travel by train with children

Of course, there are no specific age limits that advise doing this or that. You need to understand that any age restrictions can only be in the head of the parents. You can travel by train with a baby and with a one-year-old child, and even a trip by train with a child of 3 years and older is more than the norm. It's another matter how necessary such a trip is, because there are situations when you need to go and that's it. In this case, the question of age disappears by itself.

Any traveling mother will tell you that traveling with a baby is much easier than with an older one. Diapers and breasts with milk are all that a baby needs on the road) If the baby is on formula, then, of course, take the mixture on the train and bottles. If the baby is about a year old, then any vegetable / fruit / meat purees, as well as cereals, will help you. They do not deteriorate and are quite suitable for nutrition at this age. I usually go for natural cereals and vegetable purees, but I took purchased ones with me on the road, it’s quite possible to endure a few days.

Children's train tickets with discounts

According to the Russian Railways fare rules, up to the age of 5 you can carry a child on the train for free if you do not take a separate seat for him. With the baby, of course, I slept on the same shelf, but from about 3 years old I began to buy Misha a separate ticket. Moreover, it comes with a 30% -50% discount, because. Children under 10 travel with a reduced ticket.

Conclusion: children under 4 years old (inclusive) ride for free without a separate seat, from 5 to 9 years old (inclusive) pay 50-70% of the total ticket price (the amount of the discount depends on the train and the type of carriage). Children aged 10 and over pay the full price of an adult ticket.

(!)Attention: age is determined at the time of boarding the train. For example, your child turns 10 in July, you bought tickets in June, and the trip is planned in August. In this case, you must take a full adult ticket, because. a child of 10 years old will board the train.

(!) Life hack: even if a child is over 10 years old, but is a schoolchild (and in 99% it is), then from September 1 to May 31, he has the right to go for half the price, i.e. with 50% discount. To do this, you need a certificate from the educational institution, and such a ticket is issued only at the railway ticket offices.

(!) Life hack 2: quite by accident, I discovered that you can save a little if you indicate that the child is riding on the bottom bunk. In fact, a child can sleep anywhere, but if, when buying a ticket, the child chooses the lower shelf, then the child discount will be calculated from the price of this seat, and the lower seats are more expensive, respectively, and the discount is larger.

We choose a train - a reserved seat or a compartment. What is the best seat in the car

In order to choose to travel with children in a reserved seat or in a compartment, you should first of all focus on the price that you are willing to pay for a train ticket. It's no secret that a coupe costs much more, sometimes several times, which, in my opinion, is completely unreasonable. Well, okay, we had to go in a compartment only a couple of times, when there were no more tickets for reserved seats, and so I always try to take reserved seats and below I will answer why.

Often on trips to reserved seats, Mishutka finds children to play with. For example, the son just found a girlfriend with whom he spent a significant part of the time - and I rested and the child was interested and fun :)

Why a reserved seat and not a coupe:

  • cheaper (well, you already understood that :));
  • a child in a small enclosed space of a compartment literally climbs the walls (I remember myself as a child I didn’t know where to put myself in a compartment, and how in a reserved seat I was interested in walking around the car, watching who has what, who is doing what, communicating with people) ;
  • there will surely be at least one child for the entire reserved seat car, and children on trains, as a rule, converge almost immediately;
  • and you can separate from the outside world simply by pulling a sheet either around one “bed” (as in the Malayan train in the photo at the beginning of the article), or completely hang the entire compartment, as we also often do :)
  • Coupe can be chosen if:

  • your baby is a very, very, very light sleeper; even if all the neighbors in the reserved seat are quiet, then at the stations and at night people will still walk around the car, this, of course, worries (but my Misha is tolerant of medium frequency noise, therefore he doesn’t even wake up more often);
  • you are traveling as a family with a bunch of children who can occupy themselves with each other;
  • you have an unlimited budget for buying tickets (although in this case I would recommend an airplane in general, unless you are making a deliberate trip along the Trans-Siberian :)).
  • How to choose a seat in the car when traveling with children

    It is necessary to stipulate that it is most convenient to choose a seat in the car when buying a ticket via the Internet. Because in this way all free seats in the car are displayed in real time and you can select the most convenient one in one click, and at railway ticket offices, as a rule, it is difficult to navigate on the go, when the cashier in the window, as if reading a rap, quickly calls you several options.

    It is very convenient to use such a visual diagram of a train car. It is thanks to her that I understand exactly which place I want to book.

    Suppose you are already buying train tickets on the Internet, but looking at the car layout on your screen, you still do not really understand which seat is better to choose. Here are the basic rules that I use (and many, I think):

  • not side seats, never and never, especially with a child;
  • for a child, in my understanding, a lower shelf is required; I usually try to take both lower ones at all in order to lie side by side and follow;
  • if you are worried that the child will fall, just twist the given duvet cover with a “sausage” and put it under the outer edge of the mattress, you will get a kind of bed with sides, so the child will not slide to the floor, and they also sell special protective stretches;
  • most often I choose compartment 1-3 of a reserved seat car, i.e. 1-12 places to be closer to boiling water, a toilet, a conductor, a socket, etc., it is important that all this is in the shortest possible access when traveling with a child (the 2nd compartment is especially ideal, places 5 and 7, because to. and a little further from the doors and the outlet, as a rule, there is its own).
  • You can check the availability for your dates using the form below:

    I don't have any other criteria. It is much more important what to take the child on the train, from food, things to toys, so that the journey is calm and comfortable. Next, we will consider this important issue.

    What to bring your child on the train

    I must say right away that my set of things can be called “minimal”, because usually no one sees us off and no one meets, I carry everything on my back in a backpack, and I also need to somehow be flexible and mobile in order to keep up with the child, so if you like to collect huge suitcases, then I'm afraid I will disappoint you. I will describe only the most basic things that, in my opinion, you need to take with you on the road.

    1. Food

    Naturally, even on the train it is advisable to take fewer semi-finished products and more ordinary homemade food. Since it takes exactly 24 hours from Perm to Moscow, 12 of which are at night, on the first day I take food freshly prepared at home. During this time, she, as a rule, does not have time to deteriorate.

    I also remember from childhood that my parents tried to take fried foods (for example, grilled chicken), because. fried or smoked lasts longer. They took fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, green onions), boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, someone is carrying lard (for adults and children over 12 years old).

    On the second day (if the train trip with children lasts longer than one day), you can already connect something like instant noodles, mashed potatoes, stew and other canned food. You can also consider the option with a cooler bag. I wrote about what we take with us on the road from stocks in my article How not to starve to death on the road. Traveler Diet Advice. There I talked about the benefits of dried fruits and nuts on the road, and also depicted different survival situations from the “last hero” series :)

    All of the above, of course, for children of senior preschool and school age. For kids under 3 years old, in addition to homemade food, baby food is great on the train - meat and vegetable purees, fruit purees, cereals. I strongly do not recommend taking dairy products on the train, there is too much risk of spoilage and subsequent poisoning. Well, do not forget about plain drinking water (not juice! and not mineral water) - at least a bottle of 2 liters per day.

    2. Clothing

    The child does not need anything special from clothes on the train. Here is what I take Mishutka:

    • cotton T-shirt with long sleeves;
    • home pants/sweatpants/leotards/balloons (in general, light and comfortable pants);
    • socks (+ spare socks, otherwise it jumps on the dirty floor anyway; I advise you to throw a newspaper on it as a rug);
    • linen (+ spare linen);
    • summer open Velcro sandals or crocs (more often with the expectation that he will wear them in the city).

    Of course, in this list I am not talking about all the clothes that we take on the road. This is just what we usually need on the train.

    3. Other useful things that may come in handy for a child on a train

    Here are a few other things that come in handy when traveling by train with a child:

    • wet wipes;
    • toilet pad (someone takes a potty, but Misha never went to the potty, we use a convenient pad for the toilet - it fits into a backpack without any problems and allows the child to go to the toilet safely, disposable toilet pads are also sold);
    • a light blanket (Ikeevsky for 90 re :)) - often saves in different situations, although on a long trip instead of a blanket I take a sleeping bag, and when Misha was little I took a couple more thick cotton diapers - and lay somewhere and cover, can be used in various ways;
    • ordinary garbage bags in a standard roll - it takes up very little space, but can be used in various variations: both as a rug and as a tablecloth, and to fold dirty clothes (so as not to interfere with clean ones in a bag) and, in fact, as a garbage bag on a train ;
    • from dishes I took food containers with a tight-fitting lid - it is very convenient to store and transport food in them, I also carried a special children's set of cutlery for a long time;
    • Naturally, soap / brush / toothpaste and other bath accessories.

    In general, that's all from the main. Perhaps I forgot something, I would be grateful if you share your set of necessary things that you take with you on the train =) Well, I will move on to the next purely childish part - what toys to take with you on the train with a child.

    What to do with a child on a train - games on the road

    For many parents, this is the most difficult question: how to entertain children on the road. Because, of course, research interest in a new place will take the child for a maximum of a couple of hours, after which the beloved child will definitely ask for bread and circuses :) But I am a shot sparrow, and therefore I have a good supply of various bells and whistles that perfectly save us on the road. I share our set of games, toys and educational materials.


    • game books, that's what we'll call them. If you are not familiar with this format yet, then I think after specific examples it will become clearer to you what I mean by this:
        - Neskuchalki - books with a bunch of games and exciting tasks, I previously wrote a detailed one,
        - - one of the most interesting publications of this kind, inside there are stickers and games and riddles and coloring books and much, much more, and the books are voluminous, enough for a long time, and the cover is soft - it will fit perfectly into a suitcase,
        - Creative coloring pages from Taro Gomi - a wonderful series of interesting coloring pages, which I described in detail earlier in my article about where you need to invent your own stories and develop your imagination, the publications are quite voluminous and heavy for a suitcase, so I just tear out a few pages before the next trip and I take them with me =).
    • a mini set of colored pencils, since there are coloring pages;) Well, take a small clean notebook for drawing;
    • wax plasticine is very cool on the road - a mini-set with thin plasticine straws - cheap and convenient (we took this soft and colorful plasticine, but there is also this one - a little more than a matchbox);
    • various travel options for board games. I am especially impressed by the Gang of Smarties - interesting, educational, colorful, in a convenient small package - an ideal travel option! They have games for different ages, you can read the link;
    • Another of the educational materials that are convenient to take with you on the road, I like these two plastic fan books - I'm learning to write numbers and I'm learning to write letters, - perfect for a preschooler. Mishutka loves them - it's great to print letters or numbers on the most convenient plastic pages with the most ordinary felt-tip pen on the road, and then simply erase them with your finger;
    • a similar technology of reusable drawing is used in another interesting set of educational logical road games - 100 and 1 games for the development of a child. These are 50 small plastic cards with various tasks - labyrinths, puzzles, charades, etc. and so on. You can scribble on them with a marker (to go through the maze, for example), and then just erase it. I dreamed of such a set for a long time, when I first saw it at Umnitsa (there it was called “100 games for the road”), but it cost them more than 1000 rubles, but we purchased several more budget options from the author Gita Stashevskaya, in the end very glad, because this is a great option for useful entertainment on the road;
    • I definitely take 2-3 thin books for reading, for example, a series of such books about nature, or a similar format of a boy book.
    • toys, but (!) you don’t need to drag a mountain of toys, Mishutka always has his beloved tiger (a soft toy) and a couple of small toys (small cars, an IKEA train with one trailer) on the way with him) and that’s it!
    • Lego travel set - there are such small convenient suitcases, but you can organize a similar one yourself by picking up a convenient container (just be ready right away so that most of the details get lost along the way, take simple cubes with you, without any bells and whistles);
    • various audio fairy tales uploaded to a player or phone can take a child for half an hour or more, you can download them anywhere on the Internet, on our website I posted Chevostik's audio encyclopedia, which tells children in a fascinating way about a variety of interesting things in the world, Mishutka enjoys listening to CDs about Egypt and dinosaurs;
    • for a change, but not permanent leisure (!), in principle, gadgets (tablets, phones) are also suitable, on which you can play games and watch cartoons. But I try to minimize this point, otherwise the child will not notice anything around, what then is the point in traveling? Fortunately, the battery on various devices runs out pretty quickly and whether you like it or not, but we return to the points above;)

    Some not very small list came out, but, oddly enough, in the backpack it all does not take up much space. And in a child's backpack! Because Misha carries everything of his own, I can only carry heavy books, if there are any. This develops responsibility in the child, teaches them to make decisions on their own (I offer him different games, and he chooses what he takes), and also gives an understanding that you need to take only what is really necessary. So, as a rule, we do not carry with us all of the above at once, I shared with you what we took on the road for our different trips. So you can choose only what you see fit;)

    On the train with a child - conclusions

    Traveling by train with children is more than possible and sometimes not even as difficult as one might expect. But do not forget about a few BUT:

    • you may come across neighbors who do not tolerate children, both in reserved seat cars and in compartments;
    • there may not be a comfortable climate in the car (too much wind from the windows, or vice versa, it can be too stuffy in summer);
    • toilets, although, as a rule, are now dry closets, but in some “antediluvian trains” old toilets are occasionally found, because of which the toilet can be closed for 1-2 hours if there is a station of a large city on the way;
    • it is still desirable to calculate the trip by train for no more than 2 days, at least my experience is only in this range, and it will be difficult to travel more with children under 5 years old, with older children it is not easy, but if you really need it, then it is quite real .

    That's all I wanted to tell you about rail travel with children :) I would be glad if you share your experience and impressions in the comments. I think that any experience will be useful to those parents who for the first time will get ready for the road and worry about how everything will go.
